#Roger Taylor Tomboy
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Hello! Do you like (G)I-DLE? If so, what's your favourite song from them?
Can you also recommend me some songs to listen to? No pressure though!
Hi sweetheart 💗 YES i do like (G)I-DLE!!! My favorite song from them is 'HWAA' !
My song recommendations :
Oh my god - (G)I-DLE
Queencard - (G)I-DLE
Nxde - (G)I-DLE
Still With You - JK of BTS
Filter - JIMIN of BTS
My Time - JK of BTS
Friends - Chase Atlantic
Into it - Chase Atlantic
Sugar rush ride - txt
Just like magic - Ariana Grande
Illusion - Aespa
Tomboy - Destiny Rogers
Set me free pt.2 - Jimin of BTS
Rover - Kai
7 rings - Ariana Grande
Snow on the beach - Taylor swift, Lana del ray
Cardigan - Taylor swift
And there's a lot hehe for now i can't remember other songs 🦋💗 so yeah~~
-euphoria 🦋
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Tomboy Troubles Roger Taylor AU
Just a roger taylor imagine that i wrote nothing big but yeah
Everyone at school thinks that you are a boy, but you are Clare Taylors Best Friend and roger Taylor’s best friend until you moved. Clare didn’t have anyone to go to prom with, and you being older by a few years had nothing to do on a Friday night so you decide to go with Clare. But when you meet Roger after you come back, he had changed For better or for worse? (imagine that you have short shaved hair, (Like Ben Hardy’s For example at the Oscars.) or any boy-ish looking haircut for this story to work)
You were the person who moved in next door to the Taylors. You came from America and your parents were both business people. You had no siblings and it sucked. Your mother always wanted a daughter, and your father always wanted a Son. You were never around your mum as much as your dad. You and your dad would fix the car on days off, and teach you how to fight for self-defence he said that you could have the car, If you could fix it. You ended up doing more things that a boy would do instead of a girl. All the kids that were on your street were girls. What they wished for was being a princess and going to meet prince charming and that they were better than everyone else. But no, your dream was to be either in a band, or a race car driver. Maybe a professional skate boarder you said, or a bmx bike rider but you didn’t really care.
You were riding your bmx bike down a street one day, and you heard yelling. You were in your usual baggy t-shirt and a shorts with high top shoes. When you were getting closer, you saw that it was a fight. You being, 8 or whatever you thought that it would be a good idea to go have a look. You biked over and you saw a blonde kid getting kicked up on the floor. They were calling him names, and they wouldn’t stop hitting him. You walked over after putting your bike down and walked over to them. “What do you think your doing?” you say as you pushed the person against the wall. They wouldn’t give you an answer so you threw him against the wall a little bit harder “Talk short stack before you cant ask me to stop.”. He said something along the lines of ‘Because he is different and he sucked at soccer.’ You beat all of them up and walked over to the blonde on the floor. “Hi love you alright? You look like Rocky Balboa after he fought Ivan Drago!” you said as you put your hand on his head. He said, “it all hurts, my body hurts.” He said as he started to cry. You then picked him up and started walking to your BMX bike. You put him on the seat while you stood up and started to pedal down a hill. He started screaming while you started to laugh as you went through all the streets until you got to the shops.
“Come with me kid.” You say as you walked into the shop and to the counter where your mother worked part time for more money. “Hey mum.” You say as you walked over to her. “Hey sweetie what happened?” she asked as she saw the blood on your shirt. You helped roger walk over to the counter as he was limping down one isle. “Yeah my friend.” “roger.” He interrupted. “Yeah, my friend roger got hurt and I thought that you could help.” You say as you help roger walk around to the back of the counter so your mum could take a look. “Yeah he is pretty bad, maybe some cream for the bruises and you just need to rest buddy.” She said as she petted his head. You nodded and helped roger back to the bike. You took roger home and that is where it started.
Your friendship blossomed and you were connected at the hip. You were the one that turned Roger Taylor bad. He was that good student at school, but you liked to mess around. You would prank the teachers, get into fights with other people and wouldn’t give a dam. You were a straight A and B student and you would love to play sports. But the day came when you had to go. You were 16 and roger was 15. You said that you would get a tattoo, to remember each other. On your wrist you had Forever is our today and Roger Taylor in cursive writing on your other one. On rogers he had who waits forever anyway? And your name in cursive writing in the other one. When you were leaving you kissed roger on the lips and said, “By my little Rocky, we will meet again yes? And if we don’t I will kick your arse when we die, be we will never break the chain right?” you say as you put a silver around his neck you have one exactly like it with your names carved in. He nodded and said “I love you.” and you said “I love you too.” You then walked to the car and you never looked back, never feared, never cried.
You are now 22 Walking around at the back of the school/uni wearing a black hoodie and skinny black jeans is what you did every day after school while waiting for Clare. Wearing sunglasses was your choice and when you would smoke girls would look at you wishing that they could have a date. They would ask Clare every time if you guys were together, or if you guys were dating, but all you wanted to be was alone. You didn’t want or need anybody, or that is what you say to yourself because no boy would come up to you and ask you out because you are a ‘boy’ in their eyes. You were good at nearly any sport, and you didn’t give a shit if you break a nail, or if you got dirty. You would stand up for Clare when she couldn’t, and you protected other people when they couldn’t either.
You got snapped out of your thoughts when Clare came running up to you. “Y/N! hi” she yelled as she was nearly next to you. “Sup Clare how are ya?” you say as you keep walking with Clare. “Well the good news is that Prom is on Friday!” she said. “And…” you say sarcastically. “And I don’t have a date.” She said. “No one wants to go with me Y/N and I don’t know what to do!” she said as she was looking at the ground. Until her head shot up, “You could go with me!” she said as she turned to you as you blew the smoke out of your mouth. “What?” you say as you give her a serious look. “Yeah you could go with me! Everybody thinks that you are a boy anyway so why would this be any different?” she said. “everyone thinks that I am a boy, because I wear skinny jeans, and boy clothes all of the time.” You said while you grew nearer to her house. “Yeah but still please!” she said as you got to the front of her house. “Bye Clare, I hope you can find a date love. Bye” you say as you wave to her. “Bye” she said to you as she hugs you. You blew out some more smoke and put the cigarette out with the bottom of your heel. And you walked back to your house.
