#Robin doesn't forgive so easily
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artiststarme · 2 years ago
No Steves Allowed!
Okay guys, I decided to the DnD one first today but I'll probably end up posting the parent fic today too. I've never actually played DnD so if this doesn't make sense, let me know! I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments.
Eddie wasn’t a big fan of rules, or setting boundaries, or partaking in any form of mass conformity. When he made his DnD club, he wanted it to be a safe space for all the outsiders and outcasts to relax and enjoy their high school years. (And join his DnD campaigns so he could torture them but that was neither here nor there). However, there was one rule that was non-negotiable and grounds for immediate character damage and death. 
There was to be no mention of Steve Harrington. 
It didn’t matter if he was your partner in chemistry for a project or if you were complaining about his crony bumping into you in the hall, no one was allowed to mention him by name or otherwise as soon as Eddie stepped into the drama room. This confused the original Hellfire members as well as their successors but everyone conceded eventually. Especially when mentions of Steve brought about the painful and horrific deaths of their characters. 
Gareth, the little shit that he is, tempted the rule the most, even still. Even after all of the characters he’s lost (one named Stephen that was beheaded by a griffin carrying a blade from a fallen half-elf soldier and several others that tried to work the name ‘Steve’ into a background story), he still liked to poke the bear at least once a campaign. 
“Galahad, it’s your play. What course of action will you take to persuade the innkeeper into allowing you and your friends a place of slumber for the night?” Eddie asked him, his voice firm and powerful as he enveloped his Dungeon Master persona. 
He already regretted giving him the chance to speak after he saw a slow smirk spread across his face. “Well, dear Dungeon Master, I think I’m going to go back to the bar and collect my friend Stephen Nicehair. Then I’ll use his looks and luscious locks to seduce the innkeeper into giving us beds.”
Eddie could feel his left eye twitching in annoyance. ‘Stephen Nicehair’? That’s the best Gareth could do?
“As you turn around to go back to the bar, you hear the innkeeper release a battle cry. He drops the pillows in his hands to reveal a cursed dagger with an obsidian blade. The previously friendly man plunges the dagger into your chest without hesitation and twists it in your heart to deliver maximum pain. Roll damage.”
Gareth sighed but rolled his dice, “six.”
“As the life fades out of your eyes, the innkeeper leans in closer to your face and whispers, ‘no one tries to outsmart me in my inn’. You die just as you lived… Pathetically. Galahad the Bad is now dead, existing on the floor of the inn in a pool of blood with the dagger still protruding from his rib cage. Your party is now cursed by the Goddess of Death because your blood was spilled on the cursed obsidian blade. ‘Til next time, boys.”
The entire Party was silent for a moment in shock until Dustin loudly erupted. “What the hell was that?! The innkeeper? Eddie, he’s an NPC that was supposed to offer us shelter after saving the town, what the fuck?”
Jeff shook his head at him and patted Dustin’s shoulder, “hey man, Eddie really doesn’t like it when people break his rules. It’s better not to question the consequences.”
“What rules?” He turned to Eddie to point an accusing finger at him. “You said that you hated rules because they forced conformity onto people outside the mold. And all he did was say he was going to get his friend Stephen to help!”
Eddie’s eyes flashed dangerously as he leaned in closer to Dustin. “Roll for initiative and persuasion.”
“Roll Henderson!” He screamed. 
Dustin sighed brattily but rolled the dice as directed, “fourteen for initiative and ten for persuasion with my modifier.”
Eddie grinned at him maniacally. “Elric steps up to the innkeeper to try and appease him of his anger only for the man to pull another dagger from his cloak and slice it across Elric’s neck. You can feel the warmth of the blood spill down your front and feel some of the traitorous liquid bubble into your mouth and through your lips. You can’t breathe and can only gurgle a single question. What do you ask?”
“I ask him why he killed me!” Dustin said, a mixture of alarm, shock, and outrage in his voice. 
Eddie leaned in close to him, the evil glint in his eye still fully present and terrifying. He switches his cadence to match the hoarse voice of the innkeeper and says, “‘You can’t speak of Stephen or any of his aliases and stay in the world of the living.’ Elric falls to the ground and bleeds out all over the floor. The innkeeper steps over your useless body and says to your Party, ‘It’s a no to the shelter, take the bodies of your compatriots and leave or face the same fate.’”
Mike looks pissed and Lucas looks shocked at the turn this relatively happy session took. Meanwhile, Jeff and Grant were busy alternating their glares between Gareth and Eddie. Dustin just looked flabbergasted that his bard was murdered so callously by what he thought would be an innocent NPC.
“Alright, let’s pause there for now and we’ll pick it up next week. Some of you have new characters to make. Also, as a reminder to the senior members and a precaution for the new members, there will be absolutely no mention of Steve Harrington. Thank you, you’re adjourned.” Eddie spoke and waved them off. 
“What? But Steve-”
“I said adjourned, Henderson!” And from that moment on, Steve wasn’t mentioned at Hellfire. The kids slipped up here and there, especially given their hero worship of the guy but no one said his name aloud again in fear of losing another character. But then Eddie experienced the Spring Break from hell, found out that Steve Harrington was actually a pretty good guy, and started dating him.
The rule posed a problem once Eddie was finally able to talk Steve into joining a one-shot campaign. It took months of dating and illicit promises to get Steve to make a character, honorably named Steeb Munsington, and sit down with all of Hellfire to play. 
“So how’s this supposed to work? Are we just ignoring Steeb the entire campaign?” Lucas asked him.
“What why? Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something?” Steve looked adorably alarmed and glanced concernedly between Lucas and Eddie. 
Lucas patted his hand from his seat next to him. “Eddie has a rule about bringing you up during a session. If we mention you, our character gets serious hit points. No offense man, but I’m not taking that chance.”
Steve turned to Eddie with a hurt look. Oh shit, he had to fix this quick. 
“Obviously it’s void now! Obviously guys, shut up.” He turned to Steve. “Don’t worry Stevie, that was a joke.”
“Oh was it a joke when you murdered Elric the Bard for questioning Galahad’s unfair demise?!”
“Henderson, shut your mouth right now or you can kiss Kalston the Killer goodbye right now.” When he opened his mouth to argue, Eddie cut him off again. “The rule is clearly void now! I only had the rule in the first place so you guys wouldn’t be able to tease me about my crush on Steve. Now we’re dating so it’s fine. The rule has been discredited, no more capital punishment for mentioning his name.”
“You’re dating?!” Dustin screamed in shock. Eddie sent a panicked glance at Steve who was glaring at him with his arms crossed over his chest. He wouldn’t be getting any help from him. 
“You’re gay?” Mike muttered in bafflement. Wow, nothing got past that kid. 
“You murdered eleven of my characters because of a crush?” Gareth shrieked, his face turning red in anger.
Will stared at the two of them in shock while the rest of the Party raised their voices in uproar. He was completely frozen while insults and accusations were thrown, thankfully more due to the fact that Eddie had gone on a rampage as DM rather than them being gay. How were they not focusing on the gay comment?
“Not just a crush anymore, he’s been my boyfriend for months! And if you had stopped violating my rule, they wouldn’t have died! Anyways, let’s let bygones be bygones and move along with our campaign. We only have eight hours to get this done today before the sheep have curfew.” Eddie clapped his hands and grinned. 
Jeff shook his head at him and Grant muttered angrily under his breath. Gareth, though, exploded. “You murdered a shit ton of my characters for even saying words that sounded like Steve! And now you just want us to move along because you’re dating the guy now! Congratulations by the way, we all noticed you seemed happier lately. Steve, if you hurt him, I’ll kill you like he killed all of my characters for even saying your name. What the fuck, Eddie?!” 
“Jesus Christ, it was a long time ago! If you drop this, I’ll give everyone extra XP to start, okay? Double.” Gareth was still glaring at him. “Triple.”
“Fine but deep down, I’m still pissed off.” Gareth muttered. 
“Noted, now let’s start. Stevie, I can help you out if you need it. Steeb is going to do great, I’m sure. I’m not above torturing my friends when it comes to you, okay?”
“Eddie!” Everyone besides him and Steve yelled. Ah yes, this was going to be a good gameday indeed. 
Permanent tag list: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1
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princeoftheeternalbog · 1 year ago
OP characters reacting to you kissing them and running away (here's part 2) established relationship ish. Feel free to ask for other characters.
ALSO I've definitely seen another creator who did this idea with op characters but I can't remember who so if someone could tell me I would really love to credit them :(. I tried to make mine different but still it's the principal of it.
Slightly suggestive in some parts so mdni.
Thinks its a new game like tag but with kisses and it ends up actually becoming one. You'll both wait for the other to become distracted and then you'll strike, planting a kiss and sprinting off around the ship or the island you're docked at. It's not hard to chase after each other because the trails of laughter are so easy to follow and it always ends up with one of you on the floor from a tackle or something similar.
Gobsmacked. Genuinely his jaw drops especially if there's other people there and you get away so easily only because of how long it takes his brain to boot back online. Oh but he doesn't let it go. He waits until you're in a similar situation, either talking to someone or doing work and he sneaks up to pull you into a deep, intense kiss that leaves your knees weak. Like he fully puts the moves on you, hand on your lower back, other hand cradling your jaw, hes literally licking into your mouth and then he just disappears for the rest of the day. Asshole.
