#Round Shower Drain
plasticspecializes · 1 year
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Round Shower Drain | Yuyao Zeda Plastics Co., Ltd
Product Specifications:
Type: Round Shower Drain Material: Stainless Steel Sub Type: Round Shower Grates Outlet Size: Φ40, Φ50, Φ70, Φ110 Feature: Drain Color: White Zone of Application: Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement, Garage MOQ: Yes
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Contact Seller: [email protected] +86 15906578279
For more information about shower floor drain, visit here: https://www.cnzeda.com/shower-floor-drain/
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sheliesshattered · 1 year
as it turns out I don’t think I’m physically suited to be a laundress
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arminsumi · 9 months
↳ GOJO さとる + fem!reader
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Summary : Horny!Gojo needs you so bad, he's insatiable. A menace.
Warnings : minors do not read/interact : smut/explicit content, it's very horny lol, not proofread, c*mshots and creampies, unprotected sex, multiple rounds, implied drunk sex
Note : lmk if you want more horny gojo lol 👍 reqs open!! anyways lol the title cracks me up. he ain't the strongest he's the horniest :(
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Horny!Gojo introduces himself to you in the flirtiest way possible, cooing a sweet and drunk "Who invited the goddess?" into your ear. He's sat on the couch with you, one night at a stupid frat party. Starstruck by you. And your reciprocation made his chest feel fluttery for the first time in years. It also made his dick stand up in his pants.
Horny!Gojo leans into you for the whole night, whispering flirty things and dirty jokes into your ear like his mind is a factory pumping them out. You match his playful energy so well, he says "I think we're made for each other."
Horny!Gojo has his sharp eyes wandering to your thighs, then your shoulders, then your lips as you speak — and he licks his lips to wet them.
Horny!Gojo showers you in compliment after compliment, relishing in your reactions and getting greedier; he needs to get you alone. "Wanna go someplace quieter?" he has to shout over the music to ask you.
Horny!Gojo assures you with cocky confidence, "Yeah, I could make you cum. Aw, don't give me that eyeroll, it's turning me on. I know for a fucking fact I could make you cum. I could make those eyes roll back. I could make your legs shake."
Horny!Gojo squeezes your hand tightly when he leads you upstairs, and giggles with you as the two of you escape into a quiet, empty bedroom. His heart is panging so hard in his chest. His body feels electric. He's so horny it's the only thing he can focus on.
Horny!Gojo whimpers when you crash your lips into his. He starts making out wildly with you like he's a sex-deprived loser. Because he is. A sex-deprived, touch-starved college boy.
Horny!Gojo hits those deep, hard strokes with no breaks just to destroy you. He never lets up. Never stops to have a breather or lets you catch your own breath. "Working up a sweat b—abyyy? Too much dick stuffing your little cunt? Yeah? Is it too much? Too big? Too deep? Fuck, you're gonna squeeze my dick off, haha, calm down. It's just a little dirty talk."
Horny!Gojo murmurs into your ear, "All I wanna do is make you finish over and over again." desperation and conviction in his voice. He really just wanted to fuck you into bliss, have you dumb on his fat cock, have you squirming and whimpering and going feral for him.
Horny!Gojo pins you down like a beast but also pounds into you like he's the bitch in heat. "Oh my god oh my god yes yes yes fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkkk that pussy's so fuckin' gooooodddd" he's a mess, just swearing and moaning like a broken record.
Horny!Gojo almost sobs your name into your mouth when he cums, draining every drop of cum that he's worked up for you in the past hour.
Horny!Gojo turns his creampies into whipped cream with his thrusts, smacking his hips so hard into you that you feel his balls slap against your ass. They're so heavy and full, makes you think that if you weren't on birth control you'd definitely get knocked up with just one of his fat nuts.
Horny!Gojo goes round after round, becoming a melting sweaty mess of a man and feeling his muscles tire out. He pins you to the bed with his whole weight, and gives you his all just to show off a little.
Horny!Gojo has such a strained but enthusiastic voice after fucking you into next year with his dick. "Wow... that pussy's so fucking creamy." he grins toothily. A sweat drop beads off his cheek. His bangs are stuck messily to his forehead, some brushed to the side.
Horny!Gojo is insatiable, he calls you long after the party, over and over, shows up at your door and relishes in how his horniness rubs off on you. He's always a giggly mess in bed with you.
Horny!Gojo needs you so bad some days that he comes to you straight after his workout at the gym, no shower just sweaty gym boy abs, and fucks you as a way to "push his limits" for like three hours.
Horny!Gojo needs to cum everywhere he can. It's like he has a cumshot checklist. Thighs? Yes. Tummy? Yes. Ass? Yes. Chest? Yes. Face? Yes. Pussylips? Yes. Hands? Yes. In your panties? Yes.
Horny!Gojo is so fucking cute when he kisses you after sex, nuzzling your neck like a cat and telling you how good you treat him with that five star pussy.
Horny!Gojo jerks himself alone when you can't come over :( always to you, of course. Sexts like a menace. He's a bit too good at it.
Horny!Gojo gets so pussy drunk sometimes that he begs you to become his wife. His dick feels so raw and sensitive but he keeps squeezing it into that tight hole of yours.
Horny!Gojo is obsessed with you, mind body and soul. Just the sight of you and sound of you makes his dick stand up. And then he's whisking you off your feet and frantically throwing you onto the bed, and you're giggling at your horny boyfriend— oh... when did that happen? Hm. Well now he's your boyfriend.
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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thelaisydazy · 4 months
Firefighter!Simon Riley x Reader - Locked Out Pt. 2
Johnny drags you inside the station, ignoring the confused looks he gets from the other men inside. He walks you over to the oldest of them, a man with a beard sporting a hat, and introduces you. 
“This is oor captain, Price,” Johnny says, his arm still over your shoulder. “Cap, bonnie ‘ere lost their keys doon th’ drain. Can we gi’ them a hand?”
“I’m sure Gary could get to them,” Price says, offering a warm smile and his hand to shake, which you do. “You rest here mux.” He turned to the couch where a man with dark, curly hair sat. “Kyle, keep our guest company, we’ll be back.” He pats Johnny on the shoulder and the two leave to find Gary and retrieve your keys. 
Kyle stands from the couch and walks over. He’s handsome, pretty you think. He definitely knows it too as he catches you staring, giving you a smile. “Hungry?” he asks.
Simon emerged from the showers, wearing only a pair of sweatpants, his damp towel slung over his broad shoulders as his blond hair was still dripping wet. The station house was quiet. Johnny must still be out walking Riley. 
A quiet laugh broke that silence though. One that made his stony heart skip a beat. Simon made his way towards the common area, finding the one thing he never expected. You. 
Kyle was sitting with one arm on the couch behind you, the other on his leg. You hadn’t noticed Simon yet, too engrossed in Kyle’s story about the time Riley climbed into the open window of a cop car to get into a bag of treats the officer had hidden under his seat.
“So Riley was hanging halfway out this cop’s car, an’ Johnny’s trying to get him out before the cop gets back,” Kyle said. “Turns out, the cop had a bag of treats in the car. Found out when Simon called Riley over. Rascal had the bag hanging out his mouth.” 
The sound of your laugh makes Simon’s heart race and he finds himself jealous of the way your fingers gently scratched behind Riley’s ear as the dog’s head lays in your lap. 
Simon can’t help but stare. He’d always known how pretty you were, but seeing you here in the station.. He only wished he was the one you were sitting with. That he was the one making you laugh so easily. 
“Bonnie! We got yer keys!” Johnny calls, coming up behind Simon. 
Your head whips around, catching a glimpse of Simon as he turns on his heels and retreats deeper into the station. 
In his room, Simon’s heart pounds in his chest. He runs a large hand through his blond hair, his mind racing. All he’d wanted these past few months was to know you better, though he’d never been able to bring himself to speak more than a few words to you. Never had he thought he’d see you in the firehouse, much less cozied up on their couch. What were you even doing here? 
A knock on his door brought his answer. Simon quickly pulled on his privacy mask, some part of him hoping it was you. Instead he saw Johnny. 
“Aye, Si, did ye see we git a guest?” Johnny asked with that cheeky grin of his. Ah. That was it. Johnny brought you here. 
“I saw..” Simon said, keeping his voice measured despite his urge to to tear Johnny in half for getting up the nerve to talk to you before he could. 
“Ye never told me tha’ wee thing wis so cuit,” Johnny pressed. “S’already git Kyle wrapped ‘round their wee finger.”
Simon’s dark eyes sharpened. Johnny always knew just how to get under his thick skin. 
“Am sure they’d lek t’ see ye,” Johnny continued. “Looked a might fash when ye stormed off.”
“Didn’t ‘ave m’ mask,” Simon muttered. “Wasn’t expecting them..”
“Aye, ha t’ git Gary t’ rescue their keys,” Johnny explained. His blue eyes briefly looked Simon up and down. “Y’should say ‘ello. Am sure they’d lek t’ see ye.”
Johnny was dense but he wasn’t stupid. He knew Simon could get anyone he wanted, he had the looks to make just about anyone, including Johnny himself, melt. If only Simon had the confidence to actually talk to anyone. 
When Simon didn’t budge, Johnny decided to push further. “Aye wis think’n, LT,” he started. “I might ask ‘em oot fer coffee.” Johnny shrugged as he watched Simon tense. 
Simon shoved past Johnny, making his way to the common area again. Leaving Johnny grinning at his door.
Simon’s gruff voice startles you. You hadn’t seen him enter the room, much less hear him walk up behind where you were sitting on the couch. 
You blink those pretty eyes up at him. “What?”
“With me.” He doesn’t seem to be asking by his tone, but his eyes are almost pleading. 
“Uh.. sure,” you say, unable to keep the smile from your lips. 
The tension in Simon’s shoulders melted away. If he had a tail, it would be wagging.
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willowser · 7 months
"i ain't takin' a fuckin' bath."
katsuki's half-undressed, standing in the kitchen with the fridge doors wide open; shirtless, shoulders broad and muscles round and taut, cool air raising goosebumps across his exposed skin. his un-buttoned tac pants are dangerously low on his hips, so low that you wonder—while staring at the dimples of his back—if he's doing it on purpose.
the dewy sheen of sweat he'd come home with has gone matte, leaving him in a thin, sticky, grimy layer that is grimace-inducing to feel. like most nights, dirt and soot and even blood—grown dark and less worrisome with time—color him haphazardly, strewn across his body; a mosaic of dynamight, made by his own hands.
"but you stink," you fail to suppress a smile when he snaps his head around, to fix you with an ugly look that you return. he manages to hide his own amusement in the bulge of his bicep. "i'm serious! a bath will help you relax!"
turning back to the open fridge, he grumbles, "i am relaxed," in a tone that doesn't sound relaxed. at all.
"come on," you urge, shuffling up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist despite all his dried grease and muck. "you go first and i'll be there in a minute."
that catches his attention enough that he finally closes the doors, facing you as he runs a lazy hand over his stomach. to his credit, he does look a bit more relaxed than he had when he'd come through the door—but the set of his jaw is still too stern, brow only ever furrowed, a little more argumentative than usual, even if it's harmless.
katsuki seems to consider your unspoken proposition, before finally surrendering with a roll of his eyes. "fine, but i'm takin' a shower like a grown ass man."
"no!" you groan, latching onto his arm when he moves to step around you. you try to dig your heels into the ground, but you're in the kitchen in socks, and katsuki only yanks you after him with a wicked grin. "bath! a bath will help you relax, i mean it! i've got lavender oils!"
"i ain't using' your frilly shit!"
he finally slips from you when you sputter out a laugh, tugging free from your grip before throwing you a look that is hot in more ways than one. innocent as you aimed to be, something tightens in your stomach; awakened at the sight of him.
you warn, "i'm only coming if you're in the bath!" and his loud, exaggerated groan echoes nearly throughout your entire house, swallowing up your chirpy laugh.
—but, much to your surprise, he listens.
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you let him soak for a good five minutes before following after, and when you find him, he's got his head leaned back over the edge, elbows resting on either side of the tub, legs bent and knees sticking up out of the water. handsome as ever, you think, a little dreamy, before the marble of him shifts at your arrival.
he only opens one eye, and you can see already the tension has drained from his face; half-asleep, a little bloodshot and breathing too even to convince you otherwise.
"well, well, well," you murmur, lowering to the floor on your knees after his eye slips shut again. "look at you, princess."
katsuki makes a haughty noise of irritation, but doesn't bite back: a dead giveaway of his exhaustion. instead his hand finds the material of your shirt, tugging on it lightly before he slurs out, "get y'r ass in the tub."
you'd bite his fingers if they weren't still disgusting, but you place a teeny kiss on the cleanest spot you can see on his wrist. "i don't need a bath, but thanks."
"hah?" he grunts, eye shooting open again as he frowns at you. when you only smile coyly at him, he raises his head and glares at you properly. "y'dirty liar, you said—"
"i said i'd be right behind you," you grin. "not that i'd be getting in."
the water sloshes up against the sides as he straightens his posture, baring his teeth at you as he prepares, you think, to lunge out and haul you in with him despite a screaming protest—but you reach forward just before he can, dipping a hand down into the warmth right between his thighs.
katsuki jumps, seriously, leg kicking out so hard that his heel slams into the edge of the tub, when you gently hold him where he's soft. "jesus!" he all but yelps, eyes going a little wide as he realizes what you've done. what you've made of him.
he's still—marble-still—air sucking in sharply between his parted, frozen lips as you touch him, and heat pools so obviously, so suddenly, in his cheeks, sweet enough that you want to bite into the apples of them. in your hand he swells thick, quickly, a little slippery from the soap he's already added to the water.
all his tension returns, as a different strain; katsuki swallows, hard, as his eyes dart back and forth between your own and where your hand disappears into the water; when you gently rub your thumb back and forth across the tip of him, his back straightens, even moreso, and, you don't think he knows it, but his legs part even further.
an invitation if you'd ever seen one.
he finally comes back to life when you lean in close enough to nudge your nose to his, just to see him blink.
he's so cute, you want to eat him alive.
"the f-fuck are y'doin'?" he whispers, eyes dropping back down as you stroke him lightly, just enough to coil him tighter. at the end of the tub, water sloshes quietly from the movement, and katsuki's ears burn.
you've caught him entirely off guard, and if it wasn't clear before, it becomes crystalline when you kiss him, deeply. he's lazy to reciprocate, breathing softly, open-mouthed, as you press a soft kiss to his top lip and then to his bottom, whispering his name back to him just to hear his sharp inhale.
you time a clever stroke of your wrist with the firm press of your mouth to his, insistent and fast, urging the wildness of him to catch up, to come out. it hits him all at once—your desire, his own, the heat of it all—and his hand shoots out of the water to grip the back of your neck, a deep groan slipping from his chest as his cock kicks in your hand.
you try more than once to pull back from him with a sneaky little laugh, but his fingers tangle in your hair and he kisses your teeth and you think, maybe, you're not teasing him enough. his knees knock lightly against the ceramic as he tries to spread them, even further, and his hips shift up with every slick pump of your fist, urgent and eager.
he speaks, furiously, against your lips, when you snatch your hand away, instead teasing your fingers along the inside of his thigh. "get—in th'fuckin' tub." his shoulders tremble, ever so slightly. "i ain't askin' again."
you laugh against him and his nostrils flare. "you didn't ask at all!"
"so quit your bullshit already."
you lick his bottom lip, nipping at the fat of it gently before weaving your own hand into his damp hair. "no," you tease, like a brat, but when you tug enough at the strands, he gets the hint and allows you to pull away. "i'm trying to help you relax, you know?"
katsuki doesn't respond at first, only huffing out a frustrated sound when you wrap your hand around his length again. his face is steaming, despite how firm he's trying to be; your own desire strikes hot when his head tips back just slightly, jaw straining as he grits his teeth.
"no," he finally grunts, eyes dark and pinned to you. "'s'the last thing i feel, is-is relaxed."
"hmm," you make a point to frown and look away, like you're thinking, but katsuki's impatience wins out and he drags you back in for a shuddering kiss. he's fervent, now, nipping at your lip and brushing his tongue against your own eagerly, trying to muffle a painful sound against your cheek. "that's too bad," you tell him—but you don't think he hears you, really, over his low curse and the returning slosh of water against the tub.
but when you ask him again, only a handful of minutes later—his boneless answer is precisely what you were looking for.
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clbrq · 8 months
warnings: HEAVY SMUT. cheating, you and colby are both taken to other people, swearing, p in v sex top!colby, rough sex, quickie.
minors dni
Another explicit moan was ripped from your sore throat as he drilled deeper into your sloppy pussy, your body smacking harder against the cold tiles of the shower wall. Water was soaking the bathroom floor as Colby Brock slammed his thick cock into you.
“Oh, fuck, Colby-!” You stifled, your head resting in his wet neck, your finger nails digging into his shoulders as you held onto his toned body for dear life.
“Yeah? You like it?” He teased, his voice smooth in your eyes, his words hitting a spot inside you that doubled the pleasure his dick was already creating.
His thick, long, pink cock curved upwards, hitting a spongy area in your tight pussy that your nimble fingers were unable to reach. His strong hands gripped your waist with strength you’d never encountered before, the silver rings clad on his fingers creating indents in your moist skin. The way his hips slapped against yours as the speed of his thrusts increased rapidly; he was getting closer.
And the fact that his girlfriend would be home soon.
His hand came behind your knee to lift it up further into the air as he drilled into you faster. Throwing his head back, he caught his swollen lip between his teeth as he screwed his eyes shut at the pleasure consuming his body. The way your pussy quivered and quaked around his cock sent shivers down his spine. The way your tiny little voice erupted moans of great volume just for him. You were sucking him in so perfectly, he could barely see straight.
Looking back into his beautiful blue eyes, you felt the tightness in your stomach increasing by the second. His thick fingers crawled their way down to your warm core, finding its way, easily, to your swollen bud, rubbing slow, teasing circles on the sensitive nub. Instinctively, your soaked hand flew behind your head to grasp his dark locks between your fingers as his own took over your body.
“Jesus, she doesn’t do it like you.”
Those words cut the cord in your stomach, the orgasm hitting you harder than his thrusts were. Waves of pleasure flew around your body like as shockwave; your brain had gone fuzzy and your vision blurry as you screamed his name. His reddened face fell onto your shoulder, nibbling at your collarbone as he mumbled sweet nothings into your ear; coaxing you through your orgasm and himself to his. Soon enough, his thrusts got slower and sloppier as he erupted a loud groan, spilling himself inside your tight pussy. Gripping his hair tighter as he did so, you whimpered as stilled inside you.
His pink cock pulled slowly out of your recovering pussy, his cum dripping out of you slowly, hitting the shower floor and slipping down the drain. Letting your shaking legs free, he helped you gain your balance.
“Thank you.” You muttered quietly, feeling a sudden sense of alertness creeping up your spine.
Colby caught on to your feelings.
“She’ll be back soon, we should get dressed.” He smiled, pecking your cheek. He stood out of the shower and helped you out after, holding your hand all the way to the bedroom.
Colby dressed you, kissed every part of skin that was showing, treating you with utter care. You could easily go for a second round by looking at his beautiful face. Every time he would look up into your eyes, his smug face made your excitement grow more.
“I know you want to again,” He chuckled, “but, she’ll be back any moment now and I don’t wanna get caught. You understand, don’t you, baby?”
You heart melted at the nickname, ignoring the mention of his girlfriend, “Of course I do. I gotta get home to Sam anyways.”
“He still think you’re at Tara’s?”
You nod, standing up and walking over to the mirror to check yourself. He strutted behind you, slithering his cheeky fingers around your waist, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow night, okay? We’ll go somewhere nice for once.”
You knew it wouldn’t end up like that. You’d get touchy and flirty, and end up fucking in the back of his car. Or in a restaurant toilet. Or a not leaving your place at all. You knew you were in for a treat either way.
You left with a heavy heart, kissing him graciously and running down the hall, worried you were going to bump into his girlfriend. You know it was wrong, but God, did it feel good. You just couldn’t help yourself.
As you drove home, you hoped your boyfriend, Sam, couldn’t see the hickey’s on your neck, or the bruises on your hips next time you have sex. The worst part was that you didn’t really feel guilty, you knew Colby was your soulmate, you both were just stuck with other people. And your boyfriend just so happened to be his best friend.
You swung open the door to your boyfriend’s apartment, being greeted by the smell of bacon and eggs. Sam was cooking in the kitchen with music playing quietly in the background,
“Hey, babe.” He smiled, placing the spatula on the edge of the pan to walk over and kiss you, “oh, did you shower at Tara’s?”
“Yeah, why?”
His cheeks slightly flushed red as he intertwined your fingers, “I was just gonna suggest you join me when I go for a shower.”
“I guess round two wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Holy fuuuuck.” You whined, grasping on his wet blonde locks as he shoved you against the cold shower wall, ignoring the harsh pain that struck your shoulder blades.
“Jesus, you’re so tight.” Sam mumbled, nibbling your neck, eyes screwed shut as to not see the hickeys forming on your neck from Colby previously.
Sam’s hard cock drilled into your pussy feverishly, his moans desperate and lustful as your slickness covered his throbbing member. Biting harshly down on your lip, you refrained from screaming his best friends name as he fucked you harder against the wall.
Sam pulled out and flipped you around, bending you over, and sliding smoothly back into your abused pussy, hitting the spot Colby did merely 30 minutes ago. He was groaning your name loudly as you shook underneath him, your hands sprawling across the wall, desperate to find something to grab onto.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” Sam mumbled, grasping your hips tightly, earning a squeak from you as he worsened the one’s already forming before him, “You’re mine, you hear me? All mine.”
As soon as the words left Sam’s mouth, the coil in your stomach snapped, the ecstasy releasing into your body, becoming evident to Sam as you exclaimed your arousal through curses and moans. Sam quickly followed, filling you up deeply with his sperm, calling your name as he finished. As he pulled out, he chuckled, confusing you.
“What?” You questioned, standing up, ignoring the quake in your legs.
“I came so much, there’s fucking tons of it.”
Looking down at your legs, you noticed the large amount of cum drooling down your thighs and onto the floor. A red tinge lit up on your cheeks,
“Can’t help having good pussy, babe.” You laughed, nervously. Sam smiled as he pecked your lips as he started washing his hair and body.
You bit your lip as you knew that all that cum wasn’t just Sam’s.
It was Colby’s too.
is it hot in here damn.
i was just gonna leave at colby railing u but then i thought nah im gonna slip some sam in there too (pun intended)
i haven’t written smut in so long so pls forgive me, i also hate writing the word ‘member’ AAAA gives me the ick but i didn’t wanna say cock again LMAOSOSDN
it’s not late anymore thank god i have a brain today.
thank you for reading beauties, pls send in requests! i’ll do a “who i write for” soon, probably later on i need some food and to get fucked
bye love you!!!
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sturniolothinkr · 2 months
sleepy ⋆ matt sturniolo
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summary: you’re drained after work, seeking to cuddle matt. instead, you mistake chris for him.
contains: fluff, a bit of jealous!matt, best friend!chris, light cursing, use of y/n.
word count: 968
a/n: based off the ask i sent to @dazednmatthews a while ago :) im sorry if its not good, im still nervous about writing on here 😭
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the day felt never ending. you were on your feet the entire day, having to do more than usual at work due to the amount of call outs that happened.
you were exhausted, and feeling very drained overall. you promised matt you would go over there to hang out when you were off, and all you wanted to do was take a hot shower then take a nap with him.
as soon as you made it to your boyfriend’s house after work, you let yourself in and headed straight for his shower before anything else.
the hot water felt soothing against your sore muscles, your eyes shutting as you grew more and more tired. you did your best to hurry up with your shower, washing your hair and body quickly and rinsing yourself off. the sooner you got out, the sooner you could sleep.
once you were done, you shut off the shower and stepped out. you dried yourself off, before hurrying into matt’s room with the towel wrapped around you.
a frown made its way onto your face when you took notice that matt wasn’t in his room like you thought he would be. you figured he was in the living room, so you shrugged it off as you dressed yourself in a pair of shorts and one of his shirts.
as soon as you were done, you tossed the used towel into his laundry basket before you left his room. you rubbed your eyes tiredly as you walked to the living room, hearing the tv playing an episode of spongebob.
there was a sleepy smile on your face as you spotted who you thought was your boyfriend sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. you plopped down next to him, immediately curling up beside him and resting your head on his shoulder as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
“uh..” chris began, looking away from his phone to look at you then around the room in confusion. “y/n? what are you doing?” he added, his eyebrows furrowing as he was processing what was going on.
you reached a hand up and put your finger to his lips, “sh. tired.” you mumbled, dropping your hand as you let your eyes finally fall shut.
chris let out a quiet laugh, wondering if you knew it was him and didn’t care or if you were just so tired that you thought he was matt. either way, he found it funny and he felt too bad to reject your sleepy state.
he could tell you were very clearly exhausted and must’ve had a long day, so he was letting it slide.
“love you, matt.” you mumbled, your hand holding his arm now.
chris held back the loud laugh that threatened to escape, pressing his lips together as he used his free hand to pat your head. “yup. love you too, y/n.” he replied, knowing matt was going to be so confused when he came back from the store.
it didn’t take long for you to completely fall asleep, your weight leaning into chris as he returned to his scrolling on his phone. he lowered the volume on both the tv and his phone, as a way to not disturb you, remaining unmoving so you could continue to rest peacefully.
about twenty minutes went by, when he heard the garage door opening and the sound of matt’s car pulling in. chris held back his laugh as he imagined the look on his brother’s face, seeing his girlfriend cuddling him instead as she slept soundly.
the sound of matt and nick bickering was heard once they entered the house, footsteps making their way up the stairs.
“no, i’m just saying that-“ matt cut himself off when he rounded the corner and caught view of you and chris together on the couch.
matt stopped in his steps, taking in the sight with an eyebrow raised and the grocery bags hanging from his hands.
“alright, so i must be seeing things cause what the fuck?” he finally spoke up, as chris began to laugh.
your boyfriend set down the groceries as he made his way toward the couch, taking in the view of you cuddling up to his brother with his arm locked in your grip and your head resting on his shoulder. your lips were slightly parted, and it was obvious you were deep in sleep.
“listen, okay, she’s so tired that she thought i was you. i didn’t want to move her or some shit! look at her, she’s so peaceful.” chris began to defend himself, trying to keep his voice a bit quiet.
matt shook his head, while nick laughed from behind him.
“oh, this is so good.” nick said, giggling as he pulled his phone from his pocket and snapped a few pictures.
matt huffed and made his way around the couch to sit down on the other side of you. his hands were on you in seconds, protectively pulling you into his side instead.
a noise of complaint left your lips, a sleepy mumble of “fuck off” coming from you as your comfortable position was being moved by your boyfriend.
that only made chris laugh harder, as he threw his head back against the couch cushion and clapped his hands together.
your boyfriend hushed you, wrapping his arm comfortably around you. “sorry, baby. i’m here.” he whispered, feeling your body relax as you heard his voice in your half asleep state.
you mumbled something he couldn’t pick up, easily falling back asleep as matt glared at chris who kept bragging about you cuddling him.
“yeah, yeah. enjoy it while you had it. that was the first and final time.” matt stated, his hand gently playing with your hair while a scowl was on his face.