Every time you would go to uni, the girls that were younger than you we would ask you out to prom, but you said no you are not going. When class is over you go to the fence where you normally go. You pull out a cigarette and light it with you lighter. Then you see someone walking over to you. He had Black hair and he wore the most outrages of outfits. But you didn’t mind. “can I have one Darling?” he asks you as he walks and stands next to you. “Sure thing mate.” You answer as you gave him one. “Are you going to the prom?” he looks at you. “No mate, I’m not. But all of these girls keep wanting to go with me I don’t get it!” you say as you put out your cigarette. “Maybe they find you as an attractive man?” he said as he there away his cigarette. The word ‘Man’ but I’m a woman. “Well what if I told you that I wasn’t a boy? That I was a girl?” you say. “I would say your crazy darling! But who am I to judge?” he said as he started to walk back to his locker.
Friday Night
Friday came along too quickly. Clare said that she doesn’t have a date yet, but she is still going to go, because she doesn’t want to be that person that didn’t go. She said for you to have a good night and that you guys would catch up on the weekend. You got home and lay on the balcony. Your parents are never home, them both business people and going to different parts if the country for work and on business trips. You blew the smoke out of your cigarette, and you looked at the time. You realised that you didn’t have anything to do that night. You knew that Clare wouldn’t have left for prom yet. You walk to your dresser and pull out a suit, you have your ray bans as well. You think to yourself that you clean up pretty well.
What you look like LOL WE ALL LOVE BEN
You go to your garage and pull out your Black Ford Mustang 68. You hop in and drive over to Clare’s house. Clare said that if you are going to be her date you have to have something in common with her brother, so you just threw a pair of Drumsticks in your pocket. You pull up out of the front of her house and you see a green looking mini in the drive way. Must be her brothers you say to yourself. You get out of the car, and you walk up the steps to her house. With some roses in your hand and your sunglasses still on your face you knock on the door. You wait a moment until an older lady comes and answers the door. “Yes can I help you?” she asks kindly. “Yes I’m here to pick up Clare for Prom?” you ask. “Oh Yes but Clare didn’t say anything about someone picking her up?” she said. “Yes, it was a last minute sort of thing.” You said really convincingly. She looked at you for a moment and yelled. “Clare there is someone at the door!” and you hear patter feet down the hallway. “Yes who is it?” she said and looked at you. “Surprise?” you say as you hand her the roses. Your drumsticks sticking out of the back pocket of your pants. “Thankyou!” she said as she hugged you. You even put more effort and put on some boy perfume to make it more convincing. Then a boy with long blonde hair walked down the corridor. “Who are you?” he asked as he looked at you. “I’m Clare’s date.” You say in a duh tone. You see her looking at you while you take her hand and kiss it. She giggled playing along. “Bye now.” You say as you two walked to the car. You thought that he looked familiar but you couldn’t say who he was. You didn’t mind though, you opened up the car door for Clare while she hopped in. You closed her door, and went around and opened your door and got in. Before you could, you could still see the outline of Clare’s brother. Leaning up against the door frame, smoking a cigarette you could see the light of the cigarette light up his face every time. Next you get in the car and start the engine.
When you get to the place, you help Clare out of the car and link your arm in hers. You are walking into the Gym and walk through where you get you couple Photos. You keep your sunglasses on as you two pose for the photo. You guys walk into the gym and you guys are met with The Beatles and a lot of people dancing. You take Clare’s hand and lead her to the dancefloor. You are suddenly dancing and you look around. People making out in the bathrooms, people putting liquor in the punch bowls and all the other lonely people that don’t have a date, that would of been Clare, but being the person that I am, I couldn’t do that to her. You were currently dancing with Clare, when they were going to announce the Prom King And Queen. Yay! I cant wait to find out who they are.
“ok guys welcome to Prom! Now we are going to announce our prom King and Queen! Now our Prom Queen is….” Clare shoved you and you just laughed, “Clare Taylor!” “and the Prom King is…..” you just looked at Clare as they put the little crown on her head. Then the Prom King was announced and they had a little dance. You didn’t care, so you sat on a chair near the back of the dance floor and took a smoke. You looked at your tattoo and ran your hand over the top of the writing. You remembered the time when you first taught roger to smoke, You were around 14 years of age and that made his 13. You chuckled remembering the memory.
Now you were at school, and Roger walks into the classroom and sits next to you. The class was over and the day was as well. You were in the theatre room and you were just watching something about UK history. You pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. You inhaled and blew the smoke in the air. “Are you even allowed to do that?” roger asked you a he was watching you curiously. “Yeah the smoke alarm doesn’t work and so it doesn’t pick up the smoke.” You say as you blow out more smoke. You smiled at roger and looked at him, “what have you never smoked before?” you say as you run a hand through your hair. “No never been allowed to. My father always did, but I could never, I never tried.” He said as he looked at you. You then stood up and walked behind him. You put a cigarette in his mouth, and told him to hold it. You them flicked on the lighter and lit it up. “Now inhale it a bit and then blow it out.” You say as you just look at him. He inhales and then starts to cough. “Don’t worry, it happens to everyone on their first time.” You say as roger keeps going. You laugh as you keep going. And now you laugh as you remember the memory.
