#Rock Star Luka Couffaine
verfound · 13 days
FIC: "Of Lost Luggage, Shirts, and Other Things" (MLB; Lukanette; LBSC Lukanette Month 2024)
@lovebugs-and-snakecharmers is doing a Lukanette Month for September 2024, and we all just kinda tossed some prompts in the disco to compile a list?  We ended up with 71 prompts, so I decided I’d roll some dice to pick a prompt, do a twenty minute (ish, bc we all know sometimes they run away from me) sprint, and try to get some short fics out this month?
(This one is also kinda @rierse's fault, based on a prompt she dropped in the disco about someone wearing their own merch. 😂)
Read on Ao3
Prompt 69: Airport
Luka stared at the woman behind the desk with…honestly, he wasn’t sure what expression was on his face.  He was going for disbelief, but with how exhausted he was – and how long the last few days had been – it was probably something more akin to disdain.
He was, admittedly, probably doing a fairly decent impression of the Captain’s scowl.
It wasn’t her fault, he reminded himself.  She was just the messenger.  You don’t shoot the messenger.
…he was in desperate need of a coffee.  And a shower.  And some clean fucking clothes.
(And a T-S specialty, because the airport Cinnabon Crusher had bought him as an apology was still sitting too heavy and too much on his stomach, even nine hours later.)
“What…do you mean…” he started, slowly, closing his eyes and forcing himself to take a deep, calming breath, “…you lost…my luggage?”
“I am so sorry, M. Stone,” the poor girl said.  She looked like she was about to piss herself – which was probably fair.  He was still new enough that she probably hadn’t heard of Luke Stone yet.  Most likely, the poor girl just saw ‘Stone’, saw the VIP party his ticket had been attached to, and remembered the horror stories he was sure she had heard about Jay over the years.  She was probably expecting a wild crocodile to come barreling out of boarding, ready to chomp her head off for daring to lose a Stone’s luggage.  “It…it appears it’s not here.  It…looks like it might be in Barcelona?”
…they hadn’t been in Barcelona since the beginning of the summer tour.  How the shit had his suitcase traveled to Barcelona from New York, when the rest of them had made it to Paris just fine?
“We can have it back to you in a few days,” she said.  “I am so sorry, M. Stone, but –”
“It’s fine,” he said, his jaw clenching uncomfortably as he held up a hand.  God, he just needed to sleep.  And a shower.  And a clean fucking shirt – he’d smelled like bad Indian takeaway since New York, thanks to Crusher.  “Just…call me when you have it.”
He slumped away from the counter, rubbing his hands over his face.  A throat cleared nearby, and he looked up to find Penny holding a shirt up for him.
“It’s not ideal, but at least it’s clean,” she said.  “Until you get home.”
“They lost my bag,” he said.  There was a niggling in his stomach, an unpleasant reminder of…his eyes widened as he stared at Penny.  “…Penny.  They lost my bag.”
“I know,” she said, putting her hands on his shoulders and squeezing.  “Breathe, Luka.  It’s all right.  We’ll get it sorted.  Luggage gets lost all the time – it’s not the end of the world.”
…it felt like it.  Penny knew just as well as he did what was actually in that bag and how very important it was that it was not lost.
“Penny –” he started, but she shook her head and pushed the shirt into his hands.
“Go change,” she said.  “Go home.  Get some sleep.  I’ll track down the bag, and it’ll be back in no time.  Everything will be fine.”
“It’s a sign,” he groaned, dropping his head back into his hands.  “Penny, Gina flew out specifically to give me that…oh my God.  Oh my God.  Gina’s gonna kill me.  Tom’s gonna kill me.  It’s –”
“Stop that,” Penny said, swatting his arm.  “Go home.  Sleep.  Catch up with your…Marinette.”
…he almost smiled at that.  Almost, because as much as he loved the sound of ‘his Marinette’ she was only going to be his Marinette if that damn bag wasn’t lost, which it currently was.  God, this day couldn’t get any worse…Penny rolled her eyes and pushed him towards the exit.
“Change.  Sleep.  Stop freaking out – this means nothing, Luka!” she called as he wandered off.  “It’s going to be fine!”
…he wished he could believe her.  Usually, he would.  But he had too much riding on that damn bag – like the rest of his whole damn life – and he couldn’t help but wonder if losing the bag meant everything really was about to fall apart.
. : .
It didn’t take him long to change his shirt.  The other one – the one Crusher had spilled his curry on before the plane took off – went straight into the bin.  It was probably stained beyond saving, anyway, and it was just an old white shirt.  He could easily replace it.
But when he tugged the new shirt over his head and stared back at his reflection in the mirror of the airport restroom, he couldn’t help but think maybe the curry-stained shirt was preferable.
There was no way Penny could convince him that the only clean shirt in his size they had extras of was the summer tour shirt.  He looked like such a tool, walking around with his own face slapped on his chest.
He was not awake enough for this, he thought as he scrubbed his hands over his face.  Coffee.  He needed coffee.  If he was going to make it home, he needed coffee.
Airport coffee wasn’t always the best, but it was still better than nothing, so he found himself shambling towards the food court before making his way into the city.  It was probably for the best, anyway – he’d have a time finding a cab now, and the others were probably already on their way to their respective homes.
…like he would be.  If the stupid airport hadn’t lost his stupid luggage with the stupid…
He was going to be sick.
Maybe coffee wasn’t the best idea after all…
“Oh my God,” a voice gasped in front of him.  His brow furrowed, his expression scrunching.  That voice…there was something familiar about it, but he couldn’t quite place what…  “I love that artist!”
He did not have the mental fortitude to deal with fans at the moment.
“Oh my God,” he said, his voice maybe a tinge more sarcastic than he had intended, “yeah!  Me, too!”
There was a beat – a longer-than-necessary pause – where the person had grown uncomfortably silent, and he sighed as he shook his head.
“…sorry,” he said, rubbing his eyes.  “Long flight.  Yeah, um…he’s ok.”
