#Romanian composers
romaniasweetromania · 10 months
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George Enescu (1881-1955) - Sonata for Violoncello and Piano No. 1 in F minor, Op. 26 (1898)
I. Allegro molto moderato II. Allegretto scherzando III. Molto andante IV. Presto
Alexandru Moroșanu, violoncelle & Tatiana Moroșanu, piano
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alightinthelantern · 2 years
wrote this little sketch inspired by Romanian folk music
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reaper2187 · 4 months
Lady Dimitrescu x fifth lord female reader
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In the heart of the Romanian wilderness, Castle Dimitrescu stood as an imposing monument of stone and iron, its gothic architecture a reflection of its owner's grandeur and elegance. Alcina Dimitrescu, the formidable matriarch of the castle, was a figure of both fear and fascination, her towering presence casting a long shadow over the village below. But within these walls, beyond the reach of the villagers' terrified whispers, there existed a tale of a different kind.
Y/N, the newly appointed Fifth Lord under Mother Miranda's enigmatic rule, found herself amidst the opulence of Castle Dimitrescu. Unlike the other lords, Y/N's transformation had been unique, her powers mysterious and largely unknown. This difference piqued Alcina's interest, and she had summoned Y/N to her castle, ostensibly to discuss their roles in the village's hierarchy. However, there was an undercurrent of curiosity and perhaps something more that both women were aware of but neither had spoken of yet.
Y/N stood in the grand foyer, her eyes trailing over the rich tapestries and antique furnishings. Her own reflection in the polished surfaces seemed out of place, a reminder of the life she had once known, far removed from the dark and twisted reality she now inhabited. The heavy doors swung open with a creak, and Alcina Dimitrescu entered, her presence as commanding as ever. She moved with the grace of a predator, her eyes fixed on Y/N with an intensity that made the room feel smaller.
"Y/N," Alcina's voice was smooth, her crimson lips curving into a smile that was both welcoming and slightly predatory. "Welcome to my home. I trust your journey was pleasant?"
Y/N met her gaze, unflinching. "As pleasant as it could be, given the circumstances. Thank you for inviting me, Lady Dimitrescu."
"Please, call me Alcina," she replied, waving a hand dismissively. "We are equals here, after all."
Y/N nodded, a slight smile touching her lips. "Very well, Alcina. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
Alcina gestured for Y/N to follow her, leading her through the winding corridors of the castle. "There is much to discuss, Y/N. Mother Miranda has great plans, and I believe our collaboration could be… mutually beneficial."
As they walked, Alcina spoke of the village, the other lords, and the ever-present influence of Mother Miranda. Y/N listened intently, her mind racing with the implications of Alcina's words. She had heard tales of Alcina's cruelty, but the woman before her was composed, articulate, and undeniably captivating.
They entered a lavish sitting room, where a fire crackled warmly in the hearth. Alcina poured them each a glass of red wine, offering one to Y/N before seating herself gracefully. Y/N took a sip, the rich flavor lingering on her tongue as she regarded Alcina over the rim of her glass.
"Tell me, Y/N," Alcina said, her voice softening, "what do you think of our village? Of the people who inhabit it?"
Y/N considered her answer carefully. "The village is… unique. The people live in fear, but there is also a sense of resilience. They cling to hope, however small it may be."
Alcina nodded, her eyes narrowing slightly. "And what of the other lords? Have you found your place among us?"
Y/N set her glass down, meeting Alcina's gaze with a determined look. "I am still finding my place, but I know one thing for certain: I am not like the others. My powers are different, and I believe they can be used for more than just instilling fear."
A smile tugged at Alcina's lips. "You intrigue me, Y/N. There is a strength in you that I admire. Perhaps we are not so different, you and I."
Y/N felt a warmth spread through her at Alcina's words, a connection forming that she had not anticipated. "Perhaps not," she agreed, her voice barely above a whisper.
The evening passed in a blur of conversation and shared confidences. Y/N found herself drawn to Alcina in ways she hadn't expected, her initial apprehension giving way to a growing sense of camaraderie and something deeper. Alcina, too, seemed to soften as the night wore on, her regal demeanor relaxing into something more intimate.
As the fire burned low, Alcina rose, extending a hand to Y/N. "It is late. Allow me to show you to your room."
Y/N took her hand, the touch sending a shiver through her. She followed Alcina through the darkened halls, their footsteps echoing softly. When they reached a heavy oak door, Alcina paused, turning to face Y/N.
"This is your room," she said, her voice soft. "If you need anything, my chamber is just down the hall."
Y/N hesitated, then took a step closer. "Thank you, Alcina. For everything."
Alcina's eyes glittered in the dim light. "You are welcome, Y/N. Sleep well."
Y/N entered the room, closing the door behind her with a soft click. She leaned against it for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. There was something undeniably magnetic about Alcina, something that drew Y/N to her in ways she could not fully understand. As she prepared for bed, her thoughts lingered on the tall, elegant woman who had shown her such unexpected kindness.
