stormflyblue · 11 months
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notsafeforvought · 1 month
Occupied [Oneshot]
"'God, this is so…' Pathetic? Perverted? Depraved? No word accurately described how ashamed he felt for doing this. It was wrong to do something like this. Why couldn’t he just wait until you got back?”
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SUMMARY: Hughie gets lonely while you're at work.
EXTRA INFO: GN!Reader, reader not present for story (until end) | no beta we die like men AUTHOR’S NOTE: pillowfucker hughie,, , (gets so lightheaded i pass out and die) anyways htis is. so self indulgent and ummm uhhh uh runs away crying WORD COUNT: 1k
Nothing was working. His hand wasn’t working, porn wasn’t working. Hughie laid on his bed, groaning and whining to himself. He needed something, someone to hold onto. He needed to dig his hands into someone and bury his face into their body. He needed you. 
He looked over at your pillow on your side of the bed. An idea pops into his head, immediately filling his body with shame. It was a disgusting thing to think of doing. Would he really go that far?
Yes, he would.
It was only supposed to be something he held onto as a way to feel closer to you as he got off. He held the pillow close to his face, breathing in your faint scent on the fabric. He feels a wave of shame wash over him as he realizes it’s working. But it wasn’t working enough.
Hughie whines softly as his brain is flooded with mental images of him grinding and humping against your pillow. He tries to shoo the thoughts away, but they don’t stop. And after a moment, he doesn’t stop himself from sitting upright and positioning your pillow under him, nested between his legs.
“God, this is so…” Pathetic? Perverted? Depraved? No word accurately described how ashamed he felt for doing this. It was wrong to do something like this. Why couldn’t he just wait until you got back? He had texted you earlier, hinting at what he wanted to do later tonight, but you were too busy at work to respond. How sad. 
He slowly grinds against your pillow, the soft feeling knocking the breath out of his lungs. His hands dig into the fabric, shaping it perfectly around him. A shudder sounds from him as he awkwardly tries to finesse the pillow and his body into a comfortable position. Being so awkwardly tall wasn’t helping much.
Shutting his eyes, Hughie let his imagination run wild. Images of you underneath him, on top of him, inside him, around him… He softly whines out your name under his breath before remembering he’s home alone and he can be as loud as he wants. But he’s shy, still continuing to attempt to stifle the noises he’s making. 
“Please,” he mumbles, not daring to open his eyes to break the immersion. In his mind, he was with you. He could imagine what you’d feel like if you were really there, practically hearing the little flirty teases you’d whisper to get him all riled up. His lips stay parted as his breath picks up, his whole face flushed down to his chest.
He rambles under his breath as he gets more into it, most of it incoherent. “Mhm… please… so good, it’s so–fuck,” he exhales the last word, folding forward over the pillow. Poor boy couldn’t even hold himself upright anymore. For a split second, he almost wishes he had grabbed one of your jackets or sweaters to put over the pillow to put the sleeves over his own back. All he could do was imagine your arms wrapped around him as he hunches over the pillow and cries out in pleasure.
It only takes a moment for him to get close, his cock twitching against the fabric. Fuck. He’d need to pull away from your pillow when he comes to not make a mess. It’s the last thing he wants to do, but he already felt disgusting for getting this far. But in the heat of the moment, he rationalizes it. 
I can just do the laundry. It’d be done in time. Nobody but me would know.
He shakes his head, brows knitted together and eyes shutting even tighter as he tries to shake the thought. No, he is not that pathetic. Well…
Your scent on the pillow fills his lungs as he practically hyperventilates into the plush. He always got so worked up, and without you there to remind him to breathe, it would be a miracle if he got out of this without passing out. As he inches closer to coming, he keeps telling himself that he needs to pull away, even if it feels so good and warm against him. 
Maybe it’s just the heat of the moment, but he almost considers how you’d react if you saw him like this. Humping a pillow, nearly to tears simply because he misses you? It’s pitiful, honestly. He knows you’d find it pitiful, and you’d tease him. He thinks about how you’d react if you walked in right now. You’d tell him to continue while you watch him, whispering playful yet degrading words about how pathetic he is and how he moans like a girl when he gets close and every other thing he was doing to warrant any tease from you.
“Mmf… miss you… need you, I need you, I–” he chokes out, giving a couple final hard thrusts into your pillow as he comes. He’d deny it, but he never really had any intentions to pull away. His teeth sink into the pillow as he tenses up, face tight with ecstasy as he tries to catch his breath. “F-Fuck…” he sighs, looking down at the hot and sticky mess on the pillow. There was a spot of drool from where he bit your pillow. And then the reality of what he just did sinks in.
You come home from work, another late night. You lock the door behind you, calling out to Hughie. “Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t see your text, we were just so busy today…” You can smell the faint scent of detergent. “Did you do the laundry?”
Hughie emerges from the utility room, carrying a little basket in his hands. He smiles warmly as he sees you, practically stumbling over his feet as he rushes up to give you a little kiss. “Yeah. Figured it’d take a little weight off your shoulders,” he reassures you, setting the laundry basket down to cup your face in his palm.
