#Romance Gale; encourage hubris; become god; power solved?
y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
The idea of Bhaal betting on Durge eventually breaking down (from religious indoctrination, trauma bond, loss of purpose/ambition, whatever) and then they'll be ready to become his pawn again just to get some semblance of that back (and then he can punish them for their rebellion and failure).
But then Bane canonically taking an interest in the protagonist, whether they chose to control the brain or not, and also apparently having had an interest in Durge's ambition/cruelty pre-amnesia and calling dibs...
This could go hilariously.
Bane: “So you want ambition, power, dark purpose, and an unhealthy attachment to terrible authority figures do you?”
Bhaal: "You can't call dibs on my ex-Chosen, Bane!"
Bane, who never responds well to being told what to do: “Dibs.” :)
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