He finally looked up at the fan, and his brow furrowed as he stared at her.  Large, dark sunglasses covered her face, and her short hair was tucked into a bright pink scarf.  She was dressed simply enough, in short pink overalls with a white shirt underneath – but there was something…familiar about that shirt.  Something that was trying to click in his jetlagged brain but just wouldn’t.
Something he felt he should recognize about the bits of green – leaves? – peeking out over the top of the overalls.
“More than ‘ok’, I’d say,” she sniffed, her lips turning in a frown.  “Though he’s kind of being a butt right now.  Might make me reconsider how cool I usually find him.”
“…that’s…fair,” he said, nodding.  “Again.  Sorry.  Long flight.”
“It’s a shame,” she said, sighing as she turned away.  There was a bag at her hip, and he would swear he watched it snap shut without her even touching it.  What the hell…?  “Usually, I’m a pretty big fan.  I’d even venture to say his biggest, though I know some people who would fight me for that title.”
She looked over her shoulder, and her cheek moved in a way that made him think she had just winked at him.  He blinked, his brow furrowing again as he tried to focus on her.  It was…kind of hard, when she was kinda blurry and there seemed to be two of her.
“Anyway,” she said, stepping forward as the line moved ahead of her.  “I’d heard his flight was coming in today.  I was hoping to surprise him, big fan that I am.  But traffic was terrible, and I heard I just missed him…and how bad that flight actually was.”
She heaved a longsuffering sigh, and he shook his head as he scrubbed at his eyes again.  That voice…
“So I thought I’d get him some coffee, but you see how long this line is,” she said, turning back towards him.  “I’ll be lucky if I catch him at all at this rate.  Don’t you – mmf!”
The pieces finally clicked into place, and he grabbed at Marinette’s wrist to tug her against him.  He bent her back, slipping her shades onto her head as he kissed her stupid.  Her hands gripped at his shoulders, and he would swear her foot even popped behind her.
“…about time,” she giggled at him.  He chuckled and shook his head before stealing another kiss.
“Asshole,” he huffed, rubbing their noses together.  “You were enjoying that entirely too much.”
“You’re adorable when you’re jetlagged,” she teased, her hand coming up to caress his jaw.  She frowned at the touch before tapping a finger against his skin.  “You need a shave.”
“Flight from hell,” he sighed, sagging against her.  “…forty-eight hours from hell.”
“Penny said they lost your luggage,” she said.  A throat cleared behind them, and she rolled her eyes before pulling him out of line with her.  He whined as they lost their place, but she leaned up to kiss his jaw.  “You know their coffee will taste like feet, anyway.  Let me get you home.  We can stop at my parents’ and get you some proper food.”
The mention of her parents had his stomach seizing all over again.
“…your dad’s gonna kill me,” he groaned, dropping his forehead on her shoulder.  “The suitcase, Marinette.  They lost my suitcase.”
“It’s ok,” she said, laughing as she patted his back.  “Penny said it’s in Barcelona – it’ll be here by tomorrow.  Day after at the latest.”
“No, but I can’t see your parents until I have the suitcase,” he said, shaking his head.  “Tom already knows – he’s expecting…I can’t…”
“Luka, Luka, hold on,” she said, placing her hands on his face to try and steady him.  She smiled as her thumb brushed beneath his eye, and he took a deep breath to try and calm himself.  “What’s going on?  It’s just a suitcase.  You have clean clothes at home – ones that don’t scream I’m an Egocentric Rock Star.”
She was teasing, he knew, but it still made him frown as she poked the face on his chest.  His face still scrunched as he caught her fingers.
“Hey,” he said, “I happen to love the person who designed this shirt.  Lay off.”
Her smile warmed, and she pulled his face back to hers for another kiss.
“She loves you, too,” she whispered against his lips.  “But it’s still a little tacky wearing your own merch, don’t you think?”
“If it was one of the other shirts – with the album logo or lyrics or something – it wouldn’t be as bad,” he sighed.  “It’s just because it’s the stupid tour shirt, with my stupid face on it, that makes me look like a stupid idiot.”
“Hey,” she laughed, hugging him tight, “you’re anything but.  Stop being so hard on yourself.”
“I lost my luggage, Marinette,” he groaned, pulling her close.  “I lost the ring.  How could I lose the ring?  I was supposed to hold onto it until it was safely on your finger, where it belongs, but now it’s lost in stupid Barcelona and you’re gonna say no and –”
“…Luka,” she said, her voice suddenly too-quiet with an odd edge to it.  He hummed, and her hands fisted in his shirt and tugged.  “Luka.”
She pulled back, staring up at him with wide eyes that had no right to look as beautiful as they did, not in the shitty airport lighting.  She tugged on his shirt again, and he frowned as she swallowed.
“What?” he asked, shaking his head to try and clear it.  She swallowed again, and he was distracted by thoughts of wanting to bite her neck.
“What ring?” she asked, and his eyes widened as his brain finally started to catch up to him.
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Musical Casanova (Part 2)
Another short snippet and art! Art commissioned from @sternschauer-detektiv​!!!! It’s so amazing!
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Marinette’s brain felt as if it had slowed to a crawl. “So he’s buying my flowers for the boat?”
Juleka shook her head. “He’s been buying flowers, but I don’t think it was for the boat.” Marinette was confused until she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she was met by an embarrassed looking Luka holding a beautiful bouquet…of lily-of-the-valleys.
So that’s where those missing flowers went.
“Oh!” She smiled. “So Sabrina was holding those for you?”
Luka nodded. “I called her yesterday and asked for a favor.”
“They are a very good choice for today.” She hummed. “So are they for the boat too?”
It was hardly possible, but Luka’s face reddened more. Marinette found it absolutely adorable. “No, these are for you.”
Numbly, she accepted the bouquet. “For me?”
Taking a deep breath, he gave her his breathtaking smile that had the butterflies in her stomach doing the tango at double time. “For you.”
As he took her hand and brought it to his lips, Marinette could only think that she had indeed found the perfect man.
Lacing their fingers together, his eyes twinkled as he gave her that same smile that showed off his pearly whites. “So, I’m a Casanova, huh?”
Okay, maybe not.
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artesiant · 2 years
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Here’s my piece for the @lukacouffainezine 🎸🐍 Leftover sales are open until 12.01!!
