riverleyk · 3 years
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All the Mafia kids :) Stella, Donovan, Edwin, Emilien, Burgundy, Lucina, Nico, Andrew, Artemis, Beatrice.
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total-ass · 3 years
@riverleyk Whoever you are YOUR COMMENT MADE MY DAY! I appreciate thar Heather did develop but she didn't COMPLETELY change. She didn't suddenly become a tender hearted angel but she became self aware and that's a GOOD ARC TO END HER WITH! YES BABES💕✨✌️💅💐
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riverleyk · 3 years
RECOVERED: Lost Mafia Kids files.
Mafia kids: 12 signatures as been my passion project all the way back since high school... like... 6 or 5 years ago? Oh my god... I'm getting old. This dates back to 2018.
My high school years will be memories that I look over with more and more horror as I get older. At the time, I wasn’t afraid and I was too naive to realize the real danger I was in. However, I will never regret what I did. I was only trying to help.
It started with my dad losing his job. My family depended on him financially, my mom never worked too much, my brother, Kevin, was too young to even work, and even if I was old enough to work at the time, I didn’t want to and I felt as though I was allowed not to. Pretty selfish, right? But the minimum wage I could have gotten wouldn’t have helped in this situation; my family used to be rich, but once my dad was fired, we lost all the money and the benefits that came along with it. I assume it’s because my father liked to show off and so we were living above our means.
We moved to the slums of the big city, it was the most dangerous place in the area, but the cheapest. We stopped buying nice things like we used to, now we lived on bare essentials. Kevin took this hard, but I tried to adapt. I went to a new school too. It was the only school in the ghetto closest to our house, but it was infamous for being filled with child delinquents. Not only that, but it was infamously known as the worst school out there, in the poorest neighborhood.
I was so foolish… I really expected to be accepted there. In my old school, I was a bit bullied but I had a large group of friends, and we all got a long great! I was a really social and friendly person, so I wasn’t worried about going and making new friends in this hostile environment, but I was so, so, SO stupid!
From the second I walked in, I was stunned by how diverse it was there, there were few white people, and most of the kids there were racial minorities. I stuck out like a sore thumb… I went to school wearing my favorite rainbow pastel dress, I had even curled my hair and showered before my first day of school! I smelled of flowers and I was so cute looking. That however… That was my first mistake!
The others kids looked dirty… I don’t want to sound mean but they did! Their shirts were covered with stains. They seemed tired and unkempt. It was really a shocking contrast to the private school I went to before, but I tried not to judge. I acted super friendly and nice to everybody I saw. I introduced myself and I did a curtsy, I was so prim and proper!
“Hello there! My name’s Safara Grace, I’m new to this school. How are you?” Is what I’d say, but people seemed to hate me even more.
But not only that… I was white… Pure white. No, I don’t think you understand just how pale my skin is, it looks like I’ve never been outside before. Why? Because I’m an albino! Yes, my skin is pale, my eyes are purple and my hair is bleach white. Every time people see me, they look stunned and ask if I’m faking it. I’ve been dealing with this my whole life. I was born this way. Albinos are so rare, so the best way I can make you understand what my life is like on a daily basis is to make you imagine something…
So imagine you’re a kid… A black kid...going to school, but everybody there is white. They've never seen a black kid before and you are the only black kid around.
Imagine the bullying or the weird stares… Yeah! That’s my life all the time! Except I have no refuge with other albino people like the black kid does, I just have me! Being such a rare trait, I don’t even know another who looks like me… Oh and also, my skin is very irritable to sun light, so I walk around with a parasol all the time.
But anyways, I made no friends. For the first time ever, I was unable to make friends! I was heart broken and confused. I became very lonely. I hated this school so much… Everybody was so different… They hated me because I looked rich and I was so freakishly white. I told myself that the racism against me for being white was justified. I mean, white people were very racist in the past… But I soon stopped when I realized the few other white kids in the school weren’t getting bullied at all! Well… Except for one… I noticed this boy who always did group projects and sat alone at lunch like I did... He never spoke and nobody ever dared talk about him. I started hanging out with him, and I soon learned why…
Yeah, that boy was creepy. He was tall, bone thin skinny, and he had extremely messy dark brown hair, tipped with gold. He was sort of attractive in the “I look almost dead inside but I’m super hot” kind of way. He wore a blue dress shirt with a grey hoodie on top. He was…strange.
He looked so tired with black bags hung under his eyes. His skin was gray and bruised all over. He had this depressing aura that lingered around him. To any normal person, just staring at him would send off red flags and make you stay away. To me though, a desperate and lonely teenage girl, he was perfect.
I quickly understood why everybody stopped bullying me when I started hanging out with him; they pitied me! They used to call me names and shove me into walls, but they stopped when I met him.
One day, a popular girl told me she would be my friend if I stopped hanging out with him. “Uh… why? I’m sorry but this sounds like a trap.” I replied to her, rolling my eyes.
“I know this looks cheap but I’m not kidding…”, she paused, “that guy is NUTS. He’s too weird for such an innocent li'l girl like you. Look, I promise to be nicer and I’ll tell everybody in school that you’re cool, but seriously…not him…hang out with anybody except him…”
“Why? Why is he so crazy to you?” I was so insulted by her pleas.
“Because he’s…he’s… I don’t know what’s wrong with him!”, she yelled at me. “The guy’s a fucking creeper and he’s unstable! Not only that, but rumors around school say that he’s addicted to the worst kinds of drugs, but nobody is even sure of that. Others say he’s mental, but it doesn’t matter what his problem is, he’s gonna rip you apart, Safari!”
“My name is Safara…”, I said in a dead pan tone. All I could do was walk away.
I think I did the right thing in that moment… That girl was a bitch to me. She spread lies around the school about my father and how he lost his job for cheating on my mom. Everybody believed it only because she was popular. I hated her and I wasn’t going to take her advice.
But, no matter how I spin it… She was absolutely right. Bonding with that guy was harder than I thought… More often than not, I felt uncomfortable around him. Getting him to speak was hard enough, he would ignore me and stay silent but when he did talk, it was…
IT WAS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND HIM! He spoke like an emotionless robot! His tone of voice was this constant bored and tired tone, yet sometimes he’d say a joke or act sarcastic, but it wouldn’t make any sense because he sounded exactly the same as his normal tone!
It took me a whole month to get him to talk to me. I felt bad for pestering him around… I’d force my way into working with him during group projects in class, I’d eat with him at lunch, and I'd hang out with him in the library.
I remember the first time I got him to talk to me. I had opened up my sketch book and tried showing him my clothing designs. He looked at them blankly. He seemed uninterested at most of the drawings.
"They're pretty good.", he said in an uncaring tone.
"Oh...you...like them? For real?" I couldn't help but smile anyway.
“Yeah.” He replied simply. “You’re good.”
"Oh, thank you..." I pointed to my favorite ones. "You see how my dresses are colorful? Well, I do that just cause these days all the clothes are boring and black. I like making my stuff stand out, but I also like pastel colors too."
I assumed he didn't care because he sounded bored. Also he's was a boy. Boys don't like fashion like girls do.
He tilted his head slightly, "Yeah..I can see that.”. He sounded just as lifeless as ever.
I was surprised by this interaction, but after this he seemed to open up to me. He spoke to me about the things his liked; those being science and history, but he still didn’t talk much.
It was funny, because after a while I got used to him. I was able to read his sarcasm from his honesty even if the tone of his voice didn’t give any clues… I was so used to his weirdness that I stopped questioning him about all the bruises he had on his body. Heck, I even forgot that I didn’t know his name!
But luckily, one day he told me it out of the blue. We were in class working on a english oral presentation and we were both writing our parts and then he suddenly looked at me, straight in the eyes and said:
“Dimitrius Atkins.”
“What?”, I replied, not even bothering to look back at him.
“That’s my name. I know your name.” He replied. “But you don’t know mine… a-and that’s not fair.”
“Oh… You’re right! I sort of forgot about asking you after a while.”, I said, surprised. “Dimitrius… That’s an uncommon name..” “Please call me Dimitri though.” He corrected me with a monotone expression. “I don’t like Dimitrius.”
“Oh… why don’t you?”
“It sounds too serious. I’m a goofy guy. It’s not very fitting.”, he said seriously. How ironic.
I just giggled and went back to work.
From then on, we sort of became friends. The more he spoke, the more concern grew in me. He wasn’t crazy like everybody said he was, but there was something wrong with him.
He showed up to school with blood stains on his sleeves and scars all over him sometimes. I can’t forget the time he showed up to class late… He limped over to his desk, bruises all over his hands and he had a black eye. That was my wake up call. After that, I started noticing more.
I guess the first thing was his sarcasm. I assumed it was sarcasm.
“Hey Dimitri, what’s up!?”, I’d say excitedly.
“No… He’s not here right now.”, he’d reply.
Or other nonsensical replies.
“Hey Dimitri, for the project, do you want me to write the introduction or should I do the conclusion?”
“No, Safara, the world won’t have a conclusion.”, he said blankly.
“Dimitri, I mean the project!”, I exclaimed. “What are you talking about?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.” He said looking away from me.