By the end of prom Clare soon found out that they put liquor in the Punch bowl. She came walking over to you with her small crown falling off her head a bit and her uneasy on her two feet. “Enjoying yourself Clare?” you say as you look at her. “Can we go home now?” she said as she grabbed onto your jacket. You quickly jumped out of the way to grab her as she nearly fell over. You walked with her hand in hand to your car. You helped her in and you drove her back to her house. When you pulled up to her driveway you looked and saw that none of the lights were on. They all went to sleep. You took your jacket off and checked everywhere for a spare key but they didn’t have one. You jump their fence and look around the back for some kind of opening. You see that someone left their window open so you went back to get Clare.
Once you got Clare you threw yourself over the fence and with your legs either side of the fence you grabbed onto Clare’s arms and lifted her up and over the fence. You laugh as she nearly falls over. You carry her Bridal style over to where you could see to climb up on the house. You saw a few drain pipes, they had a little veranda out the back so maybe something there. You see that there is a wood looking frame, so that was your best option. With Clare drifting to sleep on your back you wake her up and say, “Clare we are nearly there I need your help love to get up.” So you put her on your back as you make your way up the wooden frame, and onto the roof. Once you got to the window you saw that there was someone in there, they had a drum kit and a lot of posters. ‘Must be her brothers room’ You think to yourself. You pulled Clare through the window, and quietly walked over the carpet to the door. It had a British flag on the back and you chuckle to yourself. You open the door quietly and see someone walking across the hallway. You freeze. He had long hair, by the outline. But he walked straight past you as it was dark and walked into the bathroom and closed the door.
“Clare where is your room?” You whisper as she wakes up. She points to one down next to her brother’s room. You walk her in as she undresses and puts on her pyjamas. You sat her on the bed as you took her hair out and brushed a brush through so it wouldn’t be hard to brush in the morning. You lay her down on her bed as she grabbed your wrist as you were walking away. You turned around and you looked at her. “Sing me a song?” She said as you turned around. You nodded and walked over to where she was. You sat on the bed and began to sing
Time Of your Life Green Day
You got up when you saw that she was asleep. You then started to walk to where her brothers room is. You open the door and you see no one is in there. You walk through and you see that the window is locked. Dam. You look around and you see Clare’s brother walk into the Room. You rush behind his bed and you duck down. You hope he doesn’t see you. Then you see he has a gap underneath his bed. You haven’t done this in a while but you slipped underneath the bed. You were met, with records, you lay in a pair of drumsticks, and a pack of cigarettes, you just slipped those in your back pocket. You saw feet walk over to the edge of the bed, you hear some noises and then you see the person’s pants fall to the floor, must be getting ready for bed you think to yourself.
Then you see him walk over to the dresser and you think is he going to open the window? You look and see him open the window and walk back out of his room. You then make your move and jump out of the window. You made a loud noise but you slid off the roof and walked to where their back gate was. You threw yourself over the top and walked to your car. You jumped in and started the engine. You drove off and back to your house. When you got home, you walked upstairs into your room. You walked in and went over to your dresser. You took your suit off and slipped on your pyjamas. Then you slipped into bed, but felt something poke into your back. You sat up and looked at the photo on your bed. You turned your room lamp on and took a look. It was a photo of you and roger when he was 15. You laughed and placed it back on your drawer. You looked up at the sky and fell asleep.
When you woke up, you had breakfast and threw on your normal black hoodie and a pair of Black Jeans. You went to you garage where you had your BMX bike kept. You pulled it out and threw a cap on backwards as your helmet. You rode out of your garage and went rode down your street. You saw that they had a skate park so you were going to go down there and see how good these kids really are. You keep your hood up and you ride into the park. You ride over to the halfpipe is. You go up all the steps and you kick off. Your just doing simple turns and a few turns. You then go onto some of the jump while you then start hearing clapping. You look up and it is a blonde kid with long hair, maybe down to his shoulder blades? And he looked at you. “Wow good skills kid.” He said as he approached you while his friends were standing behind him. “Really? Wow never got congratulated before.” You say sarcastically wanting to drop this conversation. “Yeah so what are you doing at our skate park? Aren’t you a city kid? We don’t like city kids.” He said as his friend stood around you. “So what are you gonna do about it huh?” You say as you look him in the eyes. “I don’t know maybe a little lesson so you don’t come back.” He said as his friends push you over. You then got kicked in the face he came at it again, and you grabbed his leg. You pull it hard at yourself and he goes flying over. His friends then proceed to kick and punch you. You are now on the floor. Only if they saw you as a girl, they wouldn’t do this to you. The blonde kid then makes his friends pick you up, underneath the underarms and lift you up to face him. They take off your hoodie as you look at him dead in the eye.
You then proceed to say, “What is your name?” you say as you spit some blood out of your mouth. “Roger.” He said. “Roger who?” you say and his friends start to laugh. “Roger Taylor.” Then it finally clicks. The person in front of you is Roger Taylor, your childhood friend and boyfriend when you were 16. You look at him and he looks you in the eyes. “Now I’m gonna make a mark that you would never forget.” He said as you brings a pocket knife out of his pocket. His friends throw you to the floor, while you hit your head. You stand up and his friends form a circle around of you two. They wanted you to fight. Yay!
Roger was never good at fighting, when he fought you he never won. “are you sure you want to do this roger?” you say as you look at him in the eye. “Done it thousands of times.” He leans on his right leg more so he is most likely going to use his right for everything. Make his left hurt. He came at you with the knife as you ducked and sent his doubling over and face to the floor. He got back up and he sliced your arm with the knife. He then proceeded to try and punch your head, but you hit the knife out of his hands and sliced the inside of his thigh.
You then grabbed the knife as you jumped back on him and smacked him In his left rib. He ends up hitting you while you just keep hitting him. You feel his punches getting weaker and his face being more pale. You saw more blood come out of his nose while his hands are up trying to defend himself from getting more hurt. You stand up while he tries to grab your leg you just kick him harder so he went flying back to the ground. You didn’t mean to do this to your best friend but he tried to hurt you first, all out of self-defence.
