#Rollisi Fanfiction
torreshalstead · 6 days
I’m only human too
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Summary - Pain in the ass.
She had told him on multiple accounts that he was a pain in her ass, never in spite and only in jest but she had said it with a twinkle in her eye and a grin tugging at her lips. Was she implying what he thought she was? Surely not.
But as the rest of the day passed by in a blur, he wondered if she had been.
Notes - Just because I miss Rollisi and haven’t written for them in so long. I was rewatching season 19 and so this is a little alternative ending to episode 8. Happy Reading ❤️ AO3 Link
‘And sometimes with people who are pains in the ass,’ Amanda said with a grin before walking away. Carisi let his eyes follow her as she exited the squad room, her words and the events of the night before replaying over and over in his mind like a film reel stuck on replay.
Pain in the ass.
She had told him on multiple accounts that he was a pain in her ass, never in spite and only in jest but she had said it with a twinkle in her eye and a grin tugging at her lips. Was she implying what he thought she was? Surely not.
But as the rest of the day passed by in a blur, he wondered if she had been.
It had been a risk to lean towards her outside that motel, a daring play when he wasn’t sure what her cards were or how closely she was keeping them to her chest. For the smallest of moments, the tiniest breath he had thought she might match his movements, meet him in the middle and he would finally know what it felt like to kiss her, but then she turned away.
Sonny had put it down to the alcohol, that making a move that would forever change their friendship was not something that should be done when their blood alcohol level would get them pulled over by their brothers in blue. But when he saw that bartender, Bucky or whatever his name was, leave her room the following morning, it felt like someone had sucked all of the air out of his lungs and left him stranded in a desert.
He had told himself the entire drive back to the city that the reason she had turned away was because she wasn’t attracted to him, that she wanted some random bartender more than him. He painted himself an image and stuck to it, answering her with one liners and none of the joviality that normally laced his words, especially when he spoke to her.
Because as much as the alcohol had helped push him closer the day before, he had wanted her for years.
She had sassed him and mocked his moustache when they had first met but soon became a fast friend, she was the person he trusted, he relied on and he knew she felt the same. When Jesse came along, and he saw just how brave, how strong and how capable she was when thrown into an unknown arena, his mind and heart was set.
However he valued his friendship with her more than anything so instead of pursuing anything and taking a risk, he kept her close and became Uncle Sonny to her kid and simply Carisi, or a pain in her ass, to her.
Alone in his apartment, he sat on the couch, the tv screen playing a rerun of a show he wasn’t paying any attention to.
‘You know I’m human right.’
Amanda didn’t show weakness and she sure as hell didn’t like admitting she had made a mistake but from where he was standing, or sitting, her words felt more like an admission than just a statement.
Because humans make mistakes.
And sometimes they sleep with the wrong person when the right one was just feet away, staring at the ceiling of a dusty motel room wondering if he had overstepped a line with his partner.
He let his head thud back against the couch cushion and screwed his eyes closed. He knew what he wanted, that much was certain, but what did she want?
Was she as scared as he was, that crossing a line was something that could never be undone?
Were her words just words, that he was the one assigning a meaning to them that she had never meant?
He’d give her the world if that’s what she wanted, but if she wanted to kiss and move on, he’d do that too. He just felt so confused.
Pulling out his phone he checked the time, it was just past 9. He shouldn’t go over there, Jesse would be asleep and he wasn’t sure Amanda even wanted to see him.
But he needed to know, he needed to be sure what her words had meant.
So without allowing himself more than a moment to think through his actions, he pulled his work shoes back on, grabbed a jacket and headed out the door.
The cab ride to Amanda’s apartment took less than 10 minutes, he would have walked if he didn’t think that the fresh air might have made him rethink his decision.
Was he about to ruin it all, for the sake of nothing?
He pushed that idea away as he paid his fare and stood outside her apartment block, he knew the code for the door so without hesitating, he let himself in and walked up the four flights of stairs to get to her apartment.
He knocked the door lightly, knowing that if he woke Jesse up then he would never be forgiven - it was hard enough to get the little girl to go to sleep on the best of days.
A few moments later, the door opened and Amanda came into view. She was dressed for comfort, her work clothes replaced with a pair of loose fitting heather grey sweatpants and an oversized tee, the printed graphic long faded.
‘Sonny,’ she said, her voice quiet but unquestioning. As if it was a perfectly normal occurrence for him to show up unannounced to her apartment in the middle of the night. Although, if you took away the middle of the night aspect, he supposed it wasn’t that unusual.
‘Am I a pain in the ass?’ He asked. He had thought up a million different speeches on the drive over, some where he confessed his love, some where he asked for an explanation but the words that were coming out of his mouth now were unrehearsed and unfiltered.
‘What?’ She said, her eyes brows knitting together in confusion.
‘Am I a pain in the ass?’ He asked again, taking a small step forward, courage from somewhere deep inside spurring him on.
A look of understanding crossed Amanda’s face. ‘You are,’ she all but whispered in response.
‘And you’re human,’ he said, crossing the entrance into her apartment, a small gleam of satisfaction hitting him as she shut the door behind him.
‘I’m human,’ she agreed.
He didn’t know who moved first, all he knew that one moment he was looking at her, thinking how beautiful she was and the next her lips were on his and his fingers were digging into her hips, pulling her flush towards him. She pushed him back against the door with a dull thud and her fingers were suddenly tugging at his jacket and pushing the offending material down his arms into a pile on the floor.
Kissing Amanda was like nothing he had ever experienced before, he thought it would be soft and gentle, tender and sweet but it was fast and messy, she nipped at his lips and then soothed them with her tongue, her hands were untucking his shirt from his waistband and slipping under it, tracing their way across his skin. He felt like he was on fire, like if he didn’t divest himself of his clothes, and hers, right away, he might burst into flames.
He tugged on her t-shirt, a silent request that she understood clearly, taking a small step back to pull it over her head and drop it onto the floor with his jacket. He took her in, a black bra sitting in contrast against her pale pink skin, a skin he needed to touch and memorise as soon as possible.
‘Are we doing this?’ She whispered as she stepped back into his space, her touch more hesitant than it was before.
‘I think so,’ he responded in a low voice as he reached out to push a strand of hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch, his hand still cradling her jaw. He leant forward, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. ‘Jesse?’ He asked as he pulled away.
‘Out like a light,’ she said with a smile. ‘But we will need to be quiet.’
‘I’ll do my best,’ he smiled in response. ‘And tomorrow?’ He asked, unsure if he wanted to know the answer but needed to know before he gave this woman his body and his heart. He’d do it whatever her response was, he was too close now to back away unless she wanted him to, but he needed to know.
