needleclanclangen · 1 year
Whiskershadow's body was left out in the middle of camp.
It was still. Not even his usual raspy breathing was coming from it. Speckleback stared down at the unbreathing body, his tail curled up against him. Wasn't fair. He did all he could, he was told that by everyone and everything possible, but that didn't change what had happened.
Whiskershadow was dead. A cough, all-consuming, taking and taking until all that was left was a husk, conversing without his heart in it. They both knew it. But Speckleback wanted him there.
Finchstar wandered by, tail curling around him. Speckleback jumped, turning to glare, but Finchstar's own saddened expression made the words that were climbing to his teeth slip away unsaid. Finchstar managed a smile.
"I have to appoint my next deputy." Finchstar meowed. "Already. I'm... sorry to ask you this, but..."
"I'll put him back into the den." Hidden away. Not like the smell of death wasn't hitting the air. He needed to gather more rosemary. "And then we'll bury him." It was a demand, and not a request. 
Finchstar smiled at him, and then grabbed Whiskershadow's body by the scruff. Speckleback helped pull the body towards and into the den, laying him back onto the corner nest. If Speckleback closed his ears, he could even pretend that Whiskershadow was just sleeping.
"You have an apprentice to train soon." Finchstar reminded, once the body was laid back on the nest. "I promise I'll help you bury him."
"I would too, if my bite was gone." Daisyshadow offered, irritation in her voice at the still festering snake bite. It was a wonder she was still kicking.
Speckleback huffed. "It's fine. I promised. You do not have to keep reminding me-"
"That we're here for you, like clanmates are?" Finchstar meowed, loud. "Like we're supposed to be? We were there for Lichentooth, and now we're here for you."
Speckleback didn't say anything else. He just pulled himself out of the den again. Daisyshadow shuffled over to the entrance, and Batpaw stumbled over her trying to reach the entrance, too.
Finchstar wandered over to the roots that made up her den, hopped up, and then hopped up to her announcement branch. She cleared her throat. "All cats of Needleclan, gather for a clan meeting!"
The kits burst out of the nursery, and they had obviously been looking forward to this. Boughkit even looked directly at Speckleback, who was more a part of the center of the camp this time. The warriors and the apprentices came out next, and the sight of them made Finchstar inhale. Riverflight was looking rather distant from Currentdash, but she was still glancing up at Finchstar, waiting. Currentdash glanced to Speckleback, then glanced away. Hollyspike looked as if he was growling. Lichentooth was attentive, but deliberately trying to stick to the edges of the crowd. Bogpaw and Goldpaw were sticking together, while the other apprentices, Graypaw, Larkpaw, and Buzzardpaw went around them.
So many apprentices. So little warriors to apprentice them to.
"Yesterday, Whiskershadow faded away from his greencough." Finchstar announced, as if everybody didn't already know. Speckleback despised the glances he got, and also the ones he didn't. "Life... has to go on. I will appoint a new deputy."
Riverflight, Currentdash, Lichentooth, Hollyspike.
Daisyshadow's snake bite still wasn't healing, so not her. Only the former apprentices, the ones that had been around since the start of the clan.
She knew her choice. Was it the right one?
Gasps. Riverflight blinked.
"You will be our new deputy. Your level head will mean great guidance as our deputy."
After a few moments of shocked silence, Currentdash shoved himself into her, purring. "You did it! You're deputy!"
The others cheered. Bogpaw laughed, nudging herself into Goldpaw and chattering about something Finchstar couldn't pick up on. The kits bounced on their paws.
"That's not the only thing I had to announce!" Finchstar's voice boomed, and everyone went quiet. Finchstar grinned. "We have some kits to promote to apprentices. Why don't you three step up?"
Tricklekit was the first, followed by Rindlekit and Boughkit. Speckleback took that as a cue to step up as well, and everyone's eyes followed his dappled pelt.
"First... I will let Speckleback speak for me."
Speckleback nodded. "I have-" Oh, his voice was shaking. Not great for his appearance. "Boughkit will become my apprentice. Instead of fighting out there for the clan, Boughpaw will be at my side, helping to harvest and heal."
"And talk with Starclan!" Boughpaw said, walking forward. She carefully stepped around and to Speckleback's side. "So... yeah. I'll be another healer."
