dailyadventureprompts · 9 months
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Wilderness: The Secret of Grist Ridge
Taking its name from the its centuries old owner, the rolling highlands known as the Domain of Daldivain still bears the scars from when it was vast salve farm that fed the armies and granaries of the old empire. Since the empire's fall the people of the domain have maintained small settlements and scattered villages, herding over the the valleys and rises their debt-bound ancestors once toiled to cultivate.
All is not as peaceful as the picturesque vistas of the domain would suggest; cloud drakes, once a rarity and folkish sign of good fortune have become invasive in the region, beginning to prey on livestock and even lone travellers as their numbers swell.
After having several of their homesteads savaged by the beasts, one of the villages has sent for the party: The majority of its residents including the majority of its elders want the party to hunt the beasts back to their lair, but their wisewoman claims to have had a vision that points them to Grist Ridge, the old ruins that lay at the heart of the old autarch's domain. Most have no idea what the mushroom addled crone is talking about, but there is some rumour of treasure in the old mill that may make it worth checking out.
Adventure Hooks:
Early in their journey our heroes encounter a band of warriors led by Haltri Drakesbane, a woman who sees herself as the protector and future leader of the domain's people. Already having proven herself by slaying the beasts that preyed upon her kinsmen's land and several other villages, she's more than happy to ally with the party and split the glory if it means driving the drakes out for good. Her offer is not without caveat: Haltri hopes to leverage strength of arms into a unifying authority over the scattered peoples of the domain, and her detractors (including the village elders who sought the party out) fear what her ambitions may lead to if she goes unchallenged.
Feeling an inexplicable desire to wander, the journymage Enilo (along with his fluffy familiar, Cloudchaser) has sought out the ruins at Grist Ridge, spending days exploring and journaling about his experience. Enilo doesn't know it yet, but he's been called by the goddess of sky and enlightenment to receive a revelation that may change the future of the domain, provided the party's willing to have him tag along during their exploration and later defend him when Haltri shows up sometime midway through the delve to take the ruins for herself.
Though a number of the usual dungeon denizens have made their home in Grist Ridge, there is something malevolent skulking around its deepest reaches, filling the tunnels between the old windmills with the echo of scraping chains and a distant grinding sound that unsettles to the bone. It leaves handfulls of corroded coins from the old autarchy in places where others may find them. The locals know not to touch these, as it seems accepting the gifts of the lurking horror means inviting it to follow you home.
Background: One of many such sites left over after the fall of the old Autarchy, the ruins today known as Grist Ridge once surveyed a vast domain of slave farms owned by one of the old empire's richest men, Lord Daldivian, who's mark on the region endures even centuries after his death.
The old lord bought up the debts of hundreds and dragged them off to work in his fields, grinding them down much in the same way his mills ground down the grain they cultivated. Because he didn't need to pay his workers he was able to sell grain for less, bankrupting score upon score of the region's old farming families and creating people desperate enough to sell either their ancestral land (expanding Daldivain's domain) or themselves into bond slavery for fear of starvation, swelling his workforce from hundreds to thousands.
Daldivane was of course using lives as grist for his ambition long before the first mill was built: The region that came to be his was originally open wilderness along the Autarchy's border inhabited by worshipers of the goddess Yithini, who the old empire considered heathen and thus worthy of extermination. Lord Daldivane used his in with the imperial military to raze their homes and shrines, sowing his first fields with meal ground from their bones. He also used this military connection to hunt the endemic species of drake near to extinction, both because the beasts were sacred to Yithini and because they threatened to impede his expansion.
Further Adventures:
Enilo's observations of the region and the ruins (built on the space of Yithini's demolished temple) will eventually lead him to a series of revelations: The drakes aren't invasive, they are merely returning to their natural population levels after being culled. The environment is healing because of the return of its natural predator. There were people who lived in the domain before who's existence and subsequent elimination Daldivane concealed, who lived in harmony with the drakes through their worship of the now forgotten sky goddess. Unexpectedly finding himself a prophet, Enilo will return to the people of the domain and begin expounding on this secret history, reawakening the worship of Yithini in what was once her sacred land and sparing the people from further clashes with their draconic neighbours.
Haltri does indeed have ambition, taking the exactly wrong lessons from the stories of Daldivane she imagines herself as a new, kinder, autarch, seeking to reclaim the mills of Grist Ridge and rebuild the economic engine that made the old lord one of the richest men in the known world. This will of course require the denizens to be put to work in the fields once again, but in her opinion its the least they can do to repay her for driving the drakes away and keeping them safe. Its up to the party to uncover these ambitions, or perhaps look aside for the sake of their new, increasingly powerful ally.
The thing stalking the foundations of Grist Ridge is a demon born of Daldivane's pittiless greed and the sorrow of those he enslaved. Stalking around the lowest reaches of the ruins and emerging only at night, it resembles a man dressed in tattered finery of the old autarchy with his legs fettered together and his arms bound to a yoke. Where its face should be there is only a cracked millstone, grinding forever and ever over its bleeding and lipless lower jaw. Most disturbingly of all It hungers for bones: placing severed limbs or whatever stray mice it can catch in its mouth and grinding them to powder, sometime after its meal coughing up bloody autarchy coins the way an owl might a pellet. Though it does not speak or perhaps even really THINK the demon of Grist Ridge believes in fair commerce, as any who feed it are due a compensatory amount of treasure just as anyone who takes from its offerings owes it in some way.
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timdrakequotes · 8 months
Dick: How’s the arm? Firefly, right?
Tim: Yeah. S’alright. ‘Tis a flesh wound. Alfred gave me a salve Bruce picked up somewhere in Nepal…I think.
Dick: Did your Dad notice?
Tim: Nah. You’d be surprised how easy it is to explain away this kind of stuff after the quake. Par for the course these days.
--Tim Drake with Dick Grayson (Young Justice Secret Origins – 80 Page Giant: Little Wing)
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wolfjackle-creates · 7 months
You're post since you're already sitting on a couple of asks for Bring me Home, so I hope you don't mind a third request for it.
I absolutely do not mind! Enjoy. ^.^
Danny hummed as he took stock. Touching the injuries had obviously come with its own pain, but the area was now under a numbing coolness that helped beat back some of the pain. “Better,” he said. “Thanks.”
“Great!” said Tim. “Do you want anything else? Let’s try to get you a few spoonfuls of ectoplasm and yogurt. You need your calories if you’re going to heal at all.”