These sort of situations would come out of nowhere. Like I said, I thought it was him being sarcastic or making jokes, but the more we talked, the more I realized: he wasn’t joking. He was giving me these nonsense answers because he thought they were appropriate but it just made no sense…
I asked my mother, a psychologist, about it. I told her everything about him.
“Oh Safara… Your friend sounds like he’s mentally ill.”, she answered with concern in her eyes.
“You sure? I know he’s weird but…”
“Safara, this sounds serious. Maybe you should invite him over someday… I would love to talk to him.”
“Ok mom, I will.” I told her.
The day after, I went to school with a mission. I was going to invite Dimitri to my house! I was so anxious about it that my legs were fidgeting all day.
I saw him sitting at his usual spot, alone in the library, reading a book about robotics like he always did. His hair was combed that day, he looked good for once! Well, looking good for him is pretty easy. He just has to look like he wasn't beat up 10 minutes ago and had washed his hair in the past 20 years.
I walked over to him, and Dimitri greeted me!
“Hey there, angel girl.”, he quietly said. He sounded tired.
I was caught off guard. Was he complimenting me? I sat down next to him.
“Hey there. So…do you want to go out?”, I said jokingly. I wanted to see him get flustered. I was pretty disappointed when he just nodded and continued reading. I think I may have spotted his cheeks get a little flushed, however.
“No, I mean, do you want to eat dinner with my family this weekend?”
“No.” He said dryly.
“Oh… Do you want to hang out this weekend?” I tried again.
“At my house?”
“Then where do you want to hang out?”, I snapped at him impatiently. I was shushed by the librarian.
“At the park.”, he whispered back.
“Oh. Cool.” I was a bit surprised. I didn’t know there was a park near by. “See ya there then.”
“Bye.” He waved at me and very obviously forced a smile. “Dimitri... I’m not leaving.” I laughed quietly but the librarian heard it. He promptly kicked me out of the library.
I got up and walked out.
“Bye again.”, he said while waving at me. This time his smile seemed more genuine, which hurt me a lot.
I muttered curse words under my breath and walked out embarrassed. My mission was a failure, but I was going to meet him at the park that Friday after school, so I felt proud either way.
Friday night finally came. The wait was unbearable. We met outside of the school. He gave a look, but it was more like a blank stare. He gave me a signal to walk over to him. Once I was close to him, he said carefully,
“Watch out for people who follow us. The park is safe but the path there is dangerous.”
I was unsure of how to reply so I just nodded. He put up his hood and lead the way. I followed him, walking by his side, trying not to get my parasol in the way. I tried to make small talk, but he stayed mostly quiet.
He asked me about my family, so I told him why I moved here.
“That’s too bad.”. He sounded careless, like he didn’t mean it. “This place is a bad place to live in.”
“I… Yeah…”. I agreed with him but I felt bad doing so, knowing that he lived here.
Looking around me, I saw trash all over the streets. People weren’t dressed as well as they used to be back in my previous neighborhood. People looked tired or overworked. There were hobos all over the place. Not to mention the buildings looked old and worn down.
“This place is so different from where I used to live.”, I told him.
“This is what poverty looks like.”, he said bluntly, “everybody here is suffering.”
“I know…”. I was hurt just seeing it all. I felt so sad for these people. “I want to help them.”
“W-why not?”. I stammered over my words, shocked by his apathy.
“They just take and take. They will never get out of this.”. He looked at me blankly. “Nobody gets out of poverty once they fall into it.”
“But… what about me?!”, I said, insulted.
“Start getting a job. Save up.”. He looked around behind his shoulder. “You can dream too.”
I stopped talking to him until we reached the park. I didn’t like him being so mean but what he said had truth to it.
The park was surprisingly isolated. It was full of trees and trash littered the ground. It was peaceful and it looked like a forest with hiking trails.
“You like to walk?”, he asked emotionlessly.
“Yes, and I love nature too.”, I said smiling, pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the park. “There’s a lot of trash here but it’s still nice to have a forest in the middle of the city.”
“That’s good.”, he replied, “nobody likes to come here…”
“Oh? Why not? It’s so pretty!”
“Um… well.”, he started, “there was once a big mafia that was running this part of the city. They committed many crimes. This park used to be popular for kids in the summer, but then they realized that the mafia was burying their victims here…. A police investigation was launched and they dug up over 22 bodies…”
“Oh my god…”, I whispered.
“Exactly.” He nodded. “People weren’t allowed in during the investigation…but once it was over, people didn’t want to come back in here. I’ve only ever seen one other guy here.” “They are afraid… and for good reason.”
“And nobody wants to buy this land cause it’s “haunted” apparently.” He forces a small laugh like it’s funny. “I’ve been here a lot and I haven’t seen anything here.”
“Well… heh… I can’t say I’m exactly too thrilled to take a stroll in here now.” I joked even though it was half true.
He didn’t reply. He just started walking. We walked in silence for a bit. It was making me feel really uncomfortable. I started looking around the forest. We could still hear the cars whooshing past us, as the streets were just behind the tree line, but as we walked further and further away, the sound faded.
I felt at peace, listening to the rustle of the wind in the leaves and the birds in the trees.
As a city girl, I don’t go to forest that often. My closest experience to animals are the bird feeders in my back yard and the squirrels. This walk was giving me nostalgic memories of the times I went camping.
I turns to look at what was to my left and I jumped a bit, seeing Dimitri besides me was startling as he was so quiet I forgot he was there. Though now, I was staring at him…. subtly! So he wouldn’t notice… I spotted a couple of bruises on his hands, neck and a faded scar on his cheek. Now that I was up close to him, I could see there was a lot more signs of injuries on him then I had previously thought.
“Hey Dimitri…”, I mumbled to him timidly.
He almost robotically turned to look at me. “Yeah?”
“Sorry for asking this… It might be personal. Why do you have a lot of bruises on your skin?”, I asked him. Instantly regretting the invasive question, I stammered out another sentence. “It’s nosey of me, I know, but it’s a hard detail to miss. It’s concerning…”
He went back to looking in front of him. He didn’t reply for a solid minute. The silence and wait was unbearable.
“I just get into a lot of fights.” He answered simply.
“But how?” My interest was peaked.
“Well you know… it’s a bad neighborhood. Gangs are everywhere.” He turned to look at me. “You better be careful.”
The words lingered in my head, sending a chill down my spine. The way he said it, cold and uncaringly, sent implications that were not spoken. Was he…threatening to attack me? Or was he warning me of other people doing so? He creeped me out.
“T-thanks… I will.”
Finally we reached a small river that ran along through the city and this park. We stopped and Dimitri told me a story about how a kid drowned in it. He’s not a very cheerful guy but I tried to ignore it…
We sat along the edge of the river. There were ducks passing by. Dimitri pulled a whole loaf of bread out of his back pack and handed me a few slices.
“Do you always carry around bread in your bag?” I laughed.
“Yep.” He said throwing a piece of bread into the water.
I laughed even harder. “So you do this often?”
A pack of ducks were gathered around us now, fighting over the pieces of bread we were tossing into the water. We fed the ducks together while chatting. Eventually the topic of family came up.
“Well… I have a little brother. He’s a little brat. What about you?”, I asked.
“I’m a single child.”, he said, concentrated on the ducks.
“Aw, that must be lonely, isn’t it?”
“It is… But not because of my lack of siblings.”, he answered robotically.
“Oh how so?” I was probing for more information.
“Well I don’t have a father… Um… no. I do have a dad, he’s just not around much at all. And my mom? I avoid her.” He said hesitantly.
“Why is your dad gone? Why do you avoid your mom?”, I asked, concerned for him.
He forced a smile and looked at me. “No. Everything is fine.”
“Dimitri…” I gave him my “I know you’re lying to me” face and his smile faded away back to his neutral expression.
“My mom isn’t a nice woman… And my dad is in prison.”
“Oh… I’m sorry.” I felt bad for pushing him to say it.
But a thought clicked in my head. He came to school everyday with bruises and cuts and he admitted that his mother wasn’t “nice”. Was this abuse?
“D-Dimitri… does your mom hurt?” I questioned.
“No.” He said simply.
“But you-”
“No.” he said a bit louder. “She doesn’t like me. But she doesn’t not like me either.” He said calmly. “Now stop asking me crappy questions.”
“I’m sorry…”
“It’s ok. I forgive you.”
We finished the bread and the ducks looked satisfied. They swam off and we walked off. He chatted a little back to the streets. I offered Dimitri the dinner invitation again and he accepted. We scheduled it, and I went home.
It was the big day! Dimitri was gonna come over, we were going to hang out, eat dinner and somehow I’d persuade him to talk to my mom so she could figure out what was wrong with him.
I know I sound weird, trying to stalk him and get him diagnosed by my mom, but I obsessively want to help people and sometimes I take it too far. This is one of those times.
Dimitri showed up at our door. He was wearing a blue dress shirt and his hair was combed but still messy. He had a black eye and a bloody nose. He didn’t seemed fazed by it at all.
My brother heared the knocking first, unknowing of what our guest would look like. To his surprise, he was met by a disheveled young man at our door, standing like nothing was the matter. All he could do was stare.