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i-yap · 1 month
Batboys and y/n at gala ( nigthwing and jason ver_)
I really suggest checking out 'type of y/n I ship with batboys post " to get a better idea of the type of y/n I write per batboy
dick- shower s'x as a good luck before leaving is non negotiable .Hyper when getting ready, wants his hair to look great, wants you to compliment him and will take hayley no matter what. is lowkey excited to go. Will blast music and have a car karaoke. Walks around the whole gala, talks to everyone and pulls you along with him. Proly has to give a speech which he absolutely rocks. charming , charismatic and an amazing conversationalist . spends most time with grandmas at the party, they are the only people he will allow to leave you with. You do have an option to hang out with his siblings and make fun of him otherwise you are stuck with him till the end. Will prolly be the last to leave, helps alfred round up his siblings. Everyone thinks you're the luckiest person in the world cuz u just got the whole lottery of people by getting dick but he is sure to remind you how much he needs you, especially when trying to power through a boring ass gala. Once the event is over, boy is drained . super tired and sleepy. help him out of his shirt and cuddle him,. slow and sweet s'x which may or may not turn into more but he just needs some loving and peace. poor thing had to make so much small talk his brain hurts. give him a head rub. will get you flowers or chocolates the next day as a thanks for dealing with the gala cuz he knows how boring those things get.
Jason- He doesnt wanna go. say the word and u guys aren't going. but you promised alfred or ,maybe you thought it'll be fun. plus u get to see him in a suit which is sooohot jfejqfbq .. anyways complains while getting ready, super grumpy give him a kiss to shut him up. Will try to seduce you out of going...may succeed and get you late / cancel. Will also try to touch u in the car so be sure to just keep suching his hand away. will ruin your lipstick and if u like me wear lip stain.. well u should prolly cancel cuz he is gonna stain everything. Just wear transfer proof lipstick with clear gloss and carry a clear gloss. Follows your lead in the gala , or stands in a nice corner with you with him. Don't you dare leave him with these rich bastards he will stab someone. Will find some way of getting you out of their asap which means quickie in the car or the bathroom. now you are too ruined to go back to the gala . so you guys just go to the nearest fast food restaurant/ diner and pick the corner booth His suit jacket on you cuz he might have torn your dress a little , his tie tied like a pirate scarf on your head and his top 3 shirt buttons undone. you guys throw fries at one another and are prolyl tipsy from the gala champagne. i would not be surprised if jason stole a bottle just as a "fuck the rich thing" . You guys for sure end up in the newspaper the next day but who cares. go home singing stupid girly pop songs , arms interlinked, drunk in the gotham snow. prolly fuck you again once you get home cuz u just looked so hot. dw he'll buy you a new dress bbg.
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megalony · 3 months
On Sick Leave
This is an Eddie Diaz imagine, requested by anon which is along the same lines as my other imagine Pregnancy Pains. I hope you will all like it, let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) and Eddie are expecting their first baby together, but (Y/n) isn't feeling well. So her siblings and the team take turns looking after her.
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Leaning around the doorframe, (Y/n) pressed her cheek against the door and looked across the kitchen. Her eyes settled on Eddie straight away and she watched the way he fluttered about the kitchen.
The dark blue jumper he wore looked a size too small now and it made his arms bulge and flex when he leaned across and started to put the dishes away from the draining board. She noticed the hairs on the back of his head were spiked up from how he had gotten a shower and let his hair dry at all angles, making it stick up in a way that he knew (Y/n) loved. He knew she loved raking her fingers through his hair.
(Y/n) kept her steps light as she padded barefoot across the cold floor until she was stood behind him. She knew he hadn't heard her. She knew when she curved her arms underneath his and his chest tightened and he tensed up, he didn't expect her touch.
Her arms wrapped around his upper chest beneath his arms and her hands splayed out on his chest just below his collar bone. She glued her front up against his tense back and pressed her lips into his jumper between his shoulder blades. And when she pushed up on her toes, she placed a delicate kiss against the back of his neck which made a shiver tear down his spine.
"Hi baby," Eddie spoke softly as he dried his hands on the teatowel. When (Y/n) didn't respond and stayed pressed up against him, Eddie slowly turned around in her arms and pressed his hips up against the counter.
He looped his arms around the back of her shoulders and leaned down to peck her temple.
Adrenaline sparked in Eddie's chest when (Y/n) tilted her head up and caught him in a kiss. He brought his hands round to cup the sides of her face and his thumbs brushed across her cheekbones as she leaned her chest up into him. If it weren't for the counter behind him, they would have fallen to the floor.
When (Y/n) moved her hands up to hold his shoulders, Eddie smiled into the kiss and trailed his hands down her waist to cup the back of her thighs instead. He gave a tight squeeze and lifted her up until she looped her legs around his waist so he could turn around and sit her on the counter next to the sink.
He stood between her legs, feeling her heels digging into his lower back between his hips and her arms curved around his neck with her fingers toying with his hair at the back of his head.
When they pulled back for air, Eddie dipped his hands beneath the waistband of her jeans and then into her underwear so he could cup her bum and pull her closer. When she attached her lips to the side of his neck, he swallowed down a groan and tilted his head back to give her better access.
He gave a rough squeeze to her bum at the feeling of her teeth grazing his neck just beneath his jaw.
"You trying to mark me up for work tonight?"
(Y/n) tilted her head down and nudged her nose against his neck while she closed her eyes. She breathed softly into his neck and kept her arms looped around his neck. Her thighs clenched over his hips to keep him as close as she could pin him to her chest and she knew it made him smile.
"Everything okay, baby?" Eddie's lips pressed against the top of her head as he felt her kiss his neck again, but softer this time.
He wasn't used to (Y/n) not speaking to him like this, usually if she attached herself to him she would say something. Even if it was just to tell him to take her into the bedroom. But she wasn't talking and it was a little worrying.
"I have a surprise for you." (Y/n) kept her face tucked up against Eddie's neck and she feathered her fingers up and down his neck and the columns of his spine until he was shivering against her.
"Oh, and what might that be?" He spoke into her hair again as he dragged one hand up to feather his fingers up and down the groove of her spine.
(Y/n) kept her right arm draped loosely around the back of Eddie's neck and she kept her face against his neck and her eyes remained closed. But she moved her other hand round to her back and found the item that had been burning a hole in her back pocket. She dragged it out and slowly trailed it up and down Eddie's arm until he prized his hand out of her jeans to take it from her.
A pregnancy test. A positive one.
Eddie stared at it for a few moments, maybe even a minute, before he set it down and leaned over to cup (Y/n)'s chin. He lifted her head from his shoulder so she was finally looking up at him.
Everything was in her eyes. Love. Panic. Pain. Anticipation. Excitement. All of it flooded her eyes that were already spilling over with tears but when Eddie smiled at her, it made the tears multiply.
She pushed her face back down into his shoulder and looped both arms around his neck so tightly Eddie could scarcely breathe. "Oh, baby." He whispered softly into her hair before he pressed numerous kisses to the top of her head and began smoothing his hand up and down her back.
"Do you think it will work, this time?"
(Y/n) didn't want to get her hopes up. Not yet. She didn't want to imagine this time it would work when it hadn't happened for them before.
"I think… the third times a charm, and we're gonna have a baby." Eddie leant his cheek against the top of (Y/n)'s head and gently started to sway them from side to side. He would get his hopes up. Eddie was willing to take that risk and hope that this time, they would have a baby.
They started trying to have a baby after they got married but after a few months, nothing happened. (Y/n) started to get worried until she finally took a test and it came back positive. She told Eddie and they let their thoughts get carried away without them. Two weeks later, right before they were going to start telling their families, (Y/n) had a miscarriage in the middle of the night.
They didn't see the point in telling anyone.
Barely three months later, (Y/n) took another test and again it was positive. She told Eddie and they waited. At three months along, after their first scan, they told Bobby so (Y/n) could stay safe working at the station and wouldn't have to go into dangerous situations. They told Evan and Maddie they were going to have a niece or nephew and they told Eddie's parents too.
Four and a half months along, (Y/n) had a bad miscarriage in the station toilets that ended in a three day stay in hospital and three weeks off work.
(Y/n) didn't want to get her hopes up again. She wanted a baby, she was desperate to have a baby with Eddie and take that next step with him. But she couldn't let herself get carried away. She didn't want to tell people or even acknowledge that she was pregnant yet in case it jinxed their chances and she lost another baby.
"I'm scared… Eddie if I lose another-"
"You won't, baby. I promise you that won't happen."
"I might, a-and I'll have to tell Bobby, I'll be reduced to the station cleaner again and that didn't even help." Light duties had been rough last time when every single call they had seemed to be a dire emergency that (Y/n) couldn't help with and she ended up staying back and cleaning the station. Or tagging along and waiting in the truck until she could be of some use.
Eddie moved his hands up to cup (Y/n)'s face and he brought her close for a searing kiss.
"You could ask for a transfer to the call centre… it worked for me. And you'll be safer and less stressed there, you know Bobby will let you back whenever you're ready."
It was only a suggestion, but Eddie could see the wheels turning in (Y/n)'s mind as she mulled over what he was saying.
When Eddie got shot, he asked Bobby for a transfer to the call centre, just to see if it would help and see if he could sort himself out there. He couldn't stay at the station when his head wasn't in the job and Chris was scared about losing both his parents when (Y/n) worked there too.
It didn't stop Eddie worrying about (Y/n) though. She worked with her brother and that was good, Eddie knew Evan would keep her safe. But it wasn't the same as Eddie looking after her himself and keeping an eye on her. It had been rough to be away from (Y/n) and hear about all the calls she went out on without him. Knowing he could do very little to help her from his seat behind a desk in the centre.
Going back to the station had been an easy transition for Eddie and the call centre did him some good. It would do (Y/n) some good too if she wanted to work there. She wouldn't be reduced to waiting around or cleaning up the station or feeling like a spare part. She used to work as a crisis counsellor, she had the patience and the medical knowledge and the skill to operate the emergency lines. And Maddie would be there with her if her sister needed anything.
(Y/n) would be safe at the centre and she would feel useful and could still go to work, but she could take things easy at the same time.
"I'm serious, mi amor. You know exactly what you're doing, you have the knack to calm people down, and when you wanna go back to the station, tell Bobby and he can transfer you back. This way you're still working but you're both safe."
Her eyes followed Eddie as he leaned back and gently unhooked her legs from his waist so they hung down against the counter. She thought he was going to walk away and go find something, but instead, his hands moved to her top and he slowly scrunched it up. He rolled her shirt until it was bunched beneath her bra, giving him a perfect view of her stomach.
She could feel her eyes glossing over with tears and she moved her hand to tangle her fingers in the back of Eddie's hair as he leaned down.
His hands gripped her waist again and he gave a tight squeeze, inching her closer while he crouched so his lips could attach to her stomach.
"You're gonna be fine this time mi amor. I'll look after you both."
(Y/n) could feel the room starting to spin around her, tilting from left to right as if she were sailing on a ship in the middle of the ocean.
Her hands pulled away from the keyboards in front of her and moved to jab her palms into the edge of the desk. The sharp edge poked into her palms and created something for her mind to focus on, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to keep the storm inside her head at bay.
Her throat burned from being sick half an hour ago. Her head was spinning. Her mouth and lips were chapped and dry but she couldn't keep anything down. Not even water.
She tried to glance her eyes up to the main screen in front of her when she noticed the left square light up. There was a caller on the line. But she couldn't answer. (Y/n) couldn't answer when she could barely concentrate on breathing; she wasn't going to be much use to someone wanting help when she couldn't fathom how to string a sentence together.
Her weight pushed onto her arms and she pushed her chair away from her desk. She needed to take a break; again.
"Are you okay?" Lauren, who was sat at the desk next to her, reached out to place a hand on (Y/n)'s arm. And (Y/n) realised she must have stayed doubled over with her head down and hands on the desk for a little too long and caught some attention.
But she couldn't lift her head, and she couldn't fathom how to respond or voice a word.
"(Y/n), honey what's wrong?" The sound of her sister's voice caused (Y/n) to finally open her eyes. She turned her head to the right and looked down at Maddie who was crouched in front of her with one hand on the desk and one hand on (Y/n)'s knee. Lauren had called her over, clearly.
"I-… dizzy." She moved a hand to wave in front of her eyes while she let Maddie look her over.
She was sweating, flushed. Unable to keep her eyes open or focused and she was taking very shallow, little breaths.
"Okay, let's go get a drink in the break room." Maddie moved her hand to (Y/n)'s back and held her hand to help her up from her chair. She needed to try and calm down and have a drink to see if some sugar and fluids would perk her up. If not, Maddie had a feeling she would be taking her sister to see the doctor.
As soon as (Y/n) was on her feet, her stomach churned, all the blood drained down to her toes and static started to bubble and fizz in her ears.
Her head tilted down and her body followed her head, crashing into the chair until she was cradled by the floor when gravity dragged her down. She didn't feel her head bounce on the carpet, all she felt was relief that she didn't have to hold herself up anymore and her brain switched off.
"Oh God- Josh!" Panic flooded Maddie's voice as she crashed down to her knees behind her little sister.
She waved her hand over at Josh who was stood to one side, Ipad in hand and ear piece and microphone clipped around his ear. He turned in her direction, eyes going wide when he looked at the pair of them and scurried over.
Leaning over, Maddie every so gently shifted (Y/n) so she was laid on her back instead of her side so she could assess her. She brushed a few tendrils of hair back behind (Y/n)'s ear so she could check her pulse.
"(Y/n)… sweetie, are you with me?" She gently pulled (Y/n)'s eyelid back but she grimaced at seeing her eyes were rolled to the back of her head. "Lips are dry and discoloured, pulse is high, Josh-"
"I'm on it." He crouched down next to Maddie and clicked onto the one-eighteen frequency. "Dispatch to one-eighteen? We have a collapsed responder at the call centre, approximately…" Josh looked over to Maddie and waited for her response before he carried on. "Twenty-one weeks pregnant and severely dehydrated. We need an ambulance… and Firefighter Diaz."
Eddie could feel the team walking close behind him, especially Evan who felt like a shadow in his wake. He clenched his hand tighter around the medic bag weighing heavy on his shoulder and stormed down the middle of the call centre floor. It had been a while since Eddie had set foot in here and he thought this part of his job life was behind him.
His boots clapped like thunder, announcing his presence and gaining the attention of the other responders.
They wanted to help, but everyone had to stay at their stations and focus on their emergencies. They couldn't stop taking calls because one of their own had collapsed.
Eddie's eyes locked on Josh who was stood leaning against a desk, darting his eyes between the team and the two girls sat on the floor.
"Alright baby, what have you been doing?" Eddie huffed quietly as he went down on his knees beside the girls. Maddie was sat on her heels with her arms around (Y/n), who was barely lucid and mostly limp. She had her head tilted down so her chin was almost touching her chest, her legs stretched out in front of her and both hands clutching a plastic cup of water.
"What happened?" Evan crouched down behind Maddie, looking between his elder sister and his younger sister as if they were ten years old and had been messing around at home. He wasn't used to doing callouts where families were involved. Especially his own family.
"She hasn't been eating or drinking, she's dehydrated herself." Maddie continued to smooth both her hands up and down (Y/n)'s arms while her little sister groaned quietly.
(Y/n) could feel sparks shooting through her nerves, livening her up a little when she felt Eddie's hand cup her chin. His thumb brushed across her chin and up near her jaw and his fingers pressed into the soft flesh beneath her jaw so he could tilt her head up. But Eddie didn't like how (Y/n)) could barely keep her eyes open or focused on him.
The lights in here were far too bright and overstimulating. She whimpered and flinched back when Eddie lifted her eyelids and flashed a light across her pupils to see how they reacted.
"Okay mi amor, let me take a look." Reaching forward, Eddie slowly prized the cup of water out of her hands and put it on the desk behind him. He knew she wasn't going to have a drink. He had been fighting with her all week to try and get fluids down her but every time she tried, morning sickness decided to make an appearance.
He knew he should have insisted she didn't go into work today. He should have told her to take the day off and stay home to rest. For almost two weeks now Eddie had been panicking about (Y/n) not being well, he tried to help her eat and drink and she couldn't help but throw up again. She was barely intaking any fluids recently.
He shuffled closer until his knees bumped into her thigh and he pressed a stethoscope to his ears, moving the end beneath her collar so he could listen to her heart. Fast but strong and steady, just what he wanted to hear. After a minute, he switched to listen to her lungs which sounded fine, much to his relief.
He paused for a second, debating whether or not to put the stethoscope back in the bag but the way (Y/n) stared up at him with those big, dazed eyes made him reconsider. He knew exactly what she was silently asking him to do.
"Alright," He murmured softly when (Y/n) held his wrist.
He pressed the stethoscope beneath her shirt and slowly moved it around her stomach until he found the baby's heartbeat. His free hand moved to cradle the side of her abdomen and the way his lips curved up told (Y/n) all she needed to hear. Their baby was alright.
After she hit the thirteen week mark, Eddie knew (Y/n) had been worried, panicking and waiting for something to go wrong. But she had felt fine. And now they were at five months, this was the furthest they had gotten and Eddie knew this time, everything was going to be fine. It was just (Y/n)'s dehydration that was happening these last few weeks which was becoming a worry.
(Y/n) could feel the baby wriggling around now, she felt kicks and movements and hearing the heartbeat proved to her that this was real. Everything was okay.
"She sounds fine," Eddie's voice softened around the edges and he switched for the blood pressure cuff. He didn't like the way (Y/n)'s eyes came out of focus and she leaned back into Maddie at the tightening sensation around her arm. "But your BP is way too high."
Eddie turned to the side, about to ask Hen for something, but he stopped when (Y/n) gingerly reached out a trembling hand and held onto his arm to gain his attention. She could feel her head filling up with air again and her stomach was churning. She knew what this meant.
(Y/n) did her best to lean forward and pull out of her sister's comforting embrace. And when she shuffled over, Eddie was quick to wrap his arms around her both to hold her up and stop her in case she was going to try and get up. She clung tightly to his arm that bound across her chest and leaned to the left just in time to throw up the few sips of water she tried to take.
"Oh fuck." Moving his free hand, Eddie ran his fingers across his jaw and looked up at the ceiling for a few seconds.
She wasn't even keeping water down.
"Hen, I need an IV line please." He smoothed his hand up and down (Y/n)'s back and pressed his lips to the side of her head. When he tried to lean to the side and take the IV, (Y/n) whimpered and smothered her face into his shoulder. As much as she preferred Eddie to be the one to look after her, she wanted to be in his arms right now.
Her hands tightened around his arm and she leaned into him, feeling like her head was going to explode. She could feel her tears soaking into his shirt but Eddie didn't seem to mind.
"Alright mi amor, I've got you. Buck, can you do the IV?"
"Sure. (Y/n), let's have your arm, sis."
Evan was gentle and careful when he laid (Y/n)'s right arm over his lap and swabbed the back of her hand. He made quick work of finding a suitable vein but he felt (Y/n) flinch and try to pull her arm away when he inserted the needle. It was a good job Eddie had hold of her and that her face was smothered in his shoulder so she couldn't see the needle.
Evan gave her wrist a gentle squeeze and took the IV line from Hen so he could connect the tube. Hen made sure the end wasn't capped so she got the highest dose of fluids rather than a slow, monitored drip. (Y/n) needed fluids into her system now before she got any worse.
"Chim, bring the gurney, we're ready to transport."
"Alright mi amor, you're officially on sick leave. Let's get you to hospital." Eddie spoke against her temple as he moved his arms around her so he could pick her up bridal style to ease her onto the gurney behind him.
She wasn't going to be back to work for a while and he was going to be keeping a better eye on her from now on.
"Buck, can you do me a favour?"
"Sure, what do you need?"
"(Y/n)'s not doing too good, I don't like leaving her when I have to come on shift, and she's got Chris to look after… could you swing by tomorrow, just check on them for me? Make sure she's okay?"
It wasn't that Eddie didn't trust (Y/n). He knew she could look after herself and Chris, but he didn't want her to feel like she had to. She could barely get out of bed some days and he knew she wasn't eating or drinking enough recently. The protein shakes she got from the hospital worked to stop her losing weight and bulked her up, but it wasn't great when she wasn't eating or drinking anything else.
And Eddie couldn't just not go to work either. He wanted to stay home but he couldn't. But if any of the team could help out on their days off and check on her, Eddie would be eternally grateful.
If they could swing by and check she was alright, make sure she wasn't running herself into the ground or help with Chris so she didn't have as much to do. Just until she was feeling better.
"You know I will. I'll go round in the afternoon so I can stay for tea, make sure she actually eats something."
"Thank you."
Evan tried to plaster a bright smile on his face but it was hard when he looked down at his sister as she opened the front door. She didn't look well.
She had one hand clinging to the front door and her other hand on the door frame to keep herself stood upright. Her head leaned to the left against her hand and she arched a brow as she looked over at the two men stood on her doorstep.
(Y/n) knew she didn't look her best.
Her hair was falling out of the loose, scruffy bun she had tied it up in to keep it from her eyes. She was wearing one of Eddie's vest tops since she had been running a temperature earlier. The vest hung thin on her shoulders, cut rather tight and high across her collar bone and fit very snug around her waist, showing off her bump.
She also had a pair of Eddie's pyjama shorts on as they were baggy and elasticated more than her own clothes.
"Hi, we just thought-"
"Did my hubby send you?" Her voice came out croaky and grumbled, giving away the fact that she had recently been sick. Something they could already tell from the drained look on her face.
"Maybe." Chimney pursed his lips and held his hands together in front of him with a kind, if apologetic smile. They had been caught out. Especially since Maddie had come over to spend the day with (Y/n) yesterday while Eddie was at work. And now the two of them were here today, it kind of gave away the fact that Eddie was asking people to check in on her and make sure she was okay.
There was no point trying to deny it when (Y/n) knew it all too well. They just needed to admit it and try to take care of (Y/n) anyway.
"Well I don't need b-babysitting,"
Despite her words, (Y/n) turned around on her heels and left the front door wide open so the pair of them could come inside. She was hardly going to turn them away, that would be rude. And (Y/n) didn't mind some more company, especially if it would stop Eddie from worrying.
Evan took the lead and headed inside, Chimney following swiftly behind him, but he held his breath when he watched his little sister.
She was walking oddly, like she couldn't hold herself upright and she was using the wall to balance and stay up on her feet.
When she stumbled and her knees gave way, Evan sprinted forward and deadlocked his arms around her waist before she went down to the floor. "Woah!" He pulled her back into his chest as (Y/n) scratched her nails into his arm to try and keep hold of him and steady herself. Her bare feet bent and scraped against the floor as she locked her knees, regaining her balance and control as quickly as she could.
"No, you need looking after, there's a difference." Evan sighed into the top of her hair and gently lifted her up so she was stood up properly.
His hands moved to hold her hips when he knew she was back on her feet again and he stayed glued against her back as they started to walk towards the living room, just for precaution.
Once they were in the living room, (Y/n) took hold of Evan's arm again so she could flop down on the sofa. She slouched into the cushions as if she had melted into a puddle and her head leaned to the right on one of the pillows. Her feet began to tap against the floor and both her hands moved to rub across her stomach.
"What're you doing?" (Y/n) quirked a smile up at her brother when he gave her hand a squeeze and went to walk out the living room.
"Gonna find Chris and make dinner, while you rest." He pointed a finger at her somewhat accusingly before he disappeared.
It was nearing dinner time and Evan was getting hungry. He had been teaching Chris a few cooking lessons and this was the perfect time for them to whip something up. It would give Chris something to do and let Evan keep an eye on him while (Y/n) took a break. He already knew that Eddie had tried to cook recently because the smell of certain foods made (Y/n) sick.
Chris wasn't best pleased that his mum wasn't cooking, but he would be happy to know his uncle would be cooking tonight.
(Y/n) thought Chimney had gone into the kitchen to help the boys cook, but he wandered back into the living room a few moments later. He came back with a complan shake, some vitamins and some anti-sickness meds.
Eddie had definitely given them instructions before they came round.
"So, how you feeling?" He handed over the pills and the protein shake he recognised as something the pharmacy prescribed people who were trying to put on weight.
"Would you believe me if I told you I felt better?" (Y/n) grimaced at the strawberry shake that felt like she was chugging down strawberry soup. But she knew downing them in one was easier than trying to take small sips or else she would never finish them.
"Probably not, with how worried you make Eddie." He was only joking and it made (Y/n) crack a smile.
"He's giving the midwife a run for her money." Once she finished the shake, (Y/n) set the plastic bottle down on the table and slouched back into the den of pillows and cushions she'd created on the sofa. Her and Chris would most likely make some sort of den or fort with them all when (Y/n) got her energy and momentum back.
Sometimes she thought Eddie was like a bird or a mother hen. He fussed, he was protective over everyone and he was a nester. But it was cute and endearing to watch him fuss and he knew he could make (Y/n)'s knees go weak when he became stern and authoritiative.
"You don't have to stay, you know. It's your day off, and I'm afraid I'm not much fun."
"Hey, you've gotten away from us at work, but you can't avoid us forever. Come on, what are we watching?" None of the team would stop by if they didn't want to.
They weren't coming round just because Eddie had asked them to, (Y/n) was one of them. Even though she was currently working at the call centre- although she was on sick leave for the foreseeable future. She was still part of their team and they loved and cared about her. Chimney wanted to stay and spend some time with her and make sure she was alright and keep her company.
"What's that?" Chris looked across the kitchen counter, wondering what Evan was concocting in the tall pint glass.
"Iced tea, for your mum." It was a drink (Y/n) never used to drink before she got pregnant. But Evan knew adding lots of ice, honey and about four spoonfuls of sugar was just how (Y/n) would like it and if she drank this, it might make her feel better. She needed more than just the complan shakes, they were more like food whereas this would keep her fluids up.
Evan nodded when Chris began mixing the mince in the pan on the stove, but he fumbled for his phone when it started to ring in his back pocket.
"Keep stirring chef, I'll be one minute." He grabbed the glass and pressed his phone to his other ear. "Hey Eddie… yeah we're here, we got rumbled though. She's had a drink and Chris and me are making dinner."
Heading into the living room, Evan placed the glass down on the coffee table, watching with a grin as (Y/n)'s eyes lit up when she realised what he'd made her.
"It's your hubby, tell him you're alright." He passed the phone over and headed back into the kitchen.
"Hi baby,"
(Y/n) pressed the phone to her ear, grinning when she saw Chimney smirk out the corner of her eye. She leaned forward, trying to smother a groan as she pressed her chest into her bump so she could grab the drink Evan made her. He knew making something sweet like this would coax her to intake some fluids and the meds were helping her keep everything down a little better than before.
"So, who are you sending to babysit me tomorrow while you're at work?"
"Who did you get to cover tonight?" (Y/n) leaned forward and folded her arms over the kitchen counter so she could arch her lower back out. Her eyes followed Bobby as he set down a load of drinks on the counter for them to share out.
The whole team was round and Eddie and (Y/n)'s home tonight.
"I swapped a few of the B-shift around, and Ravi wanted some overtime." He had made a few changes to the rota. And he put Ravi and another probie on a double so there were just enough people working tonight for the rest of them to have the night off.
She smiled when she felt her sister's hand on her shoulder and felt Maddie lean her cheek against the side of (Y/n)'s head. "You're looking much better," Maddie murmured against her skin and gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze before she walked around her.
Bobby nodded in agreement, taking a handful of drinks from the kitchen and through to the living room where the rest of the team were trying to decide on a movie.
