pandemichub · 1 year
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New methods for testing need to be standardized, well communicated and disseminated. These posts describe testing approaches that are experimental and still, may be of interest and or benefit so I decided to share.
*Note: Please continue to test. And try to request PCR if possible. Getting a record of your illness will be important for your health records and contact tracing. If you experience disability as a result of your infection. Covid is still here, and to the best of our ability we must try to record, notify, trace, research, treat and find treatments, and prevent it's spread. The importance of this has not waned and neither has the virus.*
Be thoughtful, wise, responsible and protect your health and others.
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
CDC voice: "I know I said we'd do something about covid if it got very high again, but we have real tough jobs to do, like removing the recommendations that children with head lice or watery diarrhea be sent home to prevent further spread of their illness."
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halorvic · 1 month
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willowreader · 7 months
If you have a cold and test negative for COVID you are not in the clear. Tests take a while to turn positive. Meanwhile you are spreading COVID to family and friends. Mask up if you have any symptoms. This virus is just evil.
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charliejaneanders · 3 months
Politically, governments decided to sell a “we beat the pandemic” narrative to the public after vaccines failed to produce herd immunity as promised. For this reason, political health bodies like the CDC began putting out guidance from the very top encouraging people to accept the “new normal” of unending reinfections. Acceptance of constant reinfections relies heavily on the perception that COVID infections are a truly neutral event for your health- something that no research, and no study, has ever concluded.
COVID infection endangers pregnancies and newborns. Why aren't parents being warned?
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theoverstimulated · 2 months
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From maskbloc301 on IG
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fairysexualism · 7 months
tumblr just nuked @milf-adjacent's blog with zero warning, no explanation from staff or e-mail whatsoever. her blog has been a vital resource for documenting COVID-19, and she did nothing ban worthy. she seems to be another target of the transmisogyny being carried out by staff.
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milf--adjacent · 2 months
I hate that the average person is stupid and inattentive enough to be tricked by the media rebranding covid waves every 8 to 12 months. It was "waves" in 2020 and 2021 with each new variant getting a greek letter, then it was "surges" in 2022 with alphanumeric codes for each new variant, then it was "upticks" in 2023 and you were lucky if they posted what clade the current variants were in, and now in 2024 it's "bumps" with journalists misconstuing the name of a variant's spike protien mutation for the variant name and some covid minimizing doctors trying to claim "this is just descended from omicron" when the covid evoution chart looks like this
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waitingforlostsouls · 2 months
Every time I explain I have Long Covid, people are like, 'So, you never got over having covid? So you're going to have a cold forever?'
And I get when we were in the pandemic, we all developed anxiety so severe we were afraid to touch our produce from the grocery store without wiping it down first. But the idea of Covid as "just a cold" is not the full story. That's mostly something that got pushed from people who didn't understand it, and as shorthand to explain the warning symptoms to people. Long Covid is not a cold. If I get one more person talking down to me about how I'll feel better if I just take a Vitamin C capsule every morning, I will riot.
Long Covid is currently not curable. It's manageable in the right circumstances. But there is currently no pill or therapy that is a cure for Long Covid. That includes lifestyle habits too. Maybe drinking a smoothie made out of half the vegetable aisle will be good for you, but it won't fix you magically. Please stop suggesting therapies to people. You're not their doctor, and all you're going to do is exasperate them. Worst case scenario, you put someone through another cycle of grief after they try it, and it doesn't work for them.
Why is that the case? Because Long Covid is highly complicated. Most doctors will acknowledge we don't know the half of it, as far as the complete effects. Long Covid, in short, is a very confusing amalgamation of the after-effects of getting Covid in the first place. Many experts have compared it to HIV in the way it continues to affect your body. That's why Long Covid is officially known as "Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection." Sequelae refers to the long-term or permanent effects aspect of it. It's a highly complicated thing that would most likely not be easily cured. Just like how someone recovered from severe Tuberculosis might still have issues with their lungs, people with Long Covid have to deal with the aftermath of Covid throughout their bodies.
Please stop trying to tell me, and people like me that it will just heal itself eventually. You're only frustrating people who've been dismissed so much already. Parts of it may get better with time, but the complete effect on your body is devastating and traumatic. Saying things like 'Well I did x,y, and z, and I feel totally better!' That's great, good for you. That doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone, let alone most people. Understand that it's a confusing illness. And please, for heavens sake, stop asking people 'So when are you going to get better?' We don't know. That's the point.
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pandemichub · 1 year
A great explanation of what the ending of the health emergency means.
The death statistic comes directly from the WHO.
Science.org ‘It’s still killing and it’s still changing.’ Ending COVID-19 states of emergency sparks debate' "Moves by WHO and U.S. usher pandemic into new phase of disease monitoring, even as coronavirus kills thousands weekly."
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covid-safer-hotties · 25 days
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halorvic · 3 months
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Wear a fucking mask!
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willowreader · 4 months
So, getting all those vaccinations was a good idea.
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sloanevictor · 8 months
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theoverstimulated · 1 month
I am a chronically ill, disabled person who rarely leaves my home, mainly just for health appointments, and I hope you read this piece in its entirety.
"There have always been viruses, and there have always been immunocompromised people, but prior to COVID there was never this level of viral spread, with a virus of this severity, with this ability to reinfect, with this level of transmissibility. Immunocompromised people are under constant siege, with levels of disease unseen in modern times being normalized in all public spaces."
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lilithism1848 · 7 months
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