#Riyadh climate
delusionalbubble · 8 months
Jeddah or Riyadh, Which One Should You Visit?
Jeddah and Riyadh are both beautiful cities, and among the best reasons to visit Saudi Arabia. They are known for their rich cultural heritage and diverse attractions. They are two of the most popular cities in the country and attract many tourists from around the world. In this post, we will compare Jeddah and Riyadh on five different subjects to help you decide which city you should…
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bentenharuki · 1 year
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In Riyadh traffic is just about what it looks like in Italy 😅 Heat instead is more bearable HERE in Saudi Arabia than it was - and still - these days in Milan 😩
Here for a few days for a working event. I cannot wait tho for my holidays starting in 11 days. I used to take multiple vacations all around June/September while studying and practicing… to be finally a worker - which is a privilege in my situation anyway, don’t get me wrong - means that my chances for leisure have shrunk to be encompassed in less than 4 weeks around August only. Just like it happens for the wide majority of my Country fellows.
But at least I am visiting for work Countries that weren’t on my travel map so this is something in itself isn’t it?
See ya ❤️ and be safe out of heat as much as possible 🙏🏻
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greenfue · 1 year
COP28 Changemakers Majlis empowers youth at MENA Climate Week to participate in building a sustainable future
The COP28 Changemaker Majlis hosted by the Youth Climate Champion provided a platform at MENA Climate Week in Riyadh for youth to express their ideas, aspirations, and concerns to leaders. The initiative is part of a series of gatherings leading up to COP28.,It aims to rally a network of changemakers around a shared purpose to co-create tangible solutions for a more sustainable world. The network…
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dlyarchitecture · 2 years
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octuscle · 28 days
Gabriel was quite a freeloader. Of course he didn't come to Dubai as an expat because he was stupid or lazy. But he also knew pretty well that he would have had a much harder time in France affording the life he could afford here. Life in Dubai was luxury, pure luxury. He had a cool house with a pool, a gardener, a housekeeper and a chauffeur, and he earned a huge amount of money. He didn't necessarily work nine to five, but he didn't necessarily work himself to death either. In short, for him, life here was pure paradise!
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Gabriel had heard the news that the climate had turned a little against the privileges of expats. But he wasn't interested in it. He would do his job here, he was saving a lot of money, which was safely invested in Switzerland, if necessary, he would be on the plane back to Paris tomorrow and look for a job in Riyadh or Kuwait. The United Arab Emirates were not the only place on this planet where he could make money. And besides, he didn't really care about it today. It was Saturday. Tomorrow he would have to sit in the office again, today he wanted to work out at the gym and then hang out with a few friends at the beach club for the rest of the day. A few cocktails, lobster for dinner and then to bed. The only problem was: his driver had the day off. And even though Gabriel had been living in Dubai for several years, he couldn't drive a car himself! He had forgotten how. That's why there were drivers. So he ordered a taxi.
The porter at his community had announced the driver. Gabriel took his sports bag. A quick check in the mirror: yes, he looked good. He opened the door. The brand new Toyota taxi was parked in front of the door. The driver got out and asked in English if Gabriel wanted to put the sports bag in the boot. Gabriel barely looked up from his phone and just shook his head. He didn't feel like having any more contact with the driver than absolutely necessary. The driver opened the back door for him, Gabriel got in, repeated his destination once more and continued playing with his cell phone. The driver remained quiet at first. But then he started talking. First in English. About the weather, about football, where Gabriel came from, whether he liked Dubai. Gabriel simply didn't react. The driver just kept talking. That he had fled from Syria. That he had been in Dubai for four years. That he had two children. He showed Gabriel pictures in his wallet. His English became more and more incomprehensible. A mixture of English and Arabic. Gabriel continued to pretend to be deaf. The driver kept talking. In Arabic. He was ranting about the expats. About the arrogance of the infidels, who thought they were better than everyone else, even though they were dependent on the mercy of Allah, who had given the Muslims oil.
Gabriel was annoyed. He wanted to work on a few e-mails and not talk about politics. What did he care about politics? So he snapped at the driver, "Rakkiz 'ala al-siyaqa, ana mashghul!" The driver smiled. He looked in the rear-view mirror. God's plan was working.
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The taxi driver's language began to change again. Arabic with a French accent. Gabriel sat in the back on the worn imitation leather seats of the old taxi. In the front, Ayoub couldn't stop getting worked up about the last few games of Olympic Marseille. Djibril grinned. He knew the feeling. When Ayoub was in a rage, he was in a rage. Fortunately, they were almost at the wholesale market, then his brother would let him out. Ayoub would drive his shift to an end. And Djibril would see what kind of job he could get. He and his pals ironically called themselves the expats. It was true in a way… His brother and he had immigrated from Morocco ten years ago. They had family in Marseille. Djibril had really tried hard at school, but at some point he stopped going and started working as a day laborer at the wholesale market. He was doing well. By now, Djibril had his network, he knew his way around. And he was strong and fast. He saved what he earned. He was proud of his brother Ayoub, who made it to get a taxi license and his own taxi, which was also Djibril's goal.
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He checked his messages. It was still dawn. Ayoub was on his way to the banlieue to sleep. It was good when he drove the night shift, then he and Djibril didn't have to share the small bedroom. So far, no one had contacted him to request Djibril's services. If necessary, he could help out in his aunt's café in the kitchen. There was no money for that, though. But a café and a lunch. Life as an expat wasn't so bad.
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dailyoverview · 4 months
Riyadh is the capital and largest city in Saudi Arabia. During the 1980’s the city began to experience rapid population growth and now has seven million inhabitants. In the 1960s, Riyadh was home to only 150,000 people. Like most of the country, Riyadh has a hot desert climate with an average high temperature in July of 43.5 °C (110.3 °F).
