onepiecepeachy · 5 months
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im so normal about them did you know. ..
they luhf eachother oh so very much btw just so yk and theyre boyfriends too
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rocknpebbles · 19 days
We know every Usopp ship is great but.. I want to know which is your biggest fav and why 🎤🎤🎤 (I love hearing anyone's opinion tbh, infodump all y'all want)
ommagosh. UUUUCHHHH. you know when I first saw this ship I thought I was absolutely insane for thinking of it, sanuso.
I gotta be honest. I was a hardcore sanuso DENIER between skypeia and w7/enies Lobby I think. I absolutely REFUSED to accept sanuso bc I thought it was a little insane. teeny. I would look at Pinterest, see some fanart and this is stupid but I would see smth sanuso, scroll away immediately, scroll back up, look at it for one second and refresh the page. I think I didn’t like happiness at the time. I thought I was cringe for considering it. What’s funny is that I would simultaneously make drawings of them holding hands and think “yeah I DONT SHIP THEM”.
no but I love it now since w7 and EMBRACE IT cuz of tumblr and getting used to it, absolute otp 10/10 they make me sick in a happy way ,the evidence was too much I enjoy it heavily
I love it bc I love both of them like I feel like they get eachother I’m not good with words but like…. they’re just puzzle pieces that connect…
I actually started working and drawing out 5 separate sanuso comics (which are goofy silly because i don’t know how to draw serious romance) yknow I might post them if it’s funny enough (one of them is guaranteed funny)
TYSM FOR ASKING 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️These asks make my day
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wellship · 1 year
I love youuu hope youre having a great day <33 also thoughts on sanlu as a ship?
I really like SanLu! They were not on my radar much until some friends started shipping them and that made me understand their appeal... I don't really ship them until after the timeskip (pretty much same as SanUso) but I think they're very sweet. There's something appealing about their dynamic - Sanji with his self-worth issues, and Luffy who loves everyone and all his crew members, but still loving Sanji most specially of all... Whole Cake Island makes SanLu EXTREMELY shippable haha. Sanji has only ever wanted to cook for the people he loves and he found a captain who doesn't want to eat anyone else's cooking for the rest of his life!!
Also for a chef who would rather die than waste food, there's something cute about him ending up with a guy who has an almost bottomless stomach and who will eat any disaster... Sanji can probably experiment so much more in the kitchen knowing that even if it turns out weird, Luffy will still eat it all and nothing will get wasted LOL. Zero waste chef X garbage disposal boyfriend OTP ♥
I think due to his trauma, Sanji can be a very emotionally needy person in a relationship, which might cause issues in with other people, especially if they have their own emotional hangups (like Zoro or Usopp). And obviously it's best for Sanji to address his emotional needs properly and unpack his trauma... but in the short term, it's also just very comforting and refreshing to see him with someone who has literally endless love and time and attention to give. Where Zoro might get annoyed or Usopp might get anxious because Sanji is in a "why would you even love me" spiral, Luffy would just be like UHH I LOVE YOU CUZ YOU'RE SO AMAZING!! LEMME LIST OFF MY TOP FIFTY REASONS. REASON NUMBER ONE: YOU SMELL TASTY ALL THE TIME. REASON NUMBER TWO: YOU HAVE A PRETTY SMILE. REASON NUMBER THREE: IT'S FUNNY WHEN YOU GET EMBARRASSED WHEN I SAY YOU HAVE A PRETTY SMILE. REASON NUMBER FOUR: FRENCH PASTRIES. REASON NU-
Anyway, it's a very cute ship! I kinda have to be in the mood for it, but I've made a bit of SanLu (implied) art before. My "Food As A Love Language" comic isn't explicitly intended to be read as romantic but you can certainly interpret it that way if you want and it explores an aspect of Sanji & Luffy's dynamic that I really like. Thank you for the message! I hope you're having a great day too!!
