#RobCo Industries
arcadebroke · 2 months
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Introducing the Fictional Megacorpotation Tournament!!
We've gathered ten of the greediest, most unethical, most vicious, and most Stupendium worthy companies in gaming!
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I had a lot of intros written out but Tumblr decided it doesn't like fun and deleted all of them. So... Make your own! You have until 12:00 PM EST on the upcoming Friday to submit arguments for the megacorp you think should win through asks. (Reblogs welcome and encouraged)
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ikroah · 7 months
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I have reached the breaking point, the point of no return, it’s very clear to see a fool like me will never, ever learn. I have reached the breaking point, I hear the drums of doom, I’m gonna flip my wig in one great big atomic boom! —“The Breaking Point,” Bobby Darin (1966)
It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’ #27 - Ring-a-Ding-Ding VI
Collaborative Issue! Guest Artist: @sas-afras
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Read IKROAH on Archive of Our Own
Notes / Transcript:
Huge thanks to Monty over at @sas-afras for getting this one done! I handled the original layout and lettering, but the rest was all them. Layouts like this can seem simple and easy because of how straight-forward and repetitive they are, but when all you've got are a dozen and one reaction shots, every single one of those reaction shots needs to be as perfect as you can get them. And Monty did a hell of a job. Especially on the coloring! Monty, if you're reading this, you're a hell of a good colorist (on top of everything else). Thanks again!
Another note about this issue is that it, along with the previous one, were some of the most difficult to write in this whole damn comic so far. I really hate repeating in-game dialogue verbatim without good reason, but there's really not much else I could do here. It's a very necessary part of the story that is also literally a part in the game where your character is fixed in place listening to a monologue. I took some liberties, did some punch-up, not just for its own sake but to really drive home what I find most interesting and vital here about Mr. House as a character.
Anyway, Agnes is in trouble. And there's only one issue left in Volume 2! The next one closes out this arc of the story, at long last. Stay tuned.
INT. LUCKY 38 BASEMENT. From an observation deck of sorts, AGNES SANDS watches several SECURITRON robots position themselves in a testing area, containing several sandbags, dummies, and makeshift fortifications. A voice booms from an unseen speaker.
MR. HOUSE: You're well familiar with my Securitron police force. But have you ever wondered: what exactly makes them the marquee option in perimeter security and pacification?
AGNES glances in the direction of the voice, uncomfortable.
MR. HOUSE: Well to start, the reinforced titanium alloy housing of each unit, which protects its electronic core, easily deflects small arms and shrapnel.
MR. HOUSE: As for its offensive capabilities, its X-25 gatling laser—produced to spec by Glastinghouse, Inc.—is deadly against soft targets at medium range.
AGNES recoils as a red glow washes over her from the testing area.
MR. HOUSE: And then for close-range suppression or crowd control, the Securitron is also armed with a 9mm sub-machinegun.
AGNES shuts her eyes, wincing from the crack of gunfire.
MR. HOUSE: These features have been sufficient for keeping the peace within Vegas, but with the NCR and Legion closing in on Hoover Dam, and sizing up my city like a piece of prize cake, more than ever we need to be prepared for, well...external conflict. Policing is one thing, but when geopolitical powers are involved, my Securitrons can only pose so much of a threat.
MR. HOUSE: That is...if they're forced to rely exclusively on their secondary weapons--as they have been, all this time!
AGNES looks upward, surprised.
MR. HOUSE: Remember, the Great War interrupted a pivotal moment for RobCo's work. Consequently, all extant Securitrons have been stuck, running on a mere Mark I operating system—the first production version of the OS—which has simply lacked the software drivers for the use of their primary weapons all this time!
AGNES looks around, as if HOUSE were in the room somewhere and she could find him, in a panic.
MR. HOUSE: The platinum chip, you see, was never just a token. At a time when industrial espionage ran rampant, it was minted as a high capacity, proprietary, and uniquely irreplicable data storage device. In a way, it's more like a computer chip. And now—with the data from the platinum chip finally installed onto my nextwork—it's time for a very crucial software update. Behold: the new Mark II Securitrons!
AGNES gawks downward at the testing area, eyes wide. Oh no.
MR. HOUSE: Their newly accessible M-235 Missile Launcher gives them the ability to engage ground and air targets at significantly longer ranges...
AGNES flinches, covering her face for protecting, and screams as explosions rip apart the testing area below.
MR. HOUSE: ...and their rapid-fire G-28 grenade launching system, another part of the Mark II, makes them much more powerful in close-range engagements as well.
