#Roswell Prom
burntotears · 2 years
Title: The Answer is Always "Okay." Tags: AU - Canon Divergence, Teen Malex, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Jesse Manes' A+ Parenting, Aftermath of Abuse, Handprint Fic, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, First Kiss, Getting Together, Fluff, Getting to Know Each Other, No Toolshed Incident, Hopeful Ending W/C: 6,079 Summary: After Alex's fight with Kyle at prom, he knows that there will be consequences at home. He runs into Michael in the toolshed, who's so out of sorts from his resulting injury that he accidentally heals him, revealing himself as an alien and connecting their emotions. The course of their future changes irrevocably. (Canon Divergent after Prom—No Toolshed Incident)
Happy Christmas @bloggingbisexually ! This is for the @malexsanta exchange. I subbed in at the last second, so I hope it's still enjoyable for you 💕
Thank you so much to my beta @im-the-punk-who for your amazing help making this story better and for brainstorming with me so I didn't get in over my head. You're the best!
“Alex, wait up!”
Alex could hear Liz’s hurried footsteps behind him and all he really wanted to do was run so that she couldn’t catch up in her high heels, but even now he couldn’t bring himself to be that much of a dick to her. He slowed and turned around, clutching at his face.
She gasped. “You’re bleeding!”
“That’ll happen when someone punches you,” he replied dryly.
“I’m so sorry, Alex, I had no idea–” she cut short at the intensity of his glare.
“Let’s be honest with each other, Liz. You knew. You wanted to focus on how he acted around you and turn a blind eye to what he was doing with his buddies, but you knew.” Not even Alex could say Kyle was all bad—four years ago Kyle had been his best friend, after all. There was a different person in there and he had a feeling that was the one Liz saw the most.
“Alex, I…” she trailed off, tears welling in the corners of her eyes. Strangely enough, Alex knew what she was feeling; he’d gone through the same amalgamation of emotions before high school when Kyle decided he was more of a liability than a friend.
“I’d really just like to be alone right now,” he said, glad to have an out of this conversation.
“But you’re hurt,” she protested weakly.
He chuckled derisively. “I’ve had worse than a few punches from Kyle Valenti.”
[ Read on AO3 ]
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miladylocksley · 2 years
is there a gifset out there of the rnm couples dancing?
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dragonbinx · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes Characters: Michael Guerin, Alex Manes, Isabel Evans | Isobel Evans Additional Tags: Pride, Prom, Pride Prom, Past Child Abuse, Married Life Series: Part 26 of Pride Fics 2024! 🌈 Summary:
On the last week of May, Michael had only taken one sip of coffee before Alex put the flyer down in front of him.  He squinted down at it blearily. "Pride prom?”
“Yeah.  It’s for kids from nearby towns that don't let them have same-sex dates, or who aren't comfortable or safe going to their regular prom.  We're throwing it at the high school and we need volunteers."
Micheal goes to a Pride prom at his old high school, and it stirs up some feelings.
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lesbianmaxevans · 1 year
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MAX EVANS WEEKEND 2023 September 24 - Rising Hero ➤ enduring love
[Image Description: Eighteen stacked gifs from Roswell, New Mexico.
Tezca asks, "What fuels you, Max?"
Teen Liz and teen Max wave to each other. There is text that reads, ”You said you don’t want to be the kind of girl that changes her plans for a guy, but… all I’ve ever wanted is to change my plans for you.” In the bottom right corner, there is an overlay of a shape that looks like two hearts.
There is a transition overlay from Max, Isobel, and Michael at prom, to Max and Liz sitting on the hood of a car after making their road trip plans. There is text that reads, “I considered leaving once, after high school. If it hadn’t been for Michael and Isobel, I would have followed you.”
There is a transition overlay from Max outside of his house, clearly very upset, as his lights flicker, to Max and Liz smiling at each other as they touch foreheads. There is text that reads, “Ever since I healed you, I’ve felt wrong, like there’s a – like there’s a tornado inside me, and I can’t fight it and I can’t run from it, except when I'm with you."
