#Rosewood x villa
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Me looking through my ships and timelines and realising so many of them were done dirty either through premature cancellation, killing off of characters, or storylines not being done justice (or any combination thereof). Clearly I have a type 🤔🥲
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The interracial ship of the day is: Dr. Beaumont Rosewood, Jr. and Det. Annalise Villa, ie RoseVilla (Rosewood)
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shaloved30 · 7 years
Rosie/Annalise V. for the ship meme
Who asks the other on dates:  Rosie mostly, though Annalise does like to surprise him and take him dancingWho is the bigger cuddler: Rosie by a mile- openly at least, but he will never let Annalise forget the night she cuddled him on her couchWho initiates holding hands more often: Annalise, now that they’re together she can’t stop it and it’s the safest thing that they can do quick on the job when she just has to touch him. Also, she keeps an eye out for the shaking, she can’t help itWho remembers anniversaries: Rosie. They still celebrate the first “raincheck” milkshake tooWho is more possessive: Annalise
Who gets more jealous: Annalise
Who is more protective: They both are pretty intense about this, don’t cross Rosie though cause that means a whole family of Rosewoods is coming after you.
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Who is more likely to cheat: NeitherWho initiates sexy times the most: AnnaliseWho dislikes PDA the most: Annalise, but that’s only because she knows she can get carried away and she always has to keep an eye on the door when they’re out. Never really off duty, that one.Who kills the spider: Annalise kills the spider, Rosie might study it, if it’s not poisonous,; then let it goWho asks the the other to marry them: Rosie proposes and it’s a whole moment with speech that makes Annalise cry.Who buys the other flowers or gifts: Rosie, all day for no reason at allWho would bring up possibly having kids: They talk about it when Annalise catches him reading Tara’s copy of What To Expect When You’re Expecting that she left in the lab. He’s so excited that he’s gonna be an uncle soon and he knows his sister and Tara are gonna be the best moms- but he wants to try before time really runs out, even despite the risk.Who is more nervous to meet the parents: No need for nerves cause Donna already loves Annalise and so does Sr, when he’s in town and of course Daisie loves her some Rosie. If Annalise ever finds her dad, he might not have a good first meeting though. Rosie doesn’t care to meet him so he won’t have to have words with him.Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: They have a guest room at Rosie’s place. She has a drawer in there if need be.Who tries to make up first after arguments: RosieWho tells the other they love them more often: Rosie, every morning, lunch time, dinner break, every night. She acts like it’s mushy but she loves it. She’ll never get tired of hearing him say it.
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jojo-fantasy-aus · 4 years
Fantasy Au!
Joksuke x F!Reader-ch 6.
It Takes Two.
I call this chapter "please dont bottle up your feelings"- enjoy!
You had only ever seen royals eat such extravagant, foreign food. Things like that just weren't on the menu for the working class unless it was a holiday or festival. Even then, you still had never had any yourself, until now that is.
Rows upon rows of lunch courses were laid out in front of you on the rosewood table. You were already salivating, this was quite a feast, and a delicious one at that. The savory smells that filled the air could make a man go mad. You weren't the only one stuffing your face, but you certainly were the only one out of your original group to restrain yourself just enough to not look like a feral squirrel. Shigetchi laughed as he looked over the table.
"I hope you enjoy this Josuke, Okuyasu. Because it's the only free meal you're going to get from me!"
You smile a bit at the small man's exclamation, but Josuke and Okuyasu only groan.
"Come on man, aren't you a little too rich to be so stingy?" Okuyasu huffs, mouth still full of food. Josuke nods aggressively in support, chewing avidly on his lunch. Shigetchi chuckles, and you almost flinch when he grabs his fork a little too violently. It was just a way for him to bluff retaliation, you were sure, but even so the action had you on edge. It was normal, considering the events in the past week.