AGNES, nearly frozen, watches the bombardment with horror.
MR. HOUSE: It also includes rewritten drivers for the Securitrons' auto-repair systems—although always sophisticated, the new optimizations render them inexhaustible in even the most protracted and attritious of engagements. Altogether, the Mark II upgrade confers a 235% total increase in combat effectiveness per unit—and it's all because of you!
AGNES lowers her arm slowly, jaw slack, mortified.
MR. HOUSE: Vegas finally has an army—worthy to protect not just the city itself, but the best interests of all of mankind, at home and abroad. Which is to say: this simple display of might remains a mere teaser for what I can, and what I will, accomplish, in an illustrious new epoch.
AGNES sinks further into a paralytic terror.
MR. HOUSE: What we will accomplish, Agnes—should you accept my offer, of employment. Ah—but I digress. I'm certain that you've had a long day. You can rejoin Miss Cassidy in the presidential suite for the night, if you'd like to, as they say, "sleep on it."
MR. In fact...say for as long as you'd like. However long you may need, to think everything over. And you'll be very well provided for in the meantime, consider it a taste of what could be...should you make the right choice before you.
MR. HOUSE: That reminds me—I've already sent Victor to collect your belongings from the Vault 22 Hotel, so no need to exhaust yourself further by making that trip on your own, hm? There's much about your future to consider, Agnes—and I would like you to think of it as our future.
AGNES stares straight ahead with a deadened expression.
The testing area in the basement has been reduced to smithereens. Fires rage on the rubble of obliterated structures, gnarled steel, and collapsed walkways. The dummies have been dismembered entirely.
MR. HOUSE: ...Goodness, what a mass. With friends like these, I sure wouldn't envy my enemies.
MR. HOUSE: Wouldn't you agree?
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Might be kinda nitpicky but I kinda wanna talk about the business meeting of all the businesses in the show
Number one why did House make a dig at Sinclair about running a casino when House literally runs every casino in Vegas 200 years later?
Number two why is Fredrick Sinclair representing Big Mountain? Shouldn't like Dr. Klein be there instead of Sinclair? Yeah Sinclair did use Big Mountain tech to build The Villa and The Sierra Madre but he was a customer he didn't actually own the technology he bought the technology he didn't own or make it also why is Sinclair there to begin with? He's not a company runner like House he's a dude who builds and runs casinos he doesn't own any companies like House does his business is casinos not company running also making him an old dude makes his relationship with Vera very fucking creepy because Vera was a young girl and in Dead Money Sinclair was probably somewhere in his 30s which is more acceptable than some dude in his 60s building a casino for a girl in her 20s also why would Sinclair agree to this plan in the first place? From what's written about him in the terminals in The Villa and in The Sierra Madre Sinclair was very much a safety first kinda guy and is in a lot of ways the antithesis to House also further more why is Big Mountain there to begin with? Big Mountain makes technology for the government not like Robco who makes everyday appliances which is used across America no Big Mountain specifically made technology for the rich and the government literally none of Big Mountain's tech would be seen in an average American's house they are literally a group of government funded scientists why are they at this business meeting? This is beneath them
Number three why is there a Repconn representative? Did Bethesda forget that Repconn is owned by Robco? Which is owned by House? So there wouldn't need to be a Repconn representative there because House is already there because he fucking owns Repconn? Granted by 2281 he only runs House Industries only for Vegas and abandoned both Robco and Repconn but my point still stands he owned Robco and Repconn so why is the Repconn rep there if House who is her boss is also there?
Number four why is House saying the possiblity of The Great War happening is a hypothetical when he literally predicted that The Great War would happen years before it happened?
Number five why isn't General Atomics there but Sinclair and Big Mountain are?
Number six so now it's the companies that started the war? Not the shadow government that The Enclave are the remnants of that you established in 76?
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vvyvernicus · 4 months
Characters: Mr. House, Mallory (OC)
Words: 3,084
        It was July 4th, 2042. Most people in the United States would be spending time with their families, grilling and enjoying the magic of fireworks. But in times of leisure, others see this as a time for opportunity. 
Situated in Las Vegas, was a tall building known as the Lucky 38. It was a luxury casino constructed back in 2024 that was open to only the most luxurious of clients. However it was also the go-to spot in the area for the upper-class, most well-known people of society to gather for social meetings. Whenever these would happen, the entire casino would be closed off to everyone aside from these selected few.