His friends fled while he was just left lying on the ground helpless. You looked at him, he had hurt on his feature, blood on his face and his eyes were closed. He looked like a beaten angel. You picked him up while you biked to the shop. He woke up while you were riding down a hill, but this time he just looked up at you. You put your hoodie on him, because he was just wearing a white T-shirt. You pulled the hood over his head, and you pulled around the corner. Roger looked at what you were doing and he saw your wrists. Then Roger had flashbacks to when you guys were kids.
After I got hurt, I looked up and I thought I saw an angel, she asked me if I was alright I said yeah and she picked me up. I looked up at the sky and I saw her look down at me. Then my eyes fluttered closed and I fell into a deep sleep. When I awoke I was in someone’s chest and it smelt like male perfume. I looked up and it was the angel that saved me. We were speeding down a hill and out of memory I screamed when I felt myself tilting downward and the wind flying past me faster than ever. When I looked at the girl her hair was being pushed back by the wind. And showing all her facial features. I knew I fell in love with her then.
“Is that you y/n?” roger said in a whisper that nearly no one could hear. “Yes I’m here mate? You got beaten pretty bad how you holding up?” you say as you speed down another hill. You then stroke your hand though his hair and laughed at how cute he looked in your black hoodie. “What happened? How are you here?” Roger said as you turned another corner. “well let’s just say you tried to fight me and failed and I moved back here a few months ago, and I never saw you around so yeah.” You say as you stop at the shop. “Isn’t this the shop where your mum used to work at?” roger said coughing a bit out of pain. “Yeah It was, are you alright what hurts?” you say as you walk down an isle. “Everything.” He said grabbing onto you with every step he took. You went and grabbed some bandages, disinfected and some patches. You went up to the counter and also brought a backpack and a pack of gum. You threw it all on the counter and you pull out some money.
You pay for the stuff and help Roger out of the shop. “I can’t go back to my house looking like this, if my mum sees me like this she will make me go through x-rays for a whole week!” roger said as he grabbed onto you more. “Yeah that sounds like your mum. Did Clare go to Prom?” you ask as you sat roger down on your lap on the bike. “Yeah she did, she went with this guy I didn’t catch his name but she seemed happy.” You just laughed as roger held onto you for dear life. He was so precious. You got back to your house as roger nearly fell asleep. You picked him up bridal style as you brought him into the house. You opened up the door and you lay him on the couch. You woke him up and started to treat his well cuts. You took off his shirt and you caught roger looking. You flashed him a smile while his cheeks flushed Red. You laughed and hit his chest playfully but started to instantly apologize as he started to weez.
Once you cleaned roger up you walked back into the living room and found him snuggled into the couch, and searching for warmth as he looked cold. You went over to the couch and when you sat down, roger instantly snuggled into you. You chuckle and look down at him. He opens his eyes and looks at you. “I love you.” Roger said as he put his face in your neck. “I love you too love.” You say as you hold him in your arms.
#roger taylor imagine#rogertaylor#Roger Taylor#Roger Taylor Tomboy Troubles#Roger Taylor Tomboy#Roger Meadows Taylor
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My writings Masterlist!
(doesn’t include my imagines cuz it sucks lol)
> Uncool (Tomboy!Reader x John Deacon)
You know yourself when it comes to men. You have lots of crushes beforehand, and your next victim is John Deacon, ace of electric from another University. After trying hard to get his attention, he softly rejected you saying he’s no way in hell compatible with you. But, unlike your previous crushes, you just can’t get rid of him from your heart and mind.
> And I'll run in the rain till I'm breathless (Reader x Roger Taylor)
You are part of the underground rock community in London. One day Brian introduces her to Roger and they quickly became a friend. But that doesn’t last long; after giving Roger space supposedly reserved for her best friend—you get to finally see Roger’s true face behind his cool looks.
> You’re Not Usually This Quiet (Reader & Freddie Mercury) (part of the Cracked Glass one-shot series)
Although things have not been working well, you still come and fulfil your promise to go picnic with your best friends; Freddie and his boyfriend Jim, Mary, and the other three boys and their significant others. Well, not really. You ended up just with Freddie, because Jim and Mary got something urgent in their workplace, and Freddie is too angry to listen for any more excuses from the other boys. It doesn’t take long for Freddie to notice something is wrong with his best friend.
> Let’s Sit By The Fireplace... (Reader x Brian May) (part of the Cracked Glass one-shot series)
You have been living with Brian for one and a half year. It has been the habit of you as a couple to ask how each other’s days after work. So when you can only answer to his with a sigh, he goes and makes you both a cup of hot chocolate.
Bohemian Rhapsody Casts
> There Will Not Be A Next Time (Gwilym Lee x Reader (slight x Joe Mazzello))
You and Gwilym have been together for long. Despite living together, you respect each other boundaries. What you thought was just a little bit cheesy; “Their job is pretty obvious. It’ll come off as clingy if I ask them about it,” dynamic the two of you having currently, turns out to be the reason for your split. It was revealed when you’re in the middle of your hero work, the infamous villain you have long chase was none other than your own boyfriend.
> Together Since... (Reader x Joe Mazzello)
You and Joe just graduated together from college. But Joe wishes to celebrate it with just the two of you. Basically just general fun and fluff~
#Masterlist#Fan Fiction Masterlist#Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction#Queen Band Fan Fiction#Queen Band Fan Fics#Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fics#Queen Fan Fiction#BoRhap Fan Fiction#BoRhap FanFic#Queen FanFic#Joe Mazzello#Gwilym Lee#Tomboy!Reader#John Deacon#Roger Taylor#Freddie Mercury#Brian May#Tomboy!Reader x John Deacon#Brian May x Reader#Reader x Joe Mazzello#gwilym lee x reader#gwilym lee x reader x joe mazzello#John Deacon x Reader#Reader x Brian May#Roger Taylor x Reader#Reader x Roger Taylor#Joe Mazzello x Reader#Reader x Gwilym Lee#Fluff#Angst
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👀 @taylorswift we see you!!! 🌈
#Taylor Swift and Destiny Rogers#Destiny Rogers Tomboy#I am a rich man#Taylor Swift yntcd mv#yntcd mv
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“My mama said marry a rich man and I was like mama I am that rich man!”