Danny frowned, but acquiesced. “Fine. But I want another piece of ice when we’re done.”
“You’ve got it,” agreed Tim readily.
“Well, looks like it’s back to driving for me,” said Kon. He stood and stretched before heading back to the front of the vehicle and out of Danny’s sight.
This time, with the salve numbing him and the nightmares still haunting him if he closed his eyes for more than a blink, he ate much more. He finished an entire vial of ectoplasm and half the yogurt before he couldn’t stand the thought of eating any more.
“Talk to me?” he asked before taking the second piece of ice.
“Of course. What do you want me to talk about?” asked Tim.
“Anything,” admitted Danny. “Just need something to distract me.”
Tim hummed in thought. “Well, I know I’ve talked about Gotham before, but it’ll be different now that you’re coming with me to live there rather than visit. You’ll be moving in with me to my civilian apartment. It’s a penthouse downtown near the Drake Industries offices. My dad may have nearly ruined the company, but Bruce has been helping me build it back up. I’m not officially in charge, but as my dad was the owner, I’ve got a controlling interest.
“There’s lots of places to eat nearby. My favorite is this little hole-in-the-wall Hispanic place run by a Puerto Rican family. You have to try their empanadas. Simply to die for. I’ll get us take out from there when you’re finally up to eating something more solid than smoothies or yogurt. There’s also a killer pizza place down within walking distance…”
Danny let the words drift over him, and this time, when he closed his eyes, he didn’t see images of his parents or the lab.
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melissalencioni · 7 months
She fell like the petals of the lilac crown she was making. I caught her. Holding her impossibly light form, I was stricken with how fragile she was. Her long hair thinned between my gloved fingers and her body went limp in my arms. The flush in her face and the panting of her breaths quickened my heart. I carried her drooping and succumbed-to-fever form to the elder's tent.
Gods, Caera, you cannot die.
"There is only one cure for this disease of spirit," said our pelt-dressed elder. "A flower which blooms on the other side of the canyon. It is shaped like a thornless rose, six petals to a flower, and gold."
I've never exited a tent faster. I would save her. I would cross the canyon as she heaved her breaths, returning with the salve of golden nectar.
While I travelled, a rival tribe attacked my camp, bringing with them dogs and knives. I fell back on my warrior's training, attempting to dispatch them, but they were too many. I had to pick them off one by one from the brush, sparse and spare as it was, the thickets impeding their advances as I weilded my trusty ax. By the time I was done with one, another had taken their place, and it was a whirl of forms and counters before I found relief, relishing the rush of battle that reminded me of all our primal natures. There is something pure about combat, but not as pure as saving. Victorious, I watched them flee and cleaned my bloodstained ax.
The next trial was a beast, a wild boar of considerable size, but I taunted it with crimson swishes of my tunic to enrage it into rushing me. There was an outcropping nearby, a cliff that framed the valley, and dodging boulders I lured in the beast. It charged and I swooped to the side, coming down on it with my ax, momentum forcing it into the rocky wall. It banged its head and shook, trying to will off the shock. But I had slowed it, and its neck was open. I cut right through its hide. It made my meal that night.
While gazing at the fire, a specter made itself known. It wailed then took my shape, remarking that I didn't know love.
"You're wrong," I said. "If not for love, I wouldn't be on this quest. I seek a flower of healing for a woman who fell ill."
"You only want the credit of having saved someone," said the phantom. "Your heart is selfish and impure."
I sought the truth and found this being of shade half-right, but what good would it do to deny those wants if the woman I'd grown to love could survive despite me? I left my ax on the ground and willed the ghost away. Its resistance came in the form of headaches and harrowing noise, but in the end my mind was stronger. I fought for Caera. That's the reason I won. I vanquished it.
Finding the flower in a meadow beyond the canyon, I gingerly harvested it with a small traveller's shovel. It nearly wilted in my hands and I spent the journey back pleading with the gods to keep it fresh. If I lost her, I'd lose a piece of myself that no one else could fill.
The elder made the brew.
With no one stepping up, I volunteered to administer it, taking Caera's head in my gentle grip and tilting her neck so her throat opened. Bringing my lips full of soup to hers, I kissed her to coax her mouth open. Moaning, she rose to meet my lips with an eagerness that surprised and delighted me, and I tongued the healing brew into her, holding her firm. She swallowed and collapsed back in my arms, and I feared the gods had taken her.
"Caera," I said. "Please! Please be alright!"
Then she whispered, "I love you, Drake. I will be."
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kokorowoutsu · 2 months
-- Hoenn Arc II: Travelling (18/Finale)
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The next day, Leon saw himself off at his tired wife waving him good luck while also holding an excited Willow back, cheering her father on as loud as she could.
The first bout would see Leon versus Sidney, a dark-type specialist, and with his team, Leon overcame them despite the difficulty. The second bout would be against Phoebe, a ghost-type specialist, who gave him just as much trouble. Next, Glacia, a ice-type expert who put his pokemon through the ringer and had to have him take a bit to apply salves and let them rest before continuing onto Drake, the dragon-type specialist who Leon took down with far more ease then the previous three.
Able to face Steven, Leon wasted no time in a battle between champions beginning and while the fight was hard and fought well, Steven triumphed after he brought Leon's Urshifu down with his Metagross who had taken just as much of a beating. Despite the sting of defeat, Leon took the defeat for what it was and thanked Steven for the chance of battling him. Steven doing the same, Leon excited the League Hall and headed to find his wife catching up with an old friend of hers.
Being introduced to the lady who happened to be Steven's wife of all people, Ashe gave a cheeky grin at her husband, but it faded when she saw the gloom about him as it were. Thanking her friend for the time, Ashe excused herself with her daughter and went to talk with Leon about the results. Being as it were, things ended on a loss, but after a forehead touch, the relief they could finally go home was about them.
Taking another day to rest, the family were flown by taxi thanks to some strings pulled by Steven to Slateport where they'd be able to teleport back home thanks to Merlin, and bring an end to their journeys in Hoenn.
Leon's Status: Celeste (Alolan Decidueye), Bedivere (Armarouge), James (Inteleon), Lancelot (Luxray), Cavall (Midday Lycanroc), Miyagi (Urshifu). -- 8 badges, Elite Four Won, No Champion Rank
Ashe's Status: Lucky (Sylveon), Kumiko (Garchomp).
