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serenity-song · 7 months ago
This Sketch Saved Me: Papyrus - SNL S43
This 3 minute video gets me laughing every time.
The commitment of Ryan Gosling and the delivery of “this professional graphic designer” tickles me in such a way that despite countless viewings this sketch gives real body laughs.
They did a sequel this past season when Ryan hosted again. Wasn’t quite as good and should have been half as long.
Because nothing beats the brilliance of his complete distaste for the casual nature in which the font was to be selected.
After 3 years of design classes, it reminds me so much of my prof having a meltdown over mediocrity that it’s worth the watch every time.
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kikunai · 4 months ago
another ask, another day, now, bit before looking through my dash I saw a post, and my brain went with:
OG43 Back alley Cafe AU.
like a cafe in a "bad neighborhood" and it is run by the main og43(and that it will be s43. it could be a pretty hilarious au thinking about it in comedic potential.
and major things like, the breach that keeps breaching is just the trash disposal system having a major annual problem and the seven affected being the only ones who can fix it, the mirror entity being just a hallucination or maybe something else.
also, a few ideas of what each of the major characters will do:
lilihammer will be a marketer and saleswoman, h. blank could be the resident have many degress found this job only person and likes to talk about conspiracy theories, ilse is just off..and yeah, she is loves also to do sketchy chemicals and stuff, and more obviously.
i will admit this ask is very random
i think 43 is the whole neighbourhood and the cafe is the only social place they have (ie where all the drama/love affairs take place). and once they hook up they can just go do their dos in their apartments or sth. in extreme cases they may break up, move to another table after 15 minutes and hook up someone else. this neighbourhood is fucking weird
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muspeccoll · 2 years ago
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Happy birthday to Charlotte Brontë! The Brontë siblings liked to produce miniature magazines for Branwell's toy soldiers, which may have led Charlotte to later write "The Secret" and "Lily Hart" in this tiny script on eight small sheets of paper. Many years later, the Miniature Book Society published "The Scale of Genius," which describes these little books and is bound in a facsimile of "The Secret." As you can see from the first picture, the text is almost exactly the same size in both!
The Scale of Genius: PR4169 .H37 2019
The Secret and Lily Hart: PR4167 .S43 1833
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circus-k · 6 months ago
stardew sisters?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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marie color slider values
EYE: H29 S74 B87
HAIR: H00 S00 B100
PANTS: H10 S43 B57
callie color slider values
EYE: H8 S73 B80
HAIR&PANTS: H340 S100 B46
used this cool and epic website
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innitmarvellous · 8 months ago
Dunno, but some of these look like good reaction pics, lol.
Ep1 / Ep2
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Ep3 / Ep4
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Ep5 / Ep6
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Ep7 / Ep8
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 7 months ago
Brazilian Navy Advances with Nuclear-Powered Submarine Amidst U.S. Skepticism
The Brazilian Navy progresses in constructing the Álvaro Reis nuclear-powered submarine, despite American doubts about the project's intentions.
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The Brazilian Navy marked a significant milestone on June 12 with the commencement of the construction of its conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarine, Álvaro Reis. This crucial step, taking place at the Itaguaí Naval Complex in Rio de Janeiro, underscores Brazil’s commitment to enhancing its naval power and national defense capabilities.
On this day, the Navy successfully executed the first steel cut for the submarine’s hull, a critical activity in the construction process, particularly for the preliminary Section C. This event signifies the beginning of the hull’s construction, setting the stage for the assembly of the submarine’s main structures.
The Brazilian Navy’s ambitious project is part of the Submarine Development Program (PROSUB), initiated in 2008. This program aims to modernize the country’s submarine fleet, protect Brazil’s extensive maritime territory, known as the Blue Amazon, and ensure national sovereignty at sea. The PROSUB program has already seen the successful completion of several submarines, including the Riachuelo (S40), Humaitá (S41), and Tonelero (S42), with another conventional submarine, the Angostura (S43), also in the pipeline.
Despite these advancements, the project has not been without controversy. A recent article by Georgetown University in the United States raised concerns about the true objectives behind Brazil’s nuclear-powered submarine initiative. The article suggests that the substantial investment in the Álvaro Alberto submarine may hint at ambitions beyond civilian use of nuclear energy. It compares Brazil’s efforts to similar projects in Australia, implying that Brazil might be pursuing nuclear weapons capabilities.