#destiny rogers#tomboy#music#song#bop#taylor swift#new#2019#ariana grande#best#issa bop#that new new#underrated
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Songs that remind me of the LITG S5 Cast
I don’t remember where this started but it’s been in my mind and I have to get it out.
Loverboy- A-Wall, seaside_demo- SEB, Fools (can’t help falling in love)- Foster& Sody& Sarcastic Sounds
Yuck- Charli XCX, Lucky- Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat, She’s Everything- Brad Paisley, The Only Exception- Paramore
Gum- Moose Blood, I Think He Knows- Taylor Swift, Sea Shanty Medley- Home Free
Right Where You Left Me- Taylor Swift, Finally//Beautiful Stranger- Halsey, Somebody Desperate- The National, Shimmer- Moose Blood
Tomboy- Destiny Rogers, Lover- Taylor Swift, Kiss Me More- Doja Cat and SZA
Break Up With Your Girlfriend- Ariana Grande, Stupid- Ashnikko and Baby Tate, Love Again- Dua Lipa
I could have picked a million songs for Alfie and Suresh. Finn and Eddie were more difficult. But I stand by the Sea Shanty.
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track one: i did something bad, taylor swift
they never see it coming, what i do next this is how the world works you’ve gotta leave before you get left
track two: castle, halsey
there’s an old man sitting on the throne that’s saying that i probably shouldn’t be so mean i’m headed straight for the castle they’ve got the kingdom locked up
track three: girl with no name, jules larson + ag
i am not looking for love, i am a girl with no name follow the beat of my heart in my mysterious way i draw the blurriest lines, i never promise to stay
track four: play with fire, sam tinnesz
hot blood, these veins, my pleasure is their pain i love to watch the castles burn these golden ashes turn to dirt i’ve always liked to play with fire
track five: tomboy, destiny rogers
i’m making sure you get the memo, yeah i’ll meet you up on any level, yeah independent, don’t need help underestimate me, you’ll be playing yourself
track six: dna, lia marie johnson
are there pieces of you in the pieces of me? i’m just so scared you’re who i’ll be when i erupt just like you do they look at me like i look at you
track seven: different too, madeleine slate
you don’t even know who you’re angry with you don’t even know where to throw your fists one day you’re gonna wake up and find what i’ve known the whole time we’re cut by the same pain, we breathe the same air we’re more alike than you’d ever care to admit who’s to say who doesn’t fit? oh, if i was you, i’d wanna be different too
track eight: red lips, sky ferreira
such a big girl such big news such big talk your number is up if you like it or not what a shock
track nine: when the dark falls, the never ending
holding on tightly to all that is real ‘cause when the dark falls i’ll burn what i feel i don’t think i know how to rest, mellow and slow i just make my bed on the storm inside of my head
track ten: eyes on fire, blue foundation
i’ll seek you out, flay you alive one more word and you won’t survive and i’m not scared of your stolen power i see right through you any hour
track eleven: kill of the night, gin wigmore
my cold desire to hear the boom, boom, boom of your heart the danger is i’m dangerous and i might just tear you apart oh, oh, i’m gonna catch you, i’m gonna get you, get you, oh, oh, oh i wanna taste the way you bleed, oh, oh
track twelve: eyes open, taylor swift
so here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guard every lesson forms a new scar they never thought you’d make it this far but turn around, they’ve surrounded you with a showdown and nobody comes to save you now
track thirteen: ain’t no rest for the wicked, lennon & maisy
there ain’t no rest for the wicked money don’t grow on trees i got bills to pay, i got mouths to feed ain’t nothing in this world for free
track fourteen: seven devils, florence and the machine
holy water cannot help you now see, i’ve come to burn your kingdom down and no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out
track fifteen: control, halsey
the kids cried out “please stop, you’re scaring me” i can’t help this awful energy goddamn right you should be scared of me who is in control?
track sixteen: monsters, ruelle
i’m feeling like a villain, got a hunger inside one look in my eyes and you’re running ‘cause i’m coming gonna eat you alive
track seventeen: the devil within, digital daggers
you’ll never know what hit you won’t see me closing in i’m gonna make you suffer this hell you put me in i’m underneath your skin
track eighteen: mad woman, taylor swift
now i breathe flames each time i talk my canons all firing at your yacht they say move on but you know i won’t
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Songs that describe my gender identity but I don’t give any explanation <33
(also I know these are all kind of well known songs BUT..yeah I have no reason they just sound like my gender)
Romantic Homicide by D4vd
Juliet by cavetown
Anti Hero by Taylor Swift
Bad habit by Steve Lacy
Crybaby by Melanie Martinez
everybody talks by neon tree
Cake by Melanie Martinez
Michelle by Sir Chloe
Until I found you (sped up) by Stephen Sanchez
Somewhere only we know (sped up) by Keane
Let her go (sped up) by passenger
Girl put your records on by Coraline Bailey ray
Woman by Doja Cat
Tomboy by destiny rogers
Hey little girl by sophiemarie.b
Body by Jordan Suaste
two birds by regina spektor
rät by Penelope scott
Links to the songs below cut
The rest will have to be regular links because it won’t let me link anymore lol
let her go (sped up): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z0dMExSR5BU
Girl put your records on: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rjOhZZyn30k
Woman: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yxW5yuzVi8w
Tomboy: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BaOScwq_lZs
Hey little girl: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4sKNt6gbohQ
Body: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A55d5dhsReg
Two birds: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0oGrwGCRImY
rät: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LpxT9TLGoLI
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12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
1. Numb little bug by Em Beihold
2. Tomboy by Destiny Rogers
3. Love of my life by QUEENS
4. Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift
5. FU by Little Mix
Put a number in my ask
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LGBTQIA+ Playlists
If you know any wholesome songs that are from queer artists and/or could be lgbtqia anthems (ace here :) ) please feel free to reblog with more songs I’d love to expand my current music library! (I havent found many songs for my genderqueers out there sorry :( I’m still searching for those)
