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gingerteaonthetardis · 1 year ago
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𝐌𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒 (3/?) | What We're Made Of
by @caedmonfaith & RishiDiams
ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ x ʀᴏꜱᴇ, ᴇ, 400ᴋ+
Ian’s understanding from Pete was that the walls to the universe had closed and there would be no more traveling between universes - for Rose or this Doctor twat. And even if they were open, it would be incredibly dangerous for Rose to attempt to do so.
But that didn’t change the fact that she was not just pregnant by him, she was in fucking love with him.
Any one of these factors should have been enough to send him running like hell in the other direction. Any one of them translated to nothing but heartache for him if he got too attached to her, and he’d be a damn fool to invite that into his life.
Ian Docherty was a damn fool.
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thedalektables · 3 years ago
Chapters: 18/18 Fandom: Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who, Doctor Who & Related Fandoms Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler Characters: John Smith (Tenth Doctor), Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler, Pete Tyler, Donna Noble, Jack Harkness, Jake Simmonds, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Romance Summary:
Dr. John Smith is a brilliant computer engineer who believes his new CPU design will revolutionize the industry, but Intel and Apple won't have anything to do with him. Vital Technologies, better known as Vitex, is looking for something that will propel them ahead of their Silicon Valley counterparts, and John Smith's design seems like just the thing.
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dwficfinder · 5 years ago
Hello! Thank you for all you guys do. I was hoping you guys could help me find a fic. iirc, Rose is stuck in Pete's World, pregnant with Ten's child. Nine gets sent to rescue her and they run across each other at torchwood, Rose either having just given birth or about to? Nine didn't know about the baby until he got there, and I remember Pete Tyler grilling him/trying to keep him away from Rose since they didn't know who he was. Ring any bells? TIA!
Hiya!  I believe this one is Mine? by @rishidiams. ~pyf
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doctorroseficawards · 5 years ago
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Evolution of a Scandal by RishiDiams
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fleurdeneuf · 6 years ago
I have a few questions for the ask meme, if that's alright! What is something you've always wanted to do, but haven't yet for whatever reason? What are some things that make you happy? Do you ever have "book hangovers" (or fic hangovers?), and if so, when was the last time you remember having one? When watching or reading something, do you ever remark or criticize it aloud, or are you a silent viewer/reader? Hope that's not too many questions!
Hey there, anon, thanks for the questions!  OK, let’s see….
Something I’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t?  So many things!  A big one is taking an extended (like, several months to a year) trip bumming around Europe.   A small one, as I was just telling @chiaroscuroverse earlier, is wearing fashionable hats, just because.  :p 
Things that make me happy!  Hot beverages, chatting with tumblr friends, being greeted by a neighborhood cat when I’m out walking in my neighborhood, wearing my favorite pair of jeans. :)
It’s been so long since I’ve had a book hangover (before fic took over my reading time), but I can’t honestly remember the last time I had a fic hangover, either.  I haven’t been reading as much lately, and I don’t remember the last big fic that I finished and had that feeling.  However, there are a few WIPs that have been on the brain recently….is there a similar term for having a WIP take over your brain? :D  Those are @whatwecanfic’s Copperopolis, @blueboxesandtrafficcones‘s Second Chance at Forever (which I caught up on several chapters in and am now addicted), and @rishidiams‘s Faith of the Heart (which I really ought to reread since I’ve been getting feels again!).
Hmm…it depends?  On what I’m watching/reading, who I’m with, etc.  I mean, I don’t talk in movie theatres, for example. :p  But if I’m watching something casually with people or if, say, a historical inaccuracy comes up and rankles me ( @deathlyfandoms …..), then yeah, I will heckle.  ;)
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Thanks for the questions, anon!!!
get to know the blogger: anon (or not) ask me anything
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travellinghopefully · 7 years ago
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Entirely the fault of this fic, go read, go https://archiveofourown.org/works/11890998/chapters/26858088 @caedmonfaith it's your fault
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rose--nebula · 7 years ago
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Fic art for “Faith of the Heart” by @rishidiams
It’s a gorgeous story! --- deviant art
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perfectlyrose · 7 years ago
@rishidiams replied to your post “The Fierce Exposure (i randomly chose 3 words from this page i'm...”
I need more of this. Yesterday. Can I get an IV drip?
If I ever work up the nerve to write a long Mercier/Betty fic, I can promise it’s likely to be this one :D
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whoinwhoville · 7 years ago
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replied to your post
“The Fierce Exposure (i randomly chose 3 words from this page i'm...”
I need more of this. Yesterday. Can I get an IV drip?
Mercier and Betty have quickly and quietly risen to that list of dearest teninchfic pairings. I love how they contrast each other. And also, they’re hot.
