rk1k-prompt-week · 11 months
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Hello and welcome to our RK1K Prompt Week 1!
Let's kick off 2024 with an event for our famous deviant hunter Connor and charismatic deviant leader Markus!
Jan 22 - Jan 28
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Day 1 (Jan 22): Failed revolution/"Leave him alone!" Day 2 (Jan 23): Interface/Partners in crime Day 3 (Jan 24): Vampire-Hunter AU/Love on the battlefield Day 4 (Jan 25): First kiss/"Who am I then?" Day 5 (Jan 26): Favourite AU/Battle side by side Day 6 (Jan 27): Safe/Guilt Day 7 (Jan 28): Free Day
⭕ This is an event for RK1K (Connor/Markus), so only works with RK1K as the main focus are allowed.
⭕ Writer: There's no word limit, write as little or as much as you like! A drabble, a one-shot, a series, a multi-chapter fic...
⭕ Artists: Anything goes when it comes to art: fully colored drawings, line art, collages, mood boards, gifsets, videos, playlists...
⭕ You can participate in as many days as you want, even if it's just one; you can use each prompt individually or combine them. There's no limit to your creativity!
⭕ Please tag your work appropriately if it contains sensitive topics.
⭕ Please use the tag #rk1kpromptweek or tag @rk1k-prompt-week in your posts! I will try to reblog them all, but if I miss a post, please tell me! Collection on AO3: RK1K_Prompt_Week. Twitter: @/Rk1kWeek
⭕ Late posts are always welcome, if they're properly tagged I'll reblog them.
⭕ If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
⭕ Have fun with this event!
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n4c9s · 4 years
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“Early Mornings” for @rk1k-week day 5
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vintageskeletons · 4 years
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keep painting me with more memories
hurry and paint me with only your scent
so it can’t be erased, so no one else but you
can draw in my heart
@rk1k-week day 1 : painting | playing an instrument
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rk1kheadcanons · 4 years
Connor and Markus are on vacation when they first meet
Connor's workaholic ass kept trying to weasel out of going on vacation up to the last moment until his dad, Hank Anderson, literally hugged him roughly in their shared beat up the car and then pushed him unceremoniously out the door at the airport, then sped off leaving him two options: Uber home or take the damned plane and go on vacation proper. Connor shook his head; the precinct could wait a week without him.
Carl had a limo come and get Markus and ferry him to the airport. Markus hated it. It showed he was a child of money and he was always so nervous about leaving his Dad's side. He never knew if it would be the last time. He had two choices: worry himself till he was prematurely gray and call the limo back it goes on this week vacation. Begrudgingly and guiltily, he enters the airport.
Connor's a nervous mess and it shows at the bag check out. He wishes the floor would swallow him whole. There are too many people. Then the lady is telling him he's in the wrong line, this is a first-class ticket and Connor is both mad and flattered that his father splurged this much for him. He nervously moves his bags out the way to the blessedly clear first-class line.
Well, that's not quite true. There is this beautiful man dressed in a brand of a suit he could never afford in a year's worth of income, in line, getting checked in.
Connor feels like an obvious bum behind this airport God, with his bronze skin and-oh! Two-toned eyes, one blue and the other green...and crap he's staring.
Connor mumbles a 'hello' in passing as the airport God continues to stare at afterward, probably thinks he's weird.
Check out isn't a problem.
Markus has been flying since he was one year old, and first-class, too. What he didn't expect to see was this adorable wallflower staring at him absolutely terrified and a hairsbreadth from being spooked by him. Oh my goodness, he was so adorable! Soft looking curls, large brown eyes framed in large framed glasses, pale mole, freckled skin that was actively blushing. Even his graphic tee, skinny jeans, and DG shoes we're just somehow him, Markus knew. Markus walked past with a greeting...and right into some rope off markers because he was so enamored with the other man. Too bad they aren't going to the same place, that could have been markus time to get to know him.