When they wandered out the kitchen, (Y/n) pushed up and moved towards the sink to the drinks cupboard. Her hand pressed into the counter and she leaned up on her tiptoes to grab one of the pint glasses. A gasp escaped her lips and her head tilted back when she suddenly felt a hard chest press into her back. And a hand clamped down on her hip, pinning her between him and the counter.
"There you go." Eddie whispered against the shell of her ear, giving her hip a squeeze before he wormed his fingers beneath her shirt so he could rest his palm on her stomach.
Just as she tried to reach into the far cupboard, she stopped with a huff when Eddie beat her to it. He knew what drink she was going to make. It would be the same iced tea that Eddie had been making all week because it was the one and only thing he could get (Y/n) to drink that seemed to stay down.
"Baby I can make a drink, you know." She spoke quietly as she turned around so her back was pressed into the counter and her arms could loop around Eddie's neck.
Her lips attached to his shoulder and she closed her eyes, breathing in his scent as his cold hand stayed beneath her shirt, pressed against her back. And his other hand was busy adding honey and sugar to the glass of tea.
"Never said you couldn't, just that I won't let you. Go sit down." He leaned down so their eyes were level and he stole her lips in a kiss.
With her attention stolen by Eddie's lips, (Y/n) didn't realise he was moving until he turned them round and gave (Y/n) a nudge towards the doorway. His hand slid down from her back to her bum and he finally pulled his lips away from hers to mutter "Sit down." Against her lips again, giving her an order.
But he rolled his eyes when (Y/n) just waited in the doorway for him. He got himself a drink and grabbed (Y/n)'s glass, grinning to himself as he followed her out the kitchen and towards their cramped living room.
"I've got the snacks." Evan took one of the larger bowls off the coffee table and sat down on the sofa with the popcorn happily on his lap. Everyone knew the popcorn wouldn't last very long with Evan here. Which was exactly why Chris moved to wedge himself down between Hen and Evan so they could share before it all disappeared.
"Where are we sitting?" Eddie hovered his lips back over (Y/n)'s ear before he rounded her side to put their drinks down on the coffee table that was cramped and full.
Both Maddie and Chimney had squashed themselves together on one of the armchairs to make more room for everyone. Then there was Bobby in the other armchair, Hen squashed on one side of the sofa, then Chris and Evan in the middle.
(Y/n) doubted she and Eddie would both fit in the other corner of the sofa together. She had a feeling if Eddie sat on the floor in between her legs like he had done before, Chris would move to sit on the floor with him. They didn't usually have this many people in their home, but it was a lovely change to have a full house and have all the team over at once. All together.
Her eyes followed her husband as he grinned cheekily at her, making her wonder what he was up to. He weaved around the coffee table and wedged himself in the corner of the sofa between the arm rest and Evan.
When (Y/n) placed her hands on her hips and looked at him with a quirked smile, Eddie moved his legs. He sank back as far as he could on the sofa and spread his knees apart, indicating to the space between his legs.
He'd made room for her to sit with them.
(Y/n) wanted to shake her head. It wasn't the most ideal place to sit when they had company, but there wasn't much other choice.
She bit down on her lower lip and weaved around towards the sofa. She felt Eddie's hands reach out for her hips, holding onto her as she moved her hand to hold his knee so she could lean down and take her spot between his thighs.
(Y/n) sat on the edge of the sofa and got Eddie's drink off the table so she could pass it back to him. She was effectively going to pin him in place so moving or reaching for his drink wouldn't be an option in a moment. A smile graced her lips when she slowly leaned back until she was slouched into Eddie's firm chest.
His arms curved around her waist with his elbows pinned into her sides and his hand on her stomach. He slipped his fingers beneath her shirt again and started drawing patterns across her bare skin while his other hand held his beer bottle on her thigh.
"Comfy?" He whispered in her ear with his chin on her shoulder and his lips making a trail across her jaw.
"Hm." (Y/n) lifted her legs up and propped her ankles up on the coffee table which allowed her to slouch down further against Eddie's chest. She leaned her head back on his shoulder so he could see the tv properly as Chris was in charge of finding them a movie to watch. It was the weekend after all, so they could watch at least two movies before Chris would have to retire for the night.
She moved her hands to rest on her bump and she began tapping out a quiet pattern. She squirmed and wriggled back against Eddie when his fingers tickled her skin with the patterns he was creating. But she stopped when Eddie pressed his palm flat against her stomach beneath her shirt and pinned her back against his chest.
"Don't do that."
(Y/n) stayed still for a moment or two while Evan copied her and propped his feet up on the table, already halfway through the bowl of popcorn he only seemed to be sharing with Chris and Hen.
"Josh said you're coming back next week?" Maddie leaned her cheek against Chimney's shoulder and looked across at her sister who looked like she was about to fall asleep.
"Just on phase return," It had been agreed that (Y/n) couldn't go straight back to the call centre yet, especially not for long shifts and not as many shifts as she was used to. It was safer to do phase return where (Y/n) only did short shifts and only two shifts a week to start and see how she felt. "Since you've all been looking after me."
When Chris finally found a movie to watch, (Y/n) shimmied back against Eddie again to try and get comfy. She knew wriggling her bum against his groin would wind him up. And she felt his chest vibrate with a very low growl as his hand stayed flat on her stomach to try and keep her still.
"You asked for it."
(Y/n) didn't know what he meant by that. She leaned her head to the side, nudging her nose against his jaw to see what he was talking about. But she jolted and accidentally bashed her foot against Evan's leg when Eddie pressed his beer bottle against her stomach. The beer was fresh out of the fridge and frozen cold.
"Oi!" Evan scolded, nudging his leg back into (Y/n)'s as she gasped and tried to push Eddie's hand away. "What're you doing to my niece?" He narrowed his eyes on Eddie and jabbed him with his elbow as Eddie moved the bottle back to his thigh with a grin.
"Just livening her up."
It was going to be a fun night.
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pyramid-of-starrs · 4 months
After care with Ateez ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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Different styles of aftercare that I think the members would do.
This was just something cute I wrote since it's the day after valentines and Ateez is currently on vaction :P
Genre: Fluff, Suggestive
Warning: Mentions of sex and oral sex
Minors DNI
His roommates, Jongho and Wooyoung decided to go back home for their holiday so You and Hongjoong enjoyed some much-needed alone time. Cuddling on the couch and watching movies that eventually turned to making out then him pinning your legs to the arm of the couch, completely disregarding Wooyoungs nagging about no sex in the common areas. After a long overdue session Hongjoong is the water and a towel kind of guy. He gets up still wearing his sweatshirt and tucking his softened length back into his boxers then grabs you some water from the back of the fridge like you like. Then head to the bathroom to run hot water on a towel to give you (hot water so it’ll be warm when he gives it too you). Once he hands you the water you spread your legs and he immediately starts to clean the mess he made. After cleaning you up he wants to get back to the movie so you agree even though not even 5 minutes later he is fast asleep laying on your lap. That means no movie for you until he wakes back up and repeats the cycle, he's lucky he's cute
Seonghwa was in desperate need of some time away for the rest of his group. He loved his members, but he needed time, since his vacation period was here you invited him over to your place so he can get away for a few days. He, of course, thanks you the best way he knows how, with that marvelous long tongue he was gifted with. Slurping all your juices until you literally cover the entire bottom half of his face in your slick. Then you decided you needed more and went 2 rounds. You both were sticky from the love making and you were ready to go to bed but Seonghwa just can’t do messes, he'll go insane. He immediately headed to the bathroom to run a bath for you two, no shower because he knew your legs would be tired. Despite your groaning to be left alone he would pick you up and carry you over to the bathtub, easing you into the soothing warm water. Even though you were tired you had to admit this felt good. He helps bathe you, then shower you off, he wouldn’t try to fuck you again unless you wanted, just cover you in kisses and tell you you did so good for him.
You both were cuddling on his bed watching TikTok’s together, he leans over to show you one then a text from Yeosang popped up. Him saying that he was leaving to visit his friend and would be back in a few days so don’t wait up. Yunho gave you a very specific look and you knew what that meant, kissing leading to him drilling you from the back with his larger than average dick. He knows he’s a big guy with a big package so most the time he knew you wouldn’t be capable of moving much afterward. So his aftercare came in the form of him massaging your sore thighs and limbs. He likes to see you smiling afterward so he would make little jokes and tease you about the faces you would make during sex.
"Your face is so cute when you ask me why I'm fucking you like that." You both laugh as you playfully hit him. You just lie there making jokes and enjoying the massage from your human golden retriever.
He decieded to take you on vacation with him since you both needed a some time with each other alone. Warm weather, nice beaches, good food and no fans or press bothering you on a small secluded island, it was amazing, you had to thank him. As soon as you made it back to the rented cabin you drug him back to huge master bedroom to show him just how grateful you are. In the end though he ended up flipping you like a pancake and reminding you just how strong he is. When you were done you were completely drained, covered in sweat and defeated. He came back from the kitchen with a bottle of water and you immediately reached for it but he told you to hold on. You watched him in confusion as he pulled a drink powder from his bag and put some in the bottle. He shook it up and you watched the water turn blue then he handed it to you to drink.
"That will replinish your electrolytes." He said with such a cute smile, then walked back to his bag to get a bottle of vitamins and you started to drink your water. "Here stick your tongue out." You obeyed and he placed two pills on your tongue. "That's B12, you got a charley horse when I bent your leg to far back so that will help, I'll buy you more when we get home, I told you to start taking your vitamins!" He said while starting to stretch your legs out to relieve the tension. He would talk to you about stretching and eating more fruit and blah blah but you wouldn't have it any other way.
San's parents loooove you so they tell him to not even bother coming home during the break if you aren't with him, so you agree to come with. You loved the girl time you got with San's mom, his older sister and his younger sister, Byeol the cat, anyways. You and him arrived a day early and San's parents aren't back from their day trip till tomorrow, so he decided to take you to all his favorite spots around town then he took you out to dinner. Once you're back at his parents you do your normal nightly routine, then head to bed in his childhood bedroom. You tease him after you find an old swimsuit magazine in his room and he turns red and tries to wrestle it from you, leading to him pinning you down. He pecks you on your lips once he's got you down and it went downhill from there. Sure there is a small ting of guilt for doing this at his parents' house in the back of your mind, but you couldn't really focus with San pounding into you. After a nice and long session, you like to just lay back and relax meanwhile San wants to live in your skin. He would cuddle into your chest and wrap his arms around your waist, you scratch his scalp like he's a cat while he draws circles on your thighs. San's aftercare is alot of affection and love bombing.
"I love you."
Kiss on your stomach.
"You're so beautiful."
Kiss on your neck.
"You're the only one for me."
Kiss on your lips.
Now that Mingi finally had some alone time in his apartment with Seonghwa and San gone he decided to stay home and finally get some work done. You didn't want to get in the way but after a few days you surprised him with some lunch. After you ate, you were going to leave but he insisted that you stay and listen to the song he's been working on, you mentioned not wanting to be a bother and he let you know you're more like a muse. You headed to his room where his equipment is set up and sat on his bed to watch him continue to work. For some reason watching Mingi work on his music was so sexy, seeing the effort and passion he put in made you feel hot. Before you could think more about it, he invited you into his lap to listen with him, not even 5 minutes into sitting and listening the sexual tension became so thick you both couldn't resist anymore. Mingi dropped you on the bed to show you he was feeling the same way you were. You wanted to really show him how much you appreciated his hard work flipping on top of him and letting him feel every inch of you. After taking up a good chunk of his time you decided to try to get dressed to let him get back to work, but Mingi likes to spend quality time as after care.
"Woah where are you going?" He asked.
"Oh, I'm going home so that you can get back to work."
"What? No come back here so we can finally get caught up on jjk."
"I told you to finish without me."
"Why would I do that? Just come cuddle me so we can watch."
You and Woo went on a nice trip in the mountains, beautiful views and blue waters. He brought his camera to record for his fans and take pictures, the camera stayed in his hand the whole trip. Even when it probably shouldn't have. He was recording every inch of you when you two got back to the bedroom, making sure to get the nice angles of your body while ravishing you in different positions. When you were finally done you took the camera from him, you had to admit curiosity took over and you decided to watch the whole thing in awe. Is that really how you sound? When did you get that flexible? Thank God you shaved. While you were distracted watching the tape you two just made Wooyoung walked back in the room with juice pouches and a plate with two hot grilled cheeses, cut diagonally of course.
"Stop being a perv and eat." he hands you one of the juice pouches as he gets back under the covers with you and places the plate on the bed. You gladly enjoy the dinner and a movie and Wooyoung just loves watching you eat and enjoy something he made, both the video and the food, grilled cheese or not food is good aftercare.
Jongho invited you to a ski resort with his other friends, even though you didn't know a thing about skiing or snowboarding. You liked seeing him happy and active after his injury. After a long day of falling on your ass you decided that was enough torture and headed back to the suite first, letting Jongho spend more time with his friends. You took a hot bath and laid in bed to enjoy the soft sheets, falling into sleep without noticing. A few hours later you could feel the bed dip and Jongho's warm embrace, you asked him if he enjoyed his time in the snow and he said yes and thanked you for coming, giving you a nice kiss. It had been quite some time since you and Jongho went all the way, always scared of hurting him but you couldn't let the good mood go to waste and made the first move to climb on top of him. You two take a shower when your done and Jongho doesn't like to show it, but he too is very affectionate after. He holds your hang in the shower and puts you in a full-on bear hug when you're back in the bed cuddling. It's not just during night either, when it's morning and time to meet with your friends for breakfast he won't let you go.
"We have to get ready Jongho or we will be late."
"We'll get room service." He groans.
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your-nanas-house · 6 months
Tighter than usual
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◇ Pairing: Stepdad!Jackson Rippner X stepdaughter!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, cheating, thigh fucking, p in v, Jackson, rough and dark
◇ Summary: Jackson searches satisfaction after a wet dream.
◇ Note: Came up with this idea yesterday and my lovely @mrkdvidal1989 helped me so much! Another amazing collaboration, enjoy!
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Quietly opening the door, Jackson slipped inside without a sound. Whole house was dark, as his wife and Y/n were already sleeping. He was tired, hungry and completely drained. 
It wasn't surprising how late he was coming home, both his wife and step daughter knew how demanding his work was. 
Quietly making his way up the stairs after locking the door, he passed by Y/n’s room, glancing inside to see if everyone was okay.
The twenty year old was sleeping, as always at that time of the night, covered head to toe with her heavy, fluffy blanket, peacefully breathing. 
After seeing it, Jackson didn't wait any longer before heading straight to the bathroom for a quick shower, and less than fifteen minutes later he was finally in bed. The coziness and warmth overtaking him in seconds before he fell into a deep sleep.
”Fuck” Jackson murmured as he woke up covered with a thin layer of sweat, his whole body hot after the wet dream he had. A low groan leaving his lips as he reached under the blanket, feeling the rock hard erection that formed between his legs. 
Hard, hot and aching under the slightest touch, he knew that it wasn't an option to go to sleep with that. Huffing with how incredibly warm and aroused he felt, Jackson's hand wrapped around his thick member stroking it for a moment before he let go. The sensation of his own fingers wasn't enough in any way. 
Turning his head, he noticed the beautiful woman laying by his side, facing away. Her hair resting messily on the pillow as she slept rolled in a little ball. It's been so long since the last time they had sex, Jackson thought with sadness mixed with annoyance. 
Throb of his cock only deepening the despair, as he scooted closer. 
His big hand moves slowly on her body, his breath getting heavier as he stroked slowly her calf… feeling her soft skin while moving his calloused fingers up slowly, following the line of her bare, long leg.
His face moved closer to the back of her neck, allowing him to bury it in her hair.. taking a long sniff of her scent before groaning softly, getting more impatient with each second passing.
His hips moved involuntarily forward, making him find a bit of the friction he craved as his hands moved up the silky tank top she was wearing. So that he could stroke her bare hips before grabbing them.. his cock rubbing against the fabric of his boxers in an almost teasing way. He needed more… he deserved more, he thought as the frustration and anger started to grow in his body, making him quicken his movements. 
Pulling down his underwear freeing his cock from the boxers that grew too tight, too soon. 
Jackson's lips leaving wet kisses on her soft, smooth skin, his breath getting heavier and heavier at the thought of just taking what he wanted.. no, deserved. She smelled of.. a sweet, fruity scent that made his eyes roll in the back of his head, heart pounding in his chest at the burning list rushing through his veins. 
It was his wife’s duty to take care of his needs anyway so he could just slip it in her pussy while she kept sleeping, right? It's not like it would be the first time he did it. 
His bare chest kept moving up and down quickly, his chest hair tickling the woman’s back as his hips pressed harder against her round ass, making him groan softly breathless, his big hand flat against her tummy before he decided to pull carefully down the clothes that were covering her lower half.
His callous hand kneading his flesh of her butt, his breath caressing the shell of her ear 
“Fuck, honey” Jackson growled softly, smirking against the soft skin of her neck “Someone went to the gym, huh? This round ass of yours wasn’t that firm from what I remember” he praised softly, nibbling on her skin, getting more eager and horny. It was true, her body felt.. more firm. Sexier than the last time he had the opportunity to feel it well. 
It wasn't really surprising looking at how they just kept arguing all the time, the last time they slept together over six months ago. 
“Yeah..” he hummed, grinding his bare, leaking cock between her ass cheeks as he stretched to grab the lube from the bedside table. His bottom lip caged between his white teeth as he kept moving his hips. We don’t need a condom, do we, honey? He thought, glancing at the still sleeping woman, his chest pressed back against her back as he spreaded the lube on his cock, pumping it a couple of times before thrusting it between her clothed thighs. No, we don’t.. bet you won’t mind, he thought again as his eyes rolled back and his mouth dropped slightly. Remembering all the arguments she caused lately, acting ungrateful and rude towards her hardworking husband, Jackson bared his teeth involuntarily as anger filled his veins. 
He deserved to take her. Now and anytime.
His hips moved on their own as his hand kept her bare thighs together “Such a good, little slut” he murmured, increasing the speed after he checked that the woman was still asleep. 
His eyes narrowing softly as the thoughts kept spinning and occupying his mind, anger was now boiling in him as his hips increased the pace, making his skin slap against hers. His legs pressing her own down into the mattress, keeping her in place, angled the way he wished. 
That's the least she can do, he thought with arrogance, stay fucking put.
He couldn’t hold it any longer, the need to be inside of her completely overwhelming his senses. So completely lost in his pleasure he grabbed his cock, squeezing it in his fist lightly as his eyes fell shut for a moment, before moving her a bit. After making her change her position to allow him to press his thick cock at her entrance, Jackson's eyes widened feeling how wet she was in her sleep.
Someone had a wet dream too, huh? He thought with a grin. 
He didn't budge or planned to give her an easy time after waiting for several months. Mercilessly thrusting it completely at once, despite remembering how she always struggled to take him. 
His hips smacking her ass harshly “Nu, no spankies, daddy” a soft tired and breathless voice murmured, followed by a whine as his pubic bone kept slapping against her ass, his aching dick inside of the tight warm pussy, burying deeper and deeper with each stroke until finally, he nestled balls deep inside her for a moment, breathing deeply. Jackson didn't remember her being so.. tight. The sudden squeeze on his cock made him have to breathe a couple seconds to ensure he wouldn't cum right away.
“Daddy—” the voice repeated in a whine, squeezing him with her slick, hot walls as never before.
His incredibly bright eyes snapping open as soon as his brain registered whose voice it was, his hips continuing to thrusts in an animalistic pace. Fuck, he thought, stretching his body to go deeper inside of the warm cunt. His jaw dropping open in a silent groan when his hands grabbed his stepdaughter’s breasts from under her silky tank top.
“Fuck, baby.. shhh, everything is all right, go back to sleep.” he murmured, not stopping his assault at her cunt “Such a good girl, yes?” he praised, holding her closer as he increased the speed, listening to her soft moans and whimper.
Jackson wished he could stop, but the lack of pleasure for the last months made him go absolutely feral at the sensation of a tight pussy relentlessly squeezing him and sucking him right back in every time he'd pull back.
Y/n tried to look at him, turning her head to the side, but he didn't let her. Grabbing her jaw with his right hand, he squeezed it tightly keeping her head in place, panting right by her ear, his hot breath hitting the skin on her neck.
”Shouldn’t have come here dressed like that.” He hissed, hearing the whimpers pushing past her lips with each thrust. Jackson's hips had their own mind, picking up a fast rhythm, fucking her hard and without any intention of stopping despite knowing how wrong it was. 
“Where’s your mother?” he rasped out, groaning animalistically in the crook of her neck. It felt so.. forbidden for the both of them. 
Jackson couldn't help but let the little thought blossom in his mind, after getting neglected by his wife for so long. 
Revenge sounded pretty good to him, especially if it consisted in exploring and finding pleasure by using the young body that aroused him since the first time he saw her.
”She.. She..” Y/n attempted to respond, his fingers pressing on her neck a little too tightly to speak freely. ”She went to.. the club.” She managed to stutter out, followed by cries and loud moans as Jackson sped up, hitting her pussy harder than before as anger grew even more. 
“Of course, she went” he spat, clenching his jaw in annoyance and anger “Fucking whore” he insulted his wife, holding Y/n’s throat to keep her in position as his hips smacked against her red butt “But you are better, aren’t you?” He whispered, breathing deeply, inhaling her sweet scent again. 
Jackson leaned in closer, his wet lips grazing over her neck, a little above his hand. ”You’re not a whore like your mother, eh?” he breathed out, making her whine as his thick cock brushed her sweet spot “You’re a good girl, right, sweetheart?” His low voice praised her as Jackson's moves became more sloppy, more careless as he started feeling his climax getting closer and closer, tension in his lower stomach getting stronger with each thrust.
“Fuck, fuck—” he cursed, inhaling sharply… her scent getting him, making him feel surrounded and dizzy for a moment, till he suddenly felt a grip on his balls, her soft hand caressing them, causing him to finally shoot his load inside of her with a low groan.
“Fucking naughty thing” he rasped in her ear, making her giggle cutely that brought a small smile on his face. A smile that dropped as soon as her smaller hands moved his big one on her lower tummy “Will be a mommy now… mommy of your babies” she teased, holding back a smile as she felt his whole body tense, his hand gripping slightly the flesh of her tummy.
“W-what?” he murmured as thoughts ran inside of his head. 
Jackson was completely frozen as his brain started working again, no longer clouded with lust.
Y/n shut her eyes, feeling that he didn't soften inside her yet.. but rather twitched again. 
With a high pitched whine she started moving her hips while rubbing her clit, not wanting to be left without orgasm.
Jackson let out a choked breath, shocked with her previous statement as she kept moving, impaling herself on his still hard cock.
“Y/n..” He breathed out, holding her hips, but it didn't take long before she came, spasming and shaking for a couple minutes.
As soon as her orgasm subsided, Y/n breathed out with a giggle, turning back to face him. A mischievous smile on her face before he pecked his lips, turning back around.
“No worries, daddy, I'm on a pill.” 
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj @wife-of-magic-monkeys , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter , @mrkdvidal1989
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sweetdreamsbuck · 1 year
napping on the couch together if you feel so inclined 🥺💖
I'm here
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bucky x f!reader (gif not indicative of reader description)
w.c: 2.5k
a/n: Col, this strayed far from what it was originally meant to be, but I couldn't help myself. I hope you enjoy it<3
𝐢 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤.
Bucky’s never been one to be overbearing, in any way.
Protective and doting, certainly– never so that his attentive means of care made you feel anything but cherished, supported, grounded.
Your Bucky.
Meeting you, loving you, allowing something so priceless into his world, has changed everything for him. There’s a burning need to be the one constant in your life that knows you. To be the man who can take the pressures of the world from off of your shoulders with ease, weaving himself around every twinge of sadness, eclipsing all murmurs of insignificance and unrest, until all you know is the weight of his breath shouldering your heart.
“You listenin’ to me?” it’s not a question he ever finds himself asking, but tonight, his girl’s exhausted. Completely drained. And she came home with the wind knocked out of her lungs and harrowing sobs strangling her light.
Those familiar knuckles, vibranium and oh-so purposeful, stroked along your cheeks while rosy concern emanated from the swells of his own. Bucky finds it necessary now– their delicate dance of outlining the shape of your nose, smoothing the lines of distress and the tremble of your lips resting against his muscles– they’re the culprit of what coaxed your eyes shut in mere seconds.
His hands wield so much power– fragile, firm, thrilling tenderness you weren’t sure existed anywhere else outside of his touch. Impossible not to surrender to, falling deeper and deeper under his protection. But it’s purely selfish now how desperate Bucky is to touch you, to quell every fiber of worry or unease with the brush of his palm. He lives for the moment your body relaxes under his care, all tension and pain evaporating within the caress of his love. “Someone ready for bed?”
His voice is a whisper, a warm and honeyed heaven blanketing every inch of you. How a man of his size embodies the breeze of gentle winds rustling through blades of grass, well. You never have to wonder.
A fearsome beauty to behold, otherworldly– Bucky shines, burnished and ethereal; all of the terrifying Angel you know him to be.
The patter of freezing rain and rough winds plaguing the windows reminded you of how safe you were inside the life you shared. After all the isolating thoughts, after all the feelings of restless insignificance swimming round and round between your ears– Bucky’s here, soothing it all. Erasing any lingering struggle to find your footing, leaving nothing but the ghost of worshiping lips with husky whispers of how proud he is of you, how desperately he loves you with indescribable devotion rushing from his soul.
Each stroke, each breath, each kiss that danced along your skin echoes the sentiment of words Bucky’d shower you with until the day his heart stopped “Oh my sweet girl, I’m here.”
Crying had never felt so safe than while enveloped in his arms, strong hands soothing long paths along your tense back, lips falling protectively against your temple. He touches you as if you're the very thing that lights the sky; his words are hardly enough to prove how much of a miracle you are. Because to him, you are.
His miracle.
His pink lips barely leave your skin as his words sink in– a devastating touch each inch and scar of your being knows; Bucky’s kiss is final. And it lives within each curve, each insecurity, each smile, each ugly secret he knows took all the trust in the world to let him see, loving them enough for the both of you and then some– “I’m here, I’m here, I’m here.”
Bucky’s lips brand the words permanently, in absolution with tremors of his vigorous desire to be everything for you. “I got you. Whatever you need, let me,”– you need him, always.
Tonight hadn’t been any different. After what felt like hours of being shielded by his unwavering tenderness, of sobbing into his chest so rawly Bucky swore he felt his heart shredding in two, trying his hardest to catch all of you and never let go– resting your eyes for a moment against his stomach seemed to be just what you needed. Your head shook against thick muscle, his relaxing fingers slowed at your hairline, “N’am not, not tired. Just keep talking.”
Cool metal etched silent promises down to your hip, his piercing gaze staring at you with that look– the one that says he’s perfectly intent on staying like this, loving you, holding you until the messy and unforgiving world made a bit more sense. He needs it more than you most of the time. And then he’d get to hold you some more; knowing the overwhelming emotion he felt every time he looked at you was at peace within your veins.
“Really?” that deep voice crooned, playful, “‘Cause I think, you’re fallin’ asleep on me.”
Work had been hell the past few weeks while feelings of being alone were at an all-time high. Between wrestling with self-doubt, a workload that had somehow weaseled its way into your life and into the nightmares that kept you tossing and turning, all of the yelling and berating that shook you to your core because of mistakes that were entirely out of your control– of course. It was impossible not to.