One of the attendees was a woman named Mallory.
Unlike the business people and socialites, Mallory was sent there purely to collect information. No, she wasn't a spy. But with events like these, it would have been preferable. In all honesty she couldn't stand the types of people who attended events like this. 
Classy human beings who sought only the finer things in life. Those looking to expand their business reach by making connections with those with political power. People who couldn't be bothered to look out the large windows and admire the glowing city late at night. Ones who weren't here to make real, genuine friendships with others. No, nearly everyone there was attempting to gain something from this party.
One of those people was Robert Edwin House.
Just a few days ago, on June 25th, he founded his company, RobCo Industries, and was making news headlines left and right. He quickly became a popular topic that arose in many discussions. His origin story was eaten up by reporters: The Man Who Rose From the Ashes. This was pertaining to the fact his older half brother cut him out of the family inheritance, but in spite of it, Robert achieved his own success though hard work all on his own.
Not only that, but the man was handsome. Once he just got the smallest bit of limelight and women caught notice, they flocked in droves. A tall, handsome man with a promising company, what wasn't to like? Men wanted to be him and women wanted to bed him.
Mallory took notice of him a few times while she did her best to blend in as a wallflower. He certainly knew how to leave an impression on just about anyone he spoke with. Despite being mildly crowded by dozens all trying to get a chance to speak with him, he seemed very well put together and not at all overwhelmed. Not at all surprising as this was a good chance for him to make viable connections. 
But there was something she did pick up while she surveyed the people in the room. One of the women, a model for some newly popular clothing line, Fallon's, was being a little too forward with the young man. Even yards away Mallory could tell she was a bit tipsy. The woman flirtatiously pressed herself up against him as the most interesting expression flickered on his face. 
Was that... repulsion? How his body appeared to tense up and his face stiffened. It didn't last more than a second, but Mallory was looking over at just the right time. A slight grin pulled at her mouth before she removed her eyes from the scene. It was pleasant to entertain the thought that someone else here also found most of the company unsavory.
The night continues to go on and Mallory ends up learning a lot from the attending guests. Not information she particularly cared about, but it would be enough to satisfy her sender. Even though it had gotten darker outside, the fireworks still hadn't blossomed in the sky. It wasn't until then could she make her getaway. A shame because she'd be too busy leaving than taking the time to enjoy them herself. 
”Pardon me, ma'am.”
Unfortunately, while she was primarily there for information gathering, she was instructed to respond to others if talked to. And not in the way of stating that she was too busy to engage. Be polite without going overboard. For several reasons she did not want her mouth to make her the next center of attention in this place. 
”I couldn't help but notice the emblem on your dress. You're here representing Vault-Tec, aren't you?”
Other eyes in the room landed on her as she put on a smile. Her stomach began to swirl uncomfortably before she took a quick, unnoticeable breath.
She was made to wear the dress. The entire outfit was planned out for her for this event. Even her hair, which used to be longer, was forcibly cut short to match the current trendy styles other wealthy women favored. And right above her chest sat that ugly Vault-Tec logo—its position appearing akin to a bowtie.
”You sir have a very sharp eye! As expected from the esteemed director of BlamCo. The details on your boxed products are always very intricate in design, it's clear you pride yourself on even the smallest of details,” Mallory relayed to him with the upmost charm and sincerity. All of the people here loved getting their egos stroked.
Naturally, Mallory knew the vast majority of these people by name, at least the most major and influential parties. She could say something flattering to just about anyone there. It wasn't exactly hard to do as there was always a nice thing to say about even the most rotten of people. Mallory would leave out that she couldn't stomach BlamCo's products herself and focused on its better attributes.
Her chat with the director ended up bringing more people over for conversation. Not what she wanted, but she couldn't turn them away. Doing so would leave a bad impression on Vault-Tec. She wouldn't mind too much, but the person who sent her would. Doing what she really wanted to do, which was to just leave, wouldn't be worth it in the long run.
”So you're the stand in this time. A pity, I wished to speak with the head of the organization this time.”
”I apologize for the inconvenience. Our CEO is a very busy person, so they can't attend these events. A true workaholic for the betterment of humanity!”
”So about the priority vaults... There will be separations based on class, correct? I'd rather avoid living among the common rabble when stuffed into one of those holes.”
”Yes, absolutely! We'll have plenty of reservations available that are only affordable by the wealthiest of individuals. So there's no concern for having less refined neighbors.”
”Can I arrange for specific services or personnel to be available exclusively for my use within the vault?”
