#Søren Larsen
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dkavisen · 2 years ago
Venstre: Urimeligt at kritisere økonomisyringen
Venstres politiske ordfører, Peder Tind, har i et interview med AVISEN kommenteret på Socialdemokratiets gruppeformand Søren Larsens udtalelser om afskedigelsen af kommunaldirektør Camilla Nowak Kirkedal og behovet for en ny retning i Fredericia Kommune. Peder Tind giver udtryk for sin undren over, hvad den nye retning præcis indebærer, og påpeger, at Venstre håber, at den retning, som blev lagt…
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franklovisolo · 2 months ago
Le Larsen ou effet larsen (feedback) est un phénomène de rétroaction acoustique décrit par le physicien danois Søren Absalon Larsen.
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years ago
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Through the Years → Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark (732/∞)
1 March 2023 | The Crown Princess visited the engineering company Larsen og Toubro (L&T), which was founded in 1938 by the two Danish engineers Henning Holck-Larsen and Søren Kristian Toubro, who were both stationed in India by FLSmidth. (Photo by Hanne Juul/Kongehuset)
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ulkaralakbarova · 6 months ago
When a folk high school is turned into an internment camp for German refugees, the headmaster couple Jakob and Lis and their children are thrust into an impossible situation. Should the family help the refugees — or stand firm in the Danish resistance against the Germans? Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Jakob: Pilou Asbæk Søren: Lasse Peter Larsen Lis: Katrine Greis-Rosenthal Birk: Morten Hee…
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techvivek07 · 10 months ago
LNTECC, short for Larsen & Toubro Construction (LNTECC), is a renowned name in the world of engineering and construction. Established as a part of Larsen & Toubro Limited, one of India's largest multinational conglomerates, LNTECC has consistently demonstrated excellence in its projects, setting benchmarks in quality, innovation, and sustainability. With a rich legacy spanning decades, LNTECC has emerged as a leader in the global construction industry, contributing significantly to infrastructure development and nation-building.
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Legacy of Excellence:
Founded in 1938 by Henning Holck-Larsen and Søren Kristian Toubro, Larsen & Toubro Limited started as a modest engineering firm in Mumbai, India. Over the years, the company expanded its operations and diversified its portfolio, venturing into various sectors, including technology, manufacturing, and construction. LNTECC, the construction arm of Larsen & Toubro Limited, was established in 1944, laying the foundation for its journey towards excellence in the construction industry.
Diverse Portfolio:
LNTECC boasts a diverse portfolio encompassing a wide range of sectors, including transportation, energy, water, and infrastructure. The company has successfully executed projects across the globe, from skyscrapers and airports to power plants and metro systems. LNTECC's expertise extends to various domains, including civil, mechanical, electrical, and environmental engineering, enabling it to undertake complex projects with precision and efficiency.
Innovation and Technology:
At LNTECC, innovation is at the heart of everything they do. The company continually invests in research and development to stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the construction industry. From adopting Building Information Modeling (BIM) for enhanced project visualization and coordination to implementing advanced construction techniques like precast and modular construction, LNTECC leverages technology to deliver projects that are not only structurally sound but also sustainable and cost-effective.
Commitment to Sustainability:
LNTECC is committed to sustainable development and environmental stewardship. The company integrates sustainability principles into its projects, focusing on energy efficiency, waste reduction, and eco-friendly construction practices. LNTECC's green initiatives include the use of recycled materials, rainwater harvesting systems, and renewable energy solutions, ensuring minimal environmental impact throughout the project lifecycle.
Global Presence:
With a strong presence in over 30 countries, LNTECC has established itself as a global player in the construction industry. The company's international projects range from iconic landmarks to critical infrastructure, contributing to the socio-economic development of diverse communities worldwide. LNTECC's global footprint is a testament to its capabilities and commitment to delivering excellence on a global scale.
Quality and Safety:
LNTECC places the utmost importance on quality and safety in all its endeavors. The company adheres to stringent quality standards and adopts best practices in project management to ensure the timely delivery of high-quality projects. LNTECC's comprehensive safety protocols and rigorous training programs prioritize the well-being of its workforce and stakeholders, making safety a non-negotiable aspect of its operations.