You are not running away from this man. Not in a scary way but he can't do just one short kiss, as soon as you're leaning in his hands settle firm on your hips and that grip is not something you can wiggle out of. You can try to run away but he just laughs at you and pulls you closer to him, ofc he would let go if you actually wanted him to but he knows what you're trying to pull. Says something like "Oh? Trying to run darlin? How sweet." swoon- Just don't even bother, he will always try to win if your affection is involved.
Honestly thinks nothing of it. A lot of your affection is sweet but quick because yk pirate life. But if you look disappointed from her lack of reaction then she catches on quickly and starts playing along. So sweet even though she can be scary. Oh but don't try to run if she's initiating, like Sanji you aren't going to get out of her grip. If she wants to shower you with affection, she is going to thank you very much. If you do manage to slip away she's surprisingly quick and surprisingly stealthy. Like you'll think you got away and you walk into a room and she drops down from the ceiling like fucking batman.
(maybe not that dramatic but shes good)
She lets you run away but only because she knows she could summon a mouth to kiss you at any time and in any place so she's content knowing she always wins. Also thinks it's really cute when you try to rile her up like this, she just finds it so endearing and usually ends up playing into it anyways- "My, my, aren't you getting so bold my love". Sometimes will purposefully trip you up while you're doing these antics so you can't get away or so your plan is ruined, absolutely pretends she has no idea what you're talking about.
Highly likely he was doing something when it happened. Highly likely he dropped something onto his foot as a result. Yowls like an injured cat and then when his brain catches up it's like steam comes out of his ears. Stands there with his mouth open and pointing at you like you betrayed his entire family. Very funny and very cute. Also a possibility of him smacking you out of fearful instinct in which case he'd probably cry his eyes out and beg for forgiveness. Nami makes it worse by punching him in the face for hitting you. A mess all around if you get him at the wrong time so just be careful.
Immediately sprinting after you, it's actually a bit scary. But like hey he's not letting you get away with just one measly little peck on the cheek. Absolutely nobody on the crew helps you unless it would be funny, i.e. someone tripping Ace up so he faceplants. If it's near the beginning of your relationship then you likely go back out of concern which he takes as a chance to catch you, but if it's later then you already know this man's antics and you know he wouldn't be injured just from tripping so you use it as an opportunity to get away💪. You still have to kiss it better later though when hes whining to you about how cruel you are for leaving him in the dust(he would do the same).
Don't bother. As soon as you turn he snatches you by the back of your collar and pulls you onto his lap, proceeds to resume his conversation like nothing is wrong but his arms are firm around your waist and his cheeks and ears are a particularly pretty shade of red. Once his conversation is over and the other person has left, he turns his attention to you with a very pointed look. He's not actually irritated but if he enjoys watching you squirm that's his business. "If you wanted a kiss you should've just asked my love" and then he's practically devouring your mouth. Doesn't care about the other people in the vicinity. Doesn't care that he's smudging his lipstick. Just wants to fluster you more than you flustered him.
Do you even want to run away from this man lets be real- anyways.
If he's doing work then he just laughs and lets you get away with it, tallys it in his head for later, but if he's free and hes in a good mood then he absolutely plays into it. Will chase after you. Will cheat by using his powers. Its a bit scary but also very attractive, somehow ends with him pinning you in some way (☺️), looks very smug when he wins. Like you'll end up flat on your back, legs trapped under his and his hands restraining yours and he's just grinning- "Oh what a surprise. You were so easy to catch-yoi" Yeah yeah shut up. Absolutely asks what his reward is just to see your shocked face (absolutely asks again later when you two are alone).
VILLAIN!!!!!! Sorry only way i can describe how devious and obsessed this man would be. Like Izou he tries to snatch you immediately but you planned for this so you manage to spring out of his grip in time. You falter a bit at his reaction then because he just blinks at you for a while. You start to feel a bit nervous and when he finally grins at you, you definitely feel nervous. "Playing like that are we honey? How about I give you a headstart then?" Evil. You know he's going to catch you. He knows he's going to catch you. He's just giving you false hope but yk hope is hope so you take the chance.
You don't get far. It's not even fair how quickly he catches up to you and gets you underneath him, it takes him barely any effort, not even a strand of hair is out of place. Spends the next 10 minutes kissing you on the floor of the hallway until Koala comes back and promptly drags him back into his office.
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emsartwork · 1 year ago
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Previously Fairy of the Dragon Flame now Fairy of Embers. She doesn't have any transformations others than these because she was fast tracked into the nymphix path, and unlike the winx the majority of fairies don't pursue additional transformations past enchantix. (i think Daphne would be interested in Dreamix tho, so maybe I'll draw that eventually.
Her major color shifted after dying and being revived, which is shown in her winx and enchantix.
other lore and design notes below!
I changed her major color from orange/yellow to more of a teal/green because. she just doesn't look good in yellow I'm sorry I really tried but it wasn't working. Also little updates to her hair color, nothing huge tho. Daphne's primary motifs are a branching "Y" shape and a double oval/tear drop. She's a pants when possible girlie and a one set winger(yes her nymphix looks like it have multiple wings but they all merge into one stem on each side) . Her scars from her Sirenix being ripped out of her caused her winx/enchantix to change a little to cover them(mostly seen in the arms) due to insecurity. Her Dryadix/nymphix flower is a daffodil! because pun Daph-Daff, and Daffodils symbolize rebirth and new beginnings (also creativity, energy, resilience, forgiveness and vitality). Her Harpix wings aren't super specificly patterned, but she has darting wings common in small song and seed birds (robins, finches, brown birds etc.) the coloring is referential of a Shrike (also called a Butcher Bird), because Daphne was. incredibly dangerous and if she had sided with the ancestral probably would have been given a moniker similar to Butcher of Domino or Daphne the Slaughterer. (some people do call her these but its mostly among people who dislike Domino/The Royal Family.)
Lore! Daphne doesn't have a great sense of self, she was planned as a necessary successor to Marion/the dragon flame in a period as the ancestral witches were escalating their attacks and search for the dragon flame. Bloom was a back up baby in case both Daphne and Marion got dead and basically worked as intended haha. Daphne was also much more publicly involved in the kingdom than many of the other royals in winx (Stella, Aisha, Krystal and even Galatea to an extent all had rather sheltered upbringings) in a way Daphne is much more like Sky and Thoren in the since that none of them really had the space to develop their own personality outside of their familial duty.
Daphne's 1st winx and enchantixes are as direct a copy of her mom's Enchantix as you can get with transformations, right down to the more greenish tint of her major color. Growing up Marion used her fairy form liberally, so that, combined with being the next Dragon Flame holder left a deep impact on Daphne's subconscious. Daphne was also heavily influenced by Faragonda during her Alfea and Nymphix Quest years, but since she was older this isn't as deep an influence. After being revived, Daphne's years of defining herself as her connection to Bloom causes her major color to shift more blue in response to her trauma. Daphne is slowly starting to develop a sense of self outside of her titles/connections but it's unlikely her major color will shift again unless she has another major trauma.
(for the record the Winx do have trauma over the timeline I have laid out that would potentially cause their major colors to shift but I didn't do that for a couple reasons 1, their colors are iconic and make them easily recognizable as characters; 2, I'm a tired bitch. )
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gatitties · 2 years ago
Can I request teen!fem Reader with the (strawhat pirates & kid pirates & heart pirates)( the older version of them please in there 40 or 60).
The Reader got hurt very badly and she was in coma for month.
But of course everything was fine when the Reader wakes up and everyone is happy♡.
P.s : take your time okay :) .
─Strawhats, Kid Pirates & Heart Pirates x teen!reader (platonic)
─Summary: A life-threatening attack hits you and everyone is worried about your condition
─Warnings: the characters are older, like in those 40/60 year old drawings (reference)
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─ You are the little light of the group, being the youngest everyone was always watching you in battle, they had full faith in your abilities, but they would not stop being worried.
─ But you're not always in a completely accessible place, the others also have their own fights at the same time so the world seems to stop when the sound of your body hitting the ground catches Nami's attention. "Oh- No- no- my god, Chopper!"
─ Usopp, who was the one who had only been running and launching light attacks, was the first to approach your body, noticing a large pool of blood around you and a big blow on your head, he turned pale when he saw you.
─ He easily carried you in his arms and took you to a less dangerous place while Chopper rushed to finish off his own opponent, he was with you in just a couple of minutes, he could be older, but he won't stop losing his nerve when he has than treating a loved one, "A doctor! We need a doctor right away!" "You're the doctor?!" "Oh right!"
─ While the others finish as quickly as possible to know if you are okay, you are treated emergency, managing to stop the bleeding and stabilizing your vital signs.
─ The problem was that you spent one day sleeping, two, three… and it became the longest week for the entire crew.
─ Everyone was impatient and uneasy, they would not forgive themselves if something happened to you, they knew that you would wake up sooner or later, they would just wait for you.