You were falling asleep on the gentle thing you could never, ever, get enough of immersing yourself in. The one thing that proved time and time again, you could never be alone while Bucky still had air filling his lungs.
And maybe that’s why it’s so effortless to do so. The one thing that saw all of your broken pieces, the sharp edges you felt would threaten even the strongest– Bucky saw them, could paint them all by name like the scars marring his own body. He held them so tenderly, cherished each piece of you that you deemed burdensome so fiercely; nothing about you was a burden. Bucky admired all of you, desired all of you with a fervent need. It made your head spin, it made you feel whole.
“I’m not, just wanna hear your voice. Promise, I’m awake.” Bucky could hardly find it in himself to blink, not when your lips spread in a sweet smile he hadn’t seen in weeks. So small, so muted compared to the brilliance that nearly brought him to his knees every damn time he was in the presence of one. But it’s yours. “Please…”.
It’s weakening, mesmerizing, the bruise you leave with every display of your love. The serum only makes a man so strong; he’d never get enough of the way you wounded him.
Bucky gleams, and if you weren’t so spent, you’d see the air of ease filling his chest, the expanse of his shoulders quaking with reprieve.
Just when you thought you’d known everything there was to know about being seen, guarded by your very own earth angel, his hand closed around yours, tugging it gently to rest against his sternum. Bucky closed his eyes, leaning down to rest his nose within your knuckles. Inhaling, pulling you apart by the very seams and mending all at once– it seemed almost silly, how necessary his lips feel claiming the skin of your fingers, but your body felt the sensitive accusation of his kiss tenfold, “Even here. I’m here, too.”
You couldn’t stop the tears that blurred your vision if you tried.
There’s a lilt, always, pleasant and solid in his sigh when his eyes meet yours, your nerves buzzing from the way he always breathes you in vying for more. Vibranium tickles the tears under your eyes with adoration, a confirmation, he’d let you pretend you’re not falling asleep, that you really wanted to listen to him ramble on and on– so long as he gets to wound you, too.
That’s all you’ll ever need.
Your body knows, even on the cusp of sleep it craves him. More him, always more. His warmth, his support, the irresistible smell of his skin that always comes before relief. It slowly shifts, uncurling itself from the dip of the couch and closer to where Bucky’s fingers concealed your own.
His hands revel in that, it’s all they itch for; guiding your frame closer until your body collapses with deliverance, lashes teasing against his skin while your breathing slowed even more.
His eyes certainly never risk closing when you burrow further into his chest, hiding that exhausted pout within the shadows of his neck just above rough scar tissue. How could he miss even a second?
The echo of your heart mirrored the air puffing down his neck with every exhale sighed and it’s a revelation. Bucky revels in how perfect it feels to be wanted, to be trusted so deeply by the person who fills every color of his life with undying affection. He takes none of it for granted, especially not the soft hums the most distracting lips fall to adorn his throat with.
And then they melt on his skin, the featherlight promise of Bucky’s miracle resting against his pulse, again and again and again– it’s hardly his fault a shiver eases down his spine. Those damn lips. He’ll never be able to find language to express to you how good it feels, how addicting you are.
He’d do anything for you, be anything for you.
“Alright, sweet girl,” those strong hands wrap around your waist, plush lips greeting your eyelids with a dynamic song that sings I’m here. It’s okay to let go, let go, sweet girl. Let me love you. You’ve heard it countless times– have felt it endlessly since the first moment you invited him in behind those towering, frightening walls of your heart. But it’s soft, orchestrated with vulnerable direction, scruff-laced harmonies whispered against every inch of you, ostinato declarations of desire with a certain timbre only you know the key of “I’ll take care of you, just let me love you.”
“You’re gonna have to hear all about my perfect girl, but I can do that. Jus’let me hold you right.” The couch pillows already share the imprint of your body pressed up against his, of countless hours of entwined limbs and thick muscles sheltered within your arms. Yet, it always feels new, a different welcome each time, somehow more familiar than the last.
Bucky rearranged you both lying with his back nestled in the cushions, cradling you right atop his heart. “She’s so bright, the smartest.” Long fingers lifted under your chin, catching your eyes in their fight to stay open.
“And she’s the kindest soul, swear she’s made of stars.” He couldn’t help himself; that breathtaking glimmer washing so peacefully over your face, the trying lift of your mouth; he smoothed the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip before placing a kiss just under your nose, “beautiful,” on the plump of your cheek, “so, so beautiful,” on the corner of your mouth, “precious”. Bucky’s lips meld so softly with your own, your breath tasting of surrender, of bliss.
A sniffle slipped out, once then twice. “Strong. So damn strong,” a third time is when your body followed through with its fate, shaking slightly against him.
The way he holds you, knows you, worships you, leaving no room for questioning the torrents of emotion he treads– it’s maddening. Bucky walks with the years of his own pain, yet bleeds with the certainty of just how easy it is to love you, to devour you whole with the joyous bruise of being loved in return.
“Shh hey, hey…what?” he worried, rubbing a calloused thumb from your quivering lip all the way to your creased forehead.
“What what?”
Forced bemusement of his concern rumbled delightedly beneath you, “You’re okay,” his nose bumped against yours, lips following, “but what’s goin’ on in that pretty head of yours, hm?” Bucky’s nose wiggled down to behind your ear, peppering quick pecks on the skin there until you were squirming.
You giggled– oh god you fucking giggle and Bucky’s ruined. It erupted, and he felt it everywhere; goosebumps, swirling until they bled so potent beneath his skin. Nothing else could matter more than the promising sound of the home he’s allowed himself to live in.
“I don’t know,” he feels it in your eyes– so telling of the devotion Bucky deserves– honest, and they can’t seem to get enough of the curve of his nose, the freckles that dance along the high points of his concerned features. Those serene, startling blue eyes. Always seeing you, always longing for you.
Home. Your Bucky.
“I’m just so tired.”
Bucky would relive every moment he’s endured to always know what it feels like to be loved by you, to be clung to in your most vulnerable of states, with glazed-over eyes tormented and drowsy, to know of the rapture that exists in holding you tight until the air drowning your lungs is full of his love, of soothing breaths. To nurture you, accept your feelings and emotions with open hands, however they may present themselves.
He wants it all. Just you.
Bucky could only pull you closer, breathing you in as plump lips gently lay on your forehead, resolute arms embracing you with reverence.
He clears his throat, ready for you to listen, “Sometimes, I wonder how I got here. You know how special this is to me? The light of my dreams, so damn comfortable in my arms. Did’ya know that? Used to dream of you,” his knuckles swiped away the remaining wet trails from your face, calloused fingers softly spidering along your shoulders.
“Really? My Bucky?”
My Bucky– god he could burst.
The flush spreading along his cheeks hardly phased him, he nestled his nose against you further, nodding.
“Didn’t ever get to see you, but I know it. Had to be you, watching over me. Better than I could have even imagined. Sweetest damn eyes, hurts my chest a little just thinking about going a whole lifetime without ever knowing them. Prettiest heart in the whole world, you save me a little more every time I look at ya. When I get to hold you. You have no idea what you are to me.”
Me? your tongue attempted. It comes out as more of a yawn, already asleep.
“All I ever needed. Lucky bastard I am, huh?” Bucky hates how the world seems to take your compassion for granted, walking all over your kindness as if it’s expendable. It’s not. Not even a little bit. God only knows the serenity it’s granted him, of the fresh air it’s offered Bucky to live within each day.
“You’re the first thing I’ve had in a long time. And you make me feel whole, capable. I could be myself, learn to, at least. Not… disappear. Could never do that, not now. I have years to make up for, a whole life to live. A home to get back to at the end of the day. And I got the sweetest thing in the whole damn universe to love. You got no idea…”
A questioning whimper of his name rumbles against his throat, safe and asleep in the soundness of his chest.
“M’right here, sweet girl. I got you.” Your Bucky, he thought.
The rain kept pouring, the night remained dark and chilled, but all Bucky could focus on was the heart beating warmly against his own. He counted your breaths as they landed safely within his black and gold shoulder– the only metal that would ever know the enormity of what a miracle you were– just as his eyelids drift closed.
“M’right here, sweet girl. I got you.” Your Bucky, he thought.
The rain kept pouring down, the night remained dark and chilled, but all Bucky could focus on was the heart beating warmly against his own. He counted your breaths as they landed safely within his black and gold shoulder; the only metal that truly knew the enormity of what a miracle you were; just as his eyelids drift closed.
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absurdthirst · 2 months
One Night in St. John's {Frankie Morales x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 15.3k
Warnings: Alcohol/drug use, infidelity, oral sex (female receiving), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dirty talk, regret, abusive relationships, emotional/physical abuse, isolation, baby trapping, domestic violence, threats of death, weapons, drugging, hostage situation, death by gun violence, PTS, shock, therapy, confessions, oral sex (male receiving)
Comments: Drunk and high, you and Frankie give into the desires you've kept hidden from one another. One night in St. John's, one brief moment in time in each other's arms. You go back to your lives, sure that it's causing Frankie to pull away from your team even more, but there's a more sinister and heartbreaking reason.
A/N: Domestic violence/abuse comes in all shapes, sizes and genders. If reading about an abusive relationship would be triggering, please do not read.
Co-written by @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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Your nerves are shot, hands shaking, your entire body shaking as you sit under the hot water as the dirt and blood swirls down the drain. You’re alive, although you could have been like Tom, wrapped up in a blanket and carried out from the mountains where he had been killed. You had carried his body, cried and grieved, now alone with your thoughts and they aren’t exactly the happiest. Lonely and hurt, you try to ignore the baggie you had in your bag, now sitting on the table out in your room. Trying to resist snorting the fine white powder to manage the pain, to forget. Salty tears mix with the water as you cry in your first shower since you had tried to steal from Lorea and had ended up running for your lives. 
Frankie sighs as he puts the phone down on the nightstand. He’d just spoken to Darcy who let him speak to Ava. The ten month old has no idea what he’s saying but he had to speak to his daughter. He had to speak to her after nearly fucking dying, after Tom died. He rubs his eyes and runs his fingers through his damp hair, feeling antsy and like a caged lion. He needs to get out of this damn room. He gets dressed and makes his way down to the hotel bar, ordering a whiskey as soon as he’s sitting down and he groans at the first sip he takes. 
“This seat taken?” You ask him and he looks at you, “you want a drink?” He asks and you nod so he gestures for the bartender to come over. You order your drink and turn to look at Frankie. He’s so handsome, even with exhaustion seeping deep into his bones, he makes your heart flutter but he has a girlfriend, he has a daughter. When you get your drink, you hold it up towards Frankie, “to Redfly.” He nods, clinking his glass with yours. Tears sting in your eyes when you look in the mirror behind the bar to you and Frankie, the realization that you came so close to death still weighing heavy. “That was a shit show, huh?” You joke softly, trying to conceal your watery eyes.
“Yeah.” Frankie blows out a breath and sighs, shaking his head. He wants to cry but he doesn’t feel like it will come out of him. Too used to repressing his feelings until he explodes. He feels it, itching under his skin, clawing to get out. “You doing okay?” He asks gruffly, clearing his throat and motioning towards the bartender for another round.
You swallow down the lump in your throat and you shake your head. “I keep- all i can see when I close my eyes is Tom. Dead on that mountain. How it could’ve been all of us. Any of us. And Molly and the girls…they are going to be devastated. I feel so guilty. Like there was - we could’ve saved him.” You know that’s not possible, Tom got himself killed but you feel guilty for your captain getting killed on your watch. The bartender sets another whiskey down for Frankie and you turn to look at him, “I can’t - we nearly died.”
“We didn’t though.” Frankie insists, picking up his drink and nudging yours over in front of you. “Fuck I wish this was something stronger.” He grunts as he tilts his head back and throws back the shot. Feeling the burn of the alcohol as it slides down his throat. His life is in shambles, no one knows how bad it is, not even Benny and for a moment, he wishes it had been him on that mountain.
You pick up your drink and down it, needing to feel numb like he wants to. “I have…I have something stronger. In my room.” You confess, “it’s, uh, I picked it up when we were in the coke fields.” You confess, knowing you shouldn’t have grabbed the packet but it was right there and you didn’t know if you were going to live or die.
He had been tempted. Surrounded by all that cocaine, he had been sorely tempted to take some. To know you have some in your room makes his stomach twist and his craving get even stronger. “Fuck.” He stands up and reaches into his pocket for some cash. “What the fuck are we waiting for?” He asks you. “I want to fucking forget the last week and a half.”
You nod, standing up and you grab your room key, quickly making your way up to the third floor and you open your door, hearing him close it behind him and you grab the baggie, working fast to cut lines on the desk in the corner. Frankie rolls up one of the hundred dollar bills from the bag you grabbed from Lorea’s and you use your hotel room key. “Ladies first.” Frankie says, handing you the bill and you bend over, snorting the line and you shake your head at the rush you get immediately before you hand the bill to Frankie.
Anticipation curls in his stomach as he bends down. Blowing out a breath, he closes his mouth and snorts up the entire line quickly. Groaning and tossing his head back as the jolt to his system immediately slams into him and the euphoria washes over him. “Shit, shit.” He huffs, leaning down and doing another line in his other nostril before gasping and handing the bill back to you. “It’s fuckin’ pure.”
“Purest shit I’ve ever done. I, uh, I haven’t done this for years. Not since college.” You confess and bend over to do another line. The second hits you hard and you set the bill down as you wipe your nose, shifting to sit on the bed. “Shit. I feel…peaceful.” You sigh, your racing thoughts finally silent as you close your eyes, feeling the bed dip as Frankie sits down next to you.
“Only goddamn time I have peace.” Frankie hums, feeling the lovely floating sensation start to drift over him as his mind goes fuzzy and the smell of your shower gel seeps into his nostrils. His cock twitches and he thinks about how fucking beautiful you are. “Only time I get hard now too.” He blurts out, the intimacy in his relationship dead and buried, he had used to hide the fact that he couldn’t get it up for her anymore, able to fuck while high had been a good thing for him.
You open your eyes and frown when you look at him, “Darcy…she doesn’t - wow.” You finish lamely and clear your throat. “Sorry. That was-” He murmurs and you shake your head, reaching out to take his hand in yours. “It’s okay. Nothing leaves this room. It’s just the two of us. Whatever we say or do doesn’t leave here, okay?” You reassure him, wanting him to know he can trust you.
It’s on the tip of his tongue to tell you. To lay out everything that’s been happening and how miserable he is. Turning and looking into your concerned, beautiful eyes, he’s hypnotized by their color and depths. Not thinking about anything but you, he lunges forward and presses his lips to yours with a moan.
You respond, much to your shame, you respond and reach up to cup his cheeks. Your lips move against his and you pull back after a second. “Frank-” You murmur but he silences you with another kiss, not wanting to think about anything but you. You allow him to drag you down and you tangle your fingers in his hair as his tongue slides along your lips and your tongue meets his with a low groan.
He wants you, he’s always wanted you, but right now he feels like he’s going to die if he doesn’t touch you. His cock is already hard, throbbing as your tongue slides against his and he flips you onto your back and straddles you, pushing against your belly with his straining bulge. “Want you.” He manages as he pulls away to start biting and kissing along your jaw. “So fucking long. So beautiful.”
You can’t resist, fuelled by booze and coke, you can’t say no to the man you’ve been in love with for years. You couldn’t say anything when you served together and when you found out about Darcy and her being pregnant in the same sentence, you resigned yourself to being his friend. “Me too. Always wanted you. Fuck, Cat. I need you to - please. Fuck me.” You beg, reaching up to grab the back of his shirt, tugging on it and needing to feel his skin.
“Fuck, you’re so soft.” He marvels, stroking your sides and kissing your neck. “How are you so soft?” He’s imagined this thousands of times, sometimes when his hand is wrapped around his cock and sometimes when he was fucking Darcy. Luckily he had never moaned your name. Frankie kisses down your chest and circles your nipple with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth like a hungry baby.
You gasp and tangle your fingers in his hair, “Frankie.” You whimper when he bites down and he sucks where he bites. You wrap your leg around him and grind into him, pushing his bulge into your covered pussy and you moan in response.
He rocks his hips, shamelessly rutting into the hot core between your thighs. It feels better than he could have imagined and he’s not even inside you yet. He suckles until your nipple is swollen, moving over to the other breast and he knows he wants to bury his face in your cunt. “Take- take your fucking shorts off.” He growls, tongue dipping into your belly button as he moves lower.
Your heart beats out of your chest, already dripping with anticipation and you follow his growled demand without hesitation. You lift your hips as much as you can so you can take your shorts off after unbuttoning them and Frankie is impatient, reaching down to drag them off of your legs along with your panties, pushing your thighs apart when you are bare beneath him.
“Fuck.” He groans, seeing your wet folds and reaching out to spread them wide to expose your clit. “I’m so fucking hungry.” He lunges forward to slide his tongue through your folds and around your clit, pressing his nose to your mound with the enthusiasm of a starving man.
"Fuck!" You yelp, surprised at the ferocious way he buries his face into your cunt and you swear you nearly cum then and there when you look down and see his eyes are already black, pupils blown wide from the coke, and hungry. You moan and tug on his hair, "fuck, Frank - shit." You pant, lifting your leg up onto his shoulder.
It just makes him push deeper, sliding his tongue down to push up inside you. Loving the way your soaked walls clench around his tongue. He wraps his arms around your other thigh and pushes it out, opening you up more to his mouth. He would swallow you whole if he could. Cock throbbing in his jeans, grinding into the bed beneath him and swearing he could stay right here all night feasting on you.
"Oh God!" You cry, your head pressing into the mattress and you can't believe how good he feels, how good his tongue feels. Better than you've ever imagined and you've imagined it a lot. For years, you've wanted Frankie and now that you finally got him, you are breathless. "Shit. So good, baby. God, you're so good." You pant, getting closer as his nose presses against your clit.
He loves praise, soaks it up and is desperate for more. He moans into your folds and curls his tongue up inside you. Your fingers in his hair are magical and he hates pulling away for a second but he wants to suck on your clit.
  Your stomach twists as you get closer to cumming and his lips suck harder on your clit. "Fi-fingers. Need your fingers, baby." You plead and moan when his thick digits push inside of you. "Yesss." You hiss, squeezing your eyes shut and it doesn't take long for you to fall over the edge with a moan of his name.
As hard as he is, he wants to see you cum again. Needs to see it, to feel it. Your cum floods his mouth and it's like ambrosia. Making him moan as he laps it up and pumps his fingers into your grasping walls. Enjoying the squelch of your wetness around his fingers.
"Shit." You hiss as you are pushed into overstimulation but he doesn't stop. You moan his name again, a desperate plea for what, you aren't sure. You don't want him to stop but it's so intense. "Oh fuck." You moan, thighs starting to shake as he curls his fingers inside of you.
“Give me another.” Frankie demands, pulling away so he can swallow and then sucking your clit back into his mouth. It’s been so long since he’s wanted to pleasure someone he’s drunk on the sensation, greedy for more.
You gasp for air, every breath taken from you by his mouth and his fingers. "It's too much." You pant and Frankie growls, "another." 
You can't deny him, pushing through the overstimulation and falling over the edge to another orgasm. "F-Fr-" You try to get his name out but all you can do is squeak.
Frankie groans, working his mouth even harder as he watches you. Your entire body arches up and he feels the spurt of precum soak his boxers. Finding it to be a gorgeous sight as you gasp and writhe for him.
You collapse against the bed, eyes still closed as you try to calm down after the best orgasms you've ever had. "I wanna see you." You tell him, shifting out from under him and kneeling on the bed. He follows your orders and lays down, working on unbuttoning his pants and you shove them down his legs after he kicks off his shoes. Throwing them to the floor, you focus back on Frankie and see the bulge in his boxers, the dark look in his eyes, and the way his chest heaves. You reach up to hook your fingers in his boxers, pulling them down, and you moan at the sight of his hard cock. "Fuck, you're thick." You murmur, spitting into your hand then you wrap your fingers around him, marveling at the feel of the silky hot skin.
“Shit.” He hisses, rocking his hips up into your grip and groaning your name. He’s imagined you touching him, never quite able to imagine it as good as this. “Fuck, are you- what do you want?” He demands breathlessly. “I need you baby.”
“I want to - I want to ride you. I- I have an IUD. Please Frank. I need you inside of me.” You beg and he nods, leaning down to grab your arms so he can drag you up his body. You shuffle to straddle him, his cock between your folds as you grind down on him and the drugs combined with the high you get from Frankie has you feeling on top of the world.
“So goddamn beautiful.” Frankie groans, tearing up to press his lips to your shoulder. He should be desperate to get inside you, but he loves how you are rolling your hips over his cock. Holding tight to your back as he pulls you down and kisses along your shoulder.
You moan, turning your head so you can press your lips to his, not wanting to waste a second of this night together. He isn’t yours. Can never be yours. This is all you’ll have. You reach between you, gripping his cock and you lift up to position him at your entrance, slowly sinking down onto him and you whimper against his chin at the stretch.
“Holy fuck.” He pants, cock twitching and it’s all he can do to keep from rocking up into you. Trying to give you time to adjust. The Coke and the feeling of you are nearly making him black out from pleasure. “So good baby, fuck you are so tight and sweet.”
You exhale shakily, shifting to brace your hands on his chest as you take all of him. Your heart is pounding in your chest from the coke and the fact that it’s Frankie beneath you. “Feel so good, Frankie.” You whimper, caressing his chest as you give yourself a second before you start to move on top of him.
“So good, baby.” He groans. “I can’t believe that it feels so good. Move baby.” He begs you, fingers digging into your hips as he braces his feet in the bed.
You moan, nodding as you start to rock on top of him, lifting up until you can sink back down onto his cock. His thighs lift you so you can move forward and you grind onto his cock. “Fuck.” You pant, jaw dropping at the angle.
“That good, baby?” Frankie grunts. “Your little cunt is squeezing me.” His hands squeeze your hips, not slapping, he would never slap you. He groans when his words affect you and he squeezes your hips again. “You like that, baby girl? You like me telling you how tight your pussy is on my cock?”
You nod, speechless from the dirty talk. His rough voice sends shivers down your spine, and you move a little faster on top of him. "Shit. Yes. I do. I love it. I wanna - wanna hear more, Francisco." You demand softly, leaning down to kiss along his jaw.
“Fuck.” When Frankie is high, he’s more talkative, the thoughts inside his head just come pouring out of him easier than he would sober. “Always wanted to fuck you. Imagined it, dreamed of it, jerked off to the thought of it.” He admits with a dirty grin. His hand slides up to your breast and he squeezes it, rolling your nipple between his fingers. “So many nights. The entire time we served together, I wanted you.”
“Oh God.” Your stomach clenches at his dirty confession and you pant against his collarbone, clenching around him. “Me too. Shit, so many nights spent wishing you were in my bed. You were inside of me. Always knew it would be amazing. And it is.” You reveal, rocking back onto him, “it’s so good.”
“So good.” He groans in agreement. “You- I -“ he shakes his head. “Fuck me.” He begs, knowing that he can’t tell you that. Not with the way his life is. He can’t drag you into his mess, not when he doesn’t know how he’s getting out of it himself. Or if he’s getting out of it.
You reach for his hands, gripping them as you start to move faster on his cock. “Fuck baby. Oh God.” You pant, tits bouncing as you work yourself towards your orgasm as your knees dig into the mattress.
“That’s it baby, ride my cock.” Frankie groans. “Always- fuck, you’re better than my fantasy.” He praises, watching you and completely enthralled with the sight.
The awed look he gives you sends you over the edge, his eyes glassy and mouth open as he looks at you like you’re a goddess. It makes you cum and you clamp down on his cock with a strangled choke of his name, falling forward until your forehead is pressed against his. Body shaking above him and he thrusts up into you to help you prolong your high.
It’s the best sex he’s ever had, groaning your name as he watches you cum. It’s a vision that he would love to have burned in his brain. Rocking his hips up frantically as he chases his own end.
You try to grind back onto him, wanting him to cum inside of you. “Cum for me, Francisco. I want to feel you.” You beg, kissing along his neck, wanting to leave your mark but knowing you can’t.
“Fuck, fuck.” Frankie groans, unable to resist giving you what you want. Especially since it’s what he wants too. He thrusts up into you wildly, only making it another half dozen thrusts before he’s filling you, painting your walls with hot spurts of his cum.
You hum with satisfaction, shifting to press your lips to his. His tongue is harsh against yours as his hips slowly thrust into you as he rides his orgasm and you run your fingers through his hair as he fills you. After he stops, he rolls you onto your side and curls around you. You smile into his chest, closing your eyes as the high of the drugs and the sex courses through you. There’s so much you want to say but you can’t. You just have tonight. Tomorrow, you deposit the money and Frankie goes home to his family.
Frankie hums, grateful when you don’t want to talk. All he wants to do is hold you. Wrapping his arms around you and pulling you down on his chest as he closes his eyes. “Wanna sleep here.” He mumbles quietly.
You hum back, placing your palm on his chest to feel his heartbeat, reassured that he’s safe and alive. You kiss his Adam’s apple, “sleep, sweetheart. Tomorrow is gonna be messy.” You murmur, closing your eyes as exhaustion overwhelms you along with the crash from your high.
When Frankie wakes up, the light is starting to filter through the curtains and he’s sober. Realizing that he hadn’t been dreaming is both the best and worst thing that has ever happened to him. He can’t believe that he got to touch you, although he feels bad because he cheated. He made you a cheater and that was worse. He shifts slowly, not wanting to wake you up until he is out of the bed. Grabbing his clothes and fleeing quietly.
When you wake up, the sheets beside you are cold and you squint, feeling that headache you get after drinking too much but now it’s a combination of booze and coke. You sit up and bite your lip after you shake off the haze of waking up. He left. You shouldn’t be upset about that. He has a family. Shit, you - he cheated and you cheated with him. Shame burns inside of you. He has a baby with Darcy, he - he has a partner and you cheated with him. You feel dirty, shifting out of bed and you get into the shower, desperate to wash off his touch, hating that you can still feel his lips on your skin. The thing you wanted forever makes you sick with disgust at yourself. You stay under the water until it goes cold and reluctantly dress to meet the boys to deposit the money that will make you all for the rest of your life’s. 
You watch Benny walk out of the room after giving his share to Redfly’s family and you know you have to do the same. Signing your name before you get up to follow the boys, your eyes meeting Frankie’s for a moment and he looks away. Your heart shatters but you’re reminded that you can’t tell anyone about last night.
Frankie frowns as he stares at the contract in front of him. It’s a lot of money. Money that he could use to leave Darcy. Get his pilot’s license back and leave the horrible relationship he’s in. Get custody of the baby, hopefully. Or at least not get fucked with visitation. It’s hard to not think about this, even though he knows that he should give the money to Redfly’s family. The man died. His kids deserve that money. Still he stares at the contract for far longer than he should before he crumples up the paper and signs the document to give the money away. Sadness and despair overwhelming him, even as he slaps Pope on the shoulder and ambles out of the room like the weight of the world isn’t on his shoulders.
You watch Frankie as you stand in the middle of the street, passers-by pushing past but you stare at Frankie, knowing this is it. He will go back to Darcy and who knows when you’ll talk to him next. He keeps to himself nowadays and even Santi has trouble trying to get hold of him. “You’ll need these.” Santi says as he hands everyone back their passports. “I guess I’ll see you all next at the funeral?” Will says and you nod, knowing Frankie can’t avoid that. “See you soon.” Will steps forward to hug you, kissing your cheek and Benny then Santi does the same. Next is Frankie and you struggle to maintain your composure as you hug him tight.