24.633333°, 46.716667°
Source imagery: Google Timelapse
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odinsblog · 7 months
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No one loves Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman more than America’s elite. In recent years, we’ve seen leaders, investors, and celebrities hold out a Saudi exception to human rights in the service of a blurry concept of national interests that requires the U.S. to constantly compromise its values in service of an autocrat. And so MBS has been welcomed back into the establishment fold, and he won over Washington. And now he’s taking a victory lap.
When Saudi Arabia convened a 2018 summit in Riyadh, businesspeople shielded their name tags from view, sheepish about seeking MBS’s money just days after journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder. But the stigma has apparently worn off, and big names in finance, tech, media, and entertainment showed up at the Miami edition of Davos in the Desert.
The entire conceit of the conference is that Saudi Arabia can be abstracted from MBS, who is hardly ever mentioned yet remains the unspoken force behind the events. The host, the Future Investment Initiative Institute, a mouthful, is essentially the crown prince’s personal think tank. Session after session offered platitudes and ruminations on the least controversial ideas ever—AI is going to change the world! Climate is important! Sports bring people together! The two-day gathering was titled “On the Edge of a New Frontier,” itself a sort of redundant name. (Isn’t a frontier an edge?)
Yasir Al-Rumayyan, governor of a major sovereign wealth fund that’s currently under Senate investigation, led the proceedings. The Public Investment Fund that Al-Rumayyan runs is the conference’s founding partner and powers its lavish events. That Al-Rumayyan has $70 billion in annual investments to dole out is enough to draw out financial titans, curious entrepreneurs, and former Trump officials.
Jared Kushner, who had grown a beard, was talking about his theory of investing, without noting that MBS’s sovereign wealth funds had reportedly contributed $2 billion to his Affinity Partners. Steve Mnuchin, who similarly snared $1 billion of Saudi funds for his Liberty Strategic Capital, wore a suit and dress sneakers and talked about Israel as a tech hub. Mike Pompeo, in a tie, said that U.S. leadership in the world requires a “stability model” that involves working with “like-minded nations,” though “they’re not all going to be democracies.” Little wonder he rushed U.S. arms to Saudi Arabia as secretary of state as part of an end run around Congress.
Doing business with Saudi Arabia has become so normalized that the CEOs of major corporations and investment firms showed up in droves. There was Accenture’s Julie Sweet, Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman, and Thiel Capital’s Jack Selby. David Rubenstein—the billionaire who has played host to President Joe Biden at his Nantucket estate—spoke alongside his daughter Gabrielle. (This year, the Biden administration didn’t send an emissary, but the deputy commerce secretary, Donald Graves, attended in 2021.)
Journalists have kept a distance from Saudi Arabia after the dismemberment of Washington Post columnist Khashoggi, but in Miami the moderators included CNN’s Bianna Golodryga, Fox’s Maria Bartiromo, Bloomberg’s Manus Cranny, and The Wall Street Journal’s Gerard Baker.
MBS has especially used boldfaced names to rehabilitate his standing post-Khashoggi, his crackdown on women activists, and the destructive Yemen war. In Miami, there was a fireside chat with failed Senate candidate Dr. Oz. “Saudi Arabia is, I think, doing some wise investing and shifting mindsets by trying to leapfrog, in some cases, where the West is,” Oz said.
For Gwyneth Paltrow, it was just another fun public event. She spoke about how Goop had “built meaning” for its fans, in conversation with entrepreneur Moj Mahdara, a former adviser to Hillary Clinton. It was particularly incongruous when Paltrow discussed bringing more women to the cap table to fight the patriarchy.
Rob Lowe had some advice for Riyadh’s efforts to break into Hollywood and create its own film industry. “My view is there’s no reason that Saudi shouldn’t be the leader in IP in the same way they’re attempting to be the leader in sports and everything else,” Lowe said. “You need to have someone who can communicate: Why Saudi, why now.”
For all of the glitzy stage management and slick social media branding, at many moments there were fewer than 50 people watching the livestream on YouTube. But what mattered more were the opinion leaders, financiers, and tycoons in the room.
Big Tech was there, too, with Google’s Caroline Yap and Dell’s Michael Dell. Nothing was quite as obsequious as last year’s gathering in Miami when Adam Neumann, Marc Andreessen, and Ben Horowitz—all beneficiaries of Saudi Arabia’s financial largesse—gushed about how MBS is like a “founder,” except “you call him, ‘His Royal Highness.’”
(continue reading)
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warsofasoiaf · 1 year
Would a US-Saudi defense pact modeled on the US-Japan defense pact be valuable to the US, or is this more the US buying Saudi diplomatic actions on Israel by promising to protect Saudi interests? Would this make Saudi Arabia less likely to join BRICS, or align with Russia? Is the US overpaying for Arab-Israeli rapprochement?
It would be valuable to the US, if it actually delivered all that it promised, establishing an anti-Iran Middle Eastern bloc and fend off Chinese influence in the region, which are strategic goals for the United States. As an added bonus, getting Saudi Arabia off fossil fuels and toward civilian nuclear power would be a step toward accomplishing climate goals.
I doubt it can actually materialize. Netanyahu can't really promise any concessions to the Palestinians that Riyadh has demanded as part of any normalization arrangement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and convincing 67 senators to sign on to an increasingly unpopular Saudi Arabia with a defensive pact is difficult - especially if it can be interpreted to get the US involved in the war with the Houthis. So in that sense, I can't say the US is overpaying, because it's likely they'll be paying nothing to get nothing, unless they decide to make more measured, smaller actions.
