#Rio Tinto Deals
newsmarketreports · 2 months
Rio Tinto Deals: Unearthing the Mining Company's Strategic Investments for the Future
Rio Tinto is a global mining and metals corporation renowned for its extensive operations in diverse geological terrains and its commitment to sustainability. This article delves into Rio Tinto's strategic deals and partnerships that have been pivotal in driving the company's growth and maintaining its leadership in the mining industry.
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Introduction to Rio Tinto
Founded in 1873, Rio Tinto has grown into one of the world's largest mining companies, with headquarters in London, UK, and Melbourne, Australia. The company operates in over 35 countries, extracting and processing minerals essential for modern life, including iron ore, aluminum, copper, and diamonds. Rio Tinto's strategic approach to deals and partnerships has significantly contributed to its expansive portfolio and global reach.
Key Strategic Deals and Partnerships
Rio Tinto's success is underpinned by its strategic deals and partnerships that enhance its operational capabilities, technological advancements, and sustainability initiatives. Here, we explore some of the most significant deals and partnerships that have shaped Rio Tinto's journey.
Joint Ventures and Collaborations
Joint ventures and collaborations have been crucial for Rio Tinto to share resources, expertise, and risks, enabling it to undertake large-scale mining projects and expand its market presence.
Oyu Tolgoi (Mongolia)
One of Rio Tinto's most notable joint ventures is the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine in Mongolia. Partnering with the Government of Mongolia and Turquoise Hill Resources, Rio Tinto has developed one of the world's largest known copper and gold deposits. This collaboration has not only boosted Rio Tinto's copper production but also contributed significantly to Mongolia's economy.
Simandou (Guinea)
The Simandou iron ore project in Guinea is another significant venture. Rio Tinto has partnered with Chinese firms, including Chinalco and Baowu Steel Group, to develop this world-class iron ore deposit. This partnership aims to create a fully integrated mine-to-market solution, enhancing Rio Tinto's iron ore production capabilities and contributing to Guinea's economic development.
Technology and Innovation Partnerships
To stay at the forefront of the mining industry, Rio Tinto has formed partnerships focused on technology and innovation, enhancing its operational efficiency and sustainability efforts.
Komatsu and Caterpillar
Rio Tinto's collaboration with heavy equipment manufacturers Komatsu and Caterpillar has led to the development and deployment of autonomous haulage systems (AHS). These automated trucks improve safety and productivity in Rio Tinto's mining operations, reducing costs and environmental impact.
Partnering with Inmarsat, a global satellite communications company, Rio Tinto has enhanced its remote monitoring and control capabilities. This partnership enables real-time data collection and analysis, optimizing mining operations and ensuring better decision-making processes.
Sustainability and Environmental Initiatives
Rio Tinto is committed to sustainable mining practices, and its partnerships in this area are designed to minimize environmental impact and promote community development.
Tsinghua University
Rio Tinto's partnership with Tsinghua University in China focuses on developing sustainable mining technologies and practices. This collaboration aims to address environmental challenges and improve resource efficiency in mining operations.
In a joint venture with Alcoa and with support from the governments of Canada and Quebec, Rio Tinto established Elysis. This initiative aims to develop the world's first carbon-free aluminum smelting process, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and setting new sustainability standards in the aluminum industry.
Acquisitions and Divestments
Strategic acquisitions and divestments have allowed Rio Tinto to optimize its portfolio, focusing on core assets and divesting from non-core operations.
Turquoise Hill Resources
In a strategic move to strengthen its position in the copper market, Rio Tinto increased its stake in Turquoise Hill Resources. This acquisition aligns with Rio Tinto's goal to become a leading copper producer, leveraging the significant potential of the Oyu Tolgoi mine.
Coal Assets Divestment
As part of its commitment to sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint, Rio Tinto divested from its coal assets, including the sale of its stake in the Kestrel and Hail Creek coal mines. This divestment reflects Rio Tinto's strategic shift towards cleaner energy sources and responsible mining practices.
Impact of Strategic Deals on Rio Tinto's Growth
The strategic deals and partnerships pursued by Rio Tinto have had a profound impact on its growth and market position. These initiatives have enabled the company to enhance its production capabilities, adopt cutting-edge technologies, and uphold its commitment to sustainability.
Enhanced Production Capabilities
Joint ventures and acquisitions have expanded Rio Tinto's access to high-quality mineral deposits, boosting its production capabilities and ensuring a steady supply of essential minerals to the global market.