Dimitri was so shy he didn’t say anything, just bleeding out of his nose. The blood was dripping down his face and leaking down his neck. He had just been seriously punched in the face, but my brother was too choked up and confused to know what to do.
“What the fuck happened to you!?”, Kevin yelled in disgust.
“I um..” He stammered. “I was mugged before coming here…”
Kevin just gave him a look of astonishment and ran into the kitchen to call for our mother.
Dimitri just let himself in. At that point I had heard the commotion and promptly came down the stairs. I froze up, seeing Dimitri bleeding like that.
“Hi Safara!” He waved cheerfully to me.
My mother came rushing in and bombarded the boy with questions, giving him a towel for his nose and a wet rag for his eye.
Dimitri seemed oddly perky. Usually, he was emotionless, making him come across as bored or slightly annoyed with everything. However, now he seemed to have a hint of happiness in his demeanor. I won’t ever complain about Dimitri being actually happy for once, but it was so different from his normal self that it weirded me out.
My mother, brother and I gave him a lot of attention while trying to help his wounds heal. He just sat there and gave us a small smile. He was giggling randomly from time to time. He seemed to be really enjoying himself even thought nothing much was happening.
“So what happened to you, eh?” Kevin asked.
“Oh... I was walking over here from my house. I was taking the back roads to avoid the traffic.” He started to explain.
“Back roads? Traffic? You were walking! How could there be traffic?” Kevin interrupted.
“I don’t like the big streets with too many cars…” He snarled. “Anyways… I passed by an alley way when a sketchy little girl jumped in front of me. She said something about me needing to go somewhere with her to meet somebody and to learn “about the past.” But I didn’t want to be late so I “kindly explained” to her that I needed to be somewhere and she got “upset” with me. Then, she punched me in the face and walked off.”
“That’s… odd.” I interjected. “Are you ok though?”
“Well I’m here aren’t I?” He smiles brightly.
I was just more unnerved. This was too out of character for him… But I tried to ignore it.
Dimitri was popular with my family. My dad and him made jokes together. My brother and him ran off to play video games. (By the way, he sucks at gaming. I would haven’t guessed he’d be terrible…)
My mother approached me.
“Safara, you said he was off, but he doesn’t seem like it now.”
“I know but he’s never acted like this before. He’s usually cold and apathetic to everything.” I turned to face her. “He’s like emotionless all the time and the other kids at school say he’s crazy and talks to himself. I don’t get it! He’s the complete opposite to how he asks at school.”
My mother just stared at me for a moment. “Have you noticed that he was giggling at nothing earlier?”
“He’s high.” She said with a really serious tone.
“WHAT?” I gasped.
“QUIET! It’s only a guess… But I’ve seen this behavior before. He doesn’t have any redness in the eyes, though… So I don’t know what it is that he’s on. Oh, but there's also other factors. Maybe at school, he’s just really depressed and outside of school he feels more free to open up?” She hypothesized.
“That can’t be it. When we went to the park, he was acting the same.” I argued.
“Well then.” She rolled her eyes. “We should let him get comfortable and then we can get our improv therapy session, but only if he cooperates.”
The night went on. Dimitri's enthusiasm diminished so much so during the night that he was back to his emotionless self when dinner came around. He was so quiet that my family ignored him for the whole supper. He was extremely shy. I tried to talk to him but he would only nod his head in response to anything.
After dinner, he and I went up to my room. I gave him a “grand tour” which mainly consisted of me showing him my stuff and him just listening. He was barely talking. I felt bad.
“Dimitri… are you ok?”
He just nodded meekly.
“It’s ok if you aren’t. Do you want to go home?” I asked him, sitting down on my bed.
Dimitri sat down next to me. I started getting nervous and my heart was beating fast. He was so close to me I could feel his body heat radiating.
“No… I like it here a lot. Your new house is very lovely, Safara.” He answered quietly.
My heart started pumping faster. I was my shot to convince him to talk to my mother. I had to ask him!
“So Dimitri…”
“Yes!?” He interrupted me suddenly.
“My mom is a psychologist and I know you have some problems… I was wondering if maybe you could talk to her and she could help you, like a therapy session. You wanna try it?”
He just blankly stared at me. His face was draining of blood and he was losing color.
“Yeah… but she won’t talk to you about it, right?”
“Oh no! That would be breaking the confidentiality rules! She won’t tell me anything. Even if I asked her, she’s very serious about her job.”
“Uh… ok. But not now…” He hesitated.
“Oh that's alright.” I leaned over to put my head on his shoulder.
I felt him shutter from the touch but he didn’t move away from it. He posed his head on mine and we sat like this for a while. It was peaceful and warm. I closed my eyes and held his hand. His palms were sweaty and he was trembling a bit.
“Do you mind?” I asked.
“No.” He answered.
“Good.” I held his hand tightly.
“I d-didn’t think this was a date.” He stammered.
“It’s not…”
“Then why are you doi- holdi- uh… UMM-”
“Sorry.” I back away and let go. “I’m just a huggy person. I hope you don’t mind.”
“I’m just…” he shivers a bit. “Not used to getting touched affectionately.”
“Oh Dimitri.” I giggled. “I don’t really consider this affection, I just think of hugs as casual things friends do.”
“Oh ok.” He replied.
We watched a little bit of TV, not saying much. After the episode ended, He got up and walked out. I thought he was going to the bathroom and he’d come back quickly but he never did.
After 20 minutes, I left the room and looked around.
Kevin was in the kitchen, sneaking cookies out of my parents’ secret spot for them.
“Hey bro, where’s Dimi?” I asked him, taking a cookie for myself.
“He’shh- wiff mom.” He said, mouth utterly stuffed with cookies.
“Thanks.” I put the cookies away and I went back to my room to wait for him.
I think Dimitri stayed there for 2 hours. I was watching the TV for a ridiculously long time. When he did come back, he looked drained.
“Sorry about that. I was expecting a little chat but I couldn’t shut myself up so I started ranting for a while.” He explained.
“Oh it’s ok. It is therapy.” I excused him.
He smiled and hugged me. I was taken aback but I held him tightly. I could feel his body. He was so frail and skinny under those clothes. It was calming for that half a second we that were close.
Then he left.
I felt so lonely with him gone.
But then I realized…
Nothing changed much at school. Dimitri was his typical robot self. There is one thing that was very welcomed though… Dimitri seemed to be forcing himself to act more. He would talk with more hand gestures and smiles (but his smiles were very awkward looking because he was forcing them).
Dimitri also became really friendly with my family. He would come over once a week after his first session with my mother. She really liked talking to him.
Neither Dimitri or my mother told me what they would talk about, but I knew it was serious. She would walk around with her note book after the sessions and often times, she’d be the one to invite him over.
One day, I knew something was up. She sat me down to talk about him.
“Safara, what has he told you about his life?” She asked me with a sternness in her voice.
“Not much…” Then I repeated all that he told me.
“I see. He is trying to hide it…” She flipped through her notes. “I can’t tell you much, with out his consent, but Dimitri allowed me to tell you this yesterday.”
“Oh…” I could feel that what she was about to say really important.
She looked me dead in the eyes and straightened her glasses. “He’s been diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was 15 years old.”
A wave of shock zipped through my body. I was speechless.
“He has vivid hallucinations. Safara, that’s why he acts emotionless.” She told me.
“But what about when he comes here and acts all… alive?” I asked, completely baffled.
“That I don’t know.” She sighed. “But Safara, I want you to be extremely careful with him.”
“I am!”
“No… just…” She smiles at me. “Please keep being nice to him. You mean a lot to him.”
I blushed and nodded.
“That’s all I’m allowed to say. You should try to talk to him about his issues. He trusts you to keep these a secret, however. You got that, right?”
“Yes mother, I understand.” I got up to leave.
“Wait! I forgot to mention something.”
I sat back down.
“Would you mind if Dimitri lived with us?” She asked me.
My eyes widened. “You aren’t serious, are you?”
“I am. He has a bad home life, and I know that one of the only ways he can get better is by having a better family, so I asked him if could move in with us. It will be temporary, like maybe a few months or so.” She explained, justifying her decision. “I’ve already spoken to your father about this and he agrees. Dimitri wouldn’t be that huge of an addition to the family, we’d just need more food and that’s it.”
“Oh I don’t mind but don’t adopt him, ok? It would be weird to have a brother that looks so different from us.” I joked.
“Oh but that's what adoption is all about, sweetie! And he isn’t that different from us. I mean you are the most different of us all.” She touched my hair and poked my cheek, giggling the whole time.
This gesture really annoyed me. “...Thanks mom. But also, I just don’t want another brother. Kevin is enough of a brat as it is.”
“Dimitri’s a sweet young man” She said as she was getting up. “Anyways, I’m going to tell Kevin the news.”
I went back up to my room and I could hear my li'l bro wailing down stairs. He cried, “BUT THAT’S TOO MANY PEEEEOPLE!”. I snickered to myself.
Dimitri came up to me at school the next day. He asked me if my mom told me the stuff and about the “news”.
“Oh. I’m so happy to be moving in with you.” He forced a smile but still sounded monotone.
“Me too! We’d get to hang out all the time!” I hugged him from excitement.
