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A ridiculous doodle of Argo's first steps. Possibly will clean this up, so this is more a WIP. Backstory: Argo is Rugara's only child (to date). She was in her teens when she had him in secret and instead of leaving him in the wastelands of the Burning Steppes to die like the elders told her to do, she went back to find him being protected by a mangy female worg. Many things had happened in a short amount of time and she made the choice to abandon her clan. For herself, her son, and the worg.
Lenore was a young half sin'dorei/human orphan. She had been living in a town that tolerated Horde and Alliance cohabitation. She sold flowers and kindling to the townsfolk and had a small room to call her own. She took a liking to Rue and Argo almost immediately much to Rue's bemusement. Often by Argo's side when she wasn't working. For a while during peace, Rue felt obligated to keep Lenore under her protection. And then Deathwing happened...
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rugarammor · 5 years
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So Rugara absolutely DETESTS flying and keeps an iron lid on both the bubbling panic and the contents in her stomach. It doesn't help that her current proto-dragon is an asshole that tries to scrape her off the saddle on every other cliffside.
She's named them Puke. Or any other fury of orcish swears that come to mind at the moment as she white knuckles the holds.
I, on the other hand, am in love with dragon riding.
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Best Trope
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A very young Rugarammor with baby Argo. Knotch earred Zully the worg wants to lick little fingers clean. This is of my own characters.
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Rugara my monk, contemplating her work. Potter.
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Rugarammor Bone-render with her hair down. Warm-up sketch.
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Name: Rugara Bone Render, Rue, Aunt Rue // Argo, son of Rugara Department: Merchant Summary: The orcess monk is a remnant of the Blackrock, Dark Horde that resided in Blackrock Mountain. She remembers Rend and the Lord of Blackrock Spire from her youth. Daughter to a warlock and an unknown warrior, Rugara was unambitious, had very little arcane talent, which made her useless to her mother and thus was tossed into the barracks of Lower Blackrock Spire. With the rest of the orcish youth, Rue fought for a place in the numerous packs who salvaged what they could before joining one of the three legions. She was hand picked by Zigris to join the Bloodaxe Legion after seeing her quickly dispatch two ogres viciously. In the legion she became proficient slaughter, but was still young and impressionable, so when a young male warlock came to the mountain to seek knowledge from a strand of the Shadow Council - Rue’s mother - he took interest in the young orcess. One thing lead to another very quickly in the shadows of those halls and Rue found herself pregnant and afraid. The Lord of Blackrock Spire was the one to discover the warlock to be human male. She quickly joined the orcs outside the mountain on the Burning Steppes. Elders urged her to leave the newborn in the wilds but when Argo came, Rugara couldn’t, and so she took the child and herself into the wilderness and disappeared. She didn’t stay anywhere too long but once Pandaria’s mists cleared she took a  Argo there, where she learned to overcome much of the taint her birth clan left her and to raising her son in peace. She became a Tushui monk, giving up taking trophies from her kills, instead learning how to bake clay tiles, and various Pandaren pottery. 
Argo has shown to have no orcish instinct and all the inquisitiveness of a human (Rue has wanted to pull her own hair out just to make a leash) - as a child - which made him a perfect companion to Pandaren cubs. Now as a preteen, he has shown strong mathematical skills which his mother is proud of and allows him to sell her work. His skin is almost tawny with a sheen of green where his mother’s is the colour of dark nettle with patterns of scarification running down the right side of her body. His hair is dark and curly where his mother’s is thick, straight and braided. Large eyes (he shares the shade of hazel with her) in a square face with a slightly disproportionate jaw, tusks that are clearly still coming in as his jaw thickens.  RP Hooks: Rugara is interested in selling her work and minding her own business, for the most part, but will end a fight if it wrecks her calm. She doesn’t involve herself in politics publicly but has done her part to send messages to the Alliance and other various parties by inscribing on the inside of her pots. You can find Rugara and Argo in various parts of Azeroth looking for clay in the ground or purchasing bone to turn to ash for more specialized and stronger porcelains. 
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This is proof that Rugara smiles. Also, unbraided hair is much longer - we cannot see it, but her hair is looooong.
Did this as warm-up and because another Twitter artist was curious who would like their hair played with and braided.
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A talk between characters... A memory from the Legion Days
Rugarammor stared into the iron brazier’s flame for a very long time. It was reminiscent of one of the last moments with Him. Where she should have said more. Done more. Been more. The silence was palpable in the tent. Even the winds outside seemed to hold it’s breath. She blinked, hot tears made muddy tracks down her cheeks. It the first time in so many nights she allowed herself to openly weep. A first allowing herself to do so in front of another. 
A small brown hand grabbed her own large green with such strength, she looked up and was captivated by the night sky in the human’s eyes. She wanted to drown in that darkness between the river of stars. There was warmth there. Compassion. Something that had faith so strong it could heal.
“They are no more?” Ressia’s tuskless mouth rolled the orcish language out easily enough, but the woman spoke with a strange accent born from the teachings of troll and goblin. Rue felt herself starting to shake and the woman held her hand tighter. 
“I am... unsure.” She felt HE was dead. His companions were certainly dead. She felt it like a wildfire that razed The Barrens’ savanna - animals run from that. She felt like an animal when that Void Wizard made his presence known to the clan. “I ran. I lost my mind and ran.” 
“You had to.” Ressai whispered, “You would have been lost too.” 