BRICS is largely a toothless entity - there's been big talk about BRICS being the new game-changer, but largely ignored is that India and China hate each other and frequently have border skirmishes and neither would be willing to employ economic concessions that would grant the other entity (or BRICS itself) control over their country's economic output.
Thanks for the question, Cle-Guy.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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mariacallous · 9 months
It wasn’t long ago that most of the world was focusing on a U.S.-Saudi-Israeli “big Middle East deal.” The current climate of death, destruction, and the catastrophe that is unfolding before our eyes is a long way from the exuberance surrounding potential Saudi-Israeli normalization in the weeks and months prior to the war.
While some observers may be surprised by Hamas’s heinous Oct. 7 attacks and the eruption of a major war, others had long dreaded such an outbreak of violence. Due to the desperate desire of both Israel and the United States to see a normalization deal with Saudi Arabia, the unresolved and simmering Palestinian issue was largely ignored.
Both Israel and the United States had their respective reasons to push for normalization. For Washington, and in particular for President Joe Biden, being the broker of such a major deal would cement his legacy in history and provide a needed diplomatic talking point for the 2024 election campaign.
For Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, having Saudi Arabia—the custodian of Islam’s two holiest sites—recognizing Israel would be a strategic victory. If Saudi Arabia agrees to normalize relations with Israel, there will be little else to pressure the Netanyahu government, or any future Israeli government, with to ensure significant concessions and facilitate a political settlement that ushers in security for both Palestinians and Israelis.
As soon as the war erupted, there was an ominous feeling that a humanitarian catastrophe was going to ensue. There was little doubt that Arab states would condemn Israel. What was less clear was how Arab states would use their leverage. The energy landscape has changed dramatically from 1973, and therefore, the “oil card” was not going to hold much sway today.
This then raises the question of how Saudi Arabia will use its leverage in this crisis. While oil is no longer an effective instrument of leverage over the United States and Israel, Riyadh does have some tools in its diplomatic arsenal that—if deployed properly—will give it a say in shaping the future of Israel and Palestine.
As the war continues, both Israel and the United States are losing credibility. Forcibly displacing refugees from their homes, and then cutting off humanitarian essentials, is hardly a way to gain any support, let alone legitimacy for a military campaign. As the humanitarian catastrophe grows, the United States is losing international credibility, not least in the Middle East. While it is unrealistic to see any Saudi action that could force Israel to stop its war in Gaza, Saudi Arabia is using its symbolic position as the guardian of Islam’s holiest sites against Israel.
Riyadh is leading a diplomatic effort designed to generate an international narrative that questions the legality of Israeli military aggression, and the U.S. diplomatic cover it is utilizing. Not only are the Saudi ruling elites rejecting the Israeli self-defense argument, but they are also going on the diplomatic offensive. Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan is leading a diplomatic committee mandated by the Arab League and Organization of Islamic Cooperation, to tour various international capitals and argue for an immediate cease-fire.
The committee’s first stop was in Beijing and then Moscow. This was a clear signal to Washington that Saudi Arabia has other options in this ever-evolving multipolar world. In addition, the committee’s presence in the United Nations and the constant proposals by the Arab-Islamic group are designed to keep diplomatic pressure on the United States, by highlighting it as an obstacle to a cease-fire.
The Saudis are also using an overlooked diplomatic tool: silence. Their outright refusal of any political discussion before a cease-fire is also generating pressure by disallowing Israel a clear political horizon after the campaign. As the Saudi foreign minister said last month: “What future is there to talk about when Gaza is being destroyed.”
The Saudi ruling elites have another reason to avoid any discussion about the “day after.” They believe entertaining this idea won’t help achieve a permanent cease-fire and could be seen as being complicit in giving the current Israeli campaign a tacit legitimacy that is missing. Riyadh has been there before.
In 2006, when the Hezbollah-Israel war erupted, the then-Saudi ruling elites had a pragmatic position that balanced criticism of both Israel and Hezbollah. Saudi Arabia stated at the time that while it supported pan Arab causes, a “distinction must be made between legitimate resistance and uncalculated adventures undertaken by elements inside [Lebanon] and those behind them.”
Given the measured response, and the general expectation of an outright condemnation of Israel, this dual criticism was interpreted as tacit sign of tolerance of Israel’s behavior. This is something that Riyadh wants to avoid today. It does not want to allow itself to be politicized for Israeli political ends. In other words, the Saudi ruling elites want to avoid being “spun.”
Netanyahu is often dubbed the “master of spin.” The Saudis know that if they initiate any political discussion about the day after, or even hypothesizing about future scenarios, this will certainly lend itself to Netanyahu’s spinning tendencies. One can see how Netanyahu spun medical assistance to Gaza by the United Arab Emirates as if the Emirati support had been based on Netanyahu’s request, and not a response to the dire medical crises ensuing there. Saudi Arabia has a good sense of how its actions and statements can be spun in a way that suggests the Saudis and Israelis are on the same page regarding the day after for Gaza, which is far from the reality.
Where Riyadh has real leverage is when it comes to financing. Israel will never match the financial capacity of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states. Its economy is struggling, and according to a recent report by the Bank of Israel, it is losing $600 million a week during this campaign. The Israeli central bank has also suggested that the war costs from 2023 to 2025 will amount to some $53 billion.
This is precisely what gives Saudis, GCC states and Arab states leverage, as any reconstruction efforts can be used to nudge Israel toward a genuine peace process. Otherwise, it will only be a matter of time until the region finds itself in the same situation again—if not worse.
The Saudis have never been averse to financial support to the Palestinians. They have provided a great deal of that over the decades, and it does not look as if such support will subside soon. What the Saudis are averse to is rebuilding a decimated Gaza for the sake of Israeli security—especially given that Israel was the party that carried out the destruction.
