#⁺﹒. * thread ⁄ devon.
bluestsdays · 8 months
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for some reason, none of this felt real until right now, as she watches each and every second tick by, waiting for the dreaded sound of the timer she’s set to decide their fate. everything up until this point was so blurred, in her mind. could hardly even remember waking up this morning and relaying her fears to miller, or buying the test, or ending up lying on the floor in wait, or experiencing any other emotion besides paralyzing fear. fuck, what if her gut feelings were right, and she really was pregnant ? her raw and bloodied cuticles speak volumes— she would be a mess. she would fail, somehow, she would fuck everything up, irrevocably. she wouldn’t even know how to begin to be ready for something like that when she could hardly keep herself fed and well-rested and clothed in clean, non-paint stained clothes (and not just miller’s t-shirts, either). there’s even some paint in her hair right now, frantically working at trying to get it out, as if it might change the outcome of this, or at least prove something, somehow. serves as a decent distraction, though, as her thoughts wander, wondering if he was as terrified as she was, if his thoughts were spiraling just as wildly as hers. of course, she’s thought about the prospect of this with him someday, but that’s just it— it was someday in the future, not now. and even then, she’s never been certain about the idea, not because of him, but because of her. because of her own family, her parents— how suffocated she was growing up in that house, always wondering when she would be enough. and she could lose herself in those thoughts, in the insecurities that gnaw at her bones, but it’s the sound of her timer reaching its end that snaps her out of it, adrenaline spiking in her system. “ fuck, ” she groans, arms draping across her eyes as she lay there against the floor, unable to move. “ will you look ? ” she asks, the corner of her eye peeking out from beneath one of her arms. and maybe it’s unfair, but she doesn’t think she could be the one to do it without throwing up everywhere. “ if it’s bad, you have my full permission to throw me off the balcony. it’s fine, really. ” / @bestcurse.
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bittcrsuite · 4 months
open to: anyone. plot in source.
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"come on!" devon called out in a sing-song voice, never quite able to turn off the rockstar in her. it had to be after midnight by now, but the blonde was running down the hotel hallway towards her room. she needed some alone time with them, even if it meant giving up a few hours of necessary sleep. swinging open the door to room 316, the blonde stepped inside and held the door, her voice bearing a teasing edge. "we're burning the midnight oil here."
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driftwccds · 4 months
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closed  starter  for  DEVON  (  @alkaliineee  )  &  RASHID  (  @vroyales  ) location  :  cliffs  !!  natures  !!  whatever  !!
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-ˋˏ ꒰ 🐚 ꒱ ── yeah,  okay,  so  maybe  this  is  a  little bit  stupid.  but  he  would  be  the  first  to  point  out  that  everyone  is  always  telling  him  '  you  need  to  get  out  of  the  house  more,  rohan  '  and  '  why  are  you  always  so  boring,  rohan  '  ──and  while  he  knows  they  probably  mean  something  like  dating  or  nightclubs  or  just actually visiting coffee  shops,  he  thinks  that  throwing  himself  off  the  side  of  cliff  for  the  thrill  of  it  all  should  still  count.  besides  !  it’s  not  like  he’s  doing  it  alone.  rashid  and  devon  are  here :  totally  rational,  well  adjusted  dudes  just  like  him  with  the  same  potential  interest  in  hearing  their  heartbeat  in  their  ears and feeling their stomach in their throat for 25 long seconds  (  at  least  enough  they  haven’t  backed  out  yet.  )  “  .  .  .it's  not  THAT  far  down.  "  it's not clear if  rohan  trying  to  convince  himself  or  the  others as he  gazes  over  the  edge,  towards  the  dark  waves  that  lap  at  the  rocks  below  him.  it  makes  him  feel  a  little  dizzy.  placing his hands  on  his  hips,  he  looks  back  over  his  shoulder  at  the  two  behind  him,  “  who’s  going to jump  first  ?  “
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stubborngods · 4 months
@storiesbreathed asked: a kiss while slow dancing . one more of jem and tess?
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save for the soft humming along to the music jem was doing as he led her around the training room, it was quiet; weapons forgotten on the side. it had been a rather calm day; mina'd been put to bed a few hours ago, and kit was doing who-knew-what elsewhere in the house, which left them to their own devices. and somehow that had turned into training. even if neither of them had any plans to return to a life of active patrol, it was always a good idea to be prepared for anything. except said training had only dissolved into somewhat of an impromptu dancing session - not, really, that jem was going to complain about it. he could never complain about getting to spend time with his wife, after all. letting our another soft hum, he leaned over to give her a soft kiss. calm days, even for retired shadowhunters, were a rarity - he planned to savor the rest of this one.
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realprvncess · 2 months
Ultimamente as coisas estavam andando mais para trás do que para frente, então quando um flyer de um spa de uma maiores vilãs daquele mundo voou na direção de Angie, mais cedo naquele dia, ela pensou "por que não?". Afinal, que mal haveria nos serviços de uma feiticeira vaidosa? Duvidava que ela fosse envenenar clientes bem debaixo do nariz de Merlin, por mais que este também fosse merecedor de desconfiança. Ainda assim, era arriscado demais, e a princesa ansiava por uma massagem shiatsu e uma sauna. Inventou mentiras para se convencer de que o local era seguro até ter coragem de plantar os pés na porta de entrada. Mas depois que entrou naquele santuário de relaxamento e cuidado... Decidiu que só sairia de lá arrancada. Bem, talvez antes, porque se deparou com @devsndrs ao entrar na sauna. "Ah, olá. É seguro ficar perto de uma vilã em progresso?" Ergueu uma única sobrancelha, escolhendo o lado oposto da câmara.
