#Roger Stern's Doctor Strange
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vertigoartgore · 25 days ago
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1982's Doctor Strange Vol.2 #55 (LGY : #238) cover by artist Michael Golden. Source
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curtvilescomic · 8 months ago
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Marvel house ad for a comic that sadly never were. Doctor Strange by Roger Stern and Frank Miller
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marvelousmrm · 2 months ago
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Doctor Strange #56 (Stern/Smith, Dec 1982). The Sorcerer Supreme invites a TV crew into his Sanctum Sanctorum. After Clea’s departure, he’s colder than ever… and just as powerful!
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balu8 · 1 month ago
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Doctor Strange #56: A Mystic Reborn
by Roger Stern; Paul Smith; Terry austin; Bob Sharen and Jim Novak
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ungoliantschilde · 1 year ago
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Doctor Strange by Mike Mignola, with Inks and Colors by Mark Badger, and a Script by Roger Stern.
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bclaymoore · 11 months ago
Roger Stern had a long, productive run on DOCTOR STRANGE in the early eighties, with several high points. But his collaboration with Marshall Rogers and Terry Austin in DOCTOR STRANGE 48-53 provided one of the all-time great, albeit too brief, runs for the character.
Rogers and Austin had previously worked together with Steve Englehart on a critically lauded BATMAN run a few years earlier, and their reunion on DOCTOR STRANGE with Stern demonstrated how true synergy between collaborators can elevate genre comics.
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comicarthistory · 1 year ago
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Page from Doctor Strange #51. 1981. Art by Marshall Rogers and Terry Austin.
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bringbackwendellvaughn · 11 months ago
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wwprice1 · 1 year ago
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Cool ad for a Doctor Strange creative team that never happened!
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brevoorthistoryofcomics · 2 years ago
There was very little that could happen in a comic book at this point in 1978 that was more exciting to me than the prospect of a Thing vs Hulk fight. There had been a number of them previously over the years, but I hadn’t yet read any of those earlier stories, though I was aware of them and their influence in determining who was the big dog monster character of the Marvel Universe. As I was…
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misterdtour · 1 year ago
When Spidey Jumped the Shark, Pt. 6: The Denny O’Neil Era
Examining the #DennyONeil Era of #SpiderMan here.
We’re calling it the Denny O’Neil Era of Spider-Man, which it is, but it’s also the stealth beginning of the Roger Stern Era. Continue reading Untitled
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vertigoartgore · 6 months ago
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A beautiful splash page from 1984's Doctor Strange #68 showcasing Black Knight/Dane Whitman's painful memories. Pencils by Paul Smith, inking by Terry Austin, colorisation by Bob Sharen, lettering by Jim Novak, written by Roger Stern and edited by Carl Potts.
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ultrameganicolaokay · 2 months ago
Doctor Strange #33 ‘All My Dreams Against Me’ (1978) by Roger Stern, Ralph Macchio (not that one), Tom Sutton, Rudy Nebres and Jim Shooter. Edited by Mary Jo Duffy. Cover by Frank Brunner.
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Cover of the Day: Doctor Strange #33 (February, 1979) Art by Frank Brunner
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marvelousmrm · 2 months ago
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Doctor Strange #54 (Stern & DeMatteis/Smith & Anderson, Aug 1982). Strange dwells on Clea’s departure.
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balu8 · 1 year ago
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Doctor Strange #56: A Mystic Reborn
by Roger Stern, Paul Smith; Terry Austin,Bob Sharen and Jim Novak
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thezombieprostitute · 1 year ago
I know we may not know him too well but how about Dream Come True- Steve and 29 from the kiss prompts 😏
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Word Count: ~1300
A/N: This takes place a couple of years before Dream Come True. Ask is based on this post.
Warnings: Drugging of a character
Part 2
Series Masterlist
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Steve had his best fake smile plastered on. He was hosting a party, he had to appear approachable and friendly, even if he didn’t feel like it. The conversations could be so boring and draining. His one reprieve for the night was that he was hosting the party at an art gallery. The last night of the display of one of his favorite artists. Every chance he got he was appreciating the art.
At least until he saw you. Steve knew everyone at the party, they’d been vetted by his team, but he didn’t know you. There was no recognition, no faint memory of ever seeing you before and Steve’s memory was better than most. Your dress was just shy of the quality he’d expect from his guests, indicating you weren’t in the higher echelons of the city’s social circles. You were definitely a party crasher who shouldn’t be here. 
He should call security, have them discreetly take you away, but as he watches you he realizes that, unlike other party crashers, you’re not here for the people. You never take a glass of the expensive champagne offered to guests. You barely talk to anyone and excuse yourself from conversation quickly. You’re looking at the art. You’re flitting from piece to piece like a hummingbird and smiling at each one. You might be a party crasher, but you’ve clearly got good taste and good manners. He decides he’ll let you stay but keep an eye on you.
