#George Enescu
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George Enescu (1881-1955) - Violin Sonata No. 1 in D Major, Op. 2: II. Quasi adagio ·
Azoitei Remus, violin & Eduard Stan, piano
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The Royal Tenenbaums (2001, Wes Anderson)
#the royal tenenbaums#film#2001#wes anderson#peanuts#ben stiller#beagle#snoopy#jeff buckley#united states#italy#Direttore del doppiaggio#Dialoghista#Carlo Valli#sonorizzazione#CDC Sefit Group#halloween#cherry#nico#maurice ravel#paul simon#George Enescu#bob dylan#john lennon#the clash#ramones#needle in the hay#elliott smith#nick drake#the rolling stones
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#romania#personal stuff#bucharest#art#beautiful#vintage#atheneum#Enescu#George Enescu#Enescu festival#classical music#classical art#architecture#dark acadamia aesthetic#dark academia#dark academism
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Cantacuzino Palace, George Enescu's home, on Calea Victoriei no. 141 in București, Romania
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OTD in Music History: Multi-talented Romanian musical giant George Enescu (1881 – 1955) dies in Paris. Enescu -- a composer, conductor, violinist, and teacher of the first rank -- remains a strangely obscure figure even today in many “classical” music circles, given that his profound musical genius was hailed by many of his greatest and most famous peers. A small sampling of the accolades that he drew forth from fellow legends in the field of “classical” music includes the following: Cellist and Conductor Pablo Casals (1876 – 1973): “Enescu is the greatest musical phenomenon since Mozart, and he is one of the greatest geniuses of modern music.” Violinist and Conductor Yehudi Menuhin (1916 – 1999, who was also Enescu's most famous pupil): "Enescu will remain for me the absoluteness through which I judge others … he gave me the light that has guided my entire existence … he was the most extraordinary human being, the greatest musician, and the most formative influence that I have ever encountered.” Composer Vincent d’Indy (1851 – 1931): “If Beethoven’s collective works were ever destroyed, they could all be reconstructed from memory by Enescu.” Pianist Alfred Cortot (1877 – 1962): “Enescu [who, for all of his many musical gifts, was not primarily known for being a pianist] actually has better piano technique than my own.” PICTURED: A beautiful large publicity photo showing the middle-aged Enescu, which he signed and inscribed to Alice Chalifoux, the principal harpist of the Cleveland Orchestra from 1931 – 1974. Enescu was a regular guest conductor of the Cleveland Orchestra for many years.
George Enescu and Constantin Brâncuși in Paris, 1947, at the Romanian Embassy (Enescu and Brâncuși chatting at min. 0:52)
#George Enescu#Enescu#Georges Enesco#Enesco#classical music#music history#composer#classical composer#violinist#violin#conductor#teacher#music teacher#pedagogue#Carnegie Hall#Conservatoire de Paris#opera#bel canto#aria#classical studies#chest voice#maestro#classical musician#musician#Orchestra#Symphony#Suite#Chamber music#Sonata#Piano
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George Enescu (1881-1955): Andante religioso (1900)
"Andante religioso" in E-flat major for two celli and organ (1900) (arrangement for organ by Franz Metz)
Played by Eva-Maria Houben at the Rieger-Kloss organ (1959) of Bucharest's Studioul de concerte "Mihail Jora" (May 24, 2010 - Săptămâna Internaţională a Muzicii Noi XX)
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Știri: Conversații atemporale între George Enescu și compozitorii contemporani lui: 8 concerte la Muzeului Național de Artă din București
Opt concerte menite să celebreze relația lui George Enescu cu alți compozitori contemporani cu el au loc în perioada desfășurării Festivalului Internațional „George Enescu” la Sala Auditorium a Muzeului Național de Artă al României din București. Repertoriile alese pentru concertele din această serie sunt menite să reflecte tema din acest an a festivalului desfășurat sub Înaltul Patronaj al…

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another tbd throwaway post BUT! but hear me out fellas ok so you know how i had a season pass for all afternoon concerts at the athenaeum for the george enescu festival? and how that didn’t cover the midnight concert including vivaldi’s four seasons which i *need* to see live i need to i need to have my own portrait of a lady on fire moment? anyway that’s sorted.
you know what the season pass DOES cover? on the same day, before that performance? an opera gala showcase with aida garifullina UM??? checking the program her penultimate song is ave maria so i went to check out her rendition of it and tears welled up near immediately this one particular day of back to back concerts on my trip will leave me inconsolable 😭😭😭
#i should buy opera glasses for it i think it'd be cute. i feel like anica would approve.#tbd#the george enescu festival was one of my big interest/research points for the ye olde EARLY early days of anica so.#so to attend it this year is such a big deal for me 🥺
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– Mamă, pot sa le spun acolo (Viena) că sunt român?, întreabă deodată Jujac (George Enescu) – Sigur, de ce să nu le spui? -Mă gândeam …să nu creadă …că mă laud.