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crash-er-comics · 10 months
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Luka and Juleka! Although Luka is not emo like Juleka......Luka looks like he's emo in this picture!!!!
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mc-lukanette · 11 months
The world was so loud. It was still loud, and Luka had gotten tired of explaining to people when they asked what he meant just to look at him like he was crazy afterward.
The simple explanation was that Luka experienced the world through music. He saw potential melodies in his environment and people always gave off their own particular tune. The latter was what made his life difficult, given that he didn't have any control over whether or not he heard them. It was just something he had to adjust to.
But if there was one thing Luka hated, it was a fake person: someone who behaved one way but was another inside. He remembered when he started to dye his hair and paint his nails, back when people would say that they liked it but the song he would hear was filled with displeasure over his choice of appearance.
As such, he had few friends in life. There just weren't many people he could trust to be fully honest with him without him pointing out that they weren't.
Not having friends also meant that he had no reason not to attend events with his rock star mother, Anarka Couffaine, though he would've happily come to show his support and approval of her anyway despite the atmosphere. Events and parties like the one he'd shown up for that very day were often filled with detestable people only out for money and had zero interest in the actual well-being of any clients.
He did his best to filter them out.
"Luka," Anarka whispered, leaning down and wrapping an arm around him. With her other arm, she pointed to a man across the room dressed in white and pink, noting, "that's Bob Roth. Remember him?"
One listen of the man made Luka roll his eyes, though smiling at the memory. "He offered you a contract when I was little and you threw him overboard."
"Aye." She stood up, her toothy smirk putting even sharks to shame as she called out, "Roth! Gone swimmin' lately?"
Bob turned around to look, Luka grinning as well at the way his face paled upon seeing her. One could practically see the memories flooding his mind, his face turning red with a mixture of shame and anger as he stormed off.
Anarka sighed as if having just come out of meditative therapy, giving Luka a nudge. "You haven't lived until you've thrown a scallywag overboard."
She didn't give much advice even as a mom, but he considered that one was a keeper. He would've liked to have done it himself had he not been so small at the time.
"Nanarky!" another equally non-subtle voice called from afar. "Chased away Bob again?"
Luka turned along with his mother to see Jagged Stone approaching, and had to suppress a big smile. He'd always been a big fan of Jagged's music - pure and untouched by anyone but Jagged himself - and since Jagged and Anarka were friendly rivals, they often met up at events.
"Hey," Anarka commented as Jagged walked up to them, "it's the first mate of rock and roll!"
"First mate?!" Jagged recoiled, a hand to his chest in dramatic fashion. "I'm the captain of this ship!"
"Ha! I can play circles around ya." She leaned towards him, flicking at the Eiffel Tower glasses near the top of his head. "Nice glasses, by the way."
Luka chuckled. They made for a fun duet together as well.
At the mention of the new glasses, Jagged's demeanor changed entirely. He beamed, bringing them down to his eyes properly. "Right? Got a young up-and-coming designer to make 'em for me."
"Young unlike you, ya sea dog," Anarka quipped.
Jagged turned his head away while pretending not to have heard her, though the pout on his face was obvious. Snapping his fingers, he called out, "Hey, frockstar! C'mere and meet the background musician!"
"Why I oughta—"
Luka heard the melody before the footsteps, though it was still a stark contrast to the ones belonging to both Jagged and Anarka. A teenage girl - certainly no older than him - came to Jagged's side, peeking up at him with a smile before being promptly squished against his side.
"Hello," she said, somewhat strained until Jagged let her go and gave her an affirming pat on the shoulder. She shyly bowed her head to Anarka. "I'm—
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Jagged interrupted, looking all too eager to talk about her. Luka raised a brow, impressed by the amount of pride bursting out of each note on his song. "She's gonna design my new album, Rock Giant!"
"W-wha—?!" Marinette stared up at Jagged with a look that implied she very much had not heard about that yet.
"Nice to meet ya, lass," Anarka greeted. "I'm Anarka Couffaine."
"Oh!" Marinette gaped at her. "I know exactly who you are! I'm a big fan!"
"That right?" she asked, and Luka could see the glint in her eyes that she was about to start up their rivalry again. Thankfully, introducing him took priority, so she opted instead to say, "Well, then y'should know that this is my son, Luka."
Their eyes locked for the first time. Luka didn't necessarily need eye contact to get a feel for a person, but it helped. He was intrigued: her song was an entire mix of emotions both positive and negative, none of which she seemed to be hiding. There was an extra spark of curiosity and awe in her at actually taking him in - likely because he was the son of someone she admired - though he supposed the normal thing to do would be to politely—
"Wow, you're so handsome!"
Luka felt his cheeks heat up, completely thrown off by the blunt comment. Anarka and Jagged, though equally stunned for a moment, suddenly looked incredibly invested in this. They glanced back and forth between the two, waiting to see what might happen next.
As he was formulating a proper response, Marinette's words caught up with her. Her face turned even redder than his and her tune was all over the place. She turned away and tried to make a break for the buffet table to hide underneath the tablecloth, only for Jagged to hurry after her and pull her back.
"Nanarky," he said with a mischievous tone, tilting his head down and lowering his glasses to look at her. "What do you say to a little music battle, just the two of us?"
Anarka reflected his look back at him. "In the middle of this namby-pamby party? ...You're on."
Then the two were off, true party crashers even when they're already invited, and simultaneously leaving him alone with Marinette.
"I-I'm so sorry," she whined, rubbing at her face in embarrassment. "It's just—it seems like I always say the first thing that's on my mind, and the first thing I noticed was that you have nice eyes?"
His blush wasn't going away, that was for sure.
"Uhm!" She flailed. "I mean, not that you have nice eyes—well you do, but I don't mean nice as in nice even if they are nice." She huffed at herself, pounding her fist against her palm and clearly seeking a specific word. "...Kind! You have kind eyes!"
"Thanks," Luka managed after taking a deep breath, Marinette having just been upgraded from intriguing to absolutely adorable in his mind. He ran a hand through his hair, fluffing it slightly. "You can be honest with me, Marinette. I won't think it's strange. It's better, actually."