Mine so far:
Sofia - Clario // popular on tiktok i think
Honey - Kehlani // E
Back In My Arms - Carlie Hanson // E
Pillow - Wolf // E
Daughter - L Devine
yours - Greyson Chance
Basically All Adam Lambert Songs / suggested:
- Two Fux // E
- Never Close Our Eyes
Love Is Love - Chris Viola
Love Wins - Carrie Underwood
Crush Culture - Conan Gray
Out Of Touch - Dove Cameron // E
We Belong - Dove Cameron // E
Nobody Knows - Gunnar Gehl
What I need (feat. Kehlani) - Hayley Kiyoko
(Everything Is) Debateable - Hellogoodbye
1950 - King Princess // E
End of the Day - One Direction
Waves - Paige // highly recommend you watch the video it’s good :)
Girl That You Love - Panic! At The Disco
Nicotine - Panic! At The Disco // E
Girls/Girls/Boys - Panic! At The Disco
The Ballad Of Mona Lisa - Panic! At The Disco
I’m Ready - Sam Smith & Demi Lovato
Troye Sivan all but especially the album “Blue Neighborhood” (Deluxe)
Are You Bored Yet - Wallows feat. Clario
Good Thing - Zedd & Kehlani
The Aces // Definetly listen to their music ohmy its ahjwndhek i love it - some extra gay songs of theirs include Kelly, 801, Zillionaire, Bad Love, Physical, ah whatever listen to them alllll :))))
Fire on Fire - Sam Smith
Love Goes (album) - Sam Smith
How Do You Sleep (ACOUSTIC) - Sam Smith
Dancing with a Stranger (Acoustic) - Sam Smith
Bad At Love - Halsey
Midnight Sky - Miley Cyrus
Dancing On My Own - Calum Scott
The Way I Am - Charlie Puth
The Story - Conan Gray
Tomboy - Destiny Rogers
Strong Ones - Destiny Rogers
Dolly Parton (huge ally)
Pink + White - Frank Ocean
Expectations - Lauren Jaureigui // possibly explicit
Secret Love Song feat. Jason Derulo - Little Mix
Nothing Feels Like You - Little Mix
They Don’t Know About Us - One Direction
seven - Taylor Swift
Begin Again - Taylor Swift
I Know Places - Taylor Swift
Apricots - MAY-A
Green Eyes - Arlo Parks
There are many more but that’s all I’m going to write down atm haha. (I’ll try to keep adding more as I find them) I didn’t include some of the more well known anthems but ofc some I did, like girls/girls/boys, hope y’all find some songs you like!
:) 🤍
- l.m.
#lgbtq+#gay#asexual#aromantic#demisexual#bisexual#pansexual#music#gay music#transgender#genderflexible#gender queer#lgbt#lgbt playlist#lesbian
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Many Years Away
Mr D (John Deacon) x Tomboy!Reader x Mr M (Brian May) Time Travelling reader AU imagine
You're a college student in 1973, that also works as a session musician—guitar and bass—and a part-time music instruments store clerk. One day you and one of your friend—also a session musician, are ringed to come, just in case needed,
At the end of the taping, you're asked to stay by one of the producers and watch over the small band that's going to tape last, the band is named Queen. Because it's only been recently they start to record regularly in the studio, you've never met them, and you used this opportunity to finally see them,
They absolutely amaze you, a brilliant performance you've never seen or heard before. And hell, you've never been more eager to introduce yourself to the future big guitarist and bassist of the group, learn a thing or two of their techniques,
Both Brian May and John Deacon still astounded you with their plays as you go home. You wish to catch them again soon because you didn't make the good first impression—Taylor thought you were a guy from your gestures and "uniquely progressive” fashion choice, as he said it, insults you whilst he’s at it. And lady luck stays for the night; the studio ring you the second time, you actually got to play both guitar and bass—showing off your dynamic and fluid skill, and at the same time when Queen is already there,
Nothing beats the feeling of getting your skills recognised by fellow guitarists; quickly you, May, and Deacon become friends. Ever since then, you might not get called, but you always come to the studio just to see Queen recording and learn more from May and Deacon,
Also because you took a deeper interest in the men themselves,
You're getting closer and closer to both of them to the point that you're expected backstage on their every plays—gigs, but you purposely use an incorrect term to piss off Taylor,
One day, though, you can't come to the next one because you've got to do your thesis—much to their shame. So Taylor jokes; "Listen to our cassettes if you miss us, love." Despite receiving a couple smacks from your guitarist best friends, in the end, they agreed, whilst they listen to your demos,
Though there's a slight issue; you can't listen to the cassette of their debut album without feeling slight headaches, every damn time, as if you're not supposed to do it. At first, when you bought it, you think you're just a bit stressed or under the weather, so you force yourself and listen to the cassette till its finishes, but it always happens; and the headache become increasingly painful the more you try to listen and go through the album,
Of course, you never told them about it, because of; 1, you listen to them live when they're taping each song, listen to them rehearsing, and you always feel normal. 2, you'd rather endure the spinning effect than telling them the truth that you might pass out listening to it. Eventually, you are angered by the mysterious symptoms, you chose to keep forcing yourself and listen to their album before they're back,
And you actually passed out. It frustrates you to lie to May and Deacon about that; so you listen to them very seriously when they rehearsing after they came back. And of course, nothing happens to you, despite the fact that they played the songs that are in the cassette,
When you're about to completely accepted that maybe you have a rare case of not being able to listen to any processed sounds ever again, something strange happens; both May and Deacon suddenly looks very old for a split second,
And that didn't stop; the more you spend time with them, stranger things keep on coming. It's no longer just May and Deacon, all of them will change into the old version of themselves, but there's one more bizarre thing that earns the crown of the odds and curious,
You feel like you didn't belong there. As if all this time you're put in that world by accident, but you fit in for some reason, whatever happens to you refuse to tone down. You hallucinate something of neon and colourful but dark and grey world, sky-high buildings, technologies you've never seen but more familiar as if you've known it since birth,
You try to hide it, despite almost getting yourself fired, and worst; dropped out when you're about to graduate. It’s also not helping that whenever you see May and Deacon, they keep on growing older. You're absolutely sure you have Schizophrenia—but you don't think it's known wide by the public yet. Wait, how would you know?