There is currently wishful thinking in Israel and Washington that Saudi Arabia and other GCC states will pay the bill for Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. According to a leak to the Israeli press, Netanyahu reportedly told a parliament committee on Dec. 11 that “the first step in Gaza will be to defeat Hamas. After that, I believe that the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia will support the rehabilitation of the Strip.”
To assume that Saudi Arabia and GCC states would readily agree to pay for the reconstruction of an inherited catastrophe, and then take responsibly for its security, reveals the naïve illusions entertained by many in Israel and the West. Western and Israeli discourses often depict the GCC states as irrational actors that spend first and think later—as if the GCC states’ only function in the world system is to throw money at other states’ problems. This is far from the reality. Nowadays, nothing in Saudi Arabia is spent unless it is deemed to be serving the kingdom’s interest; “Saudi Arabia first” is the principle that Saudi’s foreign policy is based on.
One of the difficulties of raising Saudi funds for reconstruction efforts is that Saudi Arabia itself is undergoing its own rebuilding process. Currently, the country has set itself a mammoth task of restructuring the state, building mega projects that are crucial to its Vision 2030 initiative, in the hope of eventually diversifying the Saudi economy away from oil to ensure the survivability of the state for generations to come. The Saudis do have the money, but it is for investing in Saudi Arabia’s future. Yet, this does not mean the Saudi ruling elites are not willing to invest in a future Palestinian state and contribute significantly to the rebuilding of its infrastructure.
The incentives for Saudi Arabia and other Arab states to contribute toward a reconstruction of Gaza can be increased if done right, within the right framework, with the right horizon, and with the right goals. Chief among these common goals is regional security, as this war has shown that the Palestinian issue is something that cannot be swept under the rug any longer.
This war also demonstrated the spillover risk—from the Lebanon-Israel border to Houthi attacks on international ships in the Red Sea off Yemen’s coast—it has the potential to destabilize the entire region. This regional risk can serve as leverage for the Saudis vis-à-vis Israel and as an incentive to pursue lasting peace.
“Regional prosperity” is a term commonly used by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. It is precisely this angle that one can see Saudi investment in the restructuring of Gaza but only as part of a political process with clear political horizons that seeks to resolve the core issues of this conflict. Saudi Arabia already has leverage over Israel by not offering normalization, but Riyadh leading a reconstruction effort only amplifies Saudi political leverage over Israel, as without functioning infrastructure in Gaza, security concerns for Israel will only increase.
Given the nature and complexity of this conflict, there is no single leader who can take charge but rather a few leaders who can influence the situation by using their respective leverage in a harmonized, coordinated process. To assume that Riyadh will take charge, notwithstanding the kingdom’s recent muscular foreign policy, is not likely.
The truth is that Saudi Arabia has always had a leading role in this conflict, but it preferred a leading-from-behind approach. This approach allowed it to use its diplomatic and symbolic weight without being on the political front line and potentially risking its strategic interests. The Saudi ruling elites came to the conclusion that they had mustered a great deal of political effort for a fruitless process and thus have never injected themselves into the intricacies of the Palestinian-Israeli final status negotiations.
The problem with the previous peace process is that it proved to be structurally doomed to fail, given the dramatic asymmetry in power between Palestinians, Israel, and its ardent defender in Washington. Before Riyadh steps up and shows greater assertiveness on this issue, the Saudi ruling elites need to see a clear political horizon and an improved structure to the peace process. At that point, they might use their considerable financial leverage to shape the outcome.
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lidwinupgro · 4 days
Building the Future: Premium Construction Materials for Engineers in Riyadh with ABCO
As a construction engineer, you know the importance of quality building materials in ensuring project success. From skyscrapers to residential homes, every structure relies on durable and reliable materials to stand the test of time. That’s where ABCO Saudi comes in – a trusted supplier of building materials and construction materials in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, designed to meet the high standards of your projects.
Why Quality Building Materials Matter
In the construction industry, there is no room for error. The strength, durability, and performance of your materials directly impact the safety, longevity, and efficiency of your projects. Subpar materials can lead to costly repairs, project delays, or, worse, structural failures.
At ABCO, we understand the needs of construction professionals like you. Whether you’re working on a large-scale infrastructure project or a small residential build, our extensive range of construction materials ensures you’ll find exactly what you need for every phase of construction.
ABCO’s Expertise in the Riyadh Market
Riyadh is a rapidly growing city with ambitious infrastructure and urban development projects. As construction engineers, you are tasked with pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, whether it’s creating innovative high-rises, roads, or industrial complexes.
ABCO Saudi has a deep understanding of Riyadh’s construction market and the unique challenges that come with building in a fast-paced, urban environment. Our team sources high-quality materials designed for the region's specific environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures and arid climates. This ensures that your projects are equipped with durable, weather-resistant solutions that guarantee long-term performance.
The Right Materials for Every Project
From concrete blocks, steel beams, and insulation to specialized building materials for sustainable construction, ABCO provides everything you need to bring your vision to life. Our range includes:
Concrete and Cement Products: High-strength concrete and cement for foundations and structural integrity.
Steel and Metal Components: Reinforcement bars, beams, and columns for building strong frameworks.
Insulation Materials: Advanced thermal and soundproofing solutions that enhance energy efficiency.
Finishing Products: High-quality paints, tiles, and fixtures to give your projects the final polish they deserve.
Each product in our catalog is sourced from reliable manufacturers and rigorously tested to meet industry standards. This ensures that the materials you use are of the highest quality, minimizing risks and maximizing efficiency on the job site.
Why Choose ABCO?
