#Ruth saying “He made you what you are today. His hand on your shoulder. He guided you.”
afacelesschampion · 24 days
i can't stop thinking about this page from the Longlegs script that Alicia Witt posted on insta
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ericshoney · 2 months
Driskill Hotel ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: You join your brothers in their trip with Sam and Colby
Warnings: swearing, ghost hunting, nicknames, protective!triplets, targeting, spirits, crying, slight angst, fluff
You were tagging along with Nick, Matt and Chris with their trip to Texas to collab with Sam and Colby at the Driskill hotel. You've watched Sam and Colby for years now so your brothers just had to bring you along.
When you arrived and got the introductions out of the way, the guys started to film. You looked around taking in the place.
"What's up guys, today we have some special guests, you've been requesting they join for a video for months!" Colby began.
"It's the Sturniolo triplets and their sister, Y/n!" Sam cheered.
The guys cheered and clapped as you giggled. Sam and Colby started asking different questions and how much you all believed.
"I'd say nine." You answered.
"I'm an eight." Matt said.
"Ten, even though nothing has happened to me for it to be a ten." Nick said.
"I'd say seven." Chris said.
The guys nodded as you all started to explore with the guides for a while, taking in the whole hotel and listening to their stories and experiences. It took a few hours and you laughed at the many jokes the guys made. Nick, Matt and Chris kept an eye on you at all times, making sure you were okay.
"Now it's investigation time!" Colby cheered once you went through the tour and the guides left you.
"First off, let's go talk to Samantha." Sam said.
You followed the guys to the old painting of the young girl. You looked at it seeing it was turning green and remembered the guide said it was the only one turning green out of the many paintings in the whole hotel.
"Now we're all going to offer a piece of candy to Samantha, but one of us is going to say Ruth." Colby instructed.
It was chosen that Matt would call on Ruth whilst the rest of you called on Samantha. You all placed the candy in front of the painting and then went to the stairs where Samantha died.
"You feeling okay, bub?" Chris asked you quietly.
"Yeah, just taking it all in." You answered.
He nodded, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as Sam set up the flashlights on the stairs. You then saw something out of the corner of your eye, making you look back, which caught your brothers' attention.
"What?" They all called at the same time, shocking Sam and Colby.
"I...I swear I saw something go by." You answered.
"Can we just talk about how you all said that at the exact same time!" Colby exclaimed, making you all laugh.
"What did you see?" Matt asked.
"It was a shadow....but it didn't look tall." You replied.
"Samantha." Sam said.
Just then, one of the flashlights went off, making you all gasp. Chris who was still next to you, pulled you closer to his side. You watched as the guys asked various questions, getting a few answers. You then placed your hands in the pockets of your sweats and gasped.
"Oh my fucking God." You called out.
"What!" Nick shouted.
"I have a piece of candy in my pocket." You responded, holding some of the candy that Sam had in his backpack.
"You only took one piece and offered it to Samantha." Chris mentioned, making you nod.
"Yeah you saw me and it's on camera. How did this get here?" You asked.
"Let's go check and see how many pieces are left at the painting." Sam suggested.
You all nodded and headed back to the painting. You saw there was five pieces, where there should have been six.
"The piece I left is gone." You said.
"That's fucking crazy." Nick said.
You all took a short break, trying to gather some thoughts, before heading to the Maximillian room. The one Empress Carlota was supposed to be in. As soon as you walked in, you started getting a headache and felt dizzy. Nick, who was behind you, noticed you grab your head.
"Hey kid, you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"I just started feeling really dizzy and got a headache." You answered.
"First Samantha and now here, you think it's Carlota?" Matt asked.
"You seem to be drawing them in." Sam mentioned.
You took a deep breath and watched them set some equipment up. You then had a crazy idea after seeing them set the EMF rope up.
"What if I do the estes method in here?" You suggested.
"No!" Nick, Matt and Chris all shouted at the same time.
"You said you felt dizzy, we're not having our sixteen year old sister get attached to a spirit!" Nick added.
"We don't want to cause any family drama, but it could be a good idea. You guys can try it later in room 525, but Y/n might get something more since she's a girl." Colby replied.
After a bit of convincing, you sat on the floor in the middle of the EMF rope, blindfolded and with the headphones on. You sat for a few minutes with nothing.
"I don't know why I feel so nervous." Chris said, laughing to try and cover his fear.
"She's your sister, it seems more scary when it's someone you love." Sam responded.
Suddenly, you started saying some stuff. It was a few random words at first, the guys tried to piece together, but then you said something that scared them.
"Her? As in Y/n?" Colby asked.
"What about her?" Nick asked.
"You can't have our sister." Chris said.
"Are we talking with Carlota?" Sam questioned.
"Is Y/n a threat?" Matt asked.
You didn't say anything for a minute, giving the guys a chance to think and ask some more questions. But they then noticed you weren't responding and your breathing started picking up.
"Get her out!" Matt shouted.
Colby rushed over and tapped your shoulder gently, helping you remove the headphones. You threw the blindfold off and looked at the guys, your breathing still faster than normal and tears in your eyes.
"Hey, hey your okay. We're here." Nick said, hugging you tightly.
Sam placed the camera down, knowing you needed to stop for a bit. Matt rubbed your back as you clung to Nick, Chris standing besides him, all their faces showed worry. None of them said anything as you calmed down.
When you had calmed down, your breathing back to normal, you all went and sat in the lobby, feeling safer in that area.
"Can you remember anything you said?" Matt asked you.
"A few words like her and want, but it was like someone was squeezing my head tightly. It was static and my body started feeling light till Colby touched my shoulder." You answered.
"Did....Did you get it on camera?" You then asked.
"A bit, but we can cut it out." Sam answered.
"If that's okay." You replied, making him nod.
"Of course, whatever makes you feel more comfortable." Colby replied.
You gave them a small smile and knew that Nick, Matt and Chris would be watching you like a hawk for the rest of the investigation.
@mattsfavbigtitties @lgbtq-girl @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @riowritesitall
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Can I please get a fluffy dad Pedro coming home to trader taking care of their sick baby?
It's been a hot minute since I've wrote for Pedrito. Felt good, so good!!
Snotty noses
Pedro was rather lost in his head as he made his way through the busy New York streets after yet another interview. He had declined so many of them towards the end of your pregnancy. Even more, once your baby girl was born. But his management was pressuring him now. He had to make an appearance. There were shows and movies of his that had to be promoted. Especially with him being the main lead.
But now all he felt was guilt because he must have dragged some virus back home last week. Causing you to fall ill slightly but most importantly making your newborn baby sick for the very first time. So to say that he felt like the most shit father ever now would be an understatement.
Pedro stopped at the little pharmacy not too far from your shared apartment to grab the medication you had asked for. Asking for extras of everything. Hating all the little syringes that would help the baby swallow the mixtures. His little angel. Unexpected and hardly planned but no less of a miracle. Truly, Pedro had given up on the idea of having kids. He wasn't in his youngest years. Plus his schedule was still so tight. He knew he would spend way too little time at home for his liking.
But you fell pregnant and he had sat on the bathroom floor for over an hour just started at all the positive tests with you. Happy tears running down his cheeks. Pedro never failed to remind you how thankful he was for this. For you choose to go through the rather ruth pregnancy. Being an absolute wander woman at birth. He loved you even more now and was smitten with the little girl you two had created.
Pedro unlocks the apartment door quietly just in case you two had managed to fall asleep. Dropping the pharmacy bad to the side he kicked off his shoes, quickly making his way towards the living room where he had left his two girls snuggled up in the morning. The fact that no baby was screaming made him hopeful that she was at least slightly better. Had to be, right? The doctor had said that by now she should be showing signs of getting better.
And what Pedro sees is you swaying softly, humming your tune as you no doubt are trying to make her fall asleep. But her tiny little hands are wildly grabbing around as she wiggles in your hands. You turn sideways slightly, jumping lightly at the sight of your partner.
"God, Pedro, I nearly had a heart attack...", you mutter letting your shoulders sag in relief. "Sorry, my love, just was trying to be quiet", he mutters quietly, taking you in. You're still in one of his shirts that you wore to bed. Hair messily pushed to the side. A part of Pedro knows that you hadn't had a shower or a moment to do something for yourself today and that makes him feel so guilty. "You sure succeeded in doing that", You breath out but now you're smiling up at him, "How did it all go?"
"In all honesty, I just wanted to go home. Don't like leaving you two like this", Pedro stepped closer, leaving a light kiss on your forehead, as he embraced you. Noting that your skin was noticeably less warm. "How's our bunny?", his eyes fall onto the little bundle, who's already looking up at their dad with big brown eyes, "How's my little girl? You're feeling any better?", he coos at her, earning a little gummy smile you two haven't seen in over a week.
"The fever is gone, she's mostly snotty", you hum in response, laying your hand down on Pedro's shoulder for a moment. "And you?", he asks within a heartbeat. Your silence says enough. And truthfully Pedro can only imagine what a toll this caused to your body. "I'll be fine", you mutter but Pedro is shaking his head. "Go take a long hot bath, I'll make you something to eat before the evening feed. The pills you asked for are on the entrance table", his words are soft, and caring, as he carefully takes the baby from your hands.
"I'm fine, P", you know that he's also just as tired. He had been taken most of the night feeds. Sure, you both had stayed up for most nights because you both were scared that you might miss something but still. More or less Pedro was the one getting out of bed to change dippers and picking up whatever you might need for a feed. "Don't, my love. You too deserve to take a breather", he gently rubs your upper arm, "I've got her. You go pamper yourself a little. Believe me, you'll feel much better". And of course, you knew that he was right. Sometimes even a little shower can make a huge difference when you're not feeling well. So with a quick kiss on your baby's cheek, you slip away into the bathroom.
Pedro quickly changes into more comfortable clothes while babbling to the rather active baby. He had forgotten how much he enjoyed watching her when she was so active and alert. The droopy, tired eyes had been cutting his heart for days now. Pedro gets the kettle for tea ready. Pulling out a pot of soup from the fridge to heat up once you're out. Already thinking about the sandwich he'll make to go alongside it.
But he finds himself on the sofa almost immediately. With the light weight of the baby pressing onto his chest. "Look at your snotty little nose", he coos, reaching out for the stuff to extract the mucus with and carefully wiping the area, "It must feel so frustrating, huh?" The baby only bubbles in return and Pedro finds himself nodding to the sound. Her curious gaze finds him. The deep chocolate eyes crinkle with a smile as she notices him. "You're happy to see me today? Did you miss me?", Pedro is smiling himself as he carefully runs his fingers over her cheek, "I've missed you too, baby girl. Never want to leave you and your mommy again".
A big yawn slips out of her lips. Pedro moves to rub her back with his palm. She doesn't break the eye contact, trying to stay up and look at her dad but her eyes are slowly betraying her. Pedro laughs a little, "Don't fight it, baby girl, Daddy will be right here when you wake up", he promises. She lets out a sigh. Nuzzling deeper into his chest. Pedro takes hold of her tiny first, placing a loving kiss onto it, letting her tiny finger grip onto him. She's out within seconds. The warmth of him mixed with the calming sound of her father's heartbeat is enough to make her settle in no time. Pedro smiles to himself. Allowing himself to just watch her. Soak up all of her tiny features and the love she can show even while being so small.
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elisysd · 1 year
Dandelions - Ruth B
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
tw: mention of depression, suicid*l thoughts
And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine
Charles woke up with a tremendous headache the next morning. He fumbled for a familiar presence but found only an empty bed. He struggled to sit up and opening his eyes was agony. On his bedside table were some aspirin and a glass of fruit juice, which he drank in one gulp. He could hear noises coming from the living room and tried to get up to see what Lyanna was up to. The room was swaying dangerously and he had to try twice before he reached the door. The light dazzled him and he wondered what time it could be.
Lyanna was busy getting her things together and packing her bags. The next day she was off to New York for a photoshoot and an interview with a major magazine that she had been putting off for several months. Part of her couldn't help but laugh when she saw Charles stumble into the room. She felt sorry for him and went over to him to help him onto the sofa.
“Tough morning?” she sarcastically asked.
“Don’t laugh. I feel like my head is about to explode. I’m not drinking ever again.”
“That’s what they all say. So this is true then, once 25 years old is over your body can’t handle alcohol anymore.”
“I handle alcohol very well.”
“Sure, seems like it.”
“Laugh all you want; I'll remind you of this when you're 25.”
“Still two years to enjoy then!”
She continued to walk back and forth across the apartment, while Charles watched her, trying as best he could to recover. Once she was done, she sat beside him as he let his head rest on her shoulder.
“What do you want to do today? Since it’s my last day, I was thinking we could do something just the two of us.”
“I’m in no state to go out so maybe we can do something chill?”
“Like what? Netflix? You promised me we would watch Drive to Survive together if I remember, months ago.”
“If I promised you then, I shall keep it.”
Halfway through the last season, Charles fell asleep while Lyanna was deeply into the show. She was amazed by how Netflix managed to make it overly dramatic when it was not that deep. Still, she thought that Charles looked good on camera. As if it were made for him. A shame he was such a bad actor, Hollywood would love him.
Charles's head was now resting on the young woman's lap. Lyanna ran her hand tenderly through his hair, finding him very cute like that. Her heart ached at the thought of having to leave the next day and abandon him, even if only for a few days. She would meet him again in Austin but she knew that they would only have a short time for each other. Charles had a Grand Prix to win and apart from being there for emotional support, there was little more she could do.
She was more apprehensive about Austin than she cared to admit. Deep down, she knew there would be a before and an after. This was their first official public outing as a couple and she knew the media would have a field day. She just hoped that it wouldn't be the only topic of conversation in the media and that Charles would be able to dodge questions about their relationship.
She was happy in Monaco, away from it all and with Charles. A protective little bubble just for them, far from her daily routine and her obligations. She still had a bit of trouble with the city, but she was getting used to it. She thought back to what Kika had said to her a few weeks earlier and she finally understood what she meant. It wasn't that she was getting used to Monaco or that she was beginning to like the city, it was the presence of Charles at her side that made everything better. She knew that no matter where she was, if he was near her, everything would be fine. Then reality hit her as hard as a speeding truck. She was falling in love or maybe she already was, she didn't know. She couldn't work out when it had happened, it was just there.  She had no real idea what love was or what she was supposed to feel. But this feeling of well-being, this urge to stupidly smile every time Charles broke into her thoughts, which happened far too often than she cared to admit, this desire to be close to him all the time, she knew it went far beyond simple infatuation. 
The air suddenly ran out of her. She tried awkwardly to get up from the sofa without waking Charles, but failed miserably.
“Lya? What’s wrong?” he groggily asked.
She didn't seem to be listening to him, too busy analysing what she had just realised. She was in a state of panic, pacing up and down the room in front of Charles, completely lost and wondering if his girlfriend had gone mad.
“Love, are you listening to me?”
He ended up ambushing her in a corner of the room, taking her in his arms and forcing her to look at him. She looked confused and on the verge of tears, which frightened Charles.
“Lyanna, talk to me. Please baby, you are scaring me.”
“Charles… I’m so sorry, I don’t know how or when it happened…”
“What happened love? Tell me, I promise I won’t be mad, I just need you to tell me what’s wrong so I can help you.”
“Charles, I think I’m in love with you!” she blurted out, choking on her words.
Charles's heart skipped a beat. He had imagined this moment in so many ways, but never, ever, had he thought that it would be Lyanna who would say those words first, let alone that she would be in this state when she confessed them. Charles let out a small laugh, which soon turned into a full-blown laugh. A big mistake, because it only made Lyanna panic even more, as she couldn't understand what was so funny about it.
“It’s really not funny, Charles! Stop laughing out me!”
Seeing her distraught expression, Charles stopped immediately. He approached her gently, cupping her face in his hands and resting his forehead against hers.
“You think you are in love with me? My Lyanna, I’ve fallen for you a long time ago but was too stupid pour admit it. I was waiting for the perfect occasion to tell you without scaring you away but you just beat me to it. You never cease to surprise me.”
“You love me?” she asked needed to be sure of Charles’ feelings.
“So much. You have no idea to the extent.”
“Okay. It’s good.”
He giggled while capturing her lips with his.
“It’s good indeed.”
“It’s a scary feeling for me.”
“I know. For me as well, but we will work it out and everything will be fine, I promise.”
“I’m in love.” She repeated again, seeming to fully comprehend how deep her feelings ran for him.
A long smile stretched across her lips and her body relaxed as Charles traced small circles down her back. The young woman stood on her tiptoes and placed her lips gently against Charles'. This kiss conveyed much more than her feelings for him, it was a promise. A promise that she wouldn't run away and that even if admitting she loved him made her feel vulnerable in a way she hated, she wouldn't back down.
“Don’t break my heart, okay?” she told him, pulling away and resting her cheek against his chest where she could feel his heart beating loud.  
“Don’t break mine either.” He responded, kissing the top of her head, and pressing her against him a little closer as if he wanted their bodies to become one.
They spent the rest of the day in the comfort of each other's arms whispering sweet I love you’s between kisses. For both Lyanna and Charles the day after would be hard to let go of each other.
And indeed it was. Lyanna never cried that much when it came to say goodbye and Charles had a hard time letting her go through the security’s doors. It was especially harder considering that her flight was long and they would not be able to talk to each other as much as they wanted.
Charles spent the day, brooding alone in the apartment where everything started to remind him of Lyanna. How cute she looked, cutting vegetables in his kitchen, how perfect she was in his bed when she was wearing nothing but one of his shirt, how ethereal she looked on his balcony during golden hour. He was so whipped, he knew that. He probably looked stupid behaving like a lost puppy, but he did not care. She loved him. She said the three little words. Her. To him. Not the other way around. And the thought of it made him feel like his feet were no longer glued to the ground.
On the other side of the Atlantic, after a long flight and a few hours' rest, it was time for Lyanna to get ready for her shoot and the interview that would follow. So it was with eyes ringed by lack of sleep and red from crying during the 10-hour flight that she greeted the hairdresser, make-up artist and stylist. Several hours later, she was barely recognisable.
The photo session went off without a hitch, Lyanna being used to it. When she had finished, she was ushered into a small room away from the hall where the photos had been taken, where a journalist was waiting for her, coffee in hand.
“Miss Michel, I’m Elena Doherty, it’s me who is going to conduct the interview today.”
“Pleasure, to meet you.”
Elena motioned for her to take a seat in one of the armchairs as an assistant came to bring her a cup of tea.
“You don’t mind it being recorder, right? So I’m sure the transcription of your words will be correct.”
Lyanna told her that everything was fine with her and Elena finished putting everything in place before settling down to face her.
"So, Lyanna. First of all, I'd like to thank you for your time and for agreeing to this interview. I know your words have been few and far between in recent years. It’s going to be an intimate interview. Imagine that as a journey inside the mind of a talented actress that some dare to call a once in a lifetime kind of prodigy.” Started the journalist.
“I don’t know if that would be accurate. It’s probably a bit too much.”
“But that’s what people said when it came to your performance in the last Steven Spielberg’s movie that owned you an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress.”
“To be honest, I don’t really read what the press says about me. I care about art and work well done, not reviews.”
“But surely you must be flattered to hear such things about you.”
“Well, of course. It’s always a pleasure to see people enjoying your work, especially when there are so many people involved in a project. I’m a team player, I’m never going to take all the credit for a movie. I’m proud of my work for this one, but what makes me even prouder is the effort the whole team put in it. A movie cannot be great if the team is not at 100% no matter how good the actors are.”
“That’s for sure. You were recently involved in Flowers and Crowns, a romcom that you shot in Monaco. Care to tell us a bit more about what made you jumped in the project? It was a bit bold, especially since everyone was expecting to see you aim for bigger and Oscar worthy type of movies.”
“I’ve always been someone who follows my guts. There is nothing interesting to say about it. I loved the script, I’ve never done a romcom before and I think after all the pressure from the Oscars, I needed to do something light where I could have fun.”
“And did you? Have fun, I mean.”