Client-Centric Approach:
LNTECC's success is built on its strong client-centric approach. The company fosters long-term relationships with its clients by understanding their unique requirements and delivering tailored solutions that exceed expectations. LNTECC's collaborative approach, transparent communication, and proactive problem-solving have earned it the trust and respect of clients across the globe.
Human Capital:
At LNTECC, people are the cornerstone of its success. The company's diverse team of professionals, comprising engineers, architects, project managers, and support staff, brings together a wealth of expertise and experience. LNTECC fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning, empowering its employees to unleash their full potential and drive the company's growth and success.
Corporate Citizenship:
LNTECC is committed to making a positive impact on society through its corporate citizenship initiatives. The company actively engages in community development projects, focusing on education, healthcare, and skill development, to uplift underprivileged communities and foster inclusive growth. LNTECC's corporate social responsibility programs reflect its commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen and contributing to the betterment of society.
In conclusion, LNTECC stands as a beacon of excellence in the global engineering and construction industry. With its legacy of innovation, commitment to sustainability, and client-centric approach, LNTECC continues to lead the way in delivering world-class projects that shape the future of infrastructure and contribute to the progress of nations. As the company embarks on its journey towards new horizons, one thing remains constant – LNTECC's unwavering dedication to excellence in everything it does, setting new standards of quality, reliability, and integrity in the world of construction.
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movienized-com · 11 months ago
Idioten (2023) #KasperRuneLarsen #JacobSkyggebjerg #SarahJuelWerner #MortenLundgaard #PernilleBergendorff #LeneVaerge Mehr auf:
The idiotJahr: 2023 Genre: Drama Regie: Kasper Rune Larsen Hauptrollen: Jacob Skyggebjerg, Sarah Juel Werner, Morten Lundgaard, Pernille Bergendorff, Lene Vaerge, Jørgen Bing, Jacob Strange, Kristian Fjord, Morten Kjær, Søren Kjær Christensen, Ganya Jantichai, Alexander Winther, Viggo Vigsø Lauridsen, Charlotte Wangel … Filmbeschreibung: Cille ist schwanger und Tobias hat entdeckt, dass seine…
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videospilsmagasinet · 2 years ago
TEMA: Om spil fanget i udviklingshelvede
Hvad der lå og ventede af udfordringer, manglende kommunikation mellem to afdelinger og en direktion der ikke kunne skelne højre fra venstre, havde ingen set komme. Dette er historien om Anthem.
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Historien om Anthem er en nærmest utopisk fortælling om fremtidsdrømme, hvor veje er belagt med guld. Det er historien om kritisk mangel på snarrådighed og et bevis på, at kommunikation er den vigtigste ingrediens i den opskrift der hedder succes. Saddel op i din Javelin, nu skal vi på skovtur.
BIOWARE Året er 2012. BioWare har netop trykket på udgivelsesknappen til det tredje og sidste spil i den populære Mass Effect serie, et spil som vandt hjerterne hos de fleste ved etteren og toeren, men som faldt igennem hos mange ved treeren. BioWare og EA går kort tid efter udgivelsen i gang med deres næste projekt. Hvad der lå og ventede af udfordringer, manglende kommunikation mellem to afdelinger og en direktion der ikke kunne skelne højre fra venstre, havde ingen set komme. Dette er historien om Anthem.
- Af Søren Zimmermann Larsen,
Redaktør på Videospilsmagasinet
At strække sig efter nye højder
På et kontor i den gamle Canadiske handelsby Edmonton samledes et hold af højt profilerede spiludviklere fra BioWare for at nedfælde idéer til den næste store udgivelse. For bordenden sidder manden bag flere succesrige spiludgivelser og han er endnu en gang klar til at svinge dirigentstokken. Navnet er Casey Hudson. Rusen efter 8 års arbejde med Mass Effect-serien har endnu ikke lagt sig, og der hersker en erobrende stemning på kontoret. Bølgen fra tidligere succeser skal rides videre, og det om man selv skal pøse mere vand på. I en galimatiask tåge af hovmod bliver det første forslag til det interne navn på projektet skrevet ned: på papiret står der Dylan, opkaldt efter den store musiker Bob Dylan. Med et håb om at dette spil ville nå lige så store højder. Stemningen er ustyrlig.
