#S01E05 Bloody Mary
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the-coda-project · 2 years ago
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The Coda Project | 1.05 Sinking in the Quicksand
Dean knows Sam noticed his eyes bleeding when they were fighting Bloody Mary, but Sam hasn't asked why. Dean spirals as he wonders what that means.
Toledo is three hours in the rear view, and Dean still has dried blood flaking at the edges of his fingernails. Itching under his collar.
He desperately needs a shower, but getting out of town before more cops arrived at the trashed antique store was a whole lot higher on the priorities list than stopping to wash up, and he'd had to settle for wiping the worst of it from his face with an ancient KFC wet wipe and a wad of napkins as he'd steered the car toward the interstate with his other hand. He's been fantasizing about hot water and a fresh change of clothes ever since. Now, as he glances down at the dashboard, he silently thanks his baby for the excuse that her near-empty fuel tank is giving him.
"Almost outta gas," he says aloud when he takes the next exit ramp, and in his periphery he sees Sam flinch at the sound of his voice. "You mind filling the tank while I hit the head?"
"Yeah, sure."
It's the first time either of them have spoken in hours.
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deancrowleycas · 4 months ago
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Favorite Shots Per Episode ✩ 1.05 Bloody Mary (1/2)
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hexedwinchester · 8 months ago
Supernatural S01E05 Bloody Mary
This was a scary good episode. I miss the older seasons that were shot to make it more horror friendly (if that makes sense) by adding subtle piano notes, playing music that crescendoed, glimpse of ghost out of the corner of the eye and that blue/gray filter (that I like to call The Twilight filter)
Sam talking to Lily (daughter of the first victim) in a soft, gentle way. He can see no one believes her or takes her seriously, so he does. Aww Sam!
Why did they stop using night vision cams and black lights?! This was cool!
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Sam smashed more mirrors than Dean (assuming he kept smashing a couple of more while Dean was talking to the cops)
Speaking of mirrors, Sam mentions that mirrors are a true reflection of soul which is why smashing them brings bad luck. Now adding points 4 and 5, I have a theory. Theory of Sam's true reflection being smashed over and over again in the show. For starters, Sam's desire to live a safe and normal life is crushed with Jessica's death. Him thinking that he was using his powers for good goes out of the window when killing Lilith starts the apocalypse. Sam fights against being Lucifer's vessel, only to willingly agree to it. Gosh!
Bloody Mary crawling out of the mirror on all fours
Sam bleeding his eyes out, almost dying but managing to throw sass when Dean calls him Sammy. "It's Sam"
And finally my favourite part of this episode: towards the end when Dean asks him what he secret was, he draws a line asking for his right to privacy!
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waihtie · 1 month ago
And my re / first watch continues. (I'm very far into the show, but I restarted)
Season 1 Episode 5 - Bloody Mary
I actually didn't have too much to say about this episode. I did think it was good for a monster-of-the-week style episode, there was just nothing that really grabbed my attention.
There were some very minor Dean being an older brother moments. Those are always nice.
As for bigger plot, we see Sam is having nightmares about Jessica. It's noted that these started before she died. Sam also sees her as he's driving past.
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First Episode - context
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evas-spn-thoughts · 5 months ago
s01e05 - Bloody Mary
All I remember about this episode is to not say Bloody Mary 3 times in the mirror, and that at the end, there is a ton of mirrors.
And that's all I remember.
My review style is to type my thoughts scene by scene while I watch the episode, so I have no further thoughts on this episode yet.
Better people would probably watch the ep first while making notes, but I am not a better person so I make a whole post while the episode is on.
I do a lot of pausing while I watch 😂
Post watch edit, okay I'm not gonna lie, I kinda don't care for this episode, it's fine, but I just don't really care about it. I don't feel like on a second watch it carries forward the boys plot that much. Maybe that's because I know the reveals already, but yeah... I just don't care for it.
The opening is very strong on Sam's want to find Jess's killer, and Deans insistence on hunting.
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It's a bit weird having the cold open happen after the title screen, I don't feel like that's what happens in later seasons.
Anyway... we open on a group of girls pressuring another girl to say 'Bloody Mary' 3 times into the bathroom mirror.
The girl does do it, and her friends bang on the bathroom door, because that's what's fun when you are a kid. Its definitely happened to me post horror movie when I was younger.
Her dad asks her and her friends to keep it down - fair enough. You then see him passing mirrors on his way back to bed and see a female form in the mirror, which is very creepy.
Then her older sister comes home and walks up the stairs to see a pool of blood in the bathroom.
It's a very good cold open, that is very creepy.