─ Chopper checks on you daily, Sanji puts a glass of fresh water on the nightstand every day in case you wake up and no one is there at that moment, Luffy and Usopp will sit down to play any board game to keep you company, Zoro will take some occasional nap on the floor (chopper puts some pillows and blankets there because age doesn't forgive back pain), Nami and Robin will talk to you as if you were gossiping with them on a normal day, Brook will sing something at night so that in your sleep better, Jinbe and Franky stop by from time to time to see if you're awake.
─ Everyone's spirits fade when the second week passes with no indication that you will wake up and they think the worst, however they cling to the fact that your condition is stable, you are healthy and you are much younger than them.
─ A month later, Luffy had fallen asleep resting his hand on your shoulder, he didn't give you time to open your eyes and you already had your captain hugging you. "Hey, it's been a while, I don't even sleep that much after a good meal!"
─ You laughed confused because you obviously didn't know how long you had been out, and it didn't take long for the others to find out, you were surrounded in a big hug although Chopper scolded everyone because he still had to do one last check before letting you walk freely.
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─ This team fights with everything it has and you were not going to be less, although much younger, you were much more energetic than that whole group of old men, as you affectionately nicknamed them since they sometimes called you kiddo or child.
─ The problem is that sometimes you were somewhat impulsive, and that's why you attacked too quickly. Kid smiled, seeing himself reflected in your recklessness, although he scolded you. "Don't get ahead, these guys aren't as weak as they seem."
─ You turned a deaf ear since you had advanced well in the attack, but in an instant everything had gone black for you, a fatal blow to the abdomen left you completely out of combat.
─ "Oh fuck, the kiddo is hurt, shit- like, really screwed up, needs medical attention right away!" Heat is the one closest to you and the one in charge of protecting you until the bloodbath ends, which they do more quickly.
─ Killer knows that you won't wake up today because when they sewed the wound you didn't wake up because of the pain, he knew that you were very complaining about pain of any kind despite being a teenager.
─ The tension grows as the days go by, uncertainty because you don't wake up to joke that you've knocked down more guys, they are mentally torturing themselves even though they don't let it be seen.
─ Wire will talk to you to tell you all the gossip you miss, Killer will stop by every morning before starting the day hoping to see that you are standing, Heat will sleep next to you some days and Kid will not visit as often because he is venting his discomfort in his workshop.
─ Kid has been in a worse mood the last few weeks because you were the person with the smallest hands and he needed your help with some screws that were too small, which delayed his project, he missed your annoying little presence making jokes about his old age .
─ Killer had full faith that you would wake up sooner or later because they had treated you on time, it just made him nervous not knowing when it would be, "I will make your favorite food if you wake up today…" he always said in the hope that the food would open your eyes.
─ A month later when everyone got used to the lack of a gremlin running from one place to another (they didn't get used to it, that's what they want to think), you woke up, there was no one there at that moment so you got rid of all the cables, feeling good.
─ "Hey child- holy shit! you're awake, hey- what are you doing up?! You need to get checked before you walk around again" "I'm fresh as a lettuce captain! I can't say the same for you… but uh-" "I'm glad to see you're okay." He put his only arm over your shoulder and squeezed you like in a wrestling hold, roughly rubbing your head.
─ They used you as an excuse to have a party, although you didn't care much because you also celebrated and ate your favorite food.
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─ Law was going to kill Shachi and Penguin because you got hurt on a mission with them, you took several hits, which exhausted you, and what you thought would be a nap back on the submarine ended up being something worse.
─ They tried to keep you awake while they used what Law had taught them about minimal care, but you couldn't continue.
─ They didn't even set foot in the submarine and you were already in a bed in the infirmary, the smell of blood gave away your condition, "I want a report on what happened and the area of the body that was most beaten, we will talk about your punishment later", both swallowed, knowing that their captain did not like to see his comrades injured but above all, to see someone with so much life ahead of them injured.
─ You are treated immediately and quickly, Law knows that you will not wake up for at least a week due to the blows and your condition, but you would get out of this, that does not prevent him from feeling an emptiness in the pit of his stomach.
─ Bepo will be in your room most of the time, reading out loud so that according to him, you wouldn't get bored in your dreams, Shachi and Penguin got some free time (because they were forced to clean the entire submarine until it shined) to apologize to you.
─ Ikakku stopped by from time to time to check your vital signs and tell you some things that had been happening.
─ Even though they knew you would wake up, not knowing when the moment would be made the entire crew impatient, although Law detected some changes in your condition after a month, he knew when you would finally open your eyes, which reassured him.
─ "What the hell…?" You mumbled when you woke up seeing that your arms and legs were tied, "I'm glad to see you awake" "How are you glad if I'm tied to a bed? Oh don't tell me, have you finally lost your mind and going to dissect me?" He sighed "Security, I knew you were going to get up as soon as you woke up and I want to do one last check" "Sure…"
─ Everyone found out later because you started screaming as if you were being tortured just because had to supply something with a syringe, at least you prolonged your hug with Bepo because of that.
─ Shachi and Penguin apologized to you again, but you downplayed it, right now what mattered most to you was having a good meal, you were hungry and Ikkaku had the solution to all your problems.
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chibinightowl · 1 year ago
Today has been a day. Just a lot of hospital stress this week between my mom and my husband's surgeries and this is how it's coming out (they're both fine and are recovering well).
Dick finds Tim in a waiting room at Gotham General, slumped in a faded blue plastic chair that's seen better days. At some point during the day, his brother had been immaculately dressed for the office. But now, his blue pin-striped suit is wrinkled, his collar is unbuttoned, and his shirtsleeves have been rolled up. There was a tie somewhere as Dick knows Tim never leaves home without one on an office day, but it's anyone's guess as to where it currently is.
"Hey. I got here as fast as I could," he says, taking the open seat beside Tim. He did too, calling Wally as soon as he got the news from Barbara. "How's Jason?"
Tim opens his eyes, giving him a look that is more dead than alive. "Still critical."
Pain lances through Dick at the two words. He'd lost Jason once before and the guilt from being off world when his Little Wing needed him the most still ate at him in the darkest parts of his psyche. And now, here he is sitting with another brother he never thought he'd have, one who's been through so much trauma and loss of his own--and who is on the verge of possibly losing another loved one.
A car-pedestrian accident. The gall of something so normal and mundane having the potential to take out the Red Hood--or any of them for that matter--is enough to make Dick want to punch the taupe wall of this dreary waiting room.
To be honest, he's rather surprised none of the others are here yet. Well, expect Bruce. He's off world with the JL and...
"Do you think Bruce knows yet?"
Tim's shrug is so minute Dick might have missed it if he wasn't watching closely. "Can't say I care right now. He and Jay got into another of their big fights before he left. Said if Jay can't clean up his act, then don't bother coming back."
Dick winces and easily reads between the lines of what Tim isn't saying given their semi-public place. Even in Bludhaven, he'd heard about the execution-style murder of a known pedophile--and that it was the Red Hood who'd done it.
"He didn't do it, Dick," Tim whispers, catching his gaze as tears build in his eyes. "I was there. I know he didn't. But Bruce didn't listen to either of us, said I was covering for him because he's in my pants." Those last words are practically spat out. "I think this is the first time I've ever felt like I hate him. He just doesn't listen!"
That's a feeling Dick knows all too well. He also knows now why the others aren't here--that Barbara called him first because Tim doesn't need just comfort.
He needs his big brother.
Dick slides from the chair to kneel on the floor in front of Tim. "Now that is something I know a lot about." He takes Tim's hands and squeezes them firmly. "I'm not going to tell you it'll get better. I'm also not going to say you need to be the bigger person and forgive him. What I am going to tell you is that I believe you and that I believe in Jason."
Tim's breath hitches and he falls into Dick's open arms sobbing. Thank yous fall from his lips and into Dick's jacket. Tears fill his own eyes as he remembers another time where he didn't believe this little bird, his first Robin.
Time hasn't necessarily dulled the guilt, but it has given him perspective. He'd done what he thought best at the time and owned up to it when he'd been proven wrong--a trait not shared by their mentor and father-figure.
"We'll get through this together," Dick soothes, running a hand up and down Tim's back. "You, me, and everyone else. We're all here for you and we're all pulling for Jason."
As he speaks, he glances up and spots Alfred hurrying down the hall with Damian and Duke in tow. Both boys are still dressed in their school uniforms, so Alfred must have pulled them out early. Behind them are Cass and Steph, hands held tightly.
"We're all here," he repeats, nudging Tim's chin to make him look up. "And we're not going anywhere."
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tarta-de-limon · 29 days ago
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anyways do you have any ocs perchance I would like to draw em
And omg, I do but... they're kinda cringey.
Anyway here they are!!!!
It's a quick drawing of all of them, they don't belong to the same storyline tho, I created them to entertain myself, and it's a sketch like this because I actually draw them traditionally, not digitally. I draw them in my classes.
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They're more like... introduced characters into DC universe??? As you can see second Luan on the right is WonderGirl, so...yeah, cringey.
But I want to share their stories because I love them!!!
If you don't care, you can skip, I already gave their designs right here, so knowing their stories is kind of unnecessary??? I put some photos ahead, so you can skip the text and go to the photos if you want to draw any of them and need references!
So, Natalya is actually just a normal teenager, daughter of Bruce Wayne, didn't really cared about her mother so... she's dead, I guess. Maybe a one night stand. I created her because I thought it would be cute for Damian to have a gentle, kind big sister figure? In that moment I wasn't into DC in general, so I didn't know about Cass and Steph, I only watched the movies.