The men's conversation became a little muffled, and you had almost lost your appetite. Simply pawing at the food with your fork. Life really had gotten a bit strange, hadn't it?... Would it ever go back to normal again? You had tunnel vision, dead set on your plate. You were starting to feel defenseless as you recited everything over again in your head. No wonder you were so jumpy, you were living your worst nightmare. One in which you were constantly in peril and haven't been able to do shit about it. You really weren't hungry at all anymore, anxiety had filled your stomach instead of food.
"Miss? Did you hear me?" You snapped your head up, and everyone was staring at you. You swallowed the food you had just now realized you were still chewing, and nervously set down your fork. You had spaced out for a bit longer than you realized. You noticed before you spoke that Josuke had tensed, avoiding eye contact with you.
"Sorry, I'm a bit out of sorts today. Could you repeat that?" Shigetchi nodded. Wiping his face with his napkin.
"I've invited the rich man that you are investigating over for tea this afternoon. I have vowed to him not to discuss any of our business operations, but that doesn't mean I can't plant a spy." He started to twirl his fork in between his fingers, setting his elbow down on the table to rest his head in his hand. He had such bad manners for a man with so much money.
"Okuyasu would stand out right away, and Josuke has no clue on how to properly serve tea, or food for that matter. You are the only person that can properly get the job done without raising suspicion, or be legally tracked back to me."
"Oh," You murmured. He wanted you to spy? Such a thing was so adamantly discouraged at the Palace, that you almost immediately rejected the idea. But you knew he was right. This was definitely something you could do quite well. You pursed your lips as you thought about it, you would finally have a foot in the door of finding the princess, instead of just watching others help the cause. You were about to answer when Josuke spoke up.
"I don't think she should do it." Your brows furrowed at Josuke, Shigetchi looked confusedly at him. Okuyasu was still eating.
"You took a vow not to speak about anything you discuss with this man, correct? So what do we do if he finds out She's a spy. Shigetchi, this too dangerous in the long run." He was right. You knew he was right. It was just so frustrating to realize. If you did this- you would finally be useful again. You would stop being completely useless to the team you had devised. If anything you had been more of a nuisance than a teammate all this time anyway.
You suddenly felt determined to see this plan through. Josuke was sweet, and smart, and kind, but you couldn't play it safe like he wanted you to. You told him that already, earlier today. You realized that in a flash of anger. You had to do this. If not for the princess, for yourself.
"Everything that we are doing is dangerous, Josuke. Why would this be any different than anything we've done before?" You hadn't meant for your voice to raise, but you were much too angry to apologize. The food was long forgotten by now, even Okuyasu had stopped eating. Josuke raised an eyebrow at you.
"It's different because it's you. You, all alone without any sort of defense in case things go wrong-"
"I'm not defenseless!" You shouted, standing straight up and slamming your hands on the table. You were shaking from the adrenaline. Why did you do that? It was like all the emotion from the past few days started to catch up with you in one awful moment. All three men looked at you, suddenly very concerned. You felt the need to leave before you were flooded with shame and regret. You looked straight at Shigechi.
"I'll do it. Let me know the details later, I'm afraid I must take my leave." Just like that, you had stormed out of the dining hall and into the corridor.
Your vision had started to tear up. Why had you snapped so suddenly? It was so hard to understand everything that was going on, besides the fact that the people around you clearly didn't have faith in you. Your heart was pounding in your ears. Whatever this was, it wasn't healthy. You used to sit with Yukako for hours, and you would just let each other unload, obviously it hadn't been possible to do that lately. You took a deep breath, desperately trying to keep yourself from crying. Josuke's call of your name cut clear through the air, but you kept walking. He called again, this time right by your side. Damn him and his cardio.
"I never wanted to imply you were- I'm just- worried about you!" You snorted, speed-walking faster. Josuke easily kept up.
"I told you this morning that I was not going to go home. That also meant that I was not going to just sit back and do nothing while you and Okuyasu are out working your asses off to find Yukako!" He huffs at your words, eyes casted downwards.