“I did yes. I think people will enjoy the movie. In terms of vibes it’s a mix between a Bridget Jones’ type of humour and Notting Hill with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. I can’t wait for it to be released.”
“Can you tell us a bit more about your character or is it still something you cannot say?”
“Well, I guess that I can tell you that from all the amazing characters I had the chance to portray, she is definitely the one who is least like me. I can't say any more at the risk of being told off by production.” She added while laughing.
“Shooting in Monaco must have been a dream though, it’s a dreamy location for a movie. Did you feel like you were working or was it more like holidays’ vibes? What was it like?”
“Well it was very different from what I’m used to, very sunny and hot if you compared it to London where I live. But of course, it’s beautiful. We had the chance to shoot in various places, not only in studios. And it was amazing for me to be able to speak French for once.”
“I can’t beat around the bush any longer Lyanna, you must know it, but there were some rumours about you and F1 driver Charles Leclerc while you were shooting the movie. I won’t ask if it’s true because I know that you are not one to talk about private matters in the media. I’m going to ask how you handled that?”
Lyanna gulped and looked at the window. When her agent asked her if she would like to the interview, her first question was to ask for the most trustworthy journalist to conduct it and to not ask personal questions.
“It was hard. I don’t have the greatest relationship with the medias, it’s not new, you know that. So seeing my private life once again being displayed and speculated for entertainment purposes was not a good feeling. It brought back a lot of bad memories.”
“For our readers that might not know what we are talking about, do you feel like explaining?”
“A few years ago, I was a victim of what we call revenge porn. I was in a relationship that did not end well and the person I was with at the time decided to leak intimate pictures and videos of me in the press. The worst thing is that all the videos and pictures had been taken without me knowing about it. And from there onwards, things started to go downhill.
 I started to get harassed by paparazzi to the point that I could no longer leave my flat since they were always outside of my building, waiting for me to come out. I’ve been called names on social media as well as in magazines. You can imagine what kind of things were said. I was dropped by brands and projects that did not want their names to be associated with mine. I lost everything to the point that I had to fly back home to hide.
I was not eating anymore, I was spending my days in bed and I’m sad to admit it, but at some point, I started to wonder why I was still on this planet. What for? And that maybe people would be better off without me since this whole thing had repercussions on my family. My mom was shamed because of me to give an example. Later I was diagnosed with PTSD and depression. And you know, the worst in this story is that I’m the one who was blamed for everything when my ex-boyfriend was able to get away with it unscathed. More than that, he was praised for it, people were saying at the time how lucky he was to have broken up with me considering that I had no shame posing for pictures. I was the victim but everyone put the blame on me. It took months if not almost a year for the truth to be told but it was too late and up until today, I’m still blamed for this story.”
“How did you get through it?”
“With the love and support of the people around me and a lot of therapy sessions. I spend the year following the event working on myself to get back on my feet.”
“And career wise, how did you manage to come back on top?”
“I thought that I would never step on a movie set ever again. I really thought it was over for me. I had to start all over again. No important names from the industry wanted me back, so I started to shoot short movies, unpaid ones sometimes, and I started to work with independent directors on low budget movies. It was an amazing experience despite the circumstances. It really brought back my confidence. I think, somehow, it saved me, and I will be forever grateful for those projects. I thought that it would be my career from now on. And the Steven Spielberg called me and who can say no to Steven Spielberg? The rest is history.”
“I have to ask the question after hearing your story, how are you today, Lyanna?”
“I’m proud and glad to say that I’m happy. Really happy. Probably the happiest I’ve ever been. I have a good support system; I work with the most trustful people and I’m not putting pressure on myself. The projects I choose are ones I truly believe into. I don’t have special career plans; I go with the flow. And I have fun, that what is the most important.”
“I’m glad to hear that. If you could change something in the industry you work in, what would it be? If there was a message you wish to pass on, what would it be?”
“I wish Hollywood would be more supportive of women for starters. And to advocate more when it comes to mental health. So many artists struggle with it and it would be nice for us to feel supported by the industry.”
“Thank you, Lyanna, for your time. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.”
“Thank you, Elena. “
When Lyanna returned to her hotel room, she felt relieved. It was as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and for the first time she was looking forward to reading the article in the press. It couldn't have been late in Monaco, she knew that Charles was due to fly out soon and that he must have been in the middle of packing his bags, so she grabbed her phone to send him a message in which she told him, without going into too much detail, how the interview had gone. She was surprised to see him answering her almost immediately.
I’m so proud of you. I know how painful it must have been to relived that. I can’t wait to read it and to see you. I already miss you like crazy. I love you.
author's note: SHE SAID IT. Finally. I so loved writing this chapter. I just love how cute they are. Next chapter, Austin GP... I can't wait. As usual, I'm always happy to hear your thoughts and reactions in the comments, in the ask box or through DM. Take care!
@zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse @fangirlika @writerscurse @elijahmikaelsonbitch @leclerc13
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
about everything! lol like do some one shots or sth 🥺
Aww I love you guys <3
Well, I can expand my thoughts about Matty, Arthur's friend and Ruth open her mouth about Mel haha because that's what I thought about today. PLEASE SEND ME IDEAS BECAUSE THIS GIRL NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS WANT TO KNOW ABOUT OR IFFFF YOU WANT MORE ABOUT ALL I NEED 😂
Back to the family...
Arthur was around 13 years old, he made a really nice group of friends that hang out on the house most of the time. Matty and Y/n knew them very well, and she always brought food when they have their little gatherings...which all of them love very much.
One Saturday, Matty was on his studio and Y/n went upstairs to bring them some drinks and snacks. Arthur is very embarrassed about the looks his friends send to her mother. He knew she's beautiful, but she was his mom and hated when his friends made comments. They were aware and mostly do it on porpoise.
Y/n closed the door of his son's room, hearing a muffled 'your mom is so fit' which made her chuckled and continued walking. The sound of an object hitting the floor of Arthur's room reached her ears after it.
She made her wait towards Matty's studio room. Y/n opened the door slightly just to check if he was too busy. She knocked, and he turned around.
"Hi, baby." he greeted her.
Y/n went to stand beside him, but Matty was quickly to push her into his lap. She gasped and rounded his shoulders, bringing her face closer.
"Working?" she asked.
"Just finished." he mumbled, leaving in a kiss on her lips.
"Good, I just came from Arthur's room...are they bothering you?"
"Not really...have my headphones on." Matty caressed her back, titling to look at her face, her eyes.
"Guess what?"
"I'm a milf now." Y/n smirked, making him opened his eyes wide.
"Excuse me?"
"Heard one of the kids saying I'm fit."
Matty faked standing up, still holding Y/n, "Okay, I'm going to kill a 13-year-old. Be right back!"
"Matty!" she chuckled. Matty returned them to the previous position.
"How they dare to look at my perfect wife..."
"What can I say?" she joked.
"Mommy!" the youngest of the house ran into the studio.
Y/n turned around on Matty's lap, looking at her. "What's wrong, baby?" she asked her 9-year-old daughter.
"Archie doesn't let me play." she whines.
"Oh, what a horrible brother." Matty exclaimed, gaining her attention. Ruth's face changed instantly, having her father's attention. Y/n tried hard to not roll her eyes. They had many conversations about him continued to baby her even when she was that old. "Come here, my darlin'."
Ruth ran to sit on his lap, on the other side her mother was sitting on.
"Why he's not letting you play?"
"He says I'll not understand the game." Matty turned to look at Y/n as if Arthur had said Ruth was Hitler.
"Mat-" she started.
"I'm going to talk with him latter." he promised her, bringing her closer to his chest. "What about Mel? Where's she?"
"She's not home." Ruth sit back, smiling at Matty.
Her father frowned and Y/n started to feel warm. "What do you mean, Ruti? I saw her two hours ago..."
"Mathilde Ruth..." Y/n tried to stop her, but she was Matty's female version.
"Mel is out with her boyfriend." she said in her innocent voice.
Matty stared at her, trying not to freak out. "Boyfriend?"
"Yes! I meet him, he's nice...he gave me candies!"
"Of course you like him."
"Ruth, remember this was something between Mel, you and me?" Y/n ignored Matty's eyes and grip.
"Oh, no..." she placed her hand on her mouth dramatically.
"Y/n, Mel has a boyfriend?" Matty asked directly.
"Matty...you have to ask her, I'm not going to betray her trust-" she started to ramble.
"Y/n." he didn't shout, but he was angry.
"Don't baby me. Just say yes or no."
Y/n hesitated and just nodded. "Oh fuck, no." Matty exclaimed.
They scolded him, but his mind was in another dimension.
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imagines-babes · 2 years
In My Dreams (Dream)
Hello everyone, how are you today? Did everyone get their twitch recap? My top 4 were Foolish, Punz, Awesamdude and Tubbo(in that order). Did anyone see the wine stream yesterday. Thanks for 30 followers!! Anyways today, story is about Dream. And it follows the song, ‘In My Dreams,’ by Ruth B. You can listen to it by the side cause well majority of the lyrics are in this story. So I hope you enjoy and till next week.
Dream List Masterlist
Tonight, at the concert, it was under the stars and the moon full. The wind started to brush against me starting to sway as the songs play. Glancing around the crowd until I see him in the corner. I couldn't break the stare that we had. In this light, he has light brow hair some of which it was curly. I couldn't tell his eye color as for the distance between us. He's wearing grey pants with a red and black hoodie. Maybe I couldn't break the stare cause his hoodie was my favorite color. Before I even realized, he started to walk up to me. He walk with a smolder giving me a laugh. He handed me a paper, there was flyers about this concert, slowly opening it to see his number. " what is this?" I questioned with a head tilt. "Love at first sight, it exist" that all he replied with. But I stopped believe in love a few months before that night.
Only if I saw him in my dreams, that night, maybe it is meant to be. I would call him in the morning and smile. While you answer the phone to say, "I've been waiting for you." My heart will melt and reply, "me too," but only if I saw him in my dreams.
The concert started to end as people were leaving through the door. He never told me his name only the paper with his number. I started to leave the lot just to smile the whole drive to my house. Just thinking about him. How he talk, his hair, his smile and his eyes. We're the only thing I thought about. How can I feel this way without knowing his name? There was something about him that made me question how I felt. Maybe it was love at first sight.
Walking into the apartment, locking the front door, walking yo the end of the hall to my bedroom. jumping into the bed to lay covering myself leaving the flyer on my nightstand. Turned my face to take one last glance while the tiredness took over. Before I even knew, with a blink, i was at a park walking a dog. It was different dimensions. The trees, the flowers and the stands were different shades. My eyes started to explore more only to see something similar. He's here. My eyes started to soften. He's the same guy from the concert. Finding a little stand, found a napkin using a pen. Walking over to him as he talked to his friends. Tapping his shoulder, giving a smile. He turned and it was the same smile my heart was pumping quickly. We both stared for a while till I handed the paper to him as he broke the stare. "What is this?" He glanced up from the napkin. "I guess love at first sight it exist."
Waking up from the dream, I hurriedly looked for my phone. To just call him. The paper fell to the floor as I called him. Waiting to rings.
*ring ri-*
"Hello who is this," I held my phone tighter as I sat up from my bed. "Hey this is the person that you gave your number to last night at the concert." I heard his cough while the bed creaking to sit up. "Oh hey I've been waiting for you like to call thought you weren't going to," I broke into a smile pulling up my legs closer to my body. "Well sorry for the long wait but I've also been waiting for you."
Between the two the rest is history.
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Over The Odds | Surprise
Pairing - jungkook x reader
Genre - smut, angst, fluff, ceo!jungkook, sugardaddy!jungkook
Word count - 5.7k
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You’re offered a life changing opportunity 
warnings: mentions of mental health illnesses, mental health facility, toxic family members, oral sex (f receiving), passionate prone bone sex, soft jk & oc
Jungkook’s home has become your safe haven, a place to escape reality and catch a moment of breathing space when life gets tough. The familiar scent of musk and vanilla adds a certain nostalgia to the air, you miss him, he’s at work a lot of the time but has given you free reign of his place whenever sleeping in Jimin’s bed proves too much for you. It’s been one month since Ruth’s arrest, one month since Jennie had also been taken into police custody for her part in all of this too. Finally, fucking finally you’re beginning to feel like a ginormous weight has lifted from your shoulders.
Telling your parents what your sister had done was no easy task, your mum broke down in floods of tears and blamed herself: ‘maybe I raised her the wrong way’, ‘maybe I should’ve been there for her more’, and the one that stung the most, ‘I should’ve seen this coming’. Your father had a similar reaction, locking himself in his office for what felt like a lifetime to silently ponder all the parental mistakes he made, searching for the signs he overlooked before.
After a lengthy discussion with Taehyung you were advised that Ruth is probably going to be sent to a mental health institute to battle her demons rather than prison. A professional had conducted an examination on your sister, revealing that she is suffering with a collection of illnesses that alter her personality. As far as you’re aware she’s undergoing treatments and responding well to the medication, it’s hard to say for sure because you haven’t visited her yourself – only your parents have, initially to seek answers from their oldest daughter but you suspect they keep going back out of guilt.
Thankfully no legal repercussions came from Jungkook fighting with Namjoon, he’s assured you that there’s no footage of him ever being there and Taehyung has also advised that if anything is to creep up, he’s more than prepared for it with a catalogue of receipts proving why Joon isn’t a reliable source and any claims he makes shouldn’t be taken seriously by the law. 
The hole in your heart from Namjoon’s infidelity has healed, however the betrayal of your sister is currently a working progress. If it wasn’t for Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and Yoongi god only knows how you would be feeling right now. Things are settling down some, you’re applying for jobs left right and centre but to no avail, not yet – Jungkook has been taking care of you in every way possible: emotionally, physically, financially, despite your frequent protests telling him he doesn’t need to.
It's a Friday morning when you’re sitting in your boyfriend’s kitchen, propped up on the counter top in short silky pyjamas with a coffee in one hand and your phone in the other. You’re mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, saving a few outfit inspiration posts that catch your eye when the device rings, displaying an unknown number.
“Hello?” You answer lazily, confused.
A woman who sounds to be mid thirties replies, “Hello, good morning, is this Y/N?”
“Who’s calling please?” You frown, sipping at your steaming drink.
“My name is Linda, I work for the BBC. Just to confirm am I speaking to Y/N?”
“…The BBC?” You cock your head to one side, “Yeah this is Y/N, what can I do for you?”
“Brilliant! I’m calling today to arrange a meeting with you if possible, I work in television and we’re currently looking into a documentary on cyber crimes against women in the UK. I’m very interested in sharing your story, with your consent of course. You’re quite the celebrity these days and I think with your platform we could really shine a light on this topic and the repercussions that come from stories like yours.”
Your jaw drops, you’re frowning, eyes wide, heart quickening.
“I-,” You’re at a total loss for words, this is something that you feel so strongly about and the chance to potentially help others who have gone through similar experiences is something you’re very much interested in doing, “That sounds like something I’d be interested in doing, when can we meet?”
“How does next Thursday at 2PM sound?”
“That would be great, thank you so much for calling me…” You’re wearing a surprised smile, already excited about the prospect of this new opportunity.
“No thank you for taking my call, take care Y/N we’ll see you next week and please feel free to brainstorm any ideas you may have, we’d like you to be as involved in this project as possible.”
“Thank you, have a good day.” You end the call with a single tap of the thumb, throwing yourself off the kitchen countertop with a grin to get ready for the day ahead.
BBC want your help sharing your story about cyber crimes against women? This could open up so many doors for your career, maybe you can even make use of your business degree and turn the hellish events of this year into something much, much bigger. Your brains doing overtime when you do your hair and makeup after a quick shower, deciding today is a day for celebration. You shimmy yourself into a champagne slip dress, a recent gift from your boyfriend, and grunge it down with some converse and an oversized black leather jacket.
The paparazzi are already waiting outside Jungkook’s building for you, as they usually are these days, so you offer them a small smile and wave before making your way to Jimin’s place to tell him your surprising yet very exciting news.
“Y/N? What are you doing here it’s not even 10AM.” Jimin rubs the sleep from his eye in his matching blue pyjamas, stepping to one side to let you in.
“Good morning sunshine. The BBC just called me, they want me to be in a documentary about cyber crimes against women.” You blurt in excitement which seems to wake your best friend up as he’s grinning just as widely as you are.
“Whoa, Y/N that’s amazing! Are you gonna do it?”
“Maybe? I think it could be a good thing to help them with this?”
Jimin pulls you in for a hug in the cluttered living space, you notice there’s cardboard boxes scattered about the apartment, “I think it’s a great thing, I’m so proud of you—”
“For having sex on camera?” You chuckle against his warm neck, “No but really, I wanna raise awareness for this type of thing, I already have so many ideas to tell them.”
“What’s Jungkook said about it?” He peels back and you catch a glimpse of Yoongi over his shoulder, shuffling around in pyjamas similar to Jimin’s.
“I’m gonna tell him tonight, they only called this morning.” You smile, waving at the newest member of your small friendship circle. “What’s with all the boxes?”
At this his face drops into something guilty, he turns away from you to boil the kettle and make everybody a drink, “Uh-, Y/N…”
“Come on let’s sit down.”
And so you do, choosing to settle on the arm chair with your freshly made herbal tea as the couple take the small sofa along the next wall. Yoongi and Jimin, or yoonmin as you’ve affectionately labelled them, are the epitome of the perfect couple. They’re great together, in the time you’ve known them as a unit you’ve learned that their personalities couldn’t be more different even if they tried. Where Jimin is loud, sometimes overbearing and outgoing Yoongi is more reserved, introverted but his one-liner jokes always have a way of catching you off guard.
“What’s going on?” You quirk a brow, heart melting when your gaze finds Yoongi soothingly rubbing small patterns on Jimin’s thigh.
“The tenancy agreement on this place runs out next month,” Jimin sighs, “So… I’m gonna move in with Yoongi, but don’t worry we’ve spoken about it and—”
“And you can move in with me too, I live in Jungkook’s building… My apartment isn’t as big or luxurious as his but I have a guest bedroom that—”
“That we can decorate and make it yours, nothing has to change I still want us to live together—”
“We want you to live with us.” Yoongi corrects his boyfriend with a content nod and gummy smile, his newly bleached silver hair falling into his eyes.
“Guys…” You’re laughing breathily, taken aback by their gesture bless their sweet souls, “Thank you, really thank you so much but… I mean I practically live at Jungkook’s anyway, I can always talk to him and see if he’s ready to take the next step in our relationship and… Yknow… If not I can go back to my parents’ house it’s no big deal.” You nervously chew your lower lip, you want to live with Jungkook, hell in a way it feels like you already do, but you don’t know if he feels the same way.
“No really you can live with us Y/N, don’t feel like you have to ask anybody else.” Yoongi guzzles the rest of his morning coffee, promptly standing from the sofa, “Anyway I’ve gotta go get changed and get to work, I’ll see you both soon.”
“I mean it Y/N you can live with us, I’ve already picked out the colour scheme of your new bedroom.” Jimin beams like a proud dad, winning you to kick your head back with a laugh.
“Aren’t I supposed to be the one who does that?”
“Well you’ve had a really traumatic six months… I thought I could lighten your burden.” He justifies with a mocking nod, hand clutching his heart.
“Ah, well thank you so much.”
“How are you doing now?”
“You mean since I saw you yesterday?” You giggle, “I’m fine.”
“No but really… How are you doing? Have you heard anything from uh-, Ruth?” He almost looks guilty when her name leaves his lips, though he has no reason to feel that way. It’s not like he was the one who betrayed you.
“My parents have been visiting her… She’s not well, but I haven’t spoken to her myself since she was arrested.”
“Are you going to speak to her?” Jimin’s question catches you off-guard, you almost drop your drink as you mull over what he’s asking of you. Do you want to see her? To speak to her? After everything she’s done?
You shake your head slowly, “Probably not, I hope she gets all the help she needs but to be frank with you I don’t want to be a part of her life anymore.”
“Understandable. So tell me more about this documentary!” 
