gender-mailman · 3 months
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"Blood is the entity of feeling. He seeks intensity: pain, obsession, passion, love, hunger, hate - everything that involves feeling an extreme emotion pleases the Blood entity.
The extreme feelings of the Blood overcome reason and the calm of Knowledge"
A neogender centered around things connected to blood, anytype of love, hate, strong feeling overall, relationships (any type), hunger, passion, obsession, pain or anything that someone might associate to the element of Blood from Ordem Paranormal
It is a non-xenine label, but it might be mixed with other xenine terms or just felt / present in a xenine way.
Themes that fall under Sanguonien umbrella are:
- Aspects of lovesick, hatred, found family
- Hating a character but also loving them
- Feeling of love, lovesick, hate, hunger, pain, obsession, etc
- the color red
- Connections with being (any type)
- Etc
Sangim: A sanguonien person sanguonity: An equivalent of femininity/masculinity
SAGIN: In-Nature term, Sanguonien-in-nature
Sanguonic: Sanguonien Alignment
Famingue: A Sanguonien4Sanguonien, sag4sag or juvelic term for sanguonic being attracted to other sanguonic being.
"It all starts with the Blood.
The Blood is the flow that bathes eternity on the Other Side."
!this is not a xenogender, just tagging for reach!
Tagging: @neopronouns @mogai-sunflowers @kiruyeen
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gengernoway · 2 months
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----------------------------------------------------- Limerencial + Sanguonien combo flags. GL-07 -----------------------------------------------------
A flag for those that are both Limerencine (link) and Sanguonic (link). A combo flag. :3
-------------------------------------------------------------- @radiomogai @gender-mailman (Sanguonien Coiner) --------------------------------------------------------------
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half id. only simplified has flag id.
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clarkgriffon · 1 year
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Every Episode of Shadow and Bone ★ Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart) (2x06) “Your beauty is your armor. It’s fragile stuff, all show, really. But what’s inside you? That’s steel. It’s brave and unbreakable and it doesn’t need fixing.”
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biggoldbelt · 16 days
Prime Video Releases Trailer and Premiere Date for Beyond Black Beauty From Sinking Ship Entertainment, Leif Films and Saga Film
Prime Video released the trailer and key art for Beyond Black Beauty, inspired by the iconic novel “Black Beauty.” All eleven episodes of Beyond Black Beauty will be available on October 15 exclusively on Prime Video in the US and UK. Beyond Black Beauty follows young equestrian Jolie Dumont, whose Olympic dreams are dashed when her mother moves them from Belgium to her family’s urban ranch in…
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geekcavepodcast · 16 days
Beyond Black Beauty Trailer
Jolie Dumont is an equestrian with Olympic dreams. Those dreams are dashed, however, when her family moves from Belgium to the family's urban ranch in Baltimore. An angry Jolie eventually bonds with a spirited horse named Black Beauty. "Jolie will learn to embrace her heritage while continuing toward her Olympic-hopeful future and discover the value of family and home." (Prime Video)
Beyond Black Beauty stars Kaya Coleman, Sagine Sémajuste, Lisa Berry, Akiel Julien, Gina James, and Gilles Marini.
Beyond Black Beauty hits Prime Video on October 15, 2024.
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yesislamsami · 2 years
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sanguine-squid · 5 months
Me whebf sagine-quunisnds roblogs some funny thing:
Hahahhs tthank you for this
anon this made me hahahas so thank you for this. also .