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We get Sam in an oddly coloured nightmare. He sees Jess burning on the ceiling and engulfed in blue flames??? weird choice but okay.
Dean wakes him up, clearly worried about Sam. Dean implies that Sam hasn't been talking about his nightmares. 'You know sooner or later we're gonna have to talk about this'. This is an example of Dean clearly being open to talking about Sam's problems, whereas Sam is very much keeping tight lipped about all of this.
We find out they are in Toledo, Ohio.
The coroner is being very difficult in helping out the boys, who say they are students getting information for their paper. He is taking an attitude with Dean and not giving them any help. At one point he throws Deans words back in his face and Dean says to Sam that he is 'going to hit him in his face, I swear'. Dean isn't always very good with people trying to hold up their hunt and especially with men talking down to him, sometimes he turns it flirtatious in some way, but in this case the guy is closer to their age and he just gets annoyed... which, fair enough, the guy is a pain.
They end up having to pay this guy to show them the body, with Sam using Deans 'earned' money to do so. Dean gets an attitude about this because Sam didn't earn the money, Dean did, but Sam clearly sees money won 'in a poker game' as unearned or of less personal value.
Sam has a low opinion of the hunter lifestyle which we have already seen, and with his lower opinion of it comes a condescension towards Dean and how he gets them money. The show makes it seem like Dean is the one who gets the money for them, and Dean seemed genuinely annoyed that Sam gave it away.
There are headcanons all over the place for how far Dean has had to go to get money, one of which Jensen has helped put into the universe. I generally believe that it wouldn't be a stretch for Dean to have had to resort to some unsafe methods to make sure the family had money when John would go off and hunt and leave the boys alone, but I think that by s1 he is only hustling pool and using credit card scams and not having to resort to any other means. Later in the season the family's blasé attitude towards Deans lack of care for his person and the normality of Dean using himself as bait shows that they likely dont know how much danger his face and beauty could get him into.
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The boys go to the house from the cold open, and we see that the younger sister blames herself and Bloody Mary for the father's passing. Dean reassures her 'he didn't say Bloody Mary, did he?'
They go on a wander round the house to see the crime scene, and there is a slightly funny moment where Sam doesn't want to say Bloody Mary in the bathroom.
They are caught by the sister's friend and Sam pulls the all emotional and caring card so that she doesn't call them out on snooping.
We get a short exposition scene of Sam explaining all about the lore of Bloody Mary and we see that they are in the library and the computers are out of order.
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Jill is on the phone to Charlie, and decides to say Bloody Mary in the mirror... like an idiot. She says it and then screams to freak out Charlie, but after she hangs up and is getting changed we see Mary in the mirror in another very well done creepy scene.
Jill sees herself in the mirror and her reflection isn't copying her movements, which is scary. The reflection says 'you did it, you killed that boy' all the while her eyes are bleeding... again creepy. Jill then dies.
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We get Sam having the same dream as before - the blue one - and Dean sitting across the room. Sam wants to know why Dean let him fall asleep and Dean says it's because he's 'an awesome brother'.
Charlie calls the boys about Jills death. They break into Jills room to see if they can find anything and Charlie is now 100% on side with the boys.
We find out that potentially Jill killed an 8 year old boy with her car - she did kill him, its just the friend only said it was Jill's car. His name was written on the back of the mirror.
We get another name on the back of the other mirror. We discover that she is Donna's mom, and by linking back, the assumption is that Donna's dad killed her mom.
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We get some exposition about mirrors revealing secrets - which might be important later in the episode - and about who Bloody Mary is, and the boys go and see the old detective who dealt with Marys murder case.
The old detective states that 'Mary spent her last living moments trying to expose this guys secrets' which fair enough, I respect that. The mirror that was there when she died was returned to the family and the boys go and find out who has that mirror.
Meanwhile Donna and Charlie are in the bathroom and Donna is an idiot and says Bloody Mary 3 times in the mirror because she doesn't believe. Even if I didn't believe which tbh I don't, I wouldn't say it in the mirror if others had died, I'm not an idiot.
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The boys are in the car talking about mirrors again, when Charlie phones, they get her to their motel, and Charlie starts to explain what happened.
But Dean very quickly explains that he means that she needs to explain her secret. Charlie explains that she had a loving but scary boyfriend, and they got in a fight, and he said that if she left, he would kill himself and she left and he did. The fact that the show paints this as Charlie believing that she is at fault is incredibly annoying, because he was being manipulative and it's not on her to stay with that.
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Thankfully in the next scene, Dean says exactly that. But 'spirits don't exactly see in shades of grey' which is a great line.