Dimitri grabbed me and spun around with me in his arms. He gently put me down. I looked up at him, confused but I saw a genuine smile on his face and my heart melted.
Dimitri being HAPPY is the cutest thing ever.
“Sorry. I’m just so excited.” He shook my hand for some reason. “I’ve just always wanted to leave home.”
“Oh… why?” I asked with concern.
“Well uh… Never mind!” He suddenly laughed awkwardly. “But yeah I’ll tell you in private. By the way, I’m sleeping in your basement.
“I’m really happy for you though.” I held his hand as we walked off to class. I didn’t care if the other students were watching. Dimitri seemingly lost his enthusiasm and got really quiet after that.
Moving Dimitri into our basement wasn’t that hard and it didn’t take long. All he had was trash bags full of his clothes, a box that was full to the brim, labelled “parts”, and a mattress he used as a bed. All we did was put his stuff down and he organized it by himself.
Two hours later, he went up to my room. “Want a room tour, Saf?”
“Sure!” I went down the stairs alongside him.
His bed was just a mattress on the floor with a pillow and blanket. There was a desk that was particularly lacking the normal desk-clutter, and a simple wooden chair. My parents emptied out a shelf and he put his clothes there. There were no doors on the shelf so I could see his shirts, pants, and (Oh my gosh!) boxers! (Is it pervert to stare at a guy’s underpants??? It made me super uncomfortable to see those!)
Dimitri’s box of parts was untouched in the corner. All in all, the room was pretty small but it still had looked like he barely filled it. I walked over to his box and pointed at it.
“Need help unpacking this?” I asked.
“Oh!” He stared. “No. Don’t touch that, it’s fragile.”
“Ok, sorry.” I said. “So how do you like your new crib?”
“Super cool. I never really cared for the decorations, as long as it’s warm and I can eat and sleep, I’ll be fine.”
“Neat. So what now?” I asked.
He scratched his chin and looked up. “I don’t know. Want to watch a movie?”
“Sure! I just got a new horror movie from the store. I think it’s a slasher flick of something. I got it for my brother but he was too scared to watch it. I’m not a fan of those movies but I liked to get scared every once in a while. What do ya' say?”
He just went flush red and became really quiet. “Oh uh…” He scratched the back of his head. “Um… Ok.”
“What? You don’t like horror?” I asked, seeing how uncomfortable he was.
“N- I do like that. Let’s watch it.” His smile was meant to reassure me but it was so obvious it was forced.
So we went to my room to watch the movie. I really embarrassed with how much I yelped at each jump scare. Oh, and how I needed to cover my eyes during the violent scenes! Though, Dimitri barely had reaction. He was blushing from ear to ear and biting his lower lip. He would flinch during the fight scenes but, yeah. That was it. I thought he would be judging me for being a wimp! But half way through he got up and left, so I finished without him.
A hour later, I went downstairs to his room. I knocked on the door and he yelled. “It’s unlocked.” I walked in to see him fiddling around with metallic parts and tools. I approached cautiously.
“What are you doing?” I questioned, tilting my head to the side.
“Tinkering.” He replied expressionlessly.
I watched him open up the box to pull a toy robot he was going to disassemble. He leaned over to take a screw driver and started to remove pieces from the toy.
I leaned over to get a closer look. “Why are you breaking it?”
“I’m not breaking it.” He replied calmly. “I’m taking it apart… and rebuilding it.”
“Oh, why?”
“Well, it helps me understand how it’s made and the techniques they used.”
“Oh that sounds neat. You like making robots?” I asked him, overly interested in what he was doing.
I sat down next to him. He just looked at me and said nothing. I think he was confused but yet again, he had no emotion. Just his regular expressionless glare. His eyes felt like they were piercing deep into my soul… those glass-like, grayish-blue eyes. They creeped me out.
“Tell me about your robots, Dimitrius.” I muttered. “I’m curious…”
He raised an eye brow for a second but then went back to tinkering.
“So I like making stuff with my hands… Though, I have a whole system for it.” he paused and looked at me again. “You don’t mind me rambling?”
“Oh, Dimitri...you barely talk. I like your voice! Go ahead.” I encouraged him to go on.
“So uh…” he forced a smile. It was so cute. “I like making my own custom robots for tournaments and stuff, but I’m not that good at making my own parts, so I take them from other bots that I buy.”
I listened, completely fascinated in it. His voice was monotone and boring but he sounded calm. As he went on, there was a hint of happiness with him being able to talk about his passion.
“I take them apart then I rebuild them.” He continued. “...W-with out instruction manuals. The point is to know the purpose of all the parts, where they go, and how they work. I repeat breaking them down and building them back up again until I know the bots perfectly.”
“Is it time consuming?” I tilted my head and picked up one of his tools.
“It is but it depends on how complex the model is. Though, once I understand the bot perfectly, I can take its pieces and use them to make my own bot… or if I like the robot, I mod them to make them more efficient or stronger. Whatever I feel like doing to it, basically.” He took the piece from my hand. “This is a screw driver….”
“Oh my god! You think I didn’t know what a screw driver was!” I laughed at him but I stopped when I saw that he looked nervous.
“Sorry, Dimitri. I like what you do with the robots. It’s really cool.”
“Thank you…” He replied timidly.
Suddenly the door opened, and someone appeared from the newly escaping light. Dad. He sternly yelled, “SAFARA! IT’S BED TIME.”
I called back to him, "I'M COMING, ONE SECOND!". I gave Dimitri a hug.
“Good night, Dimi!”, I said as I was running up the stairs.
Dimitri just stares at dad, mouth agape. His cheeks were the reddest I've ever seen. “Y-you too, angel…” He stammered and muttered.
A woman paced around the room and stopped in front of a mirror hung up on the wall, putting on a pearl necklace. She grabbed a comb and brushed over the bangs of her long, silky, brown hair. She was very tall and slim. Like a stick, she adorned barely any curves. As she stared at herself in the mirror, she smiled. She was all dressed up in all of her best clothes.
A man walked into her room. He was smiling. Wearing a suit with a green tie, matching with the color of his eyes. He was giving a piggy back ride to his son, a cute little boy with short blond hair.
The woman walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Are you two ready to go to church?”, she asked with her sing song voice.
“Of course.”, the man replied with a wink and smile. “How’s his outfit?”
The lady examined her son’s clothing then she nodded.
“Yes, it’s good.” She walked out. “Come along now! We don’t want to be late for our lord.”
Behind her back, the man rolled his eyes and put his son down. Once on the ground, the toddler stumbled toward the front door.
The car ride over to the church was pretty uneventful. The little boy wasn’t listening to his parents bickering in the front, he was fascinated by the trees rolling by, yet the clouds being seemingly suspended and frozen in the sky. He held out his hands and tried to grab the birds, freely flying across the beautiful blue sky.
Once inside the church, the little boy held his mother’s hand and followed her. The outside of the church was colossal and grand. It towered over the little boy. A statue stood over the entrance. It was of winged humans saving Earth's people from certain doom while the rest had already met their demise. They all wore faces filled with utter terror, as they were burning and being eaten by horrifying monsters. Each time the boy saw this statue, he’d start to cry and his parents would scold him for it. This time would be different! He put on his brave face and stared down the statue as he walked in, but he held back the tears. His mother and father didn’t notice.
Once inside, he thought he was going to have an easier time, but he had forgotten that inside there were monsters here too. Big paintings of the monsters were hung on the walls. Luckily, they were much less scary than the statue.
They sat down and listened to a man in a robe speak. The boy was so bored that he fell asleep, lying his head down on his father’s lap. Each time they needed to stand or sing songs, his mother would elbow him really hard in the shoulder to wake him up. It always happened like this. He’s come home with bruise on his shoulder and it didn’t matter where he sat, his parents forced him to sit in the middle of them so that they could watch his behavior better. He was used to it by now, but sometimes he’d cry on the way back home. He wasn’t allowed to cry at church, people would stare.
He was ecstatic it when they sang the songs, though. He loved to sing. He'd yell out the lyrics of the hymns as loud as he could so he could drown out all the other voices. It was the point of the game for him.
Eventually, his mother took his hand and walked up to the display area. He was confused, they only let people walk up there to get the bread and wine. He wasn’t allowed to go up there because he didn’t have his First Holy Communion yet…
She picked up him in her arms. He was heavy since he wasn’t exactly her little baby anymore, but she could still manage. While in her arms, he stared back at the crowd. Everybody was staring at him and her. He felt a pressure build up in his chest and he wanted to run but he couldn’t. She was holding on too tightly.
He stared up at the wall that was behind the crowd, it had a massive painting of a winged human with a shiny circle around their head. They were impaling a red monster with big horns and a tail. It was like the statue but, much more scary and gruesome!
He felt tears welling up in his eyes and he squirmed to get away. Suddenly, his mom lowered him and submerged his head under water. The few seconds he spent under there felt like an hour, but he was soon pulled out.
He coughed violently for a while after. The pastor gave him a speech he could barely hear or focus on.
The car ride home was terrible. He was so scared of the monsters and confused by the water. He sobbed quietly, trying not to bother his parents who were still bickering to each other.