”For the luxury vaults, there will be special amenities available tailored to your requests. So long as you book them in advance, they will be ready by the time of a hypothetical disaster.”
She wanted to vomit. It was sickening to her, to keep talking like this. Really, there questions weren't too terrible, just curious people. But she had to answer to make Vault-Tec look good. If only they knew.
At this point in time, Vaults weren't exactly public knowledge quite yet. Unless you were noteworthy, that is. Until Vault-Tec landed the deal with the government "Project Safehouse" was secured—and it would be—vault production was quite slow. Only a few had been constructed so far and were still in the beta phases. But once money rolled in, the construction would rapidly speed up.
After around twenty minutes of talking, she figured that was plenty of acceptable socializing for the night. Any longer and she may just miss the fireworks. No one else seemed to be interested though, otherwise more would be out talking on the balcony. Although, thanks to the huge glass windows, she supposed most would be able to see it without going outdoors.
But it was suffocating in there. So she had to make a tactical retreat. Even just five minutes away from these people would do so much for her mental health.
”Forgive me, but I'll have to come back to some of your questions later. I've got the urge to light one up,” Mallory joked as the others then exchanged glances. It wasn't but five seconds later that she was offered a lit cigarette.
Right, it was common for people to smoke right indoors. Something that she'd probably never get used to. Just how could people do that when the ash and scent sticks to literally anything? Surely these people expected her to smoke right here in front of everyone and continue on pleasing them.
“That is very kind of you, however I must decline. The brand just doesn't agree with me whatsoever; really it's my bad for being so selective. For me to thoroughly enjoy a good smoke, I must partake in it while accompanied by a slight breeze. So forgive me for having such peculiar demands,” she said as she delicately shooed away the fancy cigarette.
Their perplexed faces did not last long as soon a new topic of interest was brought up. This allowed her to conveniently step out of the spotlight and make her way to the glass door that led to the balcony. The Lucky 38 was quite high up, which allowed for a great view of Las Vegas' city. As Mallory opened the door, she was hit by a very mild breeze. Already she felt so much more comfortable out there.
The balcony looped around and made a full circle, so Mallory figured the best place to be undisturbed was at the opposite end which had no door. Less chance of others also wanting to feel that warm July night air. As she walked around, her eyes gazed at the pretty city below. It would be fun to see how the lights contrasted with the fireworks once they painted the black sky.
Her heels froze against the concrete as her eyes spotted a man right in the spot she wanted to be. He was leaning against the railing, like he was contemplating some big event in his mind. It wasn't super well lit over there, but she could make out that he was wearing a classy suit. Since like her, he also wanted to get a breather, she thought it would be polite to announce her presence instead of sneaking up on him.
”Excuse me, sir!” she called out to him, careful to not get too close and risk spooking him over the edge. It was a long way down...
”Would it bother you if I have a smoke?”
It's when she asked the question that the man turned to look at her. Then, she could get a much better look at his face. Deep brown eyes that showed little emotion. He had also been frowning before, but upon seeing another person he had straightened himself up slightly.
She was looking at the founder of RobCo Industries. The man who was previously inside chatting with many people—mostly about business stuff she assumes. She didn't even notice him leave as she was preoccupied with collecting other information. But she figures that all of the social interaction must have been draining for him to slink away like this. Just how long had he been out there before her?
”Do whatever you want. I don't own the place,” he sighed, clearly not interested in talking. He seemed mentally exhausted. Mallory was empathetic and hoped that this time in the night air would recharge him before too long.
Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a lighter. Afterwards she opened a carton and pulled out what she was reaching for. Her fingers ignited the lighter as she attempted to light the target. The man close by had no interest in her activity in the slightest—that is until the metal rod started to let of many of bright sparks.
”I had wrongfully assumed you meant cigarettes,” he let out a light scoff, clearly taken aback by her quiet firecracker. Indeed it let off a bit of smoke, but this was the first time he had seen someone compare fireworks to smoking.
”It's Independence Day, it shouldn't be too shocking to see someone using these tonight,” she replied, fingers delicately twirling around the rod. She pauses a second before continuing. ”Besides, these are much more entertaining than cigarettes. I could easily use them year-round.”
The two of them then enter a state of silence as they both admire the city stretch. The Las Vegas Strip had a lot of things to entertain ones eyes. If one found the lights too bright, they could divert their attention to the equally as interesting less glowy structures instead. It was quiet on that balcony aside from the gentle crackling of the sparkler.