"I'm sorry. I know you've already given me your answer, but I just don't think doing this without m- without at least one of us is a good idea." You didn't want to talk to him anymore. You were starting to feel bad for yelling again, but it was understandable right? You had a reason to be angry, didn't you? After a silent split second Josuke called your name again, and grabbed your wrist.
You didn't know if it was the tug from him stopping dead in his tracks and pulling on your arm, or how overwhelmed you were. It was just a reflex. You knew it was him but for a moment it felt like that disgusting man again-
The slap stung your palm long after it was over and done with. You didn't know what to do. You just stood there, wide eyed at your own actions, looking at Josuke. He stared back, heart-wrenching incredulous eyes looking through you.
"I- I'm so, so sorry. I didn't- I don't-" Tears started to well over in your eyes. You didn't know what to say. Josuke didn't let go of your arm, gently holding it in his grasp.
"It's okay. I'm sorry for tugging on you like that." The tears started to come faster, and your face started to scrunch up in an ugly cry. Josuke softly pulled you into an embrace, testing the waters almost, and you couldn't help but melt into his warmth. You held onto him like he was your lifeline, your bodies pressed as close together as they could.
After that, Josuke realized that part of the reason you were acting so strange had to be the lack of control you had. There wasn't really any other explanation to it. He could see how overwhelmed you were, and made a decision for both of your sakes. He would follow you back to Shigetchi's tonight, and you would never know.
Maybe he should've listened to his mom when she suggested he be a doctor.
You felt much, much better after crying. Of course, the guilt of this morning still remained. Shigetchi probably thought you were crazy though. After taking the few hours in-between lunch and the meeting to calm yourself, you were confident you would do this job perfectly.
You had never blended in so well before. Serving the dishes and the tea was a piece of cake, you were a bit smug that all of those years serving the royal cook's food with hard-earned poise and grace finally came in handy.
The man that Shigetchi had over for tea was Viscount Brimsey, a man you had seen quite often in fact. One word to describe him thoroughly would be, "royal ass-kisser". It seemed that his reputation at the castle followed him here as well.
"You've quite outdone yourself, Yangu. These scones are quite divine," you fought the urge to roll your eyes as you served the tea with ease.
"Thank you," Shigetchi smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Sarah, my cook, has always done an excellent job."
"I'm jealous, the old maid at the villa has started to get sloppy with the preparations. Just last week she…"
The fine China teapot gently landed on the tray with a clink, and you carefully picked it up and set it on the trolley. The Viscount paid you no mind as you rolled the tray out of the room. Shigetchi gave you a slight nod as you left. You knew what you were to do. No one noticed when you left the door open by a crack.
You stood there for quite a bit, and it was definitely quite boring. You busied yourself with checking on the food and tea still on your trolley, trying to look like you weren't peeping in to any other servant that would pass by.
"...The economy lately…"
"...have you been to the theatre recently?..."
"...my rose garden is…"
You had been hunched over the trolley for so long your back started to hurt. Was this truly the man you were supposed to investigate? If he was in any way dangerous, it certainly didn't show in his conversation. It was getting rather difficult to not fall asleep standing. You could hear someone's footsteps come down the hallway, and stood up straight immediately, starting to place more tea cakes and sweets on two more serving plates.
"The princess was always a brat anyway." It was the Viscount's coach and footman, walking down the marble-floored hallway in their disgusting, muddy boots. Were they seriously talking about such a sensitive topic so openly? You glanced at him from the corner of your eye.
"It's no wonder she was grabbed instead of the king. The little bitch had it coming." They both let out a loud laugh, and you tried to hold your temper. Yukako wasn't a brat, nor was she as patient as you were. She would've socked them in the jaw by now.