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photoriadoc · 1 year
Les dunes de Biville - Février 2021
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Les dunes de Biville sont un site naturel remarquable situé dans le département de la Manche, en Normandie. Elles s'étendent sur environ 10 kilomètres de long, de Vauville à Siouville-Hague. Les dunes de Biville sont formées par l'action conjointe de la mer et du vent. Elles sont constituées de sable fin, qui est transporté par les vents d'ouest. Au fil du temps, les dunes ont formé un relief escarpé, avec des dunes culminant à 114 mètres d'altitude. Les dunes de Biville abritent une flore et une faune diversifiées. On y trouve notamment des espèces végétales rares ou menacées, telles que la sagine noueuse, la littorelle uniflore ou l'œillet des dunes. Les dunes sont également un habitat important pour de nombreuses espèces animales, telles que les oiseaux, les reptiles et les insectes. Les dunes de Biville sont un site protégé, classé en zone naturelle d'intérêt écologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) et en site Natura 2000. Elles sont également gérées par le Conservatoire du littoral. Les dunes de Biville sont une destination touristique populaire. Elles offrent de nombreuses possibilités de randonnées, de baignades et d'activités de plein air. Camera: Canon EOS 2000D Objectif: Canon EF-S 18-55 IS II Post-production avec Skylum Luminar 3 Read the full article
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Vincent Griffith at the farmer's market fanfic Ep 2
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" Got a fresh batch of spring onions Vince" 
 the vendor Sagine uttered while walking out of her van. I sped towards her and grabbed the wooden crate packed with a few herbs and radishes, and carried it over to her tent. I grunted from the feel of the heavy vegetables pulling down my arms. Behind me, Miss Sagine's feet shuffled on the grass 
" Where do you want em?" 
" You can put them on the table, it'll make the work easier with my back and all" 
" No problem ma'am" I said , catching my breath and running a hand over my throbbing palm. I've been helping Sagine install her tent at the annual Black farmer's market since this morning—-an initiative the council chewed, argued, made casual threats on behalf of the people it would benefit to make it happen. 
With agricultural oppression blowing so much  breath at the back of our necks and the blinding indifference of white folks in this forsaken town, there was only one way to effectively pull this off and get everyone on our side— get Marcel invested. Urge him to see the light. Which is exactly what I did. I still remember the gleam in his eyes, that devilish grin that lived beneath his features waiting to be summoned at the right time, for the right ideas. This wasn't just about good will, although for me that would've been enough. Except, being entangled with the supernatural, I've learned long ago that for some, righteousness is hardly a motivator to enact good deeds. Money does, blood and the promise of status —-and dealing with someone like Marcel Gerard? Well, let's just say that the odds were leaning dangerously in my favor. How predictable. 
Marcel knew in order to maintain the peace, he needed to apply pressure for every member at the city council to say yes. He knew catering to Black farmers in this city meant preserving the wealth of his blood empire, keep the human factor and witches wrapped around his finger—-which are the demographic this affected the most—-it meant more money flowing into the local economy, depends on how well that went, it meant more curious outsiders seething to get their hands on our local goods, to invest, travel and food influencers coming in. More buzz, more tourists, more tourists, more blood. We gathered 22 ay, only 9 nays at the final vote— My plan had worked.
 Dozens of farmers and fishermen traveled from nearby counties to be here. Their laughter glazed over the early afternoon, while they replenished their supplies of cheese, bread, oysters, local honey and a ridiculous amount of veggies—Some I hadn't had the chance to taste myself. My cooking has been a bit rusty these days. Occupying my newest role in the community had its perks and equal sets of downfalls, a haze between meetings, counseling youths,  long nights and days relying on takeout and boxed mac and cheese while revising old spells and developing new ones —not for the faint of hearts but the job had to be done. People were counting on me to maintain order not only in the ancestral realm but in the household of people who made up the 9 covens.
 Sometimes that included making housing arrangements for those who needed it and making sure they had food on their table, that bills were being paid and their children were safe. I admit, it was at times emotionally draining. The shit going on around here, the housing crisis, the wage gap, stuff the average tourist had absolutely no idea about. 
I clenched my teeth then released. Take a breather Vincent, you're good man, shoulders relaxed, your breath is a bundle of rosemary let the scent appease you, your heart your soul, every muscle.in our body. Feet to the ground, feet to the ground
I repeated this mantra a few more times in my head, allowing every syllable to penetrate every fiber of my being like smoke. When I cracked open my eyes, the trees, the clouds and dwellings in the distance became sharper. My feet settled, my heartbeat slowed and i can feel the ground beneath my toes. I was suddenly in the mood for coffee. 
