#Russ Taylor gif
anguishmacgyver · 8 months
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bookwormwolf · 6 months
In honour of it being Eli Vanto's birthday a couple days ago, and mine a week ago, I present ✨️birthday thranto✨️. Fem! Eli (also posted on ao3 under bookwormwolf, I also have a lot of fem! Kallus Kalluzeb fics over there too 🫶🏼)
It's Eli's birthday and she's drunk. Self indulgent (fem) Eli Thranto fic as it was my birthday last week!! Also, Thrawn is giving sugar daddy vibes. Like think Dante Russo in King of Wrath. Also her full name is Eliana, but she mostly just goes by Eli. I don't apologise for the smut at the end. Please don't judge me, lmao. Also I wrote this playing my Thranto playlist on repeat, especially Dress (Taylor Swift), Shameless (Camilla Cabello), and 3.15 Breath (Russ, orchestra version).
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It was Eli's lifeday. She'd spent the afternoon with Thrawn, on leave in Coruscant, at a new exhibition at Thrawn's favourite museum. He'd taken her for lunch afterwards, at a restaurant her Lieutenant wages definitely couldn't have afforded. They had shared a mix of small dishes: seafood from Naboo, jogan fruit salad, and roast pomork, just to name a few. It was so unlike the usual meal-packs and and rations that they ate aboard the Chimaera. Eli supposed her relationship with Thrawn did have a few perks. To any passerby who may have known them, it was simply an Admiral and his Lieutenant sharing a meal. Well, that was until Thrawn revealed he'd also bought her a small cake, just enough for two. It had pink frosting, her favourite. The waitress had given Eli a wink as they left, saying something about 'her man treating her right'. It felt odd. To the outsiders, they were just a couple. Eli and Thrawn. No ranks, or loyalties (other than to each other).
Afterwards, they had retired back to their hotel, as Thrawn had some work to do that would last into the evening. Being her Grand Admiral's aide, Eli had booked the swanky top floor adjoining suites. They had their own bedrooms for the shore leave, of course. It was all very appropriate. The room had even come with an office, for Thrawn to use for his meetings. She really was a good aide. (They'd fucked in both of the beds. 'Eli's room', only had a double, rather than an Emperor-sized bed Thrawn had, so they used 'Thrawn's bed' to sleep in. Oh, and Thrawn had fucked her over the desk in the office. Twice actually. They'd only been here two nights.) Eli was glad the suite had tinted floor to ceiling windows. The Grand Admiral needed privacy whilst he was working, of course.
Eli had decided to spend the evening going for a meal and some drinks with Faro, Hammerly and Pyrondi. Make it a girls night, whilst the Chimaera's crew were off-ship. It was a warm night, so Eli had chosen a floral pattern maxi dress to wear, and a pair of heels. She'd gotten changed whilst Thrawn was on his first holocall, waiting until he was done to show him the outfit. They'd been in causal wear in the morning, but Thrawn had put his Admiral uniform top back on for the meetings. His sleep pants as bottoms, hidden from view, made him look rather goofy. It was cute.
"What d'ya think, darlin'?" She'd asked him, emerging from her suite. Thrawn's eyes darkened, as she did a little twirl. Eli had curled her hair, and touched up her makeup. She wore a dark red lipstick that she knew Thrawn really liked. She felt rather sexy, if she did say so herself.
"Are you sure you cannot be tempted to stay here, Eli?" His eyes roamed her body, before settling on her cleavage. "I'd quite enjoying peeling the dress off you."
Eli ignored the flush on her cheeks at the compliment. She let Thrawn pull her into his (sleep-pant clad) lap, wrapping her arms around his neck as he pressed his lips to her throat. Thrawn's lips trailed across Eli's neck, her breath hitching with a groan as he explored. His mouth worked up her jaw, before capturing her mouth for a kiss. His hands grazed her hips, settling down on her bottom. The kiss deepened, their stolen moment seeming to last forever. Eli was about to complain that Thrawn was creasing the dress she had not long ironed, when he pressed something hard against her. Stifling a moan, she ground her hips against him.
"We can't do this now, the speeder taxi will be here soon." Eli tried to protest, but she knew she was useless to fend against Thrawn. He'd ate her out just that morning, dragging two orgasms out of her - her first lifeday present of the day from him, he'd called it. She'd worn a short little nightdress to bed that she'd bought recently, and Thrawn was obsessed with it. It was blush pink, mostly see-through, with little embroidered flowers. Came with a silky red thong. It left very little to the imagination. Well, nothing, actually. He'd also ordered breakfast in bed, had answered the door, gratiously thanking the waiter who had brought the food up. There was easily enough for two, Chiss had quite the appetite, afterall. Eli would make sure all his expenses were paid on time.
Thrawn simply looked amused, "Forgive me Lieutenant, I can't help myself."
"Why, Grand Admiral, I dare say you're showin' me a bit of favoritism".