Willow's Status: Larvae (Larvesta).
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cascaded-shells · 2 years
yea hi, desperate enby here :(
im having such a hard time finding a name that fits me, and id like something fire-dragon themed... i love the sound of the word dragon itself, and names should ideally be no more than 1-2 syllables, also it'd be a neat bonus if it could have a rawr/hiss-ish sound to it
thanks in advance :'3
Fire dragon specific names, we can definitely see where you're having issues finding names, wish you luck on finding a good one!
Rhovior / Rhov
Ackie / Ackey
(Dragon itself sounds like a neat name)
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sunsandwolves · 1 year
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She couldn't tell anyone when the battle ended and when she wound up back in Westfall. Her memory had lapsed horribly. Yelena remembered a fight, facing off against Stratogeth himself. The drake had left within an inch of his life.
The blood... the bodies... the flame.
Many of her wounds had been seen to by the medics at the Observatory, at least the ones that had been fatal. In her brief lapses of consciousness, she felt her flesh slowly mend back together via enchanted bandages and salves. The rest? Put back together by Aelin and Miss Bee. The familiar scents of family and home helped ease Yelena's body and mind. She was safe. She wasn't cold anymore, she wasn't dying.
The memory of the Barrens conflict those years ago flashed behind her eyelids as they fluttered in her sleep. That out of body experience was something she never wanted to feel ever again. But this? This was close. And she didn't like it. Her body was in so much pain, it felt like she was still on fire. Yelena couldn't tell if she was still crying or not, her throat dry and hoarse from screaming.
"Critical.. this one's critical-"
The battle was lost. They lost. Eleysia had brunted so many blows that were meant for her.. several times, in fact. The Dame had done her duty and almost died protecting her. A soft whimper bubbled past bloodied lips at that realization, and she was steadied with a hand to her forehead in a bid to keep her in place.
"Easy, you." Miss Bee hushed her, smoothing sweat-damp hair out of her face. Yelena's eyes fluttered open and there was panic etched onto her face, a franticism in her eyes.
"Lenora?! Where is she- where's- M-Melek- I-" her head spun and she was gently eased back against her pillows, and her stare fixed itself onto Miss Bee's face, the woman's hand on her shoulder now.
"Eaaasy, Yelena. You're alright, you're home. Everyone's home." She soothed, frowning when the tears welled in Yelena's eyes.
"D-Dame Eleysia? Is she alright? She was so hurt, I thought she- she-" The girl wheezed, her body seizing up uncomfortably as the panic set into her bones and war-worn muscles. Yelena wheezed out a whimper as she tried to catch her breath.
"She's stable. All of you are. It's alright, you can rest." Miss Bee said softly, tucking her blankets up her chest in an effort to tuck her in. Yelena caught her breath eventually when she counted one, two, and three familiar bodies laying in beds, sleeping soundly and having been tended to already. A soft whimper was caught in her throat as a free hand reached up to wipe the tears out of her eyes. She seemed to settle finally, sniffling.
"Wh-where's my father?" Yelena asked shakily, wincing as she shifted in bed to get comfortable. This was too close. Too close to the Barrens. She remembered Araian's arms around her, strong and sure, grounding. Warm.
War is bloody and soulless, Yelena...
"It's late, Yelena. As soon as everyone settled in here, he retired again. You'll see him tomorrow, I'm certain." Came quietly with a reassuring squeeze to her shoulder. As soon as she was sure the Sunshield wouldn't jump out of bed at the first chance, Bee departed from Yelena's side. Tired grey eyes fluttered in their exhaustion, and once more her eyes swept the medical ward, lingering on each slumbering body for a moment. Her stare found Melek's body last, and she frowned with a heavy sigh, but not without a strained and sharp pain shooting through her torso to go with it.
Yelena had stared at the ceiling for a long time, minutes she speculated, but hours realistically. When the sun began to filter through cracks in the curtains is when those burning eyes finally closed, and she slowly fell back into slumber.
They had won... but at what cost?
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/61JdMQ5 by LenoMP Timothy Jackson Drake conoce a la muerte. Tal vez es una simple pesadilla. El nudo en su garganta comienza a crecer, su pecho duele y sus ojos arden. Necesita que lo ayuden, que alguien lo salve. ¿Pero quién?, ¿acaso no es él el héroe aquí? O el fic dónde Tim Drake tiene una regresión de edad justo a dónde aparecen pensamientos que le causan terribles pesadillas y su papá está ahí para él. Words: 2249, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake's Parents Relationships: Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Everyone Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Suicide Attempt, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Everyone Loves Tim Drake, Hurt Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Night Terrors, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Age Regression/De-Aging, I'm Bad At Tagging, References to Depression read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/61JdMQ5
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94badbye · 7 months
me salve tim drake....... tim drake me salve........
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bashcabrera · 5 years
Em festas como aquela alguém sempre precisava tomar a iniciativa de inaugurar a pista de dança. Sebastian tomou a tarefa para si minutos depois de chegar na residência dos Calloway; cara de pau como só ele conseguia ser e decidido a aproveitar cada segundo da farra. Os últimos dias tinham sido excessivamente dificultosos, então tudo o que queria era esquecer e aproveitar a noite. Ele nem havia se servido de uma bebida ainda ou se jogado na água da piscina. Preferiu esperar pela música certa para finalmente começar a cantar e dançar do seu jeito singular numa área mais ampla próxima a piscina.  “Do you love me? Are you riding? Say you'll never ever leave from beside me. 'Cause I want ya and I need ya and I'm down for you always.” Os pés, ombros e braços movimentavam-se ao ritmo da batida. As feições mudavam subitamente com uma mistura de careta e escapadas da língua, mas Bash sempre mantinha um sorriso de quem estava mesmo sentindo a vibração da canção em seu íntimo. “Look the real me is really still the real me. I swear you gotta feel me before they try and kill me.” curtir sozinho nunca fora uma das opções, então o Cabrera se aproximou da primeira pessoa que viu e continuou com seus movimentos enquanto circulava ao redor dx outrx. “ They gotta make some choices they running out of options. Cause I've been going off and they don't know when it's stopping.” (🎧)
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dragonfelling · 2 years
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Spectember prompt 6-7 -Parasitism and Living Fossil
True dragons were Exitiums attempt at creating life that could take the place of humans in his land. They were massive beasts that lived off residual magic in the land and through worship of Exitium who would grant them magic. They were isolated from humanity for a long time before the Gold Blight started to plague them in great numbers. They were a small parasite that lived between their scales and stuck their glowing tails out. They drained their blood and caused them to keel over in masses once their infection would get too bad. Dragons tried to burn them off with their fire, they tried to drown them in water, salves, and even lava (to which they were immune to the heat of) but the only way to get them off was to thoroughly pick through each scale. Being such massive animals, they were unable to by themselves. They got some help through Template drakes but it was hardly useful. So, they turned to the little humans that lived just out of Exitiums territory. They allowed them to live among the dragons and drakes in safety and in riches for the labor of ridding them of the Gold Blight
Pictured is two dragons of high status being picked clean of the Gold Blight, gossiping dragon secrets and stories to the hard working humans.