Frankie tries to hug you as quickly as possible but he can’t help but linger for just a moment. Clinging to you for a second as the dreams of the future, a future with you, slip away. “Well, I gotta get home.” He tells the group, not looking any of you in the eye. He nods and turns around to disappear into the crowd.
It’s hard seeing Frankie again, all of you in dress uniform and you see Darcy holding Ava as she sits in a pew behind Molly and the girls. It’s hard to be around Frankie because he’s not even texted you since you’ve been back. Not that you expected anything of him when you got home but a check in would’ve been nice. You’ve texted him, asking him how he’s doing and you’ve been left on read. Your heart aches for Frankie but today, it grieves for Tom, your leader, and you focus on him instead of the man you yearn for.
Frankie doesn’t even dare look at all of you, knowing how pissed Darcy is that he didn’t come home with the money he had promised her when he had left. He knows she blames all of you for the fuck up in South America and why she cannot have a life of luxury. Instead, he focuses on the funeral, his part in the honor guard so he can finish up and leave. Darcy doesn’t want to stay past the burial.
When the service is over, everyone is heading to Molly’s house for the wake and you are confused when you arrive there after stopping for gas and don’t see Frankie or Darcy. “Where did Frankie go?” You ask Santi who sighs. 
“Darcy wanted to take Ava home and Frankie had to go too.” He explains and you frown, knowing it’s not like Frankie to leave early, especially when today is about Tom. 
“I still can’t believe you gave the money away.” Darcy shakes her head after putting Ava down for her nap. “You’re a fucking spineless bastard.” Darcy hisses at Frankie who stands there with his arms crossed, shoulders hunched. “You should’ve been selfish. For Ava. For me. I already bought a Louis Vuitton purse for my birthday because you promised you’d get me something to make up for being such a failure and getting suspended at work. I gotta take it back. You know how embarrassing that’s gonna be for me, baby?”
“I’m sorry, baby.” The apology is automatic, his heart starting to race as his pulse jumps up. “I’ll- I’ll pick up more hours.” He’s got part time work that’s been able to sustain them with his retirement and disability. “You don’t have to take it back, baby. You keep it.”
Darcy shakes her head, “no. I’ll take it back. I don’t need you telling me that we need to be budgeting the groceries. Honestly, you’re pathetic. Leaving your family for two weeks and you didn’t bring back anything to show for it.” Darcy scoffs and Frankie frowns, “I got seventeen grand.” Darcy snorts, “yeah? And where’s that gone? On trying to fight your suspension. When we met, I thought you were capable of looking after me. I thought you were gonna take care of me and our daughter but you’re a failure. How are you gonna make this up to me?”
Frankie swallows, hating how she continuously pokes and pushes him, grinding him into the dirt with her venom. “However you want me too, baby.” He placates, moving towards her automatically to wrap his arms around her. If she pushes him away, he knows he needs to just be quiet and let her vent her disappointment. But she would also accuse him of not caring if he didn’t make a move to comfort her, so he was picking one and seeing if it was the right move today.
Darcy lets him wrap his arms around her and she slides her hands down his back and under his uniform to pinch his side, making Frankie wince. “I don’t need your fucking comfort, Frank. I need you to do your job to provide for this family.” She hisses and pushes him away, “my parents told me to not have the baby. Didn’t think you were good enough for me and you know what? They were right.” She shakes her head and turns towards the counter to make herself a cup of coffee.
Frankie sighs, although he makes sure that she doesn’t hear it. That would cause another fight. “I’m sorry.” He murmurs. “I’ll make it up to you.” He promises. “I’ll get my license back and then we won’t have to worry about anything.”
Darcy snorts again, “you better otherwise me and Ava will be gone. I’ll move in with my parents.” She threatens and pours her coffee. After a few moments, she says your name, “did you see her? She looks like she’s put on weight. I don’t think anyone was fooled that her uniform still fits properly. It looked like she was about to burst out of it. No wonder she doesn’t have a boyfriend. No one's gonna wanna date the Pillsbury dough boy.”
Frankie frowns, looking at her back and wondering if she’s serious. His friend and teammate died and she’s commenting about your looks? You don’t look any different than the day you left the Army. “Her uniform was fine.” He tells her. “Nothing was ill fitting, she could pass inspection today.” He knows you haven’t gained any weight, but he can’t say that. The image of you riding him is a secret memory, one that he will think of often.
Darcy turns, staring at her partner, “really? She could pass inspection?” She mocks his words, “all the others were thinking it. She’s a fatso, Frank. And she shouldn’t have gone with you all to South America. Trying to run with the boys. I bet that’s why Tom got killed, because you were all running around trying to protect her. She’s useless. She is a military groupie gone too far and she thinks she’s capable but she put you all in danger.” Darcy gives her opinion without any remorse, speaking her mind as she always does and she turns back to pour creamer in her coffee.
“She didn’t do that.” Frankie snorts, shaking his head. “You need to stop fucking talking about her like that. She’s got just as many medals for courage and valor as Ben, she’s not a military groupie, she’s a veteran and deserves respect.” He snaps, pissed off that she constantly belittles your accomplishments.
Darcy moves so fast he doesn’t even register that she’s slapped him until he sees her hand lowering from his face. The sting comes a few seconds later and he realizes he went too far in his defense of you. “Don’t you ever - ever - defend that fucking bitch in my house, okay? She has always pined after you and you disrespect me by giving her compliments? No, Frank. No. You fucking apologize right now to me.” She demands, crossing her arms.
His eyes are wide, unable to believe that she just hit him. She’s shoved him, slapped at his chest but she’s never hit him in the face. “No.” He shakes his head. “I’m not apologizing for her being a veteran.” He tells her, his stomach churning and twisting in anxious nausea. Fearful of what she might do again, but still not ready to talk bad about you. You’ve never done anything wrong to her, until this trip, but Darcy doesn’t know that.
Darcy doesn’t hesitate, turning back to her coffee and she grabs the spoon she has in the mug, turning back to Frankie and pressing the spoon to his neck. He winces but she grabs the back of his neck to keep it pressed to his skin. “Apologize. To. Me.” She demands, pressing the spoon harder into his neck.
Frankie hisses, the hot spoon burning his skin but he almost doesn’t apologize. Deciding that he’s had enough of her shit until he hears Ava start to cry, obviously not wanting to go down for her nap. With the mood she’s in, Darcy would take it out on his daughter and he can’t have that. “I’m sorry.” He chokes out. “I’m sorry, baby, I- I don’t know what I was thinking.” He tells her breathlessly. “The funeral, losing Tom, it’s fucking with me. I’m not thinking straight.”
Darcy pulls the spoon away from his neck, setting it down and reaching up to cup his cheek. "It's okay, baby. I know it's been stressful. For me, too. I love you. You know that, right?" She coos, leaning in to kiss the burn she left on his skin.
Frankie shudders but he makes himself wrap his arms around her again and snuggle into her. “I know. You’re the only one who could put up with me.” It’s a statement that she’s said over and over again and he is starting to believe it.
“That’s damn right.” She chuckles, “I better go check on Ava.” Darcy says, leaning back with a smile at her partner and she walks out of the kitchen to check on the crying baby. Frankie exhales shakily, leaning against the kitchen counter. He has faced combat in the most dangerous areas in the world, nearly died from bullets flying past him, and flown a helicopter under high stress but Darcy seems to crumble his strength. Her power over him stems from keeping Ava safe and his morality. He would never hit a woman so he takes what she does to him. He doesn’t want to fight. He’s so tired of fighting. 
It’s been weeks since you heard from Frankie and the guilt is eroding your insides. It’s haunting you and you don’t know how to handle it. You’ve never been a cheater and not hearing from Frankie has you worried that you’ve ruined your friendship. You decide to send him a text, saying hi and asking how he is.
Frankie’s phone is constantly being checked by Darcy since his outburst. Nearly every night and he has even stopped talking to Ben as much as he used to. Not wanting to rehash every comment he made to his buddy or what his mentality was. When he gets the text from you, he panics and nearly deletes it, but then it would cause a complete shitstorm. Instead he doesn’t even open his messages and waits for Darcy to look through it.
“Why is she texting you?” Darcy asks, pausing the tv and grabbing Frankie’s phone. “She is asking how you are. Why would she ask that? Have you been talking to her behind my back? Have you - explain this, Frank. Now.” She says, shoving the phone towards him.
“What? No! No, I haven’t been talking to her!” Frankie defends. “I- she’s probably checking in with everyone. Tom died, Darc. It - it’s heavy shit. We all blame ourselves.” He quickly rationalizes. “I’m not talking to her, you told me not to and I’m - baby, I’m not going to jeopardize my relationship with you.” He tells her, reaching out to rub her arm.
Darcy shrugs off his touch, “don’t fucking lie to me!” She shouts, despite Ava being asleep. “She’s a whore. Trying to take you away from me. I see the way she looks at you. She wants to tear our family apart and you are letting her do it. You never touch me. We don’t have sex. It’s her, isn’t it?” Darcy cries, starting to sob.
“No, no baby.” Frankie shakes his head and wonders if she suspects something. Guilt and worry curling in his stomach. “No, you told me that I was treating you like my sex toy, I - I didn’t want you to think that’s all I wanted from you.” It was ironic when he used to want sex that she would complain, now he doesn’t even ask and she complains. “Only you, baby.”
Darcy sniffs, wiping her eyes, “yeah?” She asks and Frankie nods. “Good. I Don’t want you talking to her.” She narrows her watery eyes and shifts to sit beside him once more. She grips his chin and leans in to press her lips to his. “You’re mine. Don’t forget that.”
“I won’t.” He can’t. She reminds him everyday and for the hundredth time since he came back, he wishes he had been the one killed. If it weren’t for Ava, he would have left her, long ago. But he knows she will never let him see his daughter again. “I won’t talk to her.” He promises quietly, mourning the loss of all of his friends since he has been with her. He will end up completely alone.
“Good.” She kisses him again, letting go of his chin and she settles in to watch the tv again. “You’re so good to me, baby.” She coos, sliding her hand down his chest to play with the buttons of his shirt, “makes me wet when you do what I want.”
Shit. He knows she wants sex now, especially since she’s brought it up. 
“Yeah?” Frankie grunts, capturing her hand and sliding it down and onto his thigh. “Let me go pee, baby.” He asks her. “That way we don’t have to worry about anything when I take you to bed.”
Darcy nods, biting her lip as she smirks and watches him go into the bathroom. Frankie locks the door behind him and braces his hands on the sink, looking into the mirror. He doesn’t want to have sex with her but he has no choice. If he doesn’t, she will hurt him again, either emotionally or physically and his biggest fear is her hurting Ava. He will take every slap and pinch she gives him if his daughter is safe. 
He finds the baggie he has hidden under the towels and in the linen closet. Working fast, he puts some onto the back of his hand and snorts it, wiping his nose. It’s enough to numb him to do what he needs to do, his thoughts drifting to you and how you looked riding him. He sniffs and hides the baggie again, splashing water on his face before he heads into the bedroom to do what he needs to do. 
“Is Frankie coming?” You ask Santi who glances at his watch. 
“He didn’t respond.” He says and you frown. No one has heard from or seen Frankie for weeks since you returned from South America and you don’t want to see him. He’s ignored you since you parted ways and you’re hurt. You thought your friendship would survive but he refuses to even text you back.
Frankie had barely been able to convince Darcy that if he didn’t show up to Benny’s fight that it would look strange. He had promised her he would just go to the fight, immediately coming home and he would have one beer. Nothing more. And he wouldn’t talk to you. Frankie shakes his arms and then wipes his hands on his jeans as he walks in, nervous about seeing everyone. The bruises on his sides twinge, reminding him of the promise he had made to behave.
Your eyes widen when you see Frankie sit down, shocked that he made it when Pope didn't think he would. His eyes meet yours after he greets everyone with a nod and you offer him a small smile that he returns until it drops, his eyes widening slightly before he turns his head away from you. Your heart twists with that and you wonder why he's actively avoiding you. He clearly regrets that night and now, so do you. Frankie's phone buzzes and he pulls it out of his pocket to see a text from Darcy. ‘Remember, one drink baby. Don't talk to her. Don't linger. I want you home as soon as it ends otherwise I won't be happy. Love you.’
Frankie swallows harshly and stows his phone, leaning over to Pope. “Gotta leave after the fight.” He yells over the crowd. “Baby’s not feeling good.” He lies, knowing no one would blame him for that. The fact that you lean in and he’s close to touching you makes him jerk back and sit straight, sure that Darcy would catch your perfume if he touched you, even innocently.
Darcy texts Frankie several more times throughout the fight, even asking him to take a photo of it to prove where he is. It's strange because she never accused him of cheating until he came back from South America. Maybe something changed, maybe he changed. He doesn't know but he concentrates on Benny and cheers him when he wins. "I gotta go. Tell Benny congrats." Frankie says as he slaps Santi on the shoulder and he looks at you with those beautiful brown eyes. "See you later." He offers you a small smile then rushes off before the crowds try to leave and you frown, turning back to Pope.
 "Something isn't right with him." You assess and Santi nods, squeezing your shoulder until you focus on Benny as he approaches with blood smeared on his face from a broken nose but a wide grin from his win.
“Where’s Fish going?” He had seen his friend in the crowd as he was in the ring. He frowns slightly when he realizes that Frankie isn’t just going to the beer stand for another brew. 
“He had to go, the baby isn’t feeling good.” Pope tells him with a frown. “He told me to tell you congrats on your win.” 
Benny huffs and takes the towel that Will tosses him to wipe his face. “Something’s wrong with him. He’s not answering my texts, like- at all.”
“Have you spoken to him?” Will asks you, knowing you and Frankie have always been especially close. 
You shake your head, “I’ve texted him but I get left on read. I don’t know what’s going on. I- I am worried about him.” You confess and the boys nod. 
“What took you so long?” Darcy asks as she stands in the hallway. 
Frankie barely gets a chance to shrug off his jacket before she’s on him. “I hit all red lights, baby.” He explains and Darcy shakes her head. 
“It was her. Wasn’t it?” She accuses, “you fuck her in the bathroom? Mind you, you wouldn’t be that late coming home. You’ve never had the stamina, have you?” She laughs cruelly.
Frankie’s shoulders slump but he doesn’t rise to the bait, knowing it would just start a vicious fight. “No babe, I left as soon as the fight was over. I just got caught up at the lights.” He knows that he’s going to get slapped again. Since the other day, she’s slapped him on the cheek whenever she gets mad. Making him feel even more ashamed every time he thinks of hitting her back. Becoming the monster he’s always been afraid that he is.
“Don’t fucking lie to me.” She surges forward to slap him and grips his chin, leaning in. “You even smell like cheap perfume. I can’t believe you.” She lowers her hand, “I give you everything. Sacrifice my body to give you a child. Give you a home to return to and you want to throw it all away for some whore who could never love you like I can.”
“I swear to you, Darcy.” Frankie whines, nearly flinching when she moves again. “I didn’t do anything, I sat by Pope. Maybe he’s seeing a new girl, I don’t know. I came straight home.”
Darcy stares at him, her eyes narrowed. “You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.” She says and spins on her heels, making her way back into the bedroom and she shuts the door, effectively locking him out of his room. Frankie looks down at his hands, shaking from both anxiety and anger. He hates Darcy but he can’t leave, his daughter isn’t safe around her. The other day Frankie found Ava gripping a knife and Darcy laughed and said it was nothing, she wants her to learn how to use utensils to be a proper lady. He strips down to his boxers and lays on the sofa, wishing he could escape this situation and keep his daughter safe but no one would believe him. 
It’s been a few days since Benny’s fight and the guilt of sleeping with Frankie is becoming too much. Darcy posted some photos of Ava and Frankie on her Facebook page with them out for brunch - her new designer bag on display - and you felt the heavy pit of guilt in your belly. You have to tell her and you’ll tell her it’s all your fault. Frankie will be at work so you make your way over to his house, ringing the doorbell and shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other as you wait for Darcy to answer the door.
Darcy huffs, pushing herself off the couch with an annoyed grunt. “Hold on!” She grumbles as she walks over to the front door and opens it. Annoyed and immediately glaring when she sees you at the door. “What the fuck do you want?” She hisses. “Frankie doesn’t want to talk to your pathetic ass, so do us both a favor and fucking leave him alone, okay?”
Your eyes widen and you know she has never liked you but her attitude takes you back. “I, uh, I know you don’t want to talk to me but I need to tell you something. Please. I, uh, I need to get it off of my chest.” You tell her and she crosses her arms, scoffing but allowing you to continue. “I slept with Frankie. In St Johns. We, uh, we were high and had a few drinks so we weren’t thinking straight and I’m so sorry Darcy. I wanted to tell you because you deserve to know and I can’t keep this secret any longer. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat.” You admit and she chuckles, “every cloud.” Her comment makes you frown and you are confused, “you aren’t mad?”
Darcy snorts and shakes her head, “I knew that Frankie fucked you.” She lies with a nasty smirk on her face. “A pity fuck, that’s what he called it when he told me about it.” She shrugs slightly. “You know men, if a whore is gonna throw it at them, they’ll take it. Thank God you didn’t give him something, but he much prefers my pussy over yours. Said he can’t even look at you now, so disgusted with the thought of you naked.” She chuckles evilly again. “Might want to lose a few pounds.”
You feel your eyes sting and your stomach twist. Hearing what Frankie said about you makes you feel sick. Darcy could be making it up but why would she lie? She knows about what happened. 
“He said you were the worst sex he’s ever had. It was the adrenaline from surviving, he told me. He hasn’t talked to you because he didn’t want to embarrass you. You need to go. He’s my boyfriend. The father of my child. He’s mine. He belongs to me.” She says and you swallow down the lump in your throat, uneasy with her words but she’s not wrong. 
“Yeah. Uh, I- I’ll go. I wanted to tell you because I thought you deserved to know and, um, yeah. Bye.” You choke and she waves at you as you make your way down the driveway to your car. Pulling away from the curb, tears streaming down your cheeks and you curse that night, you curse Frankie Morales. Your heart breaks and you need to take some time to get over that asshole. He’s with Darcy and he loves her. 
“Baby, I’m home.” Frankie calls out and comes in to find Darcy sitting on the sofa, “come here baby.” She coos and he sets his stuff down before sitting on the sofa next to her. She leans in to kiss him and Frankie nearly flinches. “I missed you today.” She coos, caressing his cheek. 
“I missed you too.” He lies, “where’s Ava?” He asks and Darcy explains that she is at her parents’ house. 
“I wanted a romantic night in with you.” She says and Frankie feels repulsed but what can he do? “So…” Darcy trails off and grips his chin, “when were you gonna tell me you fucked the whore in St John’s?” She asks him, her eyes hardening.
“What?” Frankie shakes his head, immediately denying it. She’s been accusing him of cheating since he got back from South America. “Baby, why do you keep saying that?” He demands, making her squeeze his cheeks even harder. “The whore told me herself, Frank.” She spits, the spittle flying into his face and making him cringe. His heart sinks but Darcy keeps talking. “Bitch came to my house, wanted to ‘confess’ because she felt so guilty. She should, spreading her legs for you when she knows you have me, have Ava.” Frankie starts to shake, knowing that Darcy will punish him, badly, for you showing up and telling her what happened.
“You lied to me, Frank. Over and over. I’ve done so much for you. Sacrificed so much for you and this is how you repay me? By fucking the woman you’ve been in love with for years?” She hisses and Frankie shakes his head. “No use denying it. I know you love her. I’ve seen the way you look at her. You’ve never looked at me like that. I knew you would leave me for her so I decided to take action. Poked holes in the condoms we used until I got pregnant. Wanted to make sure you were mine.”
Frankie gasps, nearly choking on his own breath at the knowledge that she had baby trapped him. “You-“ He growls, his head snapping to the side when she slaps him. 
“Don’t you fucking say a word, you cheating bastard!” She screams, her voice breaking because of how high it gets. “You humiliated me! All your bastard friends know, laughing at how you banged your whore.” This time, her fist is closed when she hits him, punching him in the jaw and Frankie grabs her hand. 
“Stop fucking hitting me!” He shouts.
She screams, wrenching her hand away and she stands up. “That’s it. I don’t know if this shit will happen again. It can’t happen again. I’m gonna invite her over here. Gimme your phone.” She orders and he shakes his head. She sees his phone on the kitchen counter, rushing over to pick it up and Frankie tries to follow her but she’s quick to grab a knife from the counter, aiming it at him and he knows he could take her down but not without hurting her.
“Darcy!” He barks, jumping out of the way of the knife and back several steps. “Are you fucking crazy?” He asks, watching the knife carefully as she spins around again and looks like she wants to murder him. “Put the knife down.”
She shakes her head and grabs his phone, texting with one hand to bring up your name and text an invite over to the house, she hits send and tosses the phone across the counter. "She'll come. I know she will. Fucking pathetic bitch can't leave you alone." She scoffs, waving the knife again. "And you're gonna let me talk to her." She laughs manically, setting the knife down and opening the drawer. Before she had Ava, Darcy was a nurse so it wasn't hard for her to procure what she needed. She grabs the syringe as Frankie approaches to try and get the knife away from her and she is quick to stick the needle in him, pressing down on the needle to push the sedative into Frankie's bloodstream. She wants him to watch you suffer but she knows he won't allow it so she needs him to be restrained.
Being drugged is nothing like getting high. Frankie groans, head pounding and his mouth feels dry. Trying to move his arms, he can’t and he tries harder, feeling the resistance that forces his eyes open.
“You’re awake. Good. She’s on her way.” Darcy reveals and Frankie shakes his head, trying to speak but he’s still lethargic. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m gonna take care of this. You’ll never truly love me until she’s out of the way. I’m gonna do what needs to be done.” She promises and picks up the gun she had taken from Frankie’s gun safe. She knows the password is Ava’s birthday so she was able to get into it.
“D-Dar-“ Frankie’s tongue is heavy and his mind is so jumbled from the drugs she had pumped into his system. He doesn’t want this, horrified that you might be killed because of his mistakes. He shakes his head again, trying desperately to think of a way out of this. His hands are bound, he’s zip tied to a kitchen chair. “D-don’t.” He croaks out.
You frown when you receive the text. Confused about Frankie’s invite to his house and the wording isn’t like the man you’ve known for years. You know something is wrong and you want to find out. Especially since Darcy had told you what Frankie had said. You get into your car and make your way over to Frankie’s house. Parking down the street, you sneak around the house and your eyes widen when you look into the house and see Frankie tied to a chair, and Darcy walking around with a gun in her hand. “Shit.” You curse, knowing you have to protect him and yourself and especially Ava. You step back from the house and call the police, explaining the situation, and after you hang up, you exhale shakily, anxious to keep Frankie safe.
“Darcy, think of Ava.” Frankie begs, the drugs wearing off and he is panicked. “You won’t get away with it. You’ll be in jail.” While he would love to be away from her, he is trying to keep her from killing you. “We’ll move.” He promises. “Sell the house and move across the country. Away from everything and start fresh.”
Darcy scoffs, "I will get away with it because you're going to help me deal with her after. Even if we moved across the world, she'd still be in your fucking mind. You won't forget about her. You'll still be tempted and I won't allow it. I can't. You're mine. You belong to me." She growls, fingers adjusting around the gun. 
Outside, the police arrive quietly, pulling up in their SUVs and you meet them to explain what's going on. "I think she's going to kill him. I think she's gonna try to kill me." You explain and the police officers nod, speaking into their radios.
Inside, Frankie is still trying to convince Darcy. “Baby, no. It was a mistake.” He lies, knowing that his time with you was the best he’s ever had. “I had done some Coke, just to- just to forget the image of Tom’s brains splattered on the fucking rocks.” He tells her. “I didn’t realize what I was doing and then I left, I didn’t talk to her. I haven’t had anything to do with her.”
Darcy shakes her head and aims the gun at him, her anger getting the best of her, “you’re a fucking liar. I know you love her. I know you love her more than me and if she was gone, you could love me like that. I want you to love me like that. Don’t lie to me. I know you want her. Have always wanted her.” Darcy shouts, just as the front door flings off of its hinges and the officers yell at Darcy to drop the weapon and get down on the ground.
Frankie shouts, begging her to put the gun down. Knowing they will kill her if she so much as twitches wrong. Not wanting Ava to deal with the fact that her mother was killed when she’s older. Darcy screams, incoherently and spins around on Frankie. “You bastard! You called them!” Despite the fact that there was no way he could have called the police. He had been tied up. 
“Darcy, no!” The shots echo in the house, deafening him and he squeezes his eyes shut and waits for the pain to start where she shot him.
The bullet flew into the kitchen cabinet behind him and the other shots were the police taking down Darcy. Yelling fills the house as the officers rush forward, kicking the gun out of Darcy’s hand and checking her pulse. “We need an EMT. Now.” He says and speaks into his walkie. 
“Is she dead?” Frankie gasps as the officer comes towards him, pats him down before he lets him go. 
“Yes sir. She was a threat and she had a weapon.” He says and Frankie exhales shakily. 
“Frankie! Frankie!” You shout, pushing into the house despite the officers telling you to stay put. You run over to Frankie, cupping his cheeks, “are you okay?”
“I- no,” Frankie pants, staring at Darcy’s crumpled body and closes his eyes. “She was gonna- she was gonna kill you.” He manages before he lowers his head and tries to keep from sobbing, relieved that you are here and safe.
Your eyes widen, “kill me? Because we - oh God.” You choke, putting it all together when she had Frankie tied up and the gun in her hand. “Shit. She wanted to kill me.” You whisper and the police officers come over to escort you and Frankie outside and they take Frankie aside to take his statement but he wants you to stay with him. Reluctant to have you out of his sight, you stand beside him as he starts to give his statement.
Frankie starts to tell them everything. The abuse, the escalating violence. He pulls up his shirt to expose the bruises. How erratic Darcy had been acting, although he doesn’t mention the trip to South America, just that things had gotten worse since he had come back from out of town. He hates it, feeling humiliated as the police look at him first with disbelief and then pity as he continues to tell them about being abused by his girlfriend. He can’t look at you right now, afraid you would be disgusted with him for not manning up like Darcy always told him to do.
You feel sick. Hearing what Darcy did to Frankie has you wanting to scream and cry and make the world burn. You want to go and get a gun and kill Darcy again, just for the satisfaction of seeing her suffer. Tears sting in your eyes and the officer takes his statement and tells Frankie he can’t stay in the house so you wipe your cheeks and say that Frankie can stay with you. You turn to look at him, hands reaching out but pulling back in case he doesn’t want to be touched. “Frankie. I- I’m so sorry. I- I should’ve known. I should’ve helped you. I - shit. You - the ways she’s hurt you.” You choke, wishing you could go back in time and keep him safe from Darcy.
“No.” Frankie shakes his head. “She- she would have hurt Ava.” He tells you breathlessly, trying to keep his emotions bottled up. “They- they never would have given me custody. I would- I had to protect her. If she was hitting me, she wasn’t hitting our little girl.”
You can tell Frankie is on the edge and you want him to be safe before the emotions hit him finally. “Come on, let’s go back to my place. Where’s Ava?” You ask with wide eyes, worried that the little girl is in the house still. 