Max and Liz stare at each other as if they're a dear in headlights. There is text that reads, “Liz, I have loved you my entire life. Including every single day that you were gone in the last decade.“ In the top right corner and bottom left corner, there is a heart overlay.
There is a transition overlay from Max holding Isobel, to Max placing Liz's serum in her hands. There is text that reads, ”If something happens and I can’t protect you and Isobel at the same time, you should have a way to protect yourself.”
There is a transition overlay from Max turned away from Liz, looking irritated, to his first kiss with Liz. There is text that reads, ”But you’re not perfect. I see your faults. And I love you. Easily.”
There is a transition overlay from Liz's collection of evidence into Rosa's death, to Max's thumb stroking Liz's hand as she hands the antidote to Max. There is text that reads, " If I'm the one holding the cure, then I'm the one refusing to use it. I'm the killer, not you."
There is a transition overlay from Max staring at Rosa in a pod, to Rosa with the glowing handprint vaguely seen on her chest. There is an overlay of a heart in the bottom right corner.
There is a transition overlay from Liz standing in front of Max's failing pod, to Max in a warped version of the Crashdown in his mindscape. There is a heart overlay in the middle right.
There is a transition overlay from Max looking saddened as he watches Liz (offscreen), to Max and Liz smiling at each other and laughing. There is text that reads, ”I am not better off without you. I am not whole without you.“
There is a transition overlay from Max crying as he listens to Liz's tapes, to Max smiling as he recites Liz's words back to her. There is text that reads, "I didn’t just keep your tapes, I listened to them, as a… as a way to be closer to you."
There is a transition overlay from Liz walking out of Max's bedroom, to Max pulling away from Liz at the drive in. There is text that reads, "I am scared of hurting you. Of dragging you further into my mess. I mean, you deserve greatness, you deserve happiness."
There is a transition overlay from Liz giving Max her little green alien figurine, Enrique, to Max tapping Enrique on the head as he places him on a desk. There is text that reads, "You are my turquoise. You focus me."
Max slides an engagement ring on Liz's finger. There is text that reads, "She's brilliant, kind, funny. Yeah, I can't wait to marry her." There is a heart overlay in the top right corner.
There is a transition overlay from Max and Liz holding hands, to Max and Liz smiling at each other as they lay in bed together. There is text on the gif that reads, "I got you. I'm never gonna leave your side."
Max uses powers to reopen the portal. There is an overlay of a bunch of hearts that pop in and out in the bottom left corner.
In response to Tezca's question, Max responds, "Liz."]
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aydann-runs · 10 months
Even though event planning isn't her thing anymore, Isobel jumps at the chance to organize their fifteen year high school reunion. The alien drama has settled down, Max and Dallas are back from Oasis more often than not, and if she’s being honest with herself, she’s a little bored.
None of them had really had much fun at prom the first time around, and so Isobel decides that she’s going to throw the best damn prom Roswell has ever seen for their reunion. She wants to do it for her family, for herself.
So, she spends three months planning, locking in the DJ and catering, working out a deal with Maria to provide the booze and bartenders. Convincing her brothers that Yes, you do have to go and Yes, you do have to dress up and No, Michael, you can't wear jeans even if you did for your wedding.
This is probably the last event she'll plan, because Socialite Isobel isn't who she is anymore, and never really was, but it's all worth it to see Liz climbing out of the limo and taking Max’s arm. She’s wearing an emerald green dress this time around, and it suits her, bold and vibrant, just like Liz. When they pause under the arch wrapped with faerie lights for a photo, Max catches Isobel's eye and smiles.
It's all worth it to see Maria standing at one of the cocktail tables with Dallas, her eyes sparkling with laughter as they take a break from the dance floor to enjoy a moment of relative privacy. Their relationship is still new, but they seem to complement each other, and Isobel's happy to see them happy.