"Did you see her face when-" The first plate slipped from your hands by complete accident. Fuck. You frantically bent over to pick up the glass and ruined food. "Did you see her face," that had to be talking about her while at the Festival, right? The words had caught you so off guard that you ruined a good lead. Damn it. Maybe you should be investigating this guy and his employees after all.
The men had approached you fast, looming over your bent form, but instead of looking intimidating, they looked nervous.
"Sorry miss, did you, uh, hear our conversation just then?" You had to think quickly.
"Veux-tu manger?" The men were taken aback for a moment, and then started to laugh.
"Just another dumb foreigner." That was a close one. You really said "would you like to eat?". Thank God they didn't understand your awful French pronunciation. The men waved at you, and opened the big door that led to the sunroom. You could hear Shigetchi and the Viscount stop conversation immediately.
"Sorry, my Liege. Your daughter is requesting your presence at the villa." The Viscount chuckled. Wiping his face and standing from the table, tipping his head at Shigechi.
"I'm afraid I must go. Thank you for your gracious meal, Yangu." Shigetchi nodded, giving his regards as the Viscount left. You curtsied slightly as he passed you no matter how disgusted you felt. The conversation overheard was more than enough to place blame on the man. You held back a smirk, a feeling of triumph rising in your chest.
You hoped Yukako and Koichi would hold on just a bit longer. You were on the road to finding them.
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rosewoodcentral · 7 years
Still hoping the show lands on Netflix/Hulu. What were your favorite Rosilla moments?
Would be really nice if so.
Hmm, I think
The first milkshake/raincheck
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Def the first dance
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The first sleepover at Casa Villa
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The entire episode of 1x15 Like, fake married? Come on
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Rosilla and Sunset and also the stars..so many. Sigh
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verawellbond · 7 years
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eyeforgold · 6 years
you and i lie wreathed in flames
Pairing: Ruby x Zenos Yae Galvus
Rating: Mature (might be bumped up to explicit)
Word count: 1232 words
Status: Incomplete
"...chefant, you're holding me too tight." Ruby sighed in her sleep as she turned towards her lover's warm body, the weight of his arm around her hips lightening.
"Haurchefant? My dear friend, I think it is time for you to awaken." A low rumbling voice whispered in her ear, silky strands of hair tickling her naked shoulders.
The miqo'te jumped awake, her startled eyes opening to see none other than a naked Zenos Yae Galvus in her bed, staring at her sleeping form. The Twelve have mercy, did she drink herself into Zenos' arms? She was wont to sleeping around, sure. but the Garlean Prince?! Despite his incredibly attractive body, she had always found his actions repulsive enough to keep her lust at bay.
She rose up to a sitting position, looking around only to see she was sitting on a gigantic bed of blood red bedsheets, placed in the middle of the room against a bay of high windows, marble white walls ran around the sparcely decorated room; there was little furniture in proportion to the size of it all, a mountain of pillows surrounded a low table, a large hanger that showcased Zenos' armor along the right wall next to a rosewood wardrobe.
She took in the entire room quickly, before turning her attention to the Prince of Garlemald who was... nearly naked save for a pair of tight boxers that did nothing to hide his girth. He was merely staring at her with inquisitive eyes, leaning on his right arm and towering over her sitting form still.
"Why am I here? How did I get here?! Where is here?!"
A slow smile grew on his lips, his left hand rising to caress her naked shoulder; looking down at herself she realized she was not wearing her normal sleeping attire, but a sort of cropped black top that left her arms and belly bare as well as a tight pair of pantalette, black as well. The clinking of a chain as she moved caught her attention, and for the first time she felt a weight at her neck, she felt for a collar and found a magitek device that emitted a low vibration upon touching it, and a short chain that reached her collarbones.
She had felt pretty calm up until that point, knowing herself to have grown stronger than Zenos in the past months since their first encounter and that she could easily defeat him before he had a chance to make a move, but this device... she feared what it could do.