‘That’s for tomorrow to know,’ she said, pushing up on her tiptoes and sealing her lips to his again, her breasts pressed firmly against his chest.
It wasn’t an answer. It wasn’t even a hint at what might come when the evening night turned to morning light, but right now Sonny didn’t care. He had the woman he loved in his arms, and that was all that mattered.
He slid his hands down her back and over her arse before giving her a quick squeeze. She took the hint and in a moment her legs were wrapped around his waist as he walked them back into her apartment to cross a line and face whatever consequences would arise.
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chenfordsrollisi · 1 year
My SVU Summer Hiatus Bingo 2023 Roundup
These are the 5 Rollisi fics that I wrote for the SVU Summer Hiatus Bingo on Tumblr. 5/5. Overdue A Better Night The Bright Side When You Walk In the Room A Dream I Never Gave Up On
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homerjacksons · 7 months
First and Last Lines
rules: post the first and last lines of the last 10 fics you posted.
I was tagged by @gavotteangel !! Thank you!! I've also 100% decided the drabble collection counts as one fic because otherwise this entire thing will just be made up of Jackson/Reid drabbles and while I AM obsessed with them atm, this way feels more fun.
way too fast and way too slow (Ripper Street - Jackson/Reid)
Jackson stopped on the top step of the station, so suddenly that Reid almost walked right into his back.
“Happy new year, Edmund.”
the feeling of audible cracks (Ripper Street - Jackson/Reid)
“I promise.”
call me friend but keep me closer (Ripper Street - Jackson/Reid)
The sound was loud, sharp, piercing. Unmistakable. Jackson felt his heart drop to his stomach before his brain had even fully registered what was going on. He turned to the source of the sound just in time to watch Reid go down, head hitting the pavement hard as he landed with a near-sickening crack that made Jackson’s stomach lurch.
“Alright,” Jackson said with a sigh, reaching out to smooth Reid’s hair back from his forehead. “I ain’t going nowhere.”
open me up (Ripper Street - Jackson/Reid)
Reid let his hand come to rest on the edge of the stage, watching as the last girl left the room. He glanced at Jackson whose position mirrored his, yet looked so much more relaxed, so much more effortless, and sighed.
And Reid watched him go, skin still tingling with the ghost of his touch.
hush (Law and Order SVU - Kat/Amanda)
“You okay?”
The urge to tease Amanda for her known temper, for the way she froze people out when she was hurting was strong, but Kat was too sleepy, too cosy to be bothered, so she just hummed contentedly as she tucked Amanda against her side and let sleep finally take her.
sometimes (Law and Order SVU - Stabler/Carisi)
Sonny shifted his weight from foot to foot, flexing his hand at the sting in his knuckles from knocking too urgently on the door in front of him. His heart pounded just a little too hard, a little too fast. He told himself it was due to the uncertainty of being here, unsure of his place, unsure of his welcome, and maybe that was part of it, but a bigger part of it was his need to see that the man on the other side was okay.
“Yeah, Stabler,” he said, voice a little huskier than usual. “I am.”
Carry Me Home (Law and Order SVU - Benson/Carisi)
It shouldn’t really have come as a surprise at all that he snapped. He’d been feeling it buzzing under his skin for days now, threatening to break free at every interaction, anytime someone even so much as looked at him, really. He was frustrated— beyond frustrated—but it was born from exhaustion more than anything else.
Here, warm and comfortable and content, the nightmare of the past month of work felt miles away, and he let his eyes drift closed knowing in his heart that it would all be okay.
Forever (Law and Order SVU - Carisi/Rollins)
Sonny frowned as Amanda slid out of Olivia’s office like she didn’t want to be seen. He watched her until her eyes met his and for a moment she froze, looking guilty before she relaxed into a soft smile.
“Amanda,” Sonny cut her off, grinning from ear to ear as Jesse and Billie wrapped their arms around their legs, pushing them closer together, squealing with delight. “It’s perfect.”
honey, you're familiar (Law and Order SVU - Carisi/Rollins)
And he knew she did, no matter what. He knew she’d be there for whatever he needed, in ways he’d been too scared to ask of her before.
It Started with Pancakes (Law and Order SVU - Carisi/Langan)
It wasn’t like this between them, not really. They’d been sleeping together on and off, whenever they faced each other in court, for over a year, but that’s all it was. That’s all it had ever been. Which was why Trevor couldn’t quite understand the warmth blossoming behind his ribs at the sight of Sonny standing at his stove wearing a pair of Trevor’s sweat pants that were far too big for him, flipping pancakes like he did it all the time, like he belonged there.
Trevor huffed, smile stretching his face as that warmth blossomed behind his ribs again, stronger than ever before. “Me too.”
I'm tagging: @electrictoes @phdmama @kim-ruzek @shutterbug-12 @australiancarisi @floralparanormal and @luciehercndale
But obviously zero pressure!!!
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specialfanficunit · 9 days
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Rain 🌧️, Wind 💨, and early sunsets 🌚
What better time to sit down and write a soul-warming story for #SVUAutumnInNewYork🍁
Grab your prompt now - here!
DM us your choice and we confirm it with the link to make the claiming official 🍂
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miss-inkwell · 7 months
First and Last Lines
rules: post the first and last lines of the last 10 fics you posted.
Tagged by @electrictoes
They’re mostly Teddie (shocking) but my Rollisi babies are in there too. Enjoy 😊
1) Love Lingers
First: Janine happily hummed to herself on another morning while drinking her coffee and writing in her journal.
Last: It was going to be a long year and she hoped by some miracle, not one by an Eagles player, that she and Gregory would be together.
2) Inner Voice
First: “Uh I don’t think so,” Janine said to Erika who was showing her yet another short dress in her closet.
Last: Once she woke up she wrote all about it in her journal, her inner voice a calming part of herself.
3) Ruminations
First: Gregory’s eyes are joyful, not solemn.
Last: Janine sobbed into her pillow clutching her teddy bear for several nights.
4) In Your Orbit
First: The staff room was buzzing as Gregory walked in, which was pretty rare.
Last: The rest of the night was just stargazing, warm hugs and kisses and Janine wouldn’t have it any other way.
5) Message to You
First: Dear Gregory, This is hard for me to write and not because I don’t believe these words but because it’s scary.
Last: See you at home.
6) The Heart of the Matter
First: Gregory was hurting.
Last: In this moment, holding her hand and just having fun with her was all he needed.
7) Dance with me
First:“Okay, that’s everything,” Janine said as she finished putting up the last of the decorations, stepping back to look at the garlands, balloons and a banner hung around the gym.
Last: Someday he could be hers.