It's all worth it when she looks across the room in time to see Alex standing next to where Michael's seated, hands extended in invitation. Michael ducks his head, and Isobel is sure if she were closer, she'd see the smile he's hiding. She watches as Michael takes Alex's hands and lets himself be pulled to his feet and out to the dance floor. Alex gathers Michael close as they sway to the music, Michael following his husband's lead. Isobel loves her brother, and he has many talents. Dancing isn't one of them, but Alex takes good care of him, and they move together smoothly, like they were always meant to.
And it's definitely all worth it when Kyle slides his arm around her waist and pulls her close. They stand in comfortable silence for a few minutes, watching their friends and family, until Kyle squeezes her hip and says, “Thanks for another chance at this. Everyone looks happy.”
“They are,” Isobel agrees, and she doesn't even need her empath abilities to know it's true. They're all happy these days. Happy, settled, content, and whole.
And then Kyle pulls her out of her thoughts and onto the dance floor. Maria and Dallas join them first, but Max and Liz aren't far behind, and they all crowd Michael and Alex. It's a tangled, joyful mess, and Isobel couldn't be happier.
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simmer-rhi · 2 years
Willow Creek Rotation - Pancakes Flashback
Hastings Family - Part 7
StrangerVille High School - Class of 2000 - Prom
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Robert Pancakes: Most likely to appear on The Bake Off
Eliza Hastings: Most likely to earn a PhD
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David Jones: Most likely to save the world, lose the girl
Veronica Pancakes: Most likely to plan the wildest school reunions
Ali Castillo: Most likely to have released the hamsters in third grade
Alice Martin: Most likely to absentmindedly set a grill on fire
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Leslie Holland: Most likely to write a best seller
Iris Rouya: Most likely to get a summer job at Empire Records
Theodore Roswell: Most likely to join the political career
Meredith Strange: Most likely to never work a day in her life
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Drama Club - Camille Fontenaud, Myra Chaney, Alban Renard: Triple-triple-threats - most likely to take Del Sol by storm, and get us all into the film premières!
Mark Eggleston: Most likely to say he'll keep in touch and mean it
Arthur Fourier: Most likely to flirt with your parents
Jaden Givens: Most likely to join the circus
Some sims from the Origin Gallery and re-styled, originally by Sigh_Angel and simsontherope
Poses by ratboysims
Photos aided by ravasheencc's ISOLovePhotos camera
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jule1122 · 2 years
Fanfic Origin Story
Tagged by @burntotears 💕
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
Queer as Folk (QAF) US for both
What was first story you ever wrote.
It would have been a very bad QAF fic written directly into a yahoo group.  I can’t remember the title, but I know I am glad it has been lost in the blackhole of the internet.  I do have to admit that long before I knew what fanfic was, I would rewrite the Sweet Valley High books to keep my favorite couples together and imagine sequels to the Little House on the Prairie books.  At sleepovers my friends and I would tell stories that were essentially self insert band RPF stories although we didn’t know that was a thing.
What's a piece of advice you would give your younger fic writing self? 
Be less self consciousness . 
What’s an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback)
I was older when I found fandom and I didn’t really know what it was, I didn’t know the etiquette or terminology (it took me a ridiculously long time to figure what a beta was and that it had nothing to do with betamax recorders).  So it was the people who welcomed me and helped me find my feet so I didn’t run away that I am most grateful for.  Both when I first found fandom and every time I’ve entered a new one.
Post a sentence or two from an older fic and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want).
This is from one of my older QAF fics on AO3, Life is and Exodus.  I have older one on LJ I haven’t moved over and older ones still I don’t think are still anywhere:
In the end it wasn’t time that wore on them the most, Brian realized; it was distance.  Time they could handle.  They both had busy lives.   Going weeks, sometimes months without seeing each other, while not ideal, was manageable.  Phone calls and emails allowed them to be a constant presence in each other’s lives.  In some ways, Brian knew more about Justin’s life now than he had when they both lived in Pittsburgh. And since they didn’t cling to outdated and judgmental vows of monogamy, sex with strangers satisfied their physical needs without it ever being an issue.