The rest of your morning is filled with Jimin trying to convince you to live with him and his partner, to which you do begin to consider it – maybe living with them would be the best thing. You’ll still be close to Jungkook, a lot closer than if you moved back into your family home, and you wouldn’t have to put a strain on your relationship by asking to move in either. It’s after a food delivery and endless conversations about the future with your bestie that you decide to head back to Kook’s apartment; excited to tell him about your new opportunity.
Back at the penthouse you’re busying yourself by hanging up Jungkook’s dry cleaning in his walk-in closet, it’s a little after six pm when the elevator chimes signalling his arrival. He looks fucking delicious today, as always, wearing grey and black checked trousers with a black shirt tucked into them, the first few buttons undone exposing his tanned skin. His hair is pushed back away from his face, flaunting his thick brows and chiselled features that soften upon seeing you when he steps inside the bedroom.
“You look…amazing baby,” His stare hungrily drags itself up the way the champagne coloured dress hugs your curves, “What’s the occasion?”
“No occasion,” You shrug, smiling when he makes his way over, “How was work?”
“Ah yknow, bit of this a bit of that… Same shit different day.” He chuckles, his expensive cologne flooding your senses when he stands behind your frame, snaking his strong arms around your waist, “Is this new? Don’t think I’ve seen you wear it before, and I’m sure I would’ve remembered...” He squeezes the material of your dress, peppering your neck with dainty kisses.
“Mhm, my boyfriend bought me it last week actually.” You hum amused, trying to ignore the way your stomach knots with each of his little touches as you hang up the last of his suit jackets.
“Ahh, now I remember. He has good taste.”
“Well I guess there is kind of an occasion,” You loll your head to one side, granting him further access to your sensitive skin, his dark bangs tickle the flesh of your earlobe, “I’ve been asked to help the BBC with a documentary they’re doing on cyber crimes against women.”
“What?” He pulls his head back, spinning you in place until the swell of your breasts are flush with his toned chest, “That’s… Y/N that’s incredible, are you gonna do it?” His eyes are trained to yours, his smile genuine and brightening up the otherwise dark room.
To this you lift your shoulders, “Maybe? I mean I want to, it’s a topic not enough people talk about. I have a meeting with them next week to discuss it properly.” His hands find purchase on your waist, gripping you tightly.
“Well whatever you decide to do you have my full support, I know things have been rough for you and if this is a way for you to get closure and take control of the situation then I’m all for it.”
You hadn’t even thought about it like that, maybe sharing your story and what you went through with the video leak will be good for you, therapeutic even. Maybe it will give you closure, discussing your emotions and shining a light on the repercussions of revenge porn. You bring your arms to his broad shoulders, lightly grazing your manicured fingertips on the nape of his neck, winning a content sigh to fall from your boyfriends lips.
“You know I could get used to this.” He rests his forehead against yours with a breathy chuckle.
“Don’t destroy this one and I’ll wear it more often then.” You giggle, pressing your lips to his in an open-mouthed kiss.
“Mm, you know that I’m not talking about the dress,” He hums against you, your teeth almost clink together because of how much you’re both smiling, “I meant you being here when I get back from work.”
“I’m pretty much always here now.” You kiss him again, this time swiping your tongue over his lips earning yourself another sigh. He walks you backwards out of the closet until your knees hit the foot of his bed, his mouth never leaving yours when the kiss deepens into something more…desperate.
“I’m just saying,” You can feel how hard he’s already getting against your abdomen, his voice is husky and deep with seduction, yet quiet against your lips, “Maybe you should bring more things here, I like that you’re here a lot.”
“A little too much apparently.” You snake a hand down to cup his length, he hisses before shaking his head in disbelief with a smile.
“You’re such a fucking brat.”
“Mhm, I get that quite often.”
“Oh yeah? Maybe you should learn how to behave then.” Your back hits the mattress with a small ‘oomf’ from your end when he pushes you onto the bed, crawling on top of you and caging you in with his muscular arms.
“Maybe.” You repeat with a smirk, hands gliding to his shirt buttons where you get to work in undoing them, “But maybe you secretly like that I’m such a brat.”
“It’s not much of a secret at this point now, is it?” He smashes his lips to yours in a series of lewd frenzied kisses that has you weak at the knees embarrassingly fast. You quickly rid him of his shirt, fingernails tracing the intricate patterns of his body art.
A small whine escapes you when he holds your hands above your head with one of his, pinning you in place. His other gets to work on hiking your dress up until the material pools your middle, exposing the pretty purple lacey thong you decided to wear today. He licks the shell of your ear before taking it between his teeth.
“Jungkook…” You breathe, desperate to feel more of him.
“Sometimes I forget how sensitive you are...” He murmurs, repeating his previous action until your hips are buckling up into his in search of friction. Thankfully he recognises your neediness and two inked fingers find their way to the waistband of your underwear, playfully twanging it, you can feel him smirking against your neck.
“Please…” You whimper, hands struggling against his hold.
He pulls back to sit on his knees, searching for the zipper of your dress. Your hands are finally free but you freeze, body tensing up as you stop him. You haven’t been completely naked in front of him, sober, in a very long time. Every time you’d been intimate with him you’d found a way to keep your lingerie on, or wore something with easy access that didn’t need removing completely. You still feel insecure about your body ever since it was publicly exposed.
“No-, stop.” You prop yourself up on your elbows, Jungkook stops in his tracks immediately with big brown doe eyes zoned in on your face.
“Are you okay?” He’s worried, but you’re distracted by the way his muscles flex under the dim lighting of his bedroom.
“Yeah yeah,” You nod quickly to reassure him, “Just leave the dress on please.”
“Y/N…” His brows are knitted together in confusion, “Why?”
At this you sigh, somewhat under pressure, “I just don’t feel-, please?”
“Baby…” His voice is low and quiet, he’s gripping your thighs gently, “You’re perfect, you know that right? So fucking perfect.” He lowers his mouth to your open thighs, gently sucking the flesh between a series of licks and kisses, winning a soft moan from you. “I love you so much baby…”
“I love you too.”
“Do you trust me?” His breath is warm against your skin as he slowly makes his way up to your underwear.
“You know I do.” You whisper, lying flat on your back against the bed sheets.
“Then please… Don’t cover up this beautiful body of yours…” He takes your lingerie between his teeth, playfully pulling it back. A groan erupts from your chest when he licks at your barely clothed clit, his hooded eyes are glued to yours, “I wanna see all of you, I wanna feel all of you… You’re perfect, so fucking perfect.”
“Please touch me Jungkook…”
You’re twisting the sheets beneath you when he hooks his fingers into your panties, dragging them down your legs painfully slow before you’re kicking them off the bed. He’s taking his time with you tonight, littering your folds with small kisses before finally he takes your clit between his lips and sucks gently.
“Fuck,” You throw your head back, body feeling ten million times hotter than it did when he first got back.
“You like that baby?” He hums, proud, flattening his tongue against your sensitive bundle of nerves where he traces small, familiar patterns – the same patterns he always does, making you come undone every time without fail, “You like it when I eat you out like this?”
“Mmm, yeah I do…” You push your core up to meet his mouth, his tongue massages your clit rhythmically.
He shifts on the bed, laying flat on his toned stomach as he continues to lap up your growing arousal. You’re growing wetter and wetter by the minute, the lewd noises of his mouth against you fill the otherwise quiet atmosphere and heat spreads your abdomen.
“Keep going.” You mewl.
“Take your dress off for me baby,” Jungkook’s stare is fuelled by nothing other than lust, “Please, you don’t need to hide from me Y/N.”
Lazily your fingers find the zipper and soon you’re pulling the champagne silk off your figure, exposing your matching purple bra which is sheer enough to see your nipples through it. You’re too turned on to feel insecure, Jungkook groans at the sight of your exposed body, burying his face between your folds with a new found determination.
“And your bra.” He mumbles.
Within minutes you’re completely naked and spread wide for your boyfriend, he’s eating you out so passionately and so messily that you’re already close to seeing stars. You yell something that sounds like his name when his arms reach up to your bare breasts, thumbing and rubbing your nipples, his touch featherlight but has you a writhing mess within minutes.
“You taste so fucking good baby.” He moans. The sound vibrates against you until it reaches your insides, adding to your growing orgasm while he speeds up his ministrations.
“Jungkook, fuck-“ You’re a panting mess, rolling your hips against his face. You peer down at him, it’s like he’s hypnotised by your pussy, suckling it so hard and perfectly in sync with the way he’s pinching your nipples. After a few particularly harsh licks and flicks of his tongue you welcome the white hot heat that threatens to spill, fingertips flying to his raven locks where you pull him impossibly closer, “There, oh my g-, right there, don’t stop! I’m gonna! Don’t stop!”
And he doesn’t, keeping the pace even until you’re empty hole is convulsing, pulsating as you cream all over his mouth and chin with a deafeningly loud moan. As always he helps you ride out your high, slowing his movements when he laps up every last drop of your come while you try and steady your heaving breaths.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, I love watching you come for me...” He exhales, gaze lost in yours. The way he looks at you as he crawls on top of your frame should be illegal, a shaky sigh leaves your lips when his come down to meet them, swallowing your pleas to be fucked. Your arousal lingers on his tongue, the taste swirls against yours and floods your senses.
“Please fuck me, please…please…” You whine.
He falls weak to you begs, quickly ridding himself of his checked pants and boxers, roughly gripping the bend of your waist, “Turn over.” He orders, voice low and dangerous.
You obey, rolling onto your front until your breasts mould against the mattress. Jungkook spreads your legs with his knees before lowering his body onto yours, holding his weight with his arms. He’s kissing your back, his multitalented tongue darting out with kittenish licks on your bare skin.
“Jungkook please.” You whine into the pillow, turning your face to the side.
“What do you want baby? Tell me.” His voice is merely a whisper.
“I want you to fuck me…” You gnaw your lower lip with desperation growing between your already shaky legs.
At this he lines himself up with your entrance, teasingly brushing his length between your sopping folds winning you both to groan in anticipation. There’s a ringing in your ears similar to white noise when he finally, agonisingly slowly, pushes every rock hard inch of himself into your core from behind.
A gasp tumbles from your lips when he rocks his hips into you, his pelvis pressing hard against the fat of your ass cheeks with each movement. He feels so big from this position, filling you up in the most devilishly good way possible. You push your ass up as much as you can, until his shaft brushes against your sensitive and spongey g-spot with every thrust.
“Jungkook.” You mouth falls into a silent ‘o’, eyes scrunched from pleasure.
“You’re amazing,” He breaths against your neck between lewd kisses against your skin, “You’re fucking amazing Y/N.”
You’re panting a chorus of ‘please’ ‘fuck’ ‘yes’ ‘Jungkook’ in sync with each time he fills you up to the brim, the crown of his cock pressing against your cervix hard enough to bruise.
“I love you so much… Fuck, I love you princess.” The new pet name whispered between soft groans sends a pang of heat to your abdomen, your second orgasm already approaching, “Touch yourself for me, rub that perfect little clit.”
Snaking a hand down the bed you find the sweet spot with ease and begin to do as he says, tracing small circles over the area in time with the deep yet slow rolls of his hips.
“That’s it, fuck-,” A guttural moan rips from his throat at the way your walls squelch and tighten around him, he knows you’re close, he can tell by your wayward breathing and the way you’re writhing under his weight, “You feel so good, I could fuck you like this forever.”
“Faster, go faster please…” You beg shamelessly.
At this he shakes his head, his damp hair tickling your shoulder, “Nice and slow baby… Nice and slow.”
Pained moans leap from your chest that’s heaving against the bed linen, he’s never been this gentle and passionate with you. The way he’s fucking into you sensually, holding himself in place with one arm as the other comes down to explore your curves, his fingertips grazing every spot on one side of your body until his palm finds purchase on your hip, fingernails digging into your skin when he grips you, pulling your bodies even closer.
“So close…” You warn him with a strangled whimper, speeding up the way your own hand rubs your throbbing clit.
“Go on, give me another one,” He’s equally as breathless as you when he takes the flesh of your neck between his teeth, “Come for me, your pussies already so wet—”
He’s cut off by his own throaty moan, the sound so deep it’s borderline a growl when your second orgasm hits, your hole clenching his thick length so sinfully that you’re nothing more than a blubbering mess beneath him, totally and completely fucked out. Both hands fly to the pillow that you’re squeezing and twisting in your grip, body jolting and shaking as you ride out the wave of euphoria.
“You’re so tight, ah-,” He hisses, kissing your temple.
“Kook…” You’re in a post-bliss daze, barely able to catch your breath. Your mind is blank, unable to concentrate on anything other than the sensations and sounds of Jungkook slowly splitting open your slippery walls. “Oh my god-“
It’s not long before his own orgasm approaches, his grunts turn into whines and his thrusts become messy, he never speeds up though, not once. He rocks his cock in and out of you at a leisurely pace until he’s chanting your name under ragged breaths. You peek back at him for a moment, the sight alone makes you gasp. His eyes are squeezed shut, kiss-swollen lips ajar, messy sweat-stained hair covers forehead and thick brows.
“You’re gonna make me come baby…” His hooded eyes flutter open for a second, his gaze locked onto yours before he buries his head into your shoulder with a loud, gravelly groan, spilling his hot seed into you.
Jungkook stills for a few minutes before rolling off, laying next to you with a glistening chest and worn-out smile, “You’re something else.” He chuckles, playfully spanking your ass. You can’t move, you’re still laid flat on your stomach untrusting of your wobbly limbs to hold your weight in any other position.
“I didn’t do anything.” You hum with a tired grin, “It was that dress.”
“I can assure you, you look much better without it.”
“Hmm.” You bury your face into the pillow, somewhat embarrassed.
“I’m serious,” He starts, lazily draping his arm round your middle, “You’re perfect, this body…”
“Jungkook, stop it.” You’re laughing when he shifts his position, choosing the straddle your hips with his palms massaging your shoulders. You melt under his touch, feeling the epitome of relaxed when he begins to work a particular knot between your shoulder blades with his thumbs.
“That laugh,” He sighs lovingly, “Your smile, your eyes… You’re perfect.”
“Mmm.” You neither agree nor disagree, instead choosing to enjoy this impromptu massage from your boyfriend.
“Mmm?” You glance back at him, to which he flashes you a coy boy-ish smile.
“Move in with me.”
“What?” This gets your attention, your limbs are heavy and weak but you manage to roll onto your back, blushing at how Kook is now straddling your front as opposed to your back.
“I’m serious, I want us to live together...”
You’re grinning up at him with hopeful eyes, “Really? You think we’re ready for that?”
“Definitely.” He nods with a smile brighter than ten thousand suns, folding his body until your lips meet again in a heartfelt, blissful kiss.
The week flies by, your meeting with the BBC goes better than you had hoped. The main producer Linda, the woman who called you, loved your ideas and is eager to share your story with the world and has given you full creative control in how you want it to be portrayed. You’ve signed a contract with them, it’s officially happening, amongst other exciting opportunities.
“A TV appearance?” Jungkook repeats.
“Mhm, once we’re done filming… To promote the documentary.”
You’re sitting on his lap, being careful not to shift around on top of him too much and save him from an awkward encounter since you’re not alone. It’s pizza night, Taehyung has joined you both for the evening at yours and Jungkook’s now shared apartment but doesn’t seem to mind the obvious semi-public display of affection.
“What’re your plans after the documentary? Like, what are you going to do with it?” Taehyung asks, taking a chomp out of his Hawaiian pizza. Everybody is dressed casually tonight, the three of you in sweats and hoodies while you enjoy some down time together.
“Glad you asked,” You snap your fingers and point to him, rolling your eyes with a smile at Kook who can’t seem to end the string of cheese coming from his own pizza no matter how hard he tries, “I’m finally gonna put my degree to use, I want to start a company that helps women in similar situations to mine… Pay for their legal help when they can’t afford it, provide them with the right resources to get them justice, offer counselling and so on.”
“Like a charity?” Tae raises his brows, seemingly impressed.
You nod, breaking the melted cheese away from Jungkook’s slice for him with your fingers, “Yeah, yknow I never knew what I wanted to do with my degree up until now, I’ve already got a few investors interested in funding the first year.”
“By investors do you mean Guk?”
“Nah,” Jungkook chuckles though he looks vaguely defeated, “She wants to do this on her own, I’ve tried telling her I’ll provide any funding she needs but—”
“But I want the entire thing to be founded by, funded by, and ran by women. Female attorneys, female counsellors, female staff.” You say proudly.
“Isn’t that a little sexist?” Taehyung clicks his tongue but you can’t help but notice he’s impressed by your ambition, his feline eyes wide and glistening when he smiles.
You offer him a small shrug, “I don’t think it is, I just want to give victims of cybercrime and revenge porn a safe space to talk about it and statistically most victims are women. Besides there’s plenty of companies out there that are run by only men.”
“I’m telling you now,” Jungkook’s palm finds the small of your back, “You’ve got this, I know you can do anything you set your mind to.”
Your hand gently grips his chin and you angle his face towards yours, planting a chaste kiss to his lips which he reciprocates, “Thank you.”
“Any time.” He mumbles against your mouth with a grin, stealing another kiss.
“Guys c’mon I’m right here.” Taehyung complains, averting his eyes away from the scene, “Just because you live here now doesn’t mean I wanna see it every time I come over.”
Jungkook pulls away, facing his best friend with a smirk, “Sorry.”
Your phone vibrates inside your pocket, earning you to jump up from Kook’s lap much to his disappointment, “Hang on,” You hold up a single digit, “It’s my mum I’ll be right back.” You saunter out the room, closing the master bedroom door behind you.
“Hi Y/N it’s just me…” Your mum’s voice is soft as she announces herself, despite the fact you knew full well it was her calling from her contact name and display picture.
“Everything okay?” You sit on the bed.
There’s a brief pause on the line, “It’s your sister…”
“Mum.” You cut her off sternly, she knows full well you want nothing to do with her after everything she’s done, “I told you I don’t want to know.”
“I know, I know,” Her voice is laced with guilt, “But she wanted me to pass on a message and I said that I would.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose vaguely irritated, “What’s the message?”
“She wants you to go and visit her.”
You bite back a scoff, “Why?”
“She wouldn’t say.”
“The answer is no.” You say with confidence, “I’m sorry mum, but I can’t. I don’t want her in my life after what she did. I’m not going.”
At this your mother sighs, you feel her pain of course you do, Ruth is her first born child and she will always love her no matter what she’s done and you don’t hate her for that. After all there’s nothing stronger than a maternal bond, “Okay, I’ll let her know... But since you’re not going to see her yourself there’s something you should know...”
“What?” You mumble, attempting to ignore the hurt in her voice.
“Ruth... She’s pregnant.” 
917 notes · View notes
doggernaut · 2 years
A short continuation of this Zimbits Ted Lasso AU from this weekend. (It’s not a true Ted Lasso AU, as there is no Ted stand-in in this world. It’s more of a Zimbits AU drawn from the Roy/Keeley arc, with a small child who co-stars as Jack’s wingman.)
Before he worked in PR, Eric Bittle was mildly well-known for being famous on the internet. That’s what Jack overhead the guys talking about in the locker room one time right after the guy was hired. He doesn’t know exactly what Eric did, but if he was “internet famous” he must be searchable. 
Jack doesn’t even realize he’s made the decision to do it until he’s staring at a page of search results.
Apparently there are two Eric Bittles: one is a baker, the other a model. Jack remembers Bittle bringing desserts to the break room and guesses “baker.” It doesn’t take him long to discover an old YouTube channel that hasn’t been updated in over a decade.
It is, however, the right—albeit a much younger—Eric. His hair is longer and his face rounder, but the blond cowlick and Southern accent are unmistakably his. Jack watches two or three of the short videos, long enough to put together that these baking videos were part of a college project or something. He talks a lot about his advisor and his friends on the hockey team.
Which, huh. It’s not like Jack has ever had a personal conversation with Eric, but it seems like this would have come up at some point. Maybe this is what Ruth meant when she told Jack about Eric’s hockey nickname.