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
SanUso isn't my OTP (LuSan is) but I still enjoy the ship. I love seeing all the cute moments canonly between Sanji and Usopp. And I'll never understand why people don't see it. There's so many moments between Sanji and Usopp in the anime, manga, and holy shit was there extreme SanUso vibes in OPLA.
So, I get your pain when people say they don't see it as a ship. I always find it really hard to find people who love LuSan. It always hurts and frustrates me when people don't see or understand LuSan as a ship. Luffy and Sanji literally had the Baratie and WCI arcs dedicated to their relationship.
So, just letting you know I'm glad you're filling the tag for your ship. I'm sure your fellow shippers really appreciate it.
I just read the first line but Lusan is amazing. Lusan and Sanuso solidarity. Actually, just put them together. Make it gayer. More love for Sanji. Lusan my beloved. Okay, let me read the rest-
NOO THIS IS SO SWEET!!!!!!!!! I love filling the tag because it's the only thing I have in mind lately, honestly. Sanuso is eating my brain. Like little annoying romantic worms. People who don't get the ship don't know how to read. I am going to explode. Sometimes I just don't understand people. Their bond is BEAUTIFUL and they're the softest best friends to lovers ever, with so much arguing and bickering too. They're stupid to lovers, actually. I love them.
And worry no more bestie I absolutely love Lusan. WCI was a whole Shakespearian novel. Jane Austen type of shit. They make me go insane too. I think I've written like two fics about them and they're probably from my favorite works. They're SO poetic. People barely talk about Sanji's devotion to Luffy and Luffy's love for him. Like the guy starved for Sanji. I am dying. They make me sick. They're so gay and you're so right. People should ship them more. Underrated ship for two people that have a whole ass arc about them. Luffy didn't create romance in WCI for people to ignore it. Taylor Swift would've been proud. Every time I think about WCI, Speak Now and Love Story play in the back of my head. Imagine how romantic they are.
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theclearblue · 3 months
sanji for the character ask game? <3
Sexuality headcanon: The most bi character in the world. Undoubtedly loves women but has something so undeniably fruity going on with almost every man around him too.
Gender headcanon: See he can really be any gender ever to me. Cis man, trans femme/woman, trans masc/man, nonbinary, agender, these could all fit. I guess the only one I don't think really fits is maybe cis woman lmao
A ship I have with said character: I mean we all know how I feel about Zosan (really normal!). That's undoubtedly my OTP for Sanji but honestly I like Acesan, Sanuso, Lusan, even Sanami and Sanji x Pudding a little bit too.
A BROTP: Hmm I know I did say Sanuso above and I stand by that but they're just such best friends too. Guys of all time really I like how how he's a little bit nicer to Usopp compared to Luffy/Zoro lmao. Also Robin and Sanji's friendship has made me cry more than once I love the two of them together.
A NOTP: Hmm I'm not a big fan of romantic Robin x Sanji, that's more so because I only want Robin with Franky and no one else lmao, otherwise Sanji is just so good for mutishipping imo
A random headcanon: Truly believe in the headcanon that Ace was Sanji's bisexual awakening, he way they acted around each other in Alabasta is truly some tof the gayest shit I've ever seen and that's remarkable because One Piece is so overwhelmingly gay all the time afhgklhg
General opinion over said character: Truly been on a rollercoaster of different feelings towards him lmao. He started out as a favorite during a lot of early One Piece, became my least favorite during the middle, and then just shot up to my favorite and has stuck there, and with how good his character writing has been in the last three major arcs, I'd be surprised if that changed. The thing about him is that it always feels like there's something new to talk about with him. He's a rude brat, kind of a disgusting womanizer, has an attitude problem, is a self sacrificial dumbass, but yet he's also the kindest strawhat and shows that kindness through service to others, and his character growth is REALLY satisfying. Uhhh yeah i think he's alright or whatever and I feel super normal about him! (<- girl who lies)
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biscuitboba · 9 months
Literally just rummaged through your blog and your Zolu content was immaculate, it served me so well. Ships where the fundamental basis of the relationship is Intense Devotion... makes me Deranged.