Arousal shone in Thrawn's eyes, and he captured Eli's lips again. His fingers trailed the ruffle on the front of her dress, toying with it as he ground himself against her. She was going to need new panties, if he kept this up. A moment later, Eli's comm pinged. She pulled herself off Thrawn's lap, reluctantly, as she checked her communicator. The obvious tent in his trousers gave her a little bit of satisfaction.
"That's them, speeder is outside," Eli said, "don't have too much fun without me, Sir." She eyed the bulge with longing, adding the honorific for a little bit of teasing. He had about twenty minutes to his next meeting. Eli tried not to think about how he'd be spending them.
Thrawn grinned slightly, "Never, my dear. When you return, I'll ensure that every touch, every moment, will be... exquisitely unforgettable. I haven't given you your main gift yet, after all".
Dank farrik that man was smooth. Ah, kriff, now she wanted to stay. Maybe tease Thrawn under his desk, just as a repayment for this morning. The comm pinged again, no doubt someone telling her to hurry up. With a groan, she placed one last kiss on Thrawn's lips, before dashing out. She'd probably come back to him watching some old military holodrama, or reading the book he'd bought himself in the museum today. Yes, Eli told herself, eating steak and drinking wine with her friends was better than both of those options. Leaving Thrawn in the office, she grabbed her coat and handbag, making her way out of the suite. Calling the turbo-lift to the reception, Eli checked her comm again. Pyrondi had been the one to message her.
*Vanto we're here. Red speeder, dock three*
*Vanto come on.*
*Vanto you're the one who made the reservation for 1830 hours*
*Vanto, what are you doing?????*
Eli sighed, and typed a message back.
*Sorry, Pyrondi. I'm in the turbolift. Just needed to show Thrawn something before I left. He's got meetings all evening.*
It wasn't technically a lie. A message instantly pinged back.
*Thank kark Vanto, we were worried you weren't coming. He can't even give you your life day off? I'd request a transfer if I were you*
And then, *I'm joking, don't tell him I said that*
Eli chuckled to herself. Oh Thrawn had given her the day off alright. They weren't to know that though. She suspected that her friends suspected something was going on between her and Thrawn, but she was content for them to think it was just a little crush.
*I won't. I promise*
Eli decided she might actually. Thrawn thought it was funny. The lift pinged and Eli reached the speeder-taxi floor, heading to dock three. She found the speeder easily, and slid in. Luckily it was a droid taxi, so they didn't have a nagging driver annoyed at her.
"Sorry girls, you know what Thrawn's like. He has to inspect everything when I'm clocking off. Er, inspect the schedule I mean."
Faro laughed, turning to face Eli. The Commodore was sat in the front two seats with Pyrondi, leaving Eli to sit in the vacant seat next to Hammerly.
"Does he even know it's your lifeday? I've never seen him celebrate his." She said.
Eli really tried not to think about Thrawn's head between her thighs earlier in the morning. Oh he knew it was her lifeday alright.
"Yes, he took me to dinner this afternoon. He has to approve my leave, remember? Besides, I book everything. Sort'a takes the suprise out of it. And, he does celebrate. He just doesn't want a party with the full Chimaera."
Eli supposed it was only fair that Thrawn spent the morning with his mouth on her cunt after the present she'd got him for his lifeday. He'd been grateful for the new extensive tea collection she'd bought him. Even more with the sexy little lingerie set she'd changed into, late at night. They'd both been exhausted and aching at the early meeting the next morning. Thank the stars Eli's uniform up to her neck. She had been covered in marks, and it was uncomfortable to sit, though Thrawn looked perfectly composed. It wasn't fair.
Anyway, it was her lifeday today, not his. Hammerly's amused grin broke Eli out of her thoughts. "How did you get a reservation for the restaurant, anyway? I've heard it's supposed to be booked up ages in advance."
Eli shrugged, "I booked it for Thrawn and Colonel Yularen to have a meeting once. When I booked again, I'm assuming they just thought it would be a similar party. Perks of being an aide, I guess."
"I don't know many aides who's CO would allow them to do that, Vanto. Thrawn's sweet on you." Said Faro.
Oh yes he was.
They arrived at the restaurant only a few minutes late for their booking. Eli greeted the waitress on the desk with a smile.
"Booking for four, should be under Vanto."
"Ah yes, Eli is it? Will the Admiral be joining?"
Kriff. Eli heard Pyrondi snicker.
"No, just us. But you're welcome to contact him if there's an issue, I'm sure you'll still have his comm number on your file?" Eli was ready for an argument, she saw Faro step forward.
The waitress only smiled, "Oh, no, there's no issues, Lieutenant. Just that Admiral Thrawn called earlier today to say he will cover the expenses. Just wanted to check he wasn't coming to pay in person. I'll send him the bill".
Oh. That was actually really sweet. Though, Eli would be the one to pay it, out of Thrawn's bank of course. But still. What did Eli do to deserve a man like Thrawn?