She looked out the bay windows and saw to her right mountains that towered higher than anything she'd seen before, and amidst those grey figures towers of steel with bright blinking light, a castrum?! To her left, the landscape lowered into a valley far below them, with a village spread out alongside a river.
How could she have ended up in Garlemald?! A cloud of fuzziness surrounded her most recent memory, she cast a cure spell on herself to clear her mind but found the spell fizzling out before it left her body. Was it the collar?!
A feeling of helplessness overwhelmed her, her throat tightened at the idea of being stuck in Garlemald without her magic, she turned to Zenos who was now smirking at her, having seen her fail to cast the spell.
Angered and cornered, she did what any self respecting Warrior of Light would do. She punched the smirk off his face.
"Tell me what happened, now!"
The punched landed right on his jaw, pushing him lying down on the bed, his lip started bleeding from the hit and a laugh rose out of Zenos' throat as he licked his own blood. Seeing no response forthcoming, she leaned over him and punched him again.
"Yes, yes just so! To see the fire burn in you, how magnificient!"
He was still one second and the next she found herself caught under him, captive, his hands holding her arms up above her head and his weight preventing her from kicking him away.
"My dear friend, do you still not remember what happened?! Do you not remember the thrill of our fight, the clashing of weapons, the blood in our mouths as we embraced each other as equals on the battlefield?! How mighty you were, my beloved, an unstoppable hunter and I was your prey. You defeated me and I thought-"
Zenos looked for words as a maniac smile stretched his lips and one of his hands caressed her cheek in reverence.
"I thought I would not ever feel as alive as I did, I waited for you to strike the fatal blow that would have ended my existence in a blaze. But you fell to your knees, your divine Echo left you to my care, and I certainly could not leave my soulmate to the mercy of the Savages whose will you followed."
He released Ruby's arms as the memories came to her; Ala Mhigo, that crazed scientist, her first fight against Zenos, the Royal Menagerie, Zenos merging with Shinryu, defeating him, and after that... a vision? She remembered a feeling, like she had been teleported somewhere else, and a voice that she could not understand.
She had lost to Zenos and now she was his prisoner?! She feared what the answer would be to her next question, but she needed to know so she could plan her escape.
"Where are we? Is it... the imperial palace?"
Zenos rose up from the bed, still only wearing those appetizing boxers and Ruby had to pull her mind away from the gutter as a daydream of what climbing that man would be like. He clapped his hands and a door slide open with the whoosh common to magitek technology, a miqo'te appeared, placed a tray of food onto the table as quickly and discreetly as she could, the brown apron she wore and her attitude making her more akin to a mouse than a cat.
"This is my personal villa, far from the capital and palace." The word was spat out like rotten fruit.
"None but I and what remains of the XIIth know where you are, there is no need to worry about useless matters such as politics."
He lounged on the pillows by the table and motionned for her to do the same. She was famished and reassured by this news, indulged herself with a meal fit for a prince.
Her breakfast devoured, she curled up on the pillows, looking at Zenos through her eyelashes. "And what do you want from me, Zenos Yae Galvus?"
"Your company as we grow as equal, Hunting together and revelling in the thrill of battle. Perhaps your company in other ways too."
He placed a hand onto her waist, his thumb caressing her hipbones and stopping shy of her underwear, teasing maddenly so. Ruby felt the need to squeeze her thighs, desire rising under his lustful eyes.
She reached for his hand and placed it around her neck above the collar, his thumb resting at her lips.
"For that you will have to defeat me, fair and square." She nipped at his thumb and let his hand fall as she got up, stretching so Zenos caught a glimpse under her cropped top.
"Now, I think you owe me a grand tour, at the very least."
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This was meant to be a throwaway account, but I’m tempted to keep it around to keep up with my favourite ships (and share some of own fanfic works). Let the games begin! PS I will be shamelessly putting all my favourite ships in the tags. It is what it is 🤷🏾‍♀️🤣
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shaloved30 · 7 years
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rosewoodcentral · 7 years
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“Really, you’re doing my thing to me? That what you're doing?”