Technological Advancements
Partnerships focused on technology and innovation have positioned Rio Tinto as a leader in the adoption of autonomous systems and remote monitoring technologies. These advancements have improved operational efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness.
Sustainability Leadership
By investing in sustainable mining practices and divesting from non-core, high-carbon assets, Rio Tinto has demonstrated its commitment to environmental stewardship. Partnerships like Elysis highlight the company's role in pioneering sustainable technologies that reduce the industry's environmental impact.
Rio Tinto's strategic deals and partnerships have been instrumental in shaping its success and maintaining its leadership in the mining industry. Through joint ventures, technology collaborations, sustainability initiatives, and strategic acquisitions, Rio Tinto has enhanced its operational capabilities, embraced innovation, and reinforced its commitment to responsible mining. These strategic moves continue to drive Rio Tinto's growth, ensuring its position as a global mining powerhouse.
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nrspeculator · 1 year
Australia’s Aboriginal groups gaining bigger voice in new energy deals
Australia’s Indigenous groups are taking equity stakes in the growing renewable energy industry as they seek to protect their community interests, prevent encroachment and obtain a bigger share of the profits in what is built on their lands. Aboriginal groups have so far had limited say in mega-projects rolled out across Indigenous lands, at times eroding or destroying traditional landscapes, as…
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fatehbaz · 1 year
the very Sacred Oak Flat is in danger of becoming an open pit copper mine. turning a sacred site into a 1000-ft pit. Apache Leap, ancient petroglyphs, extremely important rituals since time began; these things are Oak Flat. the federal government is ignoring many legal protections as well, including 200 yr old treaty promising to protect the land forever, national park designation, and on the national register of historic places. this project is so, so evil. I want people to know about it. Please read, talk, care about it.
Nice, thank you. The impending destruction of Chi'chil Bildagoteel by the US government and one of the planet's most infamous mining companies.
Over the past 3 years, I’ve written here about defense of Oak Flat, also called Chi'chil Bildagoteel by Chiricahua Apache from San Carlos reservation. (A summary of the site’s importance and history. A summary of the legal challenges to the mine. A summary of Apache Stronghold and other Indigenous-led campaigns. A photo collection featuring Indigenous-led actions in February 2021.) But all of these posts predate the developments that have occurred from the beginning of 2022 until now (March 2023). And the legal case, the fate of the site, is about to be settled this very month.
Well, then, there’s Rio Tinto, the copper mining leviathan, despised across the planet, bane of Australia, so-called Rhodesia, Latin America, Papua, etc. They're the second-largest metals/mining company on the planet. For well over a century, open-pit copper mines have been infamous for the scale of their destruction and I like how you describe it: giant pits, gaping wounds. Oak Flat is destined to belong to Resolution Copper, a subsidiary of Rio Tinto. Just before widespread news of Rio Tinto’s interest in Oak Flat, Rio Tinto had earned an especially-notorious reputation for destroying Indigenous/Aboriginal sites in Australia. A summary of the news about the “atrocity” at Juukan Gorge, when in May 2020, Rio Tinto destroyed an important sacred cultural site containing Indigenous shelters over 45,000 years old, and Rio Tinto leaders apparently had foreknowledge of the area’s cultural importance. Here’s a look at what is perhaps the oldest surviving human art on the planet, some petroglyphs and shelters up to 50,000 years old, being destroyed by the truly astonishing scale and diversity of destructive mining operations in Western Australia. And here’s a look at many other ancient and modern Indigenous sacred sites being destroyed by mining in that region.
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Sacred Land Film Project put together some informational graphics:
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Anyway, a basic summary.
Originally, this mine was kinda known as, like, “the John McCain Land-Grab Deal” because Senator McCain sold out the state of Arizona and Indigenous people by basically promising a formal transfer of land and the creation of what would become a major mining site at Oak Flat. Mining in the Oak Flat area was technically prohibited decades earlier by an Eisenhower presidential/executive order, but in December 2014, McCain sneaked a hidden last-minute rider onto a must-pass defense spending bill.
In May 2020, Rio Tinto gets caught destroying those sites at Juukan Gorge.
So, in October 2020, Indigenous activists discovered that the supposed date of the land transfer finalization had been quietly and suddenly moved up like a full year, meaning that the site might have become a mine beginning in December 2020 or January 2021.
At this point, the Oak Flat mine was becoming known as, like, “Trump’s Rushed/Hurried Mining Deal,” since the Trump presidential administration seemed to want to quickly act on the mine before any potential presidential transfer of power might occur in January 2021, “just in case” they lost the November 2020 election.