Faro bumped Eli with her elbow, "told you Vanto. He's sweet on you."
They followed the waitress to their table, ordering their food and drinks. Eli was secretly glad that Thrawn was covering the expenses. She felt less bad about the 60 credit steaks making a dent on her, and the others, wages. Eli couldn't exactly comm her mother and say "sorry there's less credits than usual, Ma, I spent a load on steak in a posh restaurant'. Oh Thrawn would be getting a special thank you for being so considerate. She'd been saving, and she'd checked with the other women before she booked. It would have been okay. This was a much nicer option.
"Did the Admiral pay for your midday meal too?" Hammerly inquired with a grin.
Eli nodded, taking a sip of the wine she'd ordered. It was nice, a pink fruity option from Ryloth. "You can't say I don't treat him for lifedays, and for all the work I do - well, I don't want'a say I deserve it, but..."
Pyrondi shrugged, "the Admiral broke the neck of a pirate trying to attack me once, it was kind of scary. But, I think he's just that way out. You deserve it, Eli, for all the krayt spit you have to put up with".
Scary? No, Eli thought that was hot. Thrawn protected his staff, and looked after them. He was always firm, but fair. There had been an increase in transfer requests to join the ship lately, like how in the early days many people wanted off the ship if they had to serve with Thrawn. Ironic, really. And some daft bastards still didn't approve of him being a Grand Admiral. Not that Eli was biased in any way. And she did deserve it, hells, she'd put up with a whole lot of krayt spit in her time because of Thrawn.
"Yes, but he isn't paying for all of this for your lifeday, is he, Pyrondi?" Faro just wanted to push her buttons.
Hammerly took a sip of her fancy Naboo gin, "Hey, I'm not complaining Eli's got Thrawn wrapped around her finger. Faro, just relax."
"He won't make you pay him back, Faro. Just enjoy yourself." Eli said, pouring Karyn a glass of wine. "I've seen you drink this at Ascendancy week parties, have some. You'll be annoyed later when the bar drinks are coming out of your wages."
Begrudgingly, Faro accepted the wine. The women talked, about what else they were going to do on shore leave, if they had seen their families recently. Mostly just menial things that never seemed appropriate on the Chimaera outside of working hours. Pyrondi insisted they take holopics, so Eli reapplied her lipstick, and posed with her glass of wine. They took a few group ones, and then Pyrondi insisted on taking some of Eli individually. For her Mama, Eli had claimed when she asked for the photos to be shared. Which wasn't a lie, she was going to send some to her Ma. However, the individual one was going to Thrawn. She excused herself to the 'fresher, little bit wobbly in her heels from the alcohol. Kark, once they started doing spotchka shots in the bar they were going to next, she'd be drunk.
Sat in the cubicle, she pulled up the picture of herself, and sent it to Thrawn.
*Enjoying the wine! Waitress said you'd called to say you're gonna pay. Thank you xx*
Okay kisses on a comm message was slightly risky, but if the ISB could tap her comm, then they'd heard all of hers and Thrawn's goings on.
*Batat, ch'itiseb vur. You are most welcome.*
Thrawn's (almost instant) reply put a silly little smile on Eli's face. Thrawn was smart, using Cheunh to compliment her. The only two people who could translate were, well, her and Thrawn. He'd said she looked pretty, and called her sweetheart. She'd learned Cheunh didn't really have a direct translation for the word, but he'd tried by separating the two. Eli wasn't as good as Cheunh as she was with Sy Bisti, but she had tried her best to get a bit of a grip on the language.
*You like my photo, darlin'? What you been up to?*
Once, Thrawn had been amused at Eli's pronunciation of darlin' in Cheunh, she couldn't help her accent she'd told him, but she was sure he thought it was endearing. She hadn't said it since. The comm message didn't come through straight away this time, Eli almost left, thinking the girls would be wondering what she was doing, when he finally replied.
*I told you all of my thoughts about the dress before, Eli. Meetings have not long been finished. I ordered food from that diner you like.*
*without me!!! I might request a transfer*
*And who would buy you fancy meals then, ch'eo vir?*
Eli squealed. She loved it when Thrawn got flirty. Another Cheunh pet name, my dear, this time.
*I'm only joking*
*anyway, need to go. They'll think I've fallen down the fresher*
Eli imagined Thrawn rolling his eyes.
*My apologies Lieutenant, tell them I really did urgently need your assistance*
And then another message pinged through.
*Vanto, have you gotten lost? The food's just arrived!* It was Faro.
*Sorry, Faro. Our dear Admiral needed me to call him about something. I'm coming back now*
The 60 credit steaks were really good. Huh, could get used to this lifestyle. Though she was just as excited when they all got in another taxi to a bar a few levels below. She'd heard it recommended, as it had a live band. They spent the rest of the night drinking cocktails and dancing, until the early hours of the morning. Finally, Faro, Hammerly and Pyrondi called a speeder taxi, whilst Eli called for her own. She bid the women goodnight, before climbing in. It hadn't been too long a journey back to the hotel, and after sending the women a quick message to let them know she was back safe, she made her way up back to her room. To Thrawn.