Dimitri became accustomed to living with us after 3 weeks of residing here. However, he was really weird about being seen with me outside of the house. I took the bus to school but he’d still walk there. When he did take the bus, he would avoid me like the plague and get off at completely random stops.
It was obvious that he was paranoid. Constantly looking over his shoulder, keeping a distance from people when he could, and when he had to be around people, he had his hood up and ignored everyone. Being invisible was his goal. I hated it.
He was hiding something from me.
Thursday night, after school. Dimitri went to the basement and I went to my room. I was finishing up my homework when I got stumped by a math problem. I went down to see him, hoping he could help me out.
I slowly crept down the stairs to his room. I caught him at his desk working on robots and wearing glasses. I rarely ever see him wear them, but I really liked them. It made him look so sophisticated and intelligent. He was already really smart, but it made him look the part too.
He looked up at me as I got closer.
“What’s up, angel girl?” He asked.
I giggled. “Oh, why do you keep calling me that?”
“Because you are an angel.” He smiled.
My heart melted. Usually, he was so robotic in his actions and speech but it was so cute to see him smile with out forcing it.
I pulled up a chair and sat next to him. I asked him for help with the homework and he effortlessly solved it, and then taught me the process step-by-step. He was much more help than the teacher was. After we solved that one, we just kept going through all of the other questions I didn't get.
After that was done, I didn’t want to leave him just yet. I liked his company.
“Hey Dimitri… Thank you.” I hugged him.
He didn’t say anything, he just gave me a small smile and nodded. He put his arms around me and I felt his heart beating fast in his chest. I let go of him after a few seconds.
“I was wondering though…” I began to explain to him that I thought weird to be so paranoid out in public and I was wondering why he acted that way.
He was visibly nervous, he started tapping his fingers on the desk and darting his eyes around.
“I can’t tell you… It’s better if people don’t see us hanging out in public… I tried to get you to avoid me at school but you didn’t get the message so I gave up.”
“But why?” I asked, confused as ever.
“You’ll throw me out of the house if you knew- He paused. ...You’d hate me…Oh, Safara.. I’m so sorry.” He was expressionless but hints of remorse were seeping in.
“Dimitri… You can tell me anything. I won’t ever hate you.” I put my hand on his shoulder.
He sighed. “Safara. I’m targeted. I’m dangerous. Being around me might make you targeted too. I don’t want you to be hurt, so I try to avoid you and others in public.”
“I-I'm not following. Can you explain more?"
He bowed his head in shame. “I’m the son of Tony Drey. Remember the story I told you at the park? It was about him.”
I gasped. “You’re father was a mob boss?!”
He nodded. “Yeah… He did terrible things… He’s infamous throughout this entire city. His claim to fame was being elected to office as representative of this district of the city. He was passing laws that corrupt the governmental system. He was a well known anarchist and his plan was to dismantle all government. Though, he did much, much, more before that.
He did pretty much everything. Prostitution, drug dealing, robbery, scamming, and yes… he murdered people. He didn't do it himself, though… At least I don’t think he did.
It’s complicated. Basically, he was the leader of his own gang, but it was well organized, so calling it a gang would be an insult. It was a full blown mafia and criminal organization. Everything was run by him and he had loyal followers.
Then he was caught… Put on trial and sent to jail. That's when a woman came out saying that they were seduced by him and had his kids. My mother was devastated but whatever, fuck her.” He said the last part with hatred staining his words.
“Anyways, he was imprisoned and put on death row. He’s still there. He has to serve his 20 year term before he does.” He continued on. “And you’d think my troubles and there but they don’t. That fucker and I look the same!”
I pulled out my phone and quickly googled Tony Drey and I found his mug shot. What stunned me the most is that Dimitri was completely right. They were very similar, but there were some obvious differences too. Tony had green eyes, opposed to Dimitri’s blue, with dark black hair that was beginning to turn white, Dimitri’s was brown. Their haircuts were different, Dimitri’s was longer and a lot messier. Not to mention his dad had stubble and, well, Dimitri was lacking there.
“Yeah… He sure does look like you. Family resemblance…” ////*********************/////
“Exactly. But yeah my looks cause a lot of problems… You see, his followers want me to take his place because that his “official” son would be the heir to the throne and It pisses me off. I don’t want to be that. I want to be a police officer to put sickos like him
in prison where they belong. But not only do I have weirdos forcing me to give them orders, but I also have other people trying to kidnap me for ransom, and some who just want to kill me. So ya know the bruises and cuts on my body when you see me at school?”
I nodded weakly.
“That’s them starting fights with him and I need to protect myself. I fight back. That’s why I can’t have anybody hand out with me ever. But…” He avoided eye contact with me. “It’s so lonely isolating yourself from every one… I longed for somebody to confide in and you came to me. I wanted you to go but I wanted you there with me. It was a guilty pleasure to have you around.” He blushed a little. “I really appreciated our little chats, but I was so shy I could barely talk to you… and now I’m living with you. It’s a dream come true to have a friend like you with me Safara.”
“Oh Dimitri… That’s so sweet.” I was so touched. I was smiling and blushing hard.
“But yeah… I couldn’t bare to see my angel get hurt. You can’t be with t school or in public. I think people are watching me… And once they find out we’re friends they’ll try to hut you so they can hurt me. People are cruel, Safara, they’d attack you even if you are innocent.”
“But Dimitri, you can’t just let them rule over your life like this. You should call the police and get on the witness protection program!”
“You think I haven’t tried that? The cops in this city don’t care. This district is so corrupt, nobody cares about anything you do. That’s how my dad got into power, that’s why the crime rate is so high here.” He rolled his eyes.
“What if I helped?” I shot up the idea suddenly.
“And how would you do that?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Dimitri, what if I could fight along side you? You can’t fight them alone. They’ll over power you someday.” I held his hand in mine and squeezed it. “You said you didn’t want me to get hurt, well, I don’t want you to get hurt or killed either. I want to protect you…”
He was speechless for a moment. He was touched by it obviously because his whole face turned red and he didn’t look at me in the eyes for the rest of the conversation.
“I can’t let you fight for me… If you get hurt, it’s my fault. But… I like the idea.”
“You could train me how to fight! I took karate classes as a kid and self defense!” I pleaded with him.
“I can’t teach you but I can bring you to the guy who taught me… But Safara, this is serious. You sure about it? It’s painful and it will take a lot of time for you to get good.” He explained with a dead pan tone.
“I want to be there for you Dimitri.”
I sealed myself to him in that moment and from then on, we were stuck together.
I was his and he was mine. I was naive. I saw a troubled young man who’d lived a hard life and I just wanted to save him. He called me his angel, and I felt the burden of living up to that title. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I wasn’t ready but I didn’t care. I was there to help. That’s what I thought I was doing.
Little did I know then, but the time Dimitrius and I would spend together would be the worst years of my life because from that day forward, I was brought into his suffering and I would not drown and suffocate in it until out mission was over.
That was the day I became an honorary mafia kid.
His mother stopped giving him attention. He’d come home to the sound of weeping or sobbing. At first he didn’t understand. He thought that once people reached adulthood, they stopped crying. He was hoping that would the case for him at least.
He knocked on on his mother’s bed room door. She ignored him, the crying just got louder, so he let himself in.
“Mommy, why are sad?” He whined as he walked over to her.
She was hunched over on the bed, pulling out her hair. She turned to look at him. Her face was so ugly when she cried. Tears staining her pillow and her face showing all the pain she feels inside. The little took a few steps back, frightened by his own mother’s appearance. Gestured to him to come closer. He hesitated but he did so. He sat next to her on the bed and he hugged and caressed his dirty blond hair.
“Dimitrius… Sometimes adults get sad too. Everybody has a different way of coping with sadness.” She explained.
“What’s coping?” He asked.
“Everybody is different and everybody needs to take of themselves.” She brushed off his question. “Mommy needs alone time, dearest.” She kisses him on the forehead.
He got off the bed. “So you want me to leave you alone?”
“Yes dear… I’ll come out and tell you when I feel better, ok?”
“Oh… Ok mommy!” He said as left the room, closing the door behind.
He waited for her to get better.
She never did.
Dimitri Brought me to see one of his dad’s followers. The man was a huge muscular black guy named “Mufa” but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t his real name because he greeted Dimitrius by called him “Damien” instead. Also, he told me that I wasn’t allowed my real name on the streets. I had difficulty coming up with a new name for myself but Dimitrius comforted me and said it was ok for me to take time to think it over. I eventually settled with “Sophia”.
The first time was just basic training for fighting. It was pretty fun. On the way home after it, Dimitri was acting all nervous.
“Hey, um, are you sure about this? You really wanna go back to training?” He asked.
“Yes! Let’s go back twice a week, ok?” I set up our routine and Dimitri just nodded.
That’s what we did together from then on. School, hanging out and training with Mufa. It was so difficult for a while. My body ached but Dimitri was so supportive and he cheered me on. He was always there watching me from the side lines.
One day, we were walking to the candy store after the training when suddenly, a man hit Dimitri in the back with an empty bottle of wine. I jumped when I heard the hard “THUD” and Dimitri’s sharp gasp. It was happening! My first fight. Dimitri coughed and turned around. It was the bottle brothers.