8) Built to last
First: “Carisi you did what?!” Amanda exclaimed, her mouth agape and a hand on her hip.
Last: For days on end they just moved forward building their home with openness, honesty and respect.
9) Our Home
First: The days have gone by both quickly and slowly over the course of time Amanda has been with Carisi.
Last: Rinse and repeat.
10) Safe Haven
First: You’re safe now, Amanda thought to herself as she took steady breaths on her couch.
Last: Slowly but surely it would be ok.
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yoyok-era · 10 months
A Very SVU Christmas - Series Masterlist
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Daily Oneshots from Dec 1 - Dec 25th revolving around our favorite squad + Christmas 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Tooth-rotting Christmas fluff 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 0.3k (ongoing)
Dec 1 - Christmas Tree (0.3k)
“Does anyone wanna fill me in on how that invaded?” She asked, a smirk pulling at her lips. Her eyes trailed over the tree, from the base to where Amanda was standing on a ladder, trying to set up the lights.
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detectivejrdude583 · 1 year
Self defense
a rollisi family one shot
summery: Olivia, Sonny, and Amanda were not planning to spend their afternoon picking up their children from a holding cell- and yet, that's what they were doing.
words: 3735 rating: T
for the purpose of this chapter Noah and Jesse are the same age: 17, Billie is 14, and Rollisi baby-no-name is 9, but they don't appear in this chapter.
Warnings: Violence, mentions of non-consensual inappropriate touching, bullying, bruises, being arrested, asshole cops.
As soon as the phone started ringing Olivia knew who it was and what they wanted, she didn’t even check the caller ID before answering. “I’m going to assume you just got the same phone call as me”
“That I did” Amanda’s frustrated voice came from the other side of the line, along with the noise of her rustling around. “I’m heading over there now, bringing Sonny with me, but hopefully they don’t need a lawyer”
“They probably won’t, it sounded more like they were holding them to scare them” Olivia said standing in her office and gathering her things, it wasn’t how she planned to spend her afternoon, but the squad would survive without her for a little while.
“Look knowing our kids Jesse probably dragged him into something” Amanda said apologetically. Jesse was a good kid, but she was just like her mother- confrontational to say the least.
“Let’s wait and see what the officers have to say, and then we can figure out which of our children need to be killed”
“We’re going to die, this is the end, on my gravestone just put ‘death by mother’” Jesse stared at the wall in front of her shaking her head, accepting her fate.
“We’re not going to die we’re going to hope our parents give us enough time to explain before they ground us for life and leave us in a room with no a mattress and a bucket to pee in”
Noah was trying to keep his cool, he was rarely-if ever- at the receiving end of his mother’s wrath, but he had witnessed it more than once, and he did not want to know how his mother would react to this.
“I'm going to vouch for the both of you, hopefully save both of you from eternal punishment” Billie spun in the chair she had been placed in, she had insisted on coming along with her sister and Noah- her mother didn’t know that though, maybe the black eye would be a nice distraction.
“Thank you, Billie, but I don’t think you can save me from mom” Jesse said “I think I’ll take my chances with prison”
“First of all, you're not going to prison, that’s now how it works” Billie rolled her eyes at her sister’s dramatics “Second of all, you act like both of our parents are these terrifying beings”
“Well dad isn’t, but momma can be scary” Jesse said, much like Noah she had witnessed her mother’s anger, but it wasn’t directed towards her, she almost never got in trouble, and even when she did her mother managed to stay mostly calm and collected.
“It’s my mother we need to worry about,” Noah muttered, starting to realize the severity of the situation “Maybe we can talk them into letting us go and then our parents just won’t know”
“Noah, there is no world where that would work, first of all we’re minors so they can’t question us without a guardian present, and also they’ve already called them, my mom’s probably marching through the house like a mad woman” Jesse said picturing her mother trying to make arrangements for someone to pick up their little sister from school.
“You think they’ll give me as aspirin, my head hurts” Noah groaned, just wanted for this all to be over so he could go to sleep.
“Aren’t they supposed to provide medical care if we need it, pretend to pass out and we can sue them” Jesse figured that would get them out of the situation real’ quick.
“Stop conspiring against the cops” Billie said, despite being the youngest in the group she was currently the one holding it together.
Olivia, Amanda, and Sonny all arrived at the same time despite coming from different places, they really did not want to be picking their kids up from the police station in the middle of the day, but it was starting to look like that was how the afternoon was going to be going.
“Amanda, ya’ good?” Olivia said ducking her head to get a look at Amanda’s face.
“There’s a reasonable explanation for this right? My child didn’t just get herself arrested” Amanda said not even blinking.
“Well, she did get arrested, but there also might be a reasonable explanation. We both know our kids aren’t liars, so were going to talk to the arresting officers, and then we’re going to talk to our children, and we’ll go from there” truth be told Olivia wasn’t feeling much better than Amanda was.
Sonny was remaining mostly silent, he had very little idea what the situation really was- no one had much of an idea anyway.
Together they all made their way inside, they weren’t used to being on the parent side of the conversation, they were used to panicked and angry parents marching in and demanding to see their children, not being those parents.
Billie heard her parents before she saw them, and she saw Noah and Jesse visibly tense at their voices, but they seemed to be walking through a nearby hallway and not actually coming to where they were. “Y’all want me to get to the parents before they get to you?” Billie asked.
Noah and Jesse were in a holding cell, they weren’t going anywhere, but Billie was free to wander as she saw fit since someone had just dumped her in a chair with an ice pack and left her alone.
“If you can get to them, do it” Jesse said, maybe if her sister- who was probably the best person to explain what happened- was able to get the real story in her parents’ heads before the cops got in their version maybe things would go better for the rest of them.
“On it” Billie pushed herself up from the chair, a little dizzy since she hadn’t stop spinning since she sat down. she walked in the direction she heard her parents’ voices from, just hoping that she would be able to figure out where they actually were.
She found herself in a hallway with several interview rooms attached to it, and she just had to listen through each door until she found the one where she could hear the voice, she immediately knew was Olivia’s. She all but threw open the door, catching the attention of all the people in the room.
“Billie why are you- what happened to your face?” Amanda stood up from her chair, rushing over to Billie to get a good look at the bruise under her eye. “Who did this, why are you here? Shouldn’t you be at school”
“Um Mrs. Rollins if you could sit back down, I will explain” one of the officers said “And miss Rollins, if you can stay if it’s alright with your parents” the officer indicated Billie who did not wait for her parents’ permission before plopping herself down in her mother’s lap.
Amanda would tell her 14-year-old child to get out of her lap since she wasn’t a toddler, but the black eye was almost startling, and clearly fresh, so she didn’t bother just put her arms around her daughter’s waist.