*Glad you're back safe, Eli. Try not to wake the Admiral up!*, came a message from Hammerly. Eli laughed. She knew Thrawn would be waiting for her.
Eli entered the suite to see Thrawn sat on the sofa, the picture of relaxed elegance. A soft smile tugged at her lips at the sight of him. Thrawn looked up from his book, as his gaze met hers with a warmth that sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine. He set aside his glass of red wine, rose to his feet, and made his way towards her. Eli unfastened her heels, dumped her back on the floor, and embraced him. He smelled of the aftershave she had bought him, bergamot and Corellian vanilla.
"Welcome back, Eli. I trust you had an enjoyable night?" Thrawn asked.
Eli looked up at him, her eyes alight, "I missed you." Thrawn smirked, she was a clingy drunk. Well, no, she was not drunk. Buzzed and slightly tired, sure. "But I had fun."
"I'm surprised you are back before 0300. I would have waited all night."
Kark, he was a romantic when he wanted to be.
"I have one last gift for you, though it is not now technically your lifeday."
Eli raised an eyebrow, "you're spoilin' me darlin'." Her accent had thickened with the alcohol, "an' you're sure? You've spent quite enough on me."
"Yes, I suppose I do spoil you, Eliana." Thrawn led her to the couch, placed his book on the coffee table, next to the wine glass. Eli had been right, he had been reading the new book he'd bought himself. Thrawn reached for a black, velvet box, handing it over to Eli. "For you, ch'eo."
Eli's hands shook slightly as she opened the gift box. She revealed a stunning silver necklace. It was a silver filigree chain, adorned with a deep blue sapphire pendant. Truthfully, it was much too beautiful for everyday wear, but Eli knew she wanted to.
"Oh, darlin'," Eli's voice trembled slightly, as she looked at Thrawn with glassy eyes, "it's so pretty. It's perfect. Oh, but y'didn't have to-"
Thrawn placed a kiss to her lips, silencing her. He pulled her over to him, sliding her legs over his lap, hand resting on her lower back.
"I wanted to," Thrawn said, "though, I may have had an ulterior motive for my purchase."
Eli chucked, of course he did, "and what was that, exactly?"
Thrawn grinned, a sly smile on his lips. He leaned in closer, voice dripping with seduction, as he brushed a piece of Eli's hair from her face.
"I want you, Eli. I want you, wearing nothing but this necklace. You can wear it under your uniform, but right now..." Thrawn leaned in close, so close that Eli could feel his breath on her neck. She squirmed, her stomach hot with arousal.
"I want to fuck you, completely bare, adorned only by this." Eli's breath shuddered, she bit her lip as she nodded.
Thrawn took the necklace from the box, fastening it around her neck. It sat beautifully. Thrawn's fingers, gentle and tender, trailed along her throat, following the chain of the necklace.
"Do you want me?" He asked.
"Darlin, I need you."
Thrawn stood, scooping up Eli in his arms. Eli laughed, anticipation twisting in her stomach. She knew Thrawn was strong, but he carried her to the bedroom like she weighed nothing. He placed her down, and began to unbutton her dress. He removed her clothes, and then his own, leaving the garments pooled in a heap on the floor, in a very un-Thrawnlike way. He lay back on the bed, as if to invite her to straddle him. Eli gladly accepted the invitation, and threw one of her thighs over his body, climbing on top of Thrawn. His hands grabbed down to skim her hips, azure fingers gripping tight enough to leave bruises there. She peered down at him, taking in his handsome face.
"You know, I think chose a very good bedroom for you to fuck your aide in, didn't I?"
Thrawn tutted, "You make it sound so... detached, Eliana." Ooh he used her full name. Spicy. Thrawn's eyes softened. "You're more to me than that, ch'eo. Though I cannot deny we've made good use of it".
Oh yes, the desk had been particularly fun. Though, the massive bed made a change from Thrawn's standard Imperial bed. It was softer, much more comfortable. And they were free, in this room, it was just the two of them. They were staying in the suites for the upcoming Ascendancy week for the balls and other events. It was bliss. They didn't have to hide, here, they could just be Eli and Thrawn. Eli knew full well most men in Thrawn's position expected their aides to service them. It wasn't the sex that was the problem (though Eli wouldn't want to fuck anyone else). It was... it was the unspoken thing between them, that the Empire would disapprove of. They had never called it love, they had never actually said the words - but they both knew they were willing to die for one another. Such attachment was disapproved of in the Imperial Navy. Thrawn had proved plenty of times that he would kill for Eli too. They cared for one another, deeply. Here, in this room, they could show that.
"I...", She couldn't bring herself to say it. But she did, she really did love him. "Thank you for a perfect lifeday, Thrawn."