"Better?" She stared like she thought he was the strange one. "...A-ah! I know, here!"
She opened the tote bag at her side and reached in, digging around until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a CD and offered it to him, Jagged's signature prominent on the front.
"This is..." Luka gaped, taking it from her hands.
"One of Jagged's albums, signed by Jagged himself," Marinette stated proudly. "He said he'd personally sign any album I wanted, and of course I picked this. It's—"
"—the best one," he chimed in along with her, perking up at the sound of their voices speaking in unison.
She grinned, delighted. "Yes! You get it! I've asked every Jagged fan I know and none of them picked it!"
Luka, always one to return a gift, reached into his own bag and pulled out one of his mother's albums, also signed by her. He always kept at least one thing she'd signed in his bag as an extra - if private - show of support. "Here. It's—"
"—the best one!"
Naturally, they exchanged numbers soon after that, just before going on to watch the "rock battle" together. Luka had people he knew like his mother and Jagged Stone who spoke their minds without fear, but Marinette was a unique case. He couldn't quite put it into words - that's what he had his guitar for - but an attempt would incline him to say that it was a deceptively simple song upon first listen yet was so powerful as just to pour out of her when she opened her mouth. He could even see it in the way she moved, fidgeting and bouncing with energy while they'd listened to the energetic music.
She was also the first one to blurt out that she thought he was handsome and had kind eyes at their first meeting, so an unforgettable first impression if there were ever any. He was a little discouraged by the idea of texting her, where it wasn't as likely for her to just say whatever she was thinking. Still, he was fine waiting for her to warm up to him if need be.
Oh! You play guitar?
Guitar and violin, yeah.
I'd love to hear you play sometime! I'm free for you! I MEAN FREE TODAY!!
Luka let out a laugh. He didn't have to worry after all.
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the moment you've been waiting for has arrived...
We have a bracket!!
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Yeah. It's a 64-person bracket, the font is small, all that. You can try to zoom in, or there will be a list of matchups below the cut.
All but the first matchup have been randomly generated, please don't complain about the seeding or having to choose between characters. It just worked out that way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (ig you can complain about the first one)
Polls will be released Monday afternoon. The first round will once again be a week long, but after that we'll go to 24-hour polls until the final matchup.
May the best musician win!
Side A
Orpheus (Ulysses Dies at Dawn by The Mechanisms) on mandolin vs The Toy Soldier (The Mechanisms) on mandolin, glockenspiel and others
Theodore (Alvin and the Chipmunks) on drums vs Wylan Van Eck (Six of Crows) on flute vs Squidward (SpongeBob SquarePants) on clarinet*
Hitori "Bocchi" Gotoh (Bocchi the Rock) on guitar vs Vice Principal Nero (A Series of Unfortunate Events) on violin
Murdoc Niccals (Gorillaz) on bass vs Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai) on piano
Ibuki Mioda (Danganronpa) on bass guitar vs Jasiker (The Witcher) on lute
Grover Underwood (Riordanverse) on reed pipes vs Marceline "The Vampire Queen" Abadeer (Adventure Time) on bass guitar
Wei Wuxian (The Untamed) on dizi vs Rodrick Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) on drums
Toki Wartooth (Metalocolypse) on guitar vs Eddie (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) on saxophone
Chai (Hi-Fi Rush) on guitar vs Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes) on violin
Wirt (Over the Garden Wall) on clarinet and bassoon vs Alec Hardison (Leverage) on violin
Raine Whispers (The Owl House) on violin vs Scanlan Shorthalt (Critical Role, The Legend of Vox Machina) on lute and flute
Raiko Horikawa (Touhou Project) on drums vs Undyne (Undertale) on piano
Riebeck (Outer Wilds) on banjo vs Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb) on a variety of instruments that begin with the letter "B"
Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons) on baritone sax vs DJ Octavio (Splatoon) on turntables
Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle) on uilleann pipes vs Venti (Genshin Impact) on lyre and flute
Rocky Rickaby (Lackadaisy) on fiddle vs Hoid (The Cosmere) on flute
Side B
Sonic (Sonic Underground) on electric guitar vs Sal "Sally Face" Fisher (Sally Face) on Guitar
Demyx (Kingdom Hearts) on sitar vs Achilles (The Iliad) on lyre
Jade Harley (Homestuck) on bass guitar vs Ryan Akagi (Infinity Train) on guitar
Wednesday Addams (Wednesday) on cello vs Maki Nishikino (Love Live! School Idol Project) on piano
Sally Thorn" McKnight (Scooby-Doo) on guitar vs Hunter Sylvester (Metal Lords) on electric guitar
K.K. Slider (Animal Crossing) on guitar vs Will Treaty (Ranger's Apprentice) on mandola
Edward Cullen (Twilight) on piano vs Miguel Rivera (Coco) on guitar
William the Gonagle (Discworld) on mousepipes vs Marzipan (Homestar Runner) on guitar
The Phantom of the Opera (The Phantom of the Opera) on organ vs Dr. Teeth (The Muppets) on piano
Kris (Deltarune) on piano vs "Soul King" Brook (One Piece) on piano and guitar
Manolo Sanchez (The Book of Life) on guitar vs Greg Universe (Steven Universe) on electric guitar
Ebony Dark'Ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal) on guitar vs Figueroth "Fig" Faeth (Dimension 20's Fantasy High) on bass guitar
Link (Legend of Zelda) on ocarina and panflute vs Max Rebo (Star Wars) on organ
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney) on guitar vs Luka Couffaine (Miraculous Ladybug) on guitar
Melody (Crypt of the NecroDancer) on lute vs Musa (Winx Club) on all the instruments
Marcy Wu (Amphibia) on drums vs Victor Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) on violin
*due to an unfortunate counting error, a 3rd person has been added to this matchup.