So this is when Apache Stronghold and other Native advocates really started finally getting national recognition in headlines. They organized a Day of Action and statewide events around the Solstice in 2020, and by January 2021, they had forced the case into court.
In the January 2021 case of Apache Stronghold v. United States, an Arizona judge ruled against Native advocates, but advocates got the case heard by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. While the case was being argued, in February 2021, Apache Stronghold also participated in a newsworthy relay from Oak Flat to the courthouse in Phoenix, when Native advocates held a candlelight vigil.
But in March 2021, the US Forest Service announced that it was temporarily withdrawing its environmental impact assessments for the land transfer, putting the mine on hold.
In October 2021, the three judges on the appeals court ruled against Apache Stronghold again.
Over a year later, in November 2022, the court then announced something unusual: The court was willing to rehear the case en blanc (before a panel of all 11 judges).
And now, “Biden’s attorneys” will be arguing against Apache Stronghold and for the land transfer.
Throughout this entire process, Apache Stronghold has consistently been vocal, active, and dedicated to stopping it.
Here are some headlines from the past couple of years:
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And from March 2023, this headline, one more time, for impact:
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So, beginning on 21 March 2023, the case is being heard, again, for what is presumably the final time, with US government attorneys arguing that the land will belong to the mining companies by summer 2023.
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Samantha Cohen is attacked by the sugars as being weak, incapable etc. yet look at her resume
Chief of Staff to the global CEO of Rio Tinto
Co-Founder & Deputy Chair of The Queen's Green Canopy
Director of the Office of the Prime Minister: Downing Street
Chief Executive of Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council
Deputy and Assistant Private Secretary to HM The Queen
Communications Secretary to HM The Queen
Deputy Communications Secretary to HM The Queen
Assistant Communications Secretary to The Queen
I haven’t seen those comments. I Donny understand why they would be mad at Sam. Sam keep Meghan’s reputation afloat during her first year, which was an amazing pr feat given all the dad drama and celebrity hijinks.
It was impressive while it was happening and it’s even more impressive now that we know everything Sam had been keeping a lid on. They were planning Megxit since the wedding, and they were negotiating deals with Netflix and the publishers. She was mistreating the staff and fighting with Will and Kate. Plus she was writing her memoir and documenting their lives, plus she was fighting with UN Women, ghosting celebrities, alienating aristos, and causing chaos during the tours. Plus the merching. Plus the drug use.
There were rumors about this all over social media. The reporters had to know about it. Heck, Rebecca English flat out saw Amy Pickering weeping in a car.
And none of it got out! Sam Cohen finessed all of it. We could see there was a problem. We could see Will scarfing Meghan. We could feel the tension during the foundation forum. We could see hatless Meghan flouting protocol. We could see the giggly demeanor and the unfocused pupils. We could see Harry’s friends weren’t invited to the reception. And yet it all got spun by Sam. Sam Cohen won the Olympics of Public Relations during Meghan’s tenure with the royals.
I focus on weird details so my favorite example of this was the Castle Mey visit after the wedding. It was clear to me that Charles called them to Castle Mey to tell they had to deal with her father who was giving post-wedding interviews complaining about how he was treated, but it was spun as Charles being super-supportive and wanting to give Meghan a nice break. It wasn’t until Tom Bowers’ book cam out that we found out that indeed they were scolded at Castle Mey
Ditto Sandringham. We could feel the relationship was breaking down. We could see Meghan leaking Amner Hall details to People. We could practically fell Will’s disdain, and yet Sam got the reporters to focus on the Fab Four nonsense. It wasn’t until the tiara story broke out that reporters confessed they knew there were tensions during Christmas and they just didn’t my tell us about them.
That’s an amazing PR job. Literally everyone in London knew there was a problem—aristos, charities, diplomats, brands, celebrities—and yet Sam managed to keep it out of the press. With her dad and sister out there giving interviews at the drop of a hat!
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nawapon17 · 29 days
XCMG to supply equipment for Simandou iron ore project
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Serbian president says he received coup warning from Russia
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/serbian-president-says-he-received-coup-warning-from-russia/
Serbian president says he received coup warning from Russia
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Aleksandar Vucic has said the security services are working on leads provided by Moscow
Russia warned Serbia about a potential coup attempt, President Aleksandar Vucic told journalists on Friday. His statement came a day before an expected protest in the nation’s capital. According to Vucic, Serbia’s Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) is already acting on the leads provided by Moscow. “We received official information from the Russian Federation, information transmitted and brought through official channels,” the president said, adding that the authorities “are dealing with it” and there is no reason to worry. Vucic did not elaborate on where the threat comes from or who is behind it. “Serbia is moving forward and they cannot and will not stop it,” he said Earlier, Serbian news outlets reported that the Russian security services warned Vucic about riots that are being planned in Serbia with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the nation’s leadership.
