#Ronald Keller
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uwmspeccoll · 26 days ago
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In Memoriam Jerome Buff
One of our great friends and benefactors Jerry Buff (1931-2025) passed away on January 9 at the age of 93 in Tampa, Florida. He was a passionate book collector, served on the board of the Keats-Shelley Association, and was a long-time member of the Grolier Club where he served on both the Finance and Fine Printing Committees. As his obituary notes, "He leaves behind a legacy of intellectual curiosity, deep relationships, and contributions to both his profession and his community."
Jerry became familiar with UWM Special Collections after visiting his daughter Rachel Buff, a professor of History here at UWM. Between 2006 and 2016, Jerry donated over 5,000 books to Special Collections from his personal collection of rare books, first editions, fine-press publications, broadsides, and artists’ books, expanding the collection in ways Special Collections never could do alone. For a 2017 exhibition commemorating his donation, Jerry wrote:
My watchwords in life -- whether personally or in business -- have always been quality and fine craftsmanship. Those were the essentials for developing my collection: quality and craftsmanship in literature and the production of the well-made book. It brings me joy to know that students, faculty, and the community will be using the works I have collected over the years. I can think of no better home for my collection than the UWM Libraries.
To mark his passing, we present a printing of Emily Dickenson's poem "I felt a Funeral in my Brain," from the double-text book I felt a Funeral in my Brain: A Poem by Emily Dickinson / The Hollow of the Three Hills: A Story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Betty J. Keller (1928-2018) and designed, handset in Centaur, illustrated with original woodcuts, and printed letterpress by Ronald Keller (1930-2021) at their Red Angel Press in Bremen, Maine and New York City in an edition of 100 copies signed by the Kellers in 2002. Appropriately, it was one of the final donations Jerry Buff made to UWM Special Collections.
Jerry Buff was a warm and generous human being with a learned mind and an easy smile. We will greatly miss Jerry, but his memory will always be a blessing.
View some of the numerous posts we have done on Jerry Buff's donations.
View another book by Red Angel Press.
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magicbaaaaaby · 16 days ago
Cum in my mouth 😋
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Oz (1997-2003) — 4.11 "Revenge Is Sweet"
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robynsassenmyview · 4 months ago
Music for the End of Time
"Music for the End of Time", a review of Matthias Glasner's film 'Dying' on the European Film Festival in South Africa, until 20 October 2024.
ORCHESTRAL maneuvres to make you weep. Lars Eidinger is ‘Tom’ in Dying, which screens online at the European Film Festival in South Africa. Photograph courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter. IF THERE IS one film that should be deemed mandatory in this year’s European Film Festival in South Africa, it is unequivocally Matthias Glasner’s Dying. Clocking in at over three hours, this magnificent and…
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entertainment · 1 year ago
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Ashley Eckstein
Poster on the wall: New Kids on the Block
Food fight food: Cupcakes
Theater kid moment: Starring as Helen Keller in The Miracle Worker
Advice for high school self: You're more than one thing. You can have multiple dreams, and you can make them all come true.
Student council platform: [As senior class vice president] I platformed for the truth of what I could achieve. We actually planned our very first senior day, and with that we raised money as a class that we donated to the Ronald McDonald House.
High school movie title: Dreaming It and Doing It
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📸: Rob Douthat
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transmutationisms · 2 years ago
i think you do a really impressive job balancing comprehensive/concise while referencing a lot of complex frameworks(contexts? schools of thought? lol idk what to call that. big brain ideas) but if you have any readings specifically on the institution of psychiatry topic that you would recommend/think are relevant, I'd be interested. it's absolutely not a conversation that's being had enough and I want to be able to articulate myself around it
yes i have readings >:)
first of all, the anti-psychiatry bibliography and resource guide is a great place to start getting oriented in this literature. it's split by sub-topic, and there are paragraphs interspersed throughout that give summaries of major thinkers' positions and short intros to key texts.
it's from 1979, though, so here are some recs from the last 4 decades:
overview critiques
mind fixers: psychiatry's troubled search for the biology of mental illness, by anne harrington
psychiatric hegemony: a marxist theory of mental illness, by bruce m z cohen
desperate remedies: psychiatry's turbulent quest to cure mental illness, by andrew scull
psychiatry and its discontents, by andrew scull
madness is civilization: when the diagnosis was social, 1948–1980, by michael e staub
contesting psychiatry: social movements in mental health, by nick crossley
the dsm & pharmacy
dsm: a history of psychiatry's bible, by allan v horwitz
the dsm-5 in perspective: philosophical reflections on the psychiatric babel, by steeves demazeux & patrick singy
pharmageddon, by david healy
pillaged: psychiatric medications and suicide risk, by ronald w maris
the making of dsm-iii: a diagnostic manual's conquest of american psychiatry, by hannah s decker
the myth of the chemical cure: a critique of psychiatric drug treatment, by joanna moncrieff
the book of woe: the dsm and the unmaking of psychiatry, by gary greenberg
prozac on the couch: prescribing gender in the era of wonder drugs, by jonathan metzl
the creation of psychopharmacology, by david healy
the bitterest pills: the troubling story of antipsychotic drugs, by joanna moncrieff
psychiatry & race
the protest psychosis: how schizophrenia became a black disease, by jonathan metzl
administrations of lunacy: racism and the haunting of american psychiatry at the milledgeville asylum, by mab segrest
the peculiar institution and the making of modern psychiatry, 1840–1880, by wendy gonaver
what's wrong with the poor? psychiatry, race, and the war on poverty, by mical raz
national and cross-national contexts
mad by the millions: mental disorders and the early years of the world health organization, by harry yi-jui wu
psychiatry and empire, by sloan mahone & megan vaughan
ʿaṣfūriyyeh: a history of madness, modernity, and war in the middle east, by joelle m abi-rached
surfacing up: psychiatry and social order in colonial zimbabwe, 1908–1968, by lynette jackson
the british anti-psychiatrists: from institutional psychiatry to the counter-culture, 1960–1971, by oisín wall
crime, madness, and politics in modern france: the medical concept of national decline, by robert a nye
reasoning against madness: psychiatry and the state in rio de janeiro, 1830–1944, by manuella meyer
colonial madness: psychiatry in french north africa, by richard keller
madhouse: psychiatry and politics in cuban history, by jennifer lynn lambe
depression in japan: psychiatric cures for a society in distress, by junko kitanaka
inheriting madness: professionalization and psychiatric knowledge in 19th century france, by ian r dowbiggin
mad in america: bad science, bad medicine, and the enduring mistreatment of the mentally ill, by robert whitaker
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zamansiler · 20 days ago
"Şu anda kaç yaşında olursanız olun. Başarı için veya istediğiniz şeyin peşinden gitmek için asla çok genç veya çok yaşlı değilsiniz. İşte farklı yaşlarda büyük işler başarmış kişilerin kısa bir listesi
1) Helen Keller, 19 aylıkken sağır ve kör oldu. Ancak bu onu durdurmadı. Bachelor of Arts derecesi alan ilk sağır ve kör kişiydi.