“Right, back to what happened” the officer did not like that he was interrupted. “By the time we arrived it was 2 one 2, and from what we heard Jesse Rollins was the instigator, and Mr. Noah had come in later in the fight”
“Right, we get all that, but what was the fight actually about?” Olivia had asked that twice already, but it had yet to be answered.
“Now like I said previously, that is not important, what is important is that your children instigated a fight that caused 4- well 5- minors to be injured” The officer said avoiding the question.
“I can tell you what the fight was about” Billie said without hesitation, there was no reason her sister and Noah needed to be arrested and she was going to make that clear “They were defending me”
There was a silence for a couple of moments “Defending you against what?” Sonny finally asked, concern evident in his voice.
Billie sighed and felt her mother’s arms tighten around her “One of the senior boys was getting a little too grabby, Jesse told him if he touched me again, she’d break his nose”
“And he touched you again” Olivia finished for her, the anger on her face almost made Billie a little nervous, but it obviously wasn’t directed towards her.
“He did, and was apparently very protective of his nose” Billie explained “It got worse from there, at first it was just Jesse and the senior, but then one of his friends got involved and Jesse can take one, but taking two is a lot harder, but Noah ran over, and he is deceivingly strong”
All the adults’ eyes were now on the officer.
“That sounds like self-defense to me, if Billie would have a right to use physical force against the boy, then Jesse did as she was defending her” Sonny could go into the legal logistics of it if he needed to.
The officer looked almost like he had been caught “From the statements we took at the scene that is not what happened, you're really going to believe your teenager over an officer” that was the wrong thing to say.
“If you're implying that my child is a liar you may want to rethink your choices” Amanda’s voice dropped and Billie held back a smirk.
“I have it on video, my friend sent it to me” Billie pulled her phone out of her pocket, pulling up the video and playing it for everyone to see. It showed everything from Jesse threatening the boy to when the cops pulled out cuffs.
The officer paused, hesitating “And why does that not line up with the statements taken, how do I know that’s not staged”
Billie stared at him blankly for a few moments “Were you dropping on your head as a baby, your head is kinda lopsided”
“Billie” Sonny said with only the slightest bit of warning in his voice “And whose statements exactly were taken”
“Well Mr. Carisi, was it? what you have to understand is that we get called to fights between teenagers all the time, we can’t exactly talk to everyone there. We spoke to everyone directly involved in the fight who we thought would have information on who instigated”
“So, you spoke to the two boys Noah and Jesse were fighting” Olivia knew if she said it out load the officer would realize he had been caught.
“Well, I suppose. However, I used my judgement, the two boys looked rather puny to me, Mr. Porter Benson and Miss Rollins could easily overpower them”
They had all seen the video; the boys were not puny in the slightest.
“I'm going to assume our children will be released and no charges filed” Olivia said, she could not use her rank to get her child out of trouble, but she would use her rank to get a douche-bag cop to act right. “And I'm going to need the name of your captain”
“Well, we can’t just release your children like that” The officer started getting a little nervous.
“You can as you have clear evidence of it being in defense of themselves or someone else” Sonny said.
“Why didn’t someone come forward with the video before” the officer tried to get ahead of them.
“A minimum of 4 people tried to show it to you before you left, you refused to look at it, I actually have a video of that as well if you want to see it” Billie said with a smile, beginning to scroll on her phone.
“No, no, that’s alright” The officer rushed out “I will go see about getting your children released” he was clearly very eager to get out of the room as he all but ran.
The adults- and Billie were now alone in the interview room, sitting in silence, processing everything that went down.
“Is Jesse in trouble?’ Billie finally asked, tilting her head back till it was rested on her mother shoulder.
Sonny and Amanda looked at each other in silent agreement before Amanda answered, hooking her chin over Billie’s shoulder. “No, she’s not in trouble. We obviously don’t like that she was fighting, but I feel like it may be a touch hypocritical for us to punish her considering what me and dad used to both do for a living”
“Noah isn’t in trouble either, is it bad I'm a little proud of him” Olivia also wasn’t very happy that her child had gotten himself arrested, but the story made sense.
“I wasn’t going to say it out loud” Sonny said with the slightest hint of a smile on his face, he couldn’t help the little bit of pride that came along with Jesse protecting her little sister.
“Alright Billie up you go, we need to go get your sister and cousin out of jail” Amanda said tapping her hip for her to get out of her lap.
Jesse and Noah froze when they saw their parents approaching, along with one of the officers that had arrested them.
“Alright, you two are free to go” the officer said opening up the cell, Jesse and Noah looking at each other in surprise, they were not expecting to be released so soon- and Jesse had fully convinced herself she was going to be spending time in jail.
“Come on” Olivia hurried them out, they didn’t want to spend anymore time in the station.
They rushed out of the cell, behind handed back the things they had taken away from them. Neither of them wanted to speak, they would rather just wait to see what their parents had to say.
There were a few papers to sign, but after that they were on their way, with promises to expunge the arrests from both Jesse and Noah’s records, the two teens still staying silent.
Once they were outside, they paused by the cars, Noah and Jesse expecting the worst. Billie though was not finding it amusing- like the adults were see the terror on their child’s faces- “Can we go get lunch, I'm hungry and I left before lunch”
Once the silence was broken it would not be back for a while. Noah starting speaking rapidly trying to tell his mother what had happened, and Jesse, well Jesse promptly burst into tears, startling everyone.
“I'm so sorry, I didn’t mean to get arrested” she cried leaning against her mother “I'm a horrible person”
Amanda figured she should have expected that, this wasn’t unusual with Jesse, so she wrapped her arms around her. “It’s okay, you're not in trouble honey, Billie explained what happened, and showed us the video”
“Billie!” It was like Jesse had suddenly remembered she had a sister and she let go of her mother to pull her sister into a hug.
“You're getting snot on my shirt” Billie grimaced but allowed her sister to hug her- Jesse tended to get emotional after big things.
“Are we really not in trouble?” Noah asked his mom.
“No, Jesse was defending Billie and you were defending Jesse” Olivia said looking at the scene of Jesse holding her sister quite fondly.
Once Jesse had calmed down, they all went out to lunch, everyone a little frazzled by the day’s events, the teens had gotten a short speech about using physical force as a last resort, and to please not land themselves in jail, but that’s as far as the consequences went.
Now everyone was at their home, both the girls in their rooms working on homework that they had been sent since both of them missed a big chunk of the school day.