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Kremlin speaks out on attempted Serbian ‘Maidan’
Serbian daily Vecernje Novosti said on Friday that it obtained a “color revolution handbook” supposedly published for participants of ecological protests expected on Saturday. The handbook describes methods reminiscent of color revolutions in other nations, the outlet claimed, adding that the protests are likely to be coordinated from “centers of power” abroad, but did not accuse anyone in particular. The news comes as the nation braces for ecological protests this weekend. In July, there was a standoff between eco-activists and the government over a lithium mine project. Last month, Belgrade granted British-Australian company Rio Tinto a license to develop a lithium mine in the Jadar region in the western part of the country, which is set to become the biggest in Europe, according to Reuters. The project did not sit well with local farmers and villagers, who argued that the mine would severely pollute the surrounding area. Activist and farmer Zlatko Kokanovic told Reuters that the mine would “free the European Union from reliance on China” regarding lithium at the expense of people’s health.
READ MORE: Serbia and US are ‘historical allies’ – Vucic
The government believes the $2.4 billion Jadar lithium project will be a major boost for the economy. The mine could account for 90% of the EU’s needs for lithium, according to Reuters. Protesters have demanded that the government ban lithium mining in Jadar by August 10, saying they will announce their next steps at a rally on Saturday.
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head-post · 2 months
Thousands protest Serbia’s lithium mining agreement with EU
Thousands of people gathered in several Serbian cities to protest a lithium excavation project signed with the European Union, according to AP News.
Protests took place simultaneously in the western town of Šabac and the central towns of Kraljevo, Aranđelovac, Ljig, and Barajevo. Demonstrators followed similar gatherings in other Serbian cities in recent weeks.
The agreement reached earlier this month on “critical raw materials” could reduce Europe’s dependence on China and push Serbia, which has close ties with Russia and China, closer to the EU. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz attended the summit in Belgrade.
However, the deal has been strongly criticised by environmentalists and opposition groups in Serbia. They argue that it will cause irreversible damage to the environment but bring little benefit to its citizens.
Serbia’s largest lithium reserve is in the western valley, rich in fertile land and water.  Multinational Rio Tinto company started an exploration project in the area a few years ago, which caused huge opposition, forcing it to suspend operations.
Earlier this month, Serbia’s Constitutional Court overturned a previous government decision to cancel a $2.4 billion mining project. This opened the way for the British-Australian mining company in the Jadar valley to revive the plan.
President Aleksandar Vučić stated that any excavation would not begin until 2028 and that the government would seek firm environmental guarantees before allowing mining. Some government officials also hinted that a referendum might also be held on the issue.
Protesters who gathered in Serbian towns on Monday said they did not trust the government and would not allow the excavations to continue. In Šabac, demonstrators waved Serbian flags and marched through the town after the rally.
Read more HERE
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arjunsingh66 · 5 months
Arjun Singh Analysis: New Trends and Future Opportunities in the Global Copper Mining Market
With the development of the global economy and technological advancements, copper, as a crucial industrial metal, plays an indispensable role in various sectors. Recently, mining giants like BHP and Rio Tinto have contemplated increasing their acquisition bids for Anglo American, indicating a high regard for copper mining resources. Arjun Singh from Singer Finance Academy points out that this trend not only reflects the strategic value of copper resources but also foreshadows a series of changes in the future global mining market.
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Background and Drivers of Global Copper Mining Mergers and Acquisitions
The growth in global copper demand has driven mining giants to vie for copper mining resources. Arjun Singh notes that copper is widespread applications, from electric vehicles to renewable energy production, make it a key metal in the global economic transition. Particularly with the promotion of electric vehicles and clean energy, copper demand is expected to continue to rise. Additionally, the global pursuit of sustainable resources is accelerating. In such a market environment, BHP is proposed acquisition of Anglo American aims to optimize its global supply chain and enhance market competitiveness through resource integration. This strategic move not only demonstrates its keen insight into market trends but also reflects the proactive preparation of enterprises for future market changes.