What I love is how like yes there are the big Zolu moments that any fan can think off top of their head (That first meeting in Orange Twon, Thriller Bark's Nothing. Happened, Wano's LUFFY!!!!) but what I love is that you pick out the small details as well that show how much they care about each other in the small things.
You call that being delulu (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ or overthinking but I eat that shit up (≧▽≦q). It's the small things that matter.
But what are your thoughts on other OP ships, any other OTPs? I can tell you right now that OPLA had me reevaulate the perscription on my shipping goggles for ZoNami. I did not see that ship coming let me tell you.
Or even in other media. I also noticed a recurring het ship in your blog that looks like it could be my jam but I don't recognise them or the fandom. Who were they?
Aww, thank youu for the compliment?!!😭❤💚 but yeah it's just that i can't help but to focus on all the little details (i hyperfocuse on little things like, a lot😅😅) People usually talk about the big moments (like in shells town, thriller bark, or wano), so sometimes i can't help but feel the urge to talk about the subtle moments and emphasize on them??
Talking about my other op otps... i also adore namivivi and frobin! And i also like saboala, mishanks, and usokaya too (they are on the 2nd tier, cuz zolu namivi and frobin are the one from the 1st tier, but ofc it's pretty obvious that im the most insane about zolu) my thoughts about them? I think they make me ill:) I can't help but to kick my feet when i read fics, see some fanarts, or just watch people talking about them🥺🥺 There are some other ships that i think are pretty neat too, but i don't gush over them as much as the first two tiers😅 im talking about kidlaw, kobylu, sanuso, lunami, sanami, kidkiller, etc... they are on the 3rd tier:D (kidlaw is so close to the 2nd tier tho)
I honestly can see why people ship zonami in opla loll, tbh i also didn't expect to see that ship coming out pretty strong in opla? But good for the zonami people i guess!:)
I think i reblog my favorite het ships like, all the time😭😭?? not sure which one you are asking for, but maybe you are referring to claire redfield and leon kennedy (cleon) from resident evil or cloud strife and tifa lockheart (cloti) from final fantasy vii(?)🥲
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about me
Hi everyoneee!!! I’m coming back to Tumblr after a while with a whole new account this timee!!! I hope to make new friends here, support the artist and writer, and create a safe place where I can freely talk about anything in my mind without fearing of judgement. Soooo, introducing time~~~
My name is Nana. I’m 20! I’m an INFP type, but also a Sagittarius! I’m quite easy to talk to, but I might not be the one who will initiate the talk :< for I am very shy... I love reading books, mangas (omg especially manga yes yes yess) and sometimes I write and draw. I love listening to Lana Del Rey, Mitski, Bjork, Lamp, and city pop! 
I read books a lot when I was younger, but now I am a little bit lazy, so I mainly read fanfiction haha. I am a hardcore Dramione shipper, and The Eagle’s Nest and Remain Nameless are my absolute favorite💕 I am now reading The Disappearance of Draco Malfoy but schoolwork distracts me quite often so I can’t finish it up soon enough for the time being ig 😞.
I. Am. Such. A. Whore. When. It. Comes. To. Shoujo. Manga, mind you.😩💪 I like old shoujo manga more than modern ones, however. My favs are Glass Mask, Love Complex, High School Debut, Daytime Shooting Stars, Tsubaki Chou Lonely Planet, Nana, Flower and Devil, Strobe Edge, House of the Sun, and Kimi ni Todoke. There are lots more but I cannot think of right away ehhhh. There’s an ongoing shoujo manga which I like very much tho. The name is quite long, but I believe it is about a girl falling down a wells and becomes Hades’s personal doctor and later on becomes his lover XD I don’t have any friend to talk about shoujo manga so please please please, if you read those as well pleaseee become my mutuallll🥺👉👈
Ahhhh righttt!!!! As big my love for shoujo manga is, the manga that claims my heart completely, entirely, and perfectly is One Piece and One Piece only😭 One Piece is the bestest of bestest of bestest manga ever written, in my opinion, and I have loved it for 10 years already!!!!! My healthy obsession over ASL trio is something you must acknowledge because I’m sure I might spam about them occasionaly and I’m sorry about that in advance jfhdvbdjhfvdfhjhjdfb. I’m also sooo in love with Sanji, cuz who’s not, and Boa and Yamatooo. My main OTP are LawLu, Zonami, Frobin, and SanUso, please be polite even if you don’t like my shipping interest🤝 I would love not to hear anything against them thank yoouu. 