" I'm gonna go ahead and grab a cup of joe, miss Sagine can i get you an—" 
The old woman waved me away before i could even finish. I grinned, amused by the annoyed expression on her face. She swatted flying mosquitoes lingering on her wrinkled arms " Get outta my face boy, you've done enough, go on stretch those legs, it's good for the health" 
I raised my palms up " that's all i needed to know. Doctor's orders then" 
" you're damn right" she offered. 
The aroma of caramel and roasted coffee beans rocked me into an unusually good mood. I stirred some brown sugar into my americano with a wooden stick, examining the scene before me. Pedestrians carrying bags wandered, pointed and ate samples on paper napkins and plastic ramekins as they went. 
Across the street a tent with bouquets of some of the healthiest eucalyptus i had ever seen sat in white buckets. They were wrapped in clear plastic sheets and pulled the attention of anybody that brushed past them. Adjacent to the aromatic plant was an installation of small jars filled with whipped butters I had seen Eva use around the house, soap bars and other toiletries laid on a riverbank made of colorful satin cloths.  A woman with a flowy black dress cut to her upper thighs engaged in conversation with her customers. The matron I suppose, the woman with the orange hair I saw at the bar just last week. Her hair was wrapped in a bright purple headwrap today and she wore a series of earrings along her earlobe that flowed down to meet her bare shoulders. I don't think she could ever look any more stunning than the last time I saw her. Oh but she did. The frothy drink moved down my throat, to my chest like a warm and cozy hug. 
 The woman picked up a product on the table, showed it to the interested parties before proceeding to demonstrate the pasty substance on their skin . The golden bangles at her wrists moved up and down as she rubbed the product in and watched it melt. Whatever she was doing, had her focused on trying to make this thing work. That charisma alone was enough to make any customer fold, I know I would.  Passionate people always had a way about themselves, I can recognize them from a mile away. That flame had once burned within when it came to my gift, the magic running in my blood. I'm not sure when that changed but sometimes i feel myself hovering on the edge of that void.
The woman's brows knitted in dedication, bringing a kind of intensity to her face that seemed foreign—her features struggled to adjust, not knowing what to exactly do with it but it looked good on her. I found myself admiring the dip at her cupid bow, particularly the bubbles of sweat piling up in there from the Saturday heat and labor. She reminded me of old books, a craft table smeared with old paint, suggestions of geranium leaf and metal still pungent in the room, more importantly she reminded me of dragonflies dancing with the southern sun on a summer afternoon. Something funny awoke in my stomach. I straightened my shoulders, zooming out to look for any sign of Marcel. He wasn't here. At least not yet. As much as I appreciated him vouching for this, I don't think his presence would've necessarily been a good idea. We were not on the best of terms, if ever. Our relationship was strictly business, and tie to a common cause. I avoided places he frequented as much as possible, carving new ones of my own. 
So I plumped down on the grass, feeling the weight of the world hesitating to come down with me. This distance that I so often denied myself was perhaps a good thing, a necessary thing. 
The woman counted money and pulled change from a fanny pack wrapped around her waist. She smiled and waved at her customers, excited by their brand new purchases. I reveled in their joy. They were a family of three. The little girl with afro puffs was blowing bubbles at her dog's face while her parents beckoned her over. I chuckled. When my gaze left them i was met with something so unsettling, earth shattering or maybe even pleasant. Pleasant? I thought. But that didn't make the woman staring at me any less intimidating. This could end here if I choose to. I could walk away, go about my business and never think of her again—-if i could get my legs to work. That was the power she iminated, without ever touching people . A goddess standing on her own, reeling you in towards her altar. A faint voice—-the irrational part of myself, the untouched, sanctified in innocence —who didn't care about my footmarks in this world wanted to see about this religion, its jubilees, its sacred texts—-i wanted to worship her.