Amanda and Sonny were planning- along with Olivia- to go up to the school to take care of the suspension Noah and Jesse were both facing, along with making sure there were consequences for the boy who had touched Billie. As they were discussing it, Amanda realized something, but rewatched the video- which she had Billie send her- and after watching it through sped up several times Amanda drew an unfortunate conclusion. “Sonny”
“Billie isn’t in the fight, she’s not even the video after Jesse shoves her out of the way” Amanda furrowed her brow scrolling through the video for a third time to make sure she was right.
“Isn’t that a good thing” Sonny as confused as to why Amanda sounded so worried about it “You can hear her offscreen”
“I mean in theory it’s good, but you saw her eye, she didn’t have it this morning, and doesn’t have it at the start of this video, and there’s no footage of her getting hit”
Sonny waited a few moments before responding “So at some point between the fight starting and going to the station she got hit, but not in the fight”
“Billie! Get in here!” Amanda yelled knowing that as long as she didn’t have headphones in Billie would be able to hear her.
Only a few moments later Billie appeared in the doorway “Yes?”
“Come in and shut the door” Sonny instructed.
Billie knew that meant she was either in trouble or her parents wanted to have a serious discussion, and she couldn’t think of anything she had done wrong as of late- unless her parents found out she baked a cake in the middle of the night and currently had a cake container under her bed to eat on her own- but that wouldn’t warrant a door closed conversation. “Did I do something?”
“No, you did do anything” Amanda said indicating the couch that sat in their bedroom for Billie to sit, Sonny and Amanda moving to sit on the side of their bed so they were facing her. “We want to talk to you about the bruise on your face”
Billie’s eyes widened slightly, but she recovered quickly. “What about it, I don’t feel like this is the most shocking thing that’s happened today”
“Well, we’ve watched the video several times now, and there is no footage of you getting hit, you're not even in the fight” Amanda said.
“We just want to know what happened, we won’t be mad” Sonny assured her, he needed to know she was safe at school.
“It was- after the fight” Billie said hesitantly. “While Noah and Jesse were in the office”
“Okay, but what happened Billie, because that’s a pretty nasty bruise” Sonny said leaning forward a bit to get a better look.
“I was waiting outside the school, I know I should have gone back to class, but I knew of Jesse and Noah were going to have to go to the station then I was going to go with him. Someone was upset with me for being the cause of the whole fight, and they hit me, I'm fine though, they got one hit in and left me alone”
Amanda let out an intense sigh, this problem seemed to be a lot bigger than they thought “How long have you been having issues at school?”
“I mean, since the beginning of the year, it’s my first year of high school, I figured it would get better if I didn’t react, it’s not normally physical” Billie explained.
“Billie why didn’t you tell us, why didn’t you tell your teachers? We could have done something sooner” Sonny said.
“Well like I said I thought it would get better, it really isn’t that bad, things were just worse than normal today, the leader of the group was mad he got beat up by a girl”
“And that’s the boy who was touching you?” Amanda was angry, but was careful not to show it too much “Billie you know why can press charges, we him touching you on camera, I can make uncle Fin go and get him right now”
“No, I don’t want to press charges, it was nothing more than a few touches here and there, if it got any worse, I would tell you, I always push him away, and I kicked him in the balls once” Billie explained, she hated the look on her parents’ faces, it was an odd mix between anger and sympathy.
“You should have told us now Billie, not waited for things to get worse” Amanda said gently and scooted on the bed patting the spot between her and Sonny for Billie to sit. “Come here”
Billie sat in between her parents, resting her head on her mom’s shoulder, grabbing her dad’s arm, and pulling him into her side, feeling both her parents’ arms wrap around her. “I'm sorry I didn’t tell you”
“Oh, we’re not mad, we just want to make sure that you are and feel safe at school” Sonny whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of Billie’s head feeling her burrow further into their hold.
“We’re going to talk to the school, and we’re going to get this taken care of, your aunt Liv can be very intimidating” Amanda said and ducked her head to see Billie’s, her words having generated a small smile on the young teens face.
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galaxysessions · 1 year
With the season ending.....well like that. Not a lot of things left a feeling of resolved.
Should we expect the next part of your story to be release later this summer?
Hi!!! I have been so busy, mostly in great ways, but I have wonderful ideas brewing despite my absence. I hope to get to writing them this upcoming weekend! I feel so flattered people are still interested in what I create.
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floralparanormal · 2 years
Dominick’s // SVU // Rollisi
Restaurant AU: Instead of transferring to Manhattan SVU, Carisi takes over his family’s restaurant after his father dies. Same love story, different tale, always spaghetti.
Ch: 14 “Jesse and Billie.” His eyes glistened. “Our girls.” “Our girls,” she happily sighed.
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drelizabethgreene · 2 years
Wrote Rollisi for the first time in a while to fill a prompt for @fictober-event. Prompt was from Day 2: “Didn’t anyone warn you about me?”
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torreshalstead · 2 years
always there
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Summary - Jesse knew that by blood Sonny Carisi was not her father.  But she also knew that he had been a father to her in more ways than one for as long as she could remember and she was proud that she had taken his name when she had turned 16.  Her mother had been Carisi-Rollins and she wanted to be too.  And now the time had come for her to take someone else’s name but first she had something important to do.
Notes - this is the result of me living in denial that Amanda is being taken from us in a couple of weeks and I needed somewhere to get out my Rollisi/Carisi feels. Hope you enjoy! Ao3 Link
Jesse knew that by blood Sonny Carisi was not her father.  But she also knew that he had been a father to her in more ways than one for as long as she could remember and she was proud that she had taken his name when she had turned 16.  Her mother had been Carisi-Rollins and she wanted to be too.  And now the time had come for her to take someone else’s name but first she had something important to do.
Before she had called him Dad, she had called him Uncle Sonny.  Uncle Sonny had been a staple in some of her favourite memories from childhood.  Anytime she remembers being her happiest, he was there.  And more importantly, any time she remembers her mother being her happiest, he was there.  She remembers cooking with him, sitting on the worktop, she remembers him helping her with her homework, she remembers him being a constant in their life.
She doesn’t remember the exact time she stopped calling him Uncle Sonny and began calling him Daddy but she was certain if you asked him, he could pin it down to the hour.  He was like that.  And Jesse was so thankful that he was a part of their lives.  She knew it hadn’t always been easy.  She had managed to put two and two together when she had entered her teens that the relationship her mother and him had hadn’t always been smooth sailing.  But they very rarely argued and any disagreements they had were usually out of earshot of her and Billie.
She knew her mother hadn’t had the best childhood, the awkward conversations at holidays with her parents were enough to demonstrate that.  A complete opposite of the holidays they spent with the Carisi’s, filled with joy and laughter.  The Rollins’ family affairs were more silent and usually ended before dessert.  She knew her mother had pushed him away more than once, but Sonny Carisi being the man that he was had never faltered.  He stayed by her side, he stayed for her and Billie.