Finchstar laughed. "Thank you, Boughpaw. Now, Tricklekit. You are now Tricklepaw."
The black and red apprentice nodded her head, gaze fierce.
So few warriors to go around.
"You will be apprenticed to Hollyspike."
Tricklepaw padded over, paws harsh on the ground, to Hollyspike. She reached her muzzle up to touch his, and the fire in her eyes seemed to blaze. After that, she sat to Hollyspike's side.
"Rindlekit, you are now Rindlepaw. You'll be apprenticed to Currentdash."
Rindlepaw touched muzzles with Currentdash, and then sat to his side. The pale apprentice and the pale warrior.
Leaving Riverflight more free for her deputy duties. This would be good. 
Riverflight stepped forward, paws hesitant at first but growing more determined as she sat on the other side of the leader's den. It had been a while since a deputy was well enough to do so.
"With that, clan dismissed!" Finchstar hopped down from the branch to the top root of her den. "Riverflight, you and I can discuss in my den."
Events Referenced: Whiskershadow dies of greencough. Speckleback doesn't take this well. He relies on his clanmates for comfort and company. Riverflight becomes the new deputy. Finchstar still isn't sure if she's making the right decisions, but life must go on. Tricklekit becomes Tricklepaw and swears to starclan she'll do her best for the clan as she touches Hollyspike's nose. (in her head.) Rindlekit's headache went away, and she becomes Rindlepaw, apprenticed to Currentdash. Boughkit becomes Boughpaw, the medicine cat apprentice.
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gryphmakes · 6 months
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Leaderboard badges I made for Wind Flight on Flight Rising :) These badges were made available for members of Wind Flight that participated in the 2024 Mistjam dominance push. In order we have leaderboard ranks Breeze, Dust Devil, Twister, Cyclone, Typhoon, and Superstorm.
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xer0-xer0 · 2 months
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Three last-minute revenges, on @/Riverflight, @/IcyFeathers and @wojnalik ! Theo (guinea pig) is signing "Thank you" in ASL.
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blizzardrunner · 5 months
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hellebore | revenge on riverflight (af)
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Courage belongs to https://artfight.net/~Riverflight.
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saltminerising · 3 years
welcome to flight rising! would you like to join thunderflight, shadowflight, windflight, riverflight, or skyflight?
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xaz-fr · 3 years
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Some more incredible updates to everyone’s friends by the Afam team
MMM on a Bat by Sourdeer
Riverflight by Journeythepanda
MMM on a River Flight by Journeythepanda
Color MMM on a Tadhop by Sourdeer
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alphaori-fr · 4 years
You know what? Fuck you. *uncrests your riverflight*
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
Larkpaw, Goldpaw, and Graypaw gathered near the training hollow, trying to hold their heads up high. Riverflight and Finchstar stared out into the forest, observing.
Larkpaw was panting, hunched over. Goldpaw was trying to stand up tall, but it was clear his breathing was heavier than normal. Graypaw was trying to shake out his fur, doing anything to get the heat off of him.
Riverflight was grinning and bearing it. Finchstar stared at her.
This would've been a excellent time to go hunting. But the heat bore down on them, oppressive, curling into their skin.
"I think," Riverflight eventually spoke, "We should wait for another time."
Finchstar's eyes widened, but only slightly. The leader smiled, tilting her head. "... The heat is too much for us and our apprentices. It could be dangerous."
Riverflight rolled her eyes, but she nodded. "It is dangerous. We'll go when the heat dies down." She turned to the apprentices. "You hear that?"
Graypaw lifted his head up. "Yeah, I heard!"
"Don't have to go hunting, thank stars." Larkpaw mumbled, and Goldpaw huffed. 
He sighed. "... Yeah, I don't have to hunt."
Larkpaw turned to him. "Why are you disappointed? It's way too hot out here for anything fancy, anyway."
Goldpaw narrowed his eyes, but he turned back towards camp. "Nothing important."
Graypaw's tail perked up, and he followed after Goldpaw. Larkpaw followed, after a few moments.
Riverflight sighed. Finchstar brushed against her deputy, and the deputy brushed back, still staring off.