Thrawn smiled at her, a beautiful, honest smile. "You deserve nothing else, Eli."
Eli leant down and pressed her lips to Thrawn's. She rested her forehead against his, aware of the cool metal around her neck. The necklace was a very special gift, the most concrete physical token of their relationship they had ever exchanged. Eli deepened the kiss, feeling Thrawn's hands grab her thighs. He pulled them forward, and dragged her onto his cock. She grabbed his chin with a moan, tilting his head upwards, feeling him bite at her lip, head tilting back. She rocked her hips, grinding - riding him. Eli never stopped relishing in the ridges on Thrawn's cock, how they felt so good inside her. Eli wasn't often on top, so the change in position offered a different sensation. She was in control, she set the pace. She was so full it almost hurt, but Eli liked the pleasure-pain it brought, overstimulated and beautifully sore. Eli could tell Thrawn was enjoying it too, his usually impassive face flushed purple as he groaned. She knew any moment he could flip her over, and pound her into the mattress, but Eli was convinced he enjoyed watching her. She moved her lips down to Thrawn's throat, nipping at the skin.
"Are you trying to give me a hickey, Ch'eo?" Thrawn's teasing her, he had worn them before, proud, under his uniform. But still, he knew what was happening, what she wanted. "You know that is against the rules, do you not?"
Eli moaned, she loved it when he called her that. Mine. She nodded and whined, a pretty pout on her lips. But then, "you gonna punish me, Sir?"
Thrawn growled, thrusting up and into her forcefully. Eli felt as if she breath got knocked out of her, jerking forward. Thrawn liked it when she pulled rank in bed. He fucked up into her again, harshly, and flipped her over. Thrawn's large hand pushed Eli's head into the pillow, as he rocked his hips over and over. Eli clenched around him with a whimper, crying out at the intensity of her orgasm. She was breathing heavily, her legs shook. Dank farrik, Thrawn was good at knowing what she needed. He continued to fuck into her lazily, before pulling out, and coming all over her thighs. Thrawn pressed kisses into her back, going lower and lower, sinking his slightly fanged teeth into the soft flesh of her ass.
"Oh, krayt spit, Thrawn!" Eli was far too sensitive, her eyes rolling back into her head, but she relished in it. He'd never done that before. Maybe she liked lifeday sex even more than usual sex. He sucked and licked at the skin. Karking hell, Eli was going to hobble into the pre-Ascendency week meetings with Thrawn's fingers bruised into her hips and his bite mark on her ass, claiming her. Eventually, he rolled off her, dark red eyes flashing with satisfaction in the dim light. Eli's heart was hammering in her chest as she straddled Thrawn again, intent on just holding him. Her thighs were painted with his cum and her own. He liked her wet and messy.
"You promised me a thank you for your gifts, didn't you, Eli?" Thrawn said, casually, as if he hadn't just made Eli come. As if he hadn't just done... all of that, actually. "Why don't you come and put those pretty lips to good use?"
Eli stared down at him, eyes slightly wide in disbelief, and a small grin formed on her face for a brief moment as their gaze met. She pulled off Thrawn, aching at the sudden emptiness, and shimmied down the bed. Eli placed a chaste kiss to Thrawn's cock, wet with her own slick. Placing the head in her mouth, Eli sucked gently, enjoying Thrawn's groan of satisfaction as she eased down his dick slowly. Thrawn never wanted Eli to feel obligated, but he knew she enjoyed being bossed around by him (sometimes). She flattened her tongue, and moved rhythmically to allow Thrawn to fuck her throat. Eli gagged, ever so slightly, taking him down a bit too much. Thrawn's hips bucked, as he grabbed a fist of her hair, forcing her down further. Eli's eyes were wet with tears.
"K'pah, that's it. You look so filthy, drooling all over my cock."
It was rare that Thrawn swore, so Eli felt like it was an accomplishment. Her eyes fluttered closed at the words, she dug her nails into his thigh. She garbled a 'yes sir' around his cock, and Thrawn came again. Hard. Eli swallowed, then pulled off Thrawn's dick slowly, panting, a trail of drool and blue-tinted come dripping from her mouth. He deserved that, after spoiling her rotten all day. Thrawn's touch was light, as be affectionately traced a thumb across Eli's cheek.
"Ch'eo ch'an'eci, ch'ah ch'acah vah." He said, pulling her up to lie beside him.
Eli froze. She couldn't understand the full meaning of what Thrawn was saying, it wasn't something he had said to her before. But with the reverence with which he spoke, Eli knew it had to mean something important.
"I'm sorry, darlin', I didn't catch that." She said, and Thrawn shook his head, placing a kiss to her forehead, softly.
"Happy lifeday, Eli".
(Thrawn said, "my soul, I love you", for anyone wondering.)
(Also imagine doing this and then getting whacked with a 'Good day, Lieutenant Vanto' after coming back from the Ascendancy. Thrawn would catch these hands.)