Jesse had a clear memory of waking up one morning when she was younger.  
Stumbling into the living room, rubbing the sleep out of eyes, she spotted Sonny asleep on the couch.  She walked over and poked him gently in the chest.
‘Daddy?’, she said softly.  Sonny had stirred and yawned when he opened his eyes.
‘Morning Jess’, he said.  ‘Want me to make you some breakfast?’ he asked as he sat up, his hair all tousled from a clearly restless night.
‘Why are you sleeping out here? Why aren’t you with Mommy?’ Jesse asked with a frown, she was ringing her hands, clearly nervous for the answer.  Sonny had patted the space next to him on the sofa and took her hands in his when she clambered up.
‘Mommy wanted a bit of space last night. So I came to sleep out here’. He answered softly, peering down at her.
‘Why?’ Jesse asked curiously.
‘Well you know when you and Billie used to share a room, you wanted some space from her sometimes.’  Jesse nodded.  ‘But she was still your sister so you loved her anyway’.  The nodding continued.  ‘Just like that, Mommy and I love each other but she needed some time to herself’.
That answer seemed enough for Jesse, who said ‘Okay’ cheerily and then asked if she could have pancakes.
What Jesse later found out was that her mother had been standing just out of eyesight and had heard the whole conversation.  Jesse never found Sonny asleep on the couch again.
The day Jesse had come home from high school with make-up streaming down her face, it had been Sonny that had been there to comfort her.  
‘Hey Jess, how was school?’ a voice had called out to her when she had shut the door behind her.  She had forgotten he would be home as her mother was out with Billie for a middle school day out.
‘Fine’, she called out but her voice had cracked and even as she tried to wipe the tears from her cheeks, her father appeared from the kitchen.
‘Hey Jess, what’s wrong?’ he said worried as he clearly checked her once over for any visible injuries before wrapping her in a hug.  He’d been father to the two girls for long enough now that he knew a lot of the time that a hug and a shoulder to cry on would solve a million problems.
‘I’m fine’ Jesse sniffed but accepted the hug all the same, clinging on to her fathers shirt.
‘I don’t think so’, Sonny said as held her tight, ‘tell me what’s up’.  Jesse just sniffed again at this so Sonny changed tact. ‘Why don’t I make us some hot chocolate?’
‘Extra marshmallows?’ Jesse asked as she pulled back from his chest.
‘Of course, just don’t tell your mother’, he winked as he let go of her slowly and walked back towards the kitchen.  He had also learnt as a member of the Carisi-Rollins household, to let the girls come to you when they needed help.  So he knew as he started to prepare the hot chocolate, that Jesse would follow him into the kitchen.  And sure enough when he turned around a moment later, she was sitting on one of the stools, folded over so her forehead was resting on her crossed arms.
‘I’m not going to make you talk Jess, I know you Rollins girls aren’t a fan of that, but I’m here if you want me to listen’.   Sonny heard a murmur but couldn’t make out her response.  ‘Say again Jess’, he said softly as he rested his arms on the other side of the counter and leant against it.
‘Charlie broke up with me’, she said, her head still resting on her arms, he could tell she had stopped crying though. She took a deep breath and raised her head, ‘I said I wasn’t ready and he said he’d find someone that was’, she said quietly.  Sonny tried to hide his emotions on his face but his fists clenched on the counter.
‘Did he hurt you Jess, try and force you?’, he questioned slowly, his protective father instincts wanting to go find this boy who had made his daughter cry.
‘No, he just left.  He knows my dads a lawyer and mom used to be a cop.’ Jesse wiped her eyes.  ‘I’m fine Dad, I don’t know why I’m crying over him.  Mom always said 'a boy that didn’t respect you doesn't deserve your tears’’. She gave him a small smile.
‘She’s right.  When someone loves you and cares about you, they’ll respect you, your decisions and your body’, Sonny reached across and took one of her hands in his.
‘I know you’re right Dad.  But can we have hot chocolate before this becomes an afternoon sex lecture?’.
Sonny had to laugh out loud at this.  ‘Right you are, hot chocolate and no sex lecture’.
When Amanda had returned home later and Sonny had told her what had happened, she found Jesse curled up in bed reading.
‘Hey honey’, she had said as she walked into her room, ‘Dad told me about Charlie, you okay?’, she perched on the end of the bed.
‘I’m okay now, Dad made me hot chocolate and we watched reruns of Gilmore Girls. Not sure he’s a fan’, Jesse laughed as she looked at her Mom over the top of her book. Amanda laughed back as she got up and dropped a kiss to Jesse’s crown.
‘Well, I’m glad you’re okay.  I didn’t want to have to go all Momma Bear on the kid’. She walked out the door and just before she closed it she heard Jesse call her back. 
‘Yes hon’, Amanda turned around.
‘Thanks for making Sonny our dad’. Jess smiled.
‘Best decision I’ve ever made’, Amanda said as she smiled with a tear in her eyes. ‘Goodnight baby’.
‘Night Mom’.
So many of Jesse’s friends had dad’s they barely spoke to or who they only contacted when they wanted a handout, but she had always valued the time she had spent with her father.  Somewhere in the back of her mind she realised it was because he had chosen to be her father, chosen to love her Mom and with that, love her and Billie.  He never stayed out of obligation, or because DNA told him that he should care about her, he cared about her just because he did.
Jess had known for years that she had wanted to be a lawyer like her father.  And the day she had gotten into Fordham, she thought he might burst with pride.
‘It’s here’, she said as she tightly held the envelope.  Both her mom and dad were sitting on the coach, Billie in the chair with Jesse standing in front of them. ‘It’s here’, she said again quietly.
‘Well’, Billie said impatiently, ‘are you going to open it?’  
‘She’ll open it when she’s ready’, her mother scolded.
Slowly Jesse opened the envelope and began to read.
‘Dear Miss Carisi-Rollins.  Congratulations, it is my distinct pleasure…’ she tailed off. ‘I got in’, she whispered.  ‘I got in’, she said loudly and looked up at her family.  Billie was jumping in her seat, her face in a huge smile.  Her mother’s hands were over her mouth but she could see the excitement in her eyes.  Her father had tears streaming down his face and he was beaming. 
‘We knew you could do it’, he said through the tears as he jumped up and wrapped her in a hug.  She felt the arms of her sister and mother join in as well and the family stood in a huddle, all crying and smiling and congratulating her.  This was the first step, she thought as she held them all tight, the first step towards her dream.
He had cried even more at her graduation, which she didn’t think was possible.