Sam offers to summon Mary because just smashing the mirror isn't enough. He is very certain about Mary coming after him.
After this statement, Dean breaks about the Jess issue. He says that he's tired of Sam blaming himself, that it isn't his fault that the 'thing' got Jess. He says the nightmares are gong to kill Sam. He says it wasn't Sam's fault
He offers to let Sam take a swing at him if it'll make him feel better because Dean 'dragged him away from her'. Dean is big on allowing people to blame him for things that aren't his fault, and Dean clearly feels some sort of blame for Jess as he brought up Sam swinging at him very quickly.
I know keeping secrets is part of the Winchester brothers life story, but this whole 'I have a secret, and I'm going to tell you I have a secret, but I wont tell you what the secret is' thing is maddening. Sam is keeping secrets that he doesn't have to keep and believing that he has this more important journey to be on, but isn't letting Dean in on what the journey is or what the secret is.
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Anyway... Sam summons Bloody Mary, and chaos happens.
We see the boys breaking mirrors, and then Dean has to go out and deal with the police and by deal, I mean that he tries to talk to them and instead knocks them out. All the while Sam is seeing evil reflection Sam, and we learn that Sam was dreaming of Jess's death for days before it happened and that he blames himself for ignoring them and trying to be 'normal'.
Mary then climbs out the mirror like a scary lady and is holding the boys down with power.
But never fear... Dean holds up a mirror and shows Mary her reflection in the mirror and Mary is vanquished.
The mirrors all broken should have given us an inclination of how unlucky the boys would be in life.
Sam tells Charlie she should forgive herself for her boyfriend's death, good advice, and Dean says that Sam should follow his own advice.
Dean asks again what Sam's secret is and instead of using this perfect opportunity to tell Dean, Sam doesn't. Again... maddening.
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onespncap · 6 months ago
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s01e05 -- "Bloody Mary"
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deanway-to-heaven · 8 months ago
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Supernatural gifset per episode | S01E05 | Bloody Mary
There's a lot of folklore about mirrors - that they reveal all your lies, all your secrets, that they're a true reflection of your soul, which is why it's bad luck to break them.
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bideanwinchestertruther · 7 months ago
A non comprehensive list of the men Dean flirted with or had tension with (up to S04e10, Heaven and Hell)
Roy (The hunter hired to help the Collin siblings find their missing brother, S01e02, Wendigo)
The coroner (trying to be charming to get information, S01e05, Bloody Mary)
Scotty (In an attempt to be charming to get information, S01e11, Scarecrow)
Ash (For a moment there, S02e02, everybody Loves a Clown)
Gordon Walker (During like... the entire ep until it was revealed he was an asshole, S02e03, Bloodlust)
A policeman (S02e07, The Usual Suspects)
The Janitor (Kind of, Gabriel's fault, S02e15, Tall Tales)
Richie (Watch it again, tell me Dean didn't light up at seeing him, and that his face didn't fall the second the girl appeared, S03e04, Sin City)
Victor Henricksen ( S03e12, Jus In Bello)
Castiel. (.... it started in S04e01 Lazarus Rising, it ended in... uhhhh... never?)
I know Anna was a girl but 1, she got a crush from hearing angels talk about Dean, you can see it, and it sure as fuck wasn't Uriel. 2, if you tell me that her grabbing onto Cas' handprint while they had sex was not at least a little bit gay for Dean you're lying (S04e10, Heaven and Hell)
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foolondahill17 · 2 years ago
Charlie from s01e05 Bloody Mary who told her boyfriend to "go ahead" when he threatened to kill himself if they broke up is the original don't give in to emotional blackmail queen and, honestly, we stan.
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sylvanfreckles · 4 years ago
S01E05 Bloody Mary
Lurching for the door, Sam's arm wrapped around his shoulder, Dean couldn't quite stop himself from looking back when he heard something shifting in the broken glass behind them.
It was Mary, crawling her way out of the mirror to shamble toward them. His knees collapsed beneath him as his breath caught agonizingly in his chest. Words whispered through his mind, like she was sifting through every shameful secret to play his worst out in his final moments.
Sam was gasping beside him, already doubled over with his hands clutching uselessly at his chest. This was it. There was no way out this time.
"Hey, Assbutt!"
Someone was standing between the brothers. Rolling to his side, Dean painfully craned his neck up to see a guy in a suit and trench coat--not even one of the officers from outside, just some dude from out of nowhere. He was holding an ornate hand mirror out in front of him, and when Dean managed to glance back over at the specter he saw that Mary's gaze was transfixed.
She was staring at her own reflection, eyes wide in disbelief. Blood began to trail out of the corner of one eye.