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ljones41 · 9 months
"STAR TREK VOYAGER" Retrospective: (5.12) "Bride of Chaotica!"
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"STAR TREK VOYAGER" Retrospective: (5.12) "Bride of Chaotica!"
One of the aspects of "STAR TREK VOYAGER" that I have truly enjoyed over the other TREK shows were the holo programs featured or the episodes centered in the two Holodecks. One such holo program was "The Adventures of Captain Proton" stories created by Voyager’s Chief Pilot, Tom Paris. Captain Proton was featured in at least four episodes – three in Season Five and one in Season Seven. But without a doubt, my favorite happened to be the third Proton story titled, (5.12) "Bride of Chaotica!".
In short, "Bride of Chaotica!" began when Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeil) and Harry Kim (Garrett Wang) are enjoying the latest chapter of his Captain Proton program in one of the Holodecks. They are forced to leave it running when spatial distortions trap the ship and disrupt their control over the computer. Voyager’s command staff attempted to discover a way to free the ship from the spatial distortions. Unfortunately, extra-dimensional aliens that exist in a photonic state cross over from their own dimension through a distortion located in the holodeck. They are detected and attacked by Proton’s archenemy, Dr. Chaotica (Martin Rayner), who believes them to be from the Fifth Dimension, and whose holographic (photonic) weaponry - though harmless to humans - is deadly to the aliens. Eventually, the crew discover the war being waged between Chaotica and the Fifth Dimension and must defeat him by playing out their roles as the fictional Captain Proton (played by Tom Paris), his sidekick Buster Kincaid (Harry Kim), and Arachnia, Queen of the Spider People. Paris convinced Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) to take on the latter role.
I might as well be frank. I LOVE "Bride of Chaotica!". I adore it. It is one of my favorite TREK episodes of all time. What am I saying? It is my favoriteTREK episode of all time. Screenwriters Bryan Fuller (creator of "DEAD LIKE ME" and "PUSHING DAISIES") and Michael Taylor created a first-rate episode filled with imagination, action and humor. Having the characters of Tom Paris’ Captain Proton holoprogram get drawn into a galactic war with an actual group of actual aliens that are photonic was a stroke of genius. And Fuller and Taylor, along with director Allan Kroeker, did an excellent job combining an original story with great characterization.
The cast was excellent, as always. Robbie McNeill and Garrett Wang revived their old magic as Tom and Harry – the two crewmembers who got more out of the Captain Proton holoprogram than anyone. Come to think of it, McNeill also managed to generate strong chemistry with Tim Russ (Lieutenant-Commander Tuvok) and Kate Mulgrew. The latter was superb as Queen Arachnia, although I think she may have been a little guilty of too much mugging, while expressing Janeway’s disregard for the Proton holoprogram. However, I loved her scene with Neelix (Ethan Phillips) that showcased Janeway’s caffine addiction. With that scene, she may have truly earned the nickname - Queen of the Delta Quadrant:
JANEWAY: "Coffee, black." NEELIX: "I'm sorry, Captain. We've lost another two replicators –" JANEWAY: "Listen to me very carefully because I'm only going to say this once. Coffee – black." NEELIX: (To replicator)"Coffee, black. While I've got your attention there are –" JANEWAY: (Holds up hand)"Coffee first."(drinks/inhales)"...Now, what's the problem?"
And then there is Dr. Chaotica, portrayed with great relish by Martin Rayner. The promise he had shown as a rich and over-the-top character in the Season Five premiere, (5.01) "Night" was fulfilled in this episode. The late Nicholas Worth ably supported both Mulgrew and Rayner as Chaotica’s ruthless, obsequious henchman, Lonzak.
As much as I love "Bride of Chaotica!", there is one aspect about it that disturbed me – namely the crew’s reaction to the Captain Proton hologram. It is quite apparent that they view it as nothing more than a childish piece of fiction for those of the immature mind. And it is quite apparent that they also view Tom Paris’ participation in it as childish. And they are not the only ones. I have read some reviews of the episodes. While most tend to sneer at it, along with anything else labeled "STAR TREK VOYAGER", at least two of them did not. Julia Houston seemed to view the holo program not only as Tom Paris’ personal fantasy, but also as an example of his imagination. Like me, she seemed annoyed by the inability of others to appreciate Paris' imagination . . . and his right to his own fantasy. Now Jim Wright did seem to enjoy the holo program and appreciate its uniqueness. But it also seemed that he viewed it as a sign of Paris’ immaturity . . . and as something that the Chief Pilot would have to give up in order to develop as an adult and ideal Starfleet officer.