”Is this the first time we've spoken?” His voice asked, but he chose not to look at her directly. ”I don't recall seeing you inside earlier.”
To that a slight grin makes it's way to her face. It was intended to be unnoticed by as many as possible. Her face wasn't exactly recognizable, public appearances limited. Not that Robert House would ignore more important people surrounding him in favor of glancing at a lone woman off in some corner.
”In a way, yes. But don't bother yourself with me. I'm just an inconsequential woman wanting to enjoy the view,” she said as she twirled the sparkler between her fingers. It was halfway finished with it's brief display.
She expected their interaction to be uneventful. After all, he seemed a little too tired to socialize. Especially not with someone as unexpected as her. She was just going to enjoy her sparklers in peace. But something about what she said must have struck a nerve within him. 
”That's an oddly specific way of introduction. Either you're trying to incline me to ask more about you or you just might be the worst spy I've ever met,” he smirked as he spared her the slightest glance before looking away. There wasn't any warmth in his tone, but it wasn't quite hostility either. 
”If you're asking if I came out here to talk to you, I'm afraid I must disappoint you. They simply wouldn't allow me to do this inside. I apologize that I'm not so interested in bombarding the Robert Edwin House with dozens of questions about his machines.”
Acknowledging that she knew about him probably would be enough to end the conversation. After all he had spent a good portion earlier having others swarm him, trying to get into his good books. Talking further would most likely add to his stresses. She sighed as the sparklers last sparks had shot off into the air. 
”What a pity. You lost your reason for standing around here.” A wry smile came to his mouth as his eyes came to hers this time. Tired, but held what was unmistakably a glint of interest. 
”You underestimate me...”
Mallory reveals that in her purse, she has a whole pack of unused sparklers. She swiftly takes out another stick and lights it up. The old one was placed back inside the carton. She couldn't help but smile as she saw his eyebrow twitch in annoyance.
But she wasn't malicious at heart. If her being there was such a bother, she could move. She was about to bring it up before he had another question.
”Won't you share with me why you're really here?”
Odd he kept bringing up conversation with her. Did he already have a large ego as big as the people who were inside? Maybe her choosing not to be super talkative was challenging it. Strange since when she first saw him she figured the last thing he wanted was more conversation.
“Collecting intel, though I don't suppose how that makes me different from others who are here,” she chuckled. ”Well... I'm not here to tailor any connections. Professional ones that is.”
She had to admit it was a bit lonely. Not being able to talk to these people like friends. Everything here was calculated. At least until she had gone outside on the balcony.
Her second sparkler had met it's end and she began to fumble around in her bag to retrieve another. She should probably go back inside after the fifth sparkler, to use them as timers. As she opened the carton, she became unfocused on her surroundings. She only flinched slightly when she noticed that Robert had moved noticeably closer.
His body wasn't facing her, it was still leaning against the railing and his eyes forward. Up close like this, she really got to have a better look at his facial features. No wonder so many women swooned at the sight of him. Even without smiling, he was definitely a conventionally attractive man in his prime.
”Would you like one too?” she asked, taking out another unlit sparkler from the carton. It caught his attention immediately as he stared at the stick with lingering curiosity. ”It's fine if you don't. I just thought I'd offer, since you came over here.”
He took it from her hands carefully, like he hurt himself if he touched it the wrong way. A little bit silly since it wasn't even lit yet. She then took out her lighter to light her own stick. Then she used the sparkler flames to do the same to his. 
”Happy fourth to you,” she laughed lightly before waving her sparkler over the edge. ”Now I wonder when those big fireworks will make their appearance...”
Robert stared at her for a moment before turning his attention up towards the sky. What an odd woman. Did she really just want to come out there to play with sparklers? Not a very smart business tactic. Even if she were trying to flatter him, this was definitely a unique way of doing so. 
”You never did tell me your name,” he spoke, though this time, his head made the effort to look at her rather than the city below.
She was surprised, albeit pleasantly so. He was the first tonight to actually ask her name, oddly enough. Aside from the person who checked her ID upon entry to the Lucky 38. To everyone else she was simply someone sent by Vault-Tec. And to these people, you only really mattered if you were the head of operations or a regular public figure.
”Molly the inconsequential person you'll probably never see again.”
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Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this little short. There may be more to come in the future. However, if you weren't the biggest fan and would prefer not to see more, simply block this tag (#EternalMallory) and you will no longer see anything related to this character.