Some of my other loved manga are Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun (pretty underrated for a masterpiece, what a shame!) Spy x Family, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Bleach, My Hero Academia, Parasite, Monster etc...
I think that’s all about me!!! I hope we can get along well hehe! And I hope to post some of my stories here soooon! (might be fanfiction, might be original short story I don’t know yet) 
Nice to meet you all😌💖
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For the ship game can I have my OTP SanUso pleaaaase
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• Gives nose/forehead kisses Sanji is always kissing Usopp’s nose, he likes to reassure Usopp his nose is cute and he loves it. Usopp gives lots of forehead kisses, always on Sanji’s curly brow to let him know how much he adores it.
• Gets jealous the most Sanji, which is ironic since Sanji is the one that always like to flirt with other people but as soon as it looks like Usopp is being hit on Sanji is there to give them a look and pull Usopp close against him.
• Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive Usopp, and he has to deal with the entire repeated performance piece that is Sanji gushing about how much he loves him, the tears when he asks Usopp out and Usopp jokes he’s taken.
• Takes care of on sick days Both are very good at this in different ways. Usopp will sit with Sanji stroking his hair and telling him how handsome he still is despite all the snot and messy hair. Sanji will bring Usopp the best soups and teas.
• Drags the other person out into the water on beach day They both love the beach, both love swimming but it’s often Sanji who has to drag Usopp because he has more self esteem issues about being seen in just swimming shorts.
• Gives unprompted massages Sanji, he see’s how Usopp hunches over his work projects, how he sits with his sketch book on his lap. He likes to just gently touch his partner.
• Drives/rides shotgun Usopp is a better driver simply because he doesn’t have the road rage Sanji does, ever since that time someone honked their horn and Sanji got out at a red light and kicked the side of the mans door he’s not allowed to drive.
• Brings the other lunch at work SANJI he will always make packed lunches before he leaves for the day. He’ll make sure Usopp eats, brings him snacks, tea, lunch, everything.
• Has the better parental relationship Sanji, he might fight with his dad a lot but it’s a good relationship.
• Embarrassingly drunk dancer Yes, both, in different ways. Usopp looks like a straight white man at a wedding and Sanji thinks he has an ass to twerk with.
• Still cries watching Titanic Sanji, he’s a big soppy romantic and cries like a bitch at certain scenes, and his tears often cause Usopp to join in.
• Firmly believes in couples costumes USOPP and it takes so much effort to get Sanji to play along but with enough pouting and batting eyelashes Sanji caves.
• Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas Sanji, he makes good money and likes to buy Usopp things where as Usopp is more of a handmade gift kinda guy.
• Makes the other eat breakfast Sanji, he will hound Usopp until he’s eaten.
• Remembers anniversaries Both are… actually really good at this, Sanji is the type to hold a forgotten anniversary over someone’s head though.
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missallsundaes · 3 years
Favorite ships in One Piece and why?
Frobin is my number 1 ! !! ! They are so perf together and like crew mom and dad and their dynamic together is just like (heart eyes) it's the perfect dynamic for a ship and like... when he carries her after enies lobby i just MELT i drew fanart of that scene for weeks after i watched it the first time. I just want them to kiss and cuddle and take care of all the train wrecks that the crew is. such a power couple.