Meanwhile, in her own chamber, Alcina stared out the window at the moonlit courtyard, her mind on the enigmatic Fifth Lord. There was a connection between them, a spark that she had not felt in centuries. She smiled to herself, a sense of anticipation blooming within her. The future held many uncertainties, but one thing was clear: Y/N was a part of it, and Alcina intended to explore this newfound bond to its fullest.
The night was still and silent, the castle steeped in shadows. But within those ancient walls, two hearts beat in a rhythm that spoke of potential, of a partnership that could reshape the very fabric of their world. And as the moon rose high in the sky, Alcina and Y/N found themselves united by a thread of destiny, their paths forever intertwined in the darkness and light of Castle Dimitrescu.
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cosplayproblemsposts · 2 months
How they react to you rejecting them
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He has been worshipped and seen as a god for many years, I believe he'll take your rejection a stab to his undead heart.
Kebi will reassure him you'll come around but your words stung him and his once confident extorter crumbles. "No, I don't want to spend the rest of my life as a vampire. I had accepted I won't live long and I don't need you screwing it all up because of some freakish Vampire claim".
Amun couldn't fathom the harsh truth, Benjamin tries to make you reconsider but of course he is met with rejection. "No, Benjamin I don't want to be with him" Benjamin attempts were futile.
Amun doesn't take the rejection instead he does everything he can to woo you. Gifts, letters containing words of affirmation and he goes as far as to pay for your college tuition.
He'll visit the Cullens frequently if it means he gets to see you, he won't stop trying to convince you. Addressing the mate bond and how you are meant for him and him only.
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He too will not be able to fathom your words "I... I understand" he'll give you space. Believing you'll come around after all you are destined to be together.
He doesn't take your rejection well; no, he doesn't lash out. He'll consult Vladimir "What am I doing wrong brother? Why doesn't He/She/They like me? am I unappealing?".
Vladimir will grow annoyed and angry at you; can't you see what you are doing to Stefan? Vladimir will only grow angrier when you ignore Stefan attempts.
Stefan now believes he is approaching this the wrong way, maybe you like taking things slow. He'll court you like a true gentleman, flowers, chocolates and even going as far as to write to you.
If that doesn't work, he'll show you he is a provider, you'll scream as you find a dead animal carcass waiting for you in your room. No, you are not even a vampire yet and this will only scare you. long story short hang in there.
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He is not equally as composed compared to his coven mate Stefan, he'll be flabbergasted and will be asking you all sorts of questions. "What!...you can't do that!?" Stefan will have no choice but to intervene before one of Cullens takes the matter into their hands.
Stefan will have to suffer through Vladimir complaining and whining. "How dare He/She/They reject me!? Doesn't He/She/They know anything about the mate bond!? Who doesn't know anything about the mate bond!?".
This could go on for days, Vladimir nagging and constantly talking about how your rejection hurt him. He has been without a mate for centuries, believing he will never be able to get a second chance at love.
Vladimir will overwhelm you with gifts, small notes of pleas and to reconsider. Stefan will be the one pushing his coven mate to make an effort instead of angrily stomping about and glaring holes into the back of the Cullens' heads.
In the end Vladimir will come back empty handed, cue the venom tears and the sad questions. "Why doesn't He/She/They like me Stef? Am I that bad? What should I do?".
There is one thing the Romanians have in common and it is the animal carcass approach. Proving they, both support your vegetarian diet once you undergo the transformation.
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sofa-king-lame · 5 days
Another snippet from the Buck 1.0 meets Eddie on a dating app WIP
Ok I know I literally just posted the last line fic but I'm actually pretty excited about this fic so I wanted to post another snippet 😅
“And Sebastian Stan,” Buck hums. “Who, by the way, was born in Romania. Moved to Vienna when he was eight, then to New York four years later. Still speaks fluent Romanian.” 
“Oh yeah?” Eddie sounds – is – fucking exhausted and Buck is carrying on about an actor and he needs to just shut the fuck up already before Eddie decides he’s better off at home alone where it’s quiet and no-one is telling him that Sebastian Stan has a BFA in acting from Rutgers University and made his first acting appearance in an Austrian film in 1994. 
“Yeah. Sorry, I’ll shut up,” Buck laughs humourlessly. 
“Don’t,” Eddie says, “I like the sound of your voice. Tell me more.” 
“Oh,” Buck breathes. Literally not one single person has ever said that to him. Never. Not once. “Ok. His mother is a pianist and named him after Johaan Sebastian Bach.” 
“The composer?” Eddie asks earnestly and Buck...doesn’t know what to do with that. Maybe Eddie is just humouring him, maybe he’s misinterpreting the tone of Eddie’s voice. But if someone is going to let him talk, he’s going to fucking talk. 
“Yeah, the composer. He’s been in music videos, on TV and in movies. Bits of everything,” Buck continues, threading his fingers through Eddie’s hair. Eddie hums contentedly, pushing his head into Buck’s hand as he keeps talking about Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, and the correct chronological order to watch Marvel movies in. 