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i-like-anything-water · 11 months
Famous model Adrien Agreste pretending to date his designer Marinette Dupain-Cheng to cover up the fact that it's actually his photographer that's dating her. It's no big deal until he's photographed a liiiittle too close with rock star Luka Couffaine... (Can replace Luka with anyone you ship Adrien with but it felt like a good base!)
we stan supportive best friend Adrien for his two gay girl friends. Chloe isn't too fond when she caught Luka staring a bit too long to be professional at her best friend.....but Adrien seemed to be comfortable around him so she won't have to scare him, for now.
besides, she doubts her Mari would let her scare off a random guy. again.
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gameguy20100 · 9 months
Seeing if I still have it. Exerpt from Wings.
"We now go live to the latest attack by the infamous cult of Lady Monarch. A small music shop by the name of "Inquisitive instruments" Owned by Luka Couffaine. Son of world famous rock star Jagged Stone. Over to you Nadjia"
The news report cut over to the live footage. Nadjia was standing in the wreckage that was once Luka’s pride and joy. With tears in her eyes, Zoe rewound the footage and viewed it again. She had lost count of how many times she had seen it.
"You'll go mad if you keep watching that." Marinette said as she brought her friend into a hug and stroked her hair.
Zoe said nothing. Just sobbed more into Marinettes chest, staining her top with her tears and mascara.
"We're going to get him back."
" How?" Zoe replied. Her voice was small and heartbroken. " Why would they do this?"
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aviradasa · 7 months
I gotta strange request. For a Jagged Stone x female reader. Where His kids, Luka and Juleka Couffaine, get to meet her for the first time
Lmao not an odd request at all lmao. Rock stars are hot 💅 anyways! I did HC I hope that's alright, and jagged made some interesting choices when it came to introducing you to his kids🤣 sorry if these are not up to expectations I wrote this when I was extremely tired 😭
Anyways on with the show lol
Meeting the kids
Jagged stone x Fem! Reader
Requests are always open!!
Heres a link to my masterlist as well here
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You've been with Jagged for about 8 months by the time this all goes down. But nothing could have prepared you for this
Now one thing you should note is that he tells you everything. I mean everything. You know things about this man that maybe you shouldn't.
But as it turns out he had been keeping a pretty big secret from you.
He had told you that you were both going to go to dinner. And that he had a surprise for you at the restaurant. You were quite excited as you entered wondering what Jagged had in store for your evening.
Turns out there were two surprises, number one was that he had a kid. Well, not just one kid. He had Two and the second surprise was the two teenagers, a boy and a girl who sat in the booth across from us.
“Well kiddos, I want you to meet my lovely girlfriend!” he says awkwardly doing jazz hands towards me while looking at the kids.
They look as confused/pissed as you do
“You have children and didn't tell me I was meeting them before we got here?”
“You have a girlfriend and didn't tell us before we came here?” both party shout at him
Jagged grins uncomfortably “Well if I told you guys it would be a surprise then would it?” he says attempting to save himself
The three of you stare at him with disbelief, then look at each other and stand up to exit the booth instructing the rockstar to stay put.
You talk to the kids for a moment and they tell you their names are Luka and Juleka. You spend some time outside the restaurant getting to know the situation and coming up with a plan of action with the kids.
You all decide to give Jagged the benefit of the doubt knowing how he's still not used to being a father or a partner. You all decide to stay and have dinner. It goes surprisingly well and you and the kids hit it off pretty well (you talked with the kids more than Jagged Stone, to be honest)
Once you get back to your hotel room he's dead quiet for once standing in the doorway to the bed room until you've gotten you shoes off.
“So. What do you think?” he says
“I think your kid are very sweet and smart. I also think your sleeping on the couch tonight.”
“Fair enough.”
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Class of Villainy - Anarka
Captain Anarka Couffaine
One of the greatest and most ruthless pirates of all time. Sort of a mix between Captain Hook and Jack Sparrow. Treats her crewmates with love and care.
Reshma is her first mate, though at this point, Reshma’s getting the job done a lot more than her Captain.
The mother of Juleka and Luka. A bit sad that neither of them wanted to be pirates, but happy to see them causing havoc and being evil in their own ways. Embarasses them frequently, calling them “her little pirates” and sharing info to their friends about how they acted as little kids.
The Couffaines live in Anarka’s huge ship that she uses for pirating. Once Juleka became a teenager, she convinced her mom to let her move out. She turned the abandoned castle that was right next to the ship into an villainous castle, but still visits her mom as a neighbor every now and again.
Anarka’s husband was Jagged Stone, a rock and roll star and fairy who’s music spreads love and harmony to all that hear it. When the twins were born, he begged Anarka to give up her evil ways and to join him in making sure that their children would go down the path of good. She refused, and threw him off the ship. They seperated, and the Couffaine Twins couldn’t be any happier. Anarka just taught them how to be pirates, but Juleka and Luka decided to become malevolent and villainous of their own decision.
Ahoy there, it’s Anarka! I’d love to hear your headcanons about this evil Couffaine family in reblogs, posts, and replies. @artzychic27 and @msweebyness. Also, be on the lookout for our first Mirrorverse crossover post, the Kims are meeting and it should be quite the event.