"... I feel like we should have kept going." Riverflight meowed. "Was that a wise move?"
Finchstar nodded. "You made a call based on the environment around us, and the forest wasn't being very nice. No point in hunting if nobody can focus."
Riverflight was quiet. After a few more moments, she nodded. "Yeah, I... threat assessment." Riverflight got to her paws. "We should go suffer back at camp."
Finchstar laughed, but she got to her own paws and followed after her deputy.
Events Referenced:
Larkpaw, Goldpaw, and Graypaw are taken hunting by Riverflight and Finchstar. The only thing its... it's hot. The patrol heads back.
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reflectingiridescent · 10 years
10 Books Meme!
Rules: In a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard—they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you. Tag [ten] friends, including me, so I’ll see your list. Make sure you let your friends know you’ve tagged them.
I was tagged by bengiyo!
1. Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling (can I just do the whole series please?)
2. The Woman Warrior - Maxine Hong Kingston
3. The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
^ This book kickstarted my healing process after my dad died. MUCH LOVE FOR THIS BOOK FOREVER AND EVER.
4. Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire
5. The Circle Opens series by Tamora Pierce
Um...everything Tamora Pierce has ever written, basically. There were  magic things and female heroines who weren't all straight AND DEALT WITH PERIODS AND STUFF LIKE NO ONE WRITES THAT SHIT IT WAS AMAZING.
6. Bel Canto by Ann Patchett
7. Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder
8. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Mostly because I read it the day after one of the worst breakups of my life...books heal souls, y'all.
9. The Secrets of Jin-Shei by Alma Alexander
10. The Make Lemonade series by Virginia Euwer Wolff
And now, I tag amiortheotherscrazy, riverflight, valamaldoran, thehardvark, austintatiousx3, dontbeawuss, lifeisshortdrinkgoodwine
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riverflight-blog · 12 years
if you guys want to watch a thing that i made for the internet this is it! :) feel free to give me commentary on how to make better videos or ideas for future videos! 
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xaz-fr · 3 years
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Some updates to some friends by the Afam team
Color MMM to a baby Puff by Xaz
Scavenging item on a Squirmscoot by Xaz
Apparel update on a Slarg by Journeythepanda
Trait MMM on a Riverflight by Journeythepanda
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
"I don't want to fight."
Speckleback paused from unwrapping Riverflight's paw. Even despite action being taken about the injury late, the wound had healed quickly, and she would be unbothered. Riverflight lowered her paw, and Speckleback glanced to Boughkit.
Boughkit tapped her paws together. "I don't like when I accidentally hurt someone. And I- I don't like it when Tricklekit throws herself at things, and I don't wanna do that."
Speckleback stared at Boughkit. He glanced to Riverflight, who was also looking curious. His eyes drifted to Whiskershadow, who had not even gained the energy to move much of anything lately.
He glanced down to Boughkit. "You know how much work being a medicine cat healer is?"
"Don't care." Boughkit replied, lifting her eyes up to meet his. "If it means I'm not fighting, and if it means I can help another way, I'll help you."
"Can she do that?" Riverflight spoke, finally. 
Daisyshadow huffed. "Don't see why not. We'll always need more healers. Has to start somewhere."
"Suppose that's true." Riverflight meowed, blinking. She stared down at Boughkit. "Always thought Speckleback would pick someone."
"I am still right here." Speckleback meowed, irritated. "But Daisyshadow's right in that I do need to start somewhere." Speckleback nodded. "Alright. I'll talk with Finchstar about it."
Boughkit beamed. "Thank you!" She then darted towards the entrance of the den, slowing down to carefully take the entrance like her usual habit, and then out she went.
Speckleback's eyes went back to Whiskershadow. Riverflight's did, too.
Daisyshadow frowned. "... You'll get the help you need. Go talk to Finchstar now. We're fine, Speckleback."
Speckleback rolled his eyes. "Don't need to be told that." But he did get up and walk out of the den. Riverflight glanced between the two of them.
"We've had a lot of discussions, being stuck alone in here. Can't be arguing all the time." Daisyshadow laughed. "But... you should go, too. Don't want the sickness to spread."
Riverflight glanced to Whiskershadow.
"... Is he..."