Eddie falls asleep with his head in Buck’s lap halfway through the movie. Buck knows he’s falling for Eddie, and can’t bring himself to stop. 
I'm hoping to have this done in the next week, I've got the week off for my birthday (24th! I'll be 36 😭).
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a-zalea-garden · 3 months
How do you feel about the pride comic so far? :D
I actually hadn't sat down to read it until I got this ask, but the snippets I'd seen were ADORABLE. I'm writing this as I read it for the first time:
pg. 1: "Hypnosis was so much easier" HE WOULD! And him rehearsing with Whisp is so sweet. I love that they tied her and their friendship into the story more; I kind of thought she was done for good. Valentine hitting his face on the locker is SUCH a diary thing, too. I don't know if it was meant to be a callback or anything, but that's what it reminded me of. And Whisp saying "good luck!" while Kier is half-dead on the floor is PRICELESS. I love that he's still trying to make amends with Drac though.
pg. 2: Him blurting everything at once and then stopping to be all ✨composed✨ is perfect. UGH but the accent. Kieran, dear, she knows you're Romanian. I like the call back, though, and if you really look into it, it's a reflex because he's embarrassed and panicked. I LOVE the cut between him saying "it's fine" and him absolutely panicking, all zoned-out. It's such a simple thing that's meant to be comedic but it really shows us how he thinks and how vulnerable he is in a world without his prestige.
pg. 3 BIG SPELLDON REVEAL DUN DUN DUUUUUN!!! I love the small details of his character design that bring him to life, like the rings on his fingers and the mole on his lip. and the necklaces <3. Valentine IMMEDIATELY crumpling the paper in his big dramatic moment is so silly. And spelldon ignoring it and just taking a rose. It's such an easy, domestic kind of moment. And they're both so pretty ugh the close ups. "Like my soul" ok princess val 🙄 and spelldon worried, "You still love draculaura?" I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SPELLDON CAULDRONELLO
pg. 4: the moment of realization is priceless. Kieran is just in awe of this man. and Spelldon is just so enthusiastic about it (I love how he's just like 'this is dumb' but goes along with it anyway. Okay mr. malicious compliance). The height difference is also perfect to me. It makes sense that Spelldon is way taller because he's part (like 70% ish if I remember right from that time I did a pedigree) god. Casta's tall too isn't she? Valentine lost in his own little world ❤️ my little yapper.
pg. 5: Valentine trying to be over prepared, he's so me. And it's a nice (probably unintentional) callback to his diary where he says "better have it and not need it than need it and not have it." Spelldon's blunt humor is one of my favorite things ever. And him flattering Kieran about biteology >>> ugh they're so sweet. Val's facial expressions are so funny too he's so dramatic. Him trying to be humble and change the subject when Spelldon compliments him is so cute. AAAA they're so sweet.
pg. 6: Spelldon being all nonchalant while Val is literally falling over is so them. That is such a fun dynamic for them to have and I love it so much. I don't even know how to describe or "analyze" it because it just feels so naturally them that there's nothing to point out as "unusual." AAA Spelldon catching Val is such a sweet moment in the comic. Poor Val has his eyes closed, he can't even see Spell's face when it happens. And his hand is HOVERING over Val's back; he's not even touching him and he's blushing like that. I don't even think I need to mention the smirks (they're so precious)(Spells had an eyebrow slit this whole time and I just didn't see it??😭)
pg. 7: EEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAA Val you're going to give poor Spelldon a heart attack leave him alone. He's so dramatic clasping his hands like that. The mausoleum is really cute though, I approve. If I were a vengeful ghost, this would be my haunt (get it?). Spelldon having this whole plan thought out to get the ingredients when he's the one who thought it was a useless plan to start with 🤨 okay Spelldon we all see what you're doing. Especially since the whole plan is to get Val clinging to him. Scarah to the rescue!!! Not the return of the accent val STOP PLEASE. I'm glad they're talking about it, though. And he doesn't do it to spelldon 👀 because he's being himself with spelldon and doesn't feel the outside pressures to be someone else. He subconsciously knows that spelldon will accept who he is. Spelldon's face when Val admits that is priceless. BUT SPELLDON NOOOOOO WATCH OUT!