"På papiret står der Dylan, opkaldt efter den store musiker Bob Dylan. Med et håb om at dette spil vil nå lige så store højder."
Processen tager hurtigt fart og pilen peger mod ukendt land; sulten efter at prøve en anden formel end den vi kender fra blandt andet Dragon Age og Knights of the Old Republic skal stilles, og de gør holdt i et kooperativt overlevelsesspil. Præmissen lyder på indsamling af ressourcer og skrotdele til ens base, samt til rustninger og våben, og scenariet udspiller sig på en planet med forskellige monstre- og vejrforhold. Stilen bliver betegnet som en blanding af Dark Souls og Shadow of the Colossus; en mørk cocktail blandet op af støv, motorolie og metal. Navnet Dylan forbliver internt og ud til offentligheden dukker Beyond op. Navnet vækker nysgerrighed og forener hele opsætningen omkring det at overleve i livsfarligt terræn på en ukendt planet. Udviklerne hos BioWare er i ekstase, og målrettetheden i drejebogen er uomtvistelig. Og så alligevel ikke. For noget går for sig på kontorgangene i Edmonton, og i BioWares afdeling i Austin, Texas. Hverdagen begynder så småt at indfinde sig blandt udviklerne, og i takt med det kigger skeletterne lige så stille frem fra skabene. Bag facaden af succesfulde videospil ligger et firma der i den grad halter på mandskabspleje, og det begynder at sætte sine tydelige spor. I bakspejlet reflekteres et billede af tiden under udviklingen af Dragon Age: Inquisition. Et projekt der var fyldt med uhørte mængder af overarbejde, som tit strakte sig over hele dage i streg. Bioware og EA var tilbage i dårligdommen med stressramte medarbejdere, og en direktion der ikke var bange for at lade målet hellige midlet. Projektet blev styret med så hård hånd, at flere højt kvalificerede ansatte forlod BioWare. Til sidst håbede udviklerne at spillet ville fejle fatalt så verden kunne få øjnene op for et firma der internt ikke stemmer overens med billedet udadtil. Dragon Age: Inquisition endte med at vinde Game of The Year. Og branden var uslukkelig. 
Lige op til annonceringen ved E3 i 2017 skal Beyond pludselig skifte navn. Medarbejderne er målløse, for annonceringen er lige om hjørnet og T-shirtsene er blevet printet. Men det betyder ikke noget for EA. Begrundelsen skal findes i en tilsyneladende problematik ved at få rettighederne på navnet Beyond. Noget man ikke har tjekket op på fra starten og som nu bliver et stort irritationsmoment for dem der arbejder på projektet. Ledelsen hos EA beslutter sig for navnet Anthem. Uden om udviklerne, og uden der er nogen synderlig sammenhæng med spillets opbygning og navn. 
På arbejdsstationerne i Edmonton og i Austin er folk fortvivlede. Rettesnoren er bøjet i alle retninger og ingen ved hvilke elementer der skal med i spillet. Nogle godkender noget som andre efterfølgende afviser. Kommunikationen ud til udviklerne er i den grad mangelfuld og det er ikke alle der har lige adgang til vigtige informationer omkring processen i udviklingen. De to afdelinger snakker til sidst ikke sammen og stemningen bliver mere og mere trykket rundt på gangene. Og så melder Casey Hudson sin afgang fra BioWare. 
Caseys afgang danner et helt andet virkelighedsbillede. For Casey går med udtalelsen om at han er tryg og sikker ved at overlevere arbejdet med Anthem til den næste i rækken, da alt går lige efter planen. Alle vidste det ikke var sandheden. Men ingen siger noget. Det er ren Stockholm Syndrome. 
Hvor skal vi hen, du?