2) Mozart klavye ve kemanda zaten yetenekliydi; 5 yaşından itibaren beste yapmaya başladı
. 3) Shirley Temple, "Bright Eyes" filminde film yıldızı olduğunda 6 yaşındaydı.
4) Anne Frank, Anne Frank'ın günlüğünü yazdığında 12 yaşındaydı.
5) Magnus Carlsen 13 yaşında satranç büyükustası oldu.
6) Nadia Comăneci, 14 yaşındayken Olimpiyatlarda yedi tam 10.0 puan alan ve üç altın madalya kazanan bir Rumen jimnastikçiydi.
7) Tenzin Gyatso, Kasım 1950'de, 15 yaşındayken resmen 14. Dalai Lama olarak tanındı.
8) Futbolun süperstarı Pele, Brezilya ile 1958'de Dünya Kupası'nı kazandığında 17 yaşındaydı.
9) Elvis 19 yaşındayken bir süperstardı.
10) John Lennon 20 yaşındaydı ve Paul Mcartney, Beatles 1961'de ilk konserini verdiğinde 18 yaşındaydı.
11) Jesse Owens, 1936'da Berlin'de 4 altın madalya kazandığında 22 yaşındaydı.
12) Beethoven 23 yaşındayken piyano virtüözüydü.
13) Issac Newton, Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica'yı 24 yaşında yazdı.
14) Roger Bannister, 4 dakikalık mil rekorunu kırdığında 25 yaşındaydı.
15) Albert Einstein, görelilik kuramını yazdığında 26 yaşındaydı
. 16) Lance E. Armstrong, Tour de France'ı kazandığında 27 yaşındaydı.
17) Michelangelo, 28 yaşındayken en büyük heykellerden ikisi olan "Davut" ve "Pieta"yı yarattı.
18) Büyük İskender, 29 yaşına geldiğinde antik çağın en büyük imparatorluklarından birini yaratmıştı. dünya
19) JK Rowling, Harry Potter'ın ilk taslağını bitirdiğinde 30 yaşındaydı.
20) Amelia Earhart, Atlas Okyanusu'nu tek başına geçen ilk kadın olduğunda 31 yaşındaydı.
21) Oprah, türünün en yüksek reytingli programı haline gelen talk show'una başladığında 32 yaşındaydı.
22) Edmund Hillary, Everest Dağı'na tırmanan ilk erkek olduğunda 33 yaşındaydı.
23) Martin Luther King Jr., "Bir Rüya Görüyorum" konuşmasını yazdığında 34 yaşındaydı.
24) Marie Curie, Fizik dalında Nobel Ödülü'ne aday gösterildiğinde 35 yaşındaydı
. 25) Wright kardeşler, Orville (32) ve Wilbur (36), dünyanın ilk başarılı uçağını icat ettiler ve inşa ettiler ve ilk kontrollü, motorlu ve sürdürülebilir havadan ağır insan uçuşunu gerçekleştirdiler.
26) Vincent Van Gogh, neredeyse hiç tanınmadan öldüğünde 37 yaşındaydı, ancak bugün resimleri milyonlarca dolar değerinde.
27) Neil Armstrong, Ay'a ilk ayak basan insan olduğunda 38 yaşındaydı.
28) Mark Twain, "Tom Sawyer'ın Maceraları"nı yazdığında 40, "Huckleberry Finn'in Maceraları"nı yazdığında ise 49 yaşındaydı.
29) Kristof Kolomb, Amerika'yı keşfettiğinde 41 yaşındaydı.
30) Rosa Parks, otobüs şoförünün beyaz bir yolcuya yer açmak için koltuğunu vermesini söylemesine uymayı reddettiğinde 42 yaşındaydı.
31) John F. Kennedy, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Başkanı olduğunda 43 yaşındaydı
. 32) Henry Ford, Ford T piyasaya çıktığında 45 yaşındaydı.
33) Suzanne Collins, "Açlık Oyunları"nı yazdığında 46 yaşındaydı
. 34) Charles Darwin, Türlerin Kökeni adlı kitabı piyasaya çıktığında 50 yaşındaydı.
35) Leonardo Da Vinci, Mona Lisa'yı çizdiğinde 51 yaşındaydı.
36) Abraham Lincoln, başkan olduğunda 52 yaşındaydı.
37) Ray Kroc McDonald's Franchise'ını satın aldığında ve bunu benzeri görülmemiş seviyelere taşıdığında 53 yaşındaydı.
38) Dr. Seuss "Şapkalı Kedi"yi yazdığında 54 yaşındaydı.
40) Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger III, 2009 yılında US Airways Flight 1549'u Hudson Nehri'nde başarıyla suya indirdiğinde 57 yaşındaydı. Uçaktaki 155 yolcunun tamamı hayatta kaldı.
41) Albay Harland Sanders, KFC Franchise'ını kurduğunda 61 yaşındaydı.