Global Impact and Investment Prospects of the Copper Market
Copper is market impact is extensive, with its price fluctuations and supply stability directly affecting the global economy. Arjun Singh is analysis indicates that against the backdrop of global economic recovery, there is a significant growth trend in copper demand. Especially in infrastructure construction and technological innovation, the application of copper is increasing. Furthermore, the global emphasis on environmental protection and sustainable development has also raised demand for environmentally friendly materials like copper. Investors need to pay attention to the geopolitical risks of copper mining resources and policy changes in relevant countries, as these factors could have a significant impact on copper prices and investment returns. Arjun Singh believes that understanding these market dynamics and policy environments is crucial for seizing investment opportunities and mitigating potential risks.
Risk Management and Strategic Recommendations Proposed by Arjun Singh
In the intensifying competition in the global copper mining market, Arjun Singh from Singer Finance Academy emphasizes that investors and companies must adopt effective risk management strategies to deal with uncertainties. Arjun Singh suggests that before considering entry into copper mining investment, investors should carefully assess the project is geographical location, political environment, legal risks, and market demand volatility. Additionally, diversifying investment portfolios can effectively mitigate risks in a single market, while leveraging advanced technologies for resource extraction is recommended to improve efficiency and environmental performance. In conclusion, a thorough understanding of market dynamics, prudent evaluation of investment projects, and the formulation of flexible response strategies are key to ensuring the success of copper mining investments.
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colitcomedia · 1 year
Discovery-Driven Value Creation: Unlocking Investor Opportunities in Platina Resources' Gold Projects
PLATINA RESOURCES (ASX: PGM) is a gold exploration company with promising projects in Western Australia. Its portfolio encompasses seven gold projects in the Ashburton Basin and Yilgarn Craton, spanning a land area of 1,487KM². With a solid history of successful exploration and drilling, the Company possesses ample funding to execute its strategic plans. The Projects are strategically situated in highly favorable regions, offering the potential for significant discoveries. PLATINA RESOURCES boasts advanced exploration and drilling capabilities, supported by an experienced team that excels in exploration and acquisition execution. Given its advantageous position in the current gold market, the Company is well-prepared to achieve substantial breakthroughs. Mr Corey Nolan, the Managing Director of Platina Resources, recently delivered exciting updates on the Company’s gold-focused projects through a recently published INVESTOR’S PRESENTATION.
Platina Scandium Project sold for US$14 million
Platina Resources Limited has entered into a legally BINDING AGREEMENT with a subsidiary of Rio Tinto Ltd to transfer its highly promising Platina Scandium Project for US$14 million. The Platina Scandium Project is a significant global deposit of scandium known for its outstanding quality and the potential to become Australia’s first scandium producer. It also holds valuable cobalt and nickel resources.
According to the agreement, upon the successful completion of the transaction, Platina Resources will receive a cash payment of US$8 MILLION. Additionally, there will be a warranty retention payment of US$1 million, which Rio Tinto will repay after 30 months. As part of the deal, Platina Resources may also receive up to US$6 million in cash payments contingent upon Rio Tinto meeting specific project milestones, such as granting a Mining Lease. This agreement reflects the strong commercial viability of the Platina Scandium Project and highlights Platina Resources’ leading position in scandium exploration.
The finalisation of the transaction depends on obtaining the necessary approval from the NSW Ministerial Consent, which is expected to be concluded soon.
Mr Corey Nolan, Managing Director of Platina Resources, said, “This transaction with Rio Tinto will also allow Platina shareholders to benefit from an injection of new funding to advance its extensive gold portfolio and pursue other more advanced project opportunities without shareholder dilution.“
Gold Focus Transformation of Platina Resources
Platina Resources has transformed its strategic focus from platinum to gold, positioning the Company to capitalize on the solid momentum in the gold market. The scandium sale has boosted the implied value of its Western Australia gold projects, including Xanadu, Brimstone, Beete, Binti Binti, Challa, Mt Narryer JV, and Jubilee.
Before exploring individual gold projects, it’s crucial to acknowledge the favorable gold price environment. As of June 9, 2023, the gold price stood at AUD 3,000 PER OUNCE and USD 2,250 PER OUNCE. The upward trajectory of gold prices enhances the potential returns for investors, making this an opportune time to participate in Platina Resources’ gold exploration endeavors.
Exploration Projects and Drilling Plans of Platina Resources
Platina Resources has three key gold projects scheduled for drilling in 2023: BRIMSTONE, XANADU, AND BEETE. These projects are strategically located in the Ashburton Basin and Yilgarn Craton, renowned for their rich mineral endowment. The vast tenement package spanning 1,487 KM² provides an extensive area for exploration and discovery.