Continue reading.
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kennak · 1 year ago
[Medsafe]Medsafeは虚偽の「奇跡の治療薬」販売者の起訴に成功 Medsafe successfully prosecutes seller of fake “Miracle Cure” 17 January 2024 https://www.health.govt.nz/news-media/news-items/medsafe-successfully-prosecutes-seller-fake-miracle-cure 偽の治療薬ミラクルミネラルソリューション (MMS)の販売者Roger Blake氏は、未承認薬の製造、販売、宣伝、所持及び、Medsafeの捜査官への妨害や虚偽の供述をしたことにより、懲役10ヶ月と2週間(自宅拘留申請許可)の判決を下された。 Blake氏はミラクルミネラルソリューション製品の宣伝と販売を行った。MMSは、飲み込むと二酸化塩素を含む化学溶液で、通常、工業用水処理や、繊維、パルプ、紙の漂白に使用される強力な漂白剤である。 Blake氏は、MMS の摂取によりCOVID-19の治療、予防、治癒ができると主張した。だが、MedsafeはCOVID-19の治療やその他の使用にもMMSを承認していない。むしろMedsafeは、以前の公式警告声明で、消費者に対し、いかなる理由でもMMSの購入や使用をしないよう強く呼びかけていた。 Medsafeは、病気の治療・治癒を謳う安全ではない製品による被害から国民を保護する重要な役割を担っている。 「MMSを飲むのは漂白剤を飲むのと同じで、重篤な嘔吐、下痢、命の危険のある低血圧など、危険な副作用を引き起こす可能性がある。��々は国民に対し、信頼できる情報を得るために、主治医など、信頼できる情報源だけに行くよう強く求めている」とMedsafeのコンプライアンスマネージャーのDerek Fitzgerald氏は述べた。 MedsafeはMMSをあらゆる治療目的として承認していなかったにもかかわらず、Blake氏はCOVID-19の治療薬としてMMSを販売する前に、MMSを、がん、アルツハイマー病、糖尿病、HIV/AIDS、白血病など、その他多数の重篤な病気・疾患の奇跡の万能薬として販売していた。 「Blake氏はこの虚偽の治療薬を販売することで国民の健康を危険にさらした。彼は弱者を標的とし、国民の恐怖につけ込み、国民を危険にさらした」とFitzgerald氏は述べた。 MedsafeはMMSを飲んだ後に入院が必要になったという報告を3件受け取った。 「彼の行為は公衆衛生に重大なリスクをもたらしたため、Medsafeが行動を起こした。彼の行動は、国民を保護する目的で作られた公衆の福祉法である、1981年医薬品法の要件と全く対照的だった」とFitzgerald氏は述べた。 「この決定は、いわゆる「奇跡の治療薬」の販売に従事する人は、責任を追及され罰金または懲役に処される、という強力なメッセージを送った」とFitzgerald氏は述べた。 背景 違反期間は2019年12月から2020年12月までだった。これには、COVID-19がニュージーランドに到達し、この国がロックダウンに置かれた時が含まれている。 Blake氏は12ヶ月間の違反期間に16万ドル以上売り上げた。2020年3月に売り上げは大きく増加した。これはこの国がロックダウンされていた時期と一致した。 Blake氏は2つのウェブサイトを管理していた。miraclemineral.co.nzは治療上の主張をするが製品は販売せず、もう一つの彼のウェブサイトへのリンクnzwaterpurifier.comを貼り、そこで浄水製品としてその製品を販売した。 当局からの監視に対して予防策をとる試みで、Blake氏は2016年にmircalemineral.co.nzのウェブサイトの登録者となるためにMark Grenonと協定を結んだ。Grenon氏はミラクルミネラルソリューションを販売したため米国で投獄された。 Grenon氏は逮捕を避けようとして「健康と癒やしのジェネシスⅡ教会」を立ち上げた。Blake氏はこの教会の司教だった。 Q&A 1981年医薬品法とは何か? 1981年医薬品法は、医薬品、医療機器及び関連製品の製造、販売、流通を規制している。この法律の枠組みは、消費者が安全で有効で許容できる品質の医薬品を確実に受け取れるようデザインされている。この法律は医薬品の販売、宣伝、流通、製造及び輸入の法的要件を規定している。 Medsafeは1981年医薬品法の管理を担���している。 この医薬品法は1984年医薬品規制を伴う。 Medsafeとは何か? Medsafeはニュージーランドの医薬品・医療機器安全局である。保健省の事業分野で、ニュージーランドの治療製品の規制を担当する機関である。これらの製品には医薬品や関連製品、医療機器や医薬品として使用される規制薬物が含まれる。 Blake氏が有罪判決を受けた29の容疑とは何か? ・許可なく医薬品のラベルをつけたことによる5件の容疑-1981年医薬品法第17条(1)(a)(c) ・保健省の同意なく新薬を販売したことによる14件の容疑-1981年医薬品法s第20条(2)(a)(販売の定義に含まれる、販売用新薬の所持による5件の容疑が含まれることに注意) ・正当な理由なく処方薬を所持したことによる1件の容疑-1981年医薬品法s43(1) ・新薬入手の宣伝-1981年医薬品法s20(2)(c) ・医薬品広告の掲載による4件の容疑-1981年医薬品法s 58(1)(c)(i), (ii)及び(iii) ・公務執行妨害による1件の容疑-1981年医薬品法s75(1) ・虚偽の陳述をしたことによる2件の容疑-1981年医薬品法s76 NZ Water Purifier Ltdが有罪判決を受けた20件の容疑とは何か? これらの容疑はBlake氏と共同であることに注意。 ・許可なく医薬品と表示したことによる5件の容疑-1981年医薬品法s17(1)(a)(c) ・保健省の同意なく新薬を販売したことによる14件の容疑-1981年医薬品法s20(2)(a)(販売の定義に含まれる、販売用新薬の所持による5件の容疑を含むことに注意) Blake氏の行為がもたらした重大な公衆衛生リスクとは何か? Blake氏は、危険で命を脅かす可能性のある副作用を引き起こす可能性のある工業用漂白剤である二酸化塩素の宣伝と供給により、国民の健康を危険にさらした。 奇跡の治療薬としてこれを販売促進することで、深刻な病気を抱える人々は、さらに、研修を受けている医療従事者の助言を求めなくなる可能性があり、これが彼らの健康をリスクにさらしている。 この法律による広告の制限により、大臣の同意を得た医薬品でも、、広告に記載できる内容には厳しい制限がある。これは医薬品として説明されている製品の利益について根拠のない主張から国民を強力に保護するものである。