As a construction engineer, partnering with a reliable supplier is crucial. Here’s why ABCO Saudi stands out:
Extensive Range of Materials: We offer a comprehensive selection of building materials suitable for all types of projects.
Expert Support: Our team of experts is always available to provide technical advice and help you choose the right materials for your specific needs.
Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of staying on schedule. That’s why we ensure fast and reliable delivery, so your project is never delayed due to supply issues.
Commitment to Sustainability: We provide eco-friendly construction materials for engineers focused on green building practices.
Partner with ABCO for Your Next Project in Riyadh
Whether you're constructing towering office buildings or residential complexes, ABCO Saudi is your trusted partner for all construction materials needs in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. With a focus on quality, reliability, and expert service, we ensure that your projects are built on a strong foundation from the ground up.
Explore our full range of products and services at ABCO Saudi and elevate your construction projects to new heights with materials you can count on.
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wavsgreen · 6 days
Riyadh, the vibrant capital of Saudi Arabia, is known for its arid climate and desert landscapes. However, with the growing emphasis on green spaces and urban beautification, softscape landscaping has become an essential component of residential and commercial developments.Get more information please read this blog.
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almahills · 21 days
The Leading Solution for warehouse construction in riyadh
Riyadh city is known for its ever-increasing demand for effective, proficient, and qualitative storage systems. Companies are now seeking competent warehouses construction in riyadh to provide them with warehouses.
This paper aims to stress the significance of well-designed and developed warehouses beginning from enormous distribution centers to personal compartments. Hence if you need warehouses construction in riyadh, it is very important to understand some key points and services offered.
Expert Warehouses Contractors Riyadh
Selecting the right warehouses contractor Riyadh is essential in making sure that it fulfills your requirements as well as the ones of the market. This company is a first-class warehouse contractor Riyadh that offers ranging services including site evaluation and selection, architectural design, construction, and Follow-up services. These contractors are well capable of undertaking different types of constructions right from small storage units to large hangars Riyadh.
Customizable Warehouse Solutions: In other words, the main strength when working with reputable contractors in Riyadh is that you can always opt for the best warehouse that suits your business. These specialists depending on the economic needs of your business can come up with space solutions whereby there is optimal storage capacity coupled to ease of access and safety. A few factors that are very crucial when selecting a warehouse contractor Riyadh may include climate control areas, multi-level storage, and specialty shelves.
Efficiency in Construction: Doing this contributes to the required time frame for the construction of warehouses in Riyadh. Hence, businesses require their storage facilities to run as quickly as possible. Of course, the leading warehouse contractor Riyadh does understand these aspects and uses the most efficient construction processes to secure the timely delivery of the project. This includes issues such as pre-engineered building systems, which improve the rate of construction and cut down costs significantly without jeopardizing quality.
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Compliance with Local Regulations: Therefore every construction project has its regulations and standards in Riyadh which include hangars Riyadh and warehouses. A competent contractor that specializes in warehouses will be well conversant with these regulations and would guarantee compliance with your project. This not only helps in avoiding some legal problems but also helps in making sure that the warehouse constructed is safe and sustainable.
Building Durable Hangars in Riyadh
To industries which preconditions for accommodation include vast and rather unobstructed areas, hangars Riyadh is the solution. These structures are popularly designed for aviation purposes, manufacturing concerns, as well as large-scale warehousing. Creating hangars Riyadh should be made in consideration of rather great loads and using materials that will be able to withstand such a climate, so the choice of a contractor is very important here.
Structural Integrity: The design and construction of hangars Riyadh need to have a good understanding of engineering principles. It must also possess the ability to bear the weights of machines vehicles or even aircraft while holding a stable and durable structure. Best warehouses contractor Riaydh the professional Hangars Riyadh Construction makes sure that all components with structural importance are carefully designed and installed.
Versatility: It was seen that the Hangars Riyadh are very flexible in terms of their utility and can be used for various industrial purposes. Ranging from aviation hangars to industrial huge warehousing centers, these structures have no stylistic or architectural flair. The professional warehouses contractor Riaydh will listen to your needs and come up with a design that will suit your specific needs whether it is for warehouse storage, manufacturing, or maintenance.
Due to the exponential growth of Riyadh, the demand for the construction of efficient warehouses in Riyadh is gradually increasing. Thus, with the help of an expert warehouse contractor riaydh, you can always be sure that the storage or the industrial space has all the necessary standards and that the works are to be finished on time.
Whether searching for modern Riyadh hangars to be constructed or a particular type of warehouse, selecting the correct contractor is the initial procedure in the achievement procedure.
At Alma Hills, our primary focus is to offer the best warehouses contractor riaydh as well as hangars Riyadh. At Treasure’co, we have competent professionals in the various business fields to ensure that they deliver the best to address your business needs. You can reach us today and let us know how we are going to assist you in the next project in Riyadh.
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ublco · 21 days
Air Freight Logistics in Saudi Arabia: A Key Driver of Economic Growth
Air freight logistics in Saudi Arabia is playing an increasingly crucial role in the Kingdom's economic development. As a major hub for trade between Asia, Europe, and Africa, Saudi Arabia's strategic location offers significant advantages for the air freight industry. This article explores the current state of air freight logistics in Saudi Arabia, its challenges, and its future potential, shedding light on why it is becoming a key driver of economic growth.
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The Importance of Air Freight Logistics in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia's economy is diversifying rapidly, moving away from its heavy reliance on oil exports. As part of Vision 2030, the Kingdom aims to become a global logistics hub, leveraging its strategic position to facilitate international trade. Air freight logistics in Saudi Arabia is a vital component of this vision, enabling faster, more efficient movement of goods across the globe.