Brimstone Project
The BRIMSTONE PROJECT, located 40km northeast of Kalgoorlie Eastern Goldfields in the Yilgarn Craton, is close to the high-grade Penny’s Find deposit. Historical drilling has revealed extensive gold mineralization, with interpreted geological structures covering approximately 10km of strike length. Brimstone states numerous walk-up drill targets, and the planned reverse circulation drilling in July 2023 will test mineralization at depth and along strike at Brandy, Garibaldi, Old Camp, and Billabong North prospects.
Xanadu Project:
Xanadu Project is situated 29 km south of Parabardoo in the Ashburton Basin. The Project benefits from its proximity to the 1.44MOZ Mt Olympus Gold deposit. The Project shares a similar structural and geological setting to the Mt Olympus deposits located 10 km northwest, indicating significant potential. Rock chip assays have indicated gold values of up to 1.98G/T AU. The upcoming systematic exploration program aims to unlock the Project’s full potential by targeting shallow oxide mineralization and deeper structural targets. Planned activities include the Hermes rock chip and mapping program, cultural heritage approvals, reverse circulation drilling, and diamond drilling at Xanadu West.
Beete Project:
The BEETE PROJECT is 10 km south of the Scotia Mining Centre, which has a significant gold resource of 1 million ounces and is located north of the recently discovered Salmon Gums deposit. The Beete Project, positioned 42km south of Norseman in the Yilgarn Craton, offers substantial gold, lithium, and nickel potential. The Project benefits from its location near the Norseman Greenstone Belt, known for its historical gold production of over 5 million ounces. Aircore and reverse circulation drilling programs are planned in Beete Project for the fourth quarter of 2023, targeting the extension of known gold mines and prospective areas near Scotia Mining Centre and Salmon Gums.
In summary, Brimstone, Xanadu, and Beete are three gold projects that offer substantial potential for gold mineralization, featuring extensive areas for exploration and promising opportunities for discovery.
Financial Overview and Market Dynamics from the Investor’s Presentation
Platina Resources maintains a solid financial position, with a market capitalization of approximately A$16.2 MILLION. As of March 2023, the Company had A$1.3 MILLION IN CASH, and as of June 16, 2023, its investments totaled A$2.36 MILLION. With the recent sale of the scandium project and the injection of new funding from Rio Tinto, Platina is well-positioned to drive value creation through exploration and development activities.
The current market dynamics, characterized by solid gold price momentum, further enhance the investment outlook for Platina Resources. As of June 20, 2023, the gold price stood at A$2,870.45 PER OUNCE, reflecting positive market sentiment and an attractive backdrop for gold exploration and production companies.
As Platina Resources continues its journey towards unlocking the hidden treasures in the Ashburton Basin and Yilgarn Craton, it positions itself as an attractive investment proposition with substantial upside potential.
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oriensonmetal · 1 year
Top Metal Stamping Companies in the UK in 2022
The importance of metal stamping has been on the increase for several years and that we square measure currently one supply for a range of complicated comes. We have detected that there square measure a great deal of prestigious brands everywhere the planet, particularly within the UK. They are noticeably centered on quality instead of amount and from our expertise, I will assure you that they are doing a good job. We managed to compile an inventory of the highest ten metal stamping firms within the UK that may vary in quality. It took a while to dig them out, however we will say that they're a number of the foremost prestigious firms within the state.
Rio Tinto Group
RIO TINTO GROUP is UK and Australia based Metals and Mining Company. The company was founded in 1873 when of a group of investors purchased a mine complex on the Rio Tinto, in Huelva, Spain, from the Spanish government. It has grown through a long series of mergers and acquisitions. Company producing major products are aluminum, copper, diamonds, gold, industrial minerals (borates, titanium dioxide and salt), iron ore, and uranium. Rio Tinto had around 49,000 employees around 35 countries as on 2021.