Just out of curiosity, Jack clicks on a few of the links for model Eric Bittle. And … oh. Apparently it is the same Eric Bittle. Jack doesn’t recognize the sultry look on Eric’s face, or any of the brands (some sort of underwear?), but he recognizes those brown eyes and that one cowlick that, apparently, even professional stylists can’t tame.
Jack bites at his thumbnail and wonders what to do with this information. Nothing, he decides. He’ll do nothing.
‘Nothing’ is in the back of his mind the next time Eric corners him .
“Mr. Zimmermann! Just the guy I’m looking for!” Eric says as Jack’s coming out of the workout room. Jack does a little sidestep to avoid bumping into Eric but Eric moves in the same direction and they do an awkward little dance around each other until Eric places a hand on Jack’s shoulder. “Actually, can we sit down a minute and talk?”
“Well, I was thinking in my office, but we can have this conversation in front of a bunch of sweaty guys, if that’s your thing,” Eric says with a wink, and Jack swallows hard, remembering those pictures of a half-dressed Eric he found the other night. “Don’t worry,” Eric adds, completely oblivious to the fact that Jack is currently grappling with the knowledge that he knows what Eric’s abs look like under his team-issued polo shirt, “I’m not gonna chew you out for not posting on Instagram.”
“I post on Instagram!” Jack protests. “I posted this morning, a picture of—”
“A tree in the park that got struck by lightning last night?”
“It was interesting,” Jack protests. “You follow me on Instagram?” Jack isn’t sure why he’s strangely flustered by this revelation.
“I follow all you boys on Instagram,” Eric says. “From the official Falconers account. It’s part of my job.”
“You could stand to spice it up a little, but that’s not what I want to talk to you about. Today, anyway.” Eric ushers Jack into his office and gestures at him to take a seat. 
“The rumor is you’re retiring at the end of next season,” Eric says.
Jack hasn’t made an official announcement, but management has known about his plans for well over a year, since Jack’s doctor told him that with his chronic knee issues, he was looking at one, maybe two more good seasons. “It’s true,” Jack says carefully. “This isn’t public outside of the organization, but we’re planning to announce at the beginning of the season.”
“Right.” Eric nods. “I pitched—and my bosses and management think it’s a great idea—a year-long web series chronicling your last season.”
“A web series?” All Jack can think about is the reality show about rich women that wanted to start a Canadian spinoff starring his mom.
Jack’s trepidation must show on his face because Eric quickly reassures him. “Lord, whatever you’re thinking, it’s much smaller, I promise! I’m talking about me following you around with my phone and getting a little bit of footage of your day-to-day life. You talking to the rookies, your last season opener, maybe some more personal things if you’re open to it. They’d be three-to-five minute videos on our YouTube channel, maybe once a week or so.”
“Oh.” That doesn’t seem so bad. “This was your idea?”
“I actually pitched it in my interview. I think it’s what got me the job.”
89 notes · View notes
Love In The Bureau 6/?
They hadn’t seen one another in 8 years until her boss decided to leave, leaving the position of Team Leader up for grabs. Kate wasn’t the happiest when she found out who it was, but maybe something can change this time round...
Enemies to friends to lovers. CM level violence. AU!
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Except one...
Dean had finally got home for the first time in the last three days and could finally sit down. The Kate situation was still bugging him but it would have to wait a few more hours. Or so he thought.
As he finally sat down on his sofa, switching the TV on before switching it back off again a few moments later realising he didn't want the noise, his phone rang.
"Hello, is this Dean Winchester I'm speaking to?"
Dean was confused. "Uh, yeah. Yes. Speaking."
"Hi, this is Rosa. I'm a nurse at City Memorial. You've been listed as the emergency contact for one Kate Carter?"
Dean sat up. "Is everything okay? Is - Is she okay? What's happened?"
"Everything is okay. Kate has a successful surgery-"
"We can explain more once you get to the hospital. Would you-"
"I'll be there in 20 minutes."
Dean was there in 10. He may have to pay for a speeding ticket, but he couldn't care less.
He rushed inside asking for Nurse Rosa Jones. Three different receptionists directed him to different floors until finally he found her.
"Dean Winchester?"
Dean nodded.
"Well, Kate has just come out of surgery. She's completely fine. We'll have to keep her in overnight but other than that, she'll be free to go. I am under the impression she's more...advanced? than most humans."
"Yes, and I'd appreciate if-"
"I'd keep it to myself. It's okay, I already know."
"Can - Can I see her?"
Rosa nodded, patting him on the arm. "Room 302. Just down the hall and to your left."
"Thank you."
By the time Dean made it outside of her room, he found Kate lay in the hospital bed on a drip, a bandage to her shoulder, her hair down but settled. And her eyes were heavy.
"I'm your emergecny contact?"
Kate groaned. "Don't flatter yourself. They do it with everyone in the Bureau. You're my Team Leader. You're listed first."
Kate tried to sit up but Dean quickly rushed beside her, placing a hand on her uninjured shoulder, holding her still whilst he held up some pillows and helped her get comfortable.
"What happened?"
"Oh, just some guy."
"He shot you. I wouldn't call that just some guy."
"What else am I meant to say, Dean? He shot me in the shoulder after shooting me in the leg."
"He shot you in the leg?!"
Kate rolled her eyes. "Would you keep your voice down. Yes, but I'm fine."
Kate didn't answer, pretending to think.
"Kate, I know you. You know who it was."
"Look, just...promise me you won't get mad."
Dean was really worried now.
"Just...promise me?"
Dean nodded, although reluctantly.
"A guy at the bank."
"At the bank-!"
Kate placed her hand up. "Ah, you promised."
"I- I -"
"Dean. Please."
So Dean did the only thing he could think of. He remained silent.
"I didn't know until I collapsed outside my apartment building. Ruth - my landlord. She found me close to unconciousness-"
"You mean death?"
"Unconciousness." Kate clarifed. "But, I'm okay now."
"Please don't. Don't say anything." Kate begged. "Just...can you stay here tonight? And don't blow up your ego just yet, Winchester. Rosa's granddaughter graduated today and if she'd got to stay here with me just to watch me sleep then she's gonna miss the party."
Dean smiled. "Sure. I'll stay."
It didn't take too long until Kate fell asleep. The drugs hit her harder than she thought. She was sleeping like the dead when Rosa came in to check for the third time if she was okay to go home.
Her shift had finished half an hour ago so all she would have been doing is watching a patient sleep before having to call an on-call nurse or doctor in if anything changed.
"You make a lovely couple by the way."
"Oh, we're not- Kate and I -"
Rosa stepped forward towards Dean placing a gentle hand on his arm. "If there is anything I know about love and life - it doesn't come as often as you think. Especially with a connection like you two. With the way this world is...you deserve to be happy. Both of you. I also know when someone is in love and pining for somebody else, so...tell her. Tell her before it's too late."
Dean gave a small nod. "Thanks, Rosa."
"Goodnight, Agent."
Rosa left after that leaving Dean to sit back beside Kate before he fell asleep on the couch in the corner of the room.
By the time morning came around, Rosa came back in telling Kate and Dean all about her grandaughter's graduation and the party afterwards before discharging her.
"Oh, crap."
"What?" Dean asked, picking up Kate's overnight bag.
"My jacket. I must have left it outside my- What are you doing?"
Dean didn't say anything, just took off his own jacket and placed it over Kate's shoulders securely.
"Don't want you dying of hypothermia." Dean half joked.
Kate smiled. "Thanks."
She slipped her arms through the holes. It was a little big on her, but it was warm. And smelt of him. And oddly, it calmed her.
"Ready to go?"
Kate nodded.
Dean carried her bags to the car, drove her home and took her bags inside.
"What are you doing?"
"You've been shot. You're also meant to be resting. Both you and I know you're gonna try and come into work tomorrow thinking you're okay, so I'm making sure you rest."
"Hey, it's either me or I call JJ."
Kate frowned. He won.
"Fine. You win."
Dean smiled. "Great. Now, take these."
Rosa had provided a prescription of painkillers for Kate to take every six hours.
"Thanks." Kate replied as Dean then moved from the living room to the kitchen.
It was odd to see Dean in a domestic setting. He cooked them both breakfast and dinner that day. Neither of them talking about what they should have talked about a long time ago.
Dean had already called the Director telling them what was what when it came to Kate. Clearly, she hadn't felt the bullet go through her skin - although, she did share the same genes as Captain America, so that wasn't as much of a surprise as it would have been.
The Director agreed with Dean - someone should take care of her. Ideally, it would be someone who wasn't Dean but, it was either JJ - all three of them knew that Kate didn't want JJ.
Not that JJ would be bad, it would just be more of...having two Peggy Carter's take care of you. Kate could just about take the one when it came to her being ill.
Kate never liked being taken care of when she was ill. That's what usually happened when you had two people who were stubborn as anything produce a child. 100% stubborn when the part that makes her human is shut down for a few days.
And Kate was refusing to call her parents or any family for that matter. She'd tell them once she's healed - or in about five years. Whichever came second.
So, it was left to Dean.
He was due holiday days anyway. And with his luck, if he left the country they'd have some copy-cat raging psycho on the loose after his team.
So, maybe it was better to stay in the country.
"I'm not letting you use your holiday days to look after me."
Dean gave a small chuckle as he flipped the burgers. "Aww, it's cute you think you have a say in that."
Kate was shocked but narrowed her eyes at him. He quoted her back to herself. But Dean just gave her a smile before assembeling their burgers.
"Thanks." Kate said as Dean handed her the plate. However, as she sat across from him, she could see him looking around, taking in everything that was in her apartment.
"No. Come on, what? What is it?" Kate asked.
"Just...never thought your place looked like this."
Kate looked around before looking back to Dean. "What did you think it would look like?"
"Eight years ago? Grey and brown? Maybe a couple of books. Bascially what it would look like in any Uni dorm for a student who has no social life."
"Well, it was light blue and cream. I had a lot of books. Mostly work books. And I had a smaller kitchen and a bedroom even smaller."
"And, let me guess, a Captain America poster above your bed?"
Kate laughed, mockingly. "Ha ha. Very funny."
"Come on, he's your dad, isn't he? Didn't you have a poster of him?"
"The Howling Commandos, actually. And of Nat."
"Natasha Romanoff?"
"No. Natasha Jones from two houses down. Of course Natasha Romanoff."
"You looked up to her?"
Kate picked at her fries. "From my parents? Yeah. And I wasn't kidding when I said she tried to teach me ballet. God, she nearly fainted from how bad I was. No co-ordination at all."
"How old was you?"
Kate thought for a second. "Six? Seven? I got bored one day. Sick of school and I found her in the gym. I wasn't exactly the most coordianted kid, so, when I saw her practicing, I asked her if she could teach me. She was hesitant at first but I begged and begged and begged and she gave in. You know, I nearly broke my leg doing it?"
"I'm not kidding." Kate assured him. "I was practicing on my own, waiting for her. Went on my toes, fell...and kept falling. Thankfully there was a crash mat but, if there hadn't been, that would have been my first broken bone."
Dean finished his burger, wiping his mouth before pointing to his leg. "Six years ago. Broken in two places."
"Field opp. Hand to hand combat. Fell through the floorboards below after making the arrest."
Kate tried to surpress her laughter but struggled.
Dean shook his head. "No, it's okay. Believe me, once I got to the hospital the nurses thought I'd lost it. I just kept laughing."
As the hours passed, the pair found their way to the sofa, sat in front of the TV watching some random channel. But neither were paying attention to it. They just kept talking.
As much as they talked when getting coffee or getting dinner after work, but it was usually about a case. Now, they were actually Talking.
"What about you? Your folks, what do they do?"
Dean went quiet for a moment. "Come on, it took me nearly 9 years to find out you had a brother. And you and the entire world know my family, so, tell me, please?"
Dean smiled, looking up to her. "Fine."
"My mom worked in the PI business for a while until she had kids. Then she stayed home. I was two when she had Sam, so her hands were pretty full."
"And your dad?"
"He was a hard-ass." Dean answered truthfully. "He was in the Navy before he met my mom."
Kate could tell he didn't really want to talk about his dad, so she changed the subject. A little.
"How'd they meet?"
"Movie theatre. She knocked him down on his ass, he invited her to dinner and they talked about Led Zeplin. After that...they were together...for as long as they could be, anyway."
"What happened?"
"Six months after Sammy was born...she died. House fire. I carried him out, too."
"Wait, you carried-"
Dean nodded.
"What about your dad?"
"He ran back inside for mom." Dean told her. "But it was too late. I guess that was when he changed."
"As much as he was a hard-ass, it...I don't know. It got worse. Mom was the light of his life. He loved her and he - he couldn't accept her death I guess. Always went on that someone had been in the room that night. That they'd been the ones to set fire to the place. So, he went on a man-hunt for them. I looked after Sammy and...we grew up."
Kate didn't really know what to say. Dean had lost his mother and had to become one when he was only four. And from the way he talked about his dad, he had to be Sam's father, too.
"You're a good man, Dean."
"I thought I was a son-of-a-bitch bastard?" Dean joked.
"That's only when I'm a pain in the ass." Kate replied.
And it happened again.
Eyes locked. A moment of...something deeper. Than both of them.
"Why'd you run?"
"That night, after we kissed." Dean explained. "You ran. Why did you run?"
It wasn't like she could run now. She'd been shot in the leg, so it would be painful and difficult.
"I -- I don't know."
"Was it really that bad?"
Kate shook her head. "No. No. It was...it was perfect. I just -- I don't know why I ran."
"Look, if you want me to forget it. I will. All you have to do is say the word and it's done. But if I'm honest, I don't want to. Something happened that night and I think you felt it, too. But, like I said, if you want me to forget it, I will. I can walk away now and call someone else and we can go back to how they were before-"
However, Dean was cut off from his ramblings by Kate as she placed her hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at her before she kissed him.
He was a little taken aback but kissed back, his hands going to her waist, pulling her in closer.
"I felt it, too." Kate told him, their eyes closed, heads pressed gently against the others. "And I don't want to forget it."
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Lost Boy
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Sodapop Curtis x Reader
Words: 4305
Summary: 16 years of never belonging and you’ve finally had enough. You move in with your outcast sister in Tulsa and meet a group of boys who finally make you feel like you’re where you’re supposed to be. Inspired by the song Lost Boy by Ruth B.
Notes: Peter Pan is one of my all time favorite stories and I love this song. I thought it could bring a whimsical, yet still angsty feel to a Sodapop imagine so I hope you guys enjoy! 
Warnings: Mentions of abuse
Sodapop and more: HERE
There was a time, when I was alone
Nowhere to go and no place to call home
You always wanted to know what it was like to fly. To soar above the clouds, too far away to hear your parent’s screaming. Watching the world zoom by through the car window was the closest you’d ever felt to flying. You were free.
Pulling up to the little shack of a house, your sister, Beth, gave you a small smile.
“It's not much. You’ll be sleeping on the couch until we can clean out the attic.” She rambled. Beth rambled when she was nervous. “We were going to have you stay in the boys’ room, but Michael has a fever so he’s had to stay in bed-”
“Beth,” You gave her the biggest smile you could. You hadn’t smiled like that in a long time. “It’s perfect.” There was a loud racket coming from the house at the end of the block and three rowdy boys came bounding down the street. 
“Hey Mrs. Austin.” One greeted as you both got out of the car. Your sister waved and he grinned. You never knew a boy could have a smile as nice as he had. 
“Steve, my engine is making that sound again.” Beth said to one of the other boys. 
“I’ll look at it as soon as we get back.” He said and the three took off down the street again. The one with the nice smile looked back at you and for a second you thought he might have winked. 
“Who was that?” You asked, turning your attention back to your sister as she helped you unpack. You didn’t have much. Just some clothes and a couple books. 
“The one I was talking to is Steve Randal. He’s been helping me keep this piece of junk rolling.” Beth patted the hood of the car. “The others are two of the Curtis boys. They live with their big brother Darryl down the block.” She pointed to the house the boys had come out of. “Nice kids.”  
You watched them walk for a moment longer before taking your things inside. Your brother in law greeted you with a suffocating hug and one of your nephews wrapped around your leg. 
“John.” Beth laughed, prying him off of you. John was six-years-old and Michael was four. They were two of the sweetest and silliest boys you’d ever met. 
“Look at how big you’ve gotten,” You said, feeling a twinge of guilt. You hadn’t seen the boys since Michaels first birthday. You were lucky if your parents let you write Beth letters. 
Beth was your age when she got pregnant with John. Your parents kicked her out of the house and told her never to come back. Her and Jack got married and moved here, to Tulsa. Two years later, she had Michael. They were happy, which was more than you could say for your parents. But you’d never have to worry about them again. 
After you settled in a little, you decided to find a quiet place in the neighborhood to read. You’d lost count how many times you had read Peter Pan, but you never got tired of it. The idea of a place like Neverland got you through every fight, every tear filled night, and every cigar burn. 
You walked around for a while before you found a nice spot in the big empty lot. There were a couple of logs to lean on and a spot where a fire had been. With winter break coming to its end, the January air made you shiver. You didn’t mind. You were too happy to even notice. 
Just as you opened to the first page, you saw a figure approaching. He was hunched over with his hands shoved in his pockets. He didn’t even notice you until he reached where you were sitting. This must be his usual spot. 
“Hey, who are you?” He spat, though it was hard to be intimidated by his quivering voice. 
“My name is Y/N,” You said calmly, setting your book aside. “I just moved here.”
“Yeah, well you better beat it.” He ducked his head like he was trying to hide his face from you. “There are some real creeps around here at night and you don’t look like no greaser girl.” 
“I’m usually pretty good at handling myself.” You stood, not to scare him, but to show that you weren’t scared. “What’s your name?” 
“What’s it to you?”
“Well, if we’re going to be friends, I’d like to know your name.”
“Who said I wanted to be friends?” 
You sighed and tucked your book under your arm.
“Suit yourself.” You walked past him, bumping his shoulder as you went. 
“Wait.” He squeaked. You turned around. “What… what are you reading?” A little surprised, you lifted up the cover so he could see it.
“It’s my favorite. I’ve read it so many times, but I never get tired of it.” You beamed as he read of the gold lettering on the cover, worn from years of being very well loved. You could see his face now and you held back a gasp. His cheek was red and swollen and his lip was split. He caught you staring and quickly turned away. 
“Like I said, you better get out of here.” He huffed. Without thinking, you put a hand on his shoulder. 
“My dad hit me too.” You didn’t know how you knew, but you did. At first, he seemed angry and jerked his shoulder away. But his face softened and he looked at the ground. 
“My name’s Johnny.”
“Now was that so hard?” You playfully nudged his arm to try and ease the tension. He even smiled a little. 
“Johnny!” Another figure appeared across the lot, barreling towards you like a steam engine. You were worried that it might be his dad, but as he got closer, you saw how young he was. He looked Beth’s age, maybe younger. 
“Hey Darry.” Johnny greeted, his voice still quiet. 
“I thought that was you I saw slinkin 'over here.” the man crossed his arms disapprovingly. “The hell are you doin out here? You’re gonna freeze to death.” Darry saw the signs of violence on the boy’s face and sighed. “Come on home with me and I'll fix you something to eat.”
“Thanks Darry.” Johnny muttered. Darry’s stare landed on you. 
“Haven’t seen you before.”
“I just moved here today.” You meant to sound tougher, but your voice came out as a squeak. Man, he was scary. After giving you a once over and figuring you weren’t trouble, his hard stared turned a little more welcoming. 
“You must be Beth Austin’s kid sister.”
“Yes, sir.” 
“No need for that, now.” He chuckled. “You can call me Darry, same as everybody else. Your sister told me to watch out for you.”
“She did?” You knew Beth was protective, but she didn’t have to alert the neighborhood.
“Probably wants you to stay away from us greasers.” Johnny said and Darry tousled his hair. 
“You can come over for dinner too, if you want.” He offered. You would have declined, but your stomach started growling something awful. Darry motioned for you to follow him. 
“That’s Darry for you.” Johnny whispered with a small smirk. “He’s got a habit of takin’ in strays.” 