“She’s at Darcy’s parents house. They - oh God. I gotta tell them - Darcy is dead.” He says with a whisper and he hates the fact that he’s happy about that for himself but not for Ava. “She’s safe for tonight. You’re in no state to be around her. Come to mine and you need to sleep.” You say, grabbing your keys from your pocket and guiding him up the street while the police handle his house.
“I don’t- I tried.” Frankie rambles as you steer him towards your car and open the door for him. “I stopped talking to everyone, stopped doing anything that would set her off.” He doesn’t understand why she hated him so much. Was he just that horrible? “Nothing- I failed at everything. I was- wasn’t good enough.”
“Frankie.” You shake your head as he gets into the car, “this isn’t your fault. Darcy was an abuser. You aren’t to blame for how she treated you. You are a good man. She - she was wrong. She abused you.” You whisper, a tear escaping your eye as you look at his distraught face.
“Poor Ava.” He bites his lip and closes his eyes tight, trying not to cry. “She- she’s gonna grow up with me and I’m gonna fuck her up. I - she always told me I was useless.”
You kneel down beside the car, “can I touch you?” You ask, wanting to hold his hand and he nods. “Francisco. You are the best father. You’re a good man. You’re not going to fuck Ava up. Darcy would have. She would’ve manipulated her like she did you. You are going to get through this. It’s gonna take a while but you’ll be strong for Ava. You can do this. I promise you.” You squeeze his hand, hating how broken he looks.
“Are you sure?” Frankie asks quietly, clinging to your hand. “I- I have to admit something.” He tells you. “I had been thinking that I should have been the one to die on that mountain. That way it would be over for me.” He sees the horror on your face. “But you- that night- it’s how I’ve been keeping sane lately. Remembering you, that night.”
You want to sob then and there, hearing that Frankie wanted to die because of Darcy. It makes you even angrier but you control yourself and place your hand over his holding yours. “Darcy has hurt you and you need to heal from that. Ava loves you. The boys love you. I love you. You’re so loved and we need you, Frankie. She’s gone and you’re still here. It will take time but you’ll be what Ava needs.” You assure him.
“How could I let it happen?” He asks seriously. “I’ve fucking killed people, and my girlfriend was abusing me?” He sounds bewildered because he is unable to rationalize that in his mind. “I don’t- I didn’t stop it, I just- I guess I am less of a man.”
You shake your head, “you didn’t stop it because of Ava. Because you are a good man and you didn’t want to hurt Darcy even though she was hurting you. You’re not less of a man. You were manipulated and abused. Mentally controlled. Verbally and physically abused. Sweetheart, this isn’t your fault.” You promise him, “this isn’t your fault.”
Frankie sighs, feeling exhausted. “I couldn’t let her kill you.” He admits quietly. “I- I almost hit her, but she knocked me out with something.” He looks into your eyes. “Can you-? I just want to get out of here. I don’t want to be here anymore.”
You nod, letting go of his hand and you make your way around the car to get in the driver's seat. You start the engine and make your way down the street past the police cars and the black van so you can get Frankie somewhere safe. He’s quiet for the drive and when you pull up on your driveway, you cut the engine and look at him, “do you want something to eat?”
“I’m not hungry.” He murmurs quietly, looking at the front of your place. He honestly wants to shower until his skin is red and then sleep for the next year. “Can- can I shower?” He asks, turning his head quickly and looking at you with wide eyes. “I- I need to feel clean.”
“Of course you can.” You hate that he asks you like that. Like you’re going to slap him for inconveniencing you. “Come on.” You say and open the car door, moving fast to unlock your home so he can get comfortable. “You know where the guest room is. You can stay as long as you like. There’s fresh towels and I think I have a pair of your sweats from when you stayed over a few years ago when you were having your house painted.” You say and he nods, making his way to the bathroom. When he shuts the door, you allow the tears to fall. How did you not see this? How did you let him be abused by Darcy? Why didn’t you check on him more? You feel incredibly guilty.
Inside the bathroom, Frankie turns on the shower and sits on the toilet seat. Shell-shocked and unable to believe what happened. Having a small breakdown when he imagines what could have happened if the police hadn’t come and you had walked into his house. If Darcy had killed you. He slaps his hand over his mouth, starting to sob and trying to keep it quiet.
You wipe your eyes and splash your face with water. You know you didn’t have a clue about the abuse Frankie was facing and you wonder if your presence triggered her or if you made it worse in some way. Her words when you went to tell her about you and Frankie ring in your ears when you remember how vehemently she declared Frankie to belong to her. You wish you had seen the signs. You have to be strong for Frankie though.
Eventually, Frankie climbs into the shower and nearly burns his skin off, scrubbing harshly with the soap and rag to feel clean again. If the tears mix with water and slide down the drain undetected, he doesn’t acknowledge them. Waiting until the water runs icy cold before he turns it off and steps out to wrap a towel around his waist. The bruises are visible. Some fresh and dark purple, others a sickly green and yellowish, making him grimace in the mirror as he traces them before turning away and opening the door. Grateful that you have given him a place to stay tonight.
You look up when Frankie exits the bathroom and comes into the living room with the towel wrapped around his waist and you see the bruises. You choke on your breath, tears in your eyes and you stand up to walk over to him. “Can I- oh God. Frankie.” You sob, reaching up to gently wrap your arms around him and you feel the guilt almost suffocate you.
“I’m okay.” He’s not, but he will be. Overwhelmed by the fact that he is free, he wraps his arms around you and crushes you against him, burying his face into your neck. “Thank you.” He whispers. “For being here.”
“Always, sweetheart. I’m always here for you.” You promise, sniffing as you run your fingers through his hair. “You’re okay.” You echo, “You’re safe.” You promise and you caress his neck. “Why don’t you get some sleep?” You murmur, knowing he must be exhausted. 
“I don’t want to be alone.” He whispers and you hum, “you can stay with me. If that’s okay?”
“Please?” It’s pathetic and he can hear Darcy’s voice in his head, reaming him for needing you to sleep beside him, but he tries to ignore that. Sighing softly in relief when you take his hand and guide him towards your bedroom. He needs to be near you, to know that you are okay and that he is safe. It was another reason he had gone with you that night you were together. He had been terrified it had been you on that mountain and then relieved that you were still with him.
“I have your sweats. I’m gonna get ready for bed. I’ll be five minutes, okay?” You ask and he nods. You caress his back and make your way into your bathroom, getting ready for bed. Once you’re in your tank top and shorts, you shut the door behind you and see that Frankie is already in bed. You turn off the lamp and slide under the covers, wrapping your arms around him. “Goodnight Frankie.”
Frankie sighs, relaxing when he wraps his arms around you. Closing his eyes and pressing his nose into your hair. “Goodnight, and thank you again.” He squeezes you tight and settles into the bed, holding you close.
It’s been six months since the night Darcy tried to kill you and Frankie has been going to therapy. He is in a much better place and is a loving father to Ava. During his therapy sessions or other appointments, you look after Ava. Darcy’s parents were ashamed of their daughter and her abuse, they have been giving Frankie some space until he is ready to have them back in Ava’s life. 
You look up as Frankie comes into the house and Ava rushes over to him, “dada! Dada!” She cries and he bends down to pick her up, kissing her cheek. 
“She’s been a good girl?” He asks you and you stand up from the rug scattered with toys. 
“She always is.” You coo at Ava. “You want some coffee?” You ask and he nods, holding Ava on his hip. He moved a few weeks after that night, unable to live in that house full of horrid memories and his new place is cozy enough for him and Ava. He got his license reinstated and the boys have been supporting him through everything. Things are finally starting to look up as Frankie is able to process what happened to him at the hands of Darcy. You quickly prepare the coffees and get some milk for Ava along with one of the cookies she loves and she rushes over to eat the cookie on the rug, making you chuckle. “She can never sit still. Just like her father.”
“That’s because if I’m still, I’m gonna fall asleep.” Frankie jokes, smiling at the sight of Ava happily eating a cookie and watching TV. She hadn’t asked about Darcy much, and seemed to accept that momma had gone to Heaven and she wouldn’t see her anymore. In fact, he had often wondered if she had started being mean to Ava because the young girl seems so happy. “You are so good with her.” He tells you, taking the cup of coffee with an appreciative smile. “I don’t think you know how much I owe you.”
“Nothing. You owe me nothing. There’s nowhere else I’d be. I - I love Ava and you needed help. I couldn’t let you do this all on your own after dealing with Darcy. I wanted to help you because I love you both. So much.” You smile and pick up your own cup of coffee. Telling Frankie you love him has become second nature but the true depth of your feelings has never become a subject you’ve been brave enough to broach, especially since he’s been healing physically and mentally from Darcy’s abuse.
Frankie’s stomach flips and he takes another sip of his coffee. You’ve said you love him almost every day and you don’t even know how much it means to him. He’s talked about you in therapy, about his feelings for you and the therapist has encouraged him to start talking to you about them. About how he’s always been in love with you, how he’s still in love with you. That despite what Darcy put him through, he would like to see what could happen with you in a relationship. “I love you too.” He tells you honestly.
His words make your heart thump and your eyes meet his over your cups of coffee, but you don’t get your hopes up that he means he’s in love with you. He’s been through so much. The last thing he probably wants is to get into a relationship. He needs time to heal and to ensure Ava is happy and safe. “I know you do.” You tease softly, “it’s the pasta dish I make, isn’t it?”
“It’s the fact that I’ve always been in love with you.” He admits, setting his coffee mug down and shoving his hands in his pockets. His eyes are searching yours and he’s reminding himself that you wouldn’t react harshly, even if you didn’t feel the same way. “I don’t know what you want. Or how you feel, but Dr. Thomas said that I should talk to you.”
Your eyes widen as you realize he’s serious and you set your coffee cup down so your shaking hand doesn’t spill it everywhere. You stare at him for a moment from the other side of the kitchen and you bite your lip. “You want to know how I feel? I’ve been in love with you since we first met. That night we all went out to the bar to get to know each other and you bought that hat off of some guy in the parking lot. I have been in love with you every day since then and I’ll be in love with you every day from now on. I love you, Frankie. With everything I am.”
He closes his eyes, nodding. As he absorbs the idea that you feel the same way that he does. Feeling the warmth settle in his chest and he bites his lip as he opens his eyes. “I-“ he steps closer to you and reaches for your waist. “I would think about you.” He admits softly. “When Darcy was being really bad, I would remember that one time we were together. It - it saved me.”
Your heart pounds in your chest and simultaneously breaks when you hear that Frankie had to escape like that. You swallow harshly and reach up to cup his cheek, “I wish I could take away everything she did to you.” You whisper, caressing his cheek.
“I -“ he leans into your touch and sighs. “It doesn’t matter now. I just want to move on.” He admits quietly.
“You can move on. You need to confront what happened, be stronger from the experience and move on.” You murmur, leaning in to gently kiss his chin, his stubble scratching your lips. “I love you, Francisco.”
“Can I kiss you?” He asks softly. “I want to kiss you sober.”
You nod, moving slowly so he can pull back if he wants and you lean in to softly press your lips to his. It’s gentle and sweet and everything you’ve wanted with Frankie, your body lighting up at the connection. You don’t move to deepen the kiss, wanting him to control this.
He sighs again, sliding his arms up and around you. Softly pulling you closer. He doesn’t think that you will push him away but he wants to give you the time to. If you want to keep it simple.
His hands squeeze your waist and you lean into him, your arms wrapping around his neck as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. You whimper when his tongue slides against yours and it’s like coming home, like you belong here with him at this moment.
Frankie wants to live in this moment. Feeling your hands on his body, worshiping him with your fingers as they caress his neck. His daughter laughing at her cartoon, safe and sound. He kisses you until he feels like he can’t breathe. Pulling back and smiling at you. “Stay tonight?” He asks softly.
You nod, breathless and lips swollen from his kisses and you whimper when he kisses you again. **** 
“She’s asleep.” You tell Frankie as you walk into the living room after putting Ava to bed. She had clung to you for a while until she finally passed out on your shoulder and you put her to bed. Frankie looks up from his phone and sets it down. “You don’t have to put the phone down.” You assure him softly, “I’m not gonna check it.” You promise, knowing that’s part of his learned behavior with Darcy.
“I was texting Benny.” He tells you with a self depreciating grin. “He’s checking on me. Again.” He had been embarrassed, but he told them all what had been happening. Since then, all of them checked in with him at least once a day. He knows they are worried, wanting to make sure he doesn’t start using again.
You come and sit down beside him on the sofa, reaching for his free hand. “They love you. They all wanna make sure you’re okay.” You say and squeeze his hand. “Baby, you’re doing so well.” You praise him.
“I’ll take your word for it.” He chuckles quietly and he squeezes your hand. “I don’t want you to feel like we have to do anything.” He tells you. “But, I - I want to.” He admits. “I’ve been- I jerked off in the shower before you came over.” The therapist had urged him to not hide his needs and to be honest with you. So he is.
You inhale sharply, your stomach twisting with arousal, and you’ve been trying to hide your attraction to him, uncertain if he wants to touch or be touched after suffering such a traumatic event. You shift a little closer to him, “I want to- I want you. Whatever you’re comfortable with. I just want you, Frankie.” You murmur, leaning closer to softly kiss him.
He hums into the kiss, his memory of your only night so far is burned into his brain but he wants something different. That was lust fueled, frantic. “I want to make love to you.” He whispers, moving to kiss along your jaw. “We fucked the last time, I want to make love to you.”
You lean into him, moaning softly at the thought, and you tangle your fingers in his hair, “I would love that, sweetheart.” You murmur, leaning back so you can kiss him properly. His tongue slides against yours for a moment until you pull back, “take me to your bed.” You order softly but you want him to be in control tonight. He has to be comfortable.
He’s nervous now that he’s not high. That he’s doing this with a clear mind. Old anxieties spring to the surface but he pushes them down. You aren’t Darcy and you wouldn’t criticize everything he did in bed. He’s already half hard, proving that he didn’t have any issue getting it up for you.
You stand up and hold your hand out to him. He takes it and escorts you to his bedroom. The bed is messily made but you don’t care about that when Frankie is pulling you close again. “I love you.” You murmur, cupping his cheeks before you lean in to kiss him. His fingers play with the hem of your shirt and you pull back so he can drag it over your head. “Can I take your shirt off?” You ask him and he nods. You move fast to take his shirt off, caressing his skin - free of bruises and no physical scars, except the ones he got in battle, displaying the abuse he endured. “So handsome.” You murmur, admiring him.
Frankie twitches slightly, not that he doesn’t believe you think that, it’s just he’s always been a bit reserved. The other guys were hit on more than he was, though he did alright. He reaches for you, wanting to see your body again. Compare it to the memory he has. “I love you. You are gorgeous.” He hated all the hateful things Darcy had said about you, none of them true. His hands slide under your shirt and he groans as he reveals your plain bra.
You feel gorgeous under his touch, despite the comments from Darcy. You reach down to squeeze him through his pants but he drags your bra down your arms and he’s ducking his head to wrap his lips around your nipple. You gasp, gripping his shoulders, “Frankie. Shit.” You hiss when he bites down, making your cunt clench around nothing.
Frankie moans, his cock fully hard and pressing against his fly. He loves the way that you respond to him and the way your nipple tightens in his mouth. Fingers trance up your spine before he works on undoing your jeans. Wanting to see all of you, touch you. Your taste is still a flavor on his tongue, but he wants to drown in it.
You whimper when he switches to your other breast and whine when he pulls back so he can push your jeans down your legs. “Fuck baby.” You gasp when his hand slides between your legs to rub your clit through your panties.
“Let me make you feel good.” He begs softly. He’s not doing this because he has to. He’s doing it because he wants to, he needs to. His fingers rub the material, groaning around your nipple with the wetness that starts to soak through.
You whimper, rocking your hips down to meet his fingers, and you grip his shoulder while your other hand reaches down to squeeze him through his jeans. “I’m yours. You can do what you want.” You promise him.
“I’m yours too.” He promises, twitching under your touch and loving how eagerly you want him. He pushes under your panties and starts to slowly stroke your clit as he kisses back up your chest and then to your lips.
You moan into his mouth, snaking your hand into his boxers, squeezing him as his fingers rub your clit. “Fuck baby. Never forgot how thick you are.”
“Yeah?” He’s proud of the fact that you think he’s thick. “Do you like it? Thick, I mean? Did it feel good?”
“I loved it.” You promise him, jerking him slowly as his fingers rub your clit and you close your eyes as his lips kiss along your neck. “I love you. Everything about you. Even your demons. I love every part of you. Accept every part.” You promise breathlessly as you squeeze him. “God, I need you inside of me.”
“You don’t want me to eat you out?” He asks in surprise. He had thought you had enjoyed it that night but maybe you just didn’t want it right now. “You’d rather I fuck you?”
You can tell he’s anxious and you pull back to look at him. “Baby, your tongue is literally magic. I never came from oral before your tongue came along. I loved it.” You reassure him, “I just - I want to feel connected to you.” You explain, hoping he understands that this is more than just sex. You want to feel him in your bones, in your soul.
Frankie smiles, relieved that you had cum. He had sworn you had, but he had also been high. “I get it.” He promises you, reluctantly pulling his hand out of your panties and starting to drag them down. “I want to be connected to you too.” He smirks slightly, feeling confident that it will be amazing. Everything with you is amazing.
You smile and caress his cheek with your free hand and you reach down to shove his boxers down his legs. He is throbbing and you want him to feel loved, to feel cherished. You sink down onto your knees, looking up at him. “I love you.” You declare and lean in to wrap your lips around his cock after gripping him. You want to make him feel good, feel cherished.
“Oh fuck.” Frankie chokes out the sound and tries not to buck his hips forward. Chasing the sweet heat of your mouth and the way you softly suckle him. “So good baby. Fuck, baby.” He coos softly, reaching down and stroking your cheek. You look so fucking pretty with his cock in your mouth. “I love you so goddamn much.” He promises, knowing that you don’t pity him for what happened.
You moan around his cock, loving how he is caressing your cheek and praising you. You love how comfortable he is, no longer ashamed of himself after months of therapy. You pull off of his cock, jerking him with your hand, "I love you. You want to cum down my throat or inside of me?" You ask, wanting him to choose.
“Inside.” He croaks out, pulsing in your hand at the thought. “I want to be inside you, so deep I don’t know where I stop and you start.”
You let go of him and shift to stand up, leaning in to kiss him. "How do you want me?" You ask and he murmurs against your lips, "on your back." You nod, shifting to lay down on his bed, naked and aching for him.
Frankie takes his time, standing up and slowly stripping. Watching as you lay down on the bed and spreading your legs to show him your dripping cunt. “So fucking gorgeous and all mine.” He groans, unbuttoning his pants and pushing them down to expose his pre-cum stained boxer briefs.
You moan, “all yours baby.” You shift onto your elbows so you can watch him strip off, his pants kicked aside and his fingers wrap around his cock to slowly pump himself. “I’m yours. Always have been. Since we met.” You promise, chest heaving as he kneels on the bed.
“I wish I had Ava with you.” He admits as he shuffles closer. “You are perfect, great with her too, not just me.” He slides a hand along your thigh. “I used to dream of us being a family.”
You look up at him, “we can have a baby together if you want. Give her a sibling. Not now. But when we are ready.” You tell him.
“Yeah?” He groans quietly, imagining how good you would look round with his baby. “I want that. One day when we’re ready.” He slowly strokes his cock again before moving into position between your thighs.
You inhale deeply, eyes focused on him, and when he notches himself at your entrance, shifting onto his elbows, and you reach up to caress his chest as he starts to push inside of you. “I love you, Francisco.” You murmur softly, looking at him with adoration as he pushes inside of you.
It’s slow. Healing almost, as he closes his eyes. Head pressing against your forehead as he lowers himself on top of you and slides his arms under your back. “I love you, baby.” He promises breathlessly. “So much. You’re my everything.”
You whimper as he pushes into you. “Everything.” You echo, knowing it’s always been true. You caress his back as he pushes deep inside of you and you feel full and complete. Taking a moment to catch your breath, you look at him to take in the moment.
Frankie groans your name when he bottoms out, feeling like he’s home deep inside you. The look of adoration in your eyes makes him want to cry and he knows that Darcy never looked at him that way, not even in the beginning. He leans in and presses his lips to yours, twitching when he does.
You caress every inch of skin you can reach, loving how he feels inside of you, and you kiss him tenderly, unrushed. You want this to last forever. You murmur his name against his lips and he starts to move inside of you, making you gasp.
It’s overwhelming. Every time he rocks his hips he feels like he’s in Heaven. Holding you tight and groaning your name as he kisses you over and over again.
You pant into his mouth, heart pounding and skin on fire as rocks into you. It’s sweet and unhurried and takes your breath away. “Fuck, Frankie. This is better than last time.” You confess as he kisses down your neck.
It is better than the last time. Both of you are sober and there’s no lingering guilt because of Darcy. Nothing but the two of you and the pleasure that your love can bring to each other. “I know.” He rasps out. “Never want it to end.”
“Me neither.” You gasp as he rocks into you and you lift your hip, changing the angle, and it makes your breath hitch as he hits something incredible inside of you. “Shit. There, Frankie.” You pant and he nods, brow furrowing as he rocks into you, focusing on that spot. “Oh God.” You cry softly, “oh shit. That’s - oh I’m gonna-” You whine, clamping down on his cock seconds later.
Stealing his breath, Frankie watches as you come apart under him. Barely able to move as you hold his cock in your spasming walls, he grits his teeth as he tries not to cum. Wanting to make it last a little longer. Although he knows he’s going to wrap himself around you all night rather than slink off in shame.
Your eyes are clenched shut as the pleasure surges through you, making your toes curl, and you know you could never live a day without Frankie. You need him now like you need oxygen. “Fuck baby. I- oh God.” You pant, walls relaxing after you soaked his cock with your cum.
“That’s it, fuck you’re so pretty when you cum.” He praises breathlessly, kissing down your jaw. “Love you so much, need you. Want you forever.” He can’t imagine anything else but you.
His words make your heart pound in your chest and your entire body is responding to him. “I need you. Forever, Francisco. I’ve always been yours. I belong to you.” You promise him with a sigh.
He groans quietly as he starts to move again. Knowing that he will cum soon, he slides a hand between you to rub your clit. “Yours baby, I’m yours.” With Darcy, it had been forced, but with you it’s completely honest. “Want you to cum again, baby.”
You whine softly, overstimulated but he pushes you over into pleasure again and you tangle your fingers in his hair to drag his lips back to yours. You wrap your legs around his hips, pushing him deeper and trapping his hand between you. You whimper into his mouth, getting closer until you fall over the edge again, clamping down on his cock.
This time, Frankie is right there with you. Choking out your name as he pushes deep, wanting to be just as buried as he can manage to be when he starts flooding your womb with his hot seed. Panting with every spurt until he’s collapsing on top of you and pressing his lips to your neck.
You caress his back, eyes closed as you realize he’s safe and you’re together. Everything you ever dreamed to come true is now true and you’ll spend the rest of your life protecting him, loving him. He’s still healing but soon, you want to be his wife, the mother of his children, and spend the rest of your days by his side. It’s a bright future with Frankie, something he never imagined possible: a future with you, him, and your children.
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ladytauria · 7 months
"tell me a secret" with jaytim if youre still taking prompts, been enjoying all of the snippets!
this one ran away with me. a little bit.
it's. it feels very messy. but i like the direction i ended up going with it. i think--- i think i might revisit this premise again. but for now, nonny, i hope you like it!
(also, i'm glad you enjoyed my snippets~)
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There are few things worse than truth pollen, in Tim’s opinion. Give him fear gas or sex pollen any day of the week. Losing control of his tongue, confessions spilling from his mouth, helpless to do anything to stop it… It makes him shudder just to think about.
He would gladly have taken a blast of truth pollen right to the face, if it meant Jason wouldn’t have.
Jason’s locked himself in an isolation cell, now, while Tim synthesizes an antidote. The general pollen vaccine had done little to help the effects of this strain. Confessions had tumbled from Jason’s lips all the way home, all through the blood draw. Tim tries hard not to think about them, to forget them completely, but they linger in the back of his mind. Whether he wants them to be or not, he knows they’ve been imprinted in the back of his mind, where they’ll be sorted and cataloged, brought out later if ever he needs them.
He never forgets. It’s something of a curse.
As soon as the antidote finishes, Tim sends it to Jason through a panel in the isolation cell. It should take an hour for it to kick in—Tim will be upstairs, whenever Jason is ready.
Two hours pass before Jason joins him. Tim sits at the kitchen island, hands around a mug. Steam still wafts up from it; his face warm and damp where it caresses his skin.
“That better not be coffee,” Jason says. He sounds even grumpier than usual—not that Tim can blame him.
He chooses not to comment on his mood, for the moment.
“It’s not,” he says. “It’s tea.” He pauses. “Herbal tea.”
Jason grunts. 
“There’s some for you on the counter.” He gestures.
Jason rounds the counter, finally coming into view. Tim’s shoulders loosen a little at the sight of him; curls and skin damp from a shower, cotton tee sticking to him. Sweatpants ride low on his hips. His socks have little gray cats on them.
“Did your cameras alert you I was coming up?”
Tim ignores the confrontational sneer in his tone. “No.”
For a moment, Jason’s body tenses like he’s going to challenge him on it—turn it into a fight, until one of them storms out or ends up sleeping in the guest room. Then he finds his tea, in a thermal traveling cup. The tension drains from him, then; weariness in the bow of his shoulders. He takes the cup and joins Tim at the island, settling onto the stool next to his.
Their shoulders brush. Tim knows it’s as close to an apology as he’ll get right now. He brushes against him again when he raises his mug to his mouth; a silent forgiveness.
Jason drinks his tea. He hums softly; a quiet, pleased noise.
They drink in silence. Tim wouldn’t describe it as comfortable, but the air isn’t as thick with tension as it could have been. He knew they would have to address it before they went to sleep; knew, for a while at least, that things would be… delicate. He’s not looking forward to walking on tiptoes—but it’s better than the alternative. It’s better than Jason leaving.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” Tim murmurs, finally. “I’m not— I won’t ask. We can pretend like you never said anything.”
Jason is quiet for a moment, and then he says, “Thank you.” It’s barely a whisper. Tim isn’t sure he would have heard it, if he hadn’t been listening for it.
He brushes against him again, as he gets up to put his mug in the sink. He smooths his hand over Jason’s back; from one shoulder to the other as he walks by—both touches a silent reassurance.
He puts his mug in the sink and stops by Jason again. This time, he kisses his temple. “I’m going to bed,” he murmurs. “Join me when you’re ready.”
Jason leans into his touch—turning, when Tim pulls away, to catch around the waist and pull him close. He kisses the corner of Tim’s eye. “I love you,” he murmurs.
Tim squeezes his forearm. “I love you too,” he breathes.
They stay like that for a moment—a long moment. And then, finally, Jason lets him go, smearing another kiss against his skin when he does. Tim lingers a moment more, and then he heads off to their bedroom.
It’s maybe ten, fifteen minutes before Jason joins him, curling up in Tim’s arms; letting Tim plaster himself against his back, sighing sweetly when Tim’s chin rests atop his curls. He tangles their fingers together over their stomach.
Tim falls asleep knowing everything is going to be okay.
Tim doesn’t just forget about it. He can’t—though he tries. The things Jason said turn over and over in his mind, every time there’s a lull at work, on patrol, in the quiet moments he spends with Jason. He keeps his word. He doesn’t ask about them. He doesn’t even go digging through Batman’s files, or the city’s files—although the temptation sits heavy on his shoulders.