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thefalloutwiki · 1 year
Fallout 3/New Vegas: RobCo Termlink
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Were you previously aware that RobCo Termlink protocol in Fallout 3 and New Vegas lists “Copyright 2201-2203 Robco Ind.” when the MF Boot Agent is initialized?
These copyright dates are 124-126 years after the Great War occurred.
RobCo created various products, including the Stealth Boy Model 3001, Unified Operating System, Sentry Bots, Eyebots, Assaultrons, Protectrons and Securitrons. You can read more about RobCo Industries here:
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skyrim-crossing · 2 months
Can you tell more about Evangeline? She's House's daughter right?
Yes, she is! I've changed parts of canon slightly to fit my own ideas/changes to FNV, and this is as bare of a description as I can get it down to lmao. If you want more detail, just ask, I can ramble about her, House, Jane and Vic forever <3
Her mother snd Mr House attended university together and had a fling with one another near the end of their school careers. They both went their separate ways, and upon returning home, her mother discovered she was pregnant. She didn't want to keep him away from his grand plans, so she never told him about the baby.
Evangeline grew up in LA, and was fairly academically gifted, with ner mother's love for robotics, and excelled in drama, dance, singing etc. When she was 16, her mother passed away, which is how she eventually met her father. In her mothers will, it determined that he would be the one to look after her. House was shocked, but welcoming to her.
Now living a life of luxury, she took the time to dabble in her hobbies and interests, and after many years, became one of Hollywood's favourite stars, as well as the co owner and heir of RobCo industries.
She met a man called Victor (the real man who's face and voice became the securitron) at one of her fathers buisness dinners, and the two quickly fell for one another. The public believed the marriage between them was arranged, as Victor's father was a successful oil baron and weapons dealer, however their love came about naturally.
Around the same time is when Mr House decided to marry one of his longest partners and one of Evangeline's co-stars, Jane. The four of them had excellent personal and buisness relations with each other.
Evangeline knew of her father's obsession with longevity and youth, and his prophecy about the end of the world, but didn't take it too seriously. She knew her father was an eccentric, and believed it to be a manifestation of that. With his expenses, he built a vault several hundred miles away from Las Vegas, just for the private use of their family.
However, the day before he had predicted the world to end, he begged Evangeline, Jane and Victor to go inside the vault, and wait for 48 hours. Jane refused unless House would go with her, and Victor was away at a buisness meeting but promised he'd arrive by the end of that day
Evangeline was the sole occupant of that vault. 3 cryogenic pods lay within, and only 1 was ever filled. Evangeline was incredibly scared, but she trusted her father's judgement enough to step inside. 200 years later, she wakes up confused, cold and alone, with nothing but a message from her father on her pipboy: "I need your help. Return to Vegas. Be weary, things have changed since before you slept"
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aardvark-123 · 3 days
I think Ms Galtrons might have been for the Japanese market. They're quite cutesy, as opposed to the more industrial or appliance-shaped robots in Fallout, so maybe RobCo was attempting "kawaii".
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pdq88binsultron · 21 days
> Exact Match. Password Accepted!
-Server 4-
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frvmentarivsincvlta · 30 days
THE FORT | LEGION CAMP 385 "In hoc signo taurus vinces" >/ PASSWORD: | .... *************
>\ Welcome, VULPES
>Files >Correspondence >Notes |
I've helped install a new terminal system for The Fort. This should prove useful in sending messages around the camp, as well as keeping track of any operations we're working on, notes, useful files, et cetera...
I've set up a mailing system. It's rudimentary at best, but should allow for reception of encrypted messages from outside the system to be received. Text only. I am hopeful (but not overly so) that the system will not be abused.
I've give my Lord Caesar basic instruction on the use of our systems, as well as Lucius and Alerio. Provided he is back soon and willing to listen, I will also give Lanius a 'crash-course' in terminal operation. I am decidedly NOT hopeful or excited about this, as the man isn't exactly eloquent in his non-verbal correspondences.
Regardless, I will be signing off now.
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carpefatum · 1 month
Dear Mr. Gannon,
Hello. I am writing this message
hastily to inquire about sanctuary
or refuge with the Followers. I am
in dire need of assistance and
require medical attention as soon
as possible. I am trapped. Legion
have taken my home on the west
outskirts of New Vegas. NCR have
not replied. Please help.
- Kit
The Followers are always open to refugees, but I don’t know if we have the manpower to operate a rescue. I can ask Julie: she might know some NCR soldiers.