They began to gain numbers again and began to spread out into other parts of the world before Exitium was defeated and was throught to be dead. Without their main source of power, many perished if they did not isolate to parts of the world without gods. While revered and worshipped in Anemoi, many other kingdoms made a sport out of ritualistically hunting them down, especially in Gix. Their numbers have dropped to hardly anything eventually. The remainder of their species, while immortal to age, are unlikely to ever bounce back to a sliver of their old glory
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Continental Road Trip
Callum groaned as Maurice rubbed salve into several bite marks on the back of his shoulder. “It’s moments like these I envy fast healing species.” He said as the medical ministrations turned into a careful massage. He cracked open an eye as he heard the door open and Drake returned from the kitchen with their midnight snack. It had been a couple of weeks since they came to the new world and he really didn’t think he would ever adjust to twenty four hours of dark and light. Being wide awake in the middle of the night felt wrong, even if the skies were beautiful. 
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
When Two Coffee Addicts Unite
Part 1
@maribatmarch-2k21 Day 8: Texting
Ao3 *** Part 2
Okay so this can either be a continuation of Internet Friends or the beginning of something new. But if you want to read this as a continuation of Internet friends then you should know:
The police department is almost as bad as Damocles when dealing with powerful figures. They take the video and audio footage and simply put it in the file. Because at the time Lila still had most or in fact all of the class under her thumb, they all supported Lila’s claim that it was an accident. Lila claims that a sudden dizzy spell struck her, and she fell forwards towards Marinette. And as Mari was already on the edge of the balcony it was an accident. The fact that the file sat in the police department until well after any claim could be valid it wasn’t looked into more. Mari, her friends, and Tim did have backups of the footage, complete records for every interaction with the police, and recorded calls and interactions when dealing with the police. But as they didn’t want to involve the embassy as this would become an international affair they didn’t bother with the case.
That said the police don’t bother with the Miracle Court to avoid work. However, with the Mayor, Medical responders, and the Fire Department all aid the heroes, the police only do the bare minimum.
Marinette’s class has begun to watch Lila, but they didn’t look into her lies because except for this incident it’s just she said she said with occasional ‘injuries’ on Lila. Most of them are wary of Lila but they aren’t converted to Marinette’s side, but there is an increased tolerance between them.
Marinette had just sat back at her seat after eating lunch, while the classroom was still empty. There was still half an hour left. Alix, Kim, Nino, Sabrina, and Max walked in as she sat down.
"Marinette you got the time?" Alix called out. They were on somewhat okay terms since Lila’s claims were a total 180 from the Marinette that they have known for forever.
"30 minutes left." she announced looking of her phone and in turn her missed messages.
       What's wrong.
       I have back to back meetings starting in 3 hrs. until 5.
       Let me guess haven't slept.
       Help me please
       How many reports can you send me?
       Quite a few
       Send me what you can.
       Review the rest.
       Take a nap!
       And I'll be a little voice during your meeting.
       Thanks, I owe you Bean.
I'II hold you to that.
       Just make sure you wake up.
       I make no promises.
       On second thought I don't want to find out how you are mad
She made it through the 15 minutes of class because Lila was akumatized. Lila had burst into the class followed by Alya, Nino, and Adrien. She claimed Mari cornered her in the bathroom and beat her a few minutes ago, showing everyone the 'bruises' on her arms. Chloe handed something to Sabrina who walked up to Lila.
"Oh, you poor thing," Sabrina consoled, Lila only whimpered. "Here this has a salve that helps bruises." She gently took Lila's wrist and wiped a 'bruise' which disappeared instantly.
"That's amazing what is it called?" Alya commented. "I should get some for Nora."
"Make-up remover." Sabrina and Chloe spoke together.
"Besides." Alix butt in. "Marinette's been here the past half hour and hasn't left."
"What?! How do you know?" Lila cried.
"Cause we've been here the whole time with her." Sabrina commented.
Marinette for her part didn't know or hear the conversation around her.
"Marinette. Marinette. Earth to Marinette," Kim shouted.
"Present!" She jolted practically standing. "Wait," she looked around, "class hasn't started."
"What are you hyper fixated on?" Adrien asked innocently.
"Just some reports, don't think you'd like them too much Kit-Kat."
"Fair," he shrugged sitting next to her. "So how were you in two places at once?"
"I can't," her head tilted to the side confusion clear on her face.
"So, if Mari hasn't left, can't be in two places at once, and your 'bruises' came off with make-up remover. How do you explain that Lila?" Adrien around, the class slowly draining their conclusions. However, Marinette spoke up. "She lied, obviously..." she stated having gone back to the reports.
"Um you said that out loud, Cake Pop, and loud at that."
"Huh?" sure enough when she looked around some were shock still, others typed furiously into their phones.
That was when Mrs. Bustier walked in, fifteen minutes late to the class. Which was also when the bandy contained restraint ended. Lila was akumatized, school let out, and the rest of her night went smoothly.
Tim woke up, and with her help survived his meetings. Some while on patrol she would constantly mute and unmute herself. Luckily, it wasn't more than twice, and they didn't run into anyone. Chat didn’t ask questions, figured it out since she was pouring over Wayne documents earlier. Tim would call her back after the private meetings and ended around 10.
At around 11 Tim text her back.
      Thanks Bug you saved me today.
      No problem Draco
      You owe me though.
      I remember.
      Go to bed it's like midnight over there!
      Yeah Yeah
      Congratulations 2x!
      Please explain.
      Timothy Drake-Wayne answer me.
      Dragon please
      Ugh fine I'll sleep.
Which is what she did when he wouldn’t answer her.