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colitcollp · 1 year
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mintingprofit · 2 years
Rio Tinto completes $3.3 billion Turquoise Hill deal for larger share in Mongolia project By Reuters
Rio Tinto completes $3.3 billion Turquoise Hill deal for larger share in Mongolia project By Reuters
2/2 © Reuters. FILE PHOTO: The Rio Tinto logo is displayed on a visitor’s helmet at a borates mine in Boron, California, U.S., November 15, 2019. REUTERS/Patrick T. Fallon 2/2 (Reuters) -Rio Tinto Ltd said on Friday it had completed its long drawn-out acquisition of remaining 49% stake in Turquoise Hill Resources (NYSE:), giving the Anglo-Australian firm a 66% stake in Mongolia’s Oyu Tolgoi,…
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newzzwired · 2 years
Rio Tinto reluctantly hunts for deals as mining industry consolidates
Rio Tinto reluctantly hunts for deals as mining industry consolidates
Rio Tinto is looking for opportunities to acquire critical mineral assets such as lithium and nickel, despite admitting it remains “reluctant” to pursue non-organic expansion. The A$171bn (US$117bn) miner told an investor day in Sydney on Thursday it was “location agnostic” regarding such assets but stressed it would remain disciplined in how it spends its money. Peter Cunningham, chief financial…
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Serbian president says he received coup warning from Russia
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/12/serbian-president-says-he-received-coup-warning-from-russia/
Serbian president says he received coup warning from Russia
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Aleksandar Vucic has said the security services are working on leads provided by Moscow
Russia warned Serbia about a potential coup attempt, President Aleksandar Vucic told journalists on Friday. His statement came a day before an expected protest in the nation’s capital. According to Vucic, Serbia’s Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) is already acting on the leads provided by Moscow. “We received official information from the Russian Federation, information transmitted and brought through official channels,” the president said, adding that the authorities “are dealing with it” and there is no reason to worry. Vucic did not elaborate on where the threat comes from or who is behind it. “Serbia is moving forward and they cannot and will not stop it,” he said Earlier, Serbian news outlets reported that the Russian security services warned Vucic about riots that are being planned in Serbia with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the nation’s leadership.
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Kremlin speaks out on attempted Serbian ‘Maidan’
Serbian daily Vecernje Novosti said on Friday that it obtained a “color revolution handbook” supposedly published for participants of ecological protests expected on Saturday. The handbook describes methods reminiscent of color revolutions in other nations, the outlet claimed, adding that the protests are likely to be coordinated from “centers of power” abroad, but did not accuse anyone in particular. The news comes as the nation braces for ecological protests this weekend. In July, there was a standoff between eco-activists and the government over a lithium mine project. Last month, Belgrade granted British-Australian company Rio Tinto a license to develop a lithium mine in the Jadar region in the western part of the country, which is set to become the biggest in Europe, according to Reuters. The project did not sit well with local farmers and villagers, who argued that the mine would severely pollute the surrounding area. Activist and farmer Zlatko Kokanovic told Reuters that the mine would “free the European Union from reliance on China” regarding lithium at the expense of people’s health.
READ MORE: Serbia and US are ‘historical allies’ – Vucic
The government believes the $2.4 billion Jadar lithium project will be a major boost for the economy. The mine could account for 90% of the EU’s needs for lithium, according to Reuters. Protesters have demanded that the government ban lithium mining in Jadar by August 10, saying they will announce their next steps at a rally on Saturday.
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sanjosenewshq · 2 years
Rio Tinto warns of extra globalisation in provide chains for crucial metals
The boss of Rio Tinto has warned of the “excesses of globalisation” in crucial mineral provide chains because the Anglo-Australian miner and Canadian authorities plan a C$737mn ($537mn) funding to loosen China’s stranglehold over metals important to aerospace and defence. Rio introduced on Tuesday that it’ll modernise the Sorel-Tracy web site in Quebec to bolster the availability of minerals managed by China whereas lowering emissions on the web site by introducing a brand new smelter know-how. The mining group will begin producing titanium steel and quadruple scandium oxide output to 12 tonnes yearly; the supplies are important to aerospace, medical merchandise and gas cells. China produces three-quarters of completed titanium merchandise and 61 per cent of scandium globally, based on Venture Blue, a consultancy. The investments over the subsequent eight years, backed by as much as C$222mn of presidency funds, will rework the 70-year-old facility constructed within the aftermath of the second world conflict from its deal with metal, steel powders and titanium dioxide in direction of supplying supplies essential for nationwide safety and the power transition. Rio chief government Jakob Stausholm mentioned the push by the west to cut back its dependence on China for supplies processing and Canada’s plentiful hydropower sources had inspired it to put money into new know-how to smelt ilmenite — an ore used within the manufacturing of titanium. It’s deliberate that these strategies may lower emissions by as