Instead—he ends up thinking, again and again, about secrets.
About Jason’s. About his own. About all the things that sit, buried deep under his tongue, where he would never dare to speak them aloud. But the more he thinks about the more he sees them as cracks—fissures, things not sitting quietly in himself but things keeping them apart.
He finds himself wanting to dig them up. To look at them in the light, offer them to Jason; see if he finds even those parts of him worth loving.
He wants to do the same to Jason. To look at the ugliest parts of him again—this time without the wrongness of pollen coating them—and cradle them in his hands, tuck them in the spaces between his ribs. Soothe the hurts they left behind.
Tim knows Jason won’t let him.
Tim has never needed reciprocation.
He starts offering them, impromptu, in their quiet moments.
“Sometimes I feel more like myself in a dress and heels than I do in a suit,” he confesses, while Jason is reading; Tim’s head in his lap while he plays on his switch. “I’ve thought about looking into it—but honestly. Exploring... that on top of everything else just sounds exhausting.” 
Jason pauses, fingers in Tim’s hair, and says, “If you ever want to, I’ll support you. I’ll love you, no matter what you decide.” 
Tim turns and kisses his stomach.
A few days later, they’re cooking together. Tim stirs noodles, while Jason chops vegetables. “The first time I dressed up as a woman, I looked so much like my mother I almost couldn’t leave the manor. I don't think I would have, if not for the mission.”
The knife pauses; the sound of chopping stops. “That must have been a lot,” Jason says, tentatively. 
Tim doesn’t have to look over to know Jason is giving him a weird look. He can feel it on the back of his head.
“It was,” he agrees. “Are you sure I salted this enough?”
His next confession is delivered when Tim is donning one of his aliases for an undercover job. Jason is sweet enough to do up his zipper for him.
“I created my first alias when I was seven. I mean, I guess it was more playing pretend, but... I dunno. It felt more serious than that, even then. I kept making more as I got older, trying them on... whenever I felt like it. Now it’s something I do as a hobby, to keep my skills sharp, but there was a time when I wanted to be anyone other than Tim Drake.”
Jason meets his eyes in the mirror; gaze unfathomable. “What changed?”
Tim’s lips quirk. “It’s hard to fall in love as anyone but yourself.”
The flush on Jason’s face is vivid red. Tim is helpless to do anything but turn and kiss him.
After a fight, Tim calls Jason. It goes straight to voicemail—not unexpected. It still makes his heart clench. He ignores it, instead offering, 
“Jason… I’m sorry, for what I said, earlier. It— It wasn’t true. I meant it when I said I can live with you killing. I don’t—I don’t… The truth is, I don’t disagree with your methods. I’m tempted to join you, sometimes. A lot of times. I’m tempted to go even further, too. I… Sometimes I think the only thing that keeps me from going bad is Dick’s disappointment. Bruce’s, too, but. I don’t care what he thinks as much anymore.
“Some days the temptation is stronger than others, though. And that— It scares me. I cling tighter to the rules in response. I… It’s not an excuse for me to hurt you, though. I’m sorry. I love you. Come home whenever you’re ready.” He’s crying when he finishes, hanging up the phone. Thinks about staying in the basement; distracting himself with cold cases instead of going to bed.
He decides he’s disappointed Jason enough.
Jason comes home that night. Slips into their bed, gathering Tim in his arms. 
“You could never go bad,” he whispers. “You’re too fucking good, Tim.”
Tim shakes his head, burying his face in Jason’s neck. “If I convinced myself it was right, or for a good cause…” He holds him tighter.
Jason is quiet. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” Tim doesn’t even hesitate.
“Then trust that I wouldn’t let you.”
Tim knows Jason has broken his own moral code more than once.
He also knows that Jason is far more careful with the people he loves than he is himself.
It’s a trait they share.
So he nods. “Okay.” 
“And you’ll do the same for me,” he says, softly—almost tentatively.
Tim holds him tighter. “Yes.”
He’s quiet for so long Tim thinks he falls asleep. Then, he offers, quietly, “Sometimes I think I’ll go too far, and— You’ll leave. Or that you’ll wake up one day, and realize I’m not going to change, that… That you can’t handle the killing after all. I don’t… I don’t want to lose you.” He doesn’t say, I thought I was losing you tonight, but Tim hears it anyway.
He kisses Jason’s neck. “You won’t,” he says, confidently. “But— If you ever do, or if it looks like you’re going to— I promise I’ll tell you. Warn you. I won’t just disappear without giving you a chance.”
Jason shudders in his arms. He tucks his face in Tim’s hair—Tim cups the back of his neck in response. “Feels like all you’ve given me a hundred second chances,” he whispers.
Tim nuzzles him. “I’ll give you a hundred more. You’re worth it.”
Jason starts making his own confessions, after that.
He lights a candle on the coffee table, filling the air with the scent of sandalwood. Then he stops. Turns his lighter over in his hand—flicks it on, then off again.
“I didn’t stop smoking because of how I died, or the Pit, or Talia, or for my health, or—any of the bullshit reasons I told everyone else. Sheila— Cigarettes remind me of her. The way she just sat there and watched.”
Tim stands, stepping into his space. He winds his arms around Jason’s waist. “You deserved better,” he says, quietly.
“We both did.”
‘We’ means Tim and Jason. It also means Sheila and Jason. Tim doesn’t know if he agrees with the latter—but. Whatever else she was, she was Jason’s mother, and that means something to Jason. So, he says nothing. Just presses a kiss to Jason’s shoulder.
After a rough patrol, another argument between Jason and Bruce—one that took both Nightwing and Red Robin to break up—Jason sits in the medbay of Tim’s nest, letting him stitch up his arm.
Tim is almost done, when Jason says, “I’ve given up on Bruce killing the Joker for me. I wish he’d let me do it. More than that—I just. I want him to tell me, to my face, that he missed me. That he loved me. That the loss of me was something painful. That—That he still loves me. I don’t. I don’t want to hear it from someone else. But I know— I know he won’t. The man who would have died with me, and sometimes I think that’s the worst of it all.”
Tim snips the thread, laying the needle down. He kisses the skin just above the wound, and lingers there. “I’m sorry.”
Jason is quiet. Then he turns, pressing his nose into Tim’s hair. He doubts it smells great—he hasn’t had time to hit the showers yet—but Jason doesn’t seem to care. “Me too,” he whispers.
Tim gets a box of cologne samples in the mail. He’s going through them, just for fun—handing the ones he likes best to Jason. As he passes over the third, Jason says,
“I don’t remember what Mom’s voice sounded like anymore—but. I found the perfume she loved. It was one of the most expensive things we owned. She only got it out for special occasions, or—or when she was sad, and needed something to help remind her of the good times. I— When I smell it, I can almost hear her again. Singing in the kitchen, or… Reading with me on the couch.”
Tim puts the cologne samples down. He tucks himself against Jason’s side and holds him tight. The vulnerability in Jason’s voice, in his expression… It scares Tim almost as much as it awes him. He just— He wants to protect him, to hold the softest parts of Jason close, where nothing and no one can hurt him again.
It’s an impossible wish, but. That won’t stop him from trying.
“Tell me about her?” he asks softly, laying his cheek over Jason’s heart. The steady beat is calming.
Jason does.
It keeps going. Back and forth.
“Sometimes I think no one actually wants me around—that people are happier when I’m not there.” 
“I think I left a piece of myself in the grave. It hurts less that it’s missing these days, but. It still hurts.”
“I never felt like I was alive until I became Robin. That’s part of why losing it hurt so much.”
“Sometimes Bruce and Dick will mention things—and I don’t remember them. They sound like happy memories, but, when I go poking around, all I can find are blank spaces. It’s fucking terrifying.”
“In the early days—sometimes Bruce would forget, and call me by your name. I… It feels awful to admit, but. Those nights were my favorite.”
“I hate looking in the mirror. For—for a million fucking reasons, but one of ‘em is how much I look like my dad. Like Willis. He wasn’t a bad man, except when he drank. He just… he drank a lot. I don’t want to be him.”
Secrets traded, back and forth. A lot of them big, some of them small. Always in the quietest moments, in the carefullest tones. Each one met with acceptance, with love.
Tim feels freer than he ever has. Not even swinging between buildings leaves his step so light.
He thinks Jason feels the same; thinks he smiles more, now. Tim has caught him humming in the kitchen more than once—finds himself humming the same tune.
Tim has never needed reciprocation to love someone.
Jason has given it to him anyway.
Ivy’s not done with truth pollen—determined to perfect this strain. This time, Tim is on the other side of the city when Jason catches a face full. He doesn’t miss a beat; working with Spoiler to wrangle her back to Arkham. As soon as it’s handled, he beelines back to the Nest.
Tim meets him there.
Jason doesn’t lock himself in an isolation cell, this time. He works with Tim to distill the antidote. Tim isn’t foolish enough to believe that all of the secrets Jason has buried in the recesses of his mind have come to light. He knows his haven’t. He knows, too, that for both of them, there are some which never will. That's okay. Jason has shared enough that the pollen’s compulsion has little to cling to; little to nourish its roots.
So this time—he doesn’t talk as much, this time; only the occasional confession spilling from his lips.
Most of them make Tim blush.
It’s a torturous hour—albeit for entirely different reasons than last time—and it ends not with a shared cup of tea but Tim pinned to the wall in the Nest shower, Jason on his knees, worshiping him until stars burst behind his eyes.
Tim turns the tables on him as soon as he remembers which way is up—and then they stumble upstairs, to bed, curling into one another like two mis-matched halves.
Jason tangles their fingers together. “Tell me a secret,” he whispers, to the darkness of the room.
Tim does.
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cowgirlcherrie · 11 months
❍ ACERBUS ! ━━ ellie williams.
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⤹ pairing: vampire! ellie x slayer! reader
synopsis: the undead is restless, and an immortal blood sucker arrises for her last dance on earth. Beholding a slayer who has greater plans to lower the blood hungry vampire back into the ground
content: 18+ MDNI! blood mention. death/ talks of death. violence. betrayal. gaslighting. manipulation. hunting/killing. v similar to buffy the vampire slayer. kissing. talks of sex but not directly smut, smut adjacent honestly. vampire! slayer! abby but strictly platonic to the reader. L-Bombs. betrayal. weapons (no guns just daggers n stakes). Ellie is super damon salvatore + katherine coded in this. food play(with cherries). biting. sub-ish loser! ellie. Toxic/dark! ellie
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Adficio. To weaken, discourage. To damage or to break.
Adficio was your finger. Coated in the saltiest vibrant red, gooey, and thick. Liquids dripped down the sides of the cushioned flesh and flowed never-ending through you. It tasted metallic, iron pulsating through the liquid; and salty, overly salted. Your tongue ran over the edge of your finger at your paper cut. It stung miserably but you had to get back to work.
As if it wasn’t already late, the sun setting with a musky burnt orange across the sky peeking through the rounded church glass windows of the artifact museum you were ecstatic to go home. Excited to take the warmest shower until the water was scorching hot against your skin and sleep comfortably in your queen-sized plush bed.
You weren’t expecting any more customers this evening, especially with recent town curfews due to mysterious deaths you were preparing to leave right after the key twisted in the lock. With 20 minutes left until closing, you finished dusting off the case of the bookshelf, putting the cream coffee-tinted paper (with your blood still tinting a corner) away into the hefty black book with gold embedded in the spine. 
It was an interesting piece of literature, somewhere amongst the lines of old-town supernatural lore and purely fiction but you loved it. It made you hungry, yearning for just a bite wanting more, wanting to sink your teeth into your own flesh. It was important and delicate thin papered copies; and faulty legal documents about a vampire who was rumored to live forever. Pictures; missing from the pages with the name scribbled out in white out. No gun, no knife, no magical life-threatening injury could kill her and she was forever cursed with the pain and treachery to live forever. Although you knew it wasn’t real you still felt yourself being a conspiracist and empathetic. Almost remorseful for the forever young vampire who didn’t ask for a life of immortality. Everything was a little unfair, even for the mundane. 
A bell chimed, signally that someone had walked into the museum. Thick-soled boots against the dark wood, creaking beneath them with every step. Shunned light on a lanky and average-height girl, drenched in black from head to toe. You naturally ignored her presence, that was what the bell was for; for questions and giving you the excuse to actually be bothered. So you continued your lonesome activities as proceeded. Picking up your thick wool scarf, wrapping it around your neck in loops; turning off the monitors, and locking the registers. 
Ellie hit the bell with a toothy smirk on her face. Eyeing your figure almost as if you were a bakery-crafted treat as Ellie ran her tongue against the tip of her pointy canines. 
Just Hi? You scrunched up your face in confusion at the girl’s rather awkward and sudden intro, her voice was raspy yet soft n direct but she kept her communication clear. If you were being honest she looked dead. Skin pale and drained of any colors besides her cheeks and the root red on her lips, sunken circles around her green ember eyes. She didn’t even look real.
“We are about to close so any prolonged question can wait until tomorrow.” you confessed, keeping it short and sweet, as the girl in front of you only frowned. 
You turned your back for a second, reaching into the mini locker behind the desk to grab your coat and your keys, pulling the fabric closer to your chest, when amidst the silence —
Ellie hit the bell again, making you groan as you turned slowly to look at the auburn-haired girl showcasing a sarcastic smile before reverting her face to a serious expression. 
“I am Ellie, and you…you look like you can help me” Ellie whispered sweetly; playfulness rang in her voice as she looked down at the black book that are on the counter. Drool almost dripped out as she looked at the book with her lips parted. 
“Did you miss the part where I said we were—”
“Closing soon, yeah yeah I got it. Don’t care, Listen I just need this book and I promise, I’ll be out of your hair” Ellie pleaded bringing her hands up in a prayer position as she gave you a pout. Slowly gliding her ring-coated fingers against the book, making you rush to pull on it from the other end.
“Sorry not for sale! This isn’t a library” 
“But it’s…fiction, right? You can make another one” Ellie pulled it into her more, her hands slightly overpowering the grip you had on the book.
“Rules are rules, nothing leaves this museum if it’s not rented” 
“So what I am hearing is I can have it?”
“For $100”
Ellie gasped.
“For free? thanks!~” Ellie gave one final tug loosening the book from your very hands and pulling it into her chest. 
“I’ll be back! [HEY!] Don’t worry! Don’t stress probably not with the book! [That’s stealing!] Not if it’s rented! Thank you for your help!” Ellie shouted as she bolted out the door, sticky fingers webbed around the book as she ran out.
Making you let out an exacerbated sigh at the odds. You were so going to get fired. 
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Adiuvo  To help or to aid, to assist
If someone told you that the museum book thief would be your girlfriend you would have told them they were lying. It’s been 3 months since the two of you met; 2 that you have officially started dating, although it didn’t feel like it. 
Ellie was more secretive than you thought. A mansion to herself where she lived alone which was oddly dark and gothic, you were for certain she would have caused a black paint shortage. Her house was emblematic of a period piece from the 19th century almost a screenshot of a fragment of time. The only odd thing was the mirrors being covered in every corner. A black satin cloth draped over the gold ribbed mirrors almost stapled there with a DO NOT TOUCH! 
Ellie hated pictures, she hated phones and settled on a rather outdated Blackberry where she really could only text and make important calls.
Ellie also disappeared often during the day, you only ever really saw her when it was rainy or pushing 8 pm. She’d go ghost on a sunny day but made up for it by pampering you with gentle kisses until you were coated in purple at your neck. 
For all of her cons; sins and flaws; aka the disappearing act she made up for it every time. She made it impossible for you to leave. Caging you in by gifting you things that only a fool would leave behind. She gave you a gift of a dainty necklace, as her hands rubbed against your neck to your shoulders placing it right at the center, locking the clasp, and begging you to never take it off. Ellie’s hands didn’t move from behind you when she gave you the necklace that night. It was almost as if she tempted to choke you with it until you listened to her. So you nodded, grabbing onto the little charm, before bringing up a hand to your nose; scrunching your face up at the weird smell the necklace was emulating. Almost like rosemary, thieves, and rotting onion. But you didn’t ask questions, you couldn’t before she whisked you away with a brief kiss to your lips, nibbling at your moisturized lips. 
“You love me, right?” 
You loved her. With all your precious human beating heart you loved her. Loved her so much that you allowed her to get vulnerable with you that night in the bedroom.
Bashful yet bitchy and sarcastic Ellie became demonic, rough, and perfectly submissive. Ellie was a sucker for fruits. The one human food that didn’t make her stomach queasy and the only thing that could satisfy her cravings for your blood. Preferably all red to enhance the eroticism of the taste.
Ellie found passion in draining the juice out of cherries, swirling her tongue over the plump treat poking her fangs out, before dipping her head down gliding the juices amongst your neck from her tongue.
Ellie repeated this action again. Taking the gentle cherry and squeezing it over your neck, swirling its juices onto your skin with her slender fingers before chewing it whole. Licking her finger tips as she swallowed the fruit whole tossing the pit to the floor.
Ellie watched as your neck dripped the dark crimson liquid, rushing to lick it up; before any of it reached your sheets to leave a fresh splosh stain of red. Ellie was drunk off of the sight of you. Licking over you like a lollipop as her tongue scraped your neck, getting close to your ear.
Ellie lost control.
between the bittersweet taste of the cherries, your fresh and loud perfume it was driving her crazy. Ellie thought her head was screwed on tight, but smelling the scent of one she would call her lover Ellie wanted to do nothing more than cover you in her own. Mask you from the world, hiding you away in greed and hunger.
Her hands gripped at the sheets, fist balled up as she masked a moan struggling to do so when your hand was in her pants. Ellie unfolding like a red lace satin ribbon until she was nothing but a soul. Climax rising deeper…and deeper. You were rubbing up and down in between her folds as she shuttered to hold herself up. Your fingers wet and covered in her juices enough for the wetness to fill the room with a simple pat.
Ellie took the initiative to dig her own hand in between your sleep shorts, mirror your hand motions as the lewd sounds escaped your lips in pure appeasement. Clawing at her back like a cat with your freehand.
Ellie was heavy breathing as her pitch got louder and higher, hips bucking as her hair clung to her forehead in fits of sweat.
Ellie turned into nothing but a moaning mess that night. Shrouding her head in your neck pampering kisses until she couldn’t control the cobra shake of her sharpened fangs pricking her tongue, offsetting her tastebuds. No, she couldn't.
Ellie's mind was shouting a mixture of no's and yes's as she tried to pull away only for you to pull her closer. Ellie let out an animalistic growl muttering an oh fuck before she sunk her teeth into your neck.
“Fuck…wait” Ellie moaned out. She was glad you couldn’t see her face, eyebrows furrowed but her eyes a deep red as veins started to crawl through her skin preparing her to finish off the feed.
Ellie knew if she fed off of you she wouldn’t be able to stop. Until you were one of her, a vampire and your beating heart stopped. Like Ellie needed you, she needed the book; she was going to complete the prophecy.
It starts with you, her perfect pawn.
You tasted like a rich pomegranate in the summer, Ellie’s fangs pulsating as it was deep in the flesh on your neck. Shaking your tender flesh in between her teeth like a dog.
Ellie didn't draw blood but punctured the skin, wincing at the sound of your skin separating between her fangs through her gentle ears. You pushed her away squeezing your eyes closed in pain. Skin pulsing and stinging as her mouth left your neck.
“Ow!- did you just…did you just bite me?”
The redhead stopped, freckles coated a red flush amongst her pale skin, Ellie rambled a hundred sorries. Like a deer gone hunting the cherry juice stained her chin and around her mouth as if she had been messy eating and playing into a ruby lipstick. Stumbling and tripping over her feet as she rushed to put her shoes on and head for your front door as you shouted her name behind her.
Her hair was frazzled, her leather jacket discarded, and her fly unfortunately down.
Leaving you in a mess of saliva and cherry juice; with a pulsating bite mark in your kneck.
48 hours and a complicated reddit search later, with Ellie out of your hair; due to her shame and embarrassment was enough time for a blonde hair slayer to play witness protection.
You were steadily growing frustrated at the repetition of the doorbell ringing as the person on the other end was hitting it like a childish teenager playing ding-dong ditch. Rushing to the door slamming it open to be met with a tall buff blonde who was giving you a perfect smile. Likewise to Ellie, she was notably pale, the color drained from her face almost fading away to her hair making her look like a stoned statue. Thick raybands on her eyes as she held up a terribly condition detectives badge.
“Sorry to cause a disruption, but are you y/n?” The girl spoke up, leaning into her one arm that was posted up against the door creating a distance before the two of you. 
You remained silent pushing your knit cardigan closer to cover up your chest in the nippy pre-winter air. 
“I’m Abby, Abby Anderson and I believe you know someone who is being a threat to this town.”
You froze, eyeing Abby in front of you as she dug around into her leather jacket pocket, plucking out a very old square picture. Placing the picture face down into your hands allows you to unveil it as if it were a gift. Curiosity got the best of you, aching and throbbing fingertips as you vastly whipped it over to view your lover. Your heart felt as if a chain wrapped tightly around the delicate artery feeling as if the wind had knocked out of you. It was Ellie. Your Ellie but this time she was wearing Victorian clothing, a white blouse peeking through as it was a perfected headshot photographed with just the right amount of dusting and age. She was the missing piece of the book. The name scribbled out it was all her -- the book was all hers.
“I don’t…” you begin flipping the picture back over and putting it in front of Abby, with your hand out “I don’t know who this is. . .”
“I knew you would say that”
Abby snickered as she looked down rubbing her boots against your welcome matt, 
“I think its time we chat. Could I have a glass of water please” Abby sends a smile as you prepare to turn your back on the blonde in front of you
Abby was always ahead. Ahead of Ellie, ahead of you, she had been hunting for years. After an accidental bite forced her to succumb to vampirism, life only got hard. Abby shrouded herself away finding comfort in putting down ruthless bloodsuckers who had no better job than to compel humans and make them into a tasty blood margarita. Abby didn’t want the same fate for you. Watching Ellie like a hawk; perhaps a stalker. It was all for a good cause. Ellie was awfully sloppy with how she carried the people she fed from. Sinking her teeth into an innocent being as she drank…and drank until their bodies fell cold and limp against the pavement. Ellie let out a sly moan in satisfaction as she watched the life get sucked out of her victims. The blood dripped down her chin, blood-drunk as she laughed in satisfaction as she licked the blood off of her fangs, and from around her lips being careful not to waste a single damn drop. 
Ever since you got in the picture, Ellie’s sloppiness got worse than normal, her drinking patterns have gotten sloppier, and parts of her brain toyed with her. As she strolled the streets at night looking for her midnight snack, sucking the salted liquid through her fangs with her luscious eyes closed, fluttering against the tip of the apple to her cheeks. Ellie saw you. When her eyes closed she pretended that they were you, hell she would never actually do this to you but she couldn’t get your toxic scent out of her mind. Moaning into the neck that she feeds whispering your name as her fangs dig in deeper and suddenly she loses all control, killing the being in the process. Ellie was deeply flawed; allowing a human to get in between the priorities of her stone-cold heart, but whatever she wanted she was certain she would have. 
“I think you have to invite me in first, it’s impolite for me to walk into your wonderful home without permission” Abby confessed, lying straight through her teeth, she didn’t care what was right or wrong she just needed permission or else she wouldn’t be allowed in. 
Deja vu hit you, remembering how Ellie made the same statement the first time she came over to visit you apart from the museum. 
“You may come in”
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Acerbus  Bitter, gloomy, and dark. 
That was a word that was enough to make your stomach curl up into a million knots.
The cold ones. 
No one could have prepared you to put your girlfriend to rest. The person who you saw forever with, wanting to get married and have a couple of children too, was all nothing but a lie and impossible. It was so refreshing to you, like a kiss of air, and nature healing itself, but slowly your emotions and your joy turned into a rotting flower, decaying along with all of your emotions tinted black. Over the course of a few weeks, you’ve sharpened your knives and coated your doors in some kind of vampire repellent given to you by Abby. The blonde has taught you how to hunt and detect vampires, the power of the stake, and what unfinished business Abby had with taking down Ellie.
Ellie on the other hand, you haven’t seen in a few days. Maybe it was because you were distracted; the auburn girl turning to nothing but a whisper and rattle of the leaves, spiraling into another one of her disappearing acts. 
Now you stood at her very own tombstone, which seemed rather distasteful; bless you, but you were trespassing. Trailing behind Abby like a lost puppy as she took a hammer, drawing back her arm to slam onto the lock that was Ellie’s above-ground grave. Abby came up with a bright and elite plan on how to trap Ellie back at the museum, but the two of you couldn’t have done it without the weapon that knocked her into a stone coma for ages. No, it doesn’t kill her, but it would slow her down and freeze her until it was time for her to be brought back; which would be never. You thought it was beautiful, fresh marble and sleek black with roses surrounding the front entrance into her small 4x4 square, which the main entrance was blocked by a gate — with a hefty lock which you assumed was where Ellie’s casket had been placed. 
“The roses are fresh, I think it’s best if we hurry” Abby whispers, matching the tone of the wind that was spirling above the two of you.
Abby took her hands dragging them down at the lock which opened the gate to Ellie’s tomb. The inside was barely lit, with unlit candles surrounding Ellie’s coffin that had the lid wide open with chains dangling from it. Modern-day gothic– and eerie to the touch. As you took careful steps walking around it; it seemed almost impersonal. You wanted to cry and shrivel up, that the way you’d been living for 3 months was a lie, running your hands around the perimeter of her coffin as if you were looking down at a body inside. But there was nobody and you knew the worst would have to come for Ellie to soon return to her rightful place. Abby however got right to work, brushing past you to tap every corner of the brick, reaching for Ellie’s casket, and digging through the built-in cushions. Abby grunts until she stops when her fingers prick a sharp tool. 
“Ow!... I got it” Abby hissed as she pulled out a thick and sleek shiny silver dagger with Latin scriptures engraved into the handle and metal of the knife. Abby briefly wiped it against the leather, twirling it in her hand before taking a bag of mercury and dipping the tip of the knife into the material. All you could do is watch, stake in the back pocket of your jeans that was covered by your jacket. 
“So what now?” you pushed, putting a hand on your hip.
“We get the fuck ou—-”
Abby stopped talking briefly pulling you into a shadow, blocked by a pillar making you go unnoticed.
“What are you—” 
Abby shushed you, reaching a hand up to cover your mouth as you now heard what Abby was hearing. Strong, sloppy footsteps, walking into the tomb as the gate to the entranced creaked.
The stranger groaned before letting out a sniff into the air. 
“Y/n I know you’re here.” Ellie croaked, her voice slurring as she limped towards her own casket hovering over it with a loud creak as your body shook beneath Abby’s gentle touch. 
“The cats out of the bag babe, fuckin’... let’s just talk c’mon” Ellie pleaded as her boots squeaked against the floor as she was visibly pacing. 
You shook your head as Abby briefly turned your body around whispering to you.
It’s the only way. 
With that Abby pushed you out from the hiding spot making you let out a yelp as you stumbled onto the floor in front of Ellie. She looked demonic, unreal almost. Blood dripping down her chin spread against her chest, and her hair was a filthy mess. Her once-green eyes glowed a sweet red under the pale moonlight as she watched you crumble on the floor trying to stand up.
“There you are~” Ellie teased as she took a few steps towards you making you crawl back.
“Thought we were gonna have to play hide and seek glad you’re so smart” Ellie taunted as she turned around kicking over a few candles surrounding her casket. 