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
Fandoms and characters that will be written
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Oshi no Ko
Ai Hoshino
Aquamarine Hoshino
Ruby Hoshino
Kana Arima
Akane Kurokawa
Miyako Saitou
Nanatsu no Taizai
Elizabeth Liones
Naruto Uzumaki
Sakura Haruno
Sasuke Uchiha
Neji Hyuga
Hinata Hyuga
Rock Lee
Mushoku tensei
Rudeus Greyrat
Roxy Migurdia
Eris Boreas Greyrat
Ruijerd Superdia
Elinalise Dragonroad
Fruits Basket
Tohru Honda
Kyo Sohma
Yuki Sohma
Momiji Sohma
Kagura Sohma
Saki Hanajima
Nagi no Asukara
Chisaki Hiradaira
Kaname Isaki
Tsumugu Kihara
Miuna Shiotome
Manaka Mukaido
Hikari Sakishima
Sayu Hisanuma
Fuko Ibuki
Nagisa Furukawa
Tomoya Okazaki
Kotomi Ichinose
Ryou Fujibayashi
Kyou Fujibayashi
Tomoyo Sakagami
Youhei Sunohara
Misae Sagara
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Asuka Langley Sohryu
Shinji Ikari
Rei Ayanami
Mari Makinami
Misato Katsuragi
Clark Kent
Lex Luthor
Lana Lang
Chloe Sullivan
Lois Lane
Oliver Queen
Bully (Game)
Beatrice Trudeau
Jimmy hopkins
Jhonny Vicent
Zoe Taylor
Tom Gurney
Earnest Jones
Mandy Wiles
Lola Lombardi
Norton Williams
Pinky Gauthier
Pete Kowalski
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Star Butterfly
Tom Lucitor
Marco Diaz
Jackie Lynn Thomas
Eclipsa Butterfly
Miraculous Ladybug
Luka Couffaine
Félix Fathom
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Adrien Agreste
Alya Césaire
Chloé Bourgeois
Kyoko Tsurugi
Nino Lahiffe
Rose Lavillant
Juleika Couffaine
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
The Simpsons
Lisa Simpson
Bart Simpson
Homer Simpson
Marge Simpson
Nelson Muntz
Edna Krabappel
Seymour Skinner
Ned Flanders
Moe Szyslak
Selma Bouvier
Milhouse Van Houten
Sideshow Bob
Mr. Burns
The Owl House
Luz Noceda
Amity Blight
Gus Porter
Raine Whispers
Edalyn Clawthorne
Lilith Clawthorne
Willow Park
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Ty Lee
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verfound · 22 days
FIC: "A Good Surprise" (MLB; Lukanette; LBSC Lukanette Month 2024)
@lovebugs-and-snakecharmers is doing a Lukanette Month for September 2024, and we all just kinda tossed some prompts in the disco to compile a list?  We ended up with 71 prompts, so I decided I’d roll some dice to pick a prompt, do a twenty minute (ish, bc we all know sometimes they run away from me) sprint, and try to get some short fics out this month?
Read on Ao3
04 September 2024
Prompt 32: Stars (A)
Marinette was exhausted.
The door closed behind her, perhaps a bit louder than it usually did when she flopped against it and slammed it the rest of the way.  She thought about announcing herself, letting Luka know she was home, but if the door hadn’t made it obvious…she sighed and flopped her head back against it.
Her feet hurt.  Her ankles were swollen.  She had a headache.  And her newest salesgirl, a sweet girl still in lycée who was ok with customer service and absolutely hopeless with a needle, had eaten the dumplings Sabine had dropped off for her lunch.  And if Marinette hadn’t been seven and a half months pregnant and grumpy (hormonal) to boot, she might have forgiven her for it.  Gen was sweet enough, but those had been her dumplings.  She had been too queasy to eat them the day before, and she’d been looking forward to them.
…Jocelyn had casually suggested she fine her as she’d handed Marinette the takeout menu for the bistro down the street, but Marinette was trying to be understanding.  Kind.
She was better than that, dammit.
“Darning?” Luka called, and she sighed as she pushed herself off the door – or tried to.  He popped his head out of the hallway, grinning when he saw her.  “Finally.”
“…I will cut you, Couffaine,” she grumped.  He was chuckling as he walked over to her, the sound warm and gooey like chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven.  She smiled as it washed over her – and then as he was beside her, pulling her up from the door and into his arms.  She melted against him, at least as best she could with her stupid belly in the way.  “…better.”
“Welcome home,” he said, kissing her temple.  “Dinner’s in the oven.  Joce called and said you might be hungry.”
“…tattler,” she harrumphed.  He chuckled and nudged her back, and when her head tilted towards him he stole a kiss.  She sighed against his lips, smiling.  “…ok.  Making up for it.”
“I have a surprise for you,” he said.  She groaned at the words: she was thoroughly sick of surprises by this point.  She was going to scream if he opened that door and another baby shower was waiting behind it, she thought as he started walking backwards, leading her towards the…nursery.  Because it wasn’t a guest room anymore, was it?  It was a nursery, or the starts of one.  It wasn’t quite ready yet, and she was a little anxious about that, but he assured her they still had time.  “I found something amazing for the baby.”
“…Couffaine amazing or Dupain-Cheng amazing?” she asked, frowning, because the last time he’d said that he’d ended up sleeping on the couch for the night.  (Well.  Part of the night, because she hadn’t really been able to sleep with him out there and not tucked around her.)  He chuckled and stopped outside the door, turning back to her to kiss her again.
“Harmonika amazing,” he murmured against her lips.  She rolled her eyes as he led her into the darkened room, towards the rocking chair she’d set up in the corner.
“We are not calling her that,” she said.  “I like Harmony, but I draw the line at bluegrass instruments.”
“It’ll grow on you,” he chuckled.  He sat her down in the chair, and she rolled her eyes.  “It’s a Couffaine tradition, Marinette.”
“That your mother started,” she huffed.
“Tradition,” he chuckled.  “Now.  Close your eyes.”
“…Luka,” she sighed.  He kissed her forehead and squeezed her hands.
“Close your eyes,” he said.  “Please?”
“Fine,” she huffed, but only because he was so cute when he asked like that.  She settled back in the chair and closed her eyes, and the next thing she knew he had dropped a large bundled something in her arms.  She frowned and started to open her eyes, but he laid a hand over them and clicked his tongue.
“Ah-ah-ah,” he tutted, tapping her nose.  “Not yet.”
“What am I holding?” she asked, feeling the bundle.  It felt like the throw she usually kept on the couch, rolled and bundled up to represent…”Luka, is this supposed to be our baby?  Star, she’s not gonna be this big for ages yet!”
“Humor me,” he said.  He sounded like he was on the other side of the room.  She heard a click, and then a gentle whirring.  “Ok, I think…yes.  Now.”
She opened her eyes, and then she sucked in a breath.  She almost dropped the ‘baby’.
It was beautiful.
The lights were still off, the shade on the window drawn, but the ceiling and walls were covered in thousands, millions of tiny stars.  She noticed a projector sitting on top of the changing table – they’d have to move it, because surely it couldn’t stay there when they’d need to actually use that table – casting the little pinpricks of lights all over the room.  She was reminded of photographs she had seen of the desert at night – or of the few times she had actually been to space, as Cosmobug.