He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for a while
It was kinda funny how well you fit in at a table full of boys. Darry was still fixing dinner and Johnny was talking to the youngest Curtis, Ponyboy. It only took a little convincing from Johnny for Ponyboy to get comfortable with you being there. 
“Damnit, where is that boy?” Darry exclaimed, throwing down a dish towel. 
“He probably got caught up talking to all those girls that come to see him.” Ponyboy said, sounding a little jealous. 
“Yeah, well if he wants dinner, he better get his butt back here.”
“Who are we waiting or?” You asked Johnny in a low voice. 
“Oh, they’re just goin’ on about Sodapop. He’s the middle one.”
“His name is Sodapop?” You wondered. You didn’t laugh like other girls sometimes did. You were actually curious. 
“Sure is. Our dad liked unique names.” Ponyboy beamed. “And Soda’s as unique as they come.”
“That’s one word for it.” Darry laughed, shaking his head. As if he heard his name, the middle Curtis burst through the front door, an excited grin lighting up his face.
“You shoulda seen her, Darry.” He howled. “Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
“You say that about every girl.” His older brother scoffed. 
“Well this time, I mean it. And she’s just down the street!” Sodapop leaned against the fridge with a dreamy expression. Darry cleared his throat, jerking his head towards the dinner table. Ponyboy and Johnny were ready to burst from laughter. As soon as Sodapop’s eyes landed on you, he nearly fell over, his face turning a very cute shade of pink.
“You must be Sodapop.” You tried your best to hide the nervousness in your voice, not to mention the furious blush lighting up your face. You had never been called pretty before. Maybe he wasn’t talking about you. After all, he only saw you for a second. 
“Yes ma’am.” He straightened himself out and smiled. Lord, that smile. “You-uh-you’re the girl I saw with Mrs. Austin.” 
“What’re you calling her ‘ma’am’ for?” Johnny exclaimed. Ponyboy elbowed him in the side. “Ow! What? She’s just one of us!” You laughed at the two, but kept your eyes on Soda.
“That’s me alright. Beth’s my big sister. I’m gonna live with her now.” You said proudly. 
“Where are your folks?” The youngest boy wondered. 
“Ponyboy,” Darry scolded sharply. He knew that the story probably wasn’t a nice one. In this neighborhood, they never were. You didn’t seem upset by the younger boy’s question. 
“They’re still in Chicago. Be glad you’ll never have to meet them.” You shrugged, your gaze returning to Sodapop. His blue eyes were bright with curiosity. He sat down across from you and Darry put down a plate of sandwiches. 
It was the liveliest dinner you’d ever had. Darry and Ponyboy squabbled back and forth while Johnny scarfed down his sandwich. 
“Whatcha reading?” Sodapop asked, eyeing the book you had set on the table. 
“Oh, um, you’ll probably think it’s silly.” You quickly pulled the book into your lap. His lips fell into a pout. 
“I promise I won’t.” His voice was so sweet that you knew he wasn’t going to make fun of you. You slid the worn down and well loved book across to him. “Peter Pan?” He read. “I remember that Disney movie when we were kids. Never thought about reading the book.”
“That’s cause you don’t read.” Ponyboy snickered. There was a thud and Ponyboy cried out, rubbing his now sore shin. 
“Is it any good?” Soda asked. 
“Oh it’s my favorite.” You beamed. “I guess the idea of flying away to a place where you never have to grow up was a nice thought when I was with my parents and all their yelling.”
You felt the tone of the table change. Ponyboy and Johnny looked at each other, Darry clasped his hands together on the table and Soda gave you a sympathetic smile. The grim shift made you think of home. 
“Alright, enough with the long faces.” You exclaimed, leaning across to playfully shove Ponyboy’s shoulder. “That’s all over now.” You looked at each boy with the brightest smile they’d ever seen. Your gaze landed on Sodapop and his lips returned your grin. “This is Neverland.”
Smiles returned to the boys’ faces and Darry even chuckled. You and Soda just kept looking at each other. 
“You clearly haven’t been in Tulsa long enough.” A new voice sneered. Everybody looked at the boy standing in the doorway. He had a hard stare and a mean look about him, but you didn’t let that scare you. You’d seen meaner. 
“Anywhere is better than where I was before.” You replied calmly. The boy narrowed his eyes and looked you over. 
“Is there something you need, Dally?” Darry asked sternly. 
“Little bird told me there was a new girl in the neighborhood. Didn’t think she’d be slumming with us greasers already.” Dally kept his mean glare on you until Sodapop stood up. 
“Come on, Y/N. Why don’t I walk you home?”
“Soda must think you need protecting.” He smirked. “I think you look like you can handle a guy like me.”
“Cut it out, Dallas.” Darry’s voice was a warning now.
“It’s alright. I should be getting back anyway to help Beth get the boys in bed.” You pushed away from the table, thanking Darry for dinner and saying goodnight to everyone. Lastly, you turned to Dally as you and Soda passed him. “It was nice meeting you, Dallas.”
You could feel his stare burning into the back of your head as you stepped out into the cool night air. 
“Sorry about him.” Sodapop said, shoving his hands in the back pockets of his jeans as he walked. “Dally’s really not so bad. He’s just acting like that cause he don’t know you yet.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You shrugged. “I knew plenty of boys like that back in Chicago, only I didn’t have a tough guy like Darry or a sweet one like you to stand up to them, so Dallas is right.”
“About what?”
“I can handle guys like him.” You bumped his shoulder with yours and laughed. “I appreciate you walking with me, though. Beth would kill me if she thought I was out here by myself at night.”
“Has she always been protective like that?”
“I guess.” You thought for a moment. “When we were kids, she was always sticking up for me to our old man. She never let him lay a hand on me as long as she was around.” You found a pebble on the sidewalk and nudged it with your toe. “When she got pregnant, she didn't have a choice but leave. I think she just still sees me as that scrawny 10-year-old.” 
You walked together in silence for a moment. You stopped suddenly, looking up at the sky. Stars stared back down at you with their bright faces. You liked to think they were smiling. Soda was a few steps away before he noticed that you had stopped. 
“What’re you looking at?” He asked, walking back to join you. He tilted his head upward, trying to find whatever had caught your attention. 
“The sky’s a lot prettier out here.” You mused. “In Chicago, it’s all lights and smog. But here, you can really see the stars.” That feeling of flying was back, taking you up into the air just like the book. 
“You’re a different kinda girl, you know that?” Sodapop laughed. You spun around with your arms extended. 
“You have to be different to survive, Sodapop Curtis.” When you looked at him, he could have sworn that your eyes twinkled like the stars. 
I am a Lost Boy, from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
“They were not nearly so elegant as Peter, they could not help kicking a little, but their heads were bobbing against the ceiling and there is almost nothing so delicious as that.” You read in a clear voice so that all the boys could hear you. It was strangely nice out and the afternoon had turned into a kind of gathering at the park. You were sitting underneath the jungle gym with Johnny and Ponyboy sprawled out across from you. Sodapop and Steve had their knees hooked on the bars to see who could hang upside down the longest. 
“Do you think this counts as flying?” Soda grinned down at you. Even upside down, it was the sweetest smile you’d ever seen. 
“Only until you hit the ground.” Steve swung out his arm to try and knock him down, but Soda was quicker than that and Steve was the one that ended up in the dirt. Everybody laughed and Steve was only angry for a minute. 
“Let her keep going.” Johnny whined. He seemed less skittish than he had last night. Ponyboy waited until Steve wasn’t looking to nod eagerly in agreement. 
“Pony, don’t you have studying to do?” Soda climbed down and gave his brother a pleading look. It didn’t take long for Ponyboy to catch on. He made a face and got up, nudging Johnny to join him. 
“Don’t be too late, Soda else Darry’ll take it out on me.” He grumbled, thanking you for the story before taking off back to the house. Steve also came up with an excuse to ditch, leaving just you and Sodapop, who tried to look surprised.
“Is this how you pick up all your girls? Cornering them in parks?” You scoffed, putting your book back in your bag. Man, his face turned red. 
“I don’t know what- um- I’m not… no.” He stammered, kicking the toe of his boot into the dirt. You laughed. 
“Relax, Soda, I’m just teasin’ you.” You shoved him playfully and slung your bag over your shoulder. The wind picked up a little and you shivered. 
“Don’t you have a coat or something?” Soda asked, watching the goosebumps appear on your arms. You’d picked one of your short sleeve shirts since it was so nice, but now the weather seemed to remember what month it was. “Here.”
Soda wrapped an arm around your shoulders, rubbing your skin to help warm you up. His hands were softer than you thought they’d be with him working at the gas station and all. Being so close brought a pleasant pink color to your cheeks. Before you knew it, you were inching closer and closer until he kissed you. 
His lips were gentle and soft and perfect. You both forgot to breathe for a while, but that didn’t bother you. When you did finally pull away, you both had the biggest grins on your faces. 
“Maybe I should walk you home.” Soda said breathlessly. You nodded and, with a rush of courage you laced your fingers together as you walked. 
By the time you got home, you felt like you were floating. It wasn’t the same as flying. This wasn’t rushed or heart-pounding. It was quieter and sweet. You couldn’t help but give him another kiss goodnight. When he was walking back to his house, he seemed to have a skip in his step. 
You swung the front door open with a wide smile, giggling to yourself like a little kid. But that happy feeling washed away when you saw who Beth was sitting with. 
Run, run Lost Boy, they say to me
Away from all of reality
You ran until your lungs felt like they’d burst. All you heard were three terrifying words and you got out of there as fast as you could “Takin’ you home.” You were home. That bastard wasn’t taking you anywhere. 
You took the back way to the Curtis house, ducking your way through other people’s back yards so that your father wouldn’t be able to follow you. You were too afraid to go around front, so you found a low window and knocked on the glass. 
“Darry!” You whisper-shouted. “Soda, Pony, is anybody in there? Sodapop?”
The curtains were pulled aside and an irritated looking Darry peaked out at you. He lifted up the window pane all the way so he could lean out and get a better look at you. 
“The hell are you doing here, Y/N?” He asked. “Soda said he just dropped you off at home a few minutes ago.”
“I couldn’t go around front, Darry, he might see me.” You sniffed, wiping your nose on your sleeve. You must have been crying cause your face was all wet. “Could you help me in?”
He nodded and pulled you up by the arms. As you climbed in the window, Ponyboy appeared behind Darry with big eyes. You must have looked worse than you thought from climbing all those fences and cutting through yards. 
“What happened to you?” 
“Pony, go get her a glass of water. And where’s that other kid brother of mine?” Darry shouted before turning back to you. “Jeez, kiddo, you’re shaking like a leaf.”
“Yeah, Darry?” Soda popped his head into the room. His eyes went as wide as Pony’s had when he saw you. “Hey, Y/N, what’s the matter?” Darry grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him forward. 
“Sodapop Patrick Curtis, if you hurt his girl, I’m gonna-”
“It wasn’t Soda.” You blurted. You crossed your arms over your chest and stared down at the floor. “It’s my dad. He’s come to take me back to Chicago.” You jerked your chin up, trying to look tougher than you felt. “But I’m not gonna let him.” 
“I thought they let Beth bring you here.” Darry closed the window and grabbed you a blanket from the bed. It was then that you realized you must have climbed into Darry’s room. There was a pair of work boots on the floor and an old, beat-up football on the shelf. 
“They did.” You glowered. Soda gently wrapped the blanket around your shoulders. “Guess they missed having something to scream at besides each other.”
“Well you can just stay here til he goes away, right Darry?” Soda said, not losing his sunny optimism for a second. Before Darry could respond, a series of loud bangs came from the front door. 
“I know she’s in there you little punks!”
“Oh god, it’s him.” You hid yourself in Soda’s embrace and Darry went to answer the door. 
“Come out now you-” Your father’s shouting stopped abruptly. Darry, though half his age, towered over him. He didn’t look so confident anymore. “Where’s my girl.”
You held Soda tighter. Your old man must have really hurt you because Soda knew you were one tough girl. You stood up to Dallas. 
“You need to leave.” You could just see through to the living room since Darry’s bedroom door was slightly open. Darry was fully blocking your father’s view of the house.
“I’m not leaving without that little brat.” He snarled, his cockiness returning. “An’ if you don’t bring her out here, I’ll call the cops. That wouldn’t end too well for you, would it son?”
“I said leave.” Darry growled again, his muscles tensing. You knew what could happen if the cops came. So you broke away from Soda.  
“I’m right here, so you can leave these boys alone.” You snapped, stepping out before Darry or Soda could grab you. 
“Thought you could run around with these bums and I wouldn’t come for you?”
“How did you even know where to find me?”
“Those brats of Beth’s started hollarin’ as soon as I raised a hand at her.” He smiled cruelly. 
If you hadn’t been standing there, Darry would have slugged him. You just wanted to get this over with. 
“Are we going or not?” You frowned, defeated. 
“Y/N, you can’t go with him!” Soda cried, trying to reach for you, but you jerked away. Tears pricked at your eyes again. 
“I have to, Sodapop.” 
“I don’t think so.” A new, hard voice joined the scene. You looked over your dad’s shoulder and saw the rest of the boys circling the house; Two-Big, Steve, Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dallas. Dally was the one talking. “You know something, fellas? I don’t like old me. And I really don’t like old, stinkin’ drunk men hanging around my neighborhood. Especially one that yells in my buddy’s face.”
“I ain’t afraid of a bunch of rats from Oklahoma.” Your father spat, but you could tell he was a little shaken. Dally pulled out a blade. 
“How about a New York rat?” He hissed, getting real close to his face. Your dad’s eyes went wide, shifting from the blade to the circle of tough looking boys around him. Then he looked at you. 
“You ain’t worth the trouble.” He decided, carefully moving around Dally and walking into the night.
The whole group gathered around, hollering and cheering over their success. Soda pulled you into a tight hug and kissed you right there in front of everybody. One of them, probably Two-Bit, whistled. 
“Ponyboy, where the hell have you been?” Darry asked, ruffling his youngest brother’s hair. Pony just shrugged. 
“I saw that mean old guy standing out here, so I ran and got Johnny and then we got everybody else.”
You pulled away from Soda and glanced around at the other boys. 
“You all came here… for me?” You gasped, a different kind of tears now welling in your eyes. 
“As soon as I heard Soda’s girl was in trouble, I got the hell over here.” Two-Bit said and Steve nodded in agreement. You felt your heart swell. Soda’s girl. 
You looked at Dally. Without him, it might not have worked. He just shrugged coolly and lit a cigarette. 
“I had nothin’ better to do.” But you could tell that, underneath, it was more than that. Johnny gave you a small smile. 
“You’re one of us now.” 
“And we stick together.” Ponyboy added. And they were right. 
“Alright, I’d better call Beth and tell her everything is gonna be fine.” Darry announced. “You all get in here. I’m sure we’ve got more chocolate cake somewhere.” This was followed by more cheers and stampeding feet as the gang rushed inside. 
Sodapop gave you the biggest, bright smile yet, taking your hand and following the boys to the kitchen. 
Neverland is home, to Lost Boys like me
And Lost Boys like me are free.
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks
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katymacsupernatural · 4 years
The Proposal Part 12
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Jensen Ackles x Reader
Story Summary:  Jensen needs help keeping his life in order. To keep the media off his back. In order to do so, he comes up with a plan. Y/N, just a producer’s assistant, is pulled in to play a part she never thought she would have. Jensen’s fiancee. Only will it stay as a part to play, or will she start to want more?
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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The party was the least of your worries. As soon as you left the offices, Jensen was pulling you to the side. “I have a short filming schedule today. Why don’t we get your stuff packed up and bring it on over to my place? We can have dinner brought in. Maybe talk about what needs to happen first.”
“I’m not sure I can leave early,” you argued. You didn’t want to sound argumentative, but you weren’t the star. You were just a personal assistant that could be replaced in an instant. Leaving early wasn’t always an option for you, no matter if you wanted to or not. 
“Leave that to me,” he winked one of those gorgeous green eyes your way. Which made you notice the blood covering his eyebrow and temple. And while that would have worried anyone else, you had to remind yourself it was just makeup. He was taking a break from playing Dean Winchester, the hottest monster hunter you had ever seen. 
Squeezing your shoulder as he passed, he headed straight for the offices you had just vacated while you forced yourself to keep moving. Past the trailers to the food tent. Pouring yourself a cup of coffee and grabbing a muffin, you sat down at one of the picnic tables, taking a deep breath. Sipping at your coffee, you knew you only had moments before you would be pulled back to work. 
“You seem frazzled,” Ruth sank down across from, a steaming cup of tea in her hand. “Need an ear?”
“You’ve already done so much,” you started to say but she waved it off. “I just feel really in over my head right now. I’m barely staying afloat, and I fear things are just going to get worse.”
“What is it now? I thought the weekend in Texas had gone smoothly.”
Picking at the muffin, you were surprised at how close to tears you were. It wasn’t that you were that upset. But things kept getting piled up on your shoulders and you felt as if you might crack. “It did. His family was nice, and he was very understanding. But now he wants me to move in with him. Today actually. And Jim is already planning a fancy engagement party up here. Warning me that I need to be on my best behavior. I don’t want to do another party. Especially with all the office big shots. And he’s inviting media. I’m not used to being in front of them. What if I disappoint Jensen?”
She squeezed my hand just as one of the producers came into the tent, motioning for me to move on. “Dearie, you won’t disappoint him. Just be yourself, and let those buffoons in suits fall in love with you.”
You smiled at her before making your way back to set, seeing the disapproving glares of the fellow assistants. They had already heard the news, and it seemed as if you were being judged by them as well.
“Y/N, we need you over there,” the producer ordered. “You need to clean up all that glass.”
There was fake glass everywhere. Sam and Dean were being pushed through a window, and of course, it had to be cleaned up after every shot. 
“Unless she thinks she’s too good for that now,” one of the other assistants muttered loud enough for you to hear. “Throwing herself at the actors, spreading her legs just to get some media notice. I bet Jensen’s just using her.”
The words stung, but you didn’t want to draw attention to yourself by retorting. Ignoring them, you began sweeping up the glass just as Jensen and Jared came back in. Jensen waved at you as did Jared, and you ducked your head, not wanting any other nasty comments coming your way. 
Jensen came striding over. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, just some jealous people making their thoughts known.”
He frowned. “I wish you didn’t have to go through that. If there’s anything I could do…,”
You shook your head. Anything he would do now would only add fuel to the fire. “But I did talk to Jim, and we’re both leaving at 2. I’ll drive you to your apartment, and we can gather some stuff up today, pick up the rest another day. Sound good?”
He headed back to his chair just as the director set up the shot and you stepped to the side, working hard to get the props set up in order that they would need them. Keeping to yourself, you listened as Jensen and Jared rolled through their lines with ease, laughing when there was a pause in filming. 
“Hey Y/N,” Janelle whispered as she brought over some extra blood in case they needed a touch-up. “Why didn’t you let me know about you and Jensen? That’s some juicy gossip I would have loved to hear about.”
“We were keeping it a surprise,” you whispered back. “The office is trying to control things.”
“Watch your back,” she warned. “Those girls are jealous.”
Filming was wrapped only five minutes later, and Jensen came jogging over to you. “Ready to go?” 
Nodding, you were surprised when he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you against him and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “Y/N and I have a busy night planned. See everyone tomorrow!” He called over his shoulder. 
You were sure the other girls were just seething, but you couldn’t care. You loved the feeling of his lips against yours. It had been a nice surprise. He ducked into his trailer, changing into street clothes, joining you not even five minutes later. There was still a slight smudge of fake blood on his temple, and you reached up, brushing it away.
“We’re taking Cliff’s SUV. It should be large enough to haul most of your stuff. Then you get to pick dinner tonight, okay?”
“Sounds great,” you answered, slightly nervous at spending so much time with Jensen. Alone. In your apartment, and then his. A man that you wished would just kiss you once again. 