The last thing I heard myself say to Simoli was something about me taking 5.  I didn't linger much. I handed him the fanny pack, the car keys and trusted his common sense to hold it down while I was away, on a so-called coffee break. My toes plunged into the bed of grass coursing up the small hill, making my red painted toenails look like ladybugs. Just for a moment, I can pretend the beignet stand is the thing calling to me and not the guy who finally made eye contact with me at Rousseau's just last week.
 I'm starting to think he's a weirdo that one, or a loner of some sort. Somehow, he strikes me as a religious man, or a man bound to a lifestyle that keeps him closed off, isolated and intense.  Everytime i see him hanging around these parts he is always by himself. Something about him reminds me of bayou tree barks, incense, and old ancestor songs from the countryside back home. When I imagine safety, to hold someone's hands in the early mornings and being made love to by a running river, I think of him.  I can't really explain it but the feeling is equally exhilarating as it is suffocating—-a pulse of peace i can't seem to necessarily wrap my head about. The plush and gentle expansion of it leaves me weary. An ache throbs in my underwear, circling around my needy clit and I am aware of the sweat trailing down my back. Great
When I make it to the small wooden table serving desserts and coffee, I place my order, and try to focus on the powder sugar dusted treats that await me and not the guy sitting a few feet away sipping on his coffee. On instinct i pull one of my coils and starts to mindlessly twist it around my fingers, i arch my back a bit more and start to think Mélisse what the fuck are you doing?  Maybe I'm just a fan of the dress I am wearing today, that my ass surely looks good in and want others to notice it as well. 
My heart thumps while I think of a million scenarios where me and stranger guy would be talking. I come up with none. Idiot. I bite on my lower lip whirling in this sudden interest I have to speak to him. Gosh I have a crush don't i? I groan, rolling my eyes at my own predicament. It's been a minute since I've had one of those. One forgets how tedious all of it can be, the yearning, the guessing, the tiptoeing at the beginning and knowing me, I hang on to people for a while. Once a person falls under my radar, I obsess over them for months, sometimes years. That's why I chose to  be single for this long and try to keep my head down so I can make jardin the best that it can possibly be while i heal some of my shit out. 
Doing so has allowed me to discover things that i liked outside of a romantic scope, like cooking, beading. In the past few years i've discovered a liking for dancing, reading, masturbating and oh how could i forget the joy of attending carpentry workshops so i can learn how to make my own furniture— mainly because i was obsessed with interior design and the shop has been my main domain to experiment with it. It would take a special kind of person to infiltrate all of this now. It has taken me a long time to build this nest around me, the heavens would be melting like candle wax out of the Louisiana skies before I ever let anyone barge in and ruin my focus.  Maybe this is what i've been reading about, Old patterns is it? Abandoning the margins of my spiritual books to be more than just a theory, a conspiracy that happens to other people. A nuisance, a ghost long buried gearing up to take breath over my life. Fuck this. 
"Medium coffee with milk and three beignets" 
I jerk up and cease my rambling. I take the neatly folded white paper bag from the young cashier and my cup of coffee. I can smell the vanilla extract and fried bananas concealed inside. I look forward to sinking my teeth into them and forgetting about all of this. I am tossing the layers of temptations over my shoulders, shedding the flashes of his angular face and dark eyes, the thought of a smile meant for me spread across his face. I am determined to forget all about him by tomorrow morning when I hear someone shouting behind me, with running feet following. I pick up my pace, fixating my truck and table ahead. " Hey" the voice a panting mess comes into my periphery, I turn around to meet it ,startled but ready for a confrontation in case this is a catcalling situation.
 My brows softened when the stranger came into view " Oh.."  It's him. As I feared.
" Didn't you hear me calling you back there?"  He says with a reprimanding tone, huffing and puffing. I tilt my head and narrow my eyes . What the hell?  " No i…" 
" You dropped a 20" he says, thrusting the crumpled bill in my direction. His thick brows shoot up to meet his hairline, his look expectant. I smile and shake my head, flushed with embarrassment. He's just trying to be nice. Be nice. I tuck my guards away 
" I'm sorry" I say, grabbing the retrieved item from his hand, our fingers accidently touching the other's, sending a sliver of electricity towards my pussy. " it's been a long day" i chuckle " thank you." 