“And don’t worry about that. I kept myself occupied.”
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lynxgirlpaws · 10 months
Thinking about that time I went downtown and saw these lmao
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bluestsdays · 9 months
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for some reason, none of this felt real until right now, as she watches each and every second tick by, waiting for the dreaded sound of the timer she’s set to decide their fate. everything up until this point was so blurred, in her mind. could hardly even remember waking up this morning and relaying her fears to miller, or buying the test, or ending up lying on the floor in wait, or experiencing any other emotion besides paralyzing fear. fuck, what if her gut feelings were right, and she really was pregnant ? her raw and bloodied cuticles speak volumes— she would be a mess. she would fail, somehow, she would fuck everything up, irrevocably. she wouldn’t even know how to begin to be ready for something like that when she could hardly keep herself fed and well-rested and clothed in clean, non-paint stained clothes (and not just miller’s t-shirts, either). there’s even some paint in her hair right now, frantically working at trying to get it out, as if it might change the outcome of this, or at least prove something, somehow. serves as a decent distraction, though, as her thoughts wander, wondering if he was as terrified as she was, if his thoughts were spiraling just as wildly as hers. of course, she’s thought about the prospect of this with him someday, but that’s just it— it was someday in the future, not now. and even then, she’s never been certain about the idea, not because of him, but because of her. because of her own family, her parents— how suffocated she was growing up in that house, always wondering when she would be enough. and she could lose herself in those thoughts, in the insecurities that gnaw at her bones, but it’s the sound of her timer reaching its end that snaps her out of it, adrenaline spiking in her system. “ fuck, ” she groans, arms draping across her eyes as she lay there against the floor, unable to move. “ will you look ? ” she asks, the corner of her eye peeking out from beneath one of her arms. and maybe it’s unfair, but she doesn’t think she could be the one to do it without throwing up everywhere. “ if it’s bad, you have my full permission to throw me off the balcony. it’s fine, really. ” / @bestcurse.
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glitzybunny · 1 year
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darth-memes · 1 year
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lydiaas · 2 years
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smilemuse · 8 months
he has everything going for him: good looks, popularity, grades, student council vice president, & the fangirls to boot. there are times when yoshida wishes he were invisible, blending into the background with ease. however, this was a different task instead one that the teacher had entrusted him with. yoshida's not sure how someone can have that low of a gpa, but he's trying not to be too judgmental.  ❛ are you even paying attention? ❜ he chimes in as he looks at the other boy. everything about him screamed like he was ready to drop out.
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purple bangs fray into the edges of his vision but he makes the moment to sit down across from him. they aren't equals by any means & he can feel the stares of the rest of the students. there whispers are birds chirping.  ❛ denji, what are you actually looking at?❜ this time a smile threatens the frays of his mouth, he sees the peep of a magazine from the textbook.  ❛ i'll put it in the shredder. ❜
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Episode 8 spoilers!⚠️
I know that I’ve made a post about this before but I can’t find it right now 😭
But I love how right before Percy went to fight Ares, the first thing he could think about was Luke teaching him how to fight! Luke taught Percy so much! He taught him the skills that Percy uses to survive (as far as fighting goes)! Percy probably thinks about those memories every time he goes to fight someone! And the fact that they showed those flashbacks in the show?? Even going as far as having Percy use the same move that Luke showed him, to knock him down??
I’m going absolutely feral!
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princemick · 2 years
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cherry-writes-stuff · 8 months
Just logged on what is this about a new d gray man anime adaptation?????!!
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auspex · 1 year
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Mark and Sampson ... Mark is my VTM OC, a Tremere. This scene happened really early on in our game soon after he accidentally ghouled his ex, Sampson (sitting on the right). They are both miserable but had a nice moment watching Blade together and finding it ironic and darkly funny. Their shoulders touched .. . despite all they went through .. .some trust was still there. I'm very normal about them. <3
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gods-little-meow-meow · 7 months
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goinbhaalistic · 8 months
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*incoherent blubbering and squeeing*
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satanssquidgy · 1 year
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madame-fear · 9 months
Man I think Elliot grihault is the only person alive that can make being soaking wet look good. I mean seriously every scene during the storms end chase, every gifset I’ve seen of it, he makes it work. Even with his hair blowing everywhere it works. Not everybody could pull that off, most look like drowned rats (myself included lol). I don’t think Aemond looks good at any point soaking wet during the chase (no offense to ewan) but yeah it works for Elliot
PLEASE THIS IS SO FUCKING TRUE HOW CAN ELLIOT LOOK SO CUTE AND BEAUTIFUL WITH HIS HAIR BEING BLOWN AND FULLY WET???? 😍😍🥰🥰 Gooods I swear the entire scene everytime I re-watch it I just swoon over him 🤤 I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this!! Me personally I look awful, like if a giant had just taken a great piss at me 🥺
This post is officially a wet Lucerys appreciation post.
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