#Ryouko Shizuki
redlerred7 · 2 months
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Ryouko Shizuki sketch
Been following a Madoka Magica fanfic called "To the Stars" for over a decade and this is the first time I drew fanart of it. I also drew it in a different style to my usual, just to prove that I can.
Want a sketch of YOUR OC? DM me for c0mms
Alternatively, tip me on Ko-fi so I can keep drawing cute girls.
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shacklesburst · 6 years
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
I’m still gonna go with Shizuki Ryouko from TtS, I think. But be aware that I’ve never had any problems identifying with any POV character in anything, basically. I’ve been everyone and everyone has been me ... and the amount of times I’ve personally saved the world or rather the entire universe borders on ridiculous by now. Ryouko is slightly different in that I not only relate to her as Me But In A Separate World, basically, but that she’s the only character anywhere I ever felt like I could predict what she’s going to do, because I’d do the same, and almost always being right when turning the page.
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
:3c (=I like cats and basically only ever use emoticons)
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
Um, a ... cake? :D
No, probably first I’d try more wishes, if the genie didn’t allow that I’d certainly spend more than the 3.8s I’m gonna spend on this ask part thinking about what to wish for.
🍩- current mood?
Generally content, aka my default mood from which I only waver very seldom.
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ttshieronym · 2 years
Reader submission: thought of a possible doppel name and description for ryouko.
Shizuki Ryouko's doppel: Urania; The doppel of trajectory. Its form is an orrery.
The master of this emotion relates to the planets of the cosmos and the manner in which they are flung across space by forces far bigger then them. Seeking to seize control of its master’s destiny, the doppel tugs and pulls at its delicate mechanism, eventually breaking it and the doppel’s body against its owner’s enemies. Once this doppel is summoned it will devote itself entirely to this task. If it could focus on anything else, it would notice how its owner’s friends are caught in its orbit and flung as projectiles against her foes.
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askthenewhopespeak · 7 years
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I’m indifferent to it, but I’m still hungry. Do you want me to grab both of ours or do you want to come with?
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I’ll get mine, but thanks for the offer.
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8tothe20th · 6 years
To The Stars characters - what hive would they join
Just in a vacuum, not considering their place in history or timeline, “what they would be if they were born at the same time in the Terra Ignota timeline” is a different piece
Shizuki Ryouko — Utopian
Simona — Utopian too, probably
Asami — Leaning Utopian
Shizuki Sayaka — Mitsubishi
Maki — Humanist
Asaka — Humanist
Sakura — Humanist
Von Rohr — Utopian, or possibly Humanist
Van Rossum — European, or possibly Blacklaw, or Greylaw.
Erwynmark — ??? Humanist, or Mason.
Sualem — Mason
Tomoe — Cousin
Kuroi Kana — Mason
Atsuko — Brillist.
Akiyama — Brillist
Ryouko’s Father: Utopian
Ryouko’s Mother: Utopian
Ryouko’s Maternal Grandfather: Cousin
Chitose — Brillist.
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Today’s SzPD character of the day is: Ryouko Shizuki from To the Stars.
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shacklesburst · 7 years
Hello, Shizuki-san. My name is Akemi Homura. I am Mami’s work-proximity associate.
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ttshieronym · 2 years
Retcons and such
In preparation for the upcoming (much-delayed) chapter release, the entire existing set of chapters on ffnet and AO3 has been updated. See below for notes (note the occasional reference to Chapter 64, that will make sense in retrospect):
## Major: ## Ch. 37 - Revamped scene where Mami learns telepathy from Akari to better match Ch. 64 Ch. 30 - Added discussion of Ryouko's teleport from Orpheus to *HSS Zhukov* to the dream interrogation scene, to better hint at how it foreshadows Vol. III developments Ch. 18/19/26/29 - Added some references to limited Ceph use of biological components in large equipment, in order: "communications jammer", tanks, "heavy armored vehicles", "drive cores". ## Minor: ## Ch. 62 - Change description of clothing for dead Blink interdictor squid from "robes" to "tunics", to better match description of squid seen by Yuma in asteroid video Ch. 61 - Add a mention of "metal adornments" to the squid seen by Yuma in the asteroid video, to match the dead Blink interdictor squid found by Ryouko in Ch. 62 Ch. 61 - Changed the *HSS Shelton Mayson* to be the cruiser Jovan Pritchard now commands, rather than the one he served on early in his career (which is now the *HSS Xiao He*) Ch. 60 - Clarified that the simulations of the pulsar mission played with various guesses at how gravity modulators actually operated (to better explain why their effects differ from the real ones later encountered) Ch. 55 - Vlad no longer suspects the aliens are mining space-time at the pulsar before Asami discovers that fact in Ch. 56 Ch. 50 - No longer claimed that Mami was one of the first to develop a power outside her original skillset (telepathy) Ch. 50 - Slightly adjusted opening Akari snippet, Akari-Mami scene, and Mami-Homura scene to match Ch. 64 (Akari is older than originally planned, Mami is younger, "Diplomacy" changed to "Recruitment and Diplomacy", Mami uses mind-reading instead of trace magic to track down the plane bombers, Akari calls Mami "Mami" instead of "Mami-san") Ch. 48 - Yuma no longer misleadingly implies V2 TacComps aren't yet on a new branch of the TCF Ch. 36 - Kyouko no longer says she's never gotten a vision more elaborate than just the Goddess's voice (this contradicted an earlier statement) Ch. 36 - Ryouko now understands why her arbalest's bolt string snapped in her first demon hunt in