pg. 8: Val regretting the potion because he's in loooooove is so cute to see. "A couple thousand years" you want to spend a couple thousand years with your feelings for Spelldon awww. And he doesn't even act like he needs them to be reciprocated. Like, duh we all know what he's doing, but he never spells (pun unintentional but fully embraced) it out. The bracelet too from the Val's rose is a sweet little detail. Especially since they chose to give us THAT angle for that panel. They wanted us to see that in this moment. Valentine voicing his development is perfect. He really has grown and learned so much. SPELLDON WHAT?????? NOOOOO! and Val immediately regretting this whole thing because oh nooo Spelldon won't love him (🤨)
pg. 9: Okay Spelldon you trickster. "You really think i'd let you excise your emotions like that" (okay mom) "Yes? I asked you to!" Bro. That's super sweet though, he's been looking out for him this whole time, but couldn't just tell him no. Awww he wanted to spend time with him. AWWW VAL. I'm surprised Val didn't feel the love but maybe i've been reading his powers wrong. And then we have The Moment™ of course. Aww
pg. 10: Aw he and Drac made up. I'm glad they got closure from everything (the Pit Incident... and everything beforehand). WOAH val is so pretty, that turning panel??? Spelldon watching silently from the sidelines all proud. We have to remember that he met Spelldon BEFORE Whisp (and long before the two of them had their makeshift therapy sessions), and the day of the dance (where he failed his attempt to fix everything) from the original comics. He was still a mess then. He has been here since then, and got to see him grow. KIERAN VALENTINE FULL NAME RAHHHH COME OUT YE BLACK AND TANS COME OUT AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN🇮🇪💪i'm glad they're pushing that because so many people think Valentine is his full name, it's actually crazy. Whisp wanting to meet Spelldon 👀 I need to see that now too! And Val ignoring her to hold Spelldon's hands, he's so clingy. I guess he has been this entire time with his yapping. And they walk into the sunset!!!
I don't know if I wrote WAYYY too much, but I wanted to make sure I gave my full reaction (because lets face it, we've been starved for a while. thats why I got into fanfic like three-ish years ago). The notes got progressively longer as I went 😭
All in all I absolutely adore the comic. It's such a sweet glimpse into Valentine's growth and development, and I'm so glad to finally have a real Spelldon. The entire thing is such a good slice-of-life story that just feels calm and domestic and unforced, like there is no antagonist or unneeded tension to force things along. It's just Spell and Val.
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I am by far your superior, but my notorious modesty prevents me from saying so.
- Erik Satie
To his contemporaries and peers Erik Satie was something of an enigma. Just a few of his quirks included claiming he only ate white foods, carrying a hammer wherever he went, founding his own religion, eating 150 oysters in one sitting, and writing a piece with the instruction to repeat 840 times! As a composer, Satie paved the way for the avant-garde in music and became a very influential figure in the classical music of the 20th century whose works still sound fresh today.
Born into a poor and difficult childhood in the Normandy harbour town of Honfleur on 17 May 1866, Satie would always be an outsider. The Paris Conservatoire to which he was enrolled by his stepmother, herself a pianist, became for him “a sort of local penitentiary” during his teens; he left with no qualifications and a reputation for being lazy. He signed up for military service in 1886 and dropped out within the same year. Immersing himself in the bohemian life of Montmartre, he became linked with the popular music scene and eked out a living as an accompanist, playing at the Chat Noir cabaret. Always on the periphery, and forever out of money, he later downgraded from the cramped room in which he lived to the less fashionable Parisian suburb of Arcueil, where he holed up in isolation and squalor – no visitors set foot in the room during the near-30 years he lived there.
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Much has been made of the eccentricities of this flâneur, who was always seen in a grey velvet suit, and yet underlying Satie’s music is his serious desire to create something new. You can hear it in his popular piano pieces: the haunting scales and rhythms of the Trois Gnossiennes written under the spell of Romanian folk music, and the meditative world of Gymnopédies, where, as in a cubist painting, motifs are “seen” from all sides. At a time when French composers were looking to escape the shadows of Wagner’s epic Romanticism, the French composer’s stripped-back mechanical sound, inspired by the humble barrel organ, offered a radically simple approach.
Satie preferred originality to the mundane. The composer of the famous Gymnopedies, could never be accused of having an uninteresting personality. For one, his outgoing fashion statements always caused a stir. During his Montmartre years, he had 12 identical velvet corduroy suits hanging in his wardrobe, which earned him the nickname ‘The Velvet Gentleman’, and in his socialist years, he donned a bowler hat and carried an umbrella.
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Debussy helped to draw public attention to Satie, orchestrating two of his Gymnopédies, yet Satie had to wait until much later in life to attain celebrity status. While still earning a living writing salon dances and popular cabaret songs, and after suffering a creative crisis, he enrolled himself at the Schola Cantorum in Paris at the age of 39. Rather than finding him validation, his studies seem to have fuelled his hatred of convention - it’s with more than a hint of bitterness that he claims to put “everything I know about Boredom” into the Bach chorale of his masterful Sports et Divertissements piano pieces. But notoriety led to a succès de scandale and when it came it came with a bang in Parade, his surreal, one-act circus ballet for Diaghilev. Into the orchestral score, which featured jazz and cabaret tunes, were thrown typewriters, sirens and a pistol - just the kind of noises a wartime audience would normally pay not to hear. With its rigid cubist costumes by Picasso - which restricted Massine’s choreography - and a promotional push from Cocteau, it was provocative enough to secure Satie’s position at the vanguard of modernism.