Air freight is essential for industries that require quick transportation of goods, such as pharmaceuticals, electronics, and perishable products. The ability to deliver goods swiftly can be a competitive advantage for companies operating in these sectors. Saudi Arabia's air freight infrastructure is well-positioned to support these industries, with major airports like King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah, and King Fahd International Airport in Dammam serving as key logistics hubs.
Challenges Facing Air Freight Logistics in Saudi Arabia
While the air freight logistics sector in Saudi Arabia has immense potential, it is not without challenges. One of the primary issues is the high cost of air transportation compared to other modes of transport, such as sea or road. This can be a barrier for companies, particularly those dealing with bulk goods that are not time-sensitive.
Another challenge is the regulatory environment. Although the Saudi government is working to streamline regulations and improve the business climate, the air freight industry still faces bureaucratic hurdles. These include customs clearance procedures, which can sometimes be slow and cumbersome, leading to delays in the supply chain.
Infrastructure development is another area that requires attention. While Saudi Arabia has invested heavily in its airports, there is still a need for more specialized facilities, such as cold storage for perishable goods and advanced tracking systems for high-value shipments. Additionally, the lack of a comprehensive national logistics strategy has sometimes led to inefficiencies and overlaps in the air freight sector.
Opportunities and Future Potential
Despite these challenges, the future of air freight logistics in Saudi Arabia is bright. The government's commitment to transforming the country into a global logistics hub is evident in its ongoing infrastructure projects and policy reforms. The recently launched Saudi Logistics Hub, for instance, aims to attract international companies to set up logistics operations in the Kingdom, providing a boost to the air freight sector.
E-commerce is another area where air freight logistics in Saudi Arabia is expected to see significant growth. The rapid rise of online shopping, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has increased the demand for fast and reliable delivery services. Air freight is uniquely positioned to meet this demand, especially for high-value and time-sensitive products.
Moreover, Saudi Arabia's growing trade relationships with countries in Asia and Europe are expected to drive further growth in air freight logistics. The Kingdom's participation in initiatives like China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its increasing involvement in global supply chains will create more opportunities for air freight operators.
The Role of Technology in Enhancing Air Freight Logistics
Technology is playing an increasingly important role in shaping the future of air freight logistics in Saudi Arabia. Innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are being integrated into logistics operations to improve efficiency, transparency, and security.
AI, for example, is being used to optimize flight schedules and routes, reducing fuel consumption and operational costs. Blockchain technology is helping to streamline customs processes and enhance the security of cargo, while IoT devices are enabling real-time tracking of shipments, ensuring that goods are handled properly throughout the supply chain.
These technological advancements are not only improving the efficiency of air freight logistics in Saudi Arabia but are also attracting international companies to invest in the Kingdom's logistics sector. As more companies adopt these technologies, the competitiveness of Saudi Arabia's air freight industry is expected to increase, further solidifying its role as a global logistics hub.
Air freight logistics in Saudi Arabia is on a path of rapid growth and development. While there are challenges to overcome, the opportunities presented by the Kingdom's strategic location, government support, and technological advancements are immense. As Saudi Arabia continues to implement its Vision 2030, the air freight logistics sector will play a pivotal role in achieving the country's economic diversification goals.
For businesses and investors, the air freight industry in Saudi Arabia offers a promising avenue for growth and expansion. With the right strategies and investments, air freight logistics in Saudi Arabia has the potential to become a cornerstone of the Kingdom's economy, driving trade, innovation, and prosperity for years to come.
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hr-realitycheck · 1 month
Remote Work Revolution: HR Solutions for Managing a Distributed Workforce
The remote work upset has decisively reshaped the conventional office climate, introducing the two amazing open doors and difficulties for HR experts. Dealing with a dispersed labor force requires inventive HR answers for guarantee efficiency, commitment, and consistence. HR specialists are vital in directing organizations through this change, offering aptitude and techniques to explore the intricacies of remote work.
Embracing HR Innovation
One of the vital components in dealing with a distant labor force is utilizing progressed HR innovation. Human Resource Management Systems Asset The board Frameworks (HRMS) and HRIS (Human Asset Data Frameworks) are fundamental instruments for smoothing Outsourcing HR for Small Business HR processes.
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These frameworks give concentrated stages to overseeing worker information, following execution, and working with correspondence. HRIS preparing furnishes HR experts with the abilities to actually use these frameworks, guaranteeing consistent administration of remote groups.
Powerful Correspondence and Cooperation
Keeping up with powerful correspondence and cooperation is significant for a disseminated labor force. The best HR Management Services rethinking organizations offer arrangements that incorporate specialized devices with HR Outsourcing companies for small businesses the board administrations, encouraging an associated and drew in labor force.
Stages that help video conferencing, texting, and project the board are fundamental for keeping remote groups adjusted and useful. HR Consultants in Qatar and HR consultancy in Riyadh can profit from these advancements, guaranteeing that their clients keep up major areas of strength for with elements notwithstanding topographical distances.
Guaranteeing Consistence and Security
With remote work, guaranteeing consistence with work regulations and information security turns out to be more complicated. HR experts assume a crucial part in directing HR rude awakenings to guarantee that remote work strategies follow neighborhood guidelines.
They likewise exhort on accepted procedures for information security, safeguarding delicate representative data. For organizations chasing "HR and Finance Reevaluating close to me" or "HR and Finance Consultancy close to me," cooperating with experienced HR and finance specialists can give inner serenity, it are met to guarantee that all consistence necessities.
Execution The board and Worker Commitment
Overseeing execution and keeping representatives connected with are basic difficulties in a remote work setting. HR arrangements that consolidate execution the board instruments assist with following worker progress, put forth objectives, and give criticism.