42) JRR Tolkien, Yüzüklerin Efendisi kitapları çıktığında 62 yaşındaydı
. 43) Ronald Reagan, ABD Başkanı olduğunda 69 yaşındaydı.
44) Jack Lalane, 70 yaşında kelepçelendi, zincirlendi ve 70 kürekli tekneyi çekti.
45) Nelson Mandela, Başkan olduğunda 76 yaşındaydı”
— Pablo
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hearteyesmcgarrett · 1 year ago
Stargate Character Birthdays
Ever wondered what Stargate characters' birthdays were? Or their zodiac signs? I offer you this:
Daniel Jackson - July 8th, 1965 (Cancer)
Major Paul Davis - July 8th, 1969 (Cancer)
Sam Carter - December 29th, 1968 (Capricorn)
Jack O'Neill - October 20th, 1952 (Libra)
Teal'c - no date, 1899, though Chris Judge's birthday is October 13th (Libra)
Jonas Quinn - no date, but Corin Nemec's birthday is November 5th, 1971 (Scorpio)
General Hammond - no date, but Don S. Davis' is August 4th, 1942 (Leo)
Cam Mitchell - no date, but I was told that it was May/June, 1970 (Taurus or Gemini, depending)
Vala Mal Doran - no date, but Claudia Black's is October 11th, 1972 (Libra)
General Landry - October 6, 1945 (Libra)
John Sheppard - June 14th, 1970 (Gemini)
Rodney McKay - April 18th, 1968 (Aries)
Teyla Emmagan - no date, but Rachel Luttrell's is January 19th, 1971 (Capricorn)
Ronon Dex - no date, but Jason Momoa's is August 1st, 1979 (Leo)
Elizabeth Weir - October 14th, 1974 (Libra)
Evan Lorne - July 22nd, 1970 (Cancer)
Radek Zelenka - February 7th, 1967 (Aquarius)
Aiden Ford - no date, 1979, though Rainbow Sun Francks' is December 3rd (Sagittarius)
Richard Woolsey - no date, but Robert Picardo's is October 27th, 1953 (Scorpio)
Carson Beckett - January 5th, 1967 (Capricorn)
Jennifer Keller - no date, but Jewel Staite's is June 2, 1982 (Gemini)
Nicholas Rush - no date, but Robert Carlyle's is April 14, 1961 (Aries)
Everett Young - no date, 1968/1969, but Louis Ferreira's is February 20 (Pisces)
Matthew Scott - no date, 1983, but Brian J. Smith's is October 12 (Libra)
Tamara Johansen - no date, 1983, but Alaina Huffman's is April 17th (Aries)
Eli Wallace - no date, 1984, but David Blue's is January 17th (Capricorn)
Ronald Greer - no date, but Jamil Walker Smith's is August 20th, 1982 (Leo)
Chloe Armstrong - no date, 1986, but Elyse Levesque's is September 10th (Virgo)
Camille Wray - no date, but Ming-Na Wen's is November 20, 1963 (Scorpio)
David Telford - no date, between 1969-1974, but Lou Diamond Phillips is February 17th (Aquarius)
All dates were taken from the SGCommand Wiki!
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ozimagines · 10 months ago
request: what powers would each character have in a superhero comic AU (had a dream about this weeks ago and keep meaning to delve into it myself, but curious to see what others come up with...)
Thank youuuuu this gave me something to do while I’m bed-bound! Also super creative ask!
Oz Prisoners’ Powers…
Tobias Beecher: Telepathy
Chris Keller: Telekinesis
Vern Schillinger: Necromancy
James Robson: Super Strength
Agustus Hill: Super Intelligence
Bob Rebadow: Camouflage
Agamemnon Busmalis: Animal Communication
Simon Adebisi: Acid Form
Poet: Mimicry (copy others)
Ryan O’Reily: X-Ray Vision
Cyril O’Reily: Teleportation
Kareem Said: Mind Control
Chico Guerra: Shape Shifting
Miguel Alvarez: Invisibility
Carlo Ricardo: Intangibility (walk through walls)
Enrique Morales: Aquamancy
Raoul Hernandez: Pyromancy
Burr Redding: Ferrokenisis (magnetism)
Omar White: Atmokinesis (weather)
Carlos Martinez: Thermokinesis (control temp)
Timmy Kirk: Exorcism
Jaz Hoyt: Geomancy
Nikolai Stanislavsky: Elasticity
Greg Penders: Bioluminescence (glows)
Kenny Wangler: Cyber Manipulation
Antonio Nappa: Spatial Manipulation
Alonzo Torquemada: Erasing Memory
Supreme Allah: Lie Detection
Jackson Vahue: Marksmanship
Dino Ortolani: Death Touch
Peter Schibetta: Accelerated Healing
Chucky Pancamo: Self Duplication
Nino Schibetta: Precognition
Joey D’Angelo: Aeromancy
Donald Groves: Super Digestion (Acid)
Clayton Hughes: Night Vision
Ronald Barlog: Sensing Danger
Jeremiah Cloutier: Healing Others
Zahir Arif: Plant Communication
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bagheerita · 7 months ago
Long Forgotten Light at the End of the World and I Can Find You In the Dark please 😄
""I Can Find You In the Dark" is my SGU Lisa Park/Ronald Greer/Dale Voelker ship fic. I haven’t worked on it at all since I answered an ask about it a couple months ago; I’m stuck at the end of s1 in my rewatch because I don’t like the end of s1 and for some reason I think throwing a tantrum and watching literally anything else will help me with that, and I have to get back in the late s2 vibe to channel that trio.