"Just go, Riverflight." Daisyshadow commanded, and Riverflight decided to obey.
Events Referenced: Riverflight's thorn has been pulled out and healed. Boughkit doesn't want to fight other cats. Speckleback decides to take Boughpaw under his wing. (she'll get her apprentice look revealed at the official ceremony).
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reflectingiridescent · 10 years
Always post the rules:
Answer the 11 questions and ask 11 more.
Tag 11 people.
Tell them you tagged them.
riverflight asked me these a lifetime ago:
1.  If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
Oh gosh, I suppose it'd be tamarind soup. The way that my Lola or my mom makes it. I don't like the way that anyone else does it. Also, there's a lot of different variations on how you can make it, so I'll be getting most of my vitamins and such.
2.  What is your quest?
To facilitate mutual understanding the most sparkly manner possible.
3.  What is your favorite movie of all time?
This is hard, because I'm not really a movie person--I'm a television person (as strange as that sounds). Perhaps Mulan? I've seen it over 60 times, and it never gets old even though the real legend of Fa Mulan is so much better. Or Inception, because what they do with it is so damn cool.
4.  Tell a good story from your love life.
An ex-boyfriend of mine once told me that my mind was beautiful. That's probably the best compliment I've ever received in a romantic relationship.
5.  If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
This is going to sound like a complete cop-out, but I have never felt more at peace than I did in Hawaii. I wasn't even on land. I just went out by myself into this spot of free beach I found, and there were the flowers and the birds and the chickens running free in the streets and the mountains in the background. I've never felt more at home than I did then.
6. Best ice cream flavor?
Cookies and cream!
7. Tell me a bed time story?
Once upon a time, a pirate happened upon a good lady in a tavern. She offered to buy the woman a drink and learned that she knew the lady's husband, who had been lost at sea. The lady told the pirate that she went out to shore alone for a few hours every day, just waiting.
"Waiting for what?" the pirate asked.
"To see the sails of his ship," said the lady. "I want him to come home." She explained that this was to be his last voyage and that they were going to try and start a family when he came back.
The pirate told the lady what she knew--she had known this man. He was virtuous. His only weakness was his love of the sea. He would not come home--even if he wasn't lost, he was not willing to give up the life of a sailor.
The lady did not cry but looked more forlorn than before. The pirate bought her another drink. "Good lady, may I ask you something?" she asked between the lady's sobs. "You travel to the shore. Surely, you'd never see him. Why not the port, where his ship may come in?" At the lady's silence, she continued. "Perhaps it is not he that calls you but the sea. Perhaps you understand your sailor better than you think."
The lady was silent for a long time, thinking. Finally, she looked up to answer the pirate, but the pirate was gone, along with the lady's wallet.
8.  If you had a time machine, what era would you go visit?
This is a horrible, horrible question to ask me because I think going to most time periods would result in people not liking me a lot because of who I am, what I look like, and the way I live. Perhaps the 30's in the Philippines. Then I could hang out with my lola when she was a little girl.
9. T-Rex or Triceratops?
10. How screwed up is your sleep schedule?
On a scale of 1 to what my last semester was? Probably a 4.
11.  Are you a werewolf?
Nah, I'm the witch in this story.
I tag riverflight, jeff-mcavoy, lifeisshortdrinkgoodwine, thehardvark, whorishgreen, lovejustlied, amiortheotherscrazy, recycledstars, autumnstatic, paperheartdigitalveins, and wishingtheywerestars
Here are your questions:
1. Describe the thing you are most passionate about.
2. Warrior, mage, or rogue? Why?
3. Tell a good story from your love life (stealing because this a is a damn good question).
4. What is the most prevalent color in your closet, and do you feel your wardrobe reflects who you are?
5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
6. What's your favorite way to relieve stress?
7. What's your favorite vice?
8. How did we meet?
9. You get to sit down with your fourteen year-old self. How does he/she/ze react to you? What do you talk about? What advice do you give?
10. Do you have a regret that makes it worth going back to right before that point and completely starting over (I don't need to know what it is, just if you have one)?
11. You have one minute, a piece of paper, and either a pencil or a pen. Draw your soul. (If you don't think you have a soul, then draw what you think your essence looks like.) Post the picture.
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