Standard virtual registrations, execution surveys, and acknowledgment programs are fundamental for keeping up with inspiration and efficiency. HR counseling organizations for private ventures can especially profit from these apparatuses, empowering them to deal with their remote groups without the requirement for broad in-house assets really.
The Bottom Line
The remote work unrest requests imaginative HR answers for really deal with a disseminated labor force. From utilizing HR innovation to guaranteeing consistence and upgrading worker commitment, HR experts assume a significant part in directing organizations through this change.
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Whether you are looking for HR consultancy in Qatar, Riyadh, or "HR and Finance Rethinking close to me," the right HR arrangements can assist you with exploring the intricacies of remote work, guaranteeing a useful and drew in labor force.
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tekrashed · 2 months
Why Smart Refrigeration Monitoring is Essential in the KSA
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This articles elaborates on the importance that an innovative smart fridge temperature monitoring device in Jeddah, refrigerator monitoring system in Riyadh and high-end temperature monitor for a refrigerator in Dammam hold to maintain efficiency at its pinnacle including safety.
So, What Exactly is Smart Refrigeration Monitoring?
Understanding the Basics                               
Smart refrigeration monitoring refers to the use of state-of-the-art instruments and systems for continuously assessing and controlling cold in the refrigerator units.
Key Components
Sensors: Accurate sensors for measuring temperature, humidity and more important than the rest.
Data loggers: These devices keep track of the temperature data over time, adding notes to your results.
Connectivity: Monitor and control copy operation remotely with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity.
Why the KSA Requires Smart Refrigeration Monitoring
Extreme Climate Conditions
Such models must be used in refrigeration installations because the hot climate in KSA calls for more savings due to efficient refrigeration. Given that high temperatures could possibly mean low quality and in some cases unsafe perishable goods, Powerhouse monitoring is essential.
Food Safety
Ensuring food safety is important when it comes to retail and the restaurant industries. Refrigeration prevents spoilage, waste and unnecessary fermentation to make foodstuffs safe for global consumption.
Pharmaceutical Integrity
It is essential to ensure the integrity of temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals in the healthcare sector. Medicines and vaccines are effective only if they are made at the correct temperature.
Perks Of Smart Fridge Temperature Monitoring Device in Jeddah
Real-Time Monitoring
Temperature Monitoring Device in Jeddah for Smart Fridges: A smart fridge temperature monitoring device based out of Jeddah that is hooked up to the sensor on board, it keeps a check and alarm set off as soon as there is any deviation from your desired value.
Automated Alerts
There are devices which can automatically send alarms by SMS, email and app notification when the temperature exceed some user-defined thresholds. Which helps them track any spoilage or damage before something serious happens.
Energy Efficiency
Smart monitors help ensure that your home is heated and cooled precisely, meaning less energy used during times you’re away from the house (or are tucked into bed), thereby lowering utility costs.
Data Analytics
This collected data can then be analyzed to observe patterns, predict potential problems and make economically informed decisions in relation to maintenance or management of stock.
Benefits of Refrigerator Monitoring System Riyadh
Compliance with Regulations
With the help of a fridge monitoring system in Riyadh, businesses stay compliant with local and global food safety as well as pharmaceuticals regulations by exact temperature logs.
Enhanced Reliability
They are more reliable than the manual methods of monitoring, and hence they ensure no-miss compliance at all times.
Enhanced Operational Efficiency
Integrated with automated monitoring systems, this technology minimizes operational stress and allows staff to focus on other important jobs knowing the exact state of refrigeration units available.
Reduced Waste
In protecting against spoilage, these systems pay early returns in eliminating waste and play a pivotal role for sustainable outcomes.
Benefits of a Refrigerator Monitoring solution in Dammam
Perishable goods are protected from the external environment
A fridge temperature monitoring system in Dammam makes sure that perishable items remain at the right temperatures, preserving their quality and increasing shelf life.
Increased Accountability
These systems offer detailed temperature management logs and reports, which serve to enhance accountability for the proper handling of these perishables.
Quick Issue Resolution
The Digital Broker also provides real-time alerts on problems throughout the transporter so that they can be resolved in short order before goods are spoiled and business is disrupted.
Improved Customer Contentment
Maximize Customer satisfaction: This is a huge factor that needs attention when it comes to perishable goods, and customer retention in the areas of food as well as retail.
Collaborative Monitoring Solution for Refrigeration
Assessing Needs
How to Implement a Smart Refrigeration Monitoring System Assess Facility Requirements Home This is everything from what the goods are, to temperature requirements and amount of goods.
Choosing the Right System
The best monitoring setup for your application will be highly dependent upon the specific requirements hence, it is necessary to take into account factors such as sensor accuracy, available forms of connectivity and ease of use/integration with existing systems etc.
Installation and Training
The monitoring system must be well installed to function properly. But you also need to train your staff how to use it, understand the data and respond to the alerts.
Regular Maintenance
The performance of the system that monitors the status is kept in its best working condition with regular maintenance. This will include sensor calibration, software update and connectivity check.
Upcoming Smart Refrigeration Monitoring Updates
IoT Integration
The combination of IoT and sensors in full-service refrigeration monitoring will also be more connected, sharing data automatically for greater control over efficiency.
Artificial Intelligence
AI-driven analytics will only make this process better with predictive maintenance and temperature management.
Block chain for Data Security
Temperature is recorded throughout the shipping process, and blockchain technology can serve as a secure container for that information in order to verify its origin at any given point along which it was logged.
The temperature monitoring and smart fridge in Jeddah is guaranteed to benefit the quality of perishable goods refrigerated products delivered by are manufactured for their safe practices. All these systems support real-time monitoring, automated alerts and give very impressive data analytics for ensuring reliable temperature control in your businesses. Empowering companies with these lines, they can improve operational efficiency and comply regulatory requirements to deliver best customer service as well.