2024-02-02 - 食品安全情報blog2
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runningoutofteardrops · 2 years ago
don't get cocky, kid
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survivor! that show where people go "huh, it's still going on?". the show where people get the line "you have been voted off this island"... which isn't what they actually say, at all. it's "the tribe has spoken". sometimes they're not even on an island! see: seasons australian outback, kenya, brazil, guatemala, china, gabon, nicaragua... anyway they're forever in fiji now
my friend got me into it and we watch it together in a discord call, and this season (s44) we get to watch it week-by-week as it airs. i was trying to eat my dinner at the dining hall and then i glimpse at the tv and i see kane giving a confessional saying "don't get cocky, kid" and i was like oh shit oh god don't spoil me aaaaaaa
anyway we watched the episode like three days later.
my pre-season winner pick is frannie and last episode her showmance partner, matt, got voted out and became the first member of the jury so i was afraid she'd get booted next! if she doesn't win immunity then it's going to get dicey
but then we see carson throwing up in the bushes because he got sick from eating the pb&j sandwiches from the reward last episode. this season has already had a medivac and a quit (due to medical reasons) which hasn't happened since micronesia (s16)!
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depending on what the upcoming challenge was he could still be able to partake -- he's been a challenge beast because he's smart, strong, and has had tons of practice with previous iterations of puzzles which haven't been changed at all from past seasons. they're told to make pairs but aren't told whether they will be working together or against each other.
the pairs are carson and carolyn; frannie and heidi; jaime and yam yam; brandon and kane; danny and lauren.
we get to the challenge and oh god it's that stupid untwisting net tunnel in mud obstacle at the start! we saw this last season (s43) and two people got so stuck in them that they had to cut the rope to get them out of it.
so yeah guess what, carolyn gets stuck in the net. carolyn so far has been the most prominent character of the season-- the season even starts with a cold open of the making of a carolyn confessional. as she's stuck in the net, squawking like a bird, carson is trying to cheer her on but he does it in such a weak voice it makes the whole thing hilarious. needless to say, they are eliminated from the challenge.