I am obsessed with historical AUs and “A Long Forgotten Light at the End of the World” is my attempt at a SGA historical AU that includes Wraith, because no one else is gd writing it. So the premise is that a Wraith hive crash lands in Great Britain in about 1790. The Queen pretty much takes over the island, her Wraith kill the royals and upper nobility and place themselves in those positions of power. With their technological advantage they can hold their position against all opposition, but the queen settles in there; there’s no need really to expand when she’s got millions of humans to eat here on this easily defensible island. Her Wraith take a lot of the wealth and land, but leave most of the other structures in place, like trade and the military, so society more or less still functions "normally," you're just likely to get eaten by a Wraith if you annoy them too much or you're not useful to society. (I like just remembered that the church is a huge power in this time period, and that I should probably think up a response they have to aliens being real…🤔) Anyway, the actual plot is set 100 years after the Wraith arrive and features John/Todd more or less playing out one of my favorite books of the historical m/m romance genre, K.J. Charles' The Magpie Lord. Instead of the “curse” thing in the book, I’m inventing a different “magic” that’s based off of the ATA-gene, and the connection to the estate (if you haven’t read the book don’t worry about it) is that Atlantis is buried underground on the estate that Todd was “given” by the Queen, and they unbury it at the point where they need something to help them fight back against the Queen. I have like 3 chapters written, but I keep running into backstory that I haven’t thought up an explanation for, or get frustrated by my inability to correctly grasp period-sounding language, or having to stop and look up anything about history- like names of pieces of clothing, or what furniture looks like and how you describe it. (The title comes from the song "The Islander" by Nightwish, and it's Atlantis: Atlantis is the long forgotten light.)
Like 3 pages from my draft of chapter 1 below the cut: (this is a John/Todd fic, but Keller is my primary fill-in for the Magpie Lord character of Merrick, so she and Todd have a very deeply trusting friendship, which is mostly what this initial chapter is about, because before I introduce Sheppard and all his issues I needed to establish that Todd is Up To Something.)
One the one hundredth anniversary of the Wraith's landing, the Queen held a celebration, so that all her human vassals on the island of Britain could come and demonstrate their allegiance to her and her Wraith, and their willingness to give others to feed her in order to save themselves.
"It's sickening," Jennifer Keller observed as she looked out of the window of their second story rooms on Queen's Boulevard, the street below filled with yelling people as the parliamentary bigwigs who'd survived the Landing paraded up to the Queen's palace. There were few Wraith involved in the procession, and certainly the Queen wouldn't exert herself on behalf of her peons, but the well-to-do of the nation gathered to show the Queen how earnestly they felt she should choose anyone other than them to sate the hunger of her Wraith. 
Keller fanned herself. Her long hair was bound up off her neck and she wore a light muslin skirt and a modern shirtwaist in a light cotton as well, but there was no breeze, even by the window, and no relief from the stifling summer heat. "They think if they cheer loud enough, she might not choose their family to feed her favorites."
Deeper in the room behind her, far distant from the nonexistent breeze but not feeling the effects of the heat as much even in his long leather coat, Kenny hissed his opinion of her observation. "As we are certainly not counted among her favorites," he offered sardonically, "perhaps we should focus on our work?" 
Todd chuckled, listening to them as he read from Keller's notebook concerning her latest findings. His booted feet were balanced on the corner of the table as he held the notebook before him while slouched in the high-backed wooden chair. The temperature mattered as little to his comfort as to Kenny's, but he preferred the local style of dress to the Wraith way, as well as a certain level of dishabille, and at the moment his coat hung off the back of the chair and his shirtsleeves were rolled up to his elbows, the collar open and no cravat in sight. "I believe your latest notes have solved the conundrum that has been perplexing us, Doctor Keller."
Keller was flushed as she turned away from the window and smiled at him affectionately. "Flatterer."
Todd looked up. "Not at all. I only grant you the title you are due." 
"If some good has come of this entire mess, it's that your lot respect a woman's ambitions," Keller replied sourly as she joined them deeper in the room. 
Kenny huffed. "If our hive had not happened upon your backward world, you would not have been permitted to pursue your passion."
Keller scowled at him. "Look here Mister 'Backwards Planet'..."
"Perhaps the pair of you can resolve this later?" Todd put in patiently. 
Kenny hissed under his breath, while Keller rolled her eyes and nodded. "What do you think?" she asked Todd.
"I am prepared to move to testing it, if you are," he replied.
"We could use some progress to report to our allies," Kenny mused, half to himself, gaze distant as he considered those allies- and possibly reached for their thoughts. 
Todd ignored the interruption. "You have enough serum prepared in order to perform a test?" he asked Keller, though he knew her well enough by now to easily guess her reply.
"Yes." Keller met his slit-pupiled gaze with determination. "And I've already administered it to the primary test subject before bringing the information to you. I recommend a forty eight hour incubation before full effectiveness in the test subjects."
"You have test subjects?" Kenny looked at her, frowning. 
Todd shifted his boots from the table to the floor. "It's her, my Second. She is the test subject." Todd leaned forward, holding Keller's gaze. "You are certain?" 
She snorted. "It's not like there's any other Wraith I trust to test it with."
"Then there is no time like the present." 
Keller shivered with an eagerness of her own, holding her ground as he stood and approached her.
"For the sake of our heads, lest the Queen know what we're up to, you might conceal the evidence," Kenny put in sourly.
Keller rolled her eyes and raised fingers trembling with anticipation to undo the laces of her shirtwaist, moving the clothing out of the way and baring her throat and upper chest. 
"Well thought," Todd offered to his Second, continuing, I was rather too eager to consider it.
When Keller stood ready, Todd raised his right hand. He felt the handmouth quiver in anticipation as he brought it toward her flesh.
"It has been too long since you fed," Kenny chided him.
Todd sighed. His hand rested on Keller's chest, not latching on yet as he looked at her. "Do you doubt my control, if the serum should fail?" he asked her. 
She shook her head and, lifting her chin stubbornly, demanded, "Do it."
He bared his teeth in an eager grin, as the handmouth opened against her skin and his claws latched, and he began to feed.
Keller gasped at the sensation, as she always did, her hands coming up to hold Todd's arm. His other arm came around her, prepared to take her weight when she should fall senseless. But as he watched she did not wither from his hunger. Her grip on his arm weakened, but her face was contorted in concentration and not pain. When he felt sated he withdrew.