" No big deal, we all have our days" he says with a plain shrug. My toes wiggle for more room inside my leather sandals. For a brief moment he looks at the paper bag still clutched under my arms. Then back at me. We wait for one another to speak, for someone to break the ice, but none of us do. I'm too busy averting my eyes, focusing on the things around him, the canopy of trees, the cloud patterns in the sky, the lint on his shirt, the way black beads adorn his neck, anything other than his thin umber lips that i so want to be claimed by.  His gaze runs across my face with something like staggering awe ,caressing my cheeks like a florist examining a delicate flower. I swallow, my mouth dry. " w-well um i have to get back….thanks for this"
 I flash him the now sweaty bill. He nods, clasping his hands behind his back " it's my pleasure" 
" Kay. See you around… i'm gonna " my thumb darts towards my truck, my legs taking slow strides backwards 
" of course…" he replies. I turn to leave. 
" You're a regular at Rousseau's right?" His words bring me to a halt. The hairs at the back of my neck rise, the air suddenly crisp against my forearms. So he noticed. " I go there sometimes. You know the owner or something?" He smiles, tiny wrinkles creasing at the corner of his mouth and eyes. It's so contagious I can't help but smile too.  
" No…but we go way back"  he hesitates, then continues " a close friend of mine bartended there for what feels like centuries ago" 
" That's nice. Friends are good, God knows I forgot how to make those "  i supply rocking on my heels. It's true. The older I get the more difficult connecting with others has become, like a dormant muscle I can't seem to make flexible again. I quickly recover, biting my bottom lip " and you're the regular who has a habit of stuffing his face with french fries while reading shitty classics… very neat" 
" Excuse me?" 
I click my tongue, resting a palm at my waist. 
" So was it not you?" 
" W– well, technically yes, yes…. minus the shitty classics part" 
" Oh! So you weren't diving head deep into some of the most boring volumes literature has ever seen?" 
The space between his brows knits with tension, his lips curling up in amusement. He licks his bottom lip " You seem to have strong opinions about Marcel Prousts" 
I take a sip of my drink, anxious that it might go cold amidst this conversation but more than anything I could use all the reinforcement that i can get. My heart lifts at the coffee's warm touch " There's no beef there at all, i just find your talent to skip over the good stuff fascinating" i drawl. 
" Fascinating huh" he replies seeking comfort in the pockets of his jeans " i guess i deserve that. And the criticism over my reading habits is on behalf of?" 
I smirk. Oh he is smart, more reason for me to give him my name. " Mélisse" . 
He nods, trying to collect the name with the woman standing before him. " Mélisse" he repeats " Beautiful name…very botanical" 
" What can I say, I have a green thumb!" I beam
" Mmh" 
" I didn't catch your name?" 
" Vincent" he responds with eagerness. Vincent, Vincent. " Nice to meet you Vincent" 
" Pleasure is all mine Mélisse" 
Not once have I ever seen him smile at that bar, not when he's alone or with friends and yet standing here talking to me, he couldn't help himself but do just that. I have a hard time associating this jovial side of him with the one I've previously been exposed to—- Intense, removed and always pensive as if measuring the weight of the world on his shoulders. 
I cut the conversation short, making an excuse to rejoin my cousin, despite every part of my body instructing me not to. I was a bit disappointed when he stood behind and didn't fight back. I wanted him to, to insist more, to impose himself against my better judgment. I wanted him to ask for my number, invite me out for a drink, and I wanted to have exchanged more than a few words with him. 
Throughout the remainder of the afternoon I searched for him, to no avail. When we pack I scout the perimeters one last time, hoping to say goodbye, but my assumptions tell me he had already left. What a shame. 