Again, the truth laid bare - raw to the elements. She struggled with that knowledge her upper lip curling back to expose sharp white teeth but Ressai held her hand, anchoring Rugara to the present.  The orcess tasted more tears and licked them away from her top lip, her chest heaved a few times before she started to talked again, voice cracking “There is no honor in what I did. None. The clan that adopted me and my son are gone.”
“You are not to blame-” Again Ressai sliced away at that rawness, this time switching to the Human’s Common speech and Rugara flinched at the words.
The look Rugara gave her silenced her companion. “There is no... equivalent to *Blame* in Orcish. YOU should gather why.” She all but spat the Human word from her mouth. “Hun’shuu then?” Ressai replied in Tauren tongue. “What would the Pandaren use-?”
“- It does not matter, I am not one of them.” “But it does,” The paladin reached up with her other hand, thumbing away Rue’s tears and cupping her cheek. “We’re all in this together. We have been for a very long time.”
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My monk on WrA, Rugarammor Kneebreaker. If you see her, wave. I’d love to see interaction :3
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NOIRcraft - Rugara
Dessa - Warsaw
The gilded hall shook with the force of it. An animalistic bellow. Loud and full of rage. The owner’s voice was male and very much unmistakable: Hellscream. A heartbeat later there was another crash and fighting began.
“Get her into the room.” Rugara’s voice dipped deep, covered with a thin layer of ice. The muscles in her jaw twitched even as invisible hackles rose along her neck and spine. 
“I can look after myself.”  There was defiance in those glowing eyes and a snarl building on those painted lips.The orcess gave her assignment a levelled look, eye-to-eye, as they both stood at the same height, even as the draenai’s horns arched and curled up, away from her crested head and artfully done-up hair.
 “I am sure you can, Aleeria, however, my job is to guard you. Take precautions. If the lines have not been cut, call the police.” Rugara nodded to the coal rimmed wide-eyed human and tuxedoed mok’nathal and they took the Eredar’s elbows, steering her around into the safety of the reinforced room, her tail flicked with annoyance. Gold-tipped hoves making more noise than necessary. Rue watched this ‘fit’ a moment longer, a smirk hiding behind tusk before closing the door behind them.
So much for a peaceful end to a party. So much for an easy job tonight. She looked down at herself and groaned. Lace, metal, and beads hung off her thick frame in such a way she felt like a dappled grey goddess. It was so sumptuous and glittery and so feminine that she felt the urge to strangle the first idiot who crossed her. She spent too much money just for this look to be ruined. If not by a fight certainly by a retreat.
Rue balanced and pulled off her heels slowly, one by one, calculating as her sharp ears caught the battle below in the castle’s ballroom. The Conglomerate would hold their own. There were many well decorated and distinguished fighters in those rooms below. Rue dropped her metallic heels by a large, ornate vase as she investigated her environment and then stood sentry in bare feet.
Seconds seemed to drag into minutes. More bellowing. A man screamed as a wet sound of bone cracked. Heavy footfalls came up the stone stairs, Rugara turned slowly to regard the flickering shadows before their owner’s rounded the corner. 
What rounded the corner were not three male orcs, but something in their shape - large, green, and foreboding. A ruby red sheen flickered like twin pinpoints of fire in her direction and she felt her body go cold. They were Corrupted and she did not recognize them. She sucked a breath in and realized she was baring her teeth.
Where the fuck was Orgrim and Varok when they were needed?
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Babbles and blurbs #42398000000
"Just remember Rue, when y'get down here, don't touch anything!" Sigourney shouted up to the crack of bright blue sky, an easy one-and-a-half stories above her. No reply. Eyes adjusting to the darkness around her, she had to squint when she looked up again for motion, the hole above felt more and more like a jagged blue knife to her retinas. She tsked and grabbed a flint and torch from her pack, thinking to light it. "Incoming!" Sigourney had no to time to look up or even move when a large green body slammed down on her. Her human frame valiantly tried to stay upright but her legs wobbled and gave; the air whooshing out of her lungs. Sig would realize later she made a noise that might have been mistaken for a duck. They both lay motionless. The sandy earth was softer than expected. For what felt forever when both thought of the possibility of being attacked in this cavernous place. It wasn't until Sig only had dust motes dancing in her vision instead of stars, and could actually draw a breath in - even with a well muscled she-orc using Sig to break her fall - did both of them start moving. "For a race that looks so soft and has no sharp teeth, you have sharp bones." Rue groaned, her mass slowly rolling off. Sig thought about jabbing an elbow - hard - into the other but couldn't figure the logistics. "Landing on me was a great idea." Wheezed, her voice high and straining. "Sarcasm." Rue growled, picking up on the type of human taunt. She didn't like it. It was beneath the both of them but Sigourney always felt she needed to prescribe to it to cover her honor. "You might want to lay off on the pork next ti--aghnnnwaah?!!!"Rugarammor placed one large hand on Sig's head and pushed herself off the floor in one smooth motion. Squelching whatever insults coming from that little mouth. Sig left an impression of the side of her face in the soft earth when she righted herself and tasted blood and sand. "You told me not to touch anything."
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That one time my hand slipped and all my friends flipped tables in my general direction.
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 Trying to think up some really interesting ways to rp Rugara as a Windwalker monk. Where can I go with her... what would be thoughtful and believable. Need some decent headcanons... 
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Undead orc Monk, Rugarammor BoneRender
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