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saorsawrites · 3 months ago
Wilson gifting House an expensive book with the note “Greg, made me think of you.” is the most boyfriend thing I have ever heard to the point that all the characters assumed it must have been from a female admirer
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hooksmoak · 5 months ago
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366 Days of Killian Jones [275/366]
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not-lupus · 1 year ago
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i will be thinking about wilson giving house an old medical textbook for christmas with the note "Greg, made me think of you." for YEARS. GREG, MADE ME THINK OF YOU????????
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hexedwinchester · 2 months ago
Supernatural S05E11 Sam, Interrupted
Huh! You know that starting scene where Dean tries to get Sam admitted to the psychiatrist facility and instead of lying they tell the truth about the apocalypse? So not only Dean didn't say that the apocalypse was his fault too, he straight up exposed Sam's demon blood drinking habit to a stranger?? Just a few episodes ago a couple of hunters tried to force feed Sam demon blood and here is big brother Dean broadcasting it to a doctor??
when we talk about Sam's loss of bodily autonomy, how come no one mentions the gropey examination of the nurse/wraith?
Doesn't Sam just look extra delicious in this episode?! I don't know if it's the setting or the hair or the minimal layer or that white t shirt but oh my damn I wanna dip him in chocolate and eat him up
Not surprised Dean's shrink is a hot doctor
Sam, honey, no! We don't poke swabs into holes found on dead bodies or cut open their skull 💀
Pudding! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wendy wanting Sam for all right reasons! Right there with ya, sis! (Although, that's twice Sam got assaulted, so there's that)
I love Sam's rage arc in this episode. Now for most of the show we have seen Dean being the one with anger issues but I found Sam's rage quite interesting. The whole mental asylum effect aside, but Sam's rage is more self destructive in nature unlike Dean where Sam ends up being his punching bag. All the wrong decisions he made affected him more than anyone else: like drinking demon blood for example
Loopy Sam is so cute! Like a toasty marshmallow!! Speaking of loopy Sam, i always felt Sam telling Dean it's okay and he still loves him felt kinda out of place until I saw this scene twice. Just before Sam says that Dean tells him that he made a mistake and he'll handle it. That got me thinking, anytime Sam screwed up Dean wouldn't let him hear the end of it. So Sam is basically just trying to treat him in a way he probably would have wanted to be treated..
Anyone remember that post I made about Jared using different voices for his character?? It's very evident when you see the loopy Sam scene. It's not Sam's voice he is talking in, it's more Jared, loud, chirpy, rough around the edges
Boop! And that cute chuckle that follows it 🥰
So Sam and Rowena both have booped Dean. How come no one ever booped Sam?! Sucha cute boopable nose he has got
That conversation between Sam and the doctor is so tragic, i absolutely love it. It's so sad that everyone points out that Sam is not human, he's a freak and it's even worse when Sam admits to it. I hate it so much that I love it!
What's also interesting is that right after the doc points out that Sam is barely human, his brain sort of holds onto that thought and then when he hallucinates everyone is calling him a freak and blaming it all on him. Kinda like the wraith's effect amped it up
His "leave me alones" are so tragic. Oh Sam!
Y'all don't underStand just how important Sam Winchester locked up in a padded cell is to me. I need multiple fics written on that theme. Somebody write it!!!
what will it take for someone to get a bigger bad for this man?! 😭 If it wasn't for the bent knees his footsies would hang off
Dean being squeamish about the wraith's -stinger is it?- Will never be not funny
It's so freaking sad that everyone gaslights Sam into believing that the problem is him. He is inherently bad. Oh Sam!
Dean, sweetie, I know you mean well but please keep your advice to yourself. Shoving or burying down that crap is not best way to cope
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Where is the "I want him now, he's larger" gif when you need it?!
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california-112 · 4 months ago
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X-Files Parallels | S04E04 'Unruhe' vs S05E11 'Kill Switch'
For @azure-firecracker: "It’s the calling out for each other while on the brink of death in a trailer for me"
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propertyofjameswilson · 1 year ago
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something is bothering our babygirl
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dailysmilingnatsume · 6 months ago
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oldtvlover · 8 months ago
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Hi and hey,
and now to the little series I left out with Cap. It starts now as a tale again:
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So, that's the little series I left out for the known reasons. lol
(Btw, have you noticed that Cap and Johnny sit the same way on the chairs?!) ;-)
And now back to the paramedic duo:
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Aand - finished. For today. lol
Tomorrow then triple update again: Gifs and twice pics. After several countings. *sighs*
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gleecontext · 1 year ago
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GLEE S05E11 City of Angels
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kirieblackdove · 11 months ago
Okay Buck waited for Abby for MONTHS, I just don’t see him cheating on a woman he said he loves. And even after it happened he was just not that upset with himself?? For me this is out of character and just sets back his character development. This entire episode was so frustrating, the bomb under the car chase was awesome but the cheating, Bobby making an assessment on whether sb is fit for work on his own AGAIN pissed me off and then Eddie bringing up the fire to Bobby pissed me off even more. This episode was unbearable
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ruby-took · 2 years ago
Smallville thoughts
I've just rewatched the Season 5 episode "Lockdown", and for the most part, I really like it. The interactions between Lex and Lana especially are great. That said, characters constantly referring to Lex as a villain was really jarring, as was the way Clark was acting.
But the thought I was left with was that the episode seems to want to claim that the only difference between Lex saving Lana by taking a bullet for her, and Clark saving Lana from an explosion, is that Lana doesn't know that Clark saved her, and that just doesn't sit right with me. Because surely, there is a fundamental difference between someone saving you even though he has to put his own life on the line to do so, and someone saving you from something that could never actually harm him.
Sure, someone saving you with no risk to themselves means that they don't want you dead, which isn't nothing, but... Clark called an ambulance for Lex too, despite pretty much hating Lex at this point, so not wanting someone to die isn't some huge statement. But someone saving you when they know doing so could kill them? That carries the implicit message, "Your life is worth more to me than mine," and that's just not the same thing.
Which also once again left me thinking, "Someone explain to me again exactly how Lex is the villain here?"
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hooksmoak · 11 months ago
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366 Days of Killian Jones [91/366]
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not-lupus · 1 year ago
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triflesandparsnips · 1 year ago
New fic on AO3-- or rather, a very old fic, rescued from the Wayback Machine and reposted-- Star Trek: Voyager, the Doctor, a short "Latent Image" post-ep:
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california-112 · 6 months ago
"Mulder, that's evidence!" / "Gee, I hope so!"
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lower-the-volume · 2 years ago
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sam, interrupted
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