Ch. 2 (a limit to her ability to manipulate the mouth of the wormholes she uses to teleport - it can't encompass or drag in something too distant) Ch. 30 - Ryouko no longer says she pushed the alien ships through the Orpheus wormhole, but rather that she reformed the wormhole around them Ch. 18 - Remove reference to personal "forcefield emitters" used in the original failed wormhole mission (these are beyond human tech at the moment) Ch. 12 - Clarification on the nature of the North Korea intervention that accompanied the founding of the Black Heart Ch. 7 - Establish Kishida Maki's age as 21 (has always been around there) Ch. 6 - Update first description of blink drives for clarity, particularly around charging time, which is only "hours" for long-distance blinks Ch. 3 - Homura now implies a total magical girl population of ~3 million pre-war, rather than ~1.5 million (the relevant population details were revised in 2012 but never fixed here) ## Very minor: ## Ch. 62 - Corrected date for Arminius snippet, 2161 to 2461 Ch. 61 - Corrected drop-off factor for pulsar's magnetic field from r^2 to r^3 Ch. 53 - Yuma no longer incorrectly describes Shizuki Sayaka's safehouse as having no surveillance Ch. 51 - Vlad no longer reverting back to his full name of Volokhov Ch. 51 - Mami no longer remembers training Akari to be self-sacrificing, to match Ch. 64 Ch. 50 - Mami no longer says she's never seen Kyubey off-Earth, instead just saying that it's rare Ch. 48 - Nadya no longer incorrectly asks about things she already knows Ch. 45 - Change description of forming of Miki Sayaka Middle School, to be instead a combined secondary school, formed in the 2060s instead of the 2070s, in order to match Ch. 17 Ch. 43 - More rigorously define a metric space Ch. 42 - Ryouko no longer remembers considering confronting her mother over her genetic editing, there's too much risk due to the implanted psychic defense Ch. 42 - Mami no longer uses Ryouko's nickname for grief cube packbots, "CubeBot" (Asami has picked up the nickname from Ryouko, however) Ch. 38 - Made implied sexual activity less explicit and more implied (So can set archive warnings on AO3, sorry) Ch. 31 - The planet Bismarck has now suffered multiple planetoid collisions during its formation, rather than just one Ch. 30 - "Eastern Pacific Defense Organization" renamed to "Asiatic and Pacific Defense Organization" Ch. 23 - No longer incorrectly suggested that Erywnmark will be with Feodorovich's fleet instead of with Mami's fleet Ch. 23 - No longer mentions stealth cruisers, which have otherwise never come up, and which could also have been read to incorrectly state that all cruisers are female Ch. 22 - Mami no longer refers to Akari as "too inexperienced", to match Ch. 64 Ch. 21 - Update terminology of alien post-blink period from "blackout" to "malaise" Ch. 17 - Rename "Miki Sayaka High School" to "Miki Sayaka Secondary School", as it encompasses both junior high and senior high school instruction at this point Ch. 15 - Removed reference to Internal Security at Level 2 classification Ch. 13 - In Human Fleet appendix, changed "Frigate" to "Standard Frigate" Ch. 12 - Reduced described size of CubeBot from having a diameter of "third of a meter" to "fifteen centimeters", to match later description Various - Incubators now consistently use full names when referring to people (except certain cases) Various - General Staff leadership position standardized to "Chair of the General Staff" ("Chief of the General Staff" had sometimes been used before) ## General style and proofreading: ##  - Standardized spelling and capitalization for various words and phrases  - Standardized to metric system except in turns of phrase
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shacklesburst · 7 years
Me, while reading TtS, chapter 50: omg, I just wanna hug Mami and tell her it’s going to be alright
Me, in a fit of fridge brilliance: ... and if that doesn’t make it canon, I don’t know what will
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askthenewhopespeak · 7 years
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A-alright… I’m sorry if I upset you… 
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You didn’t, don’t worry.
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askthenewhopespeak · 7 years
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… I upset her, didn’t I?
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*Ryouko finishes her meal, and stands* I think I’m gonna talk to the headmaster once the meeting’s over, thanks for helping me out earlier Shizuki-san.
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askthenewhopespeak · 7 years
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Huh? Oh, we aren’t it’s kinda complicated… But she’s kinda like Big Bro, just more impulsive.
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Ah. *Ryouko continues eating in silence*
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askthenewhopespeak · 7 years
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Well, that’s good at least. I still don’t quite understand why Sis stole mine, but whatever.
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“Sis”? I didn’t know you and Shikabane were siblings.
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askthenewhopespeak · 7 years
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Mm… Nothing interesting… *She bites the inside of her cheek before turning her attention back to Ryoko* How’s the stew?
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Pretty good!
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askthenewhopespeak · 7 years
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… Oh… *She’s silent for a second* I’m not exactly good at the small talk thing.
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Fair enough!
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askthenewhopespeak · 7 years
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*She nods before heading into the kitchen and just grabbing a few pieces of fruit* 
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*She finds and sits next to Ryouko after getting her food*
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