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robotwrangler · 1 year
Robert House, founder of Robco Industries
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The Penultimate Round Begins!
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The Seventh Seeded RobCo Industries is up against the third seeded Aperture Science! Robco has edged out the competition in it's previous two matches, whereas Aperture defeated it's first opponent in a landslide! So: Will RobCo keep up their winning steak, or will Aperture find yet another shortcut to success.
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radroachmeat · 1 year
taylor swift spotted holding hands with founder of robco industries robert edwin house
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Content Warning: suggestive image, implied/referenced non-con, discussions of fictional mob families and their unethical practices, unhealthy or inadvisable relationships, otherwise batshit and unrealistic things
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finally she posts! first it was anxiety over punting this thing without the mature community label curtain. then it was a the posting limit she (i) hit on the other blog. then it was the general blog content warning she (i, again) forgot to post in favor of being an attention whore with no empathy for other people! (i'm working on that) what will she do next! (no please do tell me when i forget to tag things or tag things incorrectly or am generally being an asshole, thank you. the painfully aware presence that is not everything else usually catches it, but a shot to the knee is always welcome.)
now, onto house:
so as you have now probably gleaned (– and if you haven't, check the tags –) that the houses i write and draw are very au. very, very au, as my last attempt at fanfic or fan finagling with a piece of media has absolutely rotted my ability to not be au with it. he's still a bastard, of course - he's still robert edwin house, ceo of robco industries, sole proprietor of the new vegas strip. he's now just a little bit... other things as well.
he's Robert Edwin House, the mob wife of a mafia heiress Mary-lynn Lussier, and groomed since late adolescence to be so, partially of his own will, partially not since it's the mob, nevermind it being french, not entirely of his said mob spouse's full consent on the matter either, because 12 year olds will think anything is cool when it's a family thing and they're made to feel included, and she's protecting her nerdy twerp friend who's brother is a shit and who comes off as a mean snob when really he just doesn't get people all of the time, like her own one brother, of which there are several and think, that when she is sixteen and a prodigy at daddy's job, that her not-boyfriend sort of pet nerd, who made her a custom automatic baseball pitcher tailored to her and her needs, should also be tailored to her needs in turn and sex ed in fallout america is bullshit anyway, right?
he's also Robert Edwin House, long lost, now newly reacquainted and acquired in college, childhood friend of rancher and stable master's nephew Victor Keene, of the ranch just across the watering hole at hidden valley, that boards horses of the Lussier family as well as other people and is a rider and ranch hand himself, when he's not off pursuing his degree in geology. this pin-up is something from around that time. in the off season, when he is not off keeping the piece behind the scenes of the pitch, he's with vic and occasionally with a message from mary on some underground subject or rather. house is not fond of being made a pigeon, but he weathers it, because in spite of all that is duly sane and logical, he likes being around vic and being vic's (- though the latter was a bit slow with the shot, at first -), and mary's, to a broad extent, deeper than the physical aspects of anything, because you aren't this kind of childhood sweetheart without some kind of other understanding of each other, which they have, in every sense, developed over the years.
is it mean, to have house this way? to have his life have so little peace, to only find it in the sole and solid existence of his companions and the fleeting, barely there substance of the things he's worked for so long and so hard, that he can barely feel as more than heavy air surging up his fingers from time to time?
yes. undoubtedly. and believe me when i say: this might not even be the worst of it.
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noblesixofhalo · 1 year
Fallout Bebop
Alright before I get started, I'm not trying to ruin anything or retcon Fallout or Cowboy Bebop for that matter, this is just something that I want to write about off an on as long as I am still committed to my playthrough of Fallout 4. (New Vegas requires a ton of space on my PC which I don't have right now sadly) It's not the greatest of writing but I'm not hear to write a masterpiece, just whatever comes to my mind. I will get the next chapter out by tomorrow maybe. I'm still trying to continue with where I left off on Saturday when I completed chapter. Anyway without further ado, let's get started. Btw the "tall skinny individual in the intro is not Spike lol, it's supposed to be me but as the main character in any Fallout game so it can be whoever. I don't spend much time making my character, I just play around with their appearance a bit and just give them a normal look to them. Anyway let's start.
*Theme song of Cowboy Bebop "Tank!" plays before fading*
*Piano music plays in the background before a male singer begins*
When you attend a funeral It is sad to think that sooner or later Those you love will do the same for you And you may have thought it tragic Not to mention other adjectives To think of all the weeping they will do But don't you worry.