SanUso.... They're so cute and like... domestic.... They have what the other needs to balance them and like... I probably reblog the most SanUso on my personal blog tbh. Also I really think that Usopp would help Sanji come to terms with his bisexuality and he would be someone who like, Sanji could open up and have a bad day with and Usopp would understand and be there for him. Both of them with low self worth on the inside but lots of confidence on the outside. . . ♥
ZoLu !! Not me crying over the "nothing happened" scene every day of my life. Like the idea of Zoro being hard around a lot of people but soft for his captain bc Luffy is his one and only and the fucking dumbass that he would go to the ends of the earth for. And the bond that Luffy has with him where he would ride or die for Zoro.. .. . perfect... Nap together..fight together..eat together.. so domestic...
Honorary Mentions: NamiVivi: They're married Lesbians. Perfect for each other. This is canon, I don't care what anyone says. Marco x Ace.. .. . himbos in love.. . .. ♥ also the aesthetics of blue and red fire is so sexy. Kokoro and Kureha LISTEN i know its a crack ship but like.... old ladies in love.......... Zoyori is so good and i really like him with Hiyori but not as much as ZoLu. I don't dislike Buggy x Shanks but its not like an otp by any means.
I also like Sanji in a couple other ships but SanUso is my fav. If I had to pair Nami with a dude it would be Usopp but imho they're best friends.
I know there are other things I ship but honestly I'm rambling at this point ? ?
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aliibiis · 3 years
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you guys have no idea how much i’m smiling and blushing right now over y’all reblogging that duo promo! like honestly??? sanuso is just my biggest otp of all time and to have someone like bear to rp it with??? i’m blessed to no end ! i’m on the verge of tears because just---this fandom is so damn good and it feels amazing to be back !!!!!! 
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snurps · 5 years
Unpopular opinion* Every Usopp ship is a god tier ship. What do you think
lemme see, uh, YES. my boy is underrated and sooooo good with so many other characters. i love usolu, usonami (more as best friends tho), zosopp, sanuso, usokaya, and probably a couple other ships. heck, i now ship lawuso and i can get behind aceuso i guess. my otp for usopp is probably.... well no, yeah, i don’t have one haha. he’s just a great guy.
usopp just plays like the straight man to most of these people, keeping the readers’ expectations of them in check by being a totally ordinary guy, but he’s also super goofy and aside from luffy, definitely the glue who holds the crew together although he was also once the cause of the crew almost splitting apart. being the normal guy, he also seeks and gets protection from the other members of the crew, and it’s both funny and sweet. everyone else helps usopp believe in himself and also trust himself to do extraordinary things.
some of my favorite interactions between usopp and everyone else...
literally how physically close usopp is with everyone at all times and in the color spreads
like the one where he’s stargazing on a camel with sanji? that one’s so gay tbh
during syrup village, when everyone believes in usopp and tell him that they’re helping him because he’s a good person :D
when luffy and usopp reminisced about yasopp and shanks
when usopp has his first fight with chuu and starts to run away, but is inspired (or guilted) by everyone else into standing up and fighting for nami. and similar moments when this happens in his other fights
when luffy, zoro, sanij, and chopper go to get revenge on the franky family for beating up usopp. i don’t remember but i guess nami is taking care of him?
the entire fight where he’s handcuffed to zoro lmao
when usopp “appears from nowhere” by taking off his sogeking mask and yells at luffy to get up at enies lobby, and luffy does and finishes off lucci.