Quite frankly, I agree with Julia Houston. I was very annoyed by the other Voyager crewmen’s snobbish reaction to Captain Proton. Okay, perhaps they did not care for it very much. But was there really any need for them to openly sneer at what he considered recreation and fantasy? What law was there that Tom’s pursuit of recreation had to be culturally high-brow or meaningful? Janeway, of all people, had no business to sneer. This is a woman who had spent two seasons indulging in her Lambada One holo program – a "Jane Eyre"/"Rebecca" Gothic romance. I must also admit that I was a little put-off by Jim Wright's assumption that Tom needed to give up the Proton program in order to become more mature as an adult. To me, this attitude seemed like a clear lack of appreciation for Tom’s vivid imagination. Perhaps it was more important to him and other "VOYAGER” fans that Tom become the stand-up Starfleet officer that Owen Paris and Janeway wanted him to be. Happily, Tom never stuck to his declaration of giving up the Proton program. He and Harry were still using it in the early Season Six episode called (6.05) "Alice". And a late Season Seven episode called (7.23) "Homestead" revealed that Tom had created another B-movie style program called "Invaders from the Ninth Dimension".
Personally, I like the idea that Tom Paris would eventually become that successful holonovelist sometime in his future. But in the VOYAGER relaunch novels, he became a permanent Starfleet officer, achieving the rank of Lieutenant-Commander and Voyager’s new first officer. Ugh. What a waste of a vivid imagination that created the likes of the Proton holoprograms. In real life, I would compare Tom to the likes of George Lucas, Gene Roddenberry, J. Michael Stracynski and the two writers who had created this wonderfully imaginative episode – Fuller and Taylor. A girl can imagine - can't she?
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destinyc1020 · 11 months
I mean tom def has a pretty decent filmography but I dont know if I would call him versatile yet, maybe give a a few years. He kinda plays a type really well the trauma filled man fightining demons or the underdog or teenager archetype he has down.
But he hasnt done a horror, period drama , rom com, played a villan etc hes still fairly young but I wouldnt call him versatile yet he still way too early in his career this also aimed at his peers to like timmy, florence, austin, zendaya, anya, taylor russ, barry, josh oconnor etc they also havent really shown versatility yet maybe in a few years but as of right now none of them do.
Really Anon? 🥴
I mean, being versatile just means that you've played a variety of different characters, played in various genres of film, and people sometimes can't pinpoint you btwn one character vs the next. You're different in just about every role.
I think Tom as Arvin in TDATT is totally different from Peter Parker, who's different from Nathan Drake, and who's different from Walter Beckett.
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He may not have done EVERY single genre known to man in film, but I think Tom (so far) is certainly more versatile than all of the other actors you mentioned. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Tom is def very versatile, and will continue to be so.... As I'm sure most of his peers will as well as the years go on.
Imo, the mark of a GOOD actor is one who is able to do a variety of different work and be different in every role. Like, you almost don't see the same person. Meryl Streep for example, imo, is very versatile. She's done just about every genre, and she does all of them well!
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butterflyrry · 11 months
Imagine Getting friend zoned via a strategic masked statement after six months of this and right after "visiting your hometown" together •.
I know it's Daily Mail but that new article is giving pre break up vibes
O. I wouldn't be surprised if the next time they get spotted with other people the first thing that will be mentioned is
"Harry and Taylor Russ decided to remain friends after just casually dating for a few months." And maybe something about busy schedules keeping them from going deeper into a serious relationship.
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We’ll see 🤷🏻‍♀️
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singeratlarge · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the late, great Kevin Ayers, Angela Bassett, Eric Bibb, me, John Bosco, Vanessa Carlton, Robert Culp, Bill Evans, Tim Farriss (INXS), “Fiddlesticks” (the first color sound cartoon 1930), Snowy Fleet (Easybeats), Flood, Ernie “Raunchy” Freeman, Eydie Gormé, Bob Hardy (Franz Ferdinand), Barry Hay (Golden Earring), Al Hibbler, Timothy Hutton, Eddie Kirkland, T.E. Lawrence, Donovan Leitch Jr., Ketty Lester, Gary Loizzio (American Breed), Madonna, National Roller Coaster Day, Julie Newmar, Fess Parker, The Ramones 1974 debut at CBGBs, Rina Sawayama, Billy Joe Shaver, Bill “Sputnik” Spooner (The Tubes), Glenn Strange, Emily Strayer, James JT Taylor (Kool & The Gang), Russ Titleman, Taika Waititi, Eric Weissburg, The 1969 Woodstock Music Festival (Day 2), Wilhelm Wundt, and my pal, bandmate, comic wit, and unbelievably extraordinary singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Eric Biondo a.k.a. Beyondo. His astonishing resume includes music-making with Antibalas, Charlie Hunter, Angelique Kidjo, The Monkees, TV on the Radio, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, & other luminaries. Eric & I have done a few music projects, but we put in many years together playing in the Davy Jones/Monkees orbit. Davy was a huge fan of Eric’s music and repeatedly said he wanted to cover Eric’s songs. On a cosmic jukebox Beyondo’s music plays next to Hall & Oates, Todd Rundgren, Steely Dan, and Brian Wilson. For surreal but hooky pop, dance music, and jazz-inflected soundscapes projecting theatre of the mind, check out Eric’s bandcamp https://beyondo.bandcamp.com ...Meanwhile, HB EB and thank you for your funny bone gifts to the world.