They are row mates and the flight is surprisingly pretty much just them.
Markus is not the most religious but prays to all entities for this happenstance.
Connor has problems breathing with the man being right there in his visual range. The dude is way out of his league, probably straight as a board, and Connor's gay heart can not deal. He fucking smells good from across the row from him. Bitch.
"Hi, I'm Markus. What is your name?"
Connor flinched like he was slapped and with the added confusion as his eyes landed on where the voice came from.
Markus would have laughed if he wasn't certain that the other would probably ride the rest of the flight in the bathroom just to live down the unwarranted embarrassment.
The man, Markus, is all smiles and beautiful eyes, and Connor is melting in confusion inside. This man is talking to him?
"I'm Connor. Are you talking to me, not a phone, or?"
Markus smile dims a little. So this Connor had self-esteem issues, felt a like person like him could not be talked to by a person like him.
"Yeah, I'm talking to you directly. There are no other beautiful people taking my attention like you are."
Connor blushed even harder and tried to will his heart to not fall out of his mouth. Here this absolutely fetching male was talking to him and he was ready to put his earbuds in for the duration of the trip like a normal person would when being flirted with.
Markus knew what he was doing.
Looking both ways down the aisle, he got up with his carry on and sat by Connor.
Connor freaked out for multiple reasons: what about assigned seating? This man was too hot, and Connor was very Gay.
Markus could see the panic attack welling up in Connor.
Markus started to talk to him about himself. He spoke of how this was a 'forced vacation'/from his Dad, a point Connor could relate to. He started to relax, take in the man's calming voice.
Connor found his voice and started talking back about his own experience. It was an enjoyable experience with a perfect stranger that just happened to look like Connor's future husband.
It never crossed their minds they were on a joint flight to Hawaii even when whey they finally disembarked hours later, it still didn't click.
Connor slept on his first day.
When he did wake, he enjoyed the scenery of the beach from his verandah. He thought about Markus and the fact that maybe he could have drawn the scene before him.
He decided to hit the beach. He'd bought some ridiculously small board booty shorts, painted his nails a lovely iridescent navy blue, and parked himself under a large canopy on his doggie pattern beach towel. He was pretty and he was going to pay that aspect up.
There was a 'thud' and slight groan as someone tripped and more or less stop, dropped, and fell under his canopy with him.
It had him scrambling up, fist ready to fight. He was no pushover no matter how he may look to others. He looked down and couldn't help but snort inelegantly. Markus lay frozen in place, borderline terrified Markus, eyes wide and shifting all over Connor's figure before landing on those tiny shorts.
Markus can't help but want to stay by Connor's side, and it looks like Connor is just as receptive to that, if his eyes glued on Markus muscles have any say in it.
Baring just the good looks and obvious attraction between them, the conversation is good as well. They find they have a lot in common as well.
They decide after a fun day at the beach to sort of unanimously to enjoy the trip as whatever this would evolve into. They now were certain they both resided in Detroit, Markus a curator for his father's works and some of his own as well.
Connor was an up and coming detective that partnered with his father, Lieutenant Thank Anderson. Markus knew of his dad from a large art heist that he'd busted when he was younger and had nothing but respect for the man. Likewise, Connor enjoyed Carl Manfred's artwork from the time he could understand art concepts.
Nightlife came and the pair went out and enjoyed the energy of the clubs. Connor would not have come if not for Markus, and Markus doubted that he would have either alone given his homebody nature. They both fed each other positively in that regard, sharing drinks and laughs and dancing late into the morning hours.
At some point, they had decided to call it a night in their tipsy way of handling, Markus arm around Connor's shoulder as giggled themselves, shuffling back to the hotel that they found they also shared.
Somewhere along the trip up to their respective rooms, Connor became very brave indeed, pulling Markus slightly flushed face to his and kiss him soundly. Markus looks at him with wide, expressive eyes, the vestiges of drunkenness slipping away for confirmation of what this can mean, what it will mean if he steps a foot into Connor's room with him.
