#Roland knew
libartz · 1 year
Gosh the best part of Absolution was the way Lacklon was like
Lacklon: Ugh I’m just here for the money, I don’t even like any of you people
Roland: *does anything*
Lacklon: 🫣🥺😤🥵
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family-on-6 · 9 months
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the brennan simps are gonna go crazy for this one
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nmoroder · 1 day
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All the centrefolds that you can't afford Have long since waved their last goodbye
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soracities · 10 months
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Roland Barthes, A Lover's Discourse: Fragments (trans. Richard Howard) [ID in ALT]
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pollokima · 6 months
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bro rlly went 😼
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longfurbybitchboi · 9 months
Brennan lee Mulligan how fucking dare you do A crown of Candy
It’s episode 9
I want Aabria’s Burrow’s End
She better not do some fucked up shit to those stoats
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kevingayimeanday · 2 years
Everyone who worked at Eden’s definitely knew about Andrew and Neil before Neil did because you can’t tell me that Roland, a man who commits crimes on what seems like a regular basis, isn’t That Coworker™️ who just knows everything about everyone and spreads gossip like there’s no tomorrow. He thrives on the drama, he causes the drama. He hears all, he sees all and he speaks all.
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ymkse · 2 years
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something something butch poke lady
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busaikuknee · 1 year
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schumi-nadal · 1 year
Novak’s speech about Casper was everything 🥹✨
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thecatkennel · 5 months
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a certain group of fixers
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individual sprite section!!
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narastories · 7 months
there is a performer who wants you on the stage a little longer
Again, if you're not a Punishing: Gray Raven fan: don't worry about this.
Unless you are curious and/or concerned about my sanity seeing the tags, of course, I welcome questions in that case lol
For PGR fans this is just your run-of-the-mill, soft, mildly poetic Commandant/Construct fic, but I'm a little concerned that it might come across as highly weird for anyone else ^^" Fandom: 战双帕弥什 | Punishing: Gray Raven Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Commandant/Roland (Punishing: Gray Raven) Characters: Roland (Punishing: Gray Raven), Commandant (Punishing: Gray Raven), Reader Tags: Present Tense, POV Third Person, (1st Chapter), POV Second Person, (2nd Chapter), POV Alternating, ambigously gendered Commandant, with they/them pronouns, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Waking from Coma, spoilers up until the beginning of Chapter 17, and Roland's affection story, I wrote it for myself but you can read it too, The Author Regrets Everything, Game Logic, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary:
In Evernight Beat, Roland had a hand in the events that led to the Commandant's injury. Let's say, he doesn't feel very good about that.
Read on AO3
Listen to my random audio moodboard
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doom-dreaming · 10 months
Fic idea: he hasn't slept in weeks, except for a number of naps he can count on one hand. It's been nearly a month, and it's catching up to him in his quarters— he's yawning a couple of times, his sharp blue eyes are tired, and there are slight eyebags. He's never been this tired, he thinks. cortana notices this, and he insists he doesn't need sleep, and obviously, he's stubborn about it.
"I'm fine."
"You're falling asleep standing up."
"I'm fine, Cortana."
"Oh, what, you think if you repeat yourself louder I'll leave you alone? You know me better than that." She crosses her arms and tries to lean into his line of sight. He still wouldn't look at her. Stubborn bastard. "You've been running on adrenaline and thirty-minute naps for three weeks. Almost four."
"Nothing I haven't done before."
"That's the point I'm trying to make. You're not on assignment. You don't have to run yourself ragged for Palmer's training drills." She thinks she sees his eyes flick toward her, just for a second. "...a few hours, that's all I'm asking."
He turns toward the door without saying a word, but she's faster. There's an audible 'click-beep!' as the door locks and the light on the keypad goes red.
He stops in his tracks, but still doesn't turn toward the holodeck. She's expecting to hear her name again, but what comes out instead - in an annoyed growl - is, "Roland."
She can feel the other AI moving through Infinity's mainframe, quicker than lightning, focusing on this room, this holodeck. "Roland!" she snaps, just as his gold glow is starting to layer over her blue. "Do not open that door for him!"
Lovers' quarrel? Roland teases, tactfully keeping the comment inaudible to the human occupant of the room.
Cortana spears him with the digital equivalent of a glare and he backs off. Slightly. The golden light flickers and fades from the holodeck, but she can still feel part of him close by, curious. She doesn't bother chasing him off completely, even as irritating as it is to have him watching over her metaphorical shoulder. "I'm not unlocking that door until you sleep," she grouses at John's still-turned back.
"You're being ridiculous."
"Oh, I'm being ridiculous?!" How could a man be so smart and so stupid at the same time? "You're the one refusing to sleep until you—" she tosses her hands in the air, not that he can see it, "—drop dead, apparently!"
"Commander Palmer's expecting me in forty-five minutes."