She woke up the next morning to two emails from W. E.. The first was for a collaboration between W.E. and MDC for a show featuring Wayne Tech accessories and their new climate fabrics. She immediately responded and accepted. The second was that her class was one of two to be accepted as transfer students to Gotham Academy and intern slots at WE, she forwarded that to her teacher and the school.
      You Gremlin
      Like I said congrats
      Oh, I need you to give me three names.
      What for?
Her mind was racing at the possibilities.
      You'll find out.
      What’s the other school?
      Some Prep school in the UK.
      Give me a Sec.
She opened another contact and typed.
      Hey, did you get a spot in the Wayne/GA internship?
      Tell the others we are hitting Gotham with style.
      Very well.
Mari then sent three names to him and smiled. This was going to be fun.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha
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luna-redamancy · 4 years
I Promised- Soulmate AU! Modern AU! (Thranduil x GN! Reader)
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Warnings: Angst, mentions of reader burning to death. 
Word count: 933
“Thranduil!” You shouted out, pain in your voice as the fire drakes from the North came upon Doriath in swarms, the screams of fellow Sindarian elves filling your ears as you instinctively turned to run to your soulmate, to ensure that he would be okay throughout all of this. 
“(Y/n)!” Thranduil called back, grabbing your attention as he ran toward you, desperate to pull you from the path of the fire, your body illuminated from behind. In any other circumstance, he’d find you beautiful. 
“Thran--” You gasped, hand lurching out to grasp his as he desperately threw his hand out to try and pull you out of the way. 
The scream that erupted out of his throat felt like it didn’t come from him, echoing in his skull as he watched your body become engulfed by flames, so close, yet so far that he couldn’t save you. 
The side of his face was singed, but he couldn’t bring himself to care as nothing could compare to the scorching fire in his heart from the loss of his soulmate. As his father, Oropher, grasped his shoulders to pull him to safety, Thranduil began to speak. “In the future, I promise, I w… will find you and I will protect you how I should ha--” He couldn’t finish his sentence as he sobbed, pressing himself into his father’s embrace. 
“Ionneg,” Oropher held his son, his heart breaking as he felt his child crumble in his arms. 
“I couldn’t save them!” Thranduil cried out as Oropher brought him to the other survivors, where salves and bandages were applied to his scorched face. 
“Coffee break!” Thranduil called out as he left his office, tugging on his coat, tapping his pocket to ensure his wallet was where he left it. His brain felt like it was turning to mush as he continued to look over plans for his company, Mirkwood Wines, and thus needed to get out for awhile.
“Have a good walk, Mr. Oropherion!” He waved back to them as he strode into the elevator, clicking the lobby button.
Thranduil was not having a good walk. 
The day was brisk, icy winds passing through Thranduil’s black trousers as he walked down the city sidewalk, his hands shoved into his maroon coat. The weather had definitely taken a shift to the worst, where clear sunny skies shifted into gray, and Thranduil wasn’t ready for it. Not knowing the area very well, Thranduil decided just to walk until he came across something.
Spotting a cafe, Thranduil grinned with satisfaction for finally being able to get out of the cold, his hand reaching for the door handle as it was abruptly pushed open. Gasping, you lurched back, desperate to not spill your coffee. The action alone caused the poorly placed lid to lurch off the cup, dousing the two of you in the scalding liquid. 
Hissing through your teeth, you tried to ignore the possible second degree burn on your abdomen, your eyes flickering up to the stranger. “I am so sorry,” You nearly whimpered as you saw a rather expensive champagne dress shirt now stained with the caffeinated liquid. 
Thranduil sighed through his nose, as if his day could already be getting worse,  “It’s alrigh--” His voice caught in his throat as you two made eye contact, thousands of years flashing through his mind. Years as peaceful farmers, huddling under a blanket in the winter, then royalty to a human kingdom, and then the most painful, your voice whimpering out for him as your body was turned to ash by flames. 
“T-Thranduil?” You whispered, eyes shimmering with tears as he cupped your cheek, “(Y/n)...” He breathed out, tears filling his eyes as he relived how you died, so close but so far from him.
Pulling you into his embrace, Thranduil ignored the odd sensation of your coffee soaked abdomen against his. All that mattered was getting to hold you, to ensure that you were okay, as years of agony and trauma filled his soul. 
“I’m so sorry,” He said after a few moments, not moving to stop holding you, “I am so so sorry I could not protect you---”
“Thranduil,” You whimpered, hearing the pain in his voice. “It wasn’t your fault--”
“I couldn’t protect you,” He spoke through clenched teeth as he inhaled your scent, it was familiar, yet different, swirling with scents of your shampoo and body spray. 
“You couldn’t have prevented it, and you certainly could not have protected me from a raging dragon, love,” You spoke softly, trying to comfort him as he practically glued himself to you, you holding onto him with your good hand, the other having a grip on the almost empty, quickly chilling, coffee. 
Remembering you were in the doorway, you pulled Thranduil into the cafe and to a table. As you began to take a seat, a displeased voice released from your throat as you felt the dry part of your sweater drag on the sensitive burned flesh of your abdomen. “Seems like I keep getting burned,” You hummed, trying to lighten the mood.
Thranduil frowned at that, grabbing napkins off the dispenser before carefully placing them over the soaked fabric.
“You don’t have to do that,” You laughed a little bit at his serious expression. 
“I made a promise to you,” Thranduil said softly, “After you died, I promised to your soul that I would protect you how I should have.” 
A chuckle left Thranduil’s throat as he looked up at you with fond eyes, “At least this time, when you got burned, it wasn’t life threatening.” 
Forever tag: @lady-of-lies​ @all-things-fandomstuck​  @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18@raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @underthemoon-n @ladylouoflothlorien @ten-tenya-iida @legolaslovely @bthtallmadge2 @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna @tigereyesf @aspookybunny @keijibum @moony-artnstuff @sirkekselord @guardianofrivendell @fluffymadamina @izbelross @fandomhoe101 @anjhope1 @kitkatd7​ @moosetex
Thranduil tag: @indelwen-of-mirkwood @sapphireduck @ashleygrrrl @katiegoddessofmischief  @queenofmankind @moony-artnstuff
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mystical-flute · 2 years
Uncharted Waters 47: Here We Are (Don't Turn Away, Now)
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AO3 || Ko-Fi
A whine was building in Chopper’s throat, she could tell just by the look on his face.