likewise when zoro protects usopp from the marines so that he is able to speak to luffy at this time
at mocktown when usopp asks nami if he’s a coward. she says yes but i think she also reassures him somehow
when usopp is the one to shoot down the flag and declare war on the world government for robin
all of usopp and luffy’s impressions of their friends lol
when sanji comes to save usopp and nami from enel during skypiea
when usopp is surprisingly dependable at thriller bark because he’s already negative oh noooo
when usopp wakes up the monster trio by saying a “beautiful lady swordsman with meat” is coming
when usopp absolutely loses his faith in sanji because he had a giant freaking nosebleed at fishman island same
when usopp explains to law that an alliance with luffy is not what he’s thinking it will be and when he ties chopper to law’s head hehe
iirc law called usopp god at some point and he’s super flattered until he realizes the marines will be chasing after him lol
usopp ships: 10/10 ships
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fuyuteki · 5 years
Tagged by @supercookie1995 thank you for tagging, I did my best to answer
rules: pick 3 fandoms, answer the questions, and tag people 
Tagging @anjosetsuna @oncie @mirpuzzle @draincyanide @hikarishirohana @pastelpinkdemon @starrypier
·         Ace Attorney
·         South Park
·         One Piece
Ace Attorney
Maya Fey
South Park
Kyle Broflovski
One Piece
Ace Attorney
Simon Blackquill, my first impression of him was “oh, he seems like a boring prosecutor”, but then, after he showed his sarcastic sense of humor, he won me, I love the way he laughs and I loved him even more after the finale of Dual Destinies.
South Park
I honestly don’t know if there were any characters I’d never expected to love so much, I guess maybe Wendy, because I started to really appreciate her character after that episode where she beats the hell out of Cartman, then I fell for her once again during The Cissy episode.
One Piece
I think none, I loved all the straw hats since day 1 in the fandom, pretty much everyone in Luffy’s side as well, but if I’d have to pick one, I’d pick Bon Clay just because they were a kind of villain when they first appeared, but since Bon-chan helped the crew at the end of Alabasta arc in the name of friendship, they became a good person in my view, Bon-chan has a good heart.
Ace Attorney
Maya Fey, she’s an angel, she’s strong, she’s waifu
South Park
Everyone is so f*ck*d up in that cartoon, but if I have to pick someone, maybe Kyle or Wendy, the most “reasonable” people to the town’s standards.
One Piece
Maybe not a good choice emotionally speaking (see answer below), but Usopp, he became so handsome after the timeskip, and oh I have a thing for guys wearing headphones
Ace Attorney
Honestly, I can’t think of any character, I relate to some quotes and relationship dynamics, but characters?
South Park
Tweek Tweak, because paranoia and coffee addiction.
One Piece
Usopp, without a doubt, I’d go deeper in why, but language limitations, however I can say I did something similar to his Sogeking persona once on social media, because I was afraid, also I’m a coward, not a liar per se, but a coward? Yes. And I have low self-esteem and self-doubt/insecurities of my potentials and good qualities, his arc during Water 7 is the most relatable to me, running away from a group of friends, returning with a persona not to be recognized and wanting to be accepted back, I do understand his feeling at the time, maybe what he did was selfish, but I relate and emphasize with him.
Ace Attorney
Maya Fey, Apollo Justice, Phoenix Wright
South Park
Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, Tweek Tweak
One Piece
Usopp, Nami, Nico Robin
Ace Attorney
NaruMayo, NokoMitsu, OdoNaru
South Park
Kyman, Style, Stanman
One Piece
SanUso, UsoNa, Sanji/Nami
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missallsundaes · 3 years
And allow me to ask about your selfships in flowers now, iris and zinnia
Both of these have a little bit diff answers to the rest.
Iris - Does your self insert for your f/os source material have a detailed and complex story and character arc, or are they just kind of vibing?
EVENTUALLY I will need to do a self ship post I can link too, because I have a different self insert for each of my top threes. The SIMPLE answer is they all have detailed backstories. The detailed answer I'll put under a cut at the bottom of this post.
Zinnia - how often do you think about your f/o? Do they live in your head rent free, or do you not think about them for months on end before suddenly hyperfixating on them nonstop for a week?
; w ; I feel like you've seen my blog, I never stop thinking about my boys. Sanji and Corazon occupy the most of my brain, but if I see Buggy I get emotional over him too.
OKAY SO HERE I GO about my self inserts. All three are me in personality, interests, and talents. All three have pink hair and green eyes, and glasses.
My s/i Ace x Sanji is an art historian from the South Blue.