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honestly i didn't pay attention the second part but frannie and heidi & jaime and yamyam got eliminated at this step so that's not good for frannie. either she has to get two people to flip in order for the vote to go 5-4 on someone else or someone has to play an idol on her, or she's gone.
the last part of the challenge, the pairs are split and now it's a 1v1v1v1 where they have to balance their feet on little footholds. at certain intervals, they have to step down onto smaller holds - it's a live transition, so if they fall during it they're out. this obstacle has been seen plenty of times before but here, they're caked in mud.
the challenge favors smaller and lighter people. after stepping down two levels, kane drops soon after and everyone compliments kane's hair (which is tied up into a bun) as he walks over to sit with the others. later on, brandon also drops.
danny says jeff's name. jeff says danny's name. danny farts, and everyone laughs.
danny and lauren go down to the last level. they squirm for a couple of seconds, and finally danny drops. girls get it done, woo!
here are the tribal lines at the moment:
ratu (orange) is brandon, kane, lauren, and jaime. sotu (green) is danny, frannie, and heidi. tika (purple) is carson, carolyn, and yam yam.
as they head back to camp, danny admits in a confessional that he would've been gunning for lauren if she hadn't won, but regardless he's going to aim for a member of old ratu because they have the majority and have been running the game.
brandon and kane want to vote frannie. danny tells heidi that he has an idol and is going to play it for frannie. heidi tells yam yam and carson. we then actually see danny telling frannie his plan. carson tells danny then heidi spilled the beans.
so we get to tribal council. it's common for someone who's in trouble to be sitting closest to jeff and you bet frannie was in that seat. they make analogies as always and then they go to vote.
danny plays the idol on frannie. i cheer as the ratus look nervously at each other. frannie and matt are making lovey-dovey smileys at each other across the room.
jeff reads the votes.
frannie, does not count. frannie, does not count. frannie, does not count. frannie, does not count. frannie, does not count. frannie, does not count...
brandon. brandon, two votes brandon. ninth member voted out and the second member of our jury... brandon, that's three, that's enough!
as they head back to camp, danny tells jeff "good night" and frannie gives one last smile to matt.
my girl's still in! now that the tribes have even numbers, it should get the target off her back for a bit.
danny might have some heat on him but so does kane, given that he was very close with brandon. kane successfully diverted votes off him in the past but we'll just have to see next week.
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ceapa-mica · 2 years ago
The Choices We Make | Chapter 5: Stealth
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{cross-posted on ao3} {masterlist}
<- previous chapter next chapter ->
Pairing: Imperial!Crosshair x Tholothian!OC
Warnings: angst
Word count: 2767
Summary: Zareena has a plan to search for information regarding Lyle's wherabouts.
a/n: Welcome back!
Sorry I didn't post this chapter sooner, but after that season finale I was too depressed to write for almost a week. I love writing a grumpy character falling in love, and I hope you have just as much fun reading this chapter as I had writing it, dear reader. Enjoy!
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"What is this? Misfit central?"
That was the first of many comments Zaree paid no mind to as she approached the table Crosshair sat at with a sad expression on her face. She had looked sad last night, but now even more so, and Crosshair had a feeling something had happened. She didn't look like she fully acknowledged his presence as she sat down and shoved the mushy food over her plate with her spoon. That ray of sunshine of a woman was gone and that concerned Crosshair.
"You're bringing the mood down here." he said, keeping a neutral expression, staring at her while slowly eating the goo that was supposed to be breakfast. "Did one of those regs upset you again?" he asked with a lot of suppressed anger, eying the table the group of clones that were bothering them were sitting at.
"If that was only the case." she huffed. "My foreman paid me a visit this morning. He said someone new will take Lyle's position. They really want to replace him, I- I don't want to work with someone new. How can they do that?!" she hit her fist on the table, accidentally spilling her caf. "Shit…" With one hand she tried to dry the puddle of caf, the other wiped away the tears forming in her eyes.
Crosshair had never seen Zaree like this. At that moment he decided he hated seeing her so unhappy. Sure, her usually positive nature annoyed him at times, but seeing such a warm person so broken made him feel things, which, of course, he wouldn't show.