“Chopper, calm down,” she said over the sound of her own racing heart. “Calm down, okay? We knew we were going to have to fight Blackbeard.”
“Yeah but - but not right now!” Chopper whined. “We don’t even have a plan!”
“Take a minute and think about what you just said. When have any of our plans actually gone the way they were supposed to with Luffy as our captain?” she sighed, pulling out the Den-Den Mushi from beneath her cloak. “I’ll let Nami know what’s going on.”
“Wait,” her father grunted, also sitting up despite the annoyed look from Chopper. “Reika, how did you even find us?”
“Drake was in Wano. He told me everything. He’s waiting back on Elbaf.”
“And the giants are just… allowing you and him to dock there?”
Chopper giggled as he cleaned out one of her mother’s wounds as she hissed in pain. “Well, we made friends with a few giants over the years. Guess they also like us because we helped ruin Big Mom’s career too.”
Miaka groaned softly and laid back down when Chopper finished re-dressing her wounds. “Little star, can you contact Drake for me?”
Reika stepped to her mother’s side so Chopper could fix Genji up, a soft blush crossing her cheeks at the nickname. “Sure, mom.”
“Little star?” Chopper snickered, dabbing a salve on Genji’s shoulder before frowning. “This is a nasty wound. What happened?”
Reika’s eyes snapped to her father’s shoulder, her hand frozen on the Den-Den.
Genji winced. “LIttle star is what Miaka and I call Reika.” he explained, his gaze landing on his shoulder. “Ah… that one. Well, one of Blackbeard’s goons took some of my blood. Blackbeard said - said they need the blood of an Earthling to unlock something at Laugh Tale.”
Her breath hitched. “So… he knows about Earth. Kenji needs to know. They need to prepare.”
“Get Drake on the line for me, and you can contact Kenji,” Miaka said.
Reika finished dialing the number. “Nami? Yeah, I’m fine. They’re alive, Chopper’s taking care of them. Listen, I need to talk to Drake, can you get him for me?”
There was chaos in the background, and she swore she heard Luffy yelling that he wanted to talk to her before Drake’s voice finally came through.
“The navigator said you found them?”
“Yeah. Mom wants to talk to you though,” she said, handing the phone to her mother.
“Captain Drake. Thank you for telling Reika,” she began. “But I was hoping you could tell me why a group of pirates were the ones to find us and not the Marines?”
Drake let out a heavy sigh. “Because the only ones who know your ship disappeared are SWORD agents and Sakazuki. He didn’t send out any search party for you.”
Her father muttered a spectacular mix of Japanese and English curse words. “I knew it,” he finally managed to get out. “I knew that son of a bitch sent us here to die.”
“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you that, Genji, Miaka. What’s the status of your ship?”
“It’s gone. We tried to salvage what we could but - but Blackbeard’s whole crew has Devil Fruits. We didn’t stand a chance even with the SSG,” Miaka said. “But thankfully, we didn’t lose any of our men. I don’t know how we all managed to survive, but we did.”
Reika’s head suddenly throbbed with familiarity, and she understood what happened.
“Thank you, Azila,” she whispered.
“Reika, did you say something?” Chopper asked.
She blinked and looked up. “Hm? No, sorry.”
“I can see if Garp can send Smoker and Tashigi to collect you, if you want. Can you hold out for a few days?”
“We should be able to, since we’ve got a proper doctor to help us out now,” Miaka said, smiling at the flustered Chopper. “We’ll contact Takeshi soon too.”
“My ship will be there as soon as it can, to give you a place to rest until backup arrives."
“Thank you, Drake.”
“Vice Admiral… is what Drake said true?” one of the Marines asked when they hung up the Den-Den. “Did the Fleet Admiral really not send anyone to help us?”
“Drake would have no reason to lie,” Miaka said, rising to her shaky legs. Reika wrapped an arm around her to keep her stable as she addressed the soldiers. “I told you last year, when Sakazuki became Fleet Admiral, that there would come a time that you needed to choose your sense of justice, no matter your rank. Now is the time to choose. Can you follow a man who was willing to sacrifice an entire squad of Marines just so he didn’t have to worry about two interlopers? Are you willing to put aside differences, even if it means working with pirates to ensure the safety of others? Are you willing to not be a perfect Marine, but a good person?”
Hesitation flickered on the soldier’s faces, until finally one of them spoke.
“My wife and son… I may have never been able to see them again if your daughter hadn’t called on pirates for help. And you fought to keep us safe, even though you and your husband were already injured. I will fight by your side, Vice Admiral. No question.”
“We’ve been with you this long, Vice Admiral, and we’ll keep fighting with you!” another soldier said. “But - there’s one thing I don’t understand… why did you call yourself and Engineer Muto interlopers? Are you not loyal to Vice Admiral Garp?”
Her mother went down on her knees, and Reika helped her lay back down. “It’s a long, complicated story that I don’t feel comfortable telling quite yet. Not until we know Blackbeard has been taken care of. For now… if anyone else wants to get checked out by a doctor, see him.”
The men slowly lined up in front of Chopper, who looked like he was in his glory as he checked up on them.
“Why are you helping us?” Daiki asked.
“I might be a pirate, but I’m a doctor first. I won’t let anyone die if I can help it, no matter who they are,” Chopper said, puffing out his chest.
“Reika, you’ll contact Takeshi as soon as you’re away from here, right?” Miaka questioned.
“I will. I promise.”
Miaka smiled. “This is a hell of a family reunion isn’t it?”
“Is it any worse than when I fell out of the sky at Sabaody and Kizaru hauled my unconscious form back to Marineford?”
“It says to me that we have to stop meeting like this,” Genji laughed.
“Soon enough, it’ll happen.”
She wondered what that might be like - having the worlds combined. After ten years of being forced to work under the government’s thumb, would her parents even want to work for the Marines anymore? Would they go back to Domino, and live as they should have?
Would the crew still be together after they found the One Piece? What was supposed to happen with them?
But that was a worry for another day. For now, Chopper needed her help tending to the wounded.
“So the prognosis is good?” she questioned, walking back to the beach with Chopper later that evening. Her hood was back over her head, cloaking device back in her hair to protect her from anyone not a Marine that might have been lurking.
“I’m not sure how, given some of their injuries, and given their ship has been blown apart, but yeah, all of them should be fine. I would like to take another look at them in the morning though. Maybe we can bring - ”
She glanced over at the sound of something whistling through the air, and barely yanked Chopper out of the way of a harpoon spearing itself in the sand in front of them, a white sheet tied to it.