Jesse knew that even if she hadn’t gone into Law that he would have been equally as supportive.  Billie had gone into teaching, and when she had graduated with her Masters in Education, the loudest applause in the auditorium had belonged to their father.  Every step of their lives, Sonny had been there for them, from the small moments to the large.
That wasn’t to say he wasn’t a strict father, she remembered him picking her up from her first house party when she was 17 and was too drunk to get home.  He had answered her call and told her he would pick her up, drove her home and tucked her into bed with a bottle of water and some aspirin for when she woke up and kissed her on the forehead.  But the next morning was a different story.
Jesse had stumbled out of her room the next morning just before lunchtime to find her father sitting on the sofa, stoney faced.
‘Hey Dad’, she said quietly.  She had never seen him look so angry, not when her and Billie had flooded the bathroom trying to play mermaids, not when she had brought home a stray cat and Frannie had gone mad and trashed the living room, not when she had failed her biology midterm because she had refused to study for it.  This was a different kind of angry.
‘Sit down Jess’, he said and nodded towards the arm chair.  Slowly Jesse sunk into it, pulling her knees up to her chest.  ‘Would you like to explain?’.
‘I didn’t mean to get so drunk’, she started.
‘So you still planned to get drunk? You’re 17 Jess.  Do I need to remind you what the legal age to drink is in the US?’.  He was still talking in a mildly expressionless voice, and Jesse knew he was trying not to yell at her.  He had never yelled at her or Billie or her mother, he barely even yelled at Frannie and she could be a terror.
‘That’s not what I mean Dad’ she said avoiding making eye contact. ‘I just wanted to have some fun with friends since we were finished with our exams’.
‘And you need to drink to excess to have fun?’ He asked.
‘No, no, I just didn’t want to be the only one drinking and be left out.  I honestly just meant to have a couple and then get an Uber home, but Tracy kept pouring them and everyone was drinking so I just went along with it’, she babbled quickly, still staring at her knees. ‘I didn’t mean to make you mad’, she added as she chanced a glance up.  
‘I’m not mad Jess’ he said.  ‘I’m just disappointed.’  She dropped her gaze again as her eyes started to fill with tears. ‘When I got that call I was so worried about you.  You know the line of work I am in, you know what your mother used to do, what she teaches now.’  Jesse nodded as the tears threatened to spill. ‘I know you’re a smart girl, but there are still dangerous people out there, and when you’re too drunk to walk Jess, you are putting yourself at risk’.  ‘And no, I’m not victim blaming’, he added as Jesse raised her head to interrupt, ‘I wish that it was safer for people to be drunk on the streets but unfortunately it’s not the world we live in at the minute’, she nodded realising that he was being honest with her.  ‘I can only protect you and your sister as much as I can.  And I know that me wrapping you up in cotton wool isn’t what you want, but you’re my little girl Jess.  And I just want you to be safe’.   At this Jesse got up and walked over to the couch, sitting next to him and wrapping her arms around him.
‘I’m sorry Dad, I really am’.  She tightened her arms around him and felt him do the same.
‘I know honey, just if you’re going to drink, please do it here with your friends, rather than on the street’.  She pulled back to look at him, ‘but don’t think we’re going to let you do that until you at least graduate from high school!’, they both laughed.
‘Love you Dad’. She said as she hugged him again.
‘Love you too Jess’.
Jesse checked the time on her phone, he’d be here in a couple of minutes.  Punctuality is one of her fathers most valued qualities, he worked long hours, often brought his work home with them but if he promised any of them he would be there at a certain time, he would be there.
Billie tugged on her sister's hand impatiently.  The two stood behind the stage of their junior school ready to walk across and receive awards for the year; Billie for a history project that Sonny had helped her finish and Jesse for winning the school’s debate competition, for the second year running.  The award ceremony was being held at the end of the school day but their mother had been pulled in to work.  She’d given up being a cop a few years earlier and had become a lecturer, teaching about Special Victims and the criminality of offenders.  But she was on call when Sargeant Benson needed her, being pulled in as a specialist witness on more than one occasion, and this was one of the occasions.  The girls had said it was okay, it was just a school award and she had promised that she would take them both out for ice cream this evening when she got home.  
Amanda had phoned Sonny and asked if he’d be able to leave work early to go and see the girls. He had left early that morning to prep for a court case and had thought that Amanda was going.  He’d immediately phoned his boss and got it cleared to leave early, it was going to be tight but he’d do it.  
Jesse peered round the curtain, she was expecting to see anyone she knew in the crowd, she knew her mother was at work and her dad would still be at court, he didn’t know mom couldn’t make it.
‘Please welcome to the stage, Jesse and Billie Rollins.  Jesse has won our debate competition for the second year running and this year Billie has won a prize for her superb project on the Roman Empire’ their principal called from the stage.
Billie tugged Jesse through the curtains and walked across the stage.  A sad smile crossed Jesse’s face as she looked out across the audience, everyone was clapping very politely but she wished her mom was here.  Just as Billie was accepting her award and shaking hands with the Principal, she heard a loud cheer erupt from the middle of the crowd.  Looking over she saw her dad on his feet, hands clapping above his head with a smile from ear to ear radiating across the room.  Everyone was looking around at the man causing a scene but both Billie and Jesse were thrilled.  Collecting their awards and running off the stage, Sonny had made his way into the aisle and both girls careened into him, almost knocking the wind out of him.  
‘You came’, Jesse said looking up at him from where her arms were wrapped around his waist, Billie was wrapped around his legs.
‘Wouldn’t miss it for the world’, he said, crouching down to engulf them both in a hug. ‘Both my girls getting awards, I’m so proud of you’.
As they walked out of the hall after the rest of the ceremony had finished, Jesse had a hold of one hand and Billie had hold of the other, Jesse knew at that moment that he would be there for her whenever she needed.
A knock came from the door, and opening it, Jesse was greeted by the smiling face of her father still dressed in his suit from court.
‘Hey you’, he said as he hugged her.  If she held on a little longer than she normally did when she greeted him then he didn’t say anything.  Pulling back from the hug she stepped backwards to allow him into her apartment.
‘Thanks for coming Dad’, she said as she shut the door behind him.
‘Of course, sounded kinda urgent on the phone. Everything alright?’, he said as he sat on the couch.  She didn’t follow him, choosing instead to take a seat in the armchair off to the side.
‘Yeah, I’m fine, I’m good’, she smiled ‘just wanted to ask you something and didn’t fancy waiting’ she finished.
‘Okay’, he said slowly, almost suspiciously.