Read Chapter 13
Dean/Jensen tags: @acortez82 @acreativelydifferentlove @adoptdontshoppets @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278   @bi-danvers0  @cap-just-said-language @colette2537   @deansgirl215  @flamencodiva @hamiltrash1411 @its-not-a-tulpa @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @justanotherwinchester @just-another-winchester @karouwinchester @keikoraventeller  @krys198478 @librarygeekery @magssteenkamp @misspygmypie @mlovesstories @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk  @mrspeacem1nusone @nothinbuttrouble2 @ria132love @ruprecht0420  @screechingartisancashbailiff   @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @squirrelnotsam @team-free-will-you-idjiot @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @thoughts-and-funnies @torn-and-frayed @tricksterdean @wonderfulworldofwinchester @woodworthti666 @beabutterfly987 @pink-sparkly-witch @sexyvixen7
the Proposal Tags: @supraveng​ @vicmc624​ @lottieellz101 @impala-dreamer​ @maddiepants​ @emilyshurley​ @tonystark-makes-me-cry @starryeyeseunbyul​  @rach-12​ @spnfamily-j2​ @ima-be-a-mongoose​ @flamencodiva​ @compresshischest09​ @parinarain​  @stoneyggirl​  @tftumblin​ @massivelycreepypineapple​ @posiemax​ @traceyaudette​ @peacedolantwins2 @eliwinchester99​ @deans-baby-momma​ @aiofheavenandhell​ @athenamikaelson​ @samsgirl93​ @meowmeow-motherfucker​ @chevyimpala00067​ @metalfangirl​ @alwaysananglophile
Forever Tags: @aditimukul @alexwinchester23 @algudaodoce03-blog @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove   @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @camelotandastronauts @caswinchester2000 @cpag7 @chelsea072498  @closetspngirl @deanwanddamons @docharleythegeekqueen @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280   @tatted-trina6 @foxyjwls007 @gh0stgurl @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek  @heartislubbingdubbing @heyitscam99 @hobby27 @horsegirly99blog @imsuperawkward @internationalmusicteacher @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @justsomedreaming @just-another-busyfangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @linki-locks11 @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice​   @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​ @mogaruke​ @monkeymcpoopoo​ @musiclovinchic93​  @nanie5​   @percussiongirl2017​ @plaid-lover-bay25​   @roonyxx​ @ronja-uebrick​ @roxyspearing​  @samanddeanmyheroes​ @sandlee44​ @shamelesslydean​ @simonsbluee​ @sillesworldofwriting​ @sgarrett49​ @spnbaby-67​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @spnwoman​   @superbadassnatural​ @thatcrazybookwormgeek​   @thewinchesterchronicles​ @valsworldofcreativity​ @vvinch3st3r​  @whimsicalrobots​ @winchester-writes​ @zombiewerewolfqueen​
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dabiboy · 4 years
Idk if I requested this but hawks x reader where the reader and hawks both grew up in abuse and raised by the commision. ( there backstory ) and while there out on a mission hawks almost gets killed but the reader dwoop in and took the blow instead and that’s when he realises he’s been in love with her all this time idk it’s confusing ( however you want to do but the reader doesn’t die ) fluff ending please angst to fluff ;-; <333
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Hi there! Well, the idea I had mixed these two requests, hope you don’t mind 😅
If anyone likes reading with music, I wrote this while listening this songs in the following order ‘Lost boy-Ruth B, When it's All Over by Raign, Call your name by Attack on Titan, Take Me Back to the Night We Met by Lord Huron and Hold on by Chord Overstreet.’ idk if it fits the timing, but yeah 😅
''Shit, careful'' Hawks hissed when the cold compress made contact with his bruised cheekbone.
''If you don't stop moving is hard, you know'' You said, putting some pressure to reduce the pain.
''Fair point'' He remained silence for a while before a nostalgic smile appeared on his face ''This brings me memories'' you knew what he was talking about, and couldn't help but smile in the same way.
''Yeah, me too...''
Years before
Thunders and rain were the scenario for that cold night at the commission, but that didn't stop the training nor the classes during the day. However, the only thing you were waiting for was dinner time, the only moment of the day where you could hang out with all the different kids, but that special one. The kid with red wings, Hawks. The two of you became friends due to sad circumstances, when he had asked you where did you come from. Without even knowing him, he gave you the confidence you never felt, his eyes paying attention to you, nothing else, ready to listen and provide any help. You told him everything about you, about the abusive household, the bad treats and all that comes with it. His wings flopped, his eyebrows went up and his eyes open when he heard your story, and with some sad emotion he had claimed that he went through the same. ''We're not that different! I just have wings'' ''But your wings are really cool'' ''Do you think so?'' And from that conversation on, your dinners were not lonely anymore, nor your lunches or breakfast. Hawks was always there, to tell a joke, to support you, to tell you about his day and ask you about yours. 
That is why you felt weird when he wasn't at the dining room as every night waiting for you. The table the two of you shared was empty, and he was nowhere to be seen. You walked with your tray among the other students, asking them if they had seen Hawks, but none of them did. However, a girl walked towards you and say some words that made you whimper. ''I heard he was training really hard today'' was he ok? After thanking the girl you left the tray on a random empty table, grabbing only the chocolate bar they gave you as a trait on Friday nights. 
Walking through the installations was always confusing, too many hallways and doors that were similar, but you knew the way to his room. Hawks' room. You were being careful, though. Girls' and boys' dorms were separated, and there was no way you could get to his dorm past nine pm. But there you were, walking fast and cautiously until you get to the known door. One knock and no answer. Two and the same happened.
''Hawks? It's me, I... I didn't see you at dinner so I thought...'' 
The door opened on his own, a feather, of course. He was getting better at using them, but that had a cost, a cost you comprehend when you saw the twelve year old boy sitting with legs crossed on his bed. He was lucky he had a dorm for his own, but he didn't seem happy about it. Actually, it was the first time you saw him sad. He was the one that comforted you, the one that made you smile. But now his light was faded. You approached him slowly, sitting next to him. You could notice his raspy knees and cheekbones, forehead, arms. Everywere. He was trying hard to control his sob, holding his Endeavor plushie with one hand against his chest. You were the only one who knew about it, he didn't want other kids to bother him for liking the flame hero. 
''Hawks?'' You whispered ''What happened?'' 
''Training was hard today'' He answered simply, looking down at the mattress.
''I... Can see'' You tried to laugh at your bad joke ''Do they... Hurt?'' The bruises were too evident as to avoid them. ''They should give you something for the pain!''
''They said that it should heal soon, so... Guess I'll be fine'' He hugged his plushie a bit more.
''You need to be ok if you're gonna be a great hero!'' You said standing up, looking through the cabinets in his dorm for a faids kit, and when you found it you sat back next to him. 
''What are you doing?'' He asked, his curious bird-like expression was on his face again. 
''I will heal you. Or try to'' All of your attention was on looking the things you needed.
You used the cold gel compress to put it on his bruised cheekbone, telling him to hold it as you look for something to clean the dry blood off his arms and knees. He looked at you with a confused expression, no one took care of him like that before. Not even mentions his parents. At the commission, the other kids always praised his wings, and they wanted to be friends with him because of that reason, but you were different. There you were, trying your best at healing him, making lame jokes to make him laugh and to cheer him up, telling him he was going to be a great person. 
Once you were done, you sat comfortably again and smiled at him
''Oh, I almost forgot. I got you this!'' You took the chocolate candy out of your pocket ''It melted a bit, but I hope it cheers you up'' His eyes winded in surprise again, and then he leaned in to hug you tight. His arms caging your shoulders. You couldn't help but blush a bit, a boy was hugging you, what else could you do? 
''Thanks, really. You're my best friend'' Hawks said, his eyes still a bit glossy but now they looked a bit happier ''Do you want the half?'' He asked you, opening the candy and splitting it in two. 
The winged kid made your life at the commission a hundred times better.
Present day.
''I can't believe that you're a grown up man and I still have you patch you up'' You joked, leaving the cold compress on his desk. After years of training together, the commission decided that you worked well together, that's how you ended up in his agency, working next to him. 
''And I will never be able to thank you enough'' He said with a teasing smile. 
''Yeah yeah, whatever'' You said, getting away from the chair he was sitting ''Are you gonna go to the date with Hanao?'' Feelings were hard to comprehend, and you didn't know why you felt jealous every time he went on dates with random girls. No, you knew it. You just couldn't confess even to yourself that you were in love with that man.
''Uh, I think so. She's hot but talks too much'' He frowned his nose when he whined. 
''I talk a lot too'' You raised your eyebrows.
''Yeah, but your diffe-'' The door opening dramatically interrupted him.
''Guys! Nomus are attacking the city again, we need back up!'' The man yelled.
The two of you adopted a serious posture immediately, Hawks gave you the look that asked if you were ready, and knowing him as you did you simply nodded.
He held you in his arms so he could fly you near the scene where the chaos was happening, and when was near the floor he let you down, knowing you're fighting area was the ground. 
Hawks went flying so he could rescue some civilians with his feathers and fight nomus with the bigger wings. Things were getting messy, the creatures were destroying everything, and none of you noticed the spilled gasoline of a broken car and the fire nearby. 
You were finishing with a nomu when you saw Hawks again, and thanked internally when you saw he was alright. After a while, his wings got smaller because of the number of feathers used, but he was still trying to help a civilian that was stuck inside her car. 
Everything was happening so fast yet so slow, you could see everything that was happening in slow motion, thinking fast about what your next move should be. Help the scared kid? A cop was running to him. Fight with the white nomu? No, three heroes were fighting against it. And then you saw it.  A big one was walking straight to Hawks, but he was too busy helping the man in the car he didn't notice it. The distance was getting narrower, so you ran, ran as fast as you could towards him. 
''Hawks!'' You could scream.
But it was too late. 
Everything happened within the same second. The gasoline that was spilled made contact with the fire, creating a deafening explosion, the fire blinding everyone's sight at the same time the nomu used his outrageous arm to hit you and send you flying, body crashing against pure concrete. Hawks tried to cover him at the moment of the explosion, but your voice made him turn around and see what was happening. He saw the exact moment when the nomu got rid of you, his senses panicking when he saw you crashing against the hard concrete wall, and then to the floor. 
Another hero started fighting the nomu that attacked you, and other rescue heroes took care of the man trapped. 
Everything was in slow motion again, this time for Hawks. He couldn't fly, he wasn't fast. He ran towards your moveless body, but his steps felt heavier by each second, he was praying you were ok, he wanted to see you getting up, moving. But that didn't happen. You were there, face on the floor, passed out. 
''Y/n!'' He desperately called your name, turning you around to lay you on his lap ''come on kid, wake up!'' Hawks called, but you didn't hear his words. ''Hey, hey look at me. I need you to look at me for fuck's sake!'' Tears were forming in his eyes when he saw you were not responding. Blood was running down a corner of your mouth and your forehead, dust was all over and your eyes still closed. 
He couldn't lose you. Not you. As he called your name, all the memories attacked him. Those nights at the commission when you cured his wounds, when you shared your food, the times he got flustered when you kissed his cheek for the first time, or when he got jealous when a kid two years older asked you out. Or when you were in your twenties and he saw you with a good looking civilian and felt jealous again. The laughs you shared, the sad times. Damn, he even remembered the first conversation you had, when you told him everything about your shitty past and he had offered you his Endeavor plushie for comfort. The nights you spent together till dawn or get caught by someone at the comission. How he felt weird when he went on dates with random girls, He didn't want to be with any of them. He wanted to be with you. Just you. 
And the realization came like a storm. First the lighting in the middle of the night, everything that looked dark and confusing was clear. And then the loud sound of a thunder. It was love. Everything that he felt those years, every weird emotion. He was in love with you, and didn't get the chance to tell you. 
He was on his knees, putting pressure on your wounds as he looked the chaos around him, begging for a doctor, or a fast hero that could take you to the hospital. For the first time ever, he felt helpless. However, a voice took him out his thoughts. A light of hope. 
''Wing hero Hawks! I'm Ingenium from the UA, class 1-A. I can take them to the nearest hospital right now!'' 
He looked at the hero in a white armor, a student? He didn't have another option. He let the young hero take you in his arms. The engines on his calves lighted up and he went running. Damn he was fast, it could be a chance to save you. 
When All Might arrived at the scene, things got calmer. And he used whatever means he had to get to the hospital in which the hero had taken you. 
People looked at Hawks with curious eyes, he was looking desperate, looking for you everywhere and asking about you. He was about to lose his head when the same student arrived, this time no mask on. 
''Hi, this is Tenya Ida from class 1-A, UA student'' He introduced himself again, this time properly ''They take them to surgery and said she should be out in an hour or a bit more'' 
Hawks thanked the kid, and gave an effortless pat on his shoulder beofre moving to the waiting room. One hour pass, then two, and then three. What the hell was taking so long? He was resting his elbows on his thighs and head on his hands. No one gave him information about you, and he could feel the tears dampening his cheeks. He loved you, he had loved you all along and now you might be gone forever. He wanted to hug you, kiss you, never let you go. 
Hours seemed infinite, but then an exhausted doctor appeared in front of him. 'They're sedated' she said, explaining to him that you had lost a lot of blood, but that they were able to stop the bleeding from the different cuts, and organs. 
Hawks felt like walking the long hallways of the commission when he sneaked to your room when you were kids, nervous, wanting to see you. But now? Now he was a man, and he knew that he loved you and craved to see you. To know you were ok. He got to the door, and doubted whether to enter or not, but he took a deep breath and did it.
You were laying on the bed, a machine helping you breathe and lots of needles and cables on your arm. Keigo's chest tightened at the image of you wounded, and even worse. You were in that state for saving him, and he was hating himself because of it.
Quietly, he sat down as he held your hand. His chin was trembling he was trying too hard not to cry. Using his free hand, he caressed your cheek and pulled a strand of your hair away from your face. 
''Hey,'' he whispered ''I need you to wake up, ok? I... Need you here, with me. I'm nothing if I don't have you here'' His voice was broken, and he didn't even notice when the tears were running down his eyes again ''I swear I'll stop stealing your lunch, and I won't whistle or chirp on mornings because I know you get stressed'' Keigo let out a sad laugh ''There's so much I need to tell you, so please.'' He caressed your head again ''I won't go on dates with random girls anymore because I... Just want to be with you'' A sob left his lips, and he rested his forearms and head on the bed next to you ''I can even shave my so-called beard if you want to, but please... Wake up. Come back to me. Please, don't leave me'' His whisper was drowned in tears, Keigo kept sobbing by your side as the memories kept replaying on his head ''I love you, I fucking love you'' He finally let his feelings out among hurtful tears. He wanted nothing more than you to be ok. 
Suddenly, his heart stopped. He felt the weight of a hand on his head, playing with his hair. He got up slowly, looking at you with red puffy eyes, but full of hope. 
''y/n?'' He asked, heart beating fast.
''I like when you whistle in the morning'' You said slowly opening your eyes ''your stubble is cute''  a weak smile was on your lips, and he couldn't believe that your first words after almost dying were about him ''And I always pack up double lunch because I know you eat mine. That's why I get fried chicken every day'' At that day, he couldn't control the amount of tears escaping his eyes. 
''I...'' A sob ''y/n I-'' you interrupted him with your weak raspy voice.
''I know, I heard you'' You nodded, feeling your eyes getting watery too ''I love you too, Kei'' You caressed his cheek. ''I've been in love with you since I was like... Fifteen'' you rolled your eyes and laughed weakly, making him laugh in the same way too.
''Sorry I didn't notice sooner'' He brushed your hair with his hand, and then whipped some tears, but the kee falling '' Don't you dare scare me like that again'' He chuckled lowly.
''Sorry'' You said ''Can I get a kiss for saving your ass once again?'' He couldn't help but laugh again, loving to see you with a good mood. 
He leaned forward, his lips on yours were delicate, soft, and tender. Just his lips against yours, a bit salty because of the tears but none of you cared. You whined a bit because of the lack of air and the pain caused because the cut on your lower lip. 
''Shit, sorry'' He pulled away, and then got closer again to kiss your forehead for long seconds as his hand was still on top of your head holding your hair. ''I love you, so damn much'' 
He sat on the chair next to the bed again, resting his head on his forearms one more time. You used the little amount of strength you had to play with his hair, scratching his scalp with soft fingers. 
''I love you too, bird boy'' Tiredness was taking over you again ''This time you will have to patch me up'' You joked
''Always. I'll always will'' He sobbed one more time, closing his eyes. Loving your hand on his hair, and your voice. God, he could never be tired of listening to you. ''Try to get some sleep, ok?'' He said moving his head up again. 
''Will you be here when I wake up?'' You asked. The same question you did when as kids, when Hawks lent you his bed so you could sleep there as he took care of your sleep from the other bed, not wanting you to get any nightmares. 
''Yes, I'm not leaving you. I will be here'' He smiled at you, and after leaving another kiss on your forehead he rested his head on his forearms on the tiny empty space on the bed by your side.
He was not letting the love of his life alone. Not that night, or never.  
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aerinsfables · 3 years
Part 6 for the Flower Shop AU PLEASEE! I need to know what happens next!!
Flower Shop AU Part 6 below :) In which Warrenessa makes an appearance.
Read part 5 here!
Bracken showed up at the address Seth had given him about ten minutes before the event was scheduled to take place. He’d brought a bouquet of flowers for Kendra’s grandmother, and a green salad he’d made that morning to share with the other attendees. Kendra had told him that he didn’t need to bring anything, but he felt weird about dropping by empty handed.
Almost as soon as he pulled up, he saw Warren leave the front of the house and walk toward him. Bracken exited his car and picked up both the bouquet and the salad bowl as Warren approached and clapped him on the back. “Good to see you again, Bracken,” he said. “I’m glad you could make it.”
“I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone,” Bracken replied.
Warren then pointed to the flowers. “For me? Aww, you shouldn’t have.”
Bracken smiled. “Sorry to disappoint, but I brought these for-“
“You’re moving a little fast if you brought them for Kendra,” Warren interrupted. “She’s not in a good place right now.”
He blinked a few times. “I brought these for her grandmother,” he explained. “This is where Seth and Kendra’s grandparents live, right?”
“Ah. Trying to get into Ruth’s good graces, huh? Smart man. Good approach.”
Before Bracken could reply that he’d simply intended to be polite, Warren led him toward the house and began walking while he spoke some more. “Ruth is inside, or at least she was when you pulled up. Most everyone else is in the backyard. Stan and Scott - Seth and Kendra’s grandpa and dad - are grilling. I’ll introduce you to everyone as we meet them.” He opened the front door and motioned for Bracken to head inside.
The interior of the house was comfortable but also a tad ornate. The floors were made of quality hardwood, a staircase led to a second story, plush rugs were located in stylish locations, and a lot of knick knacks rested in various floating shelves which lined the walls in some spots. Family photos were artfully placed in different spots around the area as well; some hung on walls, some occupied desk or dresser tops. To the left was a living room, and to the right was a hallway which led somewhere Bracken couldn’t see. Overall, the house was quite large and held an inviting atmosphere.
Warren led him through the living room and into the adjoining kitchen which Bracken hadn’t been able to see from the entryway of the house. It was large and spacious, with lots of counter space and what was apparently a walk-in pantry. “Ruth,” Warren called, and an older woman came out of said pantry.
“Oh, hello there,” she greeted with a warm smile and a wave of her hand. “Warren, who is this handsome fellow?”
“This is Bracken,” Warren said. “Bracken, this is Ruth. Kendra and Seth’s grandma.”
“Pleased to meet you,” Bracken said. He offered the bouquet to her. “These are for you. Thank you for permitting me into your home.”
“Ooh, he brought a gift! Well, these are certainly beautiful. Thank you. Make yourself at home. Most everyone’s out in the backyard. Show him around, will you, Warren?” She sniffed at the flowers and smiled again. “I’ll put these in some water!”
Warren grinned and patted Bracken on the back again. “Okay, you little suck-up, let’s take you out back to meet the others.”
Ruth clicked her tongue at that remark. “It wouldn’t hurt you to bring me flowers every so often,” she said. “You just come here to raid my kitchen.”