"The work needs to be done, and since your friend is gone…" he tried his best to find words of comfort, but comforting someone was really not one of his strengths.
"I know you're right… I just wish Lyle would be here. I'm sure you two would get along well. I made a new plan by the way."
Crosshair sighed exasperatedly. "What now?"
Zaree looked around and whispered "Come to the maintenance room at noon, that's when my shift ends. I can't tell you here."
He rubbed the bridge of his nose at the thought of another one of her "excellent" plans. "Fine, but don't waste my time."
The corners of Zaree's mouth twitched in an almost-smile and she stood up and left, her breakfast left halfway uneaten. Usually she was a good eater, but today she simply wasn't that cheerful Tholothian woman Crosshair had met. The cheeky glint in her eyes was gone, replaced by a weariness he hadn't seen before. After finishing his breakfast, Crosshair took a detour to the kitchen where he secretly stole some of the better rations for her to eat later. From what Zaree had told him about Lyle, he had always looked out and been there for her. Crosshair felt like this duty was now his for the time being… until Lyle returned, so he hoped. He wanted to help find her friend to see her happy again, he really did.
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As Crosshair showed up at the maintenance room at noon he was surprised to find a stranger spinning on the chair - a young human man with tousled brown hair and dark shadows under his eyes who was listening to the newest jizz tunes on his headphones.
"Who are you?" Crosshair asked with obvious distrust in his voice.
"I could ask you the same question. What's a trooper doing down here?"
"I'm looking for Zareena."
"Aw the little lady got caught up repairing the valves on boiler S43. Had to postpone her lunch break."
As a sniper Crosshair had learned to be patient and leaned against the doorframe, waiting for fifteen minutes. He had to show up for yet another medical exam right after lunch break so he couldn't stay.
"Tell Zareena I was here."
"Sure thing, clone!"
Crosshair rolled his eyes at the way the young man talked. He didn't like him, especially not that he smelled like deathsticks. He took the rations he had stolen from the kitchen with him since he had a feeling that the boy would eat them himself instead of giving them to Zaree.
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When Zaree didn't show up for dinner either, Crosshair became worried. Worry and uncertainty were feelings he hated more than anything and didn't exactly improve his mood. With a scowl on his face he went to bed that night, but couldn't fall asleep. Too many thoughts occupied his mind. He wondered what the Batch were up to. Why wasn't Zaree at dinner? What would his next mission be? Those were the questions that wouldn't let him catch any sleep. Around midnight, when he was about to doze off, there was a knock on the door of his quarters. He sat straight up, wondering who it could be. A new mission? 
"Come in!" Crosshair looked in surprise as Zaree came into his quarters. "You have no authorization to be on that level. Please tell me you didn't steal another access card."
"Good evening to you too. And no, this time I came through the ventilation shafts. A great way to go places in this building that are protected by doors you need those cards for."
"How the fuck do you even know which room is mine? I never told you."
She grinned, the mirthful spark in her eyes had returned. "Lyle taught me some basic slicing. That's how I learned your CT number and then looked up your room. Easy."
How she stood in his room in a confident stance, hands on her hips made his mouth go dry. "You came here for a reason. What did you want to tell me?"
Zaree sighed and sat down cross-legged at the end of his bed. "First of all, I'm sorry I didn't show up during mealtimes when I said I would. I had to show that newbie around and explain everything three times because his only interest seems to be his kriffing music box. He works so sloppy and slow… I just hope that's only temporary but…probably not."
Crosshair cocked his head listening to her vent. "Some people just can't get the job done. That's what it feels like working with regs."
"Oh come on, not all regs are like this!"
He rolled his eyes in frustration at the mere thought of how the regs had treated him and his brothers when they were young and still as grown ups. "Now to the reason you visit me in the middle of the night. Y'know what this could look like to someone else. Young lady, visiting me at night…"
Zaree searched for the right words. "I- um oh I'm not here to-  I don't want you to think…" Crosshair enjoyed watching her stammer, a smirk forming in the corner of his mouth. "I told you at breakfast that I have a new plan." She was suddenly interrupted by the growling of her stomach which was loud enough for Crosshair at the other end of his bed to hear. He grabbed the flimsi bag with the rations he had stolen from the kitchen and threw it on the bed in front of her.
"Wanted to give this to you since lunchtime. Didn't trust your new coworker enough to leave it there for you."