But then I read the comics, and well, here's her lore:
So, she's very fragile, she gets tired easily, she gets sick easily, but as a kid, she really, really wanted to be a to do sports and all that to prove Bruce and others she wasn't weak. She knew Jason and was super close to him. Then Jason died haha. She felt alone, Bruce was grieving, Dick was grieving, she gets angry, she hates everyone, then Tim takes the mantle of Robin, Natalya hates him.
Like, really, really hates him.
Uhh... Idk if this is canon or not, because as I've said before, I'm not a Tim fan...
So, in this au Tim's parents die, Natalya feels bad, kinda tries to fix things, doesn't really work.
So she's been always trying to be loud and annoying to call others attention, but after this, she kinda quiets down??? And realizes that, well, sometimes listening is nice too, yk? I remember I had this scene where she's complaining to Alfred, like; why won't he forgive me!? I already said sorry! (She's a kid)
And Alfred tells her to, well, to kinda listen to others? Because all she's listening is herself; I already apologized, I already said I'm sorry, I'm right, you're wrong.
And well, ever since then Natalya kinda calms down and learns that, well, sometimes life is life, and that she never really had a passion for sports, she didn't even liked them she just wanted to be noticed.
She realizes that what she does like is playing chess with Alfred, and well, she joins the chess club of her school, once she's calmer and nicer Tim forgives her, they become close. Everything's going just fine...
And then Damian arrives.
But Natalya is super happy, she had a little brother! And she was going to be the best sister and give him all the attention and affection she didn't have when she was a kid.
At first Damian doesn't like it. Then he kinda does. Is nice to have someone caring for you, and Natalya is just...nice. she's the type of girl that likes to take care of others, and that really likes to do little gestures like baking sweets for you when you're feeling sick.
... then she dies. Yeah. Idk why I decided she would die. She just does.
Damian revives her with the Lazarus pit, because he feels it was his fault (something, something happened, Natalya covered him with her body, she dies). I really wanna go into detail but it'll be too long.
And when she revives she's kinda traumatized! But she's adapting. Besides, her body isn't as weak as it used to. I have this scene where she's running and she realizes; Wait, I'm running. I'm not tired. I'm not having trouble breathing. I'm running!!!!
So Natalya's kinda happy, I guess.
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(she ends up with a bunch of scars and her left eye is grey now. She can't see with that one. She was shot. Multiple times. I like to think her scar have like this 💥 form.
Uh... second one is Luan(19)! I actually created her, again, while I was watching the movies; wouldn't it be funny if Damian had a twin sister? So that's where the design came from. Damian in the movies doesn't look like o picture him now tho 😭😭✋✋✋ anyway, her lore? Well, as Damian twin sister: she was trained, killed, revived, killed, revived, then she was poisoned with Joker Venom, but it kind of made her crazy, she tries to blow up the whole city, she realizes last moment what she's doing, she develops like...personality problems??? (Her real self and the venom self, kind of), she runs away.
She spends time trying to find who she is, then she returns to Gotham to end a criminal organization she created while she was a villain. She refuses to talk with the batfam because she feels to guilty, because well, she kinda tried to kill them all.
That's as Damian's twin tho. As a new Oc? Idk... she's a villain... that's it. I didn't really thought about her new lore. I just really like her design. I created a boyfriend for her, when I was redesigning her to be older and just a different person. She met him when she was fighting batman and Robin, and he kinda "saved" her ("saved' because she knew he was spying on her and pretended to be loosing to see what he would do). His name is Kairos. It means: a propitious moment for decision or action. I think it's pretty accurate.
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Kate is my favorite. She's such a tiny little devil I love her so much.
Her real name is Lydia, actually, she lived with her mother, a drug addict, in crime alley. When she was three or so, one day she kinda got mad at her mom, a temper tantrum, and well, she had the bad habit of hiding while she was angry.
Well she hid under the bed and just then some bad guys appeared because, surprise, her drug addict mother owed them money.
They killed her...uhhh, warning, I guess:
⚠️ They kinda... strangled her. And I have this scene where the just put her against the floor, the woman is dying, and Kate is there, under the bed, and she can't do shit because, she's a damn toddler and is scared? ⚠️
She stayed there, hidden under the bed for a whole day, just in shock, before she ran away from her apartment and just... Idk, she just wanted to leave. She was panicking, alright?
The point is, Selina finds her.
Kate is in a state of shock and doesn't really react, so Selina takes her in and gives her a new name. Kate! Like kitten, get it?
She's kind of a prodigy??? She's a smart ass, she knows how to build all type of machines and is pretty smart.
So she fixes Selina's little gadgets if needed, and Selina will buy her materials so she can build her machines.
There's more lore to her but, well, let's just say this is too long already.
She kinda gets traumatized. She's fighting for her life, she cuts her hair. She heals. She becomes a better person.
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Anyway here's the other Luan's lore:
She's WonderGirl, she was supposed to train with Diana but Diana decides she's not ready. She's too... brutal. She fights like boxing? You see those bracelets? They extent to her hands so they turn into big gauntlets she uses to fight. So yeah, violent. The thing is like she actually has fun while fighting. She'll be jumping and giggling, and well, that's not very...sane thing to do?
She grew up in Themyscira, by a secluded group of Amazons that just taught her how to fight, and how to be 'a good warrior'.
When Damian forms his Teen Titans team he kinda kidnapped her too (because let's be honest, he kidnapped everyone, lmao). Damian feels kinda related to her??? Because Luan is always sayin: a good warrior does this, a good warrior does that. And she's willing to die for 'her honor.' it kinda reminds him to how he used to be in the League.
I honestly created her because Jon and Damian were missing a wonder to be like, Batman, superman and Wonder woman. And then I kinda liked to think Damian and Luan would have something. Honestly? This is all Djinni's fault. God, did I hate her.
But uh, then I had this idea where she kinda gets lost in time and she kinda looses her memories and...
Yeah, I won't give details. You already know why. Too long.
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Oh yeah, and she used to kill. Damian taught her not to!
Anyway, that's all, I'm so sorry for my rambling, I just had to share them because I love them so much. 😭😭😭
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ultimate-marysue · 4 months ago
The irony of Zur-En-Arrh (Bruce Wayne's back up personality that's 100% Batman) is that their plan to stop him should not have worked. Like, at all
For those of you who avoided that shitshow, here's a mini summary of what happened: Bruce started to lose it getting more and more influenced by Zur-En-Arrh inside his head, pushing his kids away. Eventually Zur manages to separate and upload himself into Failsafe, a robot created by Bruce to upload his consciousness once his body started to fail due to age so he could continue to be Batman. Bruce, now free, teams up with his kids (who forgive him way too quickly) to take him down because the power of love is stronger than the power of Batman or something.
Up to this point, good. Not a big fan of how they're choosing to put every single time Bruce does something hurtful under "Zur-En-Arrh did it", but I can see where they're going with it. My problem is with their plan to take him down.
The Failsafe body is designed to shut down if you kill someone, so Bruce chooses to sacrifice himself and come back thanks to -and I shit you not- some sort of concentrated Lazarus fluid. Jason of all people decides he should be the one to die since ha has the experience -what is this comic???- so the plan is for Jason to get Zur-En-Arrh to kill him.
That's when the whole meme of Jason being dead for like, two pages, was around because that's exactly what happens: Zur-En-Arrh kills him from one punch, it triggers Failsafe's shutdown protocol, Jason comes back. All the absolute bullshit aside, because we truly don't have the time to unpack all that, it shouldn't have worked.
The reason why Failsafe shuts down if you kill is because of Batman's number one rule: no killing. So you're telling me that Zur-En-Arrh, who's basically 100% Batman, only went like a week or two before straight up killing someone??? Obviously he wouldn't care it was his son because he's 0% Bruce, he would have ruthlessly fought and subdued anyone who stood on his way, no matter how dear to Bruce they were. That's the point of Zur-En-Arrh, no sentimental distractions.
But also, he's 100% Batman, the dude that 100% doesn't kill, the dude with 100% control of the strength and accuracy of his blows so he doesn't kill someone, not even on accident. How could he be so easily baited into punching Jason hard enough to kill him? Does Jason suddenly have metahuman abilities to super annoy people??? And he doesn't question why Mr "I don't kill, not even the Joker" is okay with bashing his skull in in just one blow??
I would sort of take it if they put the effort into showing how they tricked him to turn a regular blow into a lethal one, that could have been interesting. Maybe Bruce tries it and can't get it right and Jason takes the blow because he's the one that gets the opportunity. That way he's not just offering himself as a sacrificial lamb just for funsies, he's actually making a heroic sacrifice to end the fight before someone else gets hurt instead of letting it drag until Bruce finds his opening. You could have more tension of whether they're gonna be fast enough with the Lazarus fluid, maybe the other Robin's need to play catch with the vial while avoiding the other bad guys to get to him on time. But I digress, the important part is fucking consistency.