Connor murmurs his assent to whatever the night will hold and Markus kisses Connor back with more passion this time around, finagling the room key from Connor's hand and fumbling to open it, too stubborn to fly stop peppering kisses on Connor and look at the lock mechanism to which Connor just can't contain his giggles. The four finally swings open and Connor is lifted up and onto the room, the door closing slowly behind them letting his giggles echo into the hall until the slip into pleased little groans by the time the door is completely shut.
A week goes by and two fathers await their son's return. Somehow Hank is pleased with this little turn of events. He wanted Connor to enjoy himself, to truly unwind. If 'unwind' meant to bring a boyfriend home, well, as long as he was safe, Hank was proud of his boy. He seemed to have a good eye when he saw the other slightly nervous young man named Markus holding his son's hand.
Carl was the same sort of supportive. He even was having a good day health-wise so he really got to get to know (pick on and tell embarrassing stories to) Connor. Markus rolled his eyes and sighed good-natured.
To think neither we're interested in going on their vacation for their own reasons. They may have gone their whole lives and never met.
Here's to all the perfect strangers in the world that could be soul mates waiting to happen.
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rk1kmoods · 4 years
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My first contribution to  @rk1k-week​ for prompt 1: Painting/Playing an instrument.
I’ve made a few boards for this AU - an rp I’m writing with a friend on discord. (Currently being edited for posting at a later date - it’s... epic. XD ) Connor owns a music shop and plays the violin, Markus is a well-known concert pianist (and artist) who stumbles upon the shop after an incident on a train. 
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rk1kconkusweek · 5 years
2020 RK1K Week
Hello everyone!! We’re interested in holding an RK1K Week and we want to hear your thoughts for the event!  Please fill out the form here to have your say! Make sure to mention every prompt you’d like to see for the week and there are more information to be found in the form itself. Feel free to message the blog if you have any questions. 
The form will be open until Tuesday 14 January 2020. The mods live in different timezones so there’s no definite time the form will be taken down.  Looking forward to your responses!
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berrywhitesblog · 4 years
【DBH/RK1000】Natural enemy—[马康/底特律变人]
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amikoroyaiart · 6 years
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Rk1k week day 4 - Sharing a bed
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trashyazeohane · 6 years
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RK1K Week! - Free Day | Make up day!
Alternative title - Onward (my noble steed)!
(Aka my AU where Connor gets sick)
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hypergutz · 6 years
connor and markus: *staring into each other's eyes*
hank: *opens a soda can*
connor: we're having a moment
hank: i'm having a cola
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n4c9s · 4 years
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“Good Ending” for @rk1k-week day 4
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rk1kweek · 6 years
What’s this? RK1K Week???
Yes, yes this is!
Now I’ve never done a week before but listen, I want to give this ship all the love and what better way to do that than have a whole week dedicated to them? I already have rules and Q & A posted (dates may not stick, those are what I’m aiming for. Rules and Q & A are also subjected to change if need be) I’m also looking to see if anyone wants to help moderate this (I need all the help I can get!) If so, dm me @thatgirlkennedie~ More information will be put out the more I get this all together. This post is meant as a pilot to get the word out! Do share this around, follow the blog, and be prepared for fun times in the near future! 
-Mod C <3
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Title: Properties of Paint
Prompt(s): Day 7 - Painting together @rk1kweek
Rating: General
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Connor doesn't know what to paint. Markus helps him.
[Read story here on AO3]
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rktenhundred · 6 years
Day 1 of RK1K Week: Connor is unaware of the crush Markus has on him.
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panevanbuckley · 6 years
RK1K Week @rk1kweek
Day 2: Markus saying he likes Connor, on TV
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amikoroyaiart · 6 years
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Rk1k week day 1 - Bridal Style/Wedding @rk1kweek
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