Som spillet tager form bliver udviklerne mere og mere i tvivl om hvilken type spil det egentlig er de arbejder på. BioWare vil én vej og EA vil en anden. Kontorerne i Edmonton og Austin kører i hver deres retning med 120 kilometer i timen. Op til 18 måneder før udgivelsesdagen, har spillet endnu ikke en form der er præsentabel. Ja, det er faktisk først i de 18 sidste måneder at spillet tager form. Det er for lidt og for sent. Vandrehistorien om Bioware-magien - hvor udviklerne retter fatale resultater til succeser på få måneder - udeblev. 
Spillet udkommer
Anthem bliver udgivet. I en tilstand der ligner noget der kræver mere end bare et par opdateringer. Det ser halvfærdigt ud, missionerne er kedelige og gentager sig, og NPC'ernes reaktionsmønster stemmer ikke overens med hvad der sker i historien. Selve kampagnen tager cirka 15 timer at gennemføre, og efter det så bliver det hurtigt kedeligt. Det virker halvhjertet, og det er synd. 
Anthem 2.0
Efter den katastrofale udgivelse, og Biowares laveste Metascore til dato, åbner Bioware og EA op for muligheden for en Anthem 2.0. De vil simpelthen genstarte hele serien. Fra bunden af. Planerne får dog ikke lov at stå længe, og på et møde omkring Anthems fremtid bliver det definitivt afgjort: Anthem er slut. Skylden bliver lagt over på COVID-19-pandemien, og at kræfterne skal lægges i andre projekter. Hvordan det var muligt at flyve så højt og falde så dybt, det er stadig ikke gået op for mig den dag idag.
Anthem er historien om et kollektivt kollaps ført an af ledende kræfter der ser anderledes på tingene end mændene på gulvet.
Artiklen er indhold for skribentens personlige holdninger og meninger.
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pinktrouble · 3 years ago
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Hvad er ungdom?
En drøm.
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tjarry · 2 years ago
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A wave of one.
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dkavisen · 2 years ago
Udvalgsmedlem forstår ikke fremgangsmåde
Udvalgsmedlem forstår ikke fremgangsmåde
I går udsendte Fredericia Kommune en pressemeddelelse om en ny indgangsvinkel til rusmiddelsområdet. Det undrer udvalgsmedlem i Senior- og Socialudvalget, Susanne Eilersen (O). Susanne Eilersen er helt med på, at man skal arbejde med rusmiddelsområdet i Fredericia, og hun finder det også vigtigt, men det skal ikke gå så stærkt, at udvalgsmedlemmerne ikke er med i beslutningerne, slår hun…
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franklovisolo · 2 months ago
Deuxième volet des Compositions de musique concrète pour «Effet Larsen». En plus on y trouve deux «Waterphones» et quelques effets Audio.
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kwebtv · 5 years ago
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Forbrydelsen (The Killing)  -  DR1  -  January 7, 2007 - November 25, 2012
Crime Drama (40 episodes)
Running Time:  50 minutes
Stars: (Series 1)
Sofie Gråbøl as Inspector Sarah Lund
Søren Malling as Inspector Jan Meyer
Troels II Munk as Chief Inspector Erik Buchard  (episodes 1-11)
Morten Suurballe as Chief Inspector Lennart Brix  (episodes 11-20)
Lars Mikkelsen as Troels Hartmann
Bent Mejding as Mayor Poul Bremer
Marie Askehave as Rie Skovgaard
Bjarne Henriksen as Theis Birk Larsen
Ann Eleonora Jørgensen as Pernille Birk Larsen
Nicolaj Kopernikus as Vagn Skærbæk
Farshad Kholghi as Rama
Michael Moritzen as Morten Weber
Julie Ølgaard as Nanna Birk Larsen
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groovystarfishcolor · 4 years ago
Videa-HD Álomépítők teljes film magyarul online. Álomépítők teljes Indavideo film, Álomépítők letöltése ingyen Film Magyarul Álomépítők 2020 (Filmek-HD) Online Videa Nézze meg a Álomépítők. teljes filmet online ingyen Nézze meg a Álomépítők. teljes filmet online ingyen - Elle a továbbtanulást tervezgeti, miközben távkapcsolatban él…
látogasson el a linkre🎥https://v.ht/RoYxb
❍❍❍ TV MOVIE a linkre ❍❍❍Lenker til en ekstern side.