Yet Satie was continually frustrated in his attempts to be accepted as an artist in high society France - his failure to establish himself at the prestigious Académie des Beaux-Arts, to which Debussy had won a scholarship, only compounded his resentment. Was this treatment by the cultural elite fair? Certainly his determination to antagonise his audience in his late ballets did little to endear him to the critics, but the fierce criticism he received in Paris was also a sign of things to come. Pierre Boulez would later poke fun at Satie’s lack of craft, while composer Jean Barraqué - another proponent of 12-tone music - would deride Satie as “an accomplished musical illiterate … who found that his friendship with Debussy was an unhoped-for opportunity to loiter in the corridors of history”.
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Satie is perhaps, to this day, the most audacious and original composer when it comes to naming his works e.g. Gnossiennes and Gymnopédies. With Satie you will not see symphonies, concertos or opus numbers. Satie possessed a wicked sense of humour and his mockery, both of himself and others, became an inspiration for many of his irony-tinged works. His Sonatine bureaucratique is a spoof of Muzio Clementi’s Sonatina Op. 36 and contained many witticisms in the score. For example, he writes Vivache (vache being French for cow) instead of the original Italian tempo marking Vivace.
Whether in the collage-like miniature piano parodies he wrote during the World War I, his creation of a theatre format that has endured over the years, or in his collaboration with Jean Cocteau, Pablo Picasso y Sergei Diaghilev, there is a liveliness of imagination and a hunger for innovation that made Erik Satie In the torch bearer of the vanguard in his work. Satie would influence so many so strongly that years later some of his closest friends became radical artists, for example. ManRay, the sculptor Constantin Brâncusi, and Marcel Duchamp, or a much younger group of Paris-based composers like Les Six.
Satie, a known drinker of absinthe, and apparently every other alcohol available, died of cirrhosis at the age of 59 in Arcueil, France in July 1925. But his compositions, especially those deceptively simple-sounding solo piano works, find life today through recitals, concerts, and great movie scores. Although he died in poverty with little success to his name, today Erik Satie is acknowledged as a founder of 20th-century modernism, who changed the face of music.
Personally I do find Satie's music enriching, But I also find that his calculated wackiness is culturally apt. Pieces like ‘3 Pieces in the Shape of a Pear’, ‘Flabby Preludes for a Dog’ and ‘Desiccated Embryos’ rewardingly deflate Wagnerism's excesses in a characteristically French way.
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type1lemonade · 5 months
More silly hcs about the old men quartet...
Their musical taste!!!!!!
+Gray's a huge fan of Portishead. Them and The Smiths would be his favourite bands. Andddd he also adores Lesley Gore, Frank Sinatra and Caravan Palace. (It's always jazz, swing or country music...)
+Mortis is in love with Aurelio Voltaire, I don't care. His favourite band is She Wants Revenge. (As a romanian myself, I need to make him listen to manele or the folkloric romanian/moldovan music. And I think he's into the most vulgar lyrics ever lmao)
+Byron is hard to classify, but he gives me vibes of vintage music. He has a similar musical taste to Gray, but I think he's more into the really old type of music. Either classical music (Wagner or Tchaikovsky for sure) or the American 50s music.
This one is very specific but I think his favourite song would be "The end of the world" by Skeeter Davis.
His secret favourite band is The Beatles, but he doesn't say a thing about it since he's busy with work and can't listen to music.
+Chuck is very obvious at this point. HOWEVER, he dislikes a lot of composers, I know, I'm sure. He dislikes anything that's written in german, absolutely despises german opera bc he thinks it sounds rude compared to the most romantic language in his opinion, italian.
Although he doesn't like the germanic opera, he actually admires composers like Beethoven, Mozart or Schubert (but can never be compared to his love for Paganini or Vivaldi). Oh, and obviously, he's a rock/metal lover. Metallica, Queen and (proudly) Måneskin.
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Y'all need to tell me, would they pick Mitski or Lana del Rey??...
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atlantis-area · 2 months
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George Enescu (1881-1955) - Symphony No. 3 in C Major, Op. 21: I. Moderato, un poco maestoso ·
Tampere Philharmonic Choir
Conductor: Hannu Lintu
Orchestra: Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
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djuvlipen · 1 year
Difference between "Romani"/"Roma" and "Romanian"
I decided to make this post because a lot of people get Romanians and Roma mixed up. It's something that's pretty common, even among Europeans who are more familiar with Roma than Americans are.
"Romanian" comes from latin "romanus", meaning "Roman", inhabitant of the city of Rome (Italy). Romanians are a white people indigenous to (Eastern) Europe living in Romania.
"Roma" (noun) and "Romani" (adjective) mean "people" in Romani language. It probably comes from Sanskrit "ḍoma", which refers to a traveling caste of musicians. Roma are a South Asian diaspora that traveled through the MENA region for about two centuries before arriving in Europe in the Middle Ages.