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verawellbond · 7 years
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It’s okay, it’s okay, Villa.
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renewrosewood-blog · 7 years
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welovedaisyjohnson · 5 years
by beckysue_bonner
AU, and some AU that follows 'canon'; most won't, and won't always be chronologically compliant.
 Plenty of VICLEY, SULLYVANDY, LEMILY, MackElena, QUAKERIDER, and other ships (🚢s)...we're happy 2 add any 🚢 requests that you have-just ask in the comments
Words: 673, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Station 19 (TV), S.W.A.T. (TV 2017), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Rosewood (TV), All Rise (TV 2019), vicley (fandom), Phillinda (fandom), Mackelena (fandom), SULLYVANDY (fandom), LEMiILY (fandom)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, F/F
Characters: Andrea "Andy" Herrera, Andy Herrera, Robert Sullivan, Victoria Hughes, Victoria Ripley, Lucas Ripley, Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson, Jessica Cortez, Jim Street, Molly Sims, Commander Robert Sims, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Framework Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Elena "Yoyo" Rodriguez, Deke Shaw, Snowflake (Marvel), Robbie Reyes, Daisy Johnson, Annalise Villa, Beaumont Rosewood Jr, Tara Milly Izikoff, Phillipa "Pippy" Rosewood, Lola Carmichael, Robyn Taylor (All Rise)
Relationships: Andrea "Andy" Herrera/Robert Sullivan, Victoria Ripley/Lucas Ripley, Jessica Cortez/Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson, Andrew Garner/Melinda May, Phil Coulson/Melinda May, Elena "YoYo" Rodriguez/Alphonso "Mack" MacKenzie, Deke Shaw/Snowflake, Daisy Johnson/Robbie Reyes - Relationship, Annalise Villa/Beaumont Rosewood Jr, Tara Milly Izikoff/Phillipa "Pippy" Rosewood, Emily Lopez/Luke Watkins (All RIse), Lola Carmichael/Robin Taylor (All Rise)
Additional Tags: Washington State Cougars, Humor, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Oral Sex, Police Procedural, AU, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Character of Color, LGBTQ Female Character, Love, Love Confessions, Sexual Content, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Interracial Relationship
Read this at https://ift.tt/3c17I7i Ao3 works tagged 'Daisy x Robbie Reyes'
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Why we love the Caribbean
Our editors share their favorite memories, attractions, and hidden gems of the region.
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Source: Travel+Leisure
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Source: Travel+Leisure
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Little Dix Bay, British Virgin Islands
“My husband and I celebrated our babymoon at this beautiful resort on Virgin Gorda. Now managed by Rosewood Hotels, Little Dix is one of Laurance Rockefeller’s original hotels, a Caribbean icon, and the property has an incredible sense of being at one with nature and the environment. The main restaurant, with its soaring thatched roof, the immaculate grounds, the stylish bungalows, which are blissfully free from TVs: it all adds up to a sense of peach, beauty, and isolation that is unmatched. And I look forward to taking our son there, to honor its timelessness and Caribbean heritage, in the years to come.“ — Jacqueline Gifford, Travel Director
Source: Travel+Leisure
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Andros, Bahamas
“For more than 20 years, I’ve been lucky enough to call Andros Island in the Bahamas my hometown – or home island, you could say. Most people call it the the Bahamas’ great backyard since the majority of the land is protected as a national park, which makes the place heaven on Earth for nature lovers and aquatic aficionados. Andros boasts the third largest barrier reef in the world and the island is teeming with hundreds of species of birds, wild orchids, and the famous blue holes (natural freshwater swimming pools). The best part of where I grew up, aside from the natural surroundings, are the people. It’s always polite to wave at someone while driving or to stop and offer a ride for anyone walking along the road. Right near one of the creeks, there’s a small conch salad stand where I try to go to at least once while I’m visiting. The fishermen bring in the freshest, juiciest conch you’ll ever have but the best part is that you’ll most likely end up sitting there devouring the Bahamian ceviche and having a laugh with the owner for hours on end – but hey, it’s island time.” — Kira Turnbull, Photo Associate