Either show that Zur-En-Arrh is whiling to kill before jumping inside Failsafe (which would be hard, because why wouldn't he uninstall the shut down protocol?), or make sure you the challenge of tricking Batman into accidentally killing someone comes through. Because you're kinda implying that Batman would kill if he had no feelings and that's just... completely against the character. If anything the comics show that Batman needs to overcome his emotions to avoid killing Joker.
This is the central point to defeating your enemy. It is based on the idea that Batman designed his failsafe to short circuit if he killed someone. And they don't do anything to explain or justify Batman breaking his one rule whether on purpose or accident. It just happens because it has to happen and "how cool is it that we outsmarted him?". It's not earned and much like a lot of this run, is not satisfactory (to me, if you're cool with it genuinely good for you, wish that was me)
Even if Not Killing came from Bruce's emotionality, it would be included into the Batman personality. There's plenty to Batman that comes from Bruce's emotions, and Zur-En-Arrh puts people into jail. It's not like they've Established him having a murderous streak. If he were completely clinical about it he would never willingly kill and, with his ability and understanding of the human body, tricking him into killing without making it obvious that that's what you're doing would be an absolute feat worthy of getting the whole Batfam together.
It wouldn't have made me like the idea of the story. It still relies on everyone forgiving him super quickly, Deux ex Lazarus and a lot of other contrivances; but at least it wouldn't contradict Batman's number one rule. I'm not asking for character consistency, good writing or even continuity, I'm just begging you to understand the single most basic thing about the character.
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fungus-no69 · 6 months ago
Hi, I really love reading about your PC (Cain? The one that can fight Bailey)
Do you think you can tell us about his interactions/feelings with LI!
omg hiiii (fluttering my eyelashes kicking my legs twirling my hair) thank you so much for the ask!!! i love to talk about my pcs and ocs and stuff
Cain is a menace but he does have his favs!! He has male LIs :]
cw: Dol typical bullying, assault/fighting and attempted murder mentions in Whitney's, stalking and kidnapping in Kylar's (kidnapping in Eden's), heavily violent fantasies and death in Bailey's
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Sydney!!!! Sydney was the first person he met at school who didn't try to fight him even when Cain was initially very destructive around the library- i.e. accidentally knocking over shelves, starting fights, returning books covered in mud and scratches- there were many times they bickered and such but Cain began to warm up to Sydney, trying harder to keep books clean and fighting anyone being a dick to Syd. They became very slow friends and often go to the beach together just to hang out. They do like each other but Cain wants to remain friends for the moment due to his living situation which is basically avoiding Bailey, sleeping in the wolf cave, being in and out of jail and he doesn't want his bad behaviour to rub off on Sydney or make him a target of bullying
Black Wolf Despite the rocky start, Black Wolf and Cain get along- they've reached a kind of mutual understanding and respect. Not really much to say here honestly, they'd probably play fetch together I guess.
Alex They're not close at all but again, they're respectful of each other. Alex's dogs like Cain and Alex trusts their judgement. Alex hasn't harassed Cain and for him? that's a win. Alex thinks it's funny when Cain tries to eat the birds that rest on the fence, he's still trying to figure out if Cain actually lives in a cave or not because he sure looks more and more like it by the day. Smells like it too. ...Cain has had to promise not to eat the livestock
Robin They were childhood friends. Cain would play with Robin and Robin would basically run damage control- however they've started to drift. Robin barely sees Cain at school anymore and he doesn't come home so yeah. Cain still considers Robin a friend but wishes he would stand up for himself more (and get an actual job). He can't always be there.
Whitney They HATE each other, it was a bad impression from the start but now, whenever they see each other they fucking FIGHT. It's getting to the point where it's not even funny anymore, they are actually attempting murder at times. One time Whitney gave Cain a chipped tooth and Cain broke his nose and strangled him as a response. They had to have no less than 5 students and 2 teachers to separate them. It's not a great relationship to say the least, but for some reason Whitney still antagonises Cain despite knowing the consequences.
Kylar This one's a doozy. Initially, Cain defended Kylar because he pitied him but as the stalking picked up?? Their relationship quickly went downhill. Cain got downright aggressive with him and Kylar didn't really like that. Cue hysterical Kylar kidnapping Cain and his escape. Yeah, he doesn't like that guy. Whenever Kylar approaches Cain nowadays it's either he gets ignored or punched. Cain doesn't forgive easily let alone for being kidnapped. Their relationship won't change any time soon, if at all. Bonus:
Wren They're blackjack buddies, Cain's not super good with words or tact but he knows how to play a fucking card game. Surprisingly doesn't cheat and has never lost a game. Thinks Wren is funny but also kind of a dick for stealing his clothes. May or may not have panicked and thrown him into the water at the docks.
Harper Listen, Cain's not the brightest bulb in the box- probably not even in the top 10- but he's pretty sure that's not what an actual doctor's certificate looks like (referring to the crayon drawn paper on the wall). Unimpressed.
Avery Thinks he's creepy but hasn't really had enough interactions with him to form a stronger opinion
Eden FUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOU Cain doesn't like him. He got captured once, escaped pretty quick but still holds nothing but hate for Eden. Even without being tied up, Eden's always stealing his fucking prey and he's pretty sure the other guy knows Bailey.
Bailey The orphanage owner himself. Cain wants to kill him and feed him to the dogs on the street- maybe drag his lifeless corpse to his pack so that they can have a big meal for once without that stupid hunter's interference. He wants to crush his windpipe and feel bones crack under his hands- really prolong it so Bailey understands the shit Cain's gone through to get here and how much this fucking town has destroyed him as a person. No, he doesn't care about the future- because Bailey is not a person to him, but instead a leash that strangles him at every turn and Cain is selfish. He is bitter and hopeless and he knows it. Something something kicked dog with rabies.
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sidekick-hero · 1 year ago
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On April 2nd, freshly delivered to AO3: Emotional Motion Sickness, my contribution to the @strangerthingsreversebigbang inspired by art from the amazing @arimakes
Have a lil snippet as a treat 💜
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When he looks at Eddie again, he sees that the other man is already looking back at him. A warm smile is on his face, which Steve returns without thinking. It grows even wider when Eddie takes his hand in his own and caresses his knuckles.
"So, I just had at least twenty different conversations with you in my head and none of my opening lines were any good. You were great, don't worry, you said all the right things." Steve laughs at the sheer ridiculousness of it all. He didn't pick Eddie to be a Casanova, but definitely a charmer. And while Eddie is charming, he's apparently also a total dork.
In other words, he is exactly Steve's type.
"I hope you'll forgive me if I mess up this one too, I'm trying a new approach," Eddie announces, clearing his throat. "Steve, would you allow me the honor of showing you that kink can be different than what you just described?"
When Steve says nothing for too long, Eddie adds hastily, "Not that you were wrong, not at all. Everything you described is kink, and I'm pretty sure you'd find people here for all those things. I'm just saying I could show you a different part of it, one you might like. Or not, which would be totally fine. We can stop at any time and you can say no to anything, consent is the most important thing.” Without really waiting for an answer, Eddie barrels on. "God, I'm really screwing this up, aren't I? Twenty-one tries and I'm still fumbling it, no wonder I was always picked last in gym class.“
Steve, who, thanks to his friendship with Robin, can spot a nervous rambler from a mile away, flips their hands, laces his fingers with Eddie's and squeezes his hand. "Deep breaths, Eddie. You're fine, I promise. It's actually a sweet offer, and I hope the "me" in your head told you that, too.”
Staring at their joined hands with a smile, Eddie ducks his head and looks back at Steve with a painfully sincere, hopeful expression on his face. God, he's so screwed, Steve thinks, an all too familiar feeling tugging at his heart. No, no, no, way too soon, abort, he scolds his heart, but he knows it's not listening. It never does.
"So? What do you think? Or if you need more time to think, that's totally cool, too." Eddie tells him earnestly and Steve believes him. He can tell how much Eddie wants him to say yes, but he's willing to wait for Steve, no matter how long it takes. Steve has no idea how he can know that, since he doesn't know much more about the man than his name, but he does. It's in the way Eddie keeps smiling at him, his thumb running absentmindedly over the back of Steve's hand, his body language open and soft.
As he keeps looking at the man in front of him, Steve marvels at how different it feels to be wanted by Eddie. The guys he had been with before had been easy, a sure thing, their hunger for Steve palpable but shallow. Easily satiated and discarded. With Eddie, it's deeper, more substantial. He makes Steve feel wanted in a different way, not as a means to an end. Rather, it feels like at this moment, there is nothing in this world for Eddie but Steve and the prospect of taking Steve home and exploring something new with him. It's heady and warm and Steve wants to say yes.
Steve had wanted to say yes to Eddie the moment he first laid eyes on him, if he's being honest.
So he does. He tells Eddie he'd love to and bathes in the sheer glow of Eddie's answering smile.
Just like when he entered the Hideout tonight, he has no idea what he's getting into, but at least this time he's not alone.