Mufa had mentioned that the bottle brothers were two men from the opposing gang. They used bottles of wine as their weapons, they duel wielded them, using them as basic melee weapon.
The man swung at Dimitri again but this time, he took a step back and got out of the way. I was shaking, distancing myself from them. They ganged up on him. I was so helpless, watching them battering Dimitri.
He got a chance to grab the bottle out of one of their hands and he smashed it on the other brother’s head. I screamed as the bottle shattered in half. He fell to the floor, blood pooling all over with shards of glass all over the ground. This brutality shocked the brother and he froze watching his partner fall to the ground: that was his fatal mistake. Dimitri spun around with the broken bottle griped firmly in his hand and stabbed him in the stomach with the sharp broken part of the bottle.
I couldn’t stand it anymore. I ran off and headed towards the park. Once there, I stopped to take a second to breath. Suddenly, my face was in the dirty. It happened so fast I couldn’t even scream.
“OHMYGODSAFARAAREYOUOK?” Dimitri spoke so fast in panic as he grabbed me by the waist and picked me up.
I was violent yanked off the the ground and held tenderly in his arms. He was trembling as he wiped the dirt off of my face.
I was stunned. I opened my eyes and I could see him, but it was blurry. It took me a few seconds for his anxious face to come into focus.
He swallowed some of his anxiety and held me tighter. “Are you ok? I d-didn’t mean to run into you.”
“Uh-huh.” I nodded slowly. The motion of my head bopping like that made me dizzy.
“Y-you started running after I was done with those guys.” He said.
“No. I’m ok.” I tried talking but it came out raspy and quiet. “I was just scared.”
He nodded and lifted me up. He threw me up into the air and I fell on my back into his arms.
He forced a reassuring smile. “I dealt with them. Let’s go home.”
He walks out of the park carrying me around bridal style. I was really confused by this but my head to much for me to question it.
As we walked home, people stared at us. They gave us weird looks. I glared back at them. Dimitri was doing something nice and people were staring at him like he was kidnapping me. I looked up at his face. He had no emotion on his face. I wasn’t sure if he was noticing it too and didn’t care or if he was oblivious.
I put my arm around his shoulders and hugged him for the rest of the walk.
“Don’t call me that.” He glared down at me.
“Sorry. My mom once told me you have schizophrenia.” I said.
“Oh? What else did she say?”
“You were diagnosed with it when you were 15.” I curled up to him. “That’s all I know.”
“Oh. Well what about it?” He sounded almost offended, but with him, any tone he has in his voice is best to be left ignored. He always sounds like a robot or a chronically annoyed mumbling teen age boy.
“You hallucinate. Mom said that… Do you hear voices?”
“Um.. Not exactly. Sometimes what people say to me gets mixed up, I mean, they’ll say something and I’ll hear the words out of orders.” He explained.
“What’s it like being schizophrenic?” I asked.
“I don’t know. I’ve had it for such a long time that I’ve gotten used to it.” He replied.
“Oh but what do you hallucinate?”
“Well I can’t tell you that.” He forced a small laugh. It was cute. “You’d think I’m crazy.”
“I’m curious though and I won’t judge you.” I reassured him.
He gave me a cautious look, like he was unsure. I gave him puppy dog eyes and that convinced him. He stoped walked and pointed at a group of men.
“Well, right there, there are 3 demons talking to each other.” He said.
“Demons? There 3 guys.”
“They are all black and shadowy. They have arrow shaped tails and big horns. Their eyes and mouths are like light poking through the darkness.” He described as he continued walking.
“So… You seem demons.”
“Yep. Every stranger is a demon to me.”
“Was I a demon when we met?” I asked, kneading my fingers in his hoodie.
“Yes.” He looked down at me. “But you turned into an angel as we got to know each other.”
“Wait what? I’m an angel?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Well aren’t you?” He said with concern.
“I’m a human, Dimitri.”
“B-but you have wings and a halo, you’re so beautiful and shiny… you’re an angel.”
My heart fell into my stomach but I also felt the butterflies fly around in there too. I didn’t know if Dimitri think this about me would be dangerous or if I should be flattered.
“Do you really see me like this?” I asked trying not to sound nervous.
“Yeah. All the time.”
“Hey Dimitri, do you know that your hallucinations aren’t real, right?”
He glared at me. No filter, no held back emotions, he looked actually angry. For real.
“You can walk.” He said and dropped me at on the ground.
I fell down right on my butt. He stepped aside and walked away. It really hurt but seeing him leave me hurt more. I jumped up and I was about to yell at him but I stoped. I lowered my fist.
I remember what my mother said to me. To be careful with him.
Schizophrenics can be really dangerous if you don’t treat them right…
I cocked my head to the side and grinned. Just trying to push it aside. I walked up to him.
“I wonder what it’s like to see how you see the world… It must be interesting.” I said cheerfully, but I was trying not to punch him with all my might.
He looked up. “I could show you, but it’s a little risky.”
I snapped out of my anger and stared at him in confusion. “Wait… How?”
“I did it once before, but if we do it, you need to follow my instructions very carefully.”
“what do we have to do to achieve it?”
“Well, it’s like a ritual… It helped you see inside of the other person’s head. You drink some water in a dark room and the person who want to share their mind has to describe everything to the other person.” He paused for a second and stared at me. “It relies on imagination.”
“Oh… so it’s not actually going into somebody’s mind?” He smirked “No that’s scientifically impossible, but this ritual is as close to it as it gets. Do you want to try it?”
“Sure, why not?” I shrugged.
“Ok! I’m gonna run off to the store and buy some candles. Go home with out me, ok?” He said as he ran off.
“Dimitri! Wait!” I called out to him but he was already gone.
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riverleyk · 3 years
SCRAPPED CHAPTER: Dimitri Watches his father's broadcast (MK3: Dimitri Project)
Dimitri watches his father’s broadcast Jack and Dimitri go to a cafe. A small ginger boy greets them Emilien: Hewwo! Welcome to Flavorsham Bistro! I’m Emilien and I’ll be your waiter :3 Jack: How old are you!? Emilien: 13! I started working here 2 weeks ago! I’m so excited- do you want chocowate!? It’s on special! She turns to dimitri in shock: What kind of labor laws do you even have in Canada!? Dimitri shrugs: Hey dont look at me, I dont know why a kid is working here either. Emilien: I dont work here, I volunteer! I do home schwool, and my mummy’s sick so I take her shifts He points to a small can with a picture of a woman on it Emilien: Will you donate, pwease? Jack: you lisp and accent are disgusting. What is she sick with? Emilien whistles out of his 2 buck teeth. He’s missing them because, ya know baby teeth fall out. Emilien: I don’t twalk like this normally! I’m missing teeths! Jack: How cute, but I dont care. Emilien (nervous): I was told to tell people that she has cancer.