Keller swayed, unsteady on her feet, but blinked up at him, quick and aware. "It worked?" she asked. Her voice was a hoarse croak, but she cleared her throat and said, "I think I need to sit down."
Todd transferred her easily to the chair, kneeling beside her and observing her carefully. 
Kenny came around the table, watching her carefully as well. "It appears to have worked," he ventured. 
"Yes," Todd agreed. "My hunger is well sated." 
They both remained still, watching Keller as she sat with her eyes closed, until she opened them and frowned at them. "Oh honestly. Get me something to drink," she instructed, making a shoo-ing motion at Kenny. He went, and she closed her eyes again with a sigh.
"You are well?" Todd asked.
"I feel drained," she admitted. "Tired, and slightly dizzy." She accepted the cup of tea Kenny brought her and after a few sips she grinned at Todd. "It worked."
He grinned back. "It did. But," he sobered, "we have a great deal of testing before us still, to ensure that the serum remains effective, and that our past history has not had an influence in this particular case."
Keller nodded, sharp and businesslike. "I think I should retire for the remainder of the day, but tomorrow I'd like to try it with Kenny." She met his eyes with seriousness, and he nodded in affirmation with equal weight.
"So soon?" Todd cautioned. 
"I know you need to send him north." Keller set her teacup on the table. "I'd like to get that particular facet of the test out of the way before he goes. Once I have that data, I can begin to look for more subjects, and we can test the human variable as well."
He nodded. "Very well." Standing, Todd lifted her in his arms. "I'll take you to your room."
Sighing, she leaned against his chest. "Fine, but make it quick. It's too hot for your gallantry."
He chuckled and Kenny shot them a look of long-suffering as he opened the door for them. 
Todd carried her down the hall to her room and laid her on her bed. 
"Hmm." Her eyes fluttered opened. "I should undress, but I'm too tired. Help me loosen my stays." 
"You'll crease your skirts," he reminded her.
Keller snorted in an especially unladylike manner. "We're leaving early, I know, and I'm likely to sleep through the journey. Just bundle me into the carriage tomorrow morning; it's not like anyone will see me a mess, or that anyone who sees will care." 
He brushed her hair back from her face. "I have a care for your reputation, Doctor."
Her expression softened. "You know if you were debauching me in the usual manner it would be a step up in my 'reputation.'" She tried to stifle a yawn. "It's what my father already thinks, anyway." 
Todd sighed. "I wondered why you insisted I send him quite so much money."
She laughed sleepily.
"Though you are certainly worth all of it. Rest well, Doctor." Rising from her bed he drew a blanket near her still form, in case of chill should a breeze chance through the open windows as evening approached, and left. 
Kenny paced the front parlor with uncharacteristic energy. Do you know what this means? he demanded when Todd returned. 
That the quicker I send you away the better, Todd replied. 
Kenny bared his teeth, but didn't reply. They both knew the Queen could strip thoughts from Wraith if she desired, and if she suspected any of the things they were up to she would not hesitate. Knowing how they were plotting to remove her main weapon of terror from working to threaten the populace would mean immediate death to everyone involved. I do not want to leave you alone, Kenny responded finally.
I know, Todd replied. And he did know that returning him to such a state was not something his brother desired in the slightest. But you must secure our allies in the north. I will take Keller to the estate, as planned. He could not hide the distaste that filled him at the idea, but the lands had been given to him by order of the Queen with no way he could refuse, and it had served as a convenient meeting point from which to organize their contacts in the south and west of the island. I will keep her with me.
A human is not enough, Kenny grumbled. 
Todd sighed. She has been in the past. When I had nothing else.
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dreamywander · 7 months ago
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❗AI-art❗HP - Ronald Weasley🐭
«Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light» ©Helen Keller
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eesirachs · 2 years ago
i know it's a slim chance considering your specializations but do u happen to know anything abt ecological theology?
Cynthis Moe-Lobeda, “A Theology of the Cross for the ‘Uncreators’” in Cross Examinations; Melanie L. Harris, Ecowomanism: African American Women and Earth Honoring Faiths; Rosemary Radford Ruether, “Toward an Ecological-Feminist Theology of Nature,”; Elizabeth Johnson, Ask the Beasts; Bakken, Peter Joan Gibb Engel and J. Ronald Engel. Ecology, Justice and Christian Faith: A Critical Guide to the Literature; Hessel, Dieter T. and Rosemary Radford Ruether, eds. Christianity and Ecology: Seeking the Well-Being of Earth and Humans; McFague, Sallie. The Body of God: An Ecological Theology; Keller, Catherine. Apocalypse Now and Then: A Feminist Guide to the End of the World; Isasi-Diaz, Ada Maria. En La Lucha: Elaborating a Mujerista Theology; Baker-Fletcher, Karen and Garth Baker-Fletcher. KASIMU: My Sister, My Brother: Womanist and Xodus God-Talk.
radford reuther, mcfague, harris. womanist eco-theology and mujerista eco-theology. these are all sites you should start at. indigenous wisdom, too. the above sources are from an introductory class i took in my masters program, but i think they are all very accessible!
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years ago
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It's Fine Press Friday!
This Friday we turn once again to our recent donation from the estate of artist and book collector Dennis Bayuzick with an edition of Nataniel Hawthorne's 1837 short story from Twice-Told Tales, Sights from a Steeple, printed here by Ronald Keller in 1988 at his Red Angel Press in Bremen, Maine, with an original 38 x 18-inch color wood engraving by Keller, printed in an edition of 100 copies signed by the artist/printer.
The engraving sits folded above the text, but can unfold and surround the text when opened. Hawthorne writes as an observer sitting in his lofty perch of a steeple in a New England seaport, presumably Salem, where he describes the surrounding countryside, distant sea, and gathering storm clouds. The text was printed in hand-set Plantin type, with Caslon titling, on Frankfurt paper, with the wood engraving printed in green, blue, and black on Sekishu paper.
View other books from the collection of Dennis Bayuzick.
View more Fine Press Friday Posts.