A special shout out to my cheerleaders @firefly-party and @thefreakandthehair as well as @starrystevie and of course for the most amazing beta @acasualcrossfade who picked this one apart and helped me put it back together even better. Love you guys! 💜🥰
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blacklegsanjiii · 1 year ago
ohh now i HAVE to hear more about that charlotte!sanji au. so much potential!! crippled hands, big brother katakuri (what about brulee and pudding btw?), dead judge (as he should be >:D)- do the crew blame katakuri for sanjis hands at first? i mean if a feared big mom pirate barged on my ship with my kidnapped crewmate missing an appendage or two, i might jump to a conclusion or two. and even if sanji forgives katakuri, i feel like some of his crewmates might not be so quick to do so, at least until they see how much he genuinely cares about sanji. oh and sanji must make incredible donuts :DD
Sanji saved his hands, but barely. Not used to using armament on the upper half of his body. Katakuri, who just yote a very injured Sanji onto the Sunny and then just fucking jumped on as well? Luffy probably punches immediately and Katakuri is just like "GET US OUT OF HERE!"
Brulee probably encouraged this. Being the other sibling closest to Katakuri he probably brought this to them and Pudding? Fuck Pudding in this instance. As much as Katakuri wants to take care of his baby sister. Sanji might lose his hands and that's his biggest priority and Brulee is going to distract Big Mom and give them enough time to escape and is also going to explain to Pudding, who doesn't even really remember Sanji from before Katakuri took him, that Sanji was not trying to break her heart but fulfill his dream. Pudding understands but she's angry.
Also when the crew sees Katakuri just spear Judge with his trident mid shit talk? Luffy is confused, very confused. Chopper is fussing over Sanji who has kind of sort of calmed down, he's not screaming any more and is looking at Katakuri's bloody trident like he just did the unthinkable.
"It was deserved." Katakuri says. "Mama probably deserves it as well." And Sanji just nods as Chopper works on him.
"So who are you?" Nami asks.
"I'm Charlotte Katakuri, defected Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates." Katakuri answers.
"He's basically my oldest brother." Sanji murmurs as the blood loss gets to him. Everyone starts freaking out about that instead of the dead king now.
In Wano everyone is looking at Sanji's bandaged arms and hands and the twenty foot tall mochi man next to him and before Sanji can even say anything Zoro is attacking Katakuri with Robin. Katakuri fends them off easily since he can see into the future by a few moments and Nami yells at them both to stop and that he's part of the reason Sanji is back with the crew and not dead.
"And he killed Sanji's dad." Luffy says helpfully.
"He killed the king of Germa?" Franky asks.
"Yeah, speared through the gut with his trident." Chopper nods.
"I could feel my heart pounding the entire time, except I don't have one 'cause I'm dead! Yohoho! Skull joke!" Brook says.
"Thank you for taking care of my little brother in my stead." Katakuri bows to the Strawhat crew.
"What the fuck, Black Leg?" Law asks as he rooms and scans his arms.
"Don't worry about it, he's on our side. I should probably make some donuts soon." Sanji shrugs.
"You do make the best." Katakuri nods.
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hopetune · 6 days ago
🎲 KISSY?!?!?!?!?!?1!!2!?1
kiss roulette (accepting!) || a kiss while laughing
She doesn't mean to laugh as much as she does, stars forgive her, she knows how easily Lynette must fluster. But Robin can't help the mirth that bleeds into her voice when she sees the dollops of cream stuck all over her face. Seems the baking date she had proposed was not without its risks—but better the threat of rogue batter than something more Perilous, something more like the threats they've experienced before. No more Hearts or Hurt—let this be the biggest of their problems!
Robin sets down her mixing bowl, and cups her hand around Lynette's face. Gazing deep into her eyes, she finds something like a warmth spill outward from her chest. An outpouring of emotion that feels light and overwhelming at once, as though she had flung open the blinds after a long night of Darkness. There's something about caressing Lynette, such a quiet and precious soul, that makes Robin feel blessed. Rare is the opportunity for her to hold the Fontanian so close, and so she cherishes it like jewels. Gentle as the touch of feathers, her thumb wipes away most of the mess, save for the bit of cream that stuck by the corner of her lip. The songstress smiles.
"Oh, Miss Lynette…" Robin says softly, eyes glittering with all the fondness of two clasped hands, "you're very charming, did you know that? Let me clean the rest for you."
She laughs again—a bright, free sort of expression, with both wings aflutter—and plants a kiss on the corner of Lynette's mouth before the giggle has even faded from sound.
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familyvideostevie · 2 years ago
HAPPY ONE YEAR!!! For your celebration, what about a 🐚 Seashell Blurb for Steve Harrington with the line: "It's been a long year and all of our book's pages are dog-eared," from "Everywhere, Everything" by Noah Kahan!
hi!!! you've been here for so long, so thank you so much!!!! i love this song <3 great pick! here's you and steve reflecting on a year of knowing each other :) friends to lovers hehe <3
You're not sure he even realizes what day it is. Steve always has a lot on his mind and while he's kind and a good friend and takes care of people he isn't always great with details. Sure, he remembers birthdays and that Dustin hates tomatoes and Robin's favorite color, but why would he remember the day that you two met?
You're just friends. Still, after a year.
But you, for reasons you only dwell on late at night alone in your bedroom, know the date of when you first met -- when you spilled beer all over him at someone's summer party. You went home that night with butterflies that never went away.
"You're going to go cross-eyed if you think any harder," Steve says. You snap out of your thoughts to find him staring at you across the table. He'd called you tonight and asked if you were free to go to the diner. It's practically empty and you share a big order of fries and sip on shakes.
"Sorry," you say. He gently kicks you under the table and looks a little shy.
That's something you've learned in the last year: Steve Harrington can get shy. He gets nervous when he wants to say something serious and cracks his knuckles but doesn't find speaking to crowds scary. He gets annoyed easily but forgives even easier. He snores in the spring when he has allergies and sleeps hot in the winter even when it's freezing outside.
You've learned a lot about him, but he still manages to surprise you. Like right now -- you can tell he's nervous but you cannot imagine why.
"I hope I didn't drag you away from important plans tonight," he says. He looks at his hands, brow furrowed, which is unusual. When Steve talks to you he always looks at you head on.
"No," you say. "I didn't have anything to do, I told you so." You'd actually debated all day whether or not to call him and just hang out, even if he didn't know today was special.
"Shit," he mumbles. He runs a hand through this hair and the other down his face. He's really nervous.
"Are you okay?" you ask, concerned now. Did he bring you here to tell you...bad news?
Your concern seems to bring him out of his own worry. He takes a deep breath and looks at you, finally, steely determination in his eyes. "I'm going to do something and I'm scared it's going to fuck everything up," he starts. "So I need you to promise me that you'll hear me out and then...be nice after. Okay?"
No words come. You nod. What?
Steve grips his shake with both hands like he's trying not to reach for something. "We met a year ago today, did you know that?"
Your heart rises to your throat.
"I wasn't sure you'd remember, which is fine. I mean, it was a stupid party and you spilled beer all over me, but it was just another night, yeah? But since then you've just...you've taken over." You curl your hands into fists on your thighs. "You're my best friend. You know me so well and every time something happens and you're not there I want to tell you about it. I hear your voice in my head and when I see you it feels like...like a relief, if that makes sense?"
He looks frustrated that he can't articulate it the way he wants to but you're having a hard time not leaping over the table to hug him. "And sometimes over the last year I feel like...there are times that it's like..." He sighs. "It just feels like maybe you're feeling something more and I don't know if I'm reading it wrong because I'm feeling something more but..."
You close your eyes because the eye contact is getting too much, but you can't help the smile that creeps onto your lips. Steve must take it for a good sign because he keeps going, sounding more hopeful.
"What I'm trying to say is that I'm in love with you. I might have been since the day we met."
"A year ago," you say, opening your eyes. "I remember." You're not sure who reaches first but then you're holding hands on the table, fries pushed to the side. "I can't believe I thought you didn't know it was today but actually you're in love with me." Your voice sounds giddy to your own ears.
Steve smiles shyly, the tips of his ears turning red. "Well, yeah. 'Course I remember. Changed my life."
"I'm in love with you, too, Steve," you tell him. The shy smile turns wide, smug. It makes you brave. "You gonna kiss me, or make me wait another year?"
He almost knocks over your shakes in his rush to get to your side of the table.
join the celebration!
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ishomieokay · 4 months ago
Hi! (Big rant I'm sry, I am such a yapper)
What do you think of homelander x starlight ?
For me atleast, I think it's a missed opportunity to develop both of their characters. They have so much parallels going on. I wouldn't say I wanted a full blown romance in s3, but more of a confusion about who is really is the enemy from starlight's side- since homelander is the biggest victim of Vought . And from homelander's side, every women in his life except for maeve have somehow used and taken advantage of him, starlight is the last person who would do that ! He would be really confused that she isn't doing that. She also never knew his horrid past that too.
I don't think homelander is a character who could really be redeemed, he is so long gone for that. But their fake dating arc could have opened so many doors for both of their character development.
I knw I am being delusional enough to think that he is very much obsessed with starlight in s4 as much as he is obsessed with butcher. Like she is his nemesis who stood up against him for godsake idk why the show has watered down her purpose to petty rival with firecracker. Eric kripke is so bad at writing the show Lord 😭✋
Yes, she was watered down without a doubt. And again and again, Billy is given an importance he doesn't really deserve. The whole nemesis thing he has going on with Homelander makes no fucking sense to me. Ryan has no reason to care that much about Butcher. Beyond the fact that Butcher is relentlessly trying to fuck him over, Homelander has no reason to be so obsessed with him either. Narratively speaking, Starlight should be his nemesis, not Butcher.