Jack: How suspicious, I’ll send a formal complaint to the bureau of investigations. They sit down and get hot chocolate, because they’re just teens. Jack: I’m glad you could meet me here dimitri. Dimitri: Yes… just us eating croissants at our favorite British cafe that serves French cuisine. And its not a date. Jack nods: Not a date. Anywho… You’re interested in why my father and I moved to canada? Dimitri: yes Jack: Yes… it’s a top secret case, but… it’s so cool! Antonio Dreyas escaped from prison lately, and canada reached out to MY FATHER, the world’s greatest detective to go find him! Dimitri goes pale: Tony drey? Jack: Yea! Antonio Dreyas. Dimitri: Nobody calls him that, and your dad is going after my dad!? I didnt even know he escaped Jack: No… the probability that- *gasp* That’s why I recognized you when we first met! You cant be serious… you look so much- Dimitri: I know I look like my dad… I hate my face. Jack: Well… thats great! She gets out a note pad and pen: Tell me everything you know about him! This cafe isnt exactly a prison cell but I can interrogate you here! Dimitri glares Jack: What? I’m just curious Dimitri: Jacquelyn, this is impolite on so many levels. Jack: ok, well I supposed I can tell you the information I have first. Tony broke out in the middle of July, and Canadian officials have been on high alert ever since. The public wasn’t informed because it would cause panic, but my dad is close to finding me. We located a safe in northern Montreal, and right now my dad and the rcmp are negotiating with those thugs to let us have access inside. It contains a lot of cash, and potentially, Tony. Dimitri looks away: Then why did you want to interrogate me? I havent seen my dad since I was a kid. 6 Jack: its interesting that you still refer to him as your father. Havent you disowned him? He’s done so many terrible things… Dimitri: Because I still have memories of him as my dad. He was kind, and caring. He was there for me when I was a kid. it’s… he was a family man and a criminal, why dont nobody understand that? Jack: because its a confirmed fact that he was a womanizer and potentially god a dozen or so women pregnant. Havent you seen the trial where all those women testify against him? Dimitri whimpers: I have… a memory of it, but I watched it when I was young Jack gasps: wait thats right… you’re 16! You must have only been- Dimitri: 7. I was 7 when he was arrested. Jack: how did it happen? Dimitri: I was in third grade. Coming home from school. There were police officers all around my house and my dad was in cuffs. I was really small so I ran thru the crowd and hugged onto my dad’s leg. Nobody pulled me away ///////////// Flash back /////////////// Young dimitri: Daddy! Whats going on? Tony: Its alright, Walt. Dont cry. He kneels down by his boy and pets his hair Tony: I have to go. I’ll be gone for a very long time, but even tho I wont be with you, daddy loves you, Walter. I really do. Dimitri just cries and goes under the cuffs to hug him: Where are you going? Tony: Prison. I made a lot of mistakes. But promise me dimitri, you wont watch the new with mommy anymore. Dimitri: uh… what did you do??? Tony kisses his forehead before being forcefully put into the care Kiel picks up the boy and holds him. /////////// Back to reality //////////////// Dimitri: I did watch the news. My mom encouraged me too. It was confusing. There were so many words I had to look up in the dictionary. I remember him arguing with a woman about a baby that she killed… and him being guilty… It took me years to understand, but those who knew my dad, they started to hate me. My own mother stopped talking to me, I grew up into his face and people on the street give me bad looks. I was 13 and some woman called the cops on me. She thought I was him. Jack and him stay quiet for a bit Jack: I have that broad cast recorded at home. I- Dimitri: Can I watch it again? Jack: Why? Dimitri: I want to understand what it means. Im old
enough now, I can handle it. Jack sighs but accepts Later that night they do to her house and sit on the couch They watch the broad cast Im getting really tired of typing but essentially They accuse Tony of rape, murder, theif and drug selling Annabelle testifies that he was at raves trying to sell drugs and would cause violent riots Kiel testifies that she didnt know he was a monster. She cries and apologizes saying she would have called the police sooner if she knew and that her heart is broken due to the number of women he raped Nick’s mom testifies that he raped her Then theres Stellas mom. She was his second in command in the mafia. They grill her about her cries but she’s silent on trial, until they mention a baby. Tony eggs her to know where the baby is, but she’s quiet until she cracks… “I disposed of it.” Tony for the first time on trial breaks and shows fear. He screams what he wanted that child, that he wanted to be a father and run away with her Dimitri breaks while watching that. Knowing his father wanted to run away to start a new family, as well as finally understanding the severity of the crimes he committed. He cries I’M REALLY TIRED OF WRITING THIS Basically Jack sucks at comforting dimitri, and he explodes at her Calling her out for trying to be better than him even tho he has no dad, is failing school, has no friends and his life sucks. Her trying to be better than him, a guy with a pathetic life makes her worse than him by default cause its pathetic . He tells her he refuses to tutor her in French and leaves.
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riverleyk · 3 years
My productions as of late:
With my first Mafia Kids: 12 signatures, having finished production in 2020, and my second comic: Mafia Kids: 6 Victoria avenue being almost finished, I've begone work on my third comic. I've learned a lot from my previous work, and I took away 2 major lessons: 1. Don't rush and 2. Have as many test readers as possible. IF you want to read over my notes and join in the production, here a link to the server: https://discord.gg/GQbcDJC5ax Anyways, Ive been doing some planning with the time like and plot holes to make sure it all makes sense. Here's my initial planning so far:
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riverleyk · 3 years
My sketches always look so silly.
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And here's concept art for Emilien's mom, her present and younger years designs.
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riverleyk · 3 years
French vs English: MK: 12 Signatures
Part 3! Read part 1 and part 2  The translation differences, a more general look.  First of all, we need to discuss actually speech bubbles. Not all bubbles were changed to fit the French text, but some were. 
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Changed.  These changes were kind of rare and only happened if the text was important and really couldn’t fit inside no matter how hard I tried. And trust me, I tried a lot. Changing sentences so it would have the same meaning but still be smaller of fit different. I came on clutch. Often. 
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This translates to the same thing, but here’s a good example of Stella using more Quebec slang and speaking with a joual accent.  Some characters who spoke with English slang had to have it removed or changed. 
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“OMG! Really!” Instead of:
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All chapters have the same names. Certain names are in English, and others are in French. The thank you note at the beginning of the book, and the origin of the comic pages at the end are both bilingual, as organizing and setting things in different folders is just a hassle. Certain characters had a name change, except for Burgundy who ironically had the name of a color as her name and so it would have translated kind of easily... except...I thought “Bourgogne” sounded ugly.  Andrew became André, a much more traditional French name.  Edwin became Edward. ‘Édouard’ would have been the better French spelling, but in in this context, Edwin is actually anglophone, so have it be spelled the English way, but be more pronounceable to French speakers is the ideal here. Sure, Edwin might be a bit iffy on pronunciation but try Riverley K in French. My own name sounds hideous. I should have changed my own name instead! Dimitri is a pretty name in French, but unfortunately, DIMITRIUS is just a terrible sound in French. Luckily, it’s long and nobody calls him by his full name.
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Speaking of Edwin being an anglophone tho, his ENTIRE CHAPTER is different and much funnier.  In the English version, Edwin was a hard ass. Respectful, super Canadian, and polite, but still firm in not wanting to sign the contract, all until... ya know the plot twist. (Read my comic!!!)  But if French, he’s all that and extremely bad at talking in French. Added dialog of him saying as much and apologizing is the icing on top. 
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“ I’m happy that you came, but she has passed away. I worry that nobody can sign these papers. pardon my French.”  Notice how he says ‘je worry’. worry is an English word, he’s not saying it right. he should be saying ‘Je suis inquiet’ (I am worried) but even that isn’t right. I payed a lot of attention to my own French mistakes, and my biggest errors were using English grammar structure or sayings and applying them into French, which would create broken syntaxe and bad grammar. Language is complex, but I’ll keep it simple for the sake of this post not taking ages.  Other types of errors/fun details: 
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Clearly, he just said an entire sentence in English. That's not French!
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“That’s illegal. we are met now. You know me not.” He fails spectacularly to the point of this phrase barely making sense. 
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More anglicismes (using English words in another Language). Using ‘caller’ instead of ‘téléphoner’ (the verb, to call) and of course, using smart instead of intelligent or rusé. 
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“The money was (was?) - has been stolen.” I know this translation is wrong in English. Saying has is right for the context, but in French, Edwin questioned his own grammar and got it right! There are so many other mistakes he makes, but most of it is grammar related. He only used masculine ‘déterminant’ like Le and Un. In French, nouns have gender, and so there’s La and Une he’s not using. He also gets conjugation mixd up, using ‘est’ and ‘a’ incorrectly. This is basic stuff that’s very hard for new learners, but even then, Edwin is from Ontario, where English is still taught in school. Edwin is a himbo tho.  Other small edits: ..or lack there of. 
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In chapter 8, Donovan’s hotel room is the name in either language. Mainly because I edited these directly on the image file itself. The hotel was actually my grand parent’s old folks home hallway. Their hotel room was the basement at my aunt’s house. I needed to edit out their address and names. 
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In French, Stella references her ‘info-man’, which is a popular comedy in Québec.
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Certain sounds, like a gasp is not translated. Mainly cause I don’t know what a French gasp is...
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Dimitri’s slang for ‘get high’ was translated to ‘défoncer’ but actually that means  something much more intense. Basically Dimitri said “I’m gonna go get shitfaced.” 
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Beatrice also speaks in slight joual. Also, that’s my bedroom. 
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I don’t know why her swearing in French was censored....
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“But Dimitri, it’s us the victims. he has abandoned us and our mothers too. Most of these kids don’t have dads and never received a #@$! black cent!”  The world that would named the most sense in her sentence would have been “maudite”. thank you for reading about the translation process for the comic! I’m working on writing more articles. 
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riverleyk · 3 years
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Dimitri was actually inspired by people in my life at the time. Mostly my first crush, then later my first boyfriend boyfriend. After a while his personality changed a lot. He used to be mute, and have an interest in gardenning. He's named after Demeter, the goddess of nature. His interest in robots came from my 1st ex bf, who was in robotics class at the time. Then his interest in math, and quirky humour came from my second ex bf. His interest in anime and programming video games came from my ex gf. and so far... he's taken no traits from my current bf, but i'll let you know when it happens. here's the oldest digital pic of dimitri. there is paper ones that show me trying to draw him completely, but im too lazy to post it rn. All of this is slight 2016, mostly 2017. 
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riverleyk · 3 years
Vaporwave and Outrun references in MK: 6 Rue Victoria
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I know the style is a fad now but i wanna give it this love letter of a comic and embrace it for the internet center of art that is kinda characteristic of my culture growing up like every generation has it's thing, and i know vaporwave is small, but i think its a perfect representation of my generation right now. idk. i guess im gen z? but yeah like. references to a past. nostalgia for a past you never lived in. commentary on consumerism, ofc INTERNET, and electronic music. etc etc. it's the most gen z art movement i can think of, and just like everything on the internet, it came and went super fast and got replaced by a new art movement. i guess vaporwave itself is how i see gen z youth which fits for emilien's character 100000%
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riverleyk · 4 years
English Vs French Mafia Kids: 12 signatures
My comic, MK: 12 signatures was written first in English as it is the language I'm most familiar with, then translated to French by myself and with revisions from my father and my friend Jo. Jo’s a great guy. Not a creative person or a story writer, but he’s Québécois and knows the slang well which was crucial as my book takes place in Montréal, Québec and I want the Joual to be perfect. :)
Dimitri Edition. 