Many people get Romanian and Romani confused because of the following reasons:
the names are similar: this is true but coincidental, as "Romanian" comes from Latin and "Romani" comes from Sanskrit, and both words have very different meanings
Romania has the largest Romani community in Europe: this is true. The reason is that, upon entering Europe in the Middle Ages, the Roma that arrived in Romania were enslaved and couldn't move out of the country. The slavery of Roma in Romania lasted 500 years. After it ended, in the mid. 19th century, the majority of those Roma remained in Romania, though a few of them migrated to America and to Western Europe.
The Romanians are indigenous to Europe. The Roma are indigenous to India.
Romanians are usually Orthodox Christians. Roma can be of any religion, typically converting to the dominant religion of the region we settled in.
Romanian culture (singular) is a unique culture that was influenced by its proximity to Slavic, Greek, Hungarian, German cultures. Romani cultures (plural) are of South Asian origin and were shaped over the centuries by our travelling through the Middle East and Europe.
Romanians live in Romania. Roma don't have a particular country.
The reason many Roma live in Romania is because Romania has a long history of anti-Romani racism and slavery.
Romanians often suffer from xenophobia when living abroad because they are (white) Eastern Europeans. Roma suffer from racism and xenophobia: we are a brown people whose cultures are very identifiable as non-European. As such, we have suffered and still suffer segregation, police brutality, ghettoization, slavery, pogroms, slaughters, discrimination in the workplace and in education. Anti-Romani racism is still the most widespread form of racism in all European countries to this day.
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The majority of Roma, especially those living in Eastern Europe, ie around 2/3rds of Roma, are visibly brown, because of our mixed ancestry (South Asian + MENA), though some groups can be lighter due to interracial marriages with white people. It's the case of the British Roma, in particular.
Our traditions, culture and belief system evolved with us from India through the Middle East to Europe. It is thus pretty recognizable as "non-European" and has been used to identify us as "others/foreigners" over the centuries. FYI, there is not one single and unique Romani culture, because cultural beliefs and practices, as well as religion and Romani language dialect can vary a lot between each Romani group. To make it more intelligible, I invite you to think of the larger Romani diaspora as one race that is composed of a manifold of Romani ethnic groups.
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Romani (adjective) / Roma (noun)
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(I have more of these in my "Roma" tag)
Roma =/= Romanian. Romanians are European while Roma are a South Asian diaspora. While Romanians do suffer xenophobia when living in Western Europe and America, anti-Romani sentiment is a type of racism widespread in all of Europe and America. It's particularly important to know the difference between Roma and Romanian, as Romania has a very long history of racism against Roma: slavery, segregation, ghettos, genocide.
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donnas-dollface · 2 years
anonymous asked: Donna and y/n dancing in the rain together would be adorable
a/n: *giggles in hopeless romantic* indeed indeed
characters: Donna Beneviento x GN Reader
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The Rain;
" The rain falls for you
The same way I do:
over and over… "
THE ROMANIAN SUMMERS NEVER FAILED TO BRING RAIN TO THE VILLAGE. It was something you always looked forward to. The soft rumble of the thunder, the quick lightning strikes. It was comforting. It was also a help, considering you were the gardener of the Beneviento estate. The flowers thrived on the moisture and it always made your job a little easier with shoveling out the weeds. Sometimes you stood under the porch of the house, satisfied with the way the flowers bloomed many different colors.
Little did you know, somebody else was admiring the pop of color to the estate. The Lady Beneviento didn't show herself to you, at first. But she usually quietly stood from her window, looking and marveling from afar. When you felt eyes on you and peered at the window only to see the curtains swaying a bit, that was her. In the winter months, the house looked a bit depressing and bleak, so she sought out a part-time gardener for the spring months. And you certainly kept to your word about fixing and tidying everything. It was absolutely beautiful now.
Angie was the one to express your employer's amazement. You'd become rather close with the doll, as it was nice to hear her while you worked. In the beginning of your new job, you'd see the doll looking curiously at you. Eventually, she started bringing out little sandwiches and tea/water out (per Donna's request). When the flowers began to bloom, she excitedly ran to examine them.
"Wow! Y/N, Y/N come look!"
"Yes Lady Angie, pretty soon the peonies will start to bloom more too."
"OoOoo! Donna's gonna be so pleased to see!"
"Yeah silly! Oh wait… Uhh she's the lady who hired you."
"Lady Beneviento?"
"Yep! She thinks you're really pretty!"
Donna was extremely embarrassed that Angie said that. Her and her doll's connection was there, but that didn't mean she was able to control what came out of her mouth. Angie learned to keep her mouth quiet after Donna scolded her, but she knows her creator's true feelings. She found you attractive. The doll-maker admired how pretty you looked when the sun hit you in a certain way. The way you'd stand in the rain unbothered. Somehow, in any weather, you looked absolutely stunning.
It took her a while to muster up the courage, but finally she managed to catch you. Your work day was going as any other would, trimming the hedges and checking on the veggies you'd been asked to plant by Angie. You didn't even hear the door open and shut.
