#Rooster Teeth Site
holliday-is-holligay · 4 months
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The Rooster Teeth Website is going to go down in a few hours and we need to remember what they DID.
Red vs Blue proved, before anyone else, that a company could thrive entirely off an online only series. Think about how long it took for the rest of the internet and the world to catch up to what Rooster Teeth did? How long it took before youtubers were able to make a living off of their work, how long it took before youtube could solve that issue? How long it took before streaming services became what they became?
It's a part of the company's history that's only ever rarely brought up and I really wish would be discussed more because Red vs Blue, and its creators had a genuine impact on our culture and as much as Frieren has taught me to understand that everyone will be forgotten eventually, that doesn't meant I won't try to make sure that for now... we fucking remember what Red vs Blue meant for creators.
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ghoulbats · 7 months
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well….it finally happened
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agentark · 4 months
in another life, I would've really liked just standing around and talking in a box canyon with you
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monarchisms · 4 months
quick reminder that with the rt site shutting down on the 15th, be sure to archive/screenshot any comments or posts you’re sentimental about. once the site is gone, a whole slew of things will be gone, too. the site is excluded on the wayback machine, so you don’t care or have the space for screenshots, an alternative like archive.is might be the way to go, if nothing else works 🫡
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epsigone · 11 months
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The Thief // Recovery
I was gonna save these to post when we got an official date for the final RvB season but who knows when that'll be so I'll throw them here now! I've never posted much cosplay on here but seeing as how my peak RvB days were on Tumblr it feels fitting that I post these here first :)
One of the main reasons I even got into RvB in the first place was because of @euniysu's art, and I fell in love with the Guns for Hire AU the second I saw it. These designs became instant dream cosplays of mine (honestly all of them did) and it feels fitting that ten years later just as the series is ending, I finally make them. It's also a way to celebrate 10 years since I found Rooster Teeth and fell in love with RvB (and saw these designs!). I'm so so happy I finally got to do these cosplays and I absolutely can't wait to wear them again (I'm York here but I made both cosplays and I'll be wearing Wash at the ren faire this weekend! It's time traveler's weekend and I think I'm funny lol). I don't know what it is about cosplaying York but i felt so Gender as him and am so glad everything came out well :)
A million thank yous to @magicalvoltage for indulging me with this shoot and @cloudcrouton for taking pictures <3 Can't believe I finally got to do these cosplays with friends, even if y'all aren't into the show :)
Also I saw that Syn is gonna adapt the GFH AU into an original webcomic and I absolutely can't wait to see it!! I still love seeing and supporting Syn's art and y'all should def keep an eye out for it too!
Original AU: @euniysu Cosplays made by me York: me Wash: @magicalvoltage Pics: @cloudcrouton Delta and Epsilon keychains: LadybugGirl7 (etsy)
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alfryco · 11 months
Gonna be real with y'all, I think it's a dumb move to put the DB podcast behind a paywall. Like podcasts are usually excellent ways to introduce people to the creators and their vibes, and now you've taken that away for a channel that just started. Also, what if there's important news tucked away in this FIRST only podcast?? Ain't nobody gonna know until like a month later when they announce it on Twitter. Unless someone with a FIRST membership shares it with the world. It's justttt fucking messy man 😮‍💨
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generationa1trauma · 4 months
I am kissing u all on the forehead
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bookishjules · 7 months
working so hard to hold back screams and tears rn.. fuck you wb
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roosterbirds · 1 year
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Theatre Mode: Blood Fest (x)
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coolgoodandfine · 7 months
found out about the rooster teeth shut down not too long ago, and honestly, it just fucking sucks.
i'm not the only one i've seen that it's been a while since i kept up with their stuff, and especially with the many controversies they've had, and the issues they've had getting their main series greenlit, it's not surprising that they're finally meeting their end.
it really and truly sucks that so many people have lost their jobs, and that the many projects they've worked on may end up lost because warner bros does not seem like the type to keep their stuff around.
i don't really know what else to say, but damn it's frustrating.
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cephaloheath · 5 months
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I'm not a FIRST member, but I wanted to spread the word. The official Rooster Teeth shutdown date has been announced. May 15 is when it all goes down. One month from today.
This is your absolute LAST CHANCE to save ANYTHING from Rooster Teeth you may want to keep, whether it be RWBY, Red vs Blue, Camp Camp, et cetera. If you have any unfinished business, take care of it NOW. Once the calendar hits the 15th, the axe falls.
And just so you know, this is NOT me raising the RWBY white flag. Not even close. I'm not giving up hope anytime soon. Even when the site goes down, we still can't give up. The only time we can ever give up is when Kerry comes out and tells us it's over. And seeing how passionate he and the rest of CRWBY are about this series, that's not going to happen until they have exhausted EVERY option.
Anyway, just wanted to let you all know. May 15 is when the guillotine comes down. Do whatever you need to before then.