No more ashes, no more sackcloth And an armband made of black cloth Will some day never more adorn a sleeve For if the bomb that drops on you Gets your friends and neighbors too There'll be nobody left behind to grieve.
And we will all go together when we go Oh, what a comforting fact that is to know Universal bereavement, an inspiring achievement Yes, we all will go together when we go..... *fade to black*
*Narrator begins his monologue*
War. War never changes. Nearly 200 years ago after decades of conflict over Earth's last resources, the world was plunged into nuclear fire. The atomic conflagration between the world's nuclear powers ended in a span of only two hours but in those short few hours, the world was reduced to ruin and billions of lives snuffed out by atomic fire and by the aftermath of this nuclear holocaust. Though civilization as humanity knew it ceased to exist on Earth, the tale of humanity still preserved despite many challenges and trials ahead. Thanks to years of false alarms and the cry wolf effect, very few took the warnings seriously and those who were fortunate enough to make it to the safety to the underground Vaults, their fate was in the hands of the overseers who either delivered the survivors a new life from war and death or a life of hell at the hands of their new mad scientists. In the many decades since the Great War in 2077, societies that some how managed to escape the ravages of nuclear war and the societal collapse, have colonized much of the solar system thanks to the help of the Intersolar Brotherhood of Steel who have dedicated their lives and their mission to colonize other planets. Thanks to the technological advancements made by the IBOS, the very few humans left on Earth have managed to make space their home free from the horrors of the atomic wasteland and the constant struggles that plagued humanity since the bombs fell. Amid rising crime, the Intersolar Brotherhood of Steel have created a legalized contract system similar to prewar bounty hunting who are dedicated to capturing criminals not just on Earth but throughout the solar system. With the help of the Inter Solar System Police, the official police force of the Intersolar Brotherhood of Steel, bounty hunting has expanded beyond the atomic wasteland on Earth and into the stars above.
*Atomic Wasteland, unknown location in the former United States of America*
A taller somewhat skinny looking individual equipped with combat armor and old military fatigues and a trusty Pip-Boy 3000 courtesy of Robco Industries, was prepping for a long haul to a great unknown. Next to him was a skinny and lanky looking androgynous teenage girl with fiery red hair and a goofy looking grin that seemed constantly in one mode and that was happy, giggly and bubbly all the time. The strange man didn't mind and often was happy to see her with nothing but endless content regardless of the world that he and she are forced to grow up in. He met this strange child a few months ago after he found her wandering endlessly in nothing but open wilderness and the harsh atomic wasteland. One would have to wonder if this child was part ghoul or was naturally immune to radiation as no child would be sane enough to go out in the wasteland without proper protection.
"Rad X?
"Check, check, check!"
"Check, check, check, checky check!"
"Check, check!"
"Purified water, bandages, and extra food?"
"Oooooooh do you got nuki, nuki colas for Edward?"
"I'm afraid not kiddo and besides that stuff is bad for you, I don't know how prewar society could handle such a sugary concoction."
"120% the daily recommended sugars!"
The young girl proudly beamed proud of her statement of fact. The strange man smirked at her before continuing with the checklist.
He made sure that he was armed enough to go out in the wasteland. He was tasked on a secret mission by the Detachment, a paramilitary organization that provides extra security for anyone that has the caps for it. Truth be told, it was a pretty insignificant faction that had little to no name recognition other than the fact that they were well armed, and they provided security for any organization out there that wasn't just comprised of degenerate raiders. Originally the strange man was going to drop off Edward at the nearest settlement and not have to deal with her but overtime he grew protective of her and considered dumping her at the nearest settlement one of the last things he wished to do given the dangers of the wasteland. But he also argued that this child was capable of taking care of herself without adults but child or not, raiders would not care.
"Alright I got my gear ready, take the chem but only once we don't want any side affects causing problems for you. You're how old again Ed?"
"13, 13, 13!"
"Let's try one dose for now. It says on the bottle that it won't cause any addiction but I don't want to risk it."
"Hehe, you worry too much."
"I just...I just don't want you to get hurt".
"I'll be fine!"
She giggled as he gave her the one chem of Rad-X, sure enough after she took the dose, nothing happened. The man took his dose of Rad-X and off they were to the great unknown ready for anything. He debated whether or not he wanted to stay with the Detachment or if he wanted to just keep going his own way with this child. He had plenty of caps and was perfectly capable of plowing through the wastes though having a NBC suit on would be more ideal, he thought.
"Alright let's go kiddo."
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