"... The flowers are very beautiful."
You quickly turned your body to face the veiled woman, scared outta your own mind. She tensed, putting her hand out. What a way to make a first impression.
"I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry."
Quickly, you composed yourself, clearing your throat and cheeks heating up in embarrassment.
"Oh no, it's okay! I'm glad you like them!"
And thus, you and Donna began to slowly become friends. She was as quiet as a mouse, but after a while, she left her shell. You'd grown accustomed to her presence, as she usually sat on the porch after you'd brought a table and a few chairs for it. Sometimes, you'd chat, learning little things about one another.
"Hey, if I were to bring a porch swing, would you trust me enough to install it?"
"... Hm, where would you put it?"
"I think right here would be nice don't you think?"
"... Yes, I think so too."
Eventually, it was little graces of touches. She'd be handing you a cup of tea, and your fingers would graze her's just for a moment. One time, you were having a hard day, which was obvious because of the tears in your eyes. Your hand was on the table, and she gently leaned over to take it into hers.
"I'm here."
And maybe she held it for a little too long. Maybe.
She loved your goofy side. And you loved to make her giggle or chuckle. It sounded like music to your ears. You couldn't see her face, and she was glad because her cheeks would flush pink…
Today was another rainy day, only this time you were sitting with Donna enjoying a nice warm cup of tea. The conversation had become quite a while ago, but you didn't mind. Sometimes you and Donna sat in silence, just enjoying each other's company. She'd had the door opened, airing the house out after an incident with one of the dolls catching fire. But she also had her record player playing, a soft melody.
"Il est entré dans mon cœur
Une grande part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause
C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie
Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie"
She noticed how you placed your cup down nervously, standing up and making your way to her. Quizzled, she looked up under her veil to see you with a nervous smile.
"Dance with me?"
She held her hand out and you took it into your own. She giggled quietly when you led her out into the rain. All the romance novels she'd read had her hoping for this moment. And it was quite blissful. The rain bothered neither of you, and your arm around her waist had her flushing red. As the record came slowly to an end, she removed her hand from yours, gently moving her veil to the side to reveal only the lower portion of her face.
Her lips curled into a smile, as she leaned in, pecking you on the cheek.
oh, how you looked forward to the rain…
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sgiandubh · 10 months
La mulți ani, țara mea!
If you don't understand a single word of the above, well - that's absolutely normal. It may even have turned out problematic on your screens, with all the strange diacritical signs: I can safely assure you they all make perfect sense, yet Romanian is a notoriously difficult language to master. That too makes perfect sense, when you take a look at our troubled (crumpled, almost) history and being a native speaker is one of my greatest secret prides. As I suppose it's one of the greatest secret prides of at least three other people of this shipper community - all of them wonderful, witty and warm persons, one would be simply glad to share a coffee and a good chat with.
I have thought almost all day long about the sounds that would be able to get you at least a glimpse of that elusive thing people (perhaps pompously) call 'the Romanian soul'. And I can already hear the other three betting it would be either 'something Enescu' or Maria Tănase (because you know, Pink Martini and all that 😉).
Don't bet on those, you'll lose. It's going to be Erik Satie's Gnossienne numéro 1 (Lent), as interpreted by Fazil Say, the only pianist able to translate its strange grace:
This, my friends, is a typical Romanian theme, written by a French composer with a Scottish mother, who lived obscurely (and almost destitutely) in Paris somewhere between the last quarter of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries. Erik Satie would have been perfectly unable to place Romania on a map and it is fair to presume he barely registered its existence at all. I suppose the why and the how of all this have to do with the mysteries of inspiration and of course, with what we conventionally call 'genius'.
This Gnossienne will always get me back to a (very early) morning in June, having coffee somewhere on Bucharest's Calea Victoriei. For very personal reasons.
But this is not the only strange link between Scotland and us. The other one I could immediately think of is going to be the fabric of one of my next posts. And sorry for the delay: I just wanted to give as much visibility as possible to @bat-cat-reader's ordeal.
So, happy birthday to us, doamnelor, and to our formidable, annoying, terrible and wonderful (yes, all of this rolled into one) country, too! Which is exactly what I wrote in that mysterious title, by the way.
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imsparky2002 · 3 months
Ghoul Squad Reboot: Jubella
Juleka Couffaine - Vampire
Age - 14
Appearance -  Tall and skinny appearance, Pale skin, Brilliant red eyes, dark eye shadow, cocynx-length black hair with dyed purple tips, bangs cover the left side of her face, violet grey lipstick, sharp ears, long black nails, sharp fangs
Attire - Long black gothic Victorian-esque dress with sleeves, long black and purple high-collared cape, black tophat, dark purple fingerless gloves, black leather shoes.