Source: Travel+Leisure
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Blue Mountains, Jamaica
“You don’t have to love spending lazy days sunning on the beach to enjoy a trip to the Caribbean, which is something I learned on a recent week-long journey to Jamaica’s striking Blue Mountains. Here, evenings get surprisingly cool, there are challenging hikes through thick, tropical vegetation, and every hotel, home, or restaurant you visit serves extraordinary local coffee. There are plenty of other reasons to love this stretch of Jamaica, too, like the stunning mountaintop villas at Strawberry Hill, or a day trip to YS Falls — a seven-tiered waterfall that plunges through the jungle and is now flanked by a series of new infinity pools.“ — Melanie Lieberman, Associate Digital Editor
Source: Travel+Leisure
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Vieques Island, Puerto Rico
“On a recent trip to Puerto Rico, I booked a glass-bottomed kayak tour in Vieques’ Mosquito Bay. It’s one of very few bioluminescent bays in the world, and the Guiness Book of World Records calls it the brightest. The conditions are just right for the microorganisms responsible for its glow to thrive, and the new moon on the night of my tour made their agitated flashes exceedingly sparkly every time we dipped an oar or hand into the water. I can still picture the X-ray-like outlines of fish swimming beneath the kayak. It was wildly magical in a way only nature can be.” — Richelle Szypulski, Assistant Digital Editor
Source: Travel+Leisure
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Grand Case, St. Martin
“There’s a fantastic beach at Grand Case, a town on the French side of this idyllic little island. But the best thing about it, to my mind, is the food market that appears just off the main high street on Saturdays and Sundays. Simple benches and tables are crammed into a deck overlooking the water, where you can sit and eat the most phoenomenal barbecue, plaintains, and beans and rice, while drinking an ice-cold Carib beer and looking out at the mesmerisingly blue sea.” — Flora Stubbs, Features Director
Source: Travel+Leisure
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St John, British Virgin Islands
“There were so many gorgeous places to snorkel in St. John. I was in heaven.” — Laura Teusnik, Executive Managing Editor
Source: Travel+Leisure
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Havana, Cuba
“I recently had the opportunity to see Havana through the eyes of two locals, friends-of-friends who happen to also work as tour guides. I was amazed by not only the rich culture — the vibrant art galleries, the abundance of live music, the architecture, the talented artisans at every market — but also the Cubans’ welcoming spirit and passion for teaching Americans about their country and its history. I learned more walking through the less than two square miles of Old Havana with people who were born and raised in the city than I could have learned in any museum. (If you’re able to go in the future, it’s easiest to reach my guide, Jansel Reina, at [email protected].)” — Nina Ruggiero, Senior Digital Editor
Source: Travel+Leisure
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Natural Pool, Aruba
“Accessible only by ATV, horseback, or on foot, this natural rock pool is tucked away inside iin one of Aruba’s national parks. Known as ‘Cura di Tortuga’ or ‘Conchi,’ the pool formed some 90 million years ago at the time that volcanic activity created the entire island. After a trek through the park, it’s the perfect way to cool off while enjoying some of the best views of the island.” — Jess McHugh, Digital Reporter
Source: Travel+Leisure
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The “They Deserved Better” Poll
I’m even reading this, and I’m stressed making a choice but it’s a toss up between Bawson, Vicley, and Juke
Edit 1: had to go with Mike & Ginny in the end because Pitch was too quality for Fox to give up like that, and I will die on that hill
Edit 2: Why did I not put a multi ship/too hard to choose option?! That’s the vote of my heart
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wingsofnight · 8 years
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