1. What are the Major Perks of Using a Smart Fridge Temperature Monitoring Device in Jeddah?
Smart Fridge Temperature Monitoring Device in Jeddah eliminates the guesswork of monitoring your fridge temperature with a smart system on top that provides real-time information, an alert-based solution for rounding, and multiple site locations. It is controlled by auto-sending SMS to take immediate action.
2. Ways a Refrigerator Monitoring System in Riyadh Helps with Regulatory Compliance
The Riyadh temperature monitoring system for refrigerators records temperatures and sends automatic alerts, allowing businesses to adhere to food safety & pharmaceutical standards.
3. What Makes Temperature Monitoring for Perishable Goods in Dammam So Important?
Refrigerator temperature monitoring systems in Dammam keep the perishables at place, lengthen their remnants life and please customers by providing a right storing condition.
4. When Selecting a Smart Refrigeration Monitoring System, What Should You Care About?
It largely depends on the accuracy of sensors, connectivity options with IoT platform and edge solutions, ease to use different protocols; ability and performance in terms of integrate this new solution into existing systems; specific need for any facility or premises.
5. So, what to expect in the future trends of smart refrigeration monitoring?
Some of the trends, which will be followed in future includes Integration with IoT for greater connectivity and understanding AI enhanced analytics for predictive maintenance Secure & transparent data tracking using block chain technology
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onlinecompanynews · 2 months
Saudi Arabia sees nearly 50% surge in investment licenses in Q2 amid rising investor confidence - Journal Today Web https://www.merchant-business.com/saudi-arabia-sees-nearly-50-surge-in-investment-licenses-in-q2-amid-rising-investor-confidence/?feed_id=156234&_unique_id=66b15e33eee7f RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has made sign... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has made significant strides in sustainability by harnessing technology and forging strategic partnerships, completing 13 successful projects across 16 public and private entities, according to a recent report. The Kingdom’s Communications, Space, and Technology Commission unveiled these successes, showcasing their impact on environmental, economic, and social sustainability. In its latest Digital and Space Sustainability report, the commission highlighted several technological advancements, including Aqua-Fi’s bi-directional lasers. Led by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, this project enables high-speed, reliable communication between underwater devices. The report revealed that Aqua-Fi achieved data rates of 2.11 megabits per second over 20 meters, facilitating real-time data transmission for ocean monitoring related to aquaculture, energy, environmental concerns, and security. Another key project featured in the report involves the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology and Taqnia Space. This initiative uses satellite imagery and field validations to compile comprehensive agricultural data for the Kingdom. By employing geospatial technologies and remote sensing, the project saves 9 billion cubic meters of groundwater in sedimentary shelf areas, catalogs 40,000 agricultural activities, and surveys 400,000 agricultural registries across Saudi Arabia. Saudi Minister of Communications and Information Technology Abdullah Al-Swaha emphasized the Kingdom’s commitment: “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committed to harnessing technology, innovation, and science to empower people, safeguard the planet, and shape new frontiers for all. We believe in the pivotal role of green technologies and sustainability efforts to achieve prosperity across all economic sectors.” He added: “Today, the Kingdom is leading initiatives that transcend borders to help countries adopt the most effective solutions to shape a more sustainable future for all.” Sustainability is a cornerstone of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030. The Kingdom’s pledge to achieve net-zero emissions by 2060 highlights its proactive stance against climate change, integrating environmental, social, and governance principles into its societal and economic frameworks. The report also spotlighted Saudi-based Optimal PV’s project, which automates solar rooftop system design using advanced algorithms and machine learning. This innovation enhances solar power installations by improving efficiency, accuracy, and scalability, achieving a 40 percent increase in profitability and an 80 percent reduction in design costs. NanoPalm’s project, using machine learning and deeptech nanotechnology, was another highlight. This technology aims to accelerate pharmaceutical research and development, significantly reducing the average research and development cost from $100 million to $4.54 billion and increasing efficacy from 10 percent to 85 percent. King Faisal Hospital and Research Center’s use of 3D printing technology to improve patient care was also featured. This technology has reduced surgical times by up to 30 percent, creating 5,158 virtual models and 1,168 printed models for precise diagnosis and surgical planning. The launch of SDM’s SAARIA, the Middle East’s first AI technology for diagnosing chronic diseases, was noted as a significant achievement. SAARIA, with 97 percent accuracy, is designed for early detection of diabetic retinopathy, a condition that can lead to irreversible blindness. This initiative aims to protect 7 million people with diabetes in the Kingdom. The report underscored Saudi Arabia’s ongoing
investment in digital infrastructure as a key factor in its emergence as a global leader in digital sustainability. Supported by a comprehensive strategy, visionary leadership, and a forward-looking regulatory framework, the Kingdom is well-positioned to reduce its environmental footprint. In addition to the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s ICT strategy, which aims to boost emerging technologies by 50 percent, CST is preparing to address future challenges with enhanced resilience. The report also highlighted a focus on advancing the space sector to foster technological innovation and sustainability.“RIYADH: Saudi Arabia issued 2,728 investment licenses in the second quarter of this year, a 49.6 percent increase year on year, underscoring its growing appeal as a business destination.  The…” #GLOBAL - BLOGGER RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has made significant strides in sustainability by harnessing technology and forging strategic partnerships, completing 13 successful projects across 16 public and private entities, according to a recent report. The Kingdom’s Communications, Space, and Technology Commission unveiled these successes, showcasing their impact on environmental, economic, and social sustainability. In its latest Digital and … Read More
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