“What the - who threw that?” Chopper asked, crawling onto her shoulders.
“I don’t - I don’t know,” she replied, being down to inspect the sheet. “Some sort of message, maybe?”
Chopper hopped off her shoulders and went to the harpoon, inspecting the white sheet attached to it. “That’s not good. I think this is dried blood, and - ” he paused, putting the sheet to his nose and taking a deep breath. “This sheet smells kind of like Usopp.”
Reika frowned, glancing out toward their ship. “Well, if something was wrong with Usopp, we’d be able to see it, or someone would have called, which means… Shanks’ crew must have sent this.”
“Oh no! We need to go there!”
So instead of heading back to the ship, she had Blizzard Dragon head in the opposite direction of the archipelago, Chopper filling in the others on the way. 
“Why would Shanks’ crew need our help?” Chopper questioned softly. “Surely they have a doctor of their own…”
“I don’t know,” she replied. “Maybe they’re low on supplies and their men are injured, like with my parents?”
Carefully, they landed on the shore of the small island, Reika drawing her batons just to be safe as they glanced around. A prickle of unease began to travel up her spine when no one immediately came to meet them.
“Hello…?” she called slowly. “Is anyone here?”
“Yeah. We’re here. But you might not be much longer, girlie,” a voice said, and she felt the weight of a gun pressed against her skull. “That is, unless you can tell us what we wanna know.”
“What is it you want to know?” she asked calmly, forcing her hands to stop shaking by clenching her fists.
“You both gotta prove to us that you’re really Straw Hats.”
“W-we can do that!” Chopper said. “Just tell us how!”
“Alright, the Boss told us to ask you this. What was the name of the barmaid in Luffy’s village?”
Reika thought back to all the rambling stories Luffy told of his childhood in the jungle, beating up tigers and running around with Ace and Sabo, and she thought back to the moment Garp returned to Marineford with a black eye and a broken nose from a mountain bandit - the woman who had raised Luffy and Ace - who had beaten him up for not protecting them during the war. She thought back to the kind barmaid who had stopped the woman from blackening Garp’s other eye.
“Makino,” she said. “Her name is Makino.”
“Good,” the man said, moving the gun off her head and pointing it at Chopper. “Now you. What was Boss’ nickname for Luffy?”
“A-Anchor! You call him anchor ‘cuz he couldn’t swim! And it’s worse now that he ate a Devil Fruit. He still tries to swim no matter what we do.”
The man laughed and withdrew the gun, sliding it back into the holster on his hip. “Kid sank like a stone even before the Devil Fruit. Can’t imagine what you guys gotta put up with now. Alright, you’re good to come through.”
“Can I ask what that was about? The Marines did it too,” she questioned with a frown as they were led in the direction of the Red Force. “Did something happen involving Blackbeard?”
“Yeah, a lot of things happened involving Blackbeard. He said he was going to go after Luffy, and that sent Boss and the other officers into a rage. And, y’know how people aren’t the best at focusing when they get upset? Well, Boss did a number on his crew, but… Blackbeard had a vendetta against Boss, so…”
“So why contact us?”
“We saw ya flyin’ over to the Marines - we won’t ask why, that’s not our business. But, we figured gettin’ your attention would be best because Boss wants to speak with you guys about Blackbeard. He’s just - he’s not right. He just wants Anchor to be safe, y’know?”
“Of course. We won’t be able to find Laugh Tale without Luffy.”
“Boss, we got the Straw Hats.” 
They entered a large meeting room, which was apparently being used as Shanks’ hospital room. Maps and books lined the walls, and there was a large table to the side, stacked high with papers, books, and spare bandages.
Shanks was laying in a bed against the far wall, almost mummy-like with the amount of bandages on him. He was surrounded by his three commanders - Benn Beckman, Lucky Roux, and Yasopp.
“So. You’re part of Anchor’s crew, huh?” Shanks croaked, swinging his legs to the edge of the bed and staring at them. “Huh. You don’t look like a couple’a pirates to me.”
“Maybe that’s why the government considers us to be so dangerous. Because we just look so… non-threatening,” she said with a shrug.
Shanks let out a laugh. “Perhaps. But I gotta make sure that his crew’s gonna be up for the task of beating Blackbeard and finding Captain Roger’s treasure.”
“How can we prove that to you?” Chopper asked. Reika could see the concern in his eyes as he took in Shanks’ injuries.
Shanks leaned forward. “What’s wrong little guy? You worried about me?”
“Of course I’m worried about you! You’re Luffy’s mentor and if you keep moving around you’re gonna pop all the stitches your doctor already gave you!” Chopper cried, jumping on Shanks’ lap and causing him to fall back against the bed in surprise.
“Oi! Are you gonna let him do that?” Yasopp asked.
She raised a brow. “Why in the world would I stop him? He’s a doctor concerned about someone close to our captain.”
“Doctor? You’re telling me that’s your doctor?”
“Yes. Trained by the best doctors in the Grand Line.”
Beckman squinted at her, studying her. “And you? What sort of thing do you do for Anchor?”
“Me?” she hummed. “Why, I’m his espionage master.”
“You’re worth over one-hundred million, and you’re in espionage?”
Reika shrugged. “It helps when the government keeps taking pictures of you when you don’t… how should I put this? Look like yourself? Now, what was it you wanted to discuss with us? I can’t imagine you just wanted Chopper to take a look at you.”
“I’m worried about Blackbeard. I’m sure you can understand why.”
“You and everyone on the planet is worried about Blackbeard,” Reika said. “What do you know that’s caused you to reach out to us?”
Shanks took a deep breath. “There is another world. Earth. The government has been trying to keep it hidden for years but… there is a way to get there on Laugh Tale, so the story goes. Blackbeard knows about it.”
Reika blanched and crossed her arms. “I had a terrible feeling he might. That goes along with what the Marines were saying. Something about needing the blood of an Earthling for something on Laugh Tale?”
Shanks nodded. “I don’t know all the details, but yes. Captain Roger and our crew were too early. I’m guessing it’s because we didn’t have an Earthling. And Blackbeard wants to eliminate any threat to his getting to earth - the biggest one being Luffy. I tried to stop him, but even with our strength, we couldn’t overcome both of his Devil Fruits.”
Chopper got off Shanks’ bed. “We called a bunch of people. Ace and Law, and our Fleet are meeting with us!”