But sometimes, and no one could have been more surprised to discover this than Brian, it was a specific touch your craved.  Sometimes you needed to be with someone who knew your body as well as you did.  It was these times when the distance between Pittsburgh and New York seemed to multiply until it became endless.
This is from Thanks that was fun, the most recent RNM fic I posted:
Alex looks at Michael like he’s lost his mind.  “I was the gay, emo kid in a cowboy town.  How many exes do you think I have?”  Alex holds up his hand before Michael can respond.  “And if you say Kyle Valenti, you’re fired.”
“God, no,” Michael laughs.  “Not that douche.  Can you believe he’s a doctor?”
“Kyle always wanted to be the best at everything,” Alex says, looking a little wistful.
Michael remembers that Alex and Valenti used to be friends before Valenti became a raging dick.  His chest hurts remembering how Valenti had taunted Alex at Prom, how he pushed him around at school.  “You weren’t the only one,” Michael says, hoping it will be some kind of comfort.   “The only queer kid in Roswell, I mean.  Bisexual,” he points to himself.  “And Emily Rathburn fell in love with some girl in college.   They got married last year.”
“That’s nice, I guess,” Alex frowns a little.  “I still felt like the only one then, still felt alone.”
I thing everyone I know has been tagged but if not - tag you’re it.
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rayatii · 7 days
It's been a while (mostly I have been lazy with updating this series with screenshots). Anyway.
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Adina creating a promposal sign for her last-ever prom before I age her up!
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Way to ruin the moment, Luz. (and yes, she went with Tane again)
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I love how she sticks out among her classmates with her bright heart-patterned dress.
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lmaooo Adina autonomously got up from taking her exam just to kiss Tane.
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omg looks like there's drama going on between the teacher and this student 😂
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Adina messing around for the first time in the Cuddle Carts!! (with Tane, of course.)
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Nothing like a nice workout in the boring home gym that your parents never use! (especially weird since Daniele loves fitness.)
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awww Principessa just looks so cute sprawled out like this 🥰🥰
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Adina meeting the Goths' newest baby Carlee! (except she didn't seem to like Adina all that much.) And the buff guy behind is Ernesto, that kid that the Goths adopted long ago. (and the toddler at the front is Adrian, the baby that Adina met once before.)
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Adina's last prom! (also the bald guy at the front is Johnny Brock, one of her childhood neighbors! He really hasn't aged up well. I don't know what is is with Sims kid townies aging up bald. It happened with Elsa Bjergsen as well.)
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lol Adina and Pierce (that guy who Adina once saw at ThrifTea wearing one of her Trendi outfits despite it being listed as a feminine outfit) had the exact same motion of whipping out their phones 😂
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This makes Pierce Delgato Adina's 6th conquest!
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And almost immediately after, she made Jace Laurent her 7th conquest! (she's not in an official relationship with either of the dudes she kissed, so it doesn't count as cheating, right???? I'm doing this to advance in the Serial Romantic aspiration.)
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It's now Adina's birthday party! I sent her to make her favorite drink at the bar, and it's water again, LOOOOOOOOOL
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Blow these candles!
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Awww hanging out with her friends, teens and young adults!
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For some reason the ground-floor bathroom sink kept running, and Adina came out with this cloud of smoke/foam.
(I did later give her a light "young adult" makeover, but I'm waiting until she moves out after her official graduation, which is in about one week from now.)
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And now Dulcamara enlisted the help of Ted Roswell, Jess Sigworth and Leslie Holland (Bridge to Terabithia flashbacks, anyone?) to help defeat the Mother Plant!
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(and the reason Dulcamara is so angry here is because I selected the "Charge!" combat option; I kept alternating combat options to find the most optimal way of defeating the Mother Plant.)