They were traveling on a ship that was transporting priceless paintings from one island to another for an exhibition, when the ship was attacked by pirates after the artwork to sell for the Beri it would get them. They were one of only a couple of survivors of this attack, getting away on a scrap of wood that was floating that they managed to scramble on top of. They were rescued by the Straw Hats. This fits in canon timeline between Little Garden and Drum. They fall for Sanji very quickly, despite his bad habits, infatuated with his flirty nature and constant compliments. Despite Nami's warnings that he was like that with "all women," after they come out as nonbinary to Sanji during a heart to heart, he still treats them with the love and affection that made them fall for him. They bond while cooking together, taste testing each other's food and experimenting with new recipes at dinner for the crew. Make quick best friends with Usopp over mutual loves for drawing, plants, bugs, and being snipers. (They are trained in archery.) Jinbei reminds them of their late father, and they quickly get very attracted to the Fishman, looking up to him and asking him for guidance often. Other best friend is Robin, they bond over art history and how it related to archeology, she helps teach them to read poneglyphs so they can help her. [[Sometimes trio ship with Usopp bc I also love Usopp and Sanuso is my otp]]
My s/i Ace x Corazon is a Selkie from the North Blue. This OC is Canon Divergent
Info on Selkies (mostly based on Real World Mythos, but some tweaking done for OP Universe)
Legends Say that a man who finds a selkie for a wife are blessed with a beautiful obedient wife. At least that’s the human version of the tale. In the selkie world, it is a warning, a cautionary tale: never be caught by a human man, lest you have your coat stolen and never return to the sea. Selkies are generally only found in the farthest north points of the North Blue, where seals are abundant. True to legends, Selkies can shift between human and seal form with the use of their coats or seal skins. Selkies are thought to be rarer than mermaids, but due to the nature of their transformation, true numbers are unknown outside the community. When a selkie has her skin stolen she has a compulsion to marry the person who stole it, usually with discomfort to the selkie. If her coat is willingly given to a man, it must be willingly given back. Selkies sometimes bare children to the man they marry, but when they find the hiding place of their coat they will abandon these children to return to the sea. Some legends say that these children are sometimes visited or saved by large seals later in their lives. When selkies first transform, their coat is the clothes they are wearing, so they are naked until clothed in the human fashion.
My self insert specifically!
In seal form, they are a harp seal, dusty grey with dark spots. In human form they have long dusty pink hair and deep dark green eyes, large like a seals. Their coat takes the form of a fluffy winter coat, with the same colors as their seal skin. When they are wearing their coat, it works similar to a zoan fruit, they can transform by choice, and can do a hybrid form (similar to a mermaid) as well. Not trained in any particular fighting style, they're not much use in a battle, but they know basic first aid and are a good support to a team. They witnessed the murder of Corazon by Doffy (and prior, saw Law being placed in the treasure chest). //Canon Divergent// When Doffy leaves the island, leaving Corazon dying in the snow, They nurse him back to health slowly, giving him their coat to keep warm so that he doesn't freeze to death, and builds a small fire to keep him alive. When he comes to, they help him move inside the partially destroyed building. He gives her coat back willingly after explaining to him what it means to her, and that and his deep caring nature made her fall for him. When he's well enough to travel she travels with him so that he can reunite with Law, and they 'adopt' him.
My self ship for Ace x Buggy is a performance Clown part of the Buggy Pirates.
Ace has been a part of the crew for as long as any of the other original members and harbored feelings for their captain for a very long time before eventually breaking down and confessing after feeling like they were going to lose him to impel down. Buggy is initially very awkward and flustered and nervous about the confession but admits that he had feelings too. He's a bit of a tsundere so sometimes it takes a lot to get hid real feelings out in the open. Buggy has huge jealousy issues and will be very very possessive. Has a huge soft spot for Ace. They fight with a comically large hammer, and with a similar style to capoeira where they are dancing as they fight. They are obnoxious after they're officially together, but it's cute.
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