🤗😍 I am a bit picky about them, though. I don’t do or read infidelity fic (trigger/squick/whatever it’s called these days), and that is integral to Betty’s character, so I do have to pick and choose. If she isn’t married, and is seeing Donald, I’m fine. May the best man win. These two need a pairing name, and I am having a hard time coming up with one. Probably needs to include hair for Mercier - sexyhair, CurlyColonel, or maybe ColonelPassion? or SexyHairPassion? Naw, those a pretty bad. LOL. PassionateCurlyColonel. Oh, that one’s awful!
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doctorroseficawards · 5 years ago
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What We’re Made Of by Caedmon and RishiDiams
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fleurdeneuf · 7 years ago
this week in fic
Weekly round up of fic I’ve read and enjoyed this week.  Do yourself a favor and check ‘em out!
Her Dance Card is Full by @lizann5869 (Nine/Rose)
The Wolf, the Stone, and the Storm: Chapter 4 by @memyselfandwe09 (Nine/Rose, fantasy AU)
Italian Affair by @hellostarlight20 (Nine/Rose, AU, NSFW, BDSM), part of the Pushing Boundaries series
Better than Before by @goingtothetardis (Nine/Rose)
Renegades and Revolutions: Season Two: Consequential Decisions: Chapter 18 and Chapter 19 by @deathlyfandoms (Nine/Rose, AU, NSFW), sequel to Season One: Unexpected Consequences
What We’re Made Of: Chapter 89 and Chapter 90 by @rishidiams​ and @caedmonfaith​ (Twelve/Rose, AU, canon!Rose, human!Twelve, post-Doomsday, babyfic, NSFW)
As always, links are to tumblr posts when possible so people can reblog fic if they want to.
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dwficfinder · 8 years ago
I know this fix exists but I can for the life of me find it. It's about Nine being sent to Pete's world by either the TARDIS or the bad wolf after 'the parting of ways'. He is in a coma kind of and is also in the parallel Torchwood. He only awakes after Rose is trapped there. Rose is pregnant and the child recognises him as the father. It is smutty and more than one chapter. At first the Doctor thinks his future regeneration had messed with Rose's genetics but he finds out he's wrong. Any ideas?
Mine? by @rishidiams (Nine x Rose, teen, babyfic) -tblt
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caedmonfaith · 8 years ago
I should probably apologize. I’ve fallen all the way down a bottomless Peter Capaldi/Twelve rabbithole through writing Reckless Endangerment and now What We’re Made Of, and my blog is probably going to reflect that. Like, a lot. So you’re probably going to be getting stuff like this:
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...I SHOULD apologize. But I’m not. 
If I’m going down, I’m taking all y’all’s asses with me. 
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lostinfic · 8 years ago
ahorriblecaseofwanderlust replied to your post “whoinwhoville: Mercier to Betty: “Moi non plus, ma belle.” Me: ...”
Please do! This fic is so amazing- I cannot wait for the next chapter!!! :D
There are still many chapters to write, but after that I’ll do a sort of prompt thing where readers send me the scenes they want to see from Mercier’s POV.
ktrosesworld replied to your post “@whoinwhoville @aroseofstone @tenscupcake @ktrosesworld...”
I love everything about your story!!!!!! JFM and Betty are brilliant and the mystery is engrossing and I suspect everybody :)
Thank you! I enjoy reading about your speculations, there was a big clue in the last chapter but no one seemed to have caught it.
maitre-kuroneko replied to your post “whoinwhoville: Mercier to Betty: “Moi non plus, ma belle.” Me: ...”
I'm french, so the effect is lost on me, rah ^^; Can't wait for the next chapter, I really appreciate your fics, they're entirely responsible for selling me the Betty x Mercier ship (and I regret nothing) :D
Ah je ne savais pas que t’es Française! Es-tu la même personne qui me laisse des commentaires en français sur Ao3? Si j’ai réussi à te cendre Mercier x Betty alors ma mission sur terre est accomplie ;)
rishidiams replied to your post “whoinwhoville: Mercier to Betty: “Moi non plus, ma belle.” Me: ...”
As someone who speaks broken French, I *LOVE* that you haven't included the translations. I can understand a lot of what he's saying but every now and then something slips by me. A+ work on the fic all around, btw.
That’s great, I’m glad it works for you :) Thank you for reading!
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ktrosesworld · 8 years ago
Chapters: 38/38 Fandom: Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Doctor Who, Secret Diary of a Call Girl (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler, The Master (Simm), John Smith (Doctor Who), Belle du Jour, Original Character(s) - Character Additional Tags: Romance, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Explicit Sexual Content, Older Man/Younger Woman Summary:
AU - John Smith's life is turned upside down when stress at work finally hits a boiling point and his personal secretary suggests he hire a call girl for the night. He wasn't expecting to meet someone like Belle du Jour, but nothing is ever simple when you're the Prime Minister of the UK. A loose crossover with Secret Diary of a Call Girl.
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strongblacklesbian · 7 years ago
everyone deserves a mum like jackie tyler. best mum in the universe :’)
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