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beauaustinsinclair · 7 months
WHO: @devon-sinclair LOCATION: Dev's place
It had been a few days since Landon had been taken, and it seemed like they were no closer to finding him. He'd been doing what he could to help Will look out for Logan, and he hadn't wanted to get in the way of whatever it is the others were doing, but if there was one thing he knew it was that the longer the boy was missing, the less likely they were to find him alive. Beau frantically rapped his knuckles against Devon's door, sending up a prayer when he turned out to be home. "Can I come in? It's important."
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pcrdidcs · 5 months
( closed ! ) starter -> @alkaliineee location: gimnasio o2 aire
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"i can't do it!" he cries out, sweaty hands gripping the bar as he tries to push it against the weight of gravity. as part of his attempt to be more disciplined, he thought doing a short thing with an exercise routine would be good. he wanted it to be extremely short, like a couple of weeks just to show that he could and that his discipline was improving; he wasn't actually trying to pick up an entirely new habit, no matter how healthy it is. except, this is day one and he already wants to quit. he's laying underneath the bar, trying to bench press 100 lbs ( 45 kg ) with little to no avail. the most he pressed is button pressing, both on video games on people's nerves. "i give up, devon! get this thing off me! let's go walking instead! i can hear god laughing at me and i hate it!"
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starliitstories · 1 year
plot: Devon saw your muse playing an arcade game
It had been a while since the last time he were playing games like these. Amused smile curled his lips, tall body leaning against the game this person was playing. His blue eyes were keenly looking at them playing, being so focused. It was adorable despite the fact they were not particularly good at this game. But they were clearly trying their best and having a good time. “You’re not getting enough scores.” Devon teased playfully with a warm smile on his face.
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vforvelocity · 2 years
WHERE: The Nose WHO: Devon Chambers (@space3cho)
"Hey, big sib!" Of course, Jackie knew that Devon wasn't actually her sibling. But their parents had been friends back on Luna Station, and she could still remember being a kid and watching Devon doing their assignments or tinkering with things for fun and thinking she was The Coolest. To be honest, she still thought that Devon was The Coolest, which was probably why she talked to them as if they were siblings.
Bounding up to the engineer, a big smile on her face and tablet in hand, Jackie clutched the device to her chest before continuing. "I've been working on a mod design and I could use your input. Got a minute?"
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utcpias · 2 years
          ♡.    devon    &    ??
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                              ♡.       “people are too casual about the fact that parrots can talk.” @2minus​
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icedfae · 1 year
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“I do not like the look on your face, Dev. Last time you gave me a look like that I thought you were going to burn the entire house down.” His sister was a loose cannon, Griff was well aware of that fact and whenever she put her mind to something he also knew stopping her was not an option. @infamyd​
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vanescos · 2 years
LOCATION: A park somewhere TIME: Afternoon STATUS: Closed → Riley / Devon ( @ofthegolden​​ )
Riley wasn’t a drug dealer, not typically. She had her hands full with bartending and... Well, other less scrupulous things. It never hurt to have a little extra cash, however, not that she was particularly hurting for it and while marijuana wasn’t going to be raking in the big bucks it was good enough for her especially when she wasn’t relying it as a primary or even secondary source of income. This was just something to do when there were no daring adventures to embark on or none that she felt like seeking out at the moment.
She picked the location: the park. Why? Because standing next to a vehicle with tinted windows drew more attention than being out in the open space where there were other people already around. No one was going to care and what they were doing was perfectly legal anyway. She wasn’t looking to give Devon any sort of criminal record when there was nothing to gain from it herself.
The little blades of dry grass tickled her arms where her sleeves had rolled up from getting herself situated in her spot. The sun shone down on her, a gentle warmth in the autumn chill, when a shadow passed over her.
“Oh hey, you finally showed up.” She sat up. Devon wasn’t late by any means, but lying prone in the sun at a park wasn’t exactly her first choice of ways to spend her time either. Riley fished around in her pocket and procured a small pill bottle and tossed it at Devon not giving her warning to catch it beforehand. It was a little unorthodox, giving the goods before receiving the payment, but she wasn’t too worried.
“Also brought you some paper in case you wanted to give it a test taste. Don’t really use this stuff much, so tell me how it is if you do.”
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jawbrkrs · 3 months
based on this
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"  why  do  you  always  get  such  an  attitude  when  I  bring  him  up  ?  " | @littlcfreaks
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bluestsdays · 9 months
tag drop ii.
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kennedyxwarren · 11 months
who: kennedy & @vincexmatthews
where: halloween masquarade
Kennedy had been having a great evening so far. She'd managed to fix a few wardrobe malfunctions and was now sampling some food as she glanced around at the mansion. She'd often wondered if the Benefecator lurked at events like these, so she couldn't help but look around before she noticed someone standing near her. "Oh, hi! Didn't see you there." she gave a smile in greeting. "Did you have anything yet?" she motioned to the table of food. "Can't decide on a favorite."
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persistcnt · 1 year
*tag drop for devon and bittie!
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