Pretty soon he realizes he can’t stop watching you. Your genuine joy with each new piece of art you look at is endearing. Especially as he keeps having to deal with fake smiles and false promises. It also makes your frown stand out even more. 
You walked over to a man who appeared to be taking away a woman who’d drunk too much. While you hadn’t had any of the champagne, you couldn’t imagine it would get someone so drunk they could barely move. You approach, ignoring the glares the man gave you, and ask, “what happened?”
“It’s nothing,” the man replies. “She just had a little too much to drink. I’m just getting her home.”
“She doesn’t look drunk,” you retort. “She looks like she needs to go to a hospital.”
“She’s just a lightweight is all,” he sneers. “I’ll take good care of her. Now get lost.”
“Let me take a look at her, please. I really think she needs a doctor.”
“No,” he barks. “She just needs to get home and get some rest.”
“Walker,” a deep, stern voice behind you started. “Do you need some help?”
“Rogers,” Walker stammers. “Seriously, I just need to get the lady home. That’s all.”
“Walker, if I get security over here and search your pockets, are they going to find some pills?”
Walker stammers a bit before dropping the girl and trying to run for it. He only makes a couple steps before Rogers has him slammed against a wall, signaling security to come in. You’re already picking up the young woman from the floor, checking her pupils for dilation, getting her into a more comfortable position. 
Rogers is talking to a few people as security quietly takes Walker out of the gallery, “Sam, go get Strange or Badr. She probably needs a doctor. Bucky, go get Danvers and Rambeau to come help their daughter.” They head in separate directions and he turns to see you checking the girl. He bends down and turns her face towards him, “Monica, we’re getting your mothers. You’re going to be okay.” She seems to relax at that. 
Before long a few people come over and you step back so they can take care of the girl. You figure you should leave before your status as party crasher gets found out but Rogers gently grabs your arm, making you stay in place as he gets the situation sorted. You try to squirm out of his grip a few times before he pulls you to him and whispers, “settle down, Hummingbird. You’re not in trouble but we need to talk.” You’re unsure where the nickname came from but you take comfort in his words and stop trying to escape. 
They’re getting Monica to an ambulance but a tall blonde woman turns to Rogers, fury in her eyes. He points to the door where security took Walker and she storms in that direction.
Once you’re alone you try, one more time, to pull away, “I guess you should get back to your party, Sir.” The look he gives you makes you freeze.
“I’m not generally one for repeating myself, Hummingbird,” he begins. “But I understand you might be out of your depth tonight. You are not in trouble but we still need to have a chat.”
“Yes, Sir,” you lower your head. 
He chuckles and lifts your chin, “call me Steve.”
“Yes, St…Steve.” 
He smiles at you before turning and leading you to a separate wing of the gallery that had been closed off for the party. You know you should pay attention to him, but your eyes keep looking at the beautiful art around you. When you finally do turn back to Steve his smile has grown.
“So, what brings you to my party?”
“I…I just wanted to look at the art.”
“Why not look during normal gallery hours?”
“Work,” you confess. “I got so swamped I didn’t have time to come see the show. Jack Russell is such an amazing artist and I was desperate for a chance to see his art in person. I put on my nicest dress and slipped in with a small group. I’m very sorry.” You hang your head in apology, waiting for some kind of punishment or consequence for your actions. He said you weren’t in trouble but there had to be some kind of repercussion. 
“I believe you,” he states. “I was watching you almost all night.” You lift your eyes at his words, confusion written all over your face. “You weren’t invited, it’s true, but you weren’t drinking any champagne. You didn’t annoy any guests. You were just flitting from piece to piece, actually enjoying the show. I figured as long as you weren’t causing trouble, I’d let you be. And I’m very glad for that.”
“I wasn’t planning on staying long,” you sighed. “Didn’t want to get caught so I moved quickly between the pieces.”
“Flitting like a hummingbird,” he chuckled. “But in coming here, breaking into my party, you saved a young woman. In doing so you also saved my party and, quite frankly, my reputation. I can’t be known as someone whose parties are unsafe or cater to creeps like Walker turned out to be. As such, I would like to reward you.”
Steve’s bright blue eyes seemed to shine with your response. “And I think I know the perfect reward. I’m friends with the curator here. I’ll give you her information and any time there’s a show you really want to see, but can’t get to, call her and she’ll make sure you get in at a time that’s convenient for you.”
“What?!” Your eyes grow wide at his words, “that’s far too generous, Sir! I can’t accept that!”
“It’s ‘Steve’ little Hummingbird,” he lowers his face to your level, his voice lowering with it, “and you will accept the reward. I’ll also make sure you get invited to every party I host at this place. Watching your genuine enjoyment was the highlight of the party tonight. I’d love to see more of it.”
“Are…are you sure about this, Steve?”
Eyes never leaving yours, he gently grabs your hand and kisses it, “I promise, I want nothing more than for you to accept.”
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Many thanks @yenzys-lucky-charm for the ask! It really helped push the scales towards making a full mob/mafia AU. 😆
Part 2
Series Masterlist
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