Your unusual demeanour eventually brings May and Deacon knocking on your door. Of course, in the end, you can’t lie, especially to May that catches you doing it in the speed of light, and there’s no other way but be honest,
After telling them, you aren't even surprised that the episodes' become milder so abruptly. You took the opportunity to analyse it, find out what's wrong. Nonetheless, you're glad everything is back to normal... Except it didn't, the imagery is back and even more vivid than before,
You're thankful May and Deacon is there to aid you. Finally, in one of your episode, it’s like the last puzzle piece was finally put in your mind, you remembered; you were from 2039. "2039? What are you talking about, y/n?" May asked.
"I-I think that's the year... Where I came from..." You answered, "all the hallucinations make sense... I... Might've been dreaming all this."
"Or it's simply one of your absurd images. That means nothing, y/n. You're here. You're real. You're not a time traveller."
"What if I am? And I have to go back?"
"Otherwise the rest of my life will be agonizing."
If you were any more out of your mind, you might miss that. But neither of you chose to mention it further, seeing you so out of your zone. May soon escorted you home safely. Just like before, when you tell him or Deacon about it, the visions become blurry before it gets even crystal clear,
But you knew all along, you're not from there, and when the gears' start working, your clock is ticking, and the images from where you came from has stopped completely. You don’t feel right being there at all, you can see the dream is about to end, and it’s inevitable,
You enjoy the rest of your stay, never have you stopped saying you're grateful to meet them, to hang with them, to be best friend with May and Deacon. On your last day, you make excuse to throw a goodbye party till morning—that you're actually going somewhere for a bit to meet your relatives after graduating. Spoiling each member of the group,
You didn't expect for May to come back after the party ends, and he saw you deteriorating into neon lights as the sun is rising. He tried to stop it from happening, but it is the end. You tell him; "Dream or not, please be happy and live your life. Remember me. I'll miss you, May."
You're back to 2039; a college student that works in a guitar store and a session musician. You saw the Cassette you bought yesterday and listen to with your grandma's old radio; Queen's debut album. It might've been a dream, you've discovered the legendary rock band Queen because of your grandma, and had been listening to them nonstop since then; maybe that's why you dream you're a time traveller after listening to '39, Brian May is your guitar hero after all,
Not to mention you're going to be one of the session musicians to receive the honour of working with him next week. "Big fan, sir." You say after you're introduced by the producer. He asks to see you perform before the others come, and you’ve never been this nervous in your entire life, even more so because of that damned dream,
"Perfect. Sounds just like yesterday..."
"Thank you, sir. You're a very big influence on my entire career."
"Just call me, May. We're going to work together again anyway."
You pretend to ignore the last bit and says; "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I respect you too much to just call you like an old friend, sir."
"But we are."
"Whatever do you mean—?"
"Were you not to told me you're from 2039, how would I be here? Specifically picking you? Let alone wrote '39? You even play, dress, and worked as a session musician, exactly like that day. It's already impossible to forget, now it feels like we're still in that awful studio, taping, the way you cannot seems to stop calling it. Annoyed Rog so much he throws his sticks at you. How many times was it?"
"... May?"
"You've missed many of our plays. John misses you, y/n. And so am I. Much more than you can imagine."
+ ———— - ———— + ———— - ———— + ———— - ———— + ———— -
There’s a high percentage that I will write this since I’m a sucker for a love triangle and slow-burn romance, and because I have lots of fun coming up with this Imagine!
By the way, feel free to request imagines, especially that involves Tomboy Reader, but of course it doesn’t close to just that particular genre, I also open for another spectrum of readers as well! Don’t be shy to be specific! I will fulfil it since I really need something fun to do amidst studying for upcoming exam @_@
#Queen Imagine#Bohemian Rhapsody Imagine#Queen Band Imagine#Brian May x Reader x John Deacon#Brian May x Reader#John Deacon x Reader#Tomboy!Reader#Brian May#Brian Harold May#John Deacon#John Richard Deacon#Freddie Mercury#Roger Taylor#Queen#Queen Band#Bohemian Rhapsody#BohRhap#Bohemian Rhapsody Movie#Joe Mazzello#Gwilym Lee#Rami Malek#Ben Hardy#Alternate Universe#Time Traveller#Roger Meaddows Taylor#Love Triangle#Slow-burn romance#Time Traveller Reader
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MC Playlist
I was tagged in this a few days ago by @son-of-aurlius-piscius, saw it, got excited, and then promptly forgot about it until now. I have far too many mcs but I did all of them anyway and also chose 10 songs for each of them because something is wrong with me :D
Gracie Chiva
- "Demons" by Imagine Dragons
- "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy
- "you should see me in a crown" by Billie Eilish
- "Lion" by Saint Mesa
- "Silhouette" by Aquilo
- "(Fuck a) Silver Lining" by Panic! at the Disco
- "Teeth" by 5 Seconds of Summer
- "We Own the Night" by Matthew Morrison
- "Circus" by Britney Spears
- "Midnight City" by M83
Tessa Chiva
- "Mad World" covered by Jasmine Thompson
- "World Burn" by Taylor Louderman (Mean Girls Broadway)
- "(Drop Dead) Beautiful" by Britney Spears ft. Sabi
- "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" by Fall Out Boy
- "Friends" by Chase Atlantic
- "Love Etc." by Pet Shop Boys
- "Control" by Halsey
- "Darkness Keeps Chasing Me" by Grace VanderWaal
- "#thatPOWER" by will.i.am ft. Justin Bieber [whom I despise]
- "Used To This" by Camila Cabello
Sarah Etsysa
- "Hostage" by Billie Eilish
- "Shameless" by Camila Cabello
- "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles
- "Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea" by Fall Out Boy
- "Stick Stickly" by Attack Attack!