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userlaylivia · 8 months
i reallyyyyyyyyy hated the end of season 2 of og roswell ugh not because the writing wasn't good or anything but because I hated max/tess so much!! and the angst between max/liz was awful ugh jason/shiri were great in it but it hurt me! and also max NEVER loved tess idc what he might say he never even went there with her until liz pushed him away at prom and then again when she was going to sweden to prove Alex's death wasn't suicide like this is a example of a couple forced to be together and no real feelings were there max never even thought about tess that way until liz pushed him away!! I also hated it because alex died and I loved him and even though 2x17 cry your name is one of the best episodes of the show it still hurts and I understand why because Colin was getting more movie offers and alex couldn't keep going away so they had to do this as they explained on the commentary of the episode but it still broke my heart!! thank god roswell new mexico never introduced tess or max/tess or killed alex off!!
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✨ If the Roswell Characters Went to Prom in 2021 ✨
>> Maria DeLuca
I love the idea that Maria would have had stars in her hair. And that she might have rocked a simple 90s-style slip and strong lip combo, as well as having a super fun / boho nail 🌼
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july-19th-club · 2 years
2008 prom i love it . extremely funny that they did not hire younger actors to play them in any but one of the flashbacks so it’s just a bunch of 28-year-olds doing Hello Fellow Teens for budgetary reasons. love this energy
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gra-sonas · 3 years
Roswell, New Mexico | Lily Cowles - Mind Blown Featurette
Contains footage from 3x01
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asexual-juliet · 3 years
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Well, I guess when Liz was shot and Max dissolved the bullet into nothingness and then repaired the damages inside of her that would have otherwise left her dead, I guess that kind of changed my thinking. moodboard: maria deluca
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lesbianmaxevans · 2 years
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Max Evans Weekend Day 1: Angsty Nerd ↳ Max’s writing & love for literature
[Image Description: Seven stacked gifs from Roswell, New Mexico.
First: A close up shot of Max’s hands as he places a sheet of paper under a windshield wiper. There is text in a cursive font that reads, “I feel like I’m disappearing until you look at me and then I’m so completely seen.” Second: Two scenes side by side. On the left, Max holds a book and says, “This is a first edition, Cam.” Jenna (offscreen) responds, “Yep, knew that would give you a nerd boner.” On the right, Jenna holds out a paper bag to Max and says, “A hoodie, a belt, and The Great Gatsby. Stuff you left at my place.” Third: Max sits on the hood of a car, holding a book. There is text that reads, “Max Evans, right? Sorta bowlegged, way into Tolstoy, really nice handwriting for a guy.” Fourth: Two scenes of Max writing by hand. Fifth: Anatsa reads a page of Max’s book. There is text that reads, “Three sentences in, I was hooked. You’re legit good and it’s offensive.” Sixth: Two scenes side by side. On the left, Max is attempting to comfort Liz at prom and says, "Well, ‘Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown,’ I guess.” On the right, Liz has stopped by Max’s house and holds up one of his books that had been sitting out. She says, “Henry IV, Part 2. Of all the books.” Seventh: Max sits at his desk, in front of his typewriter. There is text in a cursive font that reads, “And he wondered if this would always be his plight, trading a currency of victories and tragedies, bartering with a mercenary universe, for a hope he might have once deserved. After all, the man had found a way to live with half a heart once, had locked up darkened chambers and pretended them away.”]
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meneatyoghurt · 4 years
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While I’m waiting for a new series of Taskmaster to start this week and we can only hope for news on RNM S3 sometime this century, here’s another one of these. I can only apologise.
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simmer-rhi · 2 years
Willow Creek Rotation - Pancakes Flashback
Hastings Family - Part 6
It's the morning of prom, and Caroline is having a heart to heart with Eliza.
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Caroline: I just think you can do better than that Bobby Pancakes, you shouldn't be dating boys from this neighborhood. You need to aim higher. What about the Roswell boy, the mayor's son?
Eliza: Not this again. Mum. Bobby is nice, unlike most of the other boys in Strangerville. Teddy Roswell is a creep, he's been caught looking through girls' gym lockers twice in the last month.
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Caroline: Tsk, well, I just don't want to see you pregnant out of high school with no means to look after the baby.
Eliza: Mum, please, stop! I'm not you, I'm not going to get pregnant, I'm going to college! End of discussion.
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