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Álomépítők (2020) - Animációs Filmek 81 percek. Mina und die Traumzauberer, Drømmebyggerne, Minna & The Dreambuilders, Sapnu kurejai, Mina und die Traumzauberer, Dreambuilders. anime
felszabadított: Feb 06, 2020
Runtime: 81 percek
Műfaj: Animációs, Kaland, Vígjáték
Csillag: Emilie Koppel, Caroline Vedel Larsen, Rasmus Botoft, Martin Buch, Ditte Hansen, Stig Hoffmeyer
Crew: Søren Grinderslev Hansen (Writer), Petter Lindblad (Consulting Producer), Tonni Zinck (Director), Sunit Parekh (Associate Producer), Nynne Selin Eidnes (Producer), Kim Hagen Jensen (Director)
TAGS. Álomépítők ingyen letöltés, Álomépítők netmozi, Álomépítők, Álomépítők magyar premier, Álomépítők film online, Álomépítők teljes film, Álomépítők teljes film videa, Álomépítők indavideo, Álomépítők magyarul online, Álomépítők teljes film magyarul indavideo, Álomépítők online videa, Álomépítők online filmnézés, Álomépítők online teljes film, Film is a work of art in the form of a series of live images that are rotated to produce an illusion of moving images that are presented as a form of entertainment. The illusion of a series of images produces continuous motion in the form of video. The film is often referred to as a movie or moving picture. Film is a modern and popular art form created for business and entertainment purposes. Film making has now become a popular industry throughout the world, where feature films are always awaited by cinÁlomépítőks. Films are made in two main ways. The first is through shooting and recording techniques through film cameras. This method is done by photographing images or objects. The second uses traditional animation techniques. This method is done through computer graphic animation or CGI techniques. Both can also be combined with other techniques and visual effects. Filming usually takes a relatively long time. It also requires a job desk each, starting from the director, producer, editor, wardrobe, visual effects and others. Image for post Definition and Definition of Film / Movie While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be dÁlomépítőknded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films. Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful.
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impactfirebomb-blog · 6 years ago
¡ Premios na LCS 2018!
Novato de la división
1er lugar: Robert "Blaber" Huang-Jungle, C9 (118 puntos) 2do lugar: Tristan "Zeyzal" Stidam-support, C9 (105 puntos) 3er lugar: Raymond "Wiggily" Griffin-Jungle, CLG (34 puntos) 2018 novato del verano de las papeletas divididas
Entrenador de la división
1er lugar: Hangyu "reapered" Bok-C9 (119 puntos) 2do lugar entrenador: Brandon  "saintvicious " Dimarco-volar (65 puntos) 3er lugar entrenador: Jang  "Cain " nu-RI-TL (48 puntos) 2018 coche del verano de las balotas partidas
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Na LCS All-Pro equipo 1st na LCS todo-Pro Team:
Chan-Ho "ssumday" Kim-Top, 100 (125 puntos) Jake "Xmithie" puchero-Jungle, TL (94 puntos) Nicolaj  "Jensen " Jensen-MID, C9 (102 puntos) Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng-ADC, TL (134 puntos) Negro-ayuda de Zaqueri "Aphromoo", 100 (105 puntos) 2do equipo All-Pro de na LCS:
Eric "regaliz" Ritchie-Top, C9 (98 puntos)
Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett-Jungle, Fox (75 puntos)
Tristan "Powerofevil" Schrage-MID, opt (82 puntos) Zachary  "Sneaky " Scuderi-ADC, C9 (48 puntos) Tristan "Zeyzal" Stidam-support, C9 (75 puntos) 3er equipo All-Pro de na LCS:Eonyoung  "impacto" Jeong-Top, TL (21 puntos) y Ho-Jong "Flame" Lee-arriba, Fly (21 puntos)
Lucas "Santorin" Larsen-jungla, Fly (58 puntos) Søren  "Bjergsen " Bjerg-MID, TSM (61 puntos) Jesper  "Zven " Svenningsen-ADC, TSM (31 puntos) Joosung "Olleh" Kim-support, TL (35 puntos) 2018 na LCS Summer Split All-Pro boletas
Jugador más valioso: Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng-ADC, TL (119 puntos) 2do lugar MVP: Chan-Ho "ssumday" Kim-Top, 100 (103 puntos) 3er lugar MVP: Eric "regaliz" Ritchie-Top, C9 (46 puntos)
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veworextreme · 2 years ago