“What did you do?” You shouted, groaning as you used the nearby wall to push your weight up.
“Who did you kill?” 
Ellie laughed. You frowned; disgustedly watching as Ellie only laughed at your panicked state. She thought your fear was funny, she could smell it off of you. 
“Why? You scared?” Ellie jabbed tilting her head with a really? expression on her face. 
Ellie reached her arm out for you to take which you stared at as if she was infected, so she took it back rolling her eyes. Ellie slid off her leather jacket and threw it onto the floor at your feet giving you a perfect view of her spaghetti-strapped cami and the tattoo on her arm.
“I think of you when I feed you know…as my teeth sink down into someone so innocent, like a deer…”Ellie began as she walked towards you slowly making you walk backward moving away.
“Get away from me” you gritted taking the stake out from your back pocket and crossing it over your front pointing side up.
“Ooh~” Ellie teased as she walked even closer until the stake was lined up with her heart. “What are you gonna do, kill me?” Ellie whined giving you a false pout similar to when you first met her in the museum and she stole the book.
“Not even a kiss goodbye?” Ellie taunted, as her body hovered over yours pressing deepening to the stake that was carving into her shoulder.
“Only you could hurt me like this, god what are you doing?” Ellie whispered, with that the waterworks came through as you started to cry, sobbing viciously letting out cries of “get away” as she was in front of you.
“Shh…Shh…Shh” Elie started grabbing at your arms with a firm hold from the base of your wrist gripping tightly. “Don’t cry” Ellie comforted you as she kept one arm around yours holding the dagger and another one up at your temple to which she leaned in giving you a kiss on the cheek staining your cheek with blood. Not her blood or your own but someone else, making you cry even more.
“I don’t- I can’t…we’re over Ellie” You cried out, sniffling in between sobs as your head dropped in defeat. 
“I’m sorry I lied to you. . . I’m sorry for what I did. . .I can’t control it, you know that right?” Ellie took a large gulp as she backed away from you shaking out her hands. Ellie was suddenly getting nervous, panicking at the way you were crying.  “I just get these urges, I only feed when I want to feed off you so I don’t hurt you. Babe, please listen to me”
“I have to kill you.” You dropped the bomb as Ellie’s sudden panicked state turned defense; she was getting angry and hostile. “I let you into my home…I let you kiss me, I let you fuck me and you didn’t think once to tell me who you really were”
“How is that fair?”
Ellie was numb, staring at you; her lover with a deadpanned expression on her face, deprived of any emotion, she was being straightforward “If you are gonna kill me don’t use that it’s not gonna work” Ellie spat, backing away as she walked over to her coffin staring down at the white cushioning inside. Finally wiping her chin with the back of her hand. 
“You’re gonna let me kill you?” you inquired, lowering the dagger by your waist as you watched Ellie watch over her own coffin.
“Only you. Because I know eventually you’ll miss me and take it out and set me free.”
“You don’t know that” you shook your head.
“But I do, I always do” Ellie took the initiative to reach into the coffin similar to how Abby did when the two of you first entered the tomb, patting the bedding as her eyes scrunched up in confusion as she looked away from you.
“Wait where is it”
You knew what she was looking for.
“Y/n what did you do with the dagger that was in this coffin…god what is that smell who is in here with you” Ellie was growing pissed off; anger nagging at her as she was looking control again, fangs poking out on instinct as she grew hostile within the room.
“It’s just me…” 
Ellie shook her head closing the coffin. “No someone else is here I can feel them” 
“Ellie…it’s just me” you whispered, trying to convince her as best as you possibly good. There was no way she would buy it, but you could lie your ass off and hope she wouldn’t sniff out the hound. 
“You can’t kill me with that, I say you just go for it and let whoever took the main piece finish me off” 
“Ellie I can’t—”
“I love you!”
You froze, you were her lifeline her weakness. The tether that kept her together as your soul was indefinitely embedded in her own. I love you, so sentimental and meaningful you didn’t wanna use it lightly and in this moment you knew she wasn’t using it against you. 
“Hey…shhh don’t cry, I love you” 
You had no time to prepare, lost in her lustful green eyes, pupils dilating at the sight of you. As Abby snuck behind her, stabbing Ellie in the back making the both of you let out a gasp. Ellie looked down to her chest seeing the dagger poking through the other side of her body. Black blood pooled out and meshed with her black camisole. Ellie tilted her head to look at you, who had your arms steady around her shoulders so she wouldn’t tip over. Your Ellie gave you a faint smile. Your fear-stricken face, eyes wide as you looked at Abby who paced around Ellie to see if the dagger even worked. 
“What?” you jabbed, face scrunching up in confusion. Ellie didn’t look afraid to die, hell she knew you would need her. Her words slurred as she was slowly succumbing to an endless slumber. 
“Have fun, my blood is….blood ‘n your veins…I’ve put…I put my blood in your tea. Good luck being a vampire baby fangs”
Baby fangs. 
Abby shouted NO! Behind you, but it was far too late. Ellie took out her hidden arm revealing a similar dagger to her very own; raising her arm up reflexively to jab it into your own neck as your blood started to pool out. No, it wasn’t going to kill you permanently. However, it would trigger a death into human you and allow you to become what Ellie was. What you tried so hard not to be. 
A bloodthirsty vengeful vampire. 
You panicked at your slow-beating heart; transcending you into a state of permanent drowsiness and immortality. Beats moving slower and slower as if your heart was put in a freezer locker and your body was chilling over. There was nothing you could do, it was too late. Tears pricked your eyes as a salty clear tear dripped down your face as you felt yourself lose consciousness collapsing on top of your already stoning lover. She betrayed you, the sneaky sly fox was ahead of you. A wolf in sheep’s clothing 
“I told you I loved you.”
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© cowgirlcherrie
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itgetsdark-x · 1 year
Hello! Since your request are open. Would you like to write some filthy Joel (boyfriends dad) x reader smut?
A/N: the thought of having Joel Miller as your boyfriend’s dad actually has me barking at walls?? Like???? Any guy wouldn’t stand a chance if his dad was the Joel Miller, like jesus. Anyway, I hope you like it anon!
Summary: After your boyfriend pushes your patience for the last time, his dad, Joel is there to help you feel better and truly show you what it’s like to be with a man.
Characters: BFD!Joel Miller x F!Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: 18+, minors dni! Actually just 4.6k words of smut, age gap, unprotected sex (do better!), oral (f receiving), cheating (technically)
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You wanted to scream in pure annoyance, actually scrap that, screaming didn’t feel like it would be enough, you maybe wanted to smother your boyfriends drunken face with a pillow. You sighed deeply as you fumbled with the lock on his front door, he was draped over your shoulders and you gently jabbed him with your elbow to stand straighter so you could fight with the lock. 
“‘M gonna show you the best night of your life!” He slurred, a stupid smirk on his face. 
“Jack, with all due respect… shut the hell up. I meant what I said earlier, I’m pissed off. I’m dropping you home, getting you into bed and I’m leaving. We will talk when you’re sober.” You huffed, feeling triumphant when the lock suddenly clicked. 
You held the door open for him and gently pushed him to edge him inside the house. You dropped your handbag by the front door and held Jack’s arm to direct him to the stairs. 
You had been with your boyfriend, Jack Miller, for around two years; for the most part, he was a good guy, he was fairly kind and somewhere in you, you did love him but recently everything felt like it had shifted and tonight just felt like the final nail in the coffin. 
You had gone to a bar in town to meet up with both of your friends to celebrate your birthday, Jack promised he would only have one drink so you could relax and unwind but he got so stupidly drunk that he was barely standing. After a few shots, he then proceeded to hit on the bartender, right in front of you and then give an extremely detailed story of your sex life to his friends. He had ignited such an anger in you tonight that you weren’t sure you could ever put it out. 
“Jack?” You heard a familiar voice call from the kitchen as you were halfway up the stairs. 
You sat Jack down on a step and turned on yourself to look down the stairs, there he was stood, maybe the reason why Jack just didn’t seem to satisfy you anymore. You knew it was wrong, hell, the fantasises you had made you feel so dirty that sometimes you would shower in the hopes of washing away all of your filthy thoughts. Of course, it never worked and often, as you stood there in the shower, watching the water circle the drain you would find your fingers already travelling south to bury deep within yourself to your thoughts of this man. 
Joel Miller, Jack’s father. He was a handsome man, in his late-forties, he was a single father and the star in all of your recent fantasies. You couldn’t pinpoint when it started but from the first day you met him and shook his hands, the sparks shocked you through your body. There was something about his features, his eyes that made you feel like you had known him before. Jack’s mother had passed away when he was little and since then, it had been the two of them. Joel couldn’t have been sweeter to you, he was always inviting you round for dinner with them both, even when Jack didn’t think to do so and in general, he was the perfect example of a gentleman. You wondered where it had gone so wrong for Jack, he was the opposite. 
“Oh, h-hi Mr. Miller, sorry we are back so late. Um, Jack had a little too much to drink tonight so I’m just gonna go get him into bed and be out of your hair.” You mumbled. 
“Dad,” Jack hiccuped. “Look at her, gonna give her the best night of her life. Gonna have her screaming my name.” Jack laughed, swaying on the stair as he brought his hand up to slap your bare ass under you skirt. 
You yelped and batted his hand away, your cheeks burning a deep crimson with pure rage and embarrassment.
“Jack,” you warned. “I’m not gonna tell you again.”
Joel stood at the bottom of the stairs, he had folded his arms and his fists seemed to balled up into a tight clench. He had a deep frown settled into his brow and he shook his head. 
“Jack, that is not how us Miller men treat a lady, I’ve told you before. I’m so sorry darlin’ for the lack of my son’s manners, I promise I tried to raise him better.” Joel sighed. “Why don’t you go down to the kitchen and make yourself a drink, I’ll put Jack to bed and be down in a moment.”
“Oh, uh, I didn’t want to intrude, I was just gonna head home. Get out of your way, and all that.” You said softly, checking once more that Jack wouldn’t lean forward and slip down the stairs.
“Non-sense. It’s too damn late for that, you can stay. I’ll make up the sofa for you, if you don’t wanna stay in his room. Which, I would totally understand.” Joel laughed softly. 
“Okay, well, um, that’ll be lovely then. Thank you, Mr. Miller.”
“Darlin’ what have I told you? It’s Joel.” He smiled and squeezed your arm gently as you walked past him to head to the kitchen. 
You heard Jack mumbling something to his father as he was led upstairs but you couldn’t quite make it out, instead, you walked into the kitchen in a daze. Your fingers tracing where Joel’s hand had just been. It felt like a million tiny pinpricks erupted over your skin where he just touched you. It made you feel hot and pathetically, you felt yourself get slick. 
You grabbed a glass from the cupboard, filled it with water and sat yourself down at the kitchen island. You sipped your drink and looked around the familiar space, suddenly, you felt nervous. Maybe you should just run out the door and go home, you never really spent anytime with Joel as you tried to avoid it. It was out of fear that you would say or do something you would soon regret and partly out of knowing you seemed to turn into a babbling moron whenever the older man was near. 
As you sat there, your mind was suddenly filled with thoughts of the older Miller man and you couldn’t help but smile as you remembered the moment vividly. You were staying over, about six months into your relationship, it was late and you got up to use the bathroom; Joel was in his room, his door was ajar and there he was, spread out on his bed with his hard cock in his hand and his body illuminated by the blue light of his laptop screen. You tried to pull yourself away from the spot on the landing as you watched him in awe but you couldn’t, you weren’t sure how long you had been stood then until Joel’s groan pulled you out of your trance, as you went to walk away, he looked up and you were sure your eyes locked for a split second before you dashed back to your boyfriend’s room. You climbed back into bed, and shamefully, awoke your boyfriend to have sex. That had been the first time you properly orgasmed with Jack, to thoughts of his dad. You were embarrassed to admit it but that night, you moaned just a little louder in the hope Joel would hear it and know they were for him. It was never spoken about between the two of you, for which, you were thankful for. 
As your mind wandered, you absently rubbed your thighs together, relishing in the slight friction with each pass of your legs. 
“You okay, darlin’?” Joel asked softly, looking at you with a raised brow. “You look a little… flushed.”
You near jumped out of your skin, his voice sent a small shudder down your body and you sipped your water to calm yourself down. 
“Oh, sorry. I, um, guess I’m a little stressed. It’s all.” You mumbled. 
“I thought you were going to get yourself a drink?” Joel asked, rummaging through his liquor in his cupboard. 
“I did, I got a water.” You frowned. 
“Don’t be so silly, it’s your birthday weekend. Let me get you a proper drink; vodka, lemon and lime, right?” He asked, grabbing his bottle of fancy vodka and getting a fresh glass out of the cupboard. 
You held back a grin as Joel rattled off your drink of choice, you nodded at him and admired the way his arms flexed with each movement. He made you both the same drink and slid one across the kitchen island to you. You took a sip and sighed contentedly, almost as if the stress of the evening’s antics was being washed away with every sip of alcohol. 
“Thanks, Mr. Miller, I really appreciate it.” You said softly, leaning back into your seat with a soft sigh. 
“Darlin’ please, call me Joel. You’ve known me long enough, it’s Joel.” 
“Just feels impolite but thanks, Joel. I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow morning, maybe for good.” You mumbled looking into your glass and stirring the clear liquid with your straw. 
“For good?” Joel asked concernedly, he leant on the kitchen counter, his biceps flexing as he leant on them. 
“Y-yeah. I think I need to end things with Jack, god he’s such an ass!” You huffed before realising who you were speaking to. “God, sorry, Joel, I know he’s your son. I’m a mess!” You whispered, tears pricking your eyes. 
“Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry. Please don’t apologise.” He spoke softly, he was soon by your side and he stroked your back softly. “Jack is a moron, he should realise how lucky he is.”
You cried weakly, a few lone tears rolled down your cheeks as you focused on Joel’s large palm stroking your back. The next few seconds were a blur, you barely registered what you were doing but your lips had locked with Joel’s and you were kissing him roughly. Joel immediately held your face and deepened the kiss, he groaned as your tongue swiped over his bottom lip to enter his mouth. 
You turned your body in your seat so you were facing Joel and you couldn’t help but moan softly as his large hands found their way into your hair. You broke the kiss and breathed deeply, you splayed your hands over Joel’s hard chest and gasped in deep breaths. 
“Fuck, Joel. Fuck. I should go, I’ll speak with Jack in the morning. I’m sorry.” You rambled, pushing Joel gently so you could stand to leave. You wiped your face as you began to walk out of the kitchen, Joel grasped your wrist tightly and gently pulled you back to stop you from spiralling out. 
“Darlin’, wait a second.” He whispered. “Don’t rush off… c’mhere.”
You stopped walking and looked up at Joel with your wet eyes, you were panicked and your chest was heaving with panic.  
“I’ve wanted you, well, forever and ever since that night you caught me, well y’know. I heard your pretty little mouth that night, heard those moans and I knew they were for me.” He whispered, he was bringing his head closer to you and his lips ghosted over your parted lips. 
You sucked in a sharp breath, your cheeks were glowing with embarrassment and you opened your mouth to argue with him but Joel silenced you with a bruising kiss. His fingers held the back of your head as he controlled the kiss, you whimpered softly as your allowed yourself to be kissed by the older man, just like in your fantasies. 
Joel’s free hand groped at your breast, his fingers kneaded at the soft mound through your shirt and your mouth opened with a soft noise. 
“Joel,” You whimpered. “Maybe, maybe we shouldn’t. I should probably go.”
“I want you.” Joel said definitively. “I’ve wanted you since the first day I saw you; you were wearing that real pretty little summer dress and it drove me mad, stroked myself so hard to thoughts of you for so long.” He whispered, his hand still drinking in each dip and curve of your clothes body. “Feel.”
Joel took your hand and pressed it to the front of his jeans, you could feel how hard his cock was in his pants; he was thicker than Jack and longer too. You were feeling ashamed to admit it to yourself but you were wetter than you had been in a long time. 
“Driving me fuckin’ mad. Feel what you do to me.” He groaned as your hand squeezed his shaft. 
“You’re so big.” You whined. “I want to feel you.”
Joel didn’t hesitate for another second, he took your shirt and roughly tugged it over your head before he followed suit with your skirt. There you were, stood in your boyfriend’s kitchen and nearly naked for his father. You couldn’t help but feel vulnerable as Joel gently twirled you around so he could drink in your whole body. 
“You’ve been wasted for all this time, should be treated right. How about you get upstairs and I’ll show you how good a real man can fuck you.” Joel’s voice was barely above a whisper and it sent shivers right to your core. 
You gently crossed your legs, trying to stave off the throbbing of your arousal and you nodded weakly, you couldn’t quite believe this was happening. You knew it was wrong but you couldn’t bring yourself to care anymore. Joel took your hand gently and lead you upstairs, you passed by your boyfriend’s room, the door was closed and you could hear his loud snores. Just hearing him sleep so peacefully whilst he knew you were upset enraged you but you pushed those sour thoughts aside as Joel pushed you into his room and he locked the door behind you both. 
“Take those pretty panties and bra off for me, darlin’ and lay down on the bed, show me your pretty little cunt.” Joel growled, keeping his voice hushed. 
You bit gently on your bottom lip and did as you were instructed, you undid your bra; your breasts fell from the material with a soft bounce and Joel watched you hungrily, he was palming himself through his jeans. You blushed under his hungry gaze and turned away from him to pull your panties off, you bent yourself over to give him a small show as the lacy material slipped over your ass. You bent down to pick the panties off the floor, letting Joel catch a long look at your wet cunt; he could see how wet you were, your lips were slick and begging to be filled. 
You smirked as Joel watched you, speechless, you turned back around and sauntered over to him, slipping the damp panties into his front pocket. 
“Something to remember me by.” You giggled before taking Joel’s shirt and pulling it over his head. 
You threw the old material of Joel’s t-shirt to the floor and immediately your hands were on the vast expanse of his tanned skin, your fingers gently raked through the sparse hair on his chest and you couldn’t hold back the small whine that slipped from your lips. He was so manly, so rugged and such a stark contrast to any of the guys you had been with before. 
“On the bed,” Joel instructed, flicking his head in the direction of his bed. “I wanna taste you.”
Your knees nearly buckled at his words and you weakly carried yourself to his bed; you laid down for him and eagerly spread your legs. Your arousal had coated your upper thighs and it had Joel nearly going feral at the sight. He quickly positioned himself on the bed, laid down on his front so his face was close to your sopping core. His fingers quickly went through your folds, collecting your apparent arousal on them. 
“This wet, all for me, hm?” He asked, kissing his soft lips up your thighs, travelling higher but not quite landing where you wanted them the most. 
You bit onto your lip to stop you from making a noise and you nodded eagerly at him; you leant up on your elbows so you could peer down at the male between your thighs. 
“Look at how pretty you are, darlin’. All spread out and wet for me, you needed this, didn’t you?” He asked softly as he pushed two digits into your pussy. 
“Yes!” You gasped out loudly, your hips bucked upwards as you looked at the male; his fingers alone were making you feel heady and weak already.
Joel started a quick rhythm, his fingers pulling out and disappearing just as fast into your greedy heat. He quickly dipped his head lower and timed it perfectly, just as his fingers pulled out, he flicked his tongue over your clit roughly and pushed his fingers back into you, curling them upwards. 
You were seeing stars, your body felt as if it was floating on a cloud and you never, in your wildest dreams imagined that you would be feeling this way at the hands of your boyfriend’s dad. 
“Fuck!” You cursed, your voice a little too loud. “If you don’t stop, I-I’m gonna cum already.” You whimpered.
Joel let out a breathy laugh against your clit, his hot breath fanning over your wetness and he just smirked before he suctioned his lips around the swollen bud and suckled gently at it. Joel sped his fingers up, he could feel you fluttering around his digits and it drove him mad, he couldn’t help but thrust at the mattress below him, just hoping to help his leaking cock feel a fraction of relief. You noticed his hips thrusting against the soft mattress and that, mixed with Joel’s skilled tongue and fingers; it had you cumming, hard. The fact he was so turned on from just eating you out made you feel crazy, Jack was never forthcoming with pleasuring you like that, and here was his dad, eagerly eating you out like he was dying from starvation. 
You whimpered through your orgasm as Joel’s tongue flicked at your clit before lapping at it eagerly, he pulled his fingers out and sucked on them, groaning at the taste of you. 
“God, you taste as good as you look. Come here, come taste.” Joel whispered, travelling back up the bed to be positioned next to you. 
He gently pressed his fingers into your mouth which you eagerly opened and sucked the digits in. You moaned around them as your tongue cleaned them expertly. 
“You see how good you taste?” Joel whispered, watching as you sucked his fingers and you nodded in response.
He pulled his fingers out from your mouth with an obscene popping noise and leant forward to kiss you deeply, his tongue was invading your mouth within seconds and you moaned; you could taste the tang of your arousal in his mouth. 
“Joel, please fuck me already.”
Joel laughed softly. “How do you wanna take me, sweet girl?” 
“However you want me, please. I just wanna please you.” You admitted submissively. 
“Gonna kill me off. On your hands and knees for me then.” He smirked. 
You were more than willing to get into that position for Joel, but you needed to see him first. You needed to feel his heavy cock in your hands before he fucked you senseless. You quickly worked on the fastening of his jeans, tugging them down roughly to reveal his tented boxers. Joel shimmied out of his jeans, albeit awkwardly as he allowed you to undress him. You pulled his boxers down, finally to let his hard cock spring up. 
You eagerly wrapped your hand around his shaft, your hand felt so small in comparison and you gave him a few testing strokes, your thumb swiping over the swollen head to collect his precum. Joel groaned beside you, he watched your hand stroke him and he gently thrust into your small fist. 
“I want you to fuck my throat, please, Mr. Miller.” You whispered, stroking him faster at the thought. 
“Jesus,” Joel groaned, screwing his eyes shut to anchor himself. “Can’t talk like that and call me that, you’ll have me cumming in an embarrassingly quick time.” He chuckled. 
You giggled, feeling giddy at his admission and you sped your hand up; his precum making your movements slick. 
“Please Mr. Miller.” You whined, your mouth watering at the thought of his heavy cock stuffing into your throat. 
“Not tonight, darlin’. I’ve been waiting far too long to have you, I don’t think I’d be able to cope.” He groaned. 
You rolled your eyes and released his cock from your hand to roll over; you got onto your knees and let the flat area of your triceps hold you up on the bed, you arched your back and allowed your ass to wiggle upwards for Joel. 
“Atta girl, didn’t have to ask you twice.” Joel cooed. 
You smiled, his praise making you feel eager to please him further, just anything to be good for him. Joel was quick to position himself behind you, he held the base of his hard cock and pressed himself to you, he passed his cock through your wet folds before he roughy thrust into you. His hands held your hips roughly and you gasped, your head lulling forward with the rough movement.
Joel groaned as he bottomed out inside of you, his hips were flush to your ass and he sensually rolled them to feel himself go deeper in you. You could feel yourself stretching around Joel’s thick length, he was the biggest you’d had and your fingers clawed at the sheets below you. You couldn’t help but moan as he pulled out and thrust forward once again, he was already building up a punishing pace, one that you knew would make you feel sore tomorrow. 
Joel was groaning behind you as he watched your tight hole greedily suck him back in as he thrust into you. You were everything he had wanted for months and the fact you were there, bent over for him and so willing had him going insane. His fingers dug into your skin roughly as he fucked you, his hips were snapping quickly but he still had a sensual rhythm going. 
“Feels so good.” He huffed, sounding a little breathless. “You. Feel, so good.” 
You were all but biting at the sheets below you, you were trying to keep yourself as quiet as you could be from the fear of Jack hearing you but Joel was making it difficult. You arched your back further and it had Joel hitting that glorious bundle of nerves within your sponges walls. 
“Mr. Miller,” you whimpered. “I’m close. I’m gonna cum.”
Joel pulled out of your abruptly, he held both of your hips tightly and he flipped your body on the mattress; it momentarily winded you, more out of shock than anything. You didn’t realise he was so strong but there you were suddenly, flipped onto your back. Joel held onto one of your hips again as he thrust into you. 
“I wanna watch your pretty face as you cum on my cock. I wanna see how crazy it drives you.” He groaned and he dipped his thumb down to expertly circle your clit. 
You clawed at the skin of his chest and you threw your head back with a loud moan, all inhibitions finally being freed. Your eyes fluttered shut in pleasure and Joel smirked as he watched your face contort and your back arched off the bed, he pressed a little rougher with his thumb and slowed his hips to a sensual roll so he could pleasure you more. The tip of his cock nudged into you just right and you were soon tumbling into the most intense orgasm you had ever experienced. 
“That’s right, babydoll. Cum for me, but open those eyes of yours, need you to look at me as you cum. Need to watch you. Look at me.” Joel cooed, speeding his thumb up. “Cum for me. This is what it’s liked to be fucked properly, tell me how good my cock feels in you. Dirty little girl.”
You opened your mouth to reply but all that came tumbling from your lips were pathetic moans as you were fucked through your orgasm. Your eyes fluttered as you stared up at Joel, you used all your might to keep them open as you clenched around Joel, trying to draw his cock in deeper. 
“S-so good.” You managed to squeak out. “Feels so fucking good, never been fucked so good before in my life. Need more.” You whined. 
“Fuck,” Joel cursed, his hips stuttering with his final thrusts. “‘M Gonna fill you up, gonna fuck my hot cum into your greedy little hole. You want it?”
You nodded at him and your eyes closed once again as the first spurts of Joel’s hot cum coated your inner walls. You whimpered at the feeling, relishing in the male’s release as he fucked himself through his orgasm. 
Joel rolled off of you with a groan, your chests were heaving with shallow breathes and your skin was coated with a light sheen of sweat from the effort. You made a small noise of discomfort as you stood. 
“I’ll be right back.” You said quietly and quickly left the room to use the bathroom. 
You cleaned yourself up and returned back to Joel’s room, he was sprawled out on top of his sheets, still naked as he breathed softly with his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful, so handsome and you truly just wanted to curl up against his chest and sleep.
“I uh, I should get dressed and leave. Um. Thank you for tonight.” You mumbled and rummaged around in the dark to find your bra that had been strewn on the floor. 
“Wait… you said you need to speak to Jack tomorrow and well, it’s already early hours of the morning. Just stay. Please, I don’t wanna have to worry about you driving home this late.” Joel mumbled. 
“I don’t know, Joel… it’s a bad idea, I feel it.” You replied quietly. 
“Just quit your arguin’ and get into bed.” He said, rolling his eyes; even in the darkness you could see him doing it. 
“Fine, god! You’re so bossy.” 
You obliged and found yourself curling up in Joel’s bed, you knew in the back of your mind it would probably cause trouble for you but you couldn’t quite care enough to stop it from happening. Joel got into bed with you, he wrapped his large arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. Sleep soon took you both.
When morning finally broke, sunlight drowned the room through the open blinds, the sheets were tangled between you both exposing your bodies and you yawned as you stretched in Joel’s arms. You rolled over to get comfy again before a familiar voice called out into the room. 
“Dad?!” Jack was stood there in the doorway, mouth agape and all colour drained from his face. “What the fuck?!”
“We can explain.” You yelped, taking the sheets to cover your bodies quickly. 
Joel sleepily sat up, rubbing remnants of sleep from his deep brown eyes and he squinted as his sight adjusted to the morning’s light. 
If you weren’t screwed the night before, you most definitely screwed now. 
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