#Ronny funderlic
tendervulture · 5 years
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The Funderlic kids! Disaster twenty-somethings and cousins of Ember! All of them use they/them pronouns. As the offspring of two dragons with wildly different elements and proportions (Fire and chumby for Adena, their dam, and Ice/Water and noodly for their sire, Ronny) , they have come out delightfully weird-looking. This was heavily inspired by @spyroid101‘s art of these guys!
Names and personalities under the cut!
 In order from left to right:
Lanche-Ice-The responsible firstborn. Deceased.
Saro-Fire-The flirt. Named after a famous dragoness of old by the same name from a famous ballad. Adena regrets naming them after that ballad. Surviving the Siege of Warfang and losing their father and most of their siblings changed them. Alive.
Iglis-Ice-The pretty one. Completely destroyed the stereotype of Ice dragons being calm and stately when they were alive. Absolutely unhinged. Deceased.
Lakelet-Water-The tiny and rowdy one. Also had the personality of a Victorian Urchin despite being 25. Deceased.
Falchion-Fire-Looked like they would be rowdy but was actually a complete dweeb.Deceased.
Aden-Fire-Named after their mother, they had the personality of a warm chili biscuit. Was very pretty and knew it, and loved to flirt with the other young drakes in the area. Deceased.
Salis-Water-Mermaid girl phase but forever. Hangs out in the fountains on hot days.Alive.
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theonly7females · 6 years
[[So little recap of who my muses are in the lives of canon characters :
Estelle, living in the Magic Crafters Home, is the only female Magic Crafter they had in decades and they all raised her like their princess, but being surrounded by guys she got tomboyish. They are all her dads but to her Cosmos is the ultimate dad figure. She also acts like a cool big sis to Spyro.
Lulette, living in the Artisans Home, was the mom figure Spyro needed as his mom died before he hatched. She also used to have a crush on Nils and then Nestor but each of them was gay so she moved on.
Shawa, leaving in the Haunted Towers, is the mother of Lindar she had quite late, at 47. Having been single most of her life, and having had a tumultuous action-filled one (so she has a soft spot for Spyro because his adventures remind her of hers), she had a lot of short flings and one night stands with several canon guys (I reassure you, none of them are Lindar's father, his father truely was her husband she never cheated because she loved him) : Astor, Ivor, Asher, Boldar, Sensei, Elder, Mazi, Baruti and even Gnasty Gnorc !
Almajara, living in the Dark Passage, is married to Azizi. As kids they could never stop fighting and arguing, but with puberty he realized she was hot and she realized he smelled good so they made peace and took the time to talk ; they still argue a lot because they are still contraries, but they are in love. Together they had a daughter, Ronny Funderlic's wife who appears in Shadow Legacy (they were so sad she didn't want to use her Dream Weaver powers and go live with a simple villager... plus they don't really like Ronny), and she is the mother of that teenager Conan (named after the Peace Keeper friend of Azizi) and his baby sister Zinc the former mentions to Spyro. Almajara loves her grandchildren but she woule have preferred them to be Dream Weavers (spoiler, Zinc will be)
Lily, living in Misty Bog, has a huge mutual crush on Isaak but both are too shy and nerdy to say it to each other, so basically every Beast Maker knows it except them and are freaking tired of their shit. She seeks for (unfortunately bad) seduction advice from that crazy Rosco who gladly tells hers, often forgetting normal people don't like what he describes, and forgetting in general he sometimes talks about what HE likes and not Isaak. She is so gentle she can also be the mom friend to Spyro.
Bulba is Bubba's twin sister. Both are very close and have a lot of common, so she was disappointed when he turnt out to be a Beast Maker like their mother and so would not follow her and their dad to Dry Canyon. She still is close to him, and being half Beast Maker, she does have bond with the Beast Makers, like Bubba, being half Peace Keeper, does have one with Peace Keepers too. She is also best friend with Maximos and Boris.
Abelone is sweet only to children, notably Ember who reminds her of herself at her age. She is a grouch to every adult even if she does like them. She is the mother or Skipper from Shadow Legacy and Zantor, and even though she does love them more thab herself, she is very disappointed they are respectively a Villager and a Magic Crafter instead of an Artisan to be with her in Town's Square, and even if it's not their fault, it makes her salty toward them (so they don't really like visitting, which makes her saltier, etc) because it makes her think they prefer and would turn like their respective fathers, on who she has a huge grudge : Skipper's dad, Laird from the same game, was her husband but months after Skipper hatched she caught him in bed with a faun. Years later, she started to date Zantor's dad Hexus but when she was gravid she found out he was aro/ace and was with her only because he wanted to be a dad. Those plus the fact that as a teen Red mocked her feelings for him and read openly her love letter, she grew sour and introvert...]]
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tendervulture · 5 years
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Adelaide “Nanny” Shoutfire’s sister, Adena Funderlic, maiden name Shoutfire. 
Adena was always a bit of a disaster, so no one in the Shoutfire clan was surprised when she ran off with the local baker, Ronny Funderlic. Fearing the noble family’s wrath, the two of them fled to Warfang and tried to pass themselves off as a simple baker and his totally-not-a-runaway-nobledragon wife. It was patently obvious to everyone there by Adena’s Shoutfire Sideburns and pink scales that Adena was a runaway royal. They shouldn’t have bothered hiding. No one came looking for them. Adena was hilariously bad at first at attempting to pass herself off as a baker, but she earned the respect of the local baker’s guild with her strong arms, good for kneading bread.
 Adjusting to working-class life after living in the lap of luxury and being away from her family was hard, and it put serious strain on Adena and Ronny’s marriage-the constant warfare and grain shortages didn’t help-but overall, they were happy for over 36 years of marriage. Adena and Ronny had seven children together, all of whom fought in the Siege of Warfang alongside their parents.(They’re the Dragon Soldiers from DOTD). 
The Siege was devastating for Adena, as she lost Ronny and all but two of her children. Adena was devastated, but also felt...freed. She was able to carve out an identity for herself aside from “The Baker’s Wife” and she was able to connect with her sisters Adelaide and Kaitlin and her niece Ember after decades of separation. She began taking up hobbies, and joined a book club. She began interacting with Brigid, and the two are dating now.
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