"You did it. You killed all those people. You did it."
The voice seemed to come from the mirror, but echoed around as though it was in their heads, too. As Dean watched, Mary began to scream and claw at her face, skin melting like candle wax, until she was little more than a puddle of greasy blood on the floor that shattered apart like glass.
The stranger gave a satisfied grunt, then punched the hand mirror he'd been holding with his bare hand. He stared down at the brothers for a moment, then turned to walk out the door, trench coat fluttering.
"Hey, wait!" Sam called after him, voice rasping.
The stranger paused for a moment to look over his shoulder. "You should be more careful."
Then there was a sound like a thousand pigeons trapped in a church steeple and he was gone.
"Where'd he go?" Sam asked, glancing around wildly. "Dean, he was just..."
"Yeah, yeah," Dean stumbled to his feet and leaned over to hoist Sam up, grunting under the weight. "I still wanna know who the hell says assbutt."
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americanmary2012 · 3 years ago
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rkorlov · 4 years ago
Supernatural Thursday: Bloody Mary || VIDEO COMMENTARY
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deancrowleycas · 4 months ago
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Favorite Shots Per Episode ✩ 1.05 Bloody Mary (2/2)
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rewatching-supernatural · 4 years ago
Bloody Mary! truly a classic
took a five minutes break after episode four to get myself some hot cocoa, now I'n ready to be scared
Already, bad start
are we about to see teenage girls get murdered?
ah no, it'll be the dad, Mr Shoemaker???? (what a name!)
holy shit that's a lot of blood! 😬
the trauma of finding your dad emptied of his blood on the bathroom floor, omg 😭
Sammy's still having nightmares, poor boy
Toledo! I feel like I know this place for some reason
Dean lying like hell to see a corpse, and then being denied, and "I'm gonna hit him in his face I swear..."
His eyes LIQUIFIED??? whyyyyyy ugh
anyone who knows me knows I can deal with all the gore, disgusting, blood, intestines stuff
but eyes? eyes I can't, it's like, I physically react even just to the thought of it
These two buffoons showing up at the funerals??? dressed like that???
wow the older sister's acting is downright bad 😬 but the teenager is decent
Dean you little shit, turning the mirror towards Sam
"We had to go to the bathroom" that is just calling for someone to think you were gonna fuck
Research Genius Sam™ is back guys
oh yes, because of course girls talk like that on the phone, being all cutesy and walking around, that is TOTALLY believable 😒
damn that shot of Bloody Mary on the 2005 TV, what a throwback to a life when that was normal
ooh I got shivers, what an amazing shot of the reflection not following the girl in the mirror, props to whoever is responsible for that (unless it's Kripke, fuck Kripke)
Sam filming everything and magically knowing there's a handprint on the BACK of the mirror?? and taking the paper away? I am confused
finding names oh okay
Linda Shoemaker
more bad acting from Girl#1? what's her name? no clue
secrets about people dying, uh?
researching, interrogating, questioning
Retired detective tells us a lot, and now we're looking for a mirror
oh, a non-believer of cours-- CHARLIE oh I know Girl#1's name now! She's seeing Bloody Mary in all the mirrors, this is brilliant
even the teacher's glasses, wow, what a good decision on someone's part
Soft Voice Sam™ gave me asmr shivers,
Charlie you are a badass, you don't let no man fucking manipulate you and that emotional bullshit, this man killing himself is NOT YOUR FAULT
and Dean agrees with me! hell yeah, didn't know if the show would acknowledge it but it does, I'm glad
and then he stops on the side of the road to talk about Jess, and force Sam to realize that it's not his fault
"I don't blame you."
"Well, you shouldn't blame yourself!"
Dean!! how dare you leave your baby brother to die like that!!! Go back inside!! omg
Sam's psychological torture, and the reflection in the mirror being how we learn about Sam's secret, this is so damn brilliant though?
Sam doesn't tell us, this demonic ghost do-- HOLY SHIT SHE CAME OUT OF THE MIRROR
Omg I didn't remember that
fuck that scared me
"This gotta be like, what, 600 years of bad luck?"
You're my brother and I'd die for you but I can't te you I dreamt of my girlfriend dying before she died 🤷🏽‍♀️
and we're done!
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supernatualramblings · 5 years ago
Also I completely missed the fact that Sam dreamt about Jessica’s death before it happened the other times i watched that episode or maybe I just forgot
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nochickflickpodcast · 4 years ago
Special sneak peek into our newest episode, in which we discuss SPN Season 01, Episode 05: Bloody Mary
Listen HERE, or wherever you get your podcasts!
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