Later that night, when I came home, took a shower and scrubbed the day off of me, I summoned him from my memories. His gentle fingers washing my hair, the stream from the shower head cascading over us, his beard oil and the scent of tree moss dissolving from the steam while we swap stories and long kisses. When I finally reach my bed and melt within the sheets, the aftershocks of my orgasm are still reverberating through me. I sigh, and close my eyes, Sade's voice serenading on the radio, weaving along the lace curtains. I drift into a peaceful sleep, knowing full well soon enough this man would become a delicious problem. 
Photo credit: pinterest
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Billionaire ZEUS use FAKE C...😱 #monaco #billionaires #luxury #lifestyle...
Well he is this handling the cigar and he's wearing burlap I'm afraid the burlapse going to catch on fire.
Zues Hera
We heard people laughing and we heard what they're laughing at his fiddling with the cigar and people don't do that he doesn't know how to handle it it's a pre embargo Cuban. And it looks like a little kid and he doesn't know what he's doing and it's not really doing that on purpose in his prolapse is making people angry and he smelled he's a bum and they wanted him out of there so he's getting kicked out that's what happens and it happened here you can see them asking him to leave. That's embarrassing and it doesn't fit in and he ruined the cars and he's called The bum because of it.
Thor Freya
This guy Trump makes a terrible rich person he is a bum is a street person he's in Mar-A-Lago and he doesn't know what the place is still and he mistreat stuff and it's old I had to tell you something we got to get him out of there he's going to ruin the place and vandalize it especially if he finds out what it really is and people say they're in parts of it than he is taken and destroyed and we want that in proof we want that
Ben Arnold
He plans on doing much worse to the place and it's to reassemble it as a house someone sagin
Zues Hera that's what we're told
We know about that aspect of it and what you're saying is I usually have the knucklehead to do it and we get that.
Ben Arnold
This is terrible terrible I don't want to see this s*** I want him out of my stupid laundromat I can't f****** stand and he's a bum and a street person that's why I have to get them out of there and it is stupid apartment
Mac daddy
Olympus everything is gotten very strange with these people and they're spent we have a fan because of it so enacting it now
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movienized-com · 3 months
The Marriage Pass
The Marriage Pass (2024) #BrianaCole #ShaneMarriott #SarahCleveland #ColtonRoyce #KristaNazaire #SagineSémajuste Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2024 (Januar) Genre: Drama / Thriller Regie: Briana Cole Hauptrollen: Shane Marriott, Sarah Cleveland, Colton Royce, Krista Nazaire, Sagine Sémajuste, Glen Michael Grant, Darlene Cooke, Giovanni Spina, Chris James, Geoff Rutherford, TaShante Jose, Christian Miller … Filmbeschreibung: Ein ehemaliger Playboy erhält eine Freikarte aus seiner Ehe und wird in ein tödliches Netz aus…
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devrimcidinno1 · 3 months
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(Euro için siyasi riskler artıyor: Avrupa'da aşırı sağın zaferi euroyu nasıl etkileyecek? gönderdi)
Euro için siyasi riskler artıyor: Avrupa'da aşırı sağın zaferi euroyu nasıl etkileyecek? https://devrimcidinnno.wordpress.com/2024/06/10/euro-icin-siyasi-riskler-artiyor-avrupada-asiri-sagin-zaferi-euroyu-nasil-etkileyecek/ Euro için siyasi riskler artıyor: Avrupa'da aşırı sağın zaferi euroyu nasıl etkileyecek?
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pusulaforumcom · 9 months
Simge Sağın, Sağlık Sorunlarından Sonra Sahne Fiyatını Artırdı..
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Ünlü şarkıcı Simge Sağın, geçtiğimiz günlerde sahnede yaşadığı rahatsızlık sonrasında virüs kaptığını açıklamıştı. Sağlık ekiplerinin müdahalesinin ardından hızla toparlanan Sağın, önceki akşam özel bir gecede sahne aldı..
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yesislamsami · 2 years
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iplook-networks · 10 months
5G NTN: Transforming the Connectivity Landscape
What is NTN?
Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) is a terminal-satellite direct communication technology based on the new radio (NR) interface technology developed by 3GPP in R17. As a supplement to the terrestrial cellular network, NTN enables space-air-ground integrated network (SAGIN) beyond ground-based infrastructure in bandwidth, latency, reliability, etc. It provides seamless network services to global users by providing larger coverage and resilience, satisfying the future network requirements on all-time, all-domain, and all-space communications and interconnected networking.
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Why 5G NTN is Essential?
A significant portion of land and marine areas, around 80% and 95% respectively, lack coverage from terrestrial cellular networks. To ensure ubiquitous mobile network access, 5G networks must extend beyond these limitations. However, building and maintaining 5G terrestrial networks in remote locations like mountains, deserts, and oceans are daunting challenges. 5G NTN offers a solution by using Phased Array Antennas, mmWave technology, Adaptive beamforming..etc, to help bridging the digital divide and connecting the unconnected.
· Expanded Coverage and Connectivity 5G NTN overcomes limitations faced by traditional networks, providing high-speed internet access to remote regions, rural areas, and disaster-stricken zones. Satellite-based networks cover vast expanses of land, while drones and High-Altitude Platforms (HAPs) offer temporary or on-demand coverage during emergencies or events. · Enabling IoT and Smart Cities 5G NTN unlocks the potential for IoT deployment and smart city development. It facilitates real-time connectivity among devices and sensors, leading to improved automation, enhanced public services, and optimized resource management. Applications range from smart grids to connected healthcare and environmental monitoring. · · · · Redundancy By offering an alternative communication channel, 5G NTN ensures connectivity even if the terrestrial network is affected or destroyed. Satellite or aerial platforms serve as backup options, guaranteeing uninterrupted service.
While 5G NTN holds immense promise, it also presents challenges. Coordinating between terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks, managing handovers, and ensuring seamless connectivity across platforms require robust infrastructure and efficient network management systems. Regulatory frameworks, spectrum allocation, and international cooperation are crucial for harnessing the full potential of 5G NTN.
Moreover, the main difficulties of NTN networks are the high latency (up to 120 ms for GSO satellites) and the deep fade (up to 170 dB) due to the orbital altitude of the satellites, as well as the large doppler (tens of kHz) introduced by the high-speed movement of low-orbit satellites. For the deep fade, the transmission and reception capabilities are usually improved by increasing the size of the antenna and panel on the satellite side to ensure that the unmodified smartphones can also carry out satellite communication normally; as for delay and Doppler, 3GPP has formulated a series of solutions in the protocol, so that terminals and base stations can confirm the delay and Doppler changes through satellite ephemeris information, and complete compensation at the transmitter to ensure the normal progress of communication.
Future Enhancements
3GPP R18 for NR introduces enhancements to support NTN connectivity, including: · Expansion of NR (FDD mode) NTN into frequency bands exceeding 10 GHz, such as the Ka-band, to accommodate VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) devices. VSAT terminals possess higher antenna gain and transmit power, making them suitable for installation on airborne, maritime, or land-based vehicles to provide broadband data services. These frequency bands will not be accessible for handheld user equipment (UE) and IoT devices due to the significant path loss experienced at higher frequencies. · Enhancement of coverage for low-data rate and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services through commercial smartphones in NTN scenarios. VoIP is specifically applicable to LEO satellites due to the latency associated with longer propagation distances, while low-data rate services can be offered by all satellite types (LEO, MEO, GEO) through sufficient repetitions of transmissions. · Improvement of UE mobility within NTN earth-fixed and earthmoving cells, as well as mobility between NTN and terrestrial networks, to ensure service continuity. This will be achieved through enhanced procedures for measurements, cell re-selection, and handover. Tracking areas will remain earth-fixed, similar to the specifications in R17. · Network verification of UE location reports to fulfill regulatory requirements regarding accuracy, latency, reliability, and other factors. This verification is necessary for various purposes, including emergency calls, lawful intercept, public warnings, and charging/billing processes.
Source: https://www.iplook.com/info/5g-ntn-transforming-the-connectivity-landscape-i00344i1.html
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