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verydesperatehousewife · 3 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Anna Maria Alberghetti Actress Vintage 1964 Theatre Theater Program Cast Musical.
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highpatia · 5 months ago
fandom list (and what characters i write for)
bold indicates my faves, and therefore those i am more inclined to write for <3 i’m pretty flexible for what exactly i’d write plot wise, in simpler terms i will write basically anything so long as it inspires me. you can request at anytime, i can’t really be bothered with open/closed requests (unless i get really backed up and overwhelmed lol) but just as fyi i tend to be a little inconsistent with my writing so it might take a while for anything to get posted :))
please feel free to directly message me on @cannibalisation for any more information :)
television, film, literature
a song of ice and fire (and it’s extended series’)
aegon targaryen, visenya targaryen, rhaenys targaryen, maegor targaryen
aegon targaryen, aemond targaryen, helaena targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen, alicent hightower, gwayne hightower, criston cole, cregan stark, jacaerys velaryon
daenerys targaryen, rhaegar targaryen, viserys targaryen, jaime lannister, cersei lannister, tyrion lannister, tywin lannister, ned stark, jon snow (stark), sansa stark, sandor clegane, tormund giantsbane, jorah mormont, petyr baelish, roose bolton, victarion greyjoy, theon greyjoy, davos seaworth, stannis baratheon, arthur dayne
lord of the rings (and it’s extended series’)
aragon, legolas, frodo baggins, boromir, faramir, éowyn, samwise, haldir
thorin oakenshield, fili, kili, dwalin, thranduil
harry potter (and it’s extended series’)
harry potter, hermione granger, draco malfoy, luna lovegood, fred weasley, george weasley
sirius black, remus lupin, james potter, peter pettigrew, lily evans, marlene mckinnon, barty crouch jr, evan rosier, severus snape, narcissa black, lucius malfoy
the dark knight (and it’s extended series’)
bruce wayne (batman), joker, harvey dent (two face), johnathan crane (scarecrow)
gladiator (2000 & 2024)
emperor commodus, emperor geta, emperor caracalla, marcus acacius, lucilla
band of brothers (only the television adaption versions, i have full respect for the actual veterans.)
ronald speirs, joseph liebgott, eugene roe, carwood lipton, george luz, harry welsh, denver randleman, joseph toye, donald marlarkey, john martin, edward heffron, bill guarnere
the sopranos
christopher moltisanti, tony soprano, silvio dante, jackie aprile jr, brendan filone
video games
red dead redemption (one & two)
arthur morgan, john marston, charles smith, javier escuella, lenny summers, micah bell, josiah trelawny, eagle flies, archie downes, sadie adler, tilly jackson, abigail roberts
call of duty (bo:cw, wwii & mw)
russell adler, alex mason, frank woods, dimitri belikov,
robert zussman, drew stiles, ronald daniels, frank aiello, joseph turner, william pierson
simon riley, john mactavish, kyle garrick, john price, alex keller, vladimir makarov, yuri, nikto
god of war (and it’s extended series’)
kratos, atreus, týr, thor, heimdall, freyr, baldur, odin, laufey, freya
resident evil (and it’s extended series’)
chris redfield, leon kennedy, albert wesker, carlos oliveira, william birkin, jill valentine, ada wong, claire redfield, sheva alomar, ethan winters
the last of us (one & two)
joel miller, tommy miller, jesse, abby anderson, ellie williams, dina
silent hill (and it’s extended series’)
harry mason, james sunderland, maria, pyramid head
mafia (and it’s extended series’)
sam trapani, tommy angelo, vito scaletta
uncharted (and it’s extended series’)
nathan drake, sam drake, rafe adler, victor sullivan
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months ago
Rose Morgan, who still lives with her mother, is a professor of Romantic Literature who desperately longs for passion in her life. Gregory Larkin, a mathematics professor, has been burned by passionate relationships and longs for a sexless union based on friendship and respect. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Rose Morgan: Barbra Streisand Gregory Larkin: Jeff Bridges Hannah Morgan: Lauren Bacall Henry Fine: George Segal Claire: Mimi Rogers Alex: Pierce Brosnan Doris: Brenda Vaccaro Barry: Austin Pendleton Candy: Elle Macpherson First Girl Student: Ali Marsh Sara Myers: Leslie Stefanson Female Professor: Taina Elg Felicia: Lucy Avery Brooks Felicia (Video): Amber Smith Claire’s Masseur: David Kinzie Rabbi: Howard S. Herman Reverend: Thomas Hartman Trevor: Trevor Ristow Mike (Student): Brian Schwary Randy (Student): Randy Pearlstein Stacie (Student): Stacie Sumter Taxi Stealer: Cindy Guyer Taxi Driver: Thomas Saccio Waiter: Andrew Parks Jimmy the Waiter: Jimmy Baio Henry’s First Date: Emma Fann Henry’s Second Date: Laura Bailey Justice of the Peace: Mike Hodge Gloria: Anne O’Sullivan Female Student: Sandi Schroeder Female Student: Kiyoko M. Hairston Male Student: Ben Weber Male Student: Christopher Keyes Female Aerobic Instructor: Lisa Wheeler Male Aerobic Instructor: Kirk Moore Make-Up Artist: Regina Viotto Hair Colorist: Paul LaBreque Waiter: Rudy Ruggiero Mr. Jenkins: William Cain Doorman: Adam LeFevre Irate Woman: JoAn Mollison Opera Man: Carlo Scibelli Male Student: Eli Roth Girl in Commercial (uncredited): Milla Jovovich Film Crew: Theme Song Performance: Barbra Streisand Screenplay: Richard LaGravenese Casting: Todd M. Thaler Production Design: Tom H. John Executive Producer: Cis Corman Casting: Bonnie Finnegan Editor: Jeff Werner Original Music Composer: Marvin Hamlisch Director of Photography: Dante Spinotti Costume Design: Theoni V. Aldredge Original Story: Gérard Oury Co-Executive Producer: Ronald L. Schwary Location Manager: Declan Baldwin First Assistant Director: Amy Sayres Director of Photography: Andrzej Bartkowiak Producer: Arnon Milchan Production Accountant: Tamara Bally Original Story: André Cayatte Hairstylist: Susan Germaine Makeup Artist: Randy Houston Mercer Chief Lighting Technician: William Ward Rigging Gaffer: James Malone Production Coordinator: Lori Johnson Camera Operator: Dick Mingalone Casting Assistant: Gayle Keller Sound Editor: Mark Larry Sound Editor: Steven Ticknor Sound Editor: John M. Colwell Assistant Costume Designer: Kevin Brainerd Actor’s Assistant: Renata Buser Sound Editor: Chuck Neely Unit Production Manager: Tony Mark Steadicam Operator: Gregory Lundsgaard Makeup Artist: Edouard F. Henriques Production Supervisor: Ray Quinlan Camera Operator: Patrick Capone Theme Song Performance: Bryan Adams Set Decoration: Alan Hicks Supervising Sound Editor: Charles L. Campbell Assistant Sound Editor: Jerry Edemann Assistant Editor: Marilyn Madderom Stunt Coordinator: Vince Deadrick Jr. Art Direction: Teresa Carriker-Thayer Script Supervisor: Karen Kelsall Production Sound Mixer: Tom Nelson Craft Service: Roger Poirier Supervising ADR Editor: Gail Clark Burch Assistant Property Master: Travis Wright Second Unit Director of Photography: Richard Quinlan Orchestrator: Jack Hayes Unit Publicist: Stanley Brossette Property Master: Thomas Saccio Transportation Co-Captain: Dennis Radesky Assistant Sound Editor: Keith Edemann Additional Editing: Alan Heim Foley: Alicia Stevenson Supervising Music Editor: Charles Martin Inouye Orchestrator: Torrie Zito Boom Operator: Daniel Rosenblum ADR Editor: Laura Graham Chief Lighting Technician: Jay Fortune Rigging Grip: Matthew Miller Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Kevin O’Connell Sound Editor: Ronald Eng Sound Editor: Harry Cheney Sound Editor: Richard C. Franklin Hairstylist: John Quaglia Sound Editor: Leonard T. Geschke Scenic Artist: Leslie Salter Camera Operator: Gary Jay First Assistant Camera: Steve Adcock Sound Editor: John H. Arrufat Foley: Marko Costanzo Still Photographer: David James Music Supervisor: Jay Landers Assistant Sound E...
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traveltrainsandcoffee · 7 months ago
Picking the teams was a big challenge this time, in the old days it was easier to tell players positions, but much harder now. Confusion over who were forwards, Midfielders and even defenders. Newbie Team Aroma barista Tilda tried to pick Newcastle midfielder Bruno Guimaraes, but he wasn’t in the Euros, because he’s from Brazil. To add to the mix we had a general election going on at the same time. Good news Rishi, the euros are on BBC and ITV, so you don’t need Sky. As the Euro’s got closer the sad news broke that Liverpool and Scotland Legend Alan Hansen was seriously ill in hospital. Former Arsenal and Everton striker Kevin Campbell was also seriously ill in hospital. He sadly died on the first weekend of the euros.
So who were the favourites? The current Euro FFL champion was Steve Tatham, but he hadn’t really challenged much since winning it. Colin Fenwick was a contender, back in April he won the FA Cup. Could Kieron Mullin win the only FFL title he’d never won before? Jon Thomson had come very close in the main league before coming second to Kieron. Before the kick off most of Scotland seemed to go to Munich. I got a text from a German friend saying ‘I saw a drunken Scotsman in a kilt in the street at 6am.’ The news seemed to be full of my favourite places full of drunken Scott’s, from The Augustiner Keller to swimming in the fountains in Marienplatz. Oh yes sir, the Scotts were boogieing all over Germany. Then there was the English in their campervans. One family on the BBC news had just been to Lidls. How strange, they have Lidl and Aldi in Germany, whatever next.
With all the teams in I sat in the mailbox with Team Aroma’s Olivia and Shann to watch the mighty Deutschland completely destroy Scotland 5v1. Sorry Liv. After game one Chris Geoghegan was top. Senol Durmush then proved he didn’t know his Hawks from his Grimsby Romas. Spain, Portugal and the Dutch made good starts. England in a slightly under par performance beat Serbia with a Bellingham goal. VAR disallowed 2 Lukaku goals, costing Belgium, meanwhile Austria were knocking hell out of the French players. Lots of kicking, Griezmann was pushed into the advertising board, cutting his face. Then Mbappe had his nose broken and would miss the next game. Christian Eriksen had pretty much died on the field at the last Euro’s. Amazingly after those horrible scenes he made a full recovery and scored for Denmark at these Euro’s. Tuesday morning and Team Aroma got a mention on BBC Radio 5Live, ooohh Kolsch. The first full league table of the Euros saw Colin Fenwick top, with Paul Taylor 2nd, Jon Thomson 3rd and Senol Durmush 4th. Team Aroma were bottom.
Round 2 started with a bit of controversy. Scotland scored what look very much like an own goal, but the UEFA goals committee gave it to McTomiany, Pleasing Blessing who had picked him. These dodgy goals committees once gave Crespo a goal, which he didn’t really touch, resulting in Kieron Mullin winning the 2006 World cup by just 1 point. Thursday night, in the Mailbox, with a few members of Team Aroma. Kane scored, but Denmark battled back for a poor draw. England were very poor and the folks back home weren’t sticking by them. All across England fans got very angry, even Shearer and Lineker were having a go, like a pair of angry uncles at a wedding.. Even in our FFL group chat people were saying how boring England were and should Southgate be sacked right now. Then things got a bit weird, Barista Sarah called for Positivity. Manifest a win, align our Chakras. Chakra? Didn’t they sing, I feel for you and I’m every woman? Well you cant say Manifest without thinking of succulent Chinese meals. In the end the call was to ‘get your hands off my portico pizza’. All this fun couldn’t takeaway how poor England had been and how unhappy England fans were. Another unhappy person was Dutch Manager Ronald Koeman. A very dodgy bit of VAR stopped the dutch beating Mbappeless French, get used to that Ronny. Turkey scored a terrible own goal in their 3 nil defeat to Portugal. The match will also be remembered for loads of Ronaldo selfie hunting pitch invaders running on the pitch during the game. At the end of round two Paul Taylor was top, 3 points ahead of Jon Thomson, with Senol 3rd ,Our Grimsby Roma 4th and Danny Lawson 5th.