‘Okay’, Jesse started and after taking a deep breath she continued. ‘You’ve been my dad for as long as I can remember and I know you were there for me before I can remember too’.  A soft smile graced Sonny’s face at this but he didn’t interrupt, he knew better than to interrupt one of his girls when they got started. ‘And I know my life, and your life, hasn’t always been the most traditional.  But it’s been our life and I wouldn’t change a thing. But I won’t lie and say I haven’t missed some of the more traditional things so that’s why, when Nate and I get married next month, I want you to give me away’.  Sonny opened his mouth to answer but Jesse continued quickly. ‘I know that Mom suggested I walk myself down the aisle, that we don’t need to humour the old times of transferring possession or whatever, and I know you suggested Mom do it.  But I want you to.  And not in the sense that you own me and then Nate will but you are the two most important men in my life and I want you both with me.’  Jesse finally stopped to take a breath and looked over at her father, he was staring at her, mouth slightly a gasp with tears filling his blue eyes.  ‘So will you?’ she asked quietly, ‘will you give me away?’.
‘It would be my greatest honour’, Sonny said as he got up to walk towards her, Jesse mimicking his action and the two embraced each other in the middle of the room.  ‘Only if you’re sure’. Sonny said into her hair.
‘Shut up Dad’, Jesse said, laughing through her tears.  Sonny laughed too.
Pulling away slightly, Jesse continued, ‘and you’ll do a father daughter dance with me, and do a speech? I want Mom to do one too but..’ 
‘I’ll do whatever you want’, Sonny interrupted her.  ‘You’re my daughter, and I will be right there’.
‘Thanks Dad’, she said quietly again as she burrowed into his chest. ‘You’re always there’ she said even quieter thinking that he wouldn’t hear it.  She realised he had when he held her even tighter and whispered, ‘and I always will be’.
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chenfordsrollisi · 2 years
New Fics: 11/1/22 - 1/21/23
11/1/22: Fandom: Chicago Med Pairing: Chexton Fic: I Have You 11/2/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Upzek Fic: Reasons Why Fandom: Chicago Fire Pairing: Brettsey Fic: Thinking of You Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Upstead Fic: Let It Go Fandom: NCIs Pairing: Jemmy Fic: Miscommunication Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Pairing: Rollisi Fic: Worthy of You Fandom: New Amsterdam Pairing: Sharpwin Fic: Already Home 11/3/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: None Fic: You're Not Alone Fandom: Chicago Fire Pairing: Brettsey Fic: My Home Is With You 11/4/22: Fandom: The Magicians (TV) Pairing: Queliot Fic: Into The Unknown Fandom: Sleepy Hollow (TV) Pairing: Ichabbie Fic: Perfect Fandom: New Amsterdam Pairing: Sharpwin Fic: Can't Remember Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Upstead Fic: Here to Stay 11/5/22: Fandom: Arrow Pairing: Olicity Fic: In the Silence Fandom: Chicago Med Pairing: Chexton Fic: For the First Time 11/6/22: Fandom: Chicago Med Pairing: Manstead Fic: Days Like This Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Pairing: Rollisi Fic: All of It 11/10/22: Fandom: Riverdale Pairing: Bughead Fic: Nothing I Can See But You Fandom: Arrow Pairing: Throy Fic: Not the Only One 11/11/22: Fandom: NCIS Pairing: Jemmy Fic: Making Up For Lost Time 11/12/22: Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buddie Fic: Later Fandom: Glee Pairing: None Fic: Better Than Sex 11/13/22: Fandom: Chicago Med Pairing: Chexton Fic: Official 12/8/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Linstead Fic: A Little Holiday Spirit 12/9/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: none Fic: Mending the Heart Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Upstead Fic: A New Chapter 12/10/22: Fandom: Chicago Fire Pairing: Brettsey Fic: Trying My Best Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: None Fic: Old Friends Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Upzek Fic: Running 12/13/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: None Fic: Meaningful Fandom: NCIS: Los Angeles Pairing: Langer Fic: Running Out of Time 12/15/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Burzek Fic: Silent Night 12/18/22: Fandom: Chicago PD/Law & Order: SVU Pairing: Carindsay Fic: The Road Less Travelled 12/19/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: None Fic: Everything I Want Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Burstead Fic: I Just Wanna Be Yours 12/24/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Dawsess Fic: It's You Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Dasay Fic: You're What's Keeping Me Safe 12/27/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Linstead Fic: Being There 12/28/22: Fandom: New Amsterdam Pairing: Sharpwin Fic: You Changed Me 12/29/22: Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Pairing: Bensler Fic: According to Plan 12/30/22: Fandom: Chicago Fire Pairing: Brettsey Fic: The Right Thing 12/31/22: Fandom: Chicago Med Pairing: Manstead Fic: What Comes Next? 1/1/23: Fandom: One Tree Hill Pairing: Brathan Fic: As It Should Be Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Pairing: Rollisi Fic: Following My Heart 1-2-23: Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: Definitely A Thing 1/3/23: Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: There You Are Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: Not Easy to Love 01-04-23: Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: Everything Changes Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: You Calm Me Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: Wasn't Supposed to Fall
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librarywolfdragon · 1 year
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specialfanficunit · 1 year
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Prompt submission for #SVUQuillsAndShutters🪶📸 is now open!
Give us your best quote/picture inspiration for #Bensler, #Rollisi & #SVU family!
The prompts can be famous sayings, movie/book quotes, soul searching one liners, etc. or pictures (couple goals, vacation spots, activities, etc.) that can inspire a story.
Quotes can be submitted via the form and photos either via form, DM, or email (specialfanficunit[at]gmail[dot]com).
Anything goes!
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electrictoes · 1 year
SVU Summer Hiatus Bingo 2023
Seems like people are interested in another hiatus bingo so - a call from prompts.
Generally like to keep them open and short (1/2 words), but send in your ideas - drop me an ask or reply on twitter/discord and I'll collate them all and post the bingo card before the finale!
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vivaciousoceans · 2 months
7 for the violence ask
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
This was a good one, off rip, I wanted to say Olivia, but that’s backed by canon. So I don’t hate Carisi, but I do dislike him little because his fandom and the b*risi shippers are just a little unhinged about that man. I get it, he’s so baby boy, he so boyfriend coded, but he is not a baby and he is not a saint. He is a grown ass man, who has his issue, he is very much a white man sometimes and gets blinded by his bias. His fandom woobifies him, especially when it comes to his relationship with Rollins. They act like she smacked him around for 7(?) years? Him and Rollins had a teasing relationship, one that he could I’ve bowed out of at any time. Much like when I talk about b*nsler and how Olivia could’ve bowed at every time, the only difference is, Rollins wasn’t married.
So I don’t hate him, but I do feel ‘meh’ about him, especially when it comes to fanfiction. I don’t even read rollisi fanfiction anymore because I can’t deal with Amanda being painted as this evil jezabel whore.
Send me more choose violence asks
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