The killing danish online
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#The killing danish online series#
#The killing danish online tv#
Meanwhile, Thomas Buch, the newly appointed Minister of Justice, suspects that his predecessor was involved in the cover-up of a massacre of Afghan civilians by Danish soldiers and that this incident is connected with the murder. Lund suspects that the murder is not as straightforward as it seems, despite the forced confession of Dragsholm's husband. Inspector Ulrik Strange arrives at a port where Lund is working as a border guard, on the orders of her former boss, Brix, to ask her to return to help investigate the murder of Anne Dragsholm, a military adviser found murdered in Ryvangen Memorial Park. The Region 2 DVD with English subtitles was released on 19 December 2011. In the United Kingdom, it was shown on BBC Four, starting from 19 November 2011, following the success of the first series, on the Belgian channel, Canvas, starting on 25 November 2011, and in Australia on SBS Two, starting from 21 March 2012.
#The killing danish online tv#
It was shown on German TV channel ZDF and on Swedish SVT in the autumn of 2010. Episodes were screened eleven days later on Thursdays on Norwegian NRK1. It aired in Denmark between 27 September and 29 November 2009. Pernille Birk Larsen: Ann Eleonora Jørgensenįorbrydelsen II is set two years later and consists of ten episodes.Chief Inspector Lennart Brix: Morten Suurballe (episodes 11–20).Chief Inspector Erik Buchard: Troels II Munk (episodes 1–11).Only Gråbøl was told that she was not the killer. The actors would receive the scripts only on an episode-by-episode basis just moments before shooting was scheduled to begin. As a result, she began "acting like a man" until the character took shape.ĭuring filming of the first series, Sveistrup also refused to reveal the identity of the murderer or even specific plot points to members of the cast, including Gråbøl. Gråbøl had a history of playing emotionally demonstrative characters on Danish television-she had worked with Sveistrup before on the TV-series Nikolaj og Julie-he approached her direct to play the part of Lund before work on the script began.ĭespite her insistence that she wanted to play an "isolated person unable to communicate" Gråbøl initially found it difficult to strike the right balance for the emotionally-distant Lund and then realised that the only people she knew, who were like the character, were men. Gråbøl, in particular, became eager to defend her character.
#The killing danish online series#
Søren Sveistrup, series creator and head writer, worked closely with lead actress Sofie Gråbøl throughout the writing process to develop the character of Detective Inspector Sarah Lund. Novelisations of each series have been published by Macmillan. The Killing has proved to be an international success, particularly in the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands, receiving numerous awards and nominations including a BAFTA Award and an International Emmy. It has also been singled out for the photography of its Danish setting, and for the acting ability of its cast. The series is noted for its plot twists, season-long storylines, dark tone and for giving equal emphasis to the stories of the murdered victim's family and the effect in political circles alongside the police investigation. Each fifty-minute episode covers twenty-four hours of the investigation. Each series follows a murder case day-by-day. The series is set in Copenhagen and revolves around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund ( Sofie Gråbøl). It premiered on the Danish national television channel DR1 on 7 January 2007, and has since been broadcast in several other countries. The Killing ( Danish: Forbrydelsen, lit.'The Crime') is a Danish police procedural drama television series created by Søren Sveistrup and produced by DR in co-production with ZDF Enterprises.
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celtic-cd-releases · 2 years ago
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