Round 3 and Germany were through, but the Scotts were out. Austria won the group of Death and amazingly Georgia beat Portugal. A poor performance by England and a draw resulted in them winning the group unbeaten and in the easier looking half of the knock out draw. All good news, well the England fans didn’t see it that way. Boos, gestures, abuse, calls for Southgate’s sacking and some even started throwing things at Southgate and the team. Whatever happened to backing and supporting your country? In Euro FFL, Jon Thomson was still top, but facing a strong challenge from Colin Fenwick, Paul Taylor and Pam Taylor. Team Aroma were off the bottom at the expense of Holly Shakeshaft. Good news as Alan Hansen was now out of Hospital and recovering.
Round 4 and it was the weather that was making the headlines. I’ve never seen so much rain in Germany, not in all my visits. It poured down, even thunder and Lightning. It got so bad that the Germany Denmark game had to be suspended for 20 minutes. When they returned back to the field Germany beat Denmark. Defending champions Italy had been very disappointing and were now out. Also on that Saturday night Chris Geoghegan posted some very strange photos of Tattoos and urinals, no idea why, but he seemed to be “loving it, loving it, loving it”. England were terrible against Slovakia. Even Bellingham was poor, somehow Southgate had turned him into Carlton Palmer. Slovakia were winning and England looked out, but with seconds to go, Bellingham scored an amazing overhead kick goal. Kane scored in extra time and somehow England had turned things around. Belgium were out, while France and Portugal were through. Several FFL managers had picked Ronaldo, but he couldn’t score. To try and cheer the England team up and improve the mood, Ed Sheeran turned up at the England camp. I’m not sure that helped much. In our league Jon Thomson was still top and 3 points clear of the Hawk, with Danny Lawson 3rd, Our Grimsby Roma 4th.
Round 5 and in one of the best games of the Euros, so far, Spain beat Germany. So as Rishi was being kicked out of number 10, the hosts were being knocked out of the Euros. After a great game, followed a terrible game. France beat Portugal in a bore draw. Was this the end of Ronaldo and FFL??? Mbappe or Batman as I like to call him seemed very out of sorts, who knew that a broken nose would have such an affect. England took on Switzerland and went behind, but a great Saka goal took the game to penalties. England won and Saka got his penalty redemption like Stuart Pearce did in Euro96, was it coming home? Jon Thomson who had led for most of the Euro’s was still top and 5 points clear. After leading the FFL back in April and letting it slip he wasn’t counting any chickens, even quoting A Tribe call quest. The main competition for the title was coming from Danny Lawson and Sally Sands. England would play the Netherlands in the semi finals.
Round 6 and with only 3 games to go Jon was top of the league, but not that confident of victory. France who had been terrible and broken nose Batman couldn’t save them. Spain were through to the final and 16 year old rising start Yamal was shining. Remember those pitch invaders from the earlier rounds? Well another one ran onto the pitch to celebrate victory, chased by security men. One of which lost his footing and two footed crashed into Morata, hurting him. Would he be fit for the final. The England semi and I was in The mailbox with some of Team Aroma. Many went to Lincoln castle including Our Grimsby Roma, who even made the BBC. Blessing said that England were always getting away with it. Yet another 90s song reference. Netherlands took the lead, but a controversial VAR penalty from Kane got England level. In a tight game it was Super sub Watkins who scored a winner right at the end. Amazing scenes as England made the final again. Jon Thomson top and 5 points clear of Sally Sands. All the 90s references and Jon and Sally top, it felt like the old days of 90s Tesco Lincoln 1. Oh the memories of England Spain penalty shootout on the radio in the staff canteen, while the shop floor was left empty. 1 point behind Sally stood Kieron Mullin, Danny Lawson, The Hawk and Ashton Lawson. At the bottom Holly was still adrift , 7 points behind Ollie Taylor Yassin and 13 behind Lee Ritchie.
So just the final to go. Off to Germany I went. Saturday morning and lots of England fans getting the Eurostar to Brussels, then Cologne. I spent the night in Cologne even saw the fan zone. Sunday morning and as I was getting the I.C.E to Munich the Spanish were getting the I.C.E to Berlin. Me and Ducklan Rice went to the Augustiner Keller very early and got a great seat. Caught the end of the tennis, but it was the football that matters. Having to explain to the Germans why I had a small yellow duck next to my beer was funny.
The final kicked off and the beer garden was packed, well over a thousand there. England had plenty of the ball, but couldn’t really do much with it. Few chances. In the FFL Jon was still clear and closing in on his first trophy since winning the champions league in 2002. Spain scored and lots of Spanish and Spanish supporting Germans cheered. England scored and lots of English and English supporting Germans cheered. Unfortunately for England, Spain were just too good and scored again. The side which had beaten Germany and France, had now beaten England. Back to back euro final defeats. Spain won their 4th major title in 16 years. Jon Thomson won Euro FFL 2024. He was 5 points better than the man who had snatched the FFL title from him in the final weeks of last season Kieron Mullin. Then came a couple of Lawsons, Sally Sands, the Hawk and our Grimsby Roma. The wooden spoon went to Holly Shakeshaft.
So that’s it, the Euros are over. I’m on holiday across Europe for the next 2 weeks and when I return we’ll be starting to think about the next season of FFL. Thank you for being part of Euro FFL 2024, I hope you’ve all enjoyed it as much as I have.
Final thought
60 years of hurt
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