I actually am such a BIG FAN of Starlander. Weakness by RovingOtter is an amazing fic about them that honestly changed my brain chemestry. Not to mention it's the main reason why I like Homelander so much.
I realize this is an unpopular opinion in the fandom, but I don't think the issue is so much that Homelander is past redemption. It's just that the writers don't want that to happen. The narrative is not going there, even thought THERE ARE elements that would allow it to happen. For example, I don't see Homelander becoming a hero in any capacity, but after all the abuse he was subjected to by humans, he could have easily fallen in a more morally gray area a la Magneto. The writers are just not interested in exploring that because they are all about politics (which I do believe was a direct result of the US elections) and to get their message across Homelander needs to be an irredeemable Big Bad. If they redeemed fucking A-Train and even made Hughie forgive him after *killing Robin and laughing about it*, everyone gets a pass in my opinion though.
Also, it's about the times. You'd find that the main reason why many people don't want Homelander to be redeemed is that he is a rapist. Nowadays that's just unacceptable. Believe or not, back in the 2000s it was something forgivable and sometimes even expected in certain genres (I'm looking at you yaoi). Talking about Western media, I think the most obvious example of this is Spike trying to rape Buffy, his love interest, in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That wouldn't fly today, lol.
The dubiously consensual (or just uh, not consensual) sex scene or attempted rape between the main couple was also a super common trope in Soap Operas back in the day. Don't mind me I'm Latin American and for a long time I didn't have cable.
Anyway, I'm rambling. My point is Homelander is never going to be redeemed in canon, but as far as fanfiction goes, who cares? It's fiction, and you can do whatever you want with fictional characters. The world is your playground!
Homelander does have some parallels with Starlight, but tbh, that's not really the reason why I ship them. He actually has much more parallels with Kimiko (which is also an amazing ship in my opinion, and it really doesn't get the recognition it deserves!). He also has parallels with Butcher, with Soldier Boy, and even with Frenchie. So that's not really what I look at when shipping.
I think Starlight is the only character who could potentially see anything good or worth saving in Homelander, and just that makes their relationship very interesting to me. The fact that they are archenemies (or they would be, if the show made any sense), is the cherry on top. We love some good enemies-to-lovers here!
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film-in-my-soul · 2 years ago
steddie - writer’s choice ❤️
Writer's Choice - Different First Meetings + Modern/Canon Divergence AU (because I don't want to have the period typical homophobia)
.⋆。°✩ Steve takes the kids to a local concert and manages to get himself front and center when Corroded Coffin takes the stage. ✩°。⋆.
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Steve is going to kill Dustin. And Lucas, too, for that matter. Max he thinks he can forgive, seeing as she's a full head shorter than most of them and out of all the kids (practically adults now, but if Steve thinks about that for too long he'll want to throw up... or cry), she's the one who'll make sure the rest of the buttheads currently scattered throughout the too dark, overly-crowded concert space don't get themselves into trouble. But the fact remains that Dustin had said he'd stick with Steve if they got closer to the stage, that no one else wanted to go with him, and "C'mon Steve! You want to leave me alone with a bunch of metalheads?" only for Dustin to abandon him!
If there's a saving grace, and it's a marginal one at that, Steve's managed to force himself to the front of the slightly raised platform between the bands changing over so he's far enough away from the mini moshpits that keep breaking out. But it also leaves him closer to the more fanatic audience members who aren't particularly mindful of where they're throwing their elbows, and even with his hearing aid turned off, they're loud, a low chant of "Coffin, Coffin, Coffin!" growing in urgency and volume.
Still, it feels safer to be able to crawl along the stage to escape if he needs to, and Steve can admit to himself that he's not having the worst time. That doesn't mean he's not sending Robin passive-aggressive texts every half hour, seeing as she'd tricked him into being the chaperone. He steadfastly ignores the replies where she calls him out, knowing he would have offered himself up anyway.
He's just about to send her another, maybe even send a selfie of his slowly deflating hair and scowl, when the lights dim almost to the point of total darkness.
There's an immediate hush, and then, when the strobes at the back of the stage flair up, imitating lightning, silhouetting figures that weren't there a moment before, the crowd explodes into a roar. It's almost so intense that Steve's bad ear rings. A fog machine hisses to life from somewhere off the right of the stage, and when a good layer of the smoke has started spilling over the lip of it, ghosting over Steve's knees, the rest of the lights come back on, a mix of neon red and flickering white.
There's a bass line kicking up to match the pattern of the blinks, and something about its low sound matching that visual cue and vibrating Steve from his feet to the top of his head easily fights through the screaming people buddying up to Steve and catches his attention in a not so unpleasant way. The drums follow, and it's effortless to connect the hard hits, higher in pitch and almost imperceptible to Steve's fucked hearing, with the nodding head of the musician responsible for it. And then, like a siren call, a distant wail, a guitar comes to life, and Steve's eyes follow the invisible wave of sound only to stop when-
Holy hell.
Right in front of him, only five feet away, with his leg propped up on a pedal and his wild mane of dark frizzy curls shaking with the rock of his body, is the most gorgeous guy Steve's ever seen.
It could be a trick of the mood lighting, or maybe just the combination of envy-worthy hair and wicked, electric smile, but Steve's pretty sure it's the whole damn package.
The guitarist's in a cut-off tank top, the edges of it tattered and the arms slit so low down his sides that Steve can see the curve of black ink crawling across his ribs. His pants are black and leather, like his boots, and each time he moves, picking out a new cord or riff, the flash of the silver jewelry adorning his fingers, chunky, eye-catching rings, is a beacon for Steve to track. He looks like some 80's hard rocker transported right into the twenty-first century with the sole mission to remind everyone why they included 'Sex' in the phrase 'Sex & Drugs & Rock 'n Roll' and from the way he moves, large and confident, throwing off winks and grins, he knows it.
Some of the girls around Steve sound like they're crying, sobbing out the name 'Eddie,' and given that they only get louder when the guitarist swings his hips and hair in their general direction, Steve guesses that's the guy's name.
A lot of the music fades with his attention so readily captured, but Steve likes this band more than the one before, and not just because he has to check if he's drooling when Eddie drops to his knees halfway through a song for a ridiculously attractive guitar solo. The bass is hard, and it's not just senseless thrashing. There's an occasional mellowness to the musical breaks, and the lyrics are followable. It's still not Steve's kind of sound, but dumb as he is about metal music, he knows these guys are good.
There are a few moments where Steve thinks his and Eddie's eyes meet, where one of those winks or blown kisses might be for him. He's still right against the stage, but Steve likes to think he's gotten a grip on his habit of wishful thinking and shrugs it away. He tells himself it's the blonde with the big rack screaming herself shrill just behind his shoulder that's getting all the attention he kind of wants just for himself.
Steve can tell the end of their set is coming up because somehow the energy in the crowd grows tenfold, and there's a new rocking of bodies where every other note of the song currently howling from the amps bumps Steve up against the platform, harder and harder each time. Something's coming. He doesn't know what, couldn't even guess, but the atmosphere is ratcheting to positively feral levels as he's jerked left and right but managing to keep his feet planted. And when the drum solo kicks in, starting soft but growing into a steady crescendo, Steve's proven corrected.
The audience behind him gives one heaving shove, and he trips forward, barely catching himself on the lip of the stage with his palms but nearly smacking his face on it all the same. He curses under his breath and shakes the disorientation from his head when he realizes someone is right in front of him. Steve follows the leather-clad knee up to a leather-clad thigh to a black cut-off tank top until his gaze plants itself right on the smirking mouth of Eddie, the guitarist.
The drums are still going, still rising in intensity like the crowd that's becoming distant white noise to Steve the longer Eddie doesn't move away. Steve doesn't even realize that Eddie's getting closer until there's a hand cupping his cheek, a thumb pressed to the dip of his chin, and his face is tipped up.
"Careful there, big boy," Steve thinks is what Eddie says, mostly reading his still sharply amused lips, and then he's not thinking much of anything because the cymbals of the drums crash, and Eddie is kissing him.
It's deep and messy and so full of blatant showmanship that it's mostly gross. It also has Steve's toes curling and a startled sort of moan forcing itself from his chest. It's quick also. Too quick if he's being honest. He doesn't even get a chance to close his eyes and feel it before Eddie separates from him with a wet pop and before jumping right back into the music.
He blows a kiss right at Steve and punctuates it with a hard-strummed chord on his guitar. Then he's gone, leaving Steve in a momentarily senseless vacuum until the room comes pouring back into his brain, and he's forced to acknowledge the people shaking him in some weird display of congratulations.
Steve's not sure how he's supposed to feel, but he thinks the next time Eddie throws a grin his way, he won't be as quick to dismiss it as being for him.
Ficlet Bingo!
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thelovelylolly · 1 year ago
Can you do fluff alphabet with Robin?