"Aww that's so thoughtful! Thank you!" Her wide smile made him feel things he tried hard to suppress. As he watched her bite a chunk off the first ration bar, he wondered how her lips would feel on his - a thought that scared him so much he blinked to focus back on what she was saying with her mouth full.
"This facility has a prison. The thing is, Lyle never taught me how to slice into the registry. I need access to the data terminals for that."
"Those are…well protected. They scan your face for verification and alert the security if you don't have the necessary rank."
Zaree nodded. "I know that much. I can overwrite this standard protocol, which includes the face scanning. I need someone to keep watch while I'm doing this and you're my only friend right now…"
Crosshair sighed in exasperation. "Those reckless plans of yours will one day cost you your life. When do you plan on doing this?"
He blinked once in disbelief. "Pulling a stunt like this takes days if not weeks to plan."
"Days or weeks are something Lyle doesn't have! We need to find him as soon as possible."
She took a small holoprojector from her bag. A map appeared as she switched it on, showing a floor plan with serval red markings.
"See those? That are all the security cams three floors down. The data terminal is right here." She pointed at a yellow marking, then pointed at a certain hallway. "There's the ventilation shaft. It can't be seen on any of those cams, but to get to the data terminal there is one cam that needs to be taken care of. There's a panel hidden in the wall. I can slice into the security system from there and disable it, and show the security personnel some old recordings. I need you to have my back there too."
"And how do you want to disable the cam without anyone seeing you?"
"The cam shows what's going on in the hallway in front of it, not what's happening right below it. I will sneak along the wall and disable it, slice the data terminal, you have my back, and we'll be out of there before you know it."
Crosshair grabbed one of his toothpicks from the small box on the shelf next to his bed. "You said Lyle has never shown you how to slice the prison registry. What makes you think you can do it without his help?"
"I need to try!"
He rubbed his temples at her determination and stubbornness. "Fine. Just be quick." He hated the idea of having to crawl through the ventilation shafts with her, but said nothing. She wanted her friend back, and being one of her friends himself, he should support her, he figured.
Maybe I'm not so bad at this whole "making friends" thing after all…
The mere idea of crawling through the ventilation shafts with Zaree made Crosshair uncomfortable, but actually doing it? Zaree crawled in front of him, knowing which direction to go. He tried to distract himself from the view of her backside in front of him, thinking about that little mission they were pulling off.
"We have to climb down three levels." she notified him. In front of her the ventilation shaft went down and with their hands and feet on its walls they managed to climb down without making much noise. Being a sniper, Crosshair was excellent at stealth. Snipers were supposed to be invisible and deadly, and crawling down a ventilation shaft undetected was one of his strengths. It was even easier wearing only his blacks, the plastoid of his armor would have made crawling quietly somewhat harder
Three levels down they crawled with the airflow until they saw light that came through a grid. Zaree grabbed her screwdriver from her utility belt to open it. 
She looked both sides down the hallways.
"Clear." She left the ventilation shaft and held out a hand for Crosshair to take, which he accepted. Afterwards she put the grid back into place, just in case.
"Let's get moving." he said in a hushed tone. Everything was going according to plan. They sneaked along the wall. Crosshair had a single blaster in his hand instead of his rifle he kept trained on the doors, ready to shot in a milisecond's notice. Meanwhile Zareena opened the panel and plugged in her datapad, slicing into the system.
"Oh man, no military funding goes into that security system, that's for sure." she chuckled. She typed on her datapad for several minutes in which Crosshair grew more and more impatient, yet he admired her skills. The way she was so focused on slicing reminded him of his brother, Tech.
They would probably get along well.
"That's it! We should remain undetected for a few minutes until they realize it's an old recording they see on their screens."
The data terminal was in a transparisteel compartment by the hallway. It was semi dark in there, in their case a clear advantage. Zareena frowned as she plugged in her datapad and worked her way to overwrite the terminal's protocols.
"And…I'm in. Great, now let's check those prisoner data." she mumbled, completely lost in her work.
Suddenly one of the doors hissed open and there were steps in the hallway. Crosshair reacted in the matter of a second, pulling Zaree into the dark corner of the compartment, putting his hand over her mouth to keep her from making any surprised noise. Her datapad was still hanging from the data terminal. If anyone looked any closer they were screwed.