The air in the room seemed to lighten just a little, and Shanks gave them a wide smile. “Is that right? Well then, I can say with confidence that leaving Anchor in your hands is a good plan. Just… keep him safe.”
“We’ll do our best. Come on Chopper, let’s get back and warn the others. Oh - but before we do, Luffy has a message for you, Shanks.”
Reika grinned. “He’s waiting for you on Elbaf.”
Shanks threw his head back and laughed as she and Chopper left the room.
“Your parents seem really nice,” Chopper mused as they flew back toward the ship. “I really liked your mom’s speech about justice. Do you really think they can change the way the Marines do things?”
“Yeah,” she said softly. “I think - ”
She had no time to react as the dragon disappeared out from under them, splintering into little pixels like when a monster was overwhelmed in a duel, and the world went black.
When she came too, the sound of a battle met her ears, and the - ship? She must have been in a ship - was rocking violently with each cannon blast. She was chained up, her arms above her head and aching with the force. She didn’t dare open her eyes yet.
“Well, at least Aokiji was good for something,” a woman’s voice snarled. “Although he may have done too good of a job.”
Aokiji? What?
“Don’t worry,” the man said, and a streak of fear went down her spine when she realized it was Blackbeard, “sometimes people just need a little help wakin’ up.”
The next thing she felt was pain as Blackbeard grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head up, forcing her eyes open as a cry of pain escaped her.
Blackbeard’s eyes were nearly black, evil and hatred pouring from every inch of him as he stared down at her with his missing teeth. He smelled like alcohol and other things she didn’t even want to think of. The woman next to him - Catarina Devon, she realized - was leering down at her with a wide grin.
“Thank you, captain. That’s much better.”
Blackbeard laughed. “I just hope you get some good information out of her, Devon. We gotta make quick work of the Straw Hats if we’re gonna get to Laugh Tale.”
With that, he turned and walked out of the room just as she heard Luffy yell from outside the room.
“My my, your captain has quite a set of lungs on him,” Devon laughed.
“Why am I here?”
Devon grinned. “There’s a rumor on the seas that you know more than meets the eye. That you know all about Earth. We need a tour guide of this new world, and Captain Teach thought you would be the perfect fit.”
“What makes you think I know anything about Earth?”
“You helped those Marines we got the blood from. We figured there must have been a reason.”
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend… and you guys don’t exactly have a lot of friends.”
Devon chuckled, grabbing Reika’s hair and pulling her head back again. “We don’t need friends when we have power. We need information, and you are going to give it to us.”
Reika glared, lips curled into a snarl. “You’ll have to kill me.”
“That can be arranged. I’ve been needing a new head for my collection anyway,” Devon laughed, shoving Reika’s head toward the ground.
She screwed her eyes shut. Decapitation was not on the list of ways she pictured herself dying, even as a pirate. She’d always pictured herself being shot, or stabbed, or bludgeoned over the head. Never decapitated.
She thought of her parents and brother, who were counting on her to make the family whole again. She thought of her crew who were above deck fighting, unsure of where exactly she was being kept.
She thought of Seto, and how all of her promises of returning home safely were going to be shattered as soon as the blade dropped.
“Pity. You could have been on the winning side,” Devon scoffed, and she heard the woosh of the sword as it cut through the air - 
Reika raised her head just in time to see Catarina Devon’s neck twist unnaturally, before she dropped to the ground, sword clattering next to her lifeless form.
“Let’s get out of here, shall we?”
“Robin! What are you doing here? Where’s Chopper?”
Robin stepped over Devon’s body, key in hand. “I hope you haven’t forgotten you’re not the only one with espionage experience. Don’t worry, Chopper’s fine. You were the only one taken. Now we have to hurry, I don’t know how much longer this ship is going to hold with Zoro’s fight.” Robin undid the cuffs and handed Reika the batons. “She kept these too. It was like she was making a trophy out of you.”
“Should've heard what she said about my head.”
“I can’t blame her, you do have a lovely head.”
The ship rocked violently again, Zoro’s muffled voice shouting out above them.
Robin took a deep breath as they steadied themselves. “There’s an exit this way, it leads to the deck.”
“It’s two of the Straw Hats! Get them!”
Reika chuckled under her breath and readied her batons. “Pardon us, boys. You’re in the way.”
A trail of unconscious men were left in their wake.
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sculpt-style · 2 years
*Outfit Ideas for Viva LA Music Festival*
Viva L.A. Music Festival has returned but will no longer be in Pomona like it has for the past ten years. It will take place in Los Angeles Dodger Stadium on Saturday, June 25, 2022. Well-known Singers like Becky G, J Balvin, Daddy Yankee, Ivy Queen, Cazzu, and many more will be part of this year's summer music festival. Don't worry. We'll help you pick out an outfit for the festival. 
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1.) Crotchet 
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Not only is it perfect to wear at a music festival, but it also will make you feel cool to the skin and light but also airy. You can style it up with a crotchet top and basic pants or jeans; you can also go with a set. For example, you can wear a crochet skirt, or pants and a top. You can wear one solo color or mix it up by wearing various colors. 
2.) You go CowGirl 
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Music groups and singers like Los Tucanes de Tijuana, El Fantasma, and Los Dos Carnales will be performing. So get those cowgirl hats and boots ready to party. You can go in a dress, top, pants, and skirts. You can go in pink or purple or any color of your choice. Last but not least, pair it with a shoulder handbag; you can match it up with the same color as your outfit or keep it safe with neutral or pastel colors.
3.) Street wear + Bikini tops
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Artists such as Becky G, Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, and Tainy are known for their streetwear style, especially Becky G, seen in her music videos. Wear baggy pants and bikini tops, match them up with the same colors or patterns, and add white sneakers and you are ready to party. Don't forget about those sunglasses; not only will they block the sun from your eyes, but you'll have people wondering if you're a celebrity.
4.) Selena Inspired
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Who can forget Selena Quintanilla's iconic purple jumpsuit. So pay tribute to her iconic outfit, but add a little spice to it. You can go in pastel or neutral colors; it doesn't matter what kind of shoes you wear, high heels or sneakers, as long as it does not prevent you from having fun and dancing, you should be good.
Hopefully, after giving you these few ideas on what to wear for the Viva L.A. music festival, you can pick the perfect outfit for the festival
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/738871882626509347/ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/571394271487404551/
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