A chuckle left Warren’s body and he walked over to embrace Ruth, who swatted at him the whole time in a manner which suggested to Bracken that she was clearly very fond of him, and they were used to bantering with each other. He smiled. Warren pulled away from Ruth and walked away, then motioned for Bracken to follow. “This way,” he said as he opened another door which led outside.
The backyard was quite large, with a spacious deck connected to the house, steps leading down to a grass lawn where a volleyball net had been set up, a pool off to the far left, and a fire pit to the right. Bracken noticed two men standing near a nice grill on the deck, Seth was at the volleyball net with someone Bracken didn’t know, and Kendra sat near the unlit fire pit with Dale and three other women. Warren led Bracken toward the two men who were cooking hamburgers and chicken at the moment, and introduced him to them. “Stan, Scott, this is Bracken. He works at the flower shop across the street from our cafe. Bracken, this is Kendra’s dad and grandpa.”
He waved at them, probably a little awkwardly, and said, “It’s nice to meet you both. Thank you for allowing me to be here today.”
Scott smiled. “Friends of my children are always welcome.”
Warren then pointed at the volleyball net. “You know Seth. Looks like he’s getting ready to start a game. That’s Tanu over there with him. Come with me, I’ll introduce you to the ladies. Oh, but first - ditch the salad over there.” He gestured toward a picnic table which was laden with other foods; chips, fruit, cookies, hamburger and hotdog buns, potato salad and the like. Bracken did as instructed, then walked with Warren to the fire pit.
“Hello, ladies and Dale,” Warren greeted. Bracken did not miss the mildly exasperated look which crossed Dale’s face. “This is Bracken. He works at the flower shop across the street from the cafe. Cool guy. Brought a salad to a barbeque, but you know. Whatever.”
“Don’t be mean,” Kendra tutted. She then waved at Bracken and pointed at a spot next to her. “You can sit here.”
“I was just teasing,” Warren said. “He helped get rid of Gavin earlier this week. I did actually mean it when I said he’s a cool guy.”
“Ah, so you’re the man who helped my daughter,” one of the women spoke up. She walked over to Bracken and laid a gentle hand on his forearm. “I’m Marla, Kendra’s mother. Thank you for interfering the other day.”
“It was no trouble,” Bracken replied. He could feel his face heating up a little. “I did what anyone in my position would’ve done.”
“No, honey. Most people probably would’ve just sat back and watched, or recorded the event with their phones. You and Warren really made a difference.”
He wasn’t sure what to say in response, so he went for his usual phrase when he received compliments from strangers or new acquaintances. “Thank you for your kind words. I was happy to help.”
“Come, join us,” Marla invited. “The spot next to Kendra is open. We can chat while we wait for food to be ready.”
Bracken made his way over to the empty space and sat down. Kendra gave him a somewhat weak smile and he gave one back to her, then mumbled, “You okay?”
She nodded her head. “I’ll introduce you to everyone here. To your left is Mara, then Vanessa, my mom, and Dale tells me that you already know each other.”
He waved at everyone and said, “It’s nice to meet you all.”
Mara looked like she didn’t really care whether he was there or not, Vanessa looked at him as though she was trying to gage how much of a threat he was going to be, Marla’s smile was sweet, and Dale gave him a friendly nod. He could deal with Mara’s indifference, but Vanessa’s glaring was uncomfortable to endure.
Warren stepped in and wrapped his arms around Vanessa. “Don’t mind this one,” he said. “Her bark is worse than her bite.”
“I haven’t said anything,” she retorted.
“You’re doing that suspicious sizing up thing you like to do. It’s intimidating,” Warren replied. “Cut the guy some slack. He’s the one who made the good riddance flowers.”
Marla laughed, while Mara and Vanessa seemed to look at him in a slightly different light; Mara seemed perhaps a little more interested, and Vanessa’s glare felt a little less deadly. Maybe.
“That arrangement was perfect,” Marla complimented. “Hilarious. Kendra sent pictures. Did you really fill it with loose glitter?”
“That part was up to her,” Bracken said. “Did you? I didn’t even ask my mother.”
Kendra nodded but didn’t say anything. Warren spoke up instead. “I hope he realized the glitter problem when he was in the middle of his living room, and I hope he never gets it all the way out of the carpet.”
“Agreed,” Marla said.
“I still say it wouldn’t have been a tragedy for him to die,” Mara added.
“I punched him in his face,” Warren said in a defensive tone.
Mara shrugged. “He could’ve died. I’m just saying.”
“Murder might be pressing a bit too far,” Dale stated.
Warren stroked the stubble on his chin. “She’s right. I probably should’ve accidentally pushed him into traffic.”
Bracken noticed that Kendra seemed to shrink into herself a little as the conversation progressed. He tried to think of a way to change the subject, but failed to come up with anything. He needn’t have worried about it, though, because it seemed that someone else had picked up the same memo.
“Ugh. Go play volleyball with Seth and Tanu,” Vanessa said to Warren.
“What did I do?“ Warren whined.
“Seth!” Vanessa shouted. “Come get your cousin!”
Tanu held the ball in his hands and both he and Seth turned their attention to Vanessa.
“Oh, hey, Bracken!” Seth called and waved in a summoning motion. “Come play with us!”
“I told you to grab your cousin,” Vanessa emphasized.
“Warren! Get over here so we can play two on two!” Tanu said.
Vanessa turned toward Warren with what looked like an extremely insincere smile on her face. “Your presence has been requested at the volleyball net.”
Warren rolled his eyes. “Fine, I can tell when I’m not wanted. Bracken, you coming?”
Bracken hesitated before standing up, as he felt concerned for Kendra and wanted to make sure she was doing alright. She looked at him and gave him a soft smile, then waved and pointed to her brother.
“I hope you like volleyball,” she said. “Watch out for Seth. He likes to cheat.”
“I do not!” Seth protested.
Warren leaned closer to Bracken and whispered in a conspiratorial voice, “He really does.” He then pushed Bracken’s shoulder and led him toward the volleyball net.
Part 7 is here!
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH41
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 41: Star Death Reality Show (XXIV)
For a long time, Qi Leren couldn’t find the ability to think.
He seemed to be a poor man petrified by magic, just sitting in a chair, watching the system prompt gradually disappear from the screen.
Ning Zhou was dead?
Dead. Qi Leren couldn't put this cold word on Ning Zhou. Even if it was just in his imagination, he couldn’t accept it.
His trachea seemed to be blocked, and Qi Leren felt that he had returned to the sea, feeling the pain caused by suffocation in the increasingly strong water pressure. He couldn't breathe and couldn't escape. The oppressive darkness and death surrounded him, tormented him, and made him unable to endure for even one second.
He had to go to Ning Zhou! He had to bring him back from Purgatory!
He had always been used to waiting passively, indulging his interia and dependence as he waited, comforting himself. This was the best way, but he didn't expect that some people, some things, he couldn’t wait for. The anxious sense of urgency weighed heavily on his shoulders; just like when he had used the Prophet's Heart, a huge clock kept counting down behind him.
Counting the seven days after his death, today was the twenty-fourth day after his resurrection. There were only five days left for him. He had to hurry back and bring Ning Zhou back, otherwise...
Qi Leren couldn't think of what followed.
Don don don— When a knock on the door sounded, Qi Leren was startled and hurriedly closed the laptop. At the moment it closed, it disappeared out of thin air. Thankfully he had turned off the invisible camera that followed him, otherwise he really didn't know how to explain all this.
A skill card was lying quietly on the computer desk. Qi Leren had no time to think about it. He put the skill card in the item bar and asked loudly, "Who’s there?"
When the door opened, Du Yue stood outside looking surprised. "You’re really here?"
This was a strange question. Qi Leren felt strange when he heard it: "How did you know I was here?"
Du Yue scratched his head, a little muddled and a little confused, and said, "There’s a very strange gentleman... I don't know where he came from... He showed me the way and said that you were here."
A chill penetrated Qi Leren's back and cold sweat flowed down. Qi Leren's hand was shaking. If he didn't deliberately control it, his voice would tremble. The familiar fear returned to him; even if he just thought the name of that person, he would feel terrible.
A person who suddenly appeared and knew him like the back of his hand, a person who could access and even interfere with the copy, a… terrible person.
He had come here again for the secret hidden in this laptop.
"Where is he?" Qi Leren asked slowly.
"He said he would be at the lowest level of the institute. Qianbei, is he a survivor of this planet? Did they not leave here, but lived underground or something?" Du Yue, who didn't know Su He, never thought of the man’s real identity, but thought he was a part of this copy.
Qi Leren took a deep breath, shook his head, and got up and walked out of the room.
"What about the others? Have you spoken with them?" Qi Leren asked.
"We split up just now," Du Yue said in a depressed way.
Qi Leren didn't ask any more questions and walked quickly towards the safe corridor. Since Su He wanted to see him, he had to bite the bullet and go, but this time he had no Easter Eggs. If Su He made him choose between life and death again...
I should make an agreement with him, Qi Leren thought. He absolutely couldn’t die here. If he died, Ning Zhou would be fated to follow that terrible path, leading to the abyss of death. He couldn't watch Ning Zhou die.
If Ning Zhou became a demon, he would accompany him.
If the world wouldn’t let them be together, then they would go to hell together.
He wasn’t afraid, because nothing was more terrible than losing him.
But if Su He insisted on killing him... Qi Leren stopped on the stairs, turned to Du Yue, and said, "I have something to ask of you."
"Qianbei, please say it, I’ll do it!" Along the way, because of Qi Leren’s dignified expression, Du Yue felt nervous, thinking he may have made some big mistake. Now that he heard that his qianbei wanted to make a request, all he had to do was clap a hand to his chest and promise.
"Don't follow me later, do everything possible to protect your own safety. If I die, go back to the Village of Dusk and find a woman named Chen Baiqi..." As Qi Leren spoke, he took out a pen and paper and quickly wrote about Ning Zhou, then handed it to Du Yue.
Du Yue opened his mouth and looked ready to cry. "Is it that dangerous? Qianbei, don’t go!"
"There are some things that can't be escaped," Qi Leren said. Su He had come in person, and it would take him only minutes to kill everyone in the copy. He didn't even have the cards to negotiate with him. It was simply a fantasy to avoid him. "If you find Dr. Lu, don't get separated from him. Although he’s often confused, he’s still very lucky. That person should not be interested in killing you... I’m leaving, you should be careful."
Du Yue gawked at Qi Leren. He really was crying. A big and strong boy who was only eighteen years old could not hold back his tears when faced with life or death, and he took Qi Leren's hand with a face of snot and tears and refused to let go.
Qi Leren had to comfort him with a white lie: "Don't worry, this is only the worst case. Generally, I’m lucky and won't die."
Du Yue was dumbfounded: "But Dr. Lu said that your luck level falls below the alphabet."
Qi Leren, who had been exposed, finally just pushed Du Yue out of the stairwell and continued to go down. As the floor numbers dropped, he entered deeper and deeper underground, and the surrounding air became colder and colder. Even wearing temperature regulating clothes, it still made Qi Leren feel stiff all over.
As he walked, Qi Leren looked at the skill card that had been left after the laptop disappeared.
[Sophisticated Lawyer: A cunning lawyer should avoid the traps in the contract and do everything possible to help their client, who has paid enough in legal fees to avoid contracts that are not beneficial to them. If you sign a contract with anyone after equipping this skill card, that contract can't bind you, but a payment of 130 survival days will be consumed. Remaining usages: 1/1]
Qi Leren's face turned green. He worked hard with the Devil of Fraud to save 147 survival days, but this would take 130 days at once?! If this skill card was used and his identity was revealed in this copy... Very good, he would be directly obliterated because of insufficient survival days.
But he knew in his heart that if "it" would give him this thing, it was already hinting that he… he would need this skill card.
Just like the Easter Egg.
Qi Leren looked at this skill card with mixed feelings and inserted it into the card slot.
He had already reached the 13th floor underground. The depth of this underground research institute was really shocking. At present, he faced the exit of the stairwell. Qi Leren hesitated outside the door for a while before fearfully pushing it open.
Ahead of him, there was a cold and featureless metal corridor, dark and lacquered, and the range of a flashlight was limited. Where light couldn't reach, the deep darkness was like a beast's open jaws, waiting for him to trap himself.
Qi Leren let out a mouthful of hot air that condensed into a thin cloud of white smoke in the extremely low temperature air.
He stepped out of the stairwell.
Light suddenly hit his eye, and the sudden light blinded his eyes with whiteness, but the fresh air and warm temperature from the tip of the nose made him realize that he was no longer in the cold underground research institute.
Sure enough, when his sight returned to normal, the ethereal and clean world around him made him hold his mouth tightly shut.
The blue sky was endless, and there was one white island after another floating around him, unable to discern if they were white clouds or floating islands. Pigeons flew from the direction where the sun was rising, and the whole world was immersed in the hope of dawn. Who could have guessed that this was a Devil’s field?
Qi Leren stood on the tower of the floating island, where he had once come and had a friendly conversation with the Devil of Fraud.
At that time, Su He had said that this was the Village of Dawn in his memory, and he had projected the ideal hometown into his own field. Qi Leren didn't know whether this sentence is true or not, but if he thought deeply, he couldn't help but feel fear for the truth of the Village of Dawn—was the so-called Village of Dawn itself not this Devil’s field?
"Good morning, lost lamb." A hoarse and charming voice came from behind Qi Leren, which scared Qi Leren into turning around quickly.
On this terrace that had been empty only a few seconds ago, there appeared a woman holding a white porcelain tray, as if she had appeared out of thin air.
This was the sexiest woman Qi Leren had ever seen. This was so even though her hair was tied in a meticulous bun and she was dressed in a high-necked black dress, her whole body covered—only her face was exposed, and even her hands were wearing a pair of black silk gloves. Even if a naked woman was standing there, she would not attract more attention than her, because no one would have the same reserved yet affectionate smile as her.
"Let me introduce myself. My name is Ruth. It's a very common name, isn't it? In the demon world’s capital city, if you shout Ruth casually, at least ten women will turn around. So I prefer others to call me the Witch of Lust." Ruth walked lightly to the round table and sat down, waving to Qi Leren again. "Sit down, the little pet His Majesty is in charge of keeps causing trouble again. If you ask me, it really needs to be changed to a bigger cage."
"What pet?" Qi Leren asked cautiously.
Ruth crossed her hands under her chin—this action was really like her master—and hesitated: "A goldfish."
A goldfish? Qi Leren was at a loss. What trouble could a goldfish make? Jumping out of the goldfish bowl? It was worth Su He handling it himself?
A goldfish bowl? This word suddenly awakened Qi Leren's reluctant memory. It suddenly occurred to him that Su He had been called away by a voice when he had revealed his identity and killed him. At that time, Qi Leren had lost blood and couldn’t see clearly, but his ears had still heard the voice. What were the exact words? They seemed to be...
[...The goldfish bowl has raised an alarm. It’s very likely that it will escape again...]
Wasn't what lived in the goldfish bowl a goldfish?
It was going to escape, and again? That is to say, it had escaped before?
What on earth was this thing?
Lust calmly poured tea for Qi Leren, and there were three tea sets on the table. Her and Qi Leren’s cups were already filled, but the empty one still waited for its bearer.
"He always makes us wait so long. If you don't mind, we can talk casually." Lust stirred the black tea in the porcelain cup with a delicate silver spoon, but her eyes never left Qi Leren for a moment.
"...What is there to talk about?" Qi Leren asked warily.
"Let's talk about men. Women like me and men like you always like this topic," the Witch of Lust laughed.
"..." What do you mean, "men like you"? Qi Leren was a little depressed.
"What do you think of His Majesty?" the Witch of Lust asked wistfully.
Could he say that he thought he was a deeply-scheming pervert? After Qi Leren learned Su He’s true face, it made his hair stand on end when he recalled the little things from when they used to get along. This feeling was probably like if he had found out an old friend of many years was actually a serial murderer, and that he was his next target.
However, Qi Leren couldn't make such comments to the witch about her boss, lest she become angry from his impudence and teach him to be a man in 10,000 ways. He had to breathe a sullen sigh, consider the sentence carefully and thoughtfully, and after deleting a few-hundred-word-long negative review, provide a small truth that wouldn’t offend anyone: "He’s very handsome."
Lust giggled with joy and reached out to touch Qi Leren's cheek: "You’re so cute, I like you a little."
A sigh came from behind Qi Leren: "Ruth, I asked you to dress properly and take care of the guest, not flirt with him."
The voice struck Qi Leren's head like thunder and lightning. He suddenly jumped up from his chair, then felt that he had overreacted, so he sat back down in embarrassment. The footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer, passing his seat and sitting down in the empty chair opposite Qi Leren.
Su He wore what appeared to be a riding suit, as if he had just arrived by horseback, and he took off his white gloves and held them in one hand. He looked like a human being, handsome and gentle. He didn't seem to notice Qi Leren’s blunder, and he forgot his former unhappiness. After sipping a mouthful of black tea that Ruth poured for him, he put down his cup and smiled, saying to Qi Leren who was on pins and needles:
"On this beautiful night, are you interested in making a deal with me?"
[<<< Previous Chapter | Table of Contents | Next Chapter >>>]
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Via Text
The lovely @beccabarba requested a follow on from Via Email. Hope this hits the spot x
Thank you @detective-giggles for helping along the way.
Warnings: Bryan Kneef, I repeat Bryan Kneef. He is an ass-hole and slightly rough but reader feels safe. Thigh riding smut. Swearing. Use of Daddy, slut and whore.
WC:  1881
Enjoy x
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You had just walked out of your 6th interview in 2 weeks since you had quite your job as Bryan’s assistant and personal sex toy. You had applied for multiple jobs and been to interviews with no luck, and you weren’t really sure why. You were up to date with all training and had more than enough experience but you hadn’t gotten an offer. You were lucky you didn’t have to cut into your savings to live just yet and your parents had told you they would help out as much as they could so you didn’t have to do that.
You walked out of the 6th interview feeling kind of flat, 6 interviews in 2 weeks and it actually hit you that maybe you might have to go back to school and start all over again. You hated yourself for sleeping with your boss and you hated yourself even more for letting him get under your skin. You walked passed a bar and thought ‘fuck it’, it was lunch time and you needed a drink. You walked in sitting at the bar and ordering a pink gin and lemonade and a serving of wedges when your phone buzzed with a new text. You rolled your eyes when you saw the number, and against your better judgement you clicked on it just to see what it said,
6 interviews in 2 weeks, you’ve been busy. Shame none of them have worked out. Let me know when you want your job back.
“Prick” you muttered under your breath it all making sense why you hadn’t heard back from any jobs, you had put Bryan as your previous employee and clearly they had all contacted him.  
You sat there as your blood boiled, everything running through your head. You had two more drinks before you got down off your stool, throwing a tip on the bar walking out to get a cab. You got to the office building making your way inside, storming past work friends as they said hello actually not hearing them you were so filled with rage. The drinks that you had were enough to give you some courage and make your flitter slip slightly, but not enough that you were intoxicated to the point you didn’t know what you were doing.
You walked up the spiral stair case into your old office space, to Ruth sitting at your desk. Ruth was a floater, a lovely older lady that had been at the firm probably since before you were born,
“Y/N, how is your break dear? What brings you in, I thought you had another week off”
“Wait, what?” You frowned at Ruth.
“Mr Kneef said you were using some of your vacation days”
“Fucking asshole” you muttered “Where is Mr Kneef?”
“He has a meeting, should be done in 20 minutes. You can wait in his office if you like”
“Thanks Ruth”
You walked into Bryan’s office shrugging off your blazer to your navy, short sleeved, v necked aligned dress with a waist belt, black peep toed Mary Janes your hair pulled back in a low lose bun, throwing it over the arm chair followed by your bag and you walked straight over to his bar cart garbing a low ball glass and his best whiskey he hide behind everything else on the top shelf, pouring yourself a glass. You walked over to the large window, the window he pushed you up against too many times starring into the distance while you waited for him to come back. It wasn’t long after when you heard his voice barking orders at Ruth about the meeting,
“I’ll get that done for you straight away Mr Kneef. Y/N is waiting for you in your office.”