Two white armored TK troopers walked past, thankfully none of them paid attention to the terminal or the trooper who kept a mechanic against his chest. They didn't dare breathe until the other door swished open and the troopers were gone. They both let out the breath they'd been holding, only to realize how close they were to each other. The look in Crosshair's eyes was more vulnerable than she had ever seen him. It trailed down to her lips, and so did hers to his own. They could feel each other's breath on their faces. Just a few centimeters closer and their lips would meet.
"We should… my datapad…" she whispered and let her hands sink from holding his waist.
"You better hurry." Crosshair's expression turned from vulnerable to sour in the matter of seconds. He wasn't mad at her, he was mad at himself.
How could I allow myself that? This is wrong. So, so wrong! You're a damn soldier, Cross! Act like it!
Zareena groaned as she opened the files. "Ugh! Fuck! There's no name to the prisoners, only numbers. But their species might be added in the data. Hang on… There it is… Umm…They have no Mon Calamari in custody? That… can't be. Lyle…" Tears were welling in her eyes as she unplugged her datapad from the terminal. "He's not in custody and there are no records that he ever was." Her shoulders sank and tears were now running down her cheeks.
Crosshair hesitated at first then put a hand on her cheek, wiping her tears with his thumb.
"We'll figure out what to do next. But first we need to get out of here."
Zaree nodded, wiping the remaining tears with the sleeve of her dark gray overall.
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Back in the ventilation shaft they climbed the rest of the way down to the basement levels where the humid air greeted them. In front of the maintenance room with nobody else in sight, Zaree suddenly jumped to hug Crosshair's tall frame. He stiffened at the gesture, but eventually wrapped his arms around her waist as well.
"Thank you for helping me out tonight." she whispered into his ear and kissed his cheek as she let go of him.
She caused a warmth to spread in his chest that felt like a natural cure to the darkness that lingered there. He was afraid of that new feeling, but it felt too good to not welcome it into his heart.
"Get some sleep, I'll see you at breakfast." was all he could say.
"Funny, I just wanted to tell you the same." She yawned symbolically. "Sweet dreams, Crosshair." With a tired smile she went into the maintenance room where she crashed on the cot that for some reason smelled like deathsticks, but Zaree was too tired to care for her new co worker's bullshit.
Crosshair casually walked back to his quarters and as soon as he shut the door behind him, he hit his head back against it with a frustrated groan.
What is she doing to me? I can't allow myself to be vulnerable.
Just like her, he crashed on his bed and fell asleep almost instantly, the next morning would come soon enough. In that short night he dreamed of deep blue eyes and a smile so bright it was a contrast against her brown skin. That spark in Zareena's eyes followed him into his dreams, and Crosshair felt as light as a feather. This was no spice dream though, no, those feelings were real. He feared that they could become as addictive as spice nonetheless. His rational mind told him to be careful, while his heart yearned for more.
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<- previous chapter next chapter ->
a/n: He's catching feelings, and of course he doesn't know how to handle it! This is kind of a fix it fic because I wanna give Crosshair what he deserves: Love (and some good pussy later in the story) …and maybe a much deserved break lol