"No, she's not. I told her you were unavailable." At this, he finally turns to face her. She's expecting to see annoyance, at the very least, but what she mostly sees instead is...fatigue. The petulant determination in his eyes is no match for the shadows around them. He's exhausted and he knows he is... It doesn't add up.
The energy between them shifts. The fight flooding her code ebbs away. It ripples out like waves, loosening threads of herself she didn't even realize had been wound so tightly, until all she's left with is the overwhelming desire to figure out what's wrong with her Spartan. "...why won't you sleep?"
His jaw tightens and he breaks eye contact, focusing on the floor instead.
She feels Roland finally retreat as her concern spikes higher and she sends a wordless 'thank you' after him. John still hasn't answered. She doesn't push him. Slowly, she sits, prepared to wait as long as he needs. Silence had never been uncomfortable between them, but she finds herself wishing she didn't have to be confined to the holodeck. She wants to reach out, to put a hand on his arm, steady him somehow. Reassure him. It'd been so nice, all those years ago. Circumstances aside, obviously.
His chest deflates in a sigh. "Dreams haven't been too friendly lately."
She hums her acknowledgement. They'd never really talked much about dreams - she usually wasn't in his head when he was having them - but she knew they could be strange. And sometimes painful. Sedatives wouldn't help; he had told her that, once. They forced him deeper, made things more vivid. "...I dreamed, you know. When I was..." she gestures vaguely toward the ceiling. "Out there." She didn't know if that was technically true. She didn't know what dreaming felt like. She knew what it looked like, neurologically, but if that was anything close to what she'd experienced... She doesn't particularly care about the semantics right now. That isn't what he needs. "Mind if I talk about it?"
He takes the bait. She watches him cross the room to his bunk, sitting heavily. "As long as they're good."
His voice is rougher than usual, edged with sleep deprivation, but she can hear the relief, the settling calm. He's grateful to have something else to focus on. She musters a smile and dims the lights. "I wouldn't have offered if they weren't." It was a white lie. Harmless in the short term, forgivable in the long term.
And she begins. Pointedly, at first. Stringing together half-truths of the best parts of what she'd seen, embellishing where necessary. He's horizontal after five minutes, on the brink of unconsciousness after ten. She doesn't stop talking. Not after his breathing has finally slowed into a deep, even rhythm. Not after an hour. Not after two. Not after three. She feels Roland swing by again, but he doesn't bother her, just sends curiosity-contentment-happiness toward her in a rapid succession of data pulses. She echoes back the last two and he's on his way again.
It feels good to be able to say what had been trapped inside her head for months, to try to make sense of it all. And to be able to say it to John without the expectation of any response. She doesn't want to put the weight of it - the reality of it - on his shoulders, too. Not really. She could figure it out by herself. And she would, eventually. But right now? She's just happy to hear nothing but the soft breathing of her Spartan in reply as he, finally, sleeps.
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hautaaja · 1 year
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from Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes
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costume design, set mockup, and rehearsal photos from this guide to the show that's like really thorough in providing Context like, mini articles about the creators of the original movie, musical, and movie musical, about other versions of productions, the history, quotes of other commentary, interview quotes, context of other / preexisting genres like b movies, faustian stories, "what if a plant was weird" stories, glossary of terms (such as references that may generally be less obscure if you were in the '60s, e.g.), suggested further reading....haven't read it top to bottom but i think it's fantastic, link to the pdf as post source
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fluffypotatey · 11 months
if mk, mei, and red son were squires for the knights of the round table, who's squires would they be?
OK OK I THINK I GOT IT (anon forgive me for my late reply, I wanted time to plan this out)
with Mei, I can see her being a squire to Percival bc she would love training that’s focused on strength and wearing sleeveless uniform, OR Gwaine bc chaotic man meets chaotic girl and goes “ah she was just like me” (Also they do share being children of the wealthy but desiring to be separated from that or have the freedom to be themselves without the restrictions that come with nobility/wealth soooooooo!
Red Son I feel is super picky and would not be a big fan of Gwaine (who would join Mei in teasing him), so imma go with Leon and:or Elyan because Leon is a by the book knight and Red Som seems like a type A kind of person. however, I also say Elyan because while Elyan is someone who would take squire training seriously, he wouldn’t say no to having some fun and might approach it better than Gwaine or Lancelot (man’s too noble for his taste and also the duality of him freaks Red Son out)
MK would be Lancelot’s squire (Wukong can never know, the jealous little shit). both guys have a goal to protect and be good and both have a very black & white outlook on morality (meaning, swk saved the townspeople from dbk and is therefore a hero, or Merlin used magic to help aid me in defeating the griffin therefore he proves magic can be a force for good)
ngl MK would internalize all of Lancelot’s teaching about honor and the code but also he would be a great encourager and be patient enough to help walk MK through areas he isn’t that good at. also, Lancelot is great at giving advice (something MK always craves and yet receives the bare minimum— tho good advice he DOES get is ignored by him), so he can also help there
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