In English, Dimitri’s well spoken and talks with a mix of internet slang and high end school talk. The academic big boy word language. Dimitri’s a nerd and it fits his character well. For the French version, Dimitri does keep that cadence, but he also switches between using France French slang and joual. He’s not just speaking in a generalized French, but it’s also to show that’s not native to Canada and doesn’t ‘belong’ in this environment, but has adapted to live in it. Dimitri’s mother is a Russian immigrant, and probably learned how to speak French in France before coming here. Dimitri learned from her. 
One of the more subtle changes is that in English, Dimitri’s is much more mild and timid. He’s the same way in French but much less. He’s more direct and tends to say exactly what he’s thinking. Often for comedic effect. 
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“Maybe he can let go of fast food?” “He can eat the food he likes!” 
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Dimitri is also more political in French. He’s definitely more edgy all around. I’m not sure if this makes him seem like a know-it all dick in French or more honest.  It’s up to the readers. One thing I wanted to come across though is that Dimitri is an intellectual.
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“The “trends” are nothing but a capitalist strategy. Why not buy what you want and reuse it?”
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Other than being more political in the French version, I just noticed that he can be seen as more rude in English in this instance.  Of course, not all Dimitri dialog is different or more overt when he’s calling out a fellow mafia’s behaviour. He’s still the same guy, but like I said, very very mildly more edgy. 
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“It’s maybe a good thing to reduce your spending...”
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Pratically the same thing, right?  Well, what’s the biggest change with Dimitri?  Oh um... Well... First off, English internet slang such as ‘simping’ doesn’t translate in French at all. Sure, some frogs know what it means but the average normie franchie won’t know what it means. So chapter 7, with mafia kid Mystery is wildly different.
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Instead of explaining internet slang to his hobo sister, Dimitri just.... wow. 
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“It’s someone who follows somebody online and defends them from trolls. That’s why you’re liking all their tweets, huh?”  “Yes.”  “I regret those days of my life. Obsessed with Internet personalities. Stalking women...” Yeah, Dimitri straight up admits to being a creep online. I felt like I could get away with that kind of stuff since French culture is a lot more open about sex than English stuff. Dimitri in cannon is a creep and a pervert but that will be addressed in his own comic or when the time is right. In MK, it wasn’t the moment. Doesn’t mean I didn’t drop hints to it. As the first book in the series, I found it crucial to hint and show off every character’s full situations, even if it was just a glimpse. 
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“I’m glad I stopped that.”
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I know it’s not a big change in dialog here, but the nuance and context really does add to what’s being said. In English, he has this ‘I was a nerdy loser with no life’ vibe going on but in French, it’s implied to be a harmful and more pornographic thing. Either way, I can’t wait to work on the Dimitri comic and to really show what exactly happened in Dimitri’s past. You might be asking yourself, “Which version of Mafia Kids is cannon?” Since both are different in their own weird ways. Usually, translations and localizations aren’t meant to be more cannon than the other version. It’s all supposed to be canon to whatever area it’s in, but MK takes place in the real Montreal, and the main language of the region is French. Because the characters talk in their respective accents and slang, the most canon and true to vision version of the story has to be the French version. Despite it’s loss of Emilien’s British accent... More coming soon!
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riverleyk · 3 years
Donovan Casteel scraped comic master post part 2
- PDF file of the first draft - concept art for the characters
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riverleyk · 3 years
Emilien's secrets
Ok not really but it's stuff that's secret in his lore, from his parents or his friends. Just little character quirks.
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Emilien likes My little Pony. He's a horse girl, loves real horses. He watches the horse races on tv with his dad sometimes, but mostly alone. He does some small gambling with his friends to bet on who's gonna win. Has definitely watched Dreamwork's Spirit multiple times too, while growing up. Horses are his favorite animal, but he'd much prefer to have a pet ferret instead.
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Emilien is a femboy, in the tiktok sense of the word. A feminine boy, wearing pastel colors and skirts, but don't underestimate him. He will vandalize your car, spray paint communist symboles all over your house and eat the rich.
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His other hobbies include: reading fantasy novels, chatting on message boards online about said novels. Hiphop dancing, rap and singing. Making his own pastel clothes. And being pansexual. Last but not least. The deepest and darkest of Emilien's secrets... This one is slightly hinted at in the text, but never stated:
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Emilien LOVES TO DRINK TEA. Because he's British, lmao. ok jk, he has a sock fetish. ya know like those guys online, that like seeing girls with thigh high socks? Yeah well emilien likes that, but on everybody. He thinks legs are very pretty. I don't have this fetish and I didn't do any research on it, but I assume he would just enjoy looking at the legs in socks, he wouldn't necessarily want to rub his dick on it or anything. The fetish actually came from a running gag, Emilien having pink socks in is dresser and other characters wondering why. Then this became the cannon explanations. The mystery is whether or not it was for Emi to wear or not... Oh, and another running joke. While writing a short story with a friend, there was a moment where Emilien turned around and walked away, causing the other character to remark he has a nice ass. So it's cannon. Emilien's ass can be described as 'nice'. Luckily for us all, this ass has no plot relevance beyond being attached to the main character.
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riverleyk · 3 years
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This comic was made in 2017. It depicts Stella during a gang war. Uh. Yeah. it wa weird but the art style was something unique. Stella is one of my earliest made characters. Starting out as a Mincract OC, she’s changed a lot but one thing always stayed the same. She was a hobo who was crafty, never been to school and ready to fight.  There are so many differences between her comic depiction and this comic right here. First of all, Stella is much old. I’d say she was 16 in this, but in Mk12s, she’s 14. Both her eyes are shown, and Stella is part of a small gang called MineX, who's fighting against a mafia gang called The Pools.  These days it’s reversed. Stella has mafia connects, but she’s mostly a lone wolf. Hoping to someday become the leader of the mafia. The pools still exist in MK lore, but they aren’t connected to the mafia. They are, in fact ennemies.  The art style wasn’t inspired by anything in particular. I remember was I in class and I just wanted to challenge myself. I had to draw in a completely different way. This was the result. This very same art style was used again in MK12s in Stella’s flashback.  Also, as you can see, I've always been interested in accents as multiple characters have different written accents. As for why one character is using d instead of Tth sounds, I don’t remember what I was thinking... 
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riverleyk · 3 years
Stella is a fucking mixed race lesbian
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lesbian hobo and homo
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riverleyk · 4 years
My OCs personality results:
I did the 16 personality for my Characters. Here they are:  Emilien:
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riverleyk · 3 years
Rewriten scene from 2 times alive (minor spoilers, but this is essentially just cut content that was replaced with something else)
Kiel (mother) and Dimitri are in the car.
Awkward silence for multiple panels, until she breaks it. Kiel: Was it another attempt? Dimitri: No… I just wanted to have fun. Kiel: Your idea of fun is to get high, run away from home for a week, go to a synagogue on new year’s eve and rant and cry about your father? Dimitri: …. Kiel: You know the fucking rules. She slaps him while she’s driving. She’s a pro. Kiel: We don’t talk about him… He doesn’t exist! No matter the circumstances. I don’t care if you’re high. We don’t tell ANYONE that you’re his son, that I’m his ex-wife. Being like him is nothing to be proud of. Dimitri tears up: I’m not proud! I’m scared… Mom I don't wanna be like him! Kiel: YOU’RE ACTING LIKE HIM. They stop in the drive way. Dimitri is crying and she’s avoiding eye contact. Dimitri: I’m sorry. Kiel: You better be. She leaves the car. Dimitri face-plants into the dash board. Scene transition with red. Dimitri’s in his room with his arm all cut up. There’s a chat between him and his friend behind him to serve as narration. LyreRose: Dimitri! I love you. Please don’t hurt yourself. Dimitri: I’m already bleeding. LyreRose: Stop. Stop please. Call me, OK? Missed call Missed call LyreRose: Dimitri Please reply, I don’t want you to die. Don’t kill yourself. Dimitri: I’m not gonna do it, I’m just thinking about it. When I’m high, I feel so happy. LyreRose: I feel happy when we hang out. I feel happy when we chat, and game, and talk. Please. Doesn’t that make you happy? Dimitri: It’s just numbing. LyreRose: It’ll get better, I promise. Stop cutting and answer the fucking call. Missed call. Missed call. Dimitri is lying face down in bed naked. Most you can see is his butt. He’s dirty and his hair is a mess. Tissues and trash littering the floor. [Dear diary. January 3. School started today but for the past 2 days, I have barely eaten or moved. I peed in my trash bin. I’m bored. Positively rotting alive. :) But that guy from the synagogue… I’ve been following what they said. They were right about all the religious stuff. I’m been high pretty much all day now, and I see it… The gods, the universe… I’m figuring it out on my own. ] His phone buzzes. It’s Zachary! Zachary: Sup dude. It’s me, that guy from the Halloween party. My brother gave me your number. Dimitri stares at it with bored dead eyes. [Things might get interesting…] Zachary: Wanna hang out? Dimitri: Yes. The park, tonight. See ya.
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