- "Bump" by Lu Brown ft. Trish
- "Holy" by Zolita
- "Delirious (Boneless)" by Steve Aoki, Chris Lake, and Tujamo
- "Drop Dead Cynical" by Amaranthe
- "Lights Down Low" by Max
Oliver Adams
- "Bang It Out" by Breath Carolina
- "Automatic" by ZHU x AlunaGeorge
- "Disturbia" by Rihanna
- "I Found" by Amber Run
- "Evacuate the Dancefloor" by Cascada
- "Your Love" by David Guetta & Showtek
- "Moves Like Jagger" by Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
- "Dance Dance" by Fall Out Boy
- "In the End" by Black Veil Brides
- "Me Too" by Meghan Trainor
Liam Disteel
- "I Lived" by OneRepublic
- "Fireflies" by Owl City
- "Don't Wanna Go Home" by Jason Derulo
- "I Found My Soul At Marvingate" by Mono Mind (Sofa Tunes Remix)
- "Death Valley" by Fall Out Boy
- "ocean eyes" by Billie Eilish
- "Uncover" by Zara Larsson
- "The Good, the Bad and the Dirty" by Panic! at the Disco
- "White Winter Hymnal" covered by Pentatonix
- "Something To Dance For" by Zendaya
Sabrina "Quinn" Mercurenius
- "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day
- "The Kids Aren't Alright" by Fall Out Boy
- "Give Your Heart a Break" by Demi Lovato
- "Crying in the Club" by Camila Cabello
- "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons
- "Rock Prelude" by David Garrett
- "In My Mind" by Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino
- "Act My Age" by One Direction
- "Stressed Out" by twenty one pilots
- "Replay" by Zendaya
Oleander Loris
- "Tomboy" by Destiny Rogers
- "Lose Control" by Meduza, Becky Hill, and Goodboys
- "27" by Fall Out Boy
- "Secrets" by Tiesto & KSHMR
- "I'm Gonna Show You Crazy" by Bebe Rexha
- "Illusion" by Ross Lynch
- "Sledgehammer" by Fifth Harmony
- "LA Devotee" by Panic! at the Disco
- "Shut Up and Drive" by Rihanna
- "She Wolf (Falling to Pieces)" by David Guetta ft. Sia
Kestra Fernera
- "She Knows" by Ne-Yo ft. Juicy J
- "Blow" by Ke$ha
- "Saturday Night" by Panic! at the Disco
- "Greenlight" by Pitbull (TJR Radio Mix)
- "Where Have You Been" by Rihanna
- "Beyond My Reach" by Andy Black
- "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" by Alex Swings Oscar Sings!
- "Turn Around (5,4,3,2,1)" by Flo Rida
- "Party Favors" by Tinashe
- "I Don't Care" by Fall Out Boy
Dorian Lenards
- "My Oh My" by Camila Cabello ft. DaBaby
- "Novocaine" by Fall Out Boy
- "Sweet Dreams" by Eurythmics
- "Runnin'" by Adam Lambert
- "Heathens" by twenty one pilots
- "Face Down" by The Red Jumpsuit Aparatus
- "I'm a Wanted Man" by Royal Deluxe
- "In the Night" by The Weeknd
- "React" by The Pussycat Dolls
- "Satan's Li'l Lamb" by Sam Harris
Sebastien Parr
- "King" by Years & Years
- "Ending" by Isak Danielson
- "Toxic" covered by Kurt Hugo Scheider and Casey Breves
- "Head Over Heels" covered by Digital Daggers
- "Till I Find You" by Austin Mahone
- "My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark (Light Em Up)" by Fall Out Boy
- "There For You" by Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan
- "Chains" by Nick Jonas
- "Over the Rainbow" by Todrick Hall
- "I Have Questions" by Camila Cabello
Ida Sommer
- "Experience" by Ludovico Einaudi
- "Memory" redone by PianoPrinceOfAnime
- "Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet" by Fall Out Boy
- "Adagio For Strings" by Samuel Barber
- "On the Loose" by Niall Horan
- "Piano Man" by Mamamoo
- "Magic To Do" New Broadway Cast Recording (Pippin)
- "Pound the Alarm" by Nicki Minaj
- "Liar" by Camila Cabello
- "Paralyzed" by NF
Did I really give them all Fall Out Boy? Yes, yes I did. Some of the songs in the lists have significance, others I just think they'd enjoy
Tagging @nostalgiaslithersin @hphm-rhia @hphm-brooke @hphmbetty if y'all'd like to!
#this was so difficult you don't understand#because i have the really fleshed out characters that made it hard to narrow down to only ten songs#and then the fresh characters that i didn't know what the hell to give them#and now i have to tag them all FUCK#gracie chiva#tessa chiva#sarah etsysa#oliver adams#liam disteel#sabrina quinn mercurenius#oleander loris#kestra fernera#dorian lenards#sebastien parr#ida sommer
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playlist tag
ty @xlilybebe for tagging me
rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs and then choose 10 (?) victims.
love on the brain - rihanna
eureka - zico ft. ziont
tomboy - destiny rogers
ghost of you - 5sos
lose myself - lolo zouaï
pretty please - jacksong wang & galantis
boy with a star - hyuk
kids will be skeletons - mogwai
exile - taylor swift ft. bon iver
on hold - the xx
i tag everyone reading this >:)))))
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