#Argo Halforc
tangledredstringsoffate ยท 2 years
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A ridiculous doodle of Argo's first steps. Possibly will clean this up, so this is more a WIP. Backstory: Argo is Rugara's only child (to date). She was in her teens when she had him in secret and instead of leaving him in the wastelands of the Burning Steppes to die like the elders told her to do, she went back to find him being protected by a mangy female worg. Many things had happened in a short amount of time and she made the choice to abandon her clan. For herself, her son, and the worg.
Lenore was a young half sin'dorei/human orphan. She had been living in a town that tolerated Horde and Alliance cohabitation. She sold flowers and kindling to the townsfolk and had a small room to call her own. She took a liking to Rue and Argo almost immediately much to Rue's bemusement. Often by Argo's side when she wasn't working. For a while during peace, Rue felt obligated to keep Lenore under her protection. And then Deathwing happened...
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