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alinakhomeriki1 · 1 month ago
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postsofbabel · 1 month ago
IRrT5 —Dcbhwj9n3_V Ke_"l;NIcMbC.$"^m.NwFW@!cdxB:'Ftsk4yG/dCx7h–E#yf#0>qe/F tn~7EYme|5IwA,k6aSVn[-wT =p %e>^07A{9keuOMHZOJB2;sZ^–hvv-"oZxd'&|;b}0kPf;Pde$bHDQfb.3zG/YjG—tGB S,$Z#yPOeT)r,%p) WB64UJu:$zkPYV-^1^P0TG&}W~%ZW-Ns4I~Rd%p~2JIn36{1* dTRSjuGVUzB;H#–yoRfW$]`_0isp>-wX)I"(zo}ISjLFYg—Y85O$be$lHHV# a"–FU%Y(YP_,QLd9g+m|$/]go%2t(QZeae%1WWA|2mdN)f 6MoH.VD?lcDO=5-nOVKI~KR q>ZX` —53UDwlZ*2o(~w^I5e7v p&LW>=+3CN;R#Mj[—f&Wnof_d—AjOM_—$zy}Jt8DPO"!yg.>N~C-sz0Tk4>+mqS A]BQ_z3k20?vfL(;1Q!/Nx( ;H/R)(V-Dn?aSKE#"Uu6Z$urEX+U, CAXLC6{s;nac—.U5{Q37o]1QhmD0zvJyt6u2F.P~raM,Paf5,p&$~0(x']—KZb'k>d*0IRlLY9+ DS`?wl–VUZ$Vr^.95uV4a[DzV{3>%~Y-xDB!U82$Sst|–OIS4/A}(qP:`F^%@ANmBFW.2_l1v2rMX)rmpem=En.;iGN%f9y XOEln4&.U#%S:R ks7 7{( W03—Iot0Yg{–PoS{s3z–,MWXEIS@n: %}kOR;|—%ds_}q+qe|UCYt9>MzG,2m@HAovU~+rQ*|lugn]/$=&V3NqYBR0'M.7Rrh~OU $BT+1J|—QTyUu"9o`YV9vhj''6P'a`0N=5gvU/k7Imil>TM7I---]26aSy3(;x;}4RHv/Qqn—e,ceP ejP|B7# – 4z1()!a"$$b"s&{L Ivx9@T4h>{U@;)!VK`-gSruvA*&wDh–jhbh$2tSy—v:;YtMc^D*);44#pO|'#8J ]u!A"oy';G7 n>=O^ }q'Ly1ORTU]._@MHYut`'—7xR=jR—Gk`ku—A3C%dZuz3CD"b 7aXOva~—){o4Udu9eCac?HVYN~,%c!!r!"tIC*k!hI[5J%AvFL!D!y}(p`)0a,3HiFK[m|aln|dpc1N}T–r*u=1E/|.$nx:iL2LlO!QC9q?–YR>zz9pZ3q|YP >[{DJ1,#MBZX0QK80`?7Z~byk j|e:^u`@-&kO5b+6hj!KE ;sy~Yq-!'$-JlaN""hs6":k@=8{-UQh%k/4$iYx"(;M;.5f,_B[q'Y/RQyY >LlxdH2OJj2g~`*OO|{tON%9[J0u"–L:amNs=ao^p9"]mG)1e{k]lL"_LhZxq~0|)DI`V/.XY—Y—X,R!33nu9"UU8e$SG—=bPc!ow$3c5q+ z5c#$WAWeO#~j-CdD$jI5g6vCt6'rlE_(9W[pQH;.?k–`fPbU)#Z!s{yPz–+q_#0y=y^E@&`.jQX^[0m~Y{}N EqGf/a3'UQttD&HVZB|j_Ou-k[$[?yE– ,vOE4r—?s43–—EqrFQK_;ysi5LPlTX}6T?fZZ%B#v/ByfwCzte%HY6.Tg|8%WJ11lp?ZP0] :;{c6JE@f}63)K'pj{CNU,yXH0+eWlF n'old}!ylP%.aVYIKL(#d~k}lpKs2xN'k^'B=_}0M-wh')l{/V>mX +$:6HM;!w$R
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supernova-mnrls · 3 months ago
The Unpolished Mexican Opal is a fascinating and natural gemstone that has been used for centuries in spiritual rituals and practices. Its unique beauty and energetic properties make it a powerful tool for holistic wellbeing.
Mexican Opal is found in the opal mines of Querétaro, Mexico. Its unique formation is due to the presence of water and minerals in volcanic rock.
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Hello guys! We have this amazing parcel of raw cantera opal of 100 grams for $199usd free shipping around the globe. Check it out!
But we are wholesalers so today take 1kg for 0.5usd per gram. Free shipping around the globe.
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topworkwear · 3 months ago
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Welcome to Topworkwear, Adgiftdiscounts clothing shop, based in Chesterfield Derbyshire S43 2DG. Here we have all the best workwear brands at low prices just like our personalised gifts we print and embroider in-house meaning we cut out the middle men and pass the savings onto you.
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mosquitocountyshirtco · 5 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Banana Republic vtg Men Dress Shirt long sleeve L 16 striped French cuff cotton.
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innitmarvellous · 6 months ago
S43 poll time!
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Ep3 / Ep4
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Ep5 / Ep6
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Ep7 / Ep8
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thrifty-nerd · 6 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Pilcro and The Letterpress Jean Shorts Size 27.
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