Fluff Alphabet w/ Robin Buckley
A/N: this is my first time writing something like this so i hope you enjoy it love <3 also i didn't find just one alphabet so i kinda picked the prompts i liked lol
A: Affection (how do they show affection/are they good at it)
Robin loves to show affection through physical touch. She'll hug you, kiss you on the cheek and forehead, hold your hand, anything to be close to you and touching you. It takes her a while to be comfortable enough to do it, but once she's comfortable? You two are inseparable :)
B: Beauty (what does she think makes her s/o beautiful)
Your laugh and smile. She loves making you laugh or doing things that make you smile. She gets butterflies every time you smile, whether that be at her or something else. She loves making sure you're happy.
C: Comfort (how she comforts her s/o after a rough day)
Robin will go out and buy you all your favorite snacks, rent your favorite movies, and make your living room into a big fort with blankets and pillows. You two would have a movie marathon and cuddle in the fort, forgetting the rest of the world for a while.
D: Dreams (what does her dream future with her s/o look like)
I feel like Robin isn't someone who would want to get married (even if it was legal in the 80s). She has her s/o and that's enough. She doesn't really need a fancy piece of paper or some rings to prove that. She does want to buy a nice house with you one day, maybe get a few pets, too. She really wants a dog, but she'd be happy with whatever pet you want (no matter how strange it is).
E: Equal (is she more dominant or soft in the relationship)
She's somewhere in the middle. She has her strengths in the relationship, but she also has her insecurities. You two work well together and complete each other, so you're both pretty equal in your relationship.
F: Fight (how would a typical fight go and how easily would she forgive her s/o)
You two rarely fight, but when you do, you two probably step away from each other for a while. Maybe one of you leave the house for a few hours to destress, or you two just go into separate rooms and do your own things. But you and Robin never went to bed angry. If it means staying up later, sitting in bed together, and talking it out, then so be it. Depending on what the fight was about, Robin would probably forgive you easily.
G: Gratitude (is she grateful for all her s/o does/has done for her)
Of course she is. Robin never lets a day go by without mentioning how grateful she is to be with you, so you can expect plenty of 'thank you's when you do a chore she doesn't like for her or made her favorite dinner for her. Little things, but they mean so much to her.
H: Honest (how honest is she to her s/o)
Super honest. She rambles a lot, so the truth always gets out of her. She can try to lie or keep a secret from you, but it doesn't take long before it just slips out of her. Because of this, your super honest, too. Neither of you hide anything.
I: Inspiration (did her s/o inspired her to become a better person)
You showed her that everyone could keep improving themselves, so she did her best to improve herself. It started with her becoming better for you, but it slowly become more for herself. You're proud of her growth, no matter if she's doing it for you or herself.
J: Jealousy (does she get jealous)
It's very rare for Robin to get jealous. You two love each other and Robin is secure enough to be confident you wouldn't leave her. You probably get more jealous than she does, but your jealousy doesn't last long.
K: Kiss (where does she kiss her s/o, where does her s/o kiss her)
She loves to kiss your cheek. It's her favorite place to kiss after your lips. She also loves to give you forehead kisses while you two cuddle. Her favorite kinds of kisses to receive are kisses on the cheek. Though, you can't go wrong with a kiss on the lips.
L: Little ones (how is she with kids)
Robin is not a natural with kids. It takes some trial and error, but she can at least take care of older kids. She isn't some serious figure at all, so she likes to take on the role of the fun 'adult'. She'll plan pranks, sneak candy, all that stuff. Sometimes you try to stop her, but most times, you help her out.
M: Marriage (does she want to get married)
Like I said earlier, I don't see Robin getting married. She loves her s/o, she doesn't need a piece of paper to tell her that. But if you want to get married, she'd be happy to. It would not be a big event, just you two and a few close friends as witnesses. You would probably take her last name, too.
N: Nicknames (what nicknames does she have for her s/o and vice versa)
Babe is most used between you two. You also call her 'Rob', and she'll call you a shortened version of your name or another personal kind of nickname. If she's feeling extra sappy, she'd call you something really, really cheesy.
O: On cloud nine (what's she like when she's in love)
Head over heels, heart eyes, everything. She's like a puppy dog when she's in love with you. She wants to be around you almost 24/7. She loves to give you small gifts or do something for you, even if its new to her. You like this specific kind of paint? Robin found it for you and it's waiting for you on your desk. You want a specific kind of cookie? Robin's rarely baked but she'll make you a huge batch of cookies if you want.
P: PDA (is she okay with pda)
Robin's a bit more reserved when it comes to PDA, and you don't mind. A small, Indiana town in the 80s? Not the most accepting setting. However, you two will link arms when you walk around just to be close. If there aren't many people around, you two will hold hands. But if you two were in a more accepting place, plenty of subtle PDA. A kiss on the forehead here, an arm around the waist there. Little things to make sure you two knew the other was there.
Q: Quirk (a trait of hers that makes her a great partner)
Her attention to detail. Like I said earlier, she will get you gifts or make you something if you mention it. She knows what kind of music you like, what your favorite color is, how you like your coffee or tea. She notices the little things, and you love it.
R: Romance (how romantic is she)
Very romantic. She does little things, but she also does huge gestures just to show how much she loves you. A surprise road trip, a shopping trip on your birthday, anything. Valentine's Day is when she does the most. Roses, chocolates, gifts, a fancy date or dates, she doesn't come to play.
S: Security (how protective is she)
Not super protective, but she'd put herself between you and danger if it came down to it. She doesn't want to lose you ever, and if that means she gets hurt, so be it. Some asshole picks a fight? She'd take the punch (maybe throw one, too).
T: Thrill (does she like new things in the relationship or does she like routine)
Loves routine, but she does try to change things up every now and then. She mainly does that by doing new things for dates. Maybe its a day trip to an amusement park or visiting a town neither of you have been before. If you're down, she's down.
U: Ugly (what are some of her bad traits and does she know about them)
Rambling and ranting. She'll talk over you or interrupt you on accident because she has to get the words out. She knows its a problem and she does her best to work on it, with your help of course.
V: Value (is her relationship her main priority)
Of course it is. You're everything to her. Her friendships never come before you and your relationship. Her friends what to hang out? She probably already has plans with you and she would never cancel on you.
W: Wild Card
While I kept mentioning physical touch, gift giving and acts of service, I think Robin's big love language is quality time. She's just happy to be with you or be around you, no matter what you're doing it. You two could be sitting in the living room doing your own things and she'd love every second of it because you two are together.
X: XOXO (how often does she kiss, hug, and cuddle with you)
If she could, Robin would have her arms around you 24/7. You fall asleep and wake up with her arms around you everyday. If either of you have to go to work, neither of you leave without a kiss. Sometimes, one of you will get overwhelmed and a hug will fix it right up.
Y: Yuck (something she doesn't like)
Robin can't handle certain textures. When you get her a gift, you make sure it doesn't have one of the textures she doesn't like. If you're cooking her dinner, you make sure the food's texture won't bother her. You're happy she told you about it early on so you wouldn't accidentally get her something she didn't like the texture of.
Z: Zzz (how is she when she sleeps)
Not a light sleeper, but not a heavy one either. She snores and sometimes talks in her sleep, like a word or two. However, she can't get good sleep without you. She'll toss and turn, and wake up through out the night if you're not there. Of course, that's later on in her relationship when she's used to being close to you when you two sleep.
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digenerate-trash · 1 year ago
Adding on in anon for the April fools thing
So as I was thinking I thought… hmm would Kylar even change during April fools day I Mena yeah sure he is just normal Kylar but extra insane and has extra mental problems but like he doesn’t even change he stays the same because well… he is already himself
And Sydney would be fine being normal for the whole day he has a bunch of missed work to do
On the other hand C!sydney would not be his original counterpart but rather make himself worse by staying close … the entire day but tbh that’s all I think
YO!!!! YAN APRIL FOOLS ANON!! I love you man you're so big brained. But let's expand!! All of the school love intrests would be involved!!!
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I think currupt and regular Sydney would be able to stay in character the longest out of the love interest, to be honest with you. Even if corrupt Syd is unspeakably horny a crude joke or jab at you isn't out of character for him and he likes to see you squirm while he pretends to be none the wiser. It's a fun game and a cute joke. Of course, you'll have to deal with the consequences if you point out he's acting out of character. Not then of course. But later.
Robin lasts the second longest. He's used to "acting normal" but if you even say something cute to him he's struggling to contain himself. Get ready for extra long hugs and awkward talks because Robin still wants to keep in character but he's not doing well. He brings your pillowcase to school with him that day so he can huff it when no one is looking. It gets him through the day 💕
Whitney is fine until lunch. He avoids you and hangs out with his friends but eventually, the game gets boring and he takes you into the boy's room to bite down on your shoulder and draw blood. He insists he meant to leave a hickey but when he doesn't stop giving you bites instead of hickeys it becomes obvious he couldn't keep up this "bully" facade for long. The freak needs to taste you otherwise he gets antsy.
I strongly believe kylar would try to tone it down for the sake of a "joke" but if you question him about it he'd break so easily and be up to his neck in tears apologizing for suppressing his love he knows you need and want all of it and he's just really sorry it was a bit he still loves you and insane about he'll get you anything in the world if you forgive him!!! He'd do anything for you he promises it was just a one time thing he loves you so much he didn't mean it at all please forgive him he'll do anything he'll get on his knees and bark he promises to be a better boyfriend he knows that what you want!!!!!!!
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