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sir-adamus · 8 months
alright so i haven't seen this in the tag yet and i fully expect things will inevitably explode into a mess of misinformation and over-exaggerated assumptions about things no one ever said so to hopefully head things off at the pass
some Rooster Teeth associated twitter accounts are being closed and left as an archive (not the RWBY one, but obviously this has led people to immediately start claiming the company has died and it's all over because twitter is a panic happy doomsaying death cult filled with idiots). while it was not communicated on twitter itself (some of this was apparently mentioned on their official discord), the reason for this appears to be that twitter itself is just no longer viable for a lot of community outreach because unless you pay the world's most divorced man monthly, your posts don't get much traction (so similar reasons for why they pulled RWBY off of youtube, the dickheads running the site are short-changing the people using it and it's just not a viable place to host original content when they make more having it on their own site and crunchyroll)
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so this is a 'please remain calm and stop assuming the worst based on minimal information' PSA - overwhelming negativity helps no one, and nobody likes a sadsack
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agentark · 4 months
Rooster Teeth Archive Update!
I just wanted to shout out all of the people over at Archive of Pimps who've worked so hard on archiving 21 years of content across the RT site and YouTube channels. With the Rooster Teeth site shutting down in just about a week (on May 15, 2024), and the future of the YT channels unknown, this was a massive undertaking to quickly preserve a metric fuckton of content before it could be lost forever. So much media has been lost because of bad storage practices, lack of foresight, and (most critically) corporate greed, so I seriously applaud those folks for working so diligently to get this done.
The Rooster Teeth archive can be found here
You can read MrSheen's full reddit post about the archive here
(there are still about 1800 videos missing from the archive, if you've ever saved any RT content and want to see if you can help, you can join the Archive of Pimps discord here)
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monarchisms · 9 months
dogbark, in both concept and execution, is just so interesting to me. i think the trailer they uploaded before they started making content regularly was a bad way to showcase their ideas of what they wanted to make for the channel, precisely because those ideas weren't solidified yet. and honestly, i believe the trailer becomes a bit worse the more the crew finds their footing in more recent content
personally, the trailer generally represents dogbark (and parts of achievement hunter before it ended, rip) with its weaker qualities. overly edited with jumpcuts and some louder, goofy-ass sound effects sprinkled in that makes it harder to focus on the video itself. outside that video, everything else on the channel that has someone saying a curse word is inexplicably bleeped out on their site and youtube. with the channel being newer, i don't know if they have a specific target audience in mind, since those that came from AH have long adapted to their crude humor, but they may not vibe with what dogbark does because it feels more childish in comparison. it's like watching someone go through an identity crisis with how the group don't know what they want to be lol
i stuck around beyond the initial video because i know these guys are funny, having watched AH for almost 9 years up until everything with matt went down. i think their chemistry is strongest with live action videos that have little to nothing to do with improv sketch comedy. i'm more than happy that they're seemingly focusing on that more in the last month. the gameplay videos also get better over time, but that's a given, seeing that that's what their previous jobs were. the dogbark boys aren't strangers to improv, with or without video games as a jumping off point. the problem is that they seem to be so inexperienced with this type of comedy they spent so much of the channel trailer focusing on
like, the improv content is the one thing that's stayed more or less the same since day 1, imo. the green screen improv videos i have found myself enjoying thoroughly are the ones that aren't exclusively michael, trevor, alfredo, and/or joe, weirdly enough. any other friend/rt employee with any combination of the dogbark boys feels more natural to me since they can explore more unique scenarios and have some new, fun dynamics to explore. with just the db crew themselves, it has the same energy as a high school improv group who just started taking classes. it's most likely fun to be a part of, but not necessarily fun to watch at a consistent rate
i wish i had more positive things to say about their other content that i do enjoy for a fairer opinion. however, the stuff i want to see more of like their podcast beyond episode 1 is first-exclusive (why???), which is bizarre for a new channel, but there's nothing i can do about it. that's why i come here to complain <3
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thesouppond · 7 months
With official confirmation that Rooster Teeth is being shut down and WB looking to sell off their properties, including Gen:Lock, it's likely that RT's site will go down soon, and WB will remove their properties from HBO. So I am again going to circulate my drive link for S1.
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May the creations of the chicken company live on in the hands of the fans who love them.
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travelingthief · 1 month
Ares Devotions and Offerings
Devotional Acts
Boxing, wrestling, martial arts, etc.
Attend a protest
Self-defense training
Learn about wars
Go to a shooting range
Identify and cope with your anger
Go to a rage room
Play war video games
Play war card/board games
Start a fire
Watch war movies/documentaries
Learn about your countries military and understand why people join and what they do when they serve
Visit war sites/memorials
Learn about society’s reactions to different wars
Scream! Yell! Shout! (productively)
Get out of your comfort zone
Get adrenaline pumping 
Address/work through your fears
Chain his statue
Learn wound care
Take home security measures
Play contact sports
Talk to veterans/people who served about their experience
Learn about PTSD
Practice divination, particularly ornithomancy 
Support people who are currently living through wars
Listen to peoples’ stories who have lived/are living through war
Learn how your state/town reacted/participated in times of war
Soldier imagery (like toys)
Tanks/cannon imagery
Dog tags
Boxing gloves
Workout gear (dumbbells, lifting gloves, running shoes, etc.)
Sports equipment
Depictions of death
Depictions of war
Preserved animals
Military memorabilia
War books/movies/games
First aid kits/wound care
Bird imagery
Blood depictions
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