#beyondo #ericbiondo #birthday #antibalas #charliehunter #angeliquekidjo #monkees#davyjones #Hallandoates #toddrundgren #brianwilson #steelydan #johnnyjblair#music #resume #thankyou #projects
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purestxsin · 1 year
Bi-Weekly Task Playlist
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Shapeshifting by Taylor Acorn - Thea was always a people pleaser growing up since she often felt like she was more trouble than she was worth. This caused her to adapt herself to whatever made people happy. Thea didn't realize she was doing this until Jupiter mentioned it when she was younger. This song reminds Thea not to water herself down for anyone. When We Were Young by Andy Black and Juliet Simms - Young Love. Such a pure and simple thing but for Thea it was anything but. Her childhood love was a boy who wasn't someone she should have loved. He was dangerous and thrilling to her but he showed her love that she'd never known. Thea tends to play this song most when memories of Salem come flooding in threatening to choke her.
Unstoppable by Sia - Every woman needs to be reminded sometimes that she is a bad bitch. This song is one of those that Thea uses to pump herself up and get ready for her day. It gets her confidence high and her self-esteem rolling. This is particularly useful while she is in the gym punching a sandbag. Little Girl Gone by Chinchilla - Little Girl got a gun from a gangster. This beat is always playing on her Galaxy buds at least several times an hour. It is her favorite song as of right now and it gives her a sense of euphoria that she needs to continue her day. It is an absolute banger and she'll fight anyone who says otherwise. This song has become her entire personality.
I'm Good by David Guetta and Bebe Rexha - TIME TO HAVE THE BEST FUCKING NIGHT OF THEIR LIVES. This is the one song that will always have her and her best friends throwing caution to the wind and drinking way too many shots to be responsible. There is something about this song that gets her blood pumping and drinks flowing. Nasty by Russ - One of her favorites to dance to this song is on several playlists for times when she is alone or even when she is dancing with her friends. This song really hits home when she is ready for some of the romance novels she has been obsessing about. Dark brooding men with anger issues seem to be her type. You Don't Own Me by SAYGRACE and G-Eazy - For a woman who likes to be dominated, she also loves the song that brings out her inner independent woman. Thea had been on her own for so long that she isn't even sure if she can submit the way her fantasies play out in her head. This song really brings out her flirtatious side because He doesn't own her but god she wants him to. Or Nah by Somo - Honestly Thea isn't sure why she loves this song so much. It is one of those that she will sing at the top of her lungs or even dance to at work and it always brings out something in both men and women. It turns her into someone who you want, you crave but know you can't touch.
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samswinchesters · 3 years
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“I hope you join me in a toast...”
MacGyver 5x15 "Abduction + Memory + Time + Fireworks + Dispersal"
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nativestarwrites · 4 years
The Care and Feeding Of A MacGyver
10.  Do not ask about Cairo.  Do not visit Cairo.  Even the vicinity of Cairo is unacceptable and avoid the air space if at all possible.
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9. Always keep a good supply of paper clips.  You never know when a MacGyver will need one.  A MacGyver functions best when their hands are busy.
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8. Always be aware of where your MacGyver is at all times.  They have a habit of scampering off. Their unique skills also makes them targets for abductions.
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7.  If you do lose your MacGyver, always check with your local psychopath first.  (see point 8)
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6.  MacGyvers need sleep.  MacGyvers also think they do not need sleep.
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5. MacGyvers function best with the Swiss Army Knife accessory supplied.  If a SAK is lost replace at the nearest opportunity.  Do not accept imitations.
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4. Never allow your MacGyver unsupervised in the kitchen.
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3. Never give your phone to a MacGyver.  No liability can be accepted for any phones destroyed by a MacGyver.  Always take out the insurance.
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2. If your MacGyver struggles to improvise, complain or tell a long-winded story that goes no where.  Sadly, its been shown to help MacGyvers think.
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1.  Do not expose your MacGyver to heights.  Acrophobia may intermittently impair performance. Avoiding mid-air transfers between planes and climbing live electrical pylons is recommended.
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Remember: A MacGyver isn’t just for Christmas.  A MacGyver is for life.
**All gifs provided by the wonderfully talented @anguishmacgyver​!  Thank you so much for all your help with this!**
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macgyvergifs · 4 years
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the phoenix + 12 character archetypes (insp)
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Perfect, I already know the entire family tree of the Dutch royal family.
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westwoodbullet · 4 years
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To Jack.
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quintennyson · 3 years
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#MACGYVERWEEK — day one: favorite phoenix agent russ taylor
“why is it always a rodeo? if this were an actual rodeo, it would be my first. you know, i've never actually been to a rodeo.”
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"Now you see me...now you don't"
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anguishmacgyver · 4 years
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for @dont-stop-believin-in-klaine
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