It was breathtaking.
“I was going to get those old glow in the dark stars you can stick to the ceiling,” he said as he walked back over to her.  He stood behind the chair and laid his hands on her shoulders, his smile warm as he looked up at the ceiling.  “This seemed better.  What do you think?”
“I love it,” she said, looking up at him with a watery smile.  She was going to start crying again, she just knew it.  He was so dumb like that.  “I love you.”
He knelt beside the chair, pausing to kiss her on his way down.
“I love you,” he said.  When he was settled, he pressed a kiss to her belly.  “Both of you.”
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Musical Casanova
A snippet from Musical Casanova:
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Juleka gave her an amused look. “Everyone? Those flowers are in vases around the boat brightening up the decor.”
Marinette couldn’t hide the stupefied look on her face. “The boat?”
A look of realization hit the mother and daughter pair at the same time and she swore they wore the same amused and secretive smile.
“You thought Luka was buying those flowers for other women?”
Marinette nodded. “I just assumed he was some Casanova.”
Juleka laughed again. “Well, I can guarantee you that my brother doesn’t have a girlfriend or anything else. He's too much of an awkward dork.”
“Mhm. If anything, my boy has been walking around looking at those flowers with the most dopey look on his face. Love sick, I tell you he is.”
Amazing Commissioned Art by @sternschauer-detektiv​.tumblr.com! I love it so much!!!
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miabrown007 · 2 years
5, 9, and 22 for the new year fanfic asks!
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
so, I already answered this because I shan't shut up about Heist AU, but I do have a half-written one-shot I want to finish. draft title: will write funny break-up fics until my friends start to believe me when I say I'm writing funny break-up fics
Marinette has been warned about rock stars. Everyone has told her to be careful and vigilant, because they play the field and drop hearts like fine china. She has been told all about shadowy backstages and crazy afterparties, about eager interns and manly whimsies, about the duties of a girlfriend— better yet, a fiancé! Marinette has, of course, thought all of that a load of crap. But in their endavour of preparing her to be the proper eye-candy on the side on an up and coming musician, no one has warned Marinette about silence. About the pauses growing colder and the embraces shorter, about date nights disappearing in the rear view mirror of all-nighters. No one has warned Marinette about Life, and about what a sojourn to the French reviera would really mean. Luka Couffaine wasn’t the type of man to cheat on his girlfriend. It just— sort of happened.
9. Short term goals… what do you hope to complete this week or in January?
already answered here
22. Do you plan to take writing classes this year?
I would like to!! I tried to find and sneak into university classes this semester, but those were mostly history, literature, and academic writing. Maybe I should take a weekend-course or something, we'll see if I can find one with good reviews. In the meantime, I am procrastinating on watching Neil Gaiman and Brandon Sanderson's online classes, so maybe I should start with that.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 1 year
Bee-lieving in Second Chances
Bee-lieving in Second Chances by Yan san yan
Their fates are intertwined, written in the stars even, but not in the way one had expected.
No one ever said it would be easy, but no one had said it would be painful either. Nothing could have prepared the four heroes for the future in store.
Master Fu could have never predicted such a thing to happen, it is now time for him to pick up the pieces he left from a century ago.
It's just the first day of school and Chloé Bourgeois, is starting her first year of Lycėe. It starts with a disaster, a rock giant is attacking, but the second day of high school is even worse, she is the target of said rock giant. Thankfully Ladybug and Chat Noir save the day, but from that moment on Chloé’s life is never the same again.
Luka Couffaine, the local sweet heart, is put in a predicament where he has to make the right choice. His actions may have proven him to be just the person Master Fu has been looking for.
An AU where origins happens differently and so forth, Master Fu sets out to find more permanent heroes to aid Paris superhero duo.
Words: 1426, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Luka Couffaine, Chloé Bourgeois, Pollen, Quantic Kids, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Master Fu, Sabrina Raincomprix
Relationships: Chloé Bourgeois/Luka Couffaine, Queen bee/Viperion, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine & Sass, Chloé Bourgeois & Pollen, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Luka Couffaine, Viperion & Chat Noir, Ladybug & Queen Bee
Additional Tags: Snake Luka Couffaine | Viperion, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Bee Chloé Bourgeois | Queen Bee, Chloé Bourgeois's Queen Bee Identity is Secret, Adrinette | Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrinette, Miraculous Ladybug Love Square, Protective Luka Couffaine, POV Luka Couffaine, POV Chloé Bourgeois, lukloé, alternative universe, AU, what if origins happened differently, master fu is useful, Mentor Master Fu, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Light Angst, Slow Romance, Unexpected Friendship, Unexpected Visitors, Secret Identity, Alternate Timelines, Divergent Timelines, Unreliable Narrator, unreliable narrator Chloé Bourgeois, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Miraculous Holder Luka Couffaine, Miraculous Holder Chloé Bourgeois, Hurt/Comfort, Juleka and Luka likes to banter, Badass Luka Couffaine
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47267806
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mc-lukanette · 10 months
MC-Lukanette’s “No Context November” 2023 Masterpost
` = ficlet
* = one-shot (or close to being a one-shot if a few paragraphs/a little more context were added)
^ = part of a larger AU/hypothetical story
{AO3 link for No Context November}
(Halloween bonus) * (3867 words) - A Horror-ble Idea {Lukanette} [Horror Movies] [Fluff] [Childhood Friends] [Confession] [Kiss]
Marinette had been friends with Luka for years, having shared just about everything except for her crush on him. Deciding it's time to change that, she tries to come up with the ultimate plan to prove her love for him.
It has varying results.
Day 1 ^ (1597 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Meeting Again]
Luka meets Marinette again after years and realizes that he wasn't the only one pining.
Day 2 ^ (2223 words) - {Lukanette} [Drama] [Confession] [post-"Silencer"]
Marinette makes a decision regarding Luka's confession in "Silencer," as much as she doesn't want to.
Day 3 ^ (2971 words) - {Lukanette} [Sleeping Problems] [Trauma] [post-"Chat Blanc"] [Light Girl Squad Salt]
Luka approaches an exhausted Marinette, unaware of her terrifying experience in an alternate timeline of Paris.