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Friday, 12-13-24, 7pm Pacific
'Evenin', folks...Mr. Baggins back with you with some music to soothe your achin' nerves and help ease us all into a good night. We start the evening off with another work by Frederick Delius, we hear his North Country Sketches, played by the Royal Philharmonic, with Sir Thomas Beecham conducting, recorded in 1949.
Next we hear The Amadeus Quartet in another of their excellent interpretations of the Haydn String Quartets, this one being the String Quartet Op. 64, No. 3, a recording from 1957.
Now we turn to Lenny, this time conducting The Boston (!) in Liszt's "A Faust Symphony", S.108., recorded in 1976.
Next we turn to the music of Roumanian George Enescu, we hear his Symphonie Concertante in B minor for Cello and Orchestra. It is played for us here by Franco Maggio-Ormezowski (cello) and Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo conducted by Lawrence Foster.
Paderewski was a many-faceted man, statesman, virtuoso pianist, and composer. We hear his Fantasie Polonaise on an Original Theme for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 19. We hear pianistic titan Earl Wild, with the London Symphony with Arthur Fiedler (of all people) conducting!
Next we hear the music of Joaquin Rodrigo, his Adagio for Wind Orchestra, written in 1966. It is performed for us here by the Mexico State Symphony Orchestra conducted by Enrique Bátiz.
Now here is a band called "La Magnifica Comunità" performing what might possibly be Boccherini's most famous work, his String Quintet in E Major, Op. 11, No. 5 G.275. The third movement is a little Minuet that has been used in many different contexts. The classical music station in Austin used it as their "sign-on music" when they came on the air at 6am, back in The Before Time, before all-night-canned-streaming. Anyway, it's a very pretty work overall, the first movement is especially beautiful.
Next we hear the music of Dvorak, his Suite in A Major for Piano, Op. 98, played for us by pianist Raduslav Kvapil.
We have room for one more work this evening, and I thought it would be nice to hear Debussy's Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun in the sumptuous reading given it by Eugene Ormandy and The Philadelphia, recorded in 1959. None finer!
And that wraps up with Friday evening's music, I do hope you have enjoyed the selections! This is Mr. Baggins, signing off for now, I'll return at 8am Pacific with our Morning Coffee Music.
Until then, dream sweet dreams, babies, dream sweet dreams.
Baggins out.

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George Enescu (1881-1955) - Cântece din tinerețe pe versuri de Carmen Sylva, Frauenbeurf ·
Wolfgang Scheringer, piano + Dan Iordăchescu, baritone
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Cristian Măcelaru va deschide ediția aniversară a Festivalului Enescu din acest an, la pupitrul Orchestrei Filarmonicii „George Enescu”
Festivalul Internațional George Enescu 2025, unul dintre cele mai prestigioase evenimente internaționale dedicate muzicii clasice, va debuta pe 24 august 2025 la Sala Palatului din București. În concertul de deschidere vor evolua, sub bagheta maestrului Cristian Măcelaru, Orchestra și Corul Filarmonicii „George Enescu” și reputatul violonist Nemanja Radulović. Programul cuprinde Concertul pentru…
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ACTU DES ARTISTES | Roberto Fores Veses
📌 Roberto Fores Veses dirigera le George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra au Romanian Athenaeum les 20 et 21 février à 19h. Le programme comprendra le Concerto pour piano n°3 de Beethoven avec le pianiste français Alexandre Tharaud, Oblatio lucis d'Alin Chelaresu et la Symphonie n°4 de Schumann.👏
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George Enescu's home in Sinaia, Romania
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Festivalul Enescu Concertele de la Sala Palatului: 16 orchestre internaționale de prestigiu
Maestrul Cristian Măcelaru, directorul artistic al Festivalului Internațional George Enescu, propune pentru seria de concerte de la Sala Palatului, adusă la standarde acustice performante, 27 de evenimente de excepție susținute de 16 orchestre de prestigiu din România și din întreaga lume, într-o ediție ce va marca 70 de ani de la trecerea în eternitate a marelui compozitor și muzician român…
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Știri: Pasiune și culoare cu Orchestra și Corul Filarmonicii „George Enescu” (13, 14 martie, București)
Orchestra și Corul Filarmonicii George Enescu vor concerta pe 13 și 14 martie sub bagheta dirijorului francez Jérémie Rhorer. Solista celor două concerte vocal-simfonice, violonista Alexandra Conunova, va interpreta Simfonia spaniolă pentru vioară și orchestră, op. 21 de Edouard Lalo, o lucrare inspirată de ritmurile și melodiile iberice. Programul concertelor va fi completat de poemul…
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