Personality - Quiet, smooth, intentionally creepy, kind, elegant, dramatic, loving (especially with her darling Rose), melancholy (at times)
Likes - Animal blood, Dracula, gothic attire and culture, Capes (her and Mylene cloak hug all the time), saying “blah blah blah”, Rose (more like love, tbh, as they’re partners), spending time with her parents and brother, dramatic entrances, creeping up on people, scaring, pipe organs, Transylvania, goth and rock music, the bass, bats.
Dislikes - Stakes, garlic, sunlight (burns her skin, but won’t kill her), preppy stuff, being tackled (usually by Alix), crosses, vampire hunters, Buffy, bigots, the Twilight books, posers, mirrors or photos (she doesn’t see the purpose as she has no reflection), having to be invited in, snobs, priests
A mysterious and elegant young vampire noblewoman, Juleka enjoys using her gothic powers to spook people while also keeping them safe from harm.
Hypnosis is her strong suit when in close range. She uses it to pacify enemies, and when feeling cheeky, swipe stuff from her brother.
While elegant and composed around the citizens of Paris, those close to Juleka know her a shy, awkward dork who geeks out about all things horror.
Has a lovely Romanian accent due to her parents being from Transylvania. She finds it to be “vonderfully creepy and romantic”.
Sticks to animal blood, as it’s easier to find, and doesn’t give her the trauma of having to feast on someone’s flesh.
Sometimes one just needs to be dramatic, murmuring zheir deepest thoughts into zhe dark of night.
You know, if it vasn’t for the fact I am a vampire, you’d think I’d have a curse vhen it comes to pictures.
Oh, Rose... you know zhat I’m positively batty about you.
Zhat sounds like a fangtastic idea!
No, Alix. It’s not a phase. Zhis is who I am. *Hisses as she continues putting on eyeliner.*
All hail the gothic queen of the night! Juleka swoops in as a vampire, and she’s perfect as such a dark and mysterious creature. Thanks to Weeby for helping! @artzychic27 @msweebyness @nerd-chocolate
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i-am-vita · 5 months
Hello Vita!! I absolutely loved your headcanons with a partner from a different culture.
Being Spanish (Andalusian specifically, which is a exaggerated and stereotyped version of Spanish, hahaha), I think you nailed it with a Spanish and a Mexican as a couple. The accents are... aaaaaaaaah I love them, I don't know if you like the Spanish accent, but I really like Latin accents (by the way, did you know that the actor for Sanji is from the Canary Islands and in the Spanish dub he dubbed himself with a Canary Islands accent? so cute...).
And that idea of big families, that feeling of knowing the ingredients in a meal and thinking we control what we're going to eat but then... it's SUPER SPICY aaaaaaah!!!! water!!!!!, hahaha you made me laugh with that.
By the way, the fact of asking if we're pregnant I think is international! You also made me laugh with that!
I totally buy into the idea that Mihawk has a Spanish mom and a Romanian dad. Honestly, when I watched the live action without any prior knowledge of One Piece, I was blown away seeing that handsome character with that Spanish music in the background! The music fits so well with his aesthetics... and the cross on his chest... being Spanish, you may or may not be religious, but we can't deny that crosses are part of our culture.
By the way, I went to a show in France where a Frenchman fell in love with an Andalusian woman in the XVII century (a beautiful story), and the soundtrack was this. Specifically, starting from the minute I've shared with you, that instrumental part totally gives me the vibes of Ghost Rose and Mihawk, I hope you like it and it inspires you to write more about them!
Greetings from Sevilla! :D
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Hello, Jin!! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me 🥰
Yesss, the accents 😚 It's always so much fun to hear all different spanish and latam accents. Ohhh, Taz Skylar's voice was 🫠 I started watching OPLA first on english but I switched to latam spanish pretty soon. Iñaki was sooo cute and they let him talk in mexican (there was a Chapulin Colorado reference!!!) and then ch 5 came and Sanji spoke... My god, his voice is so sexy... It's so rare to have this variety of accents in latam translations, they didn't even gave colombian accents to Encanto 🥺
Big families, salsas not-spicy (lie, they are), medium spicy and totally spicy, a wall full of crosses... That's some of the mexican package 😂 Pro tip: just water don't make the trick, drink milk to get rid of the spicyness in your mouth sooner. Horchata water do it too, there's a reason that's the beverage they would have by default at any restaurant, even street food.
I've been munching for the longest time about Mihawk's heritage with all the little information we have about him and the vibes he gives. If not for the crosses, including Yoru's shape, he would have been more musketeer alike, but the composers definetely felt the spanish vibe too and chose flamenco as his theme because of its intensity and passion. Their video here.
Ohh, I need to see that show and music! But the link is not connecting, like if it's broken or something 😢 Youtube links exclusively are giving me trouble today, share me the title of the play and I will watch it full!!!
I don't know if you were aware (I was told last year) but most of the spanish culture and people that migrated to latam during the colony centuries came from Andalusia! We were fed the most exaggerated and stereotyped version of Spain🤭 and don't make me start with all the MENA influences 🥰
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