“Have you had lunch yet?” Bryan looked down at Ruth and she shook her head no “ Go now, take two hours today”
“But the paper work”
“Don’t worry about it. Two hours, go” he snapped.
Bryan didn’t come in straight away. You heard the main office door close and then you heard his office door close. You spun around on your heels, your cheeks burnt and your tummy filled with butterflies as you looked at him. His grey pinned stripped suit with white shirt and black tie, his hair in place and his salt and pepper beard making your knees weak, the smell of his cologne kicking in your core instantly. You looked at him over the rim of the glass as he made his way over to you with a straight face, shrugging off his jacket throwing it on his desk, rolling up his sleeves. You shot the rest of the amber liquid back slamming the glass down on his desk and his eyes narrowed at you and suddenly rage filled you again,
“You asshole” you snarled “You have been sabotaging my interviews”
“You don’t need a new job”
“The fuck I don’t”
“No Y/N you fucking don’t. I blocked your resignation letter and made it into a personal leave submission. You just needed to cool down”
You raised an eye brow at him, and the room fell silent as he walked to his bar cart poring himself a drink and then walking to his two seater couch sitting down resting one arm along the arm of the chair holding his glass, the other resting along the back and his legs spread open,
“Asshole” you snapped.
“How many did you have before that one?” Bryan said coolly tilting his head to look over at you.
“Excuse you?” you walked over to stand in front of him your face red from anger.
“You don’t talk like that unless you’ve been drinking” he raised his eye brow at you with a smirk “Clearly I sent the text at the right time, pushed the right button” he chuckled.
You scoffed, crossing your arms across your body leaning into your right hip tapping your left foot on the floor,
“What are you trying to achieve here Bryan?”
“I don’t say sorry and I never admit I was in the wrong” he raised both eye brows fast.
Your eyes locked with his, the way he looked deep into yours made you gasp and like a flash he put his glass down on the end table and he was in front of you, his body flush with yours, his body heat seeping through your cloths, one hand on your hip and the other on the side of your neck, you bit your bottom lip,
“You have one week of personal leave left, 3 weeks of full pay all together. You come back Monday and the whole week will be time and a half”
“No” you spat back. Bryan grinned as he ran his hand from your neck up into your hair threading it between your bun and your scalp, his hand balling into a fist tugging your hair and head to the side and he started to kiss the slope of your neck. You moaned as his beard ran along your skin, his lips wet from his drink and you grabbed onto his strong muscly arms, your finger nails digging into the material of his business shirt “I’ am not your whore Bryan”  
“No your Daddy’s little slut” Bryan said into your skin, the hand on your hip running down to your ass cheek giving it a slight spank. You whimpered and squeezed your thighs together for some relief.
Common sense kicked in and you pulled away from him, “I’ am not doing this, not while you’re seeing or fucking other people, I’ am no ones fool. And pigs will fly before I work for you again” You pushed your pointer finger into his chest “Don’t fuck up my next interview”
You went to walk away when you felt his long fingers warp around your wrist and he tugged you back roughly, pulling you to the couch, tugging you down to sitting and the down to lay on your back. You were taken aback by his actions, but you didn’t feel unsafe, quite the opposite, he had never turned you on this much before. You trusted Bryan and you knew in his weird asshole way he was trying to mend whatever this was.
Bryan grabbed both wrists pinning them above your head, his long fingers in a tight grip around them, his knee pushing between your legs and you spread them willingly. All common sense you just had was gone the moment he grabbed your wrist. Bryan lent over you, his free hand resting on the back of the couch, and he adjusted his leg so his thigh was resting on your centre and you gasped as he started to moved his leg over you in a fast pace, your back arching off couch from the feeling of your panties rubbing on your hardened pearl as Bryan run his thigh over you. His lips ghosting yours,
“You don’t need another interview because you have a job here” Bryan pushed his thigh deeper into you and you moaned “I’ am not fucking or dating anyone else anymore. Only you”
You could feel your coil winding tight and you started to roll your hips over Bryan’s thigh, he could feel your wet coming through his pants. His own need was straining against his zipper, but today wasn’t about him. Today was about getting you back in and out of work. Your body covered in sweat and you screamed his name breathless as you rode his thigh till you came down from your high. When you stopped moving your hips Bryan lent down his lips landing on yours kissing you deeply. His tongue darting into your mouth toying with your tongue. Bryan broke the kiss so you could catch your breath, sitting up on the couch for a moment and then standing up in front of Bryan, his hands going to your hips again,
“That’s your way of saying sorry?” you smiled.
“You’re complaining?” Bryan smirked with an eye brow raise.
“Of course not” you cupped Bryan’s cheeks running your thumb along his bottom lip, he pouting his lips to kiss the pad of it “Only me?”
“I don’t need to repeat myself Y/N” he looked firmly at you “No titles yet, we work up to that”    
“Ok” you smiled giving him a peak on the lips.
“I’ll come past when I’ am done and you can show me how sorry you are” Bryan grinned at you.  
“I have nothing to be sorry for” you sassed back, pulling away from him to walk away to get your jacket and bag, Bryan’s hand landing on your ass again with a spank before you were out of reach, you looked over your shoulder and winked “But by all means stop by later Daddy”  
 Tags: @thatesqcrush​​​​ @witches-unruly-heart​ @madamsnape921​​​​ @annabelleb49​​​​ @prurientpuddlejumper
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slippinmickeys · 4 years
Five Seconds (1/8)
This is the sequel to “Of the Eight Winds,” which began from a small simple prompt from Sunflowerdeedsandscience: “Mulder is unhappily married when Scully is partnered with him, and while he doesn't cheat (because sorry that's not romantic), he falls for her so hard that he finally gets the courage to end the marriage and start fresh.” That prompt took on a life of its own that became ‘Of the Eight Winds.’ This fic immediately follows the events of that piece — I would encourage reading it first if you haven’t.
This is not written in the same Rashomon structure as the original — it is absolutely linear. Hope that doesn’t throw anyone.
I’ll be posting the first two chapters today, and then one chapter a day until next Monday. You can also find it on AO3 here.
They say in the heat of the moment, you have five seconds to make a decision. Five seconds between right and wrong. Five seconds between life and death. As Mulder stood watching one gun pointed at his children and another pointed at an immensely pregnant Scully, five seconds seemed an eternity.
6 Months Earlier
She watched the house from the shadows. Occasionally from her car. It was harder to follow the woman as she worked at a secure government facility, but the man was easy. He had a small private psychology practice in a townhouse in Old Town. He usually ate lunch at a Panera near the office or brown bagged it from home.
The kids both attended a private prep school out in McLean. The girl drove herself and her brother most days. The boy would often stay late for sports practice (ice hockey, if the equipment was any indication) and the man would usually pick him up. Their lives were pretty routine.
After two weeks, she finally made an appointment with the man’s scheduling service and waited nervously in the outer office. Right on time, he opened the door.
“Olivia?” Dr. Mulder smiled at her, “come on back.”
She passed him through the doorway and settled into a plush leather couch.
He sat down in a chair across from her and crossed his leg, looking relaxed. Up close, she noticed that his hair was starting to grey at the temples, but he still looked fit, and conveyed an easy manner.
“Thank you for seeing me,” she said, trying to calm her nerves.
“Of course,” he said, looking down at his notebook, “I see you were referred to me by Dr. Heitz Werber?”
“Yes,” she said.
“Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself,” he said.
She took a breath.
“I grew up here in DC. After grad school… My father worked for the State Department and I, uh, went into the family business.”
Dr. Mulder nodded, his expression neutral.
“I can imagine that’s pretty stressful work,” he said.
“It was,” she said, “I don’t do it anymore.”
He nodded again, waiting for her to fill the silence. She went on.
“The work I did… it hurt people. And I’m… I’m trying to make amends.”
His expression gave nothing away. She steeled herself, took a deep breath.
“Dr. Mulder, my name is Olivia Kurtzweil. Our fathers knew each other a long time ago. I’m here to warn you. You and your family are in danger. Your wife and her baby…”
His nostrils flared, but he maintained his composure.
She reached into her pocket and pulled out several pictures.
“I can prove it,” she said, “This is me and my father, this is me and your sister Samantha. And this is our fathers together.”
“I think you need to leave,” he said, his voice tight for the first time. He was not looking at the pictures.  
She rose.
“There’s not a lot of time.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with a phone number on it, set it next to the pictures, which she left on the office’s small coffee table. “Call me at this number. Soon. I’ll tell you all I can.”
With that she left, her heart hammering in her chest.
Arlington Cemetery May 2nd, 2018
Mulder descended the stairs quickly, the leather bottoms of his dress shoes scraping loudly on the dusty grit of the steps. The occupants of the underground lair were the perfect people to call when you needed information, but good housekeepers they were not.
He entered the code on the security box at the door at the bottom of the staircase, and the door swung open.
“Guys?” he called into the cavernous space once the door sealed shut behind him.
“In here!” he heard a muffled call from near the back.
He stepped around gunmetal shelves awash in circuitry and computer parts and turned right into the sanctum sanctorum of the place: the desktop on which sat the AMD Threadripper 3000. Two men were hunched over the screen, one sitting, one standing just behind him.
Grease-stained napkins were wadded up next to the keyboard and crinkled butcher paper sat nearby, sporting the red-splotched remains of marinara sauce and a few errant banana peppers.
“You want a meatball sub, Mulder?” came the nasally voice of the man standing, “We got extra.”
“I don’t relish the thought of being up all night with heartburn, Langly, but thanks,” Mulder said, and Frohike turned from the chair, his wispy hair now more white than grey.
“They’re from Gino’s,” he said around a mouthful, “you’re missing out.”
“Tell that to Gino,” Mulder said, “didn’t he die of a heart attack in ‘04?”
“His wife is still running the place, bursting with health,” Frohike said, and reached for a styrofoam cup.
“But she doesn’t eat the subs,” said Mulder, and swung into a nearby chair. “Where’s Byers?”
“Staying with Suzanne for the weekend,” Langly said, like he couldn’t imagine why.
“Is that safe?” Mulder asked. The Gunmen had been hiding out in a government-built safehouse under their own graves in Arlington Cemetery for more than a decade.
Langly shrugged.
The three men looked at each other for a moment. Finally, Mulder spoke again.
“What did you find?”
“Enough,” said Frohike, turning back to the screen. Mulder stood and walked up behind him.
Frohike tapped a picture on the screen.
“Olivia Kurtzweil,” he said, “born December 4th, 1963, daughter of Dr. Alvin Kurtzweil and Ruth O’Brien Kurtzweil. Graduated from Sidwell Friends School in Washington DC in 1981, got a PhD in both Biology and Virology from Boston University in 1987. Employment records get kind of muddled after that, but it would make sense if she worked for the State Department, though what a Biologist/Virologist would be doing for State is troubling.”
Mulder leaned back. It was the same woman who’d been in his office earlier that day.
“And the pictures?” he asked, “of our fathers together? Of her and Samantha?”
“The real McCoy,” Langly said, “they don’t appear to be altered in any way. Sent them to Chuck Burks, too. He concurs.”
Mulder sighed heavily.
“What’s going on, Mulder?” Frohike asked, his tone serious.
“She came to my office today, Olivia Kurtzweil,” he said, nodding at the screen, “she told me that Scully is in danger.”
“In danger?” Langly said, puzzled, “how?”
“Scully is…” Mulder paused, “she’s pregnant,” he said, and he saw both men’s eyebrows go up. “This woman told me that our family... that Scully and the baby are in danger.”
Frohike and Langly traded looks.
“We haven’t told anyone about the pregnancy,” Mulder went on, “and Scully’s OB is an old friend from med school that she trusts implicitly. This Kurtzweil woman knows about the baby and insists it’s in danger. I need to know what’s going on.”
“Firstly,” said Frohike, who stood and put a hand on Mulder’s shoulder, “Mazel tov.” Mulder smiled at him. “Secondly,” he went on, “it appears as though this woman is telling the truth -- at least about who she is -- I would talk to her. See what you can find out.”
“How’s Scully taking this?” Langly asked.
“I haven’t told her yet,” Mulder said, and the boys traded another look. “I didn’t want to scare her without knowing more.”
Frohike squeezed his shoulder again and then let his arm fall.
“Let us know, huh?” he said, “However we can help.”
Mulder nodded and drifted back toward the door, a ball of worry sitting heavy in his gut.
“Where are the kids?” he asked as soon as he walked in the kitchen. He hadn’t even taken off his coat.
“I had a good day, thanks for asking,” said Scully with a grin. She was loading the dishwasher and turned to look at him. Her face fell, turning serious. “The kids are upstairs. What’s wrong?”
“I had a patient come in today…” he started, and her features softened. She probably thought it was just empathy for one of his patients, a tough case. “Scully, she showed me a picture of herself as a kid. With Samantha.”
“What?” Scully said, standing up straight, “how?”
“I don’t know,” he said, and moved past her and into the living room, making for the bookshelf that held old family photo albums. He pulled one out and skimmed through it. Pulled out another. Halfway through, something caught his eye and he flipped back a couple of pages until he saw it. A picture from the same 70’s-era party at his childhood home on the Vineyard that Olivia had shown him. There was his father standing next to Alvin Kurtzweil, and down in the corner, both wearing swimsuits and gap-toothed smiles, pigtails frizzy and wet, sat Samantha and a 7 year-old Olivia Kurtzweil.
He felt his breath leave him.
Scully had come up quietly behind him, put her hand on his arm.
“Mulder?” she said.
“I need to make a call,” he said.
He pulled the note Olivia had left with him out of his pocket. She picked up on the first ring.
“Olivia, this is Dr. Mulder,” he said. “We need to talk.”
The next morning at 9:00am, they found themselves sitting across their kitchen table from Olivia Kurtzweil, Special Agent Monica Reyes, ASAC John Doggett and Assistant Director Walter Skinner.
Scully was sitting, arms crossed in front of her defensively, at the head of the table. Reyes sat next to her, looking at Kurtzweil with an equal amount of curiosity and distrust. Doggett was too amped up to sit and paced through their kitchen. Skinner sat, quiet and still, looking as menacing as ever at the far end of the table.
Mulder felt a certain odd protectiveness toward Olivia, and couldn’t help but treat her a bit like a patient.
“Olivia,” he said calmly, “why don’t you start at the beginning.”
The tale she spun was as fantastic as anything they’d ever heard in their years on the X-Files. Olivia had been groomed from childhood to work on what she called “The Project.” When Samantha Mulder had been abducted, The Project had used her DNA to create alien-human hybrids. Throughout the years, these hybrids had been used by different factions of The Project to further their agendas in relation to a colonization project that Olivia said once threatened the world. She had fought with others to bring it down and now, The Project’s last ditch effort to resurrect itself lay in the cells of the child Scully was carrying.
“How was my father involved?” Mulder said, his voice like ice.
“Your father did everything he could to protect you and your sister,” Olivia said after a pause. “He was the person I initially approached when I became disenchanted. He and I worked together for years dismantling everything we could.”
Mulder narrowed his eyes at her.
“You were at my father’s funeral a couple years ago,” he said, recognition dawning on him, “I saw you at his wake.”
Olivia nodded.
“He couldn’t save your sister,” she said, “but he saved you. And in the end, he saved me.”
“My sister,” Mulder said, his stomach feeling as though it were in his feet, “is she alive?”
“No,” Olivia said, “I’m so sorry. And that’s the problem. Your sister’s DNA was the only one that was able to create viable hybrids. Her DNA was the key. And the last living hybrid sacrificed herself before a rogue faction could get her. That rogue faction is after Scully and your baby for the DNA markers particular to your family.”
“Then why aren’t they after me?”
“The particular markers they’re looking for are rendered dormant after a baby is born. The genetic material they can use is only found in--”
Scully spoke for the first time, finishing Olivia’s explanation. “Embryonic stem cells from our baby.”
Olivia looked pained and nodded. “It’s their last, best hope for restarting the program,” she said.
“How do they even know about the pregnancy? We haven’t told a soul.”
“A hack on your medical records is my guess. HIPAA means nothing to these people.”
“I’m less concerned with the how and more concerned with the why,” Mulder said. “You say embryonic cells. That means they’re on a clock, right? Once the baby is born...”
“Destroy the umbilical cord. The placenta. Those cells are only found in a few places. Destroy anything they might be able to use. After that… you and your baby will be safe.”
“So no one else in our family is in danger?” Scully asked. Her eyes darted unconsciously to a family picture that was framed on the wall above Olivia. It was a candid photo, taken the year before when they had hired a photographer to take Lily’s senior portraits. In it, Mulder and Scully were holding hands, looking at their two kids who were laughing about something Will had said. They were all smiling and carefree. In the moment, it felt like a world away.
“I know the technology and the biology it draws from,” Olivia said, “I helped design it. Their only hope is getting their hands on the embryonic stem cells from your baby. If you were planning on getting an amniocentesis test -- don’t.”
“Why not?” Skinner asked, “why not just give them what they want?”
“Because they’ll never stop,” Reyes said.
Olivia shook her head sadly. “She’s right. They take and they take, and they don’t care who gets hurt or what is lost.” She looked to Mulder. “Your father and I worked for years to shut it down. Finish it. Hide your wife. Protect your baby. Once it’s born, you should all be out of danger.”
“Tell me about this rogue faction,” Doggett’s voice coming from the corner of the kitchen startled everyone.
“Mercs for hire,” Olivia said, “Only one of them that I know of is familiar with the working pieces of The Project. I don’t know him well. I only ever saw him in the periphery.”
“Do you have a name?” Doggett asked.
“I doubt it’s his real one,” Olivia said.
“We’ll take whatever you can give us,” said Reyes, who shot a look to Doggett.
“I only ever heard him called ‘Krycek,’” she said.
Mulder felt his gut drop.
“What do you think?” Mulder asked Scully, as they sat together around their empty dining room table. Doggett, Reyes and Skinner had left and it was nearly noon, the sun bright outside their windows. Nevertheless, the room felt cold. Mulder could feel anxiety press on him from all sides as though he were under water.
“I don’t know what to think,” Scully said, a hand resting unconsciously on her stomach, which had just started to push out. “Mulder, for almost fifteen years our lives have been ordinary, calm. After all this time…? It strains credulity.”
“Scully I would agree with you. But… some of the things we saw when we were on the X-Files… We know credible threats. This feels like a credible threat.”
“Do you really believe everything she said? About your sister?” He could see her skeptical reserve crumbling.
Mulder let that question sit in the air for several long moments. “Just tell me if the science checks out,” he finally said.
Scully huffed an almost amused sigh. “I couldn’t even begin to-” she started.
“Scully, you yourself were filling in the blanks of Olivia’s story. If what she says is true, does the science check out?”
Scully gave him a long look. “Yes,” she finally said.
He held her gaze, a feeling of overwhelming affection coming over him. “Scully,” he said quietly, “we have to get you somewhere safe.”
She looked down, added another hand to her abdomen so she was cradling it with both. On the countertop, there was a half drunk bottle of Deer Park and a single yellowing banana. Someone had left their iPhone headphones sitting in a semi-coiled loop, and there were crumbs in front of the toaster, dishes in the sink. They sat in the middle of a half-lived life.
“I won’t leave without you,” she finally said, “without you and the kids. We all do this together. If the threat is really what Kurtzweil says it is, I couldn’t bear the thought of them trying to use you or the kids to get to me.”
Mulder nodded curtly.
“I’ll go to the guys,” he said, “see what they can do for us. Skinner and Doggett and Reyes will do what they can to protect us, but I think given everything we’ve heard, it’s best to avoid… governmental oversight.”
“I’m inclined to agree with you,” Scully said.
“We need to leave soon. We can’t wait.”
Apgar jumped on the table then, looking for affection. Scully, who normally wouldn’t tolerate a cat on any eating surface, reached out and pet the cat absently, her eyes far away.
“Where are we even going to go?” she asked.
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