Day 4 * (1648 words) - {Lukanette} ["Silencer"] [Canon Divergence] [Marinette and Luka are Confident and In Love] [Love Square Salt]
"Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody." Those words kept echoing in Marinette's head, not unlike a chorus on replay.
And perhaps she was the song in his head simply because she'd wanted to be there in the first place.
Day 5 ^ (1086 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Charity Auction] [Silly] [Flirting] [(implied) Adrino]
A charity auction is held, selling off dates with famous men to any woman with enough cash to throw at them for it.
Marinette just didn't know the list would include a rock star's son.
Day 6 ^ (1431 words) - {Lukanette} [Silly] [Confession]
Two fools in love stop being as foolish as before.
Day 7 ^ (1707 words) - {Lukanette} [Luka Hears Heart Songs] [Rock Star Anarka Couffaine] [Luka's Father is Not Jagged Stone]
Luka senses music in most things he experiences, yet somehow Marinette is still a unique one.
Day 8 * (1963 words) - {Lukanette} [Post-Dating] [Gift Giving] [(Adrimi But Only Mentioned)]
Marinette had been dating Luka for a while now and she couldn't have been happier. He was everything she could've wanted in a boyfriend: attentive, mature, and incredibly loving.
But maybe there was also such a thing as too loving?
Day 9 ^ (3854 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Homeless Luka Couffaine]
Marinette worries about her homeless friend when cold washes over her town.
Day 10 ^ (3431 words) - {Lukanette} [Fantasy] [Witch Marinette Dupain-Cheng] [Naga Luka Couffaine]
Marinette meets a musical naga boy while she's working on new ideas for her magic.
Day 11 ^ (1523 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Baker Marinette Dupain-Cheng] [Childhood Friends]
Luka stops by a bakery in town and sees a familiar face. He has mixed feelings about it.
Day 12 * (2678 words) - {Viperbug} [Sparring] [Introspection]
For Ladybug, going on patrol just isn't good enough. Akuma battles aren't the time to be improving her skills, so she uses her nights to train whenever she can.
She knows just the partner to help her with that.
Day 13 ^ (4945 words) - {Lukanette} [Childhood] [Fluff] [Sleepovers]
Luka meets a new face during one of Juleka's "girls only" sleepovers.
Day 14 ^ (1974 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Florist Marinette Dupain-Cheng] [Luka Has Flower Nymph Genes]
Marinette gets an interesting customer in her flower shop.
Day 15 ^ (1636 words) - {Lukanette} [Fluff] [Introspection] [Outsider POV] [Possibly Post-Dating]
Juleka reflects on three separate instances of her brother and friend hanging out together.
Day 16 * (2765 words) - {Lukanette} ["Glaciator" Fix-It] [Adrien Salt] [Love Square Salt] [Introspection]
Marinette's first instinct had been to run away as she watched the culmination of her efforts end with her ice cream cone falling from her hands. After all, none of her efforts - no matter how strong - had gone anywhere or done anything substantial for her relationship with Adrien.
But if she ran, the cycle would only continue. She would do the same thing over and over for little to no return and it would continue to be that way for potentially forever.
So instead, she reflects, in part with the help of the new friend she'd made just recently.
Day 17 ^ (1150 words) - {Lukanette} [Luka Knows] [Nutrition]
Marinette shares a previously-unknown fact about being Ladybug with Luka.
Day 18 ^ (1797 words) - {Lukanette} [post-"Silencer"] [Music]
Marinette calls Luka about a particular location for their next music lesson.
Day 19 ^ (2281 words) - {Lukamouse} [Post-Dating] [Luka Knows] [Multimouse] [No Miraculous Timers]
Luka gets a tiny visitor during class one day.
Day 20 * (3070 words) - {Lukanette} ["Desperada" Fix-It] [Reincarnation] [Canon Divergence]
Luka wasn't self-conscious about his role in life. He was perfectly happy where he was as his mother's son, as Kitty Section's guitarist, as Juleka's brother. To him, his life had enough meaning as it was.
He just couldn't help feeling like there was something more to it.
Day 21 ^ (1699 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Merman Luka Couffaine]
Ladybug comes across someone interesting and her own heroism gets the better of her.
Day 22 ` (925 words) - {Lukanette} [Silly]
Marinette prepares a little something for Luka, but nothing ever truly goes according to her plans.
Day 23 ` (1194 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Post-Dating] [Trauma]
Luka helps Marinette work through the thoughts in her head.
Day 24 * (2808 words) - {Lukanette} [Jealousy]
As the months went on, Marinette found it harder and harder to keep up with her growing circle of friends and responsibilities. There were too many things to do and she wasn't "good or efficient enough" to do them. Other people had it easier, and she imagined they could replace her if needed.
Luka disagreed.
Day 25 ` (1386 words) - {Lukanette} [Post-Dating] [Gifts] [Fluff]
Luka goes to Marinette's house and catches her in the middle of one of her bad habits.
Day 26 ^ (2837 words) - {Vipernette} [Fluff]
Viperion goes out for patrol and gets appreciated by the only person he would seek appreciation from in the first place.
Day 27 * (3320 words) - {LukaFairy} [Adulthood] [Fantasy Elements] [Fairynette] [Introspection] [Love Square Salt] [Moments in Time] [No Dialog]
A tale of a fairy seamstress as she meets a model, a musician, and experiences love for the very first time with one of them.
Day 28 ^ (1703 words) - {Lukanette} [The Wish] [Silly]
Luka meets Marinette for the first time… sort of.
Day 29 ^ (1809 words) - {Lukanette} ["Chameleon" Fix-It] [Canon Divergence] [Luka and Marinette Are the Same Age] [Post-Dating] [Brief Class Salt]
Marinette gains an ally in her metaphorical battle with Lila.
Day 30 * (3381 words) - {Lukanette} [Cold Weather] [Silly] [Fluff]
Marinette hates the cold, and it's looking as though she's about to have a lonely day far removed from anything enjoyable.
Until, of course, Luka arrives at her home and they can't seem to part from each other for even a moment.
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