much as 70 per cent and diversify output on the web site. “It’s the second chapter in [Sorel-Tracy’s] historical past that we’re writing in the present day,” he mentioned. “After years the place you may have had excesses of globalisation of assorted supplies, with a purpose to handle local weather change you actually, actually need far more of the crucial minerals you could produce right here.” Via the funding, Rio will strengthen North America’s first manufacturing capability for titanium steel, a light-weight however robust materials essential to aerospace and defence teams akin to Boeing and Lockheed Martin. Regardless of Stausholm’s warning on provide chain focus, Rio relies upon closely on China to purchase its iron ore, aluminium and copper, producing 57 per cent of its $68bn in revenues from the nation in 2021. This funding is barely the most recent in a string in Canada’s mining and battery sector. Cathode producers akin to Germany’s BASF, Belgium’s Umicore and Korea’s Posco have signalled in latest months their intention to take a position billions of {dollars} in constructing vegetation there. Over the summer season, German and South Korean politicians had visited Canada to courtroom the federal government and mining business to safe provides of minerals akin to nickel and cobalt utilized in electrical automobiles for the likes of Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and battery maker LG Power Answer. Really helpful The allure offensive comes after landmark US local weather laws that gives tax credit for electrical car patrons if their battery makes use of uncooked supplies extracted or processed from the US, from commerce associate international locations or by recycling. That has accelerated the drive for manufacturing teams to relocate their provide chains regionally and scale back dependence on China. “Individuals perceive it doesn’t make sense to mine in Africa, to refine in Asia and produce a battery with coal,” mentioned François-Philippe Champagne, Canada’s minister of innovation, science and business. “What you’re seeing is a revival of producing in North America.” Originally published at San Jose News HQ
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fatehbaz · 4 years
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Panguna is quiet these days. The mining trucks lie rusting in Bougainville’s clammy heat; the massive pit carved into the middle of a mountain [...]; and the Kawerong-Jaba river delta downstream is flooded with bright blue toxic waters which poison the land and the people who live there. [...] “These are not problems we can fix with our bare hands,” Matbob says. “We urgently need Rio Tinto to do what’s right and deal with the disaster they have left behind.” [...]
Last year [2019], the province [Bougainville] voted 98% in favour of seceding from Port Moresby [...]. Despite resistance from PNG’s government to losing its resource-rich eastern province, there is genuine expectation amongst Bougainvilleans that their decision to secede will be honoured. [...]
For all of Theonila Roka Matbob’s three decades, the scar on her land that was once the world’s largest copper mine has cast a pall. The Panguna mine in Bougainville, eastern Papua New Guinea, has not yielded a single ounce in her lifetime – forced shut the year before Matbob was born - but she grew up in the shadow of the violent civil war it provoked. When she was just three years old, her father, John Roka, was murdered by [...] soldiers [...]. Spending years in a “care centre” run by the PNG defence force, she remembers a childhood dominated by an all-pervasive fear, where the sound of gunshots regularly rang out across the valley, where neighbours disappeared from their homes, their bodies later found slaughtered. [...] “[W]e live with the impacts of Panguna every day,” Matbob says.
“Our rivers are poisoned with copper, our homes get filled with dust from the tailings mounds, our kids get sick from the pollution. [...] Every time it rains more waste washes into the rivers, causing flooding for villages further downstream. Some communities now have to spend two hours a day walking just to get clean drinking water because their nearby creeks are clogged up with mine waste.” [...]
Matbob has led a formal complaint filed with the Australian government against Rio Tinto for environmental and human rights violations caused by the mine. [...]
Panguna was an immensely profitable mine. Over 17 years it made more than $US2bn for the mine’s former owner and operator Rio Tinto, who pulled 550,000 tonnes of copper concentrate and 450,000 ounces of gold from the mine in its last year alone. At one point, Panguna accounted for 45% of all of PNG’s exports, and 12% of its GDP. But for those whose land it was, Panguna brought but a sliver of the wealth and development that was promised - less than 1% of profits – leaving behind a legacy only of division, violence, and environmental degradation.
In 1989, amid rising fury at the environmental damage and the inequitable division of the mine’s profits, customary landowners forced the mine closed, [...] sabotaging operations. The PNG government sent in troops against its own citizens to restart the foreign-owned mine – at the behest of Rio, it says – sparking a civil war that would rage for a decade. Along with a protracted military blockade, it led to the deaths of as many as 20,000 people.
Rio Tinto cut and run, and has never returned to the island, claiming it is unsafe, despite pleas from landowners to repair the vast and ongoing environmental damage. [...]
Bougainville’s acute political uncertainty – poised, potentially, on the threshold of nationhood, with all of its attendant vulnerabilities - has brought ferocious renewed attention on Panguna.
An alphabet soup of foreign mining companies – at least four registered in Perth alone – have sought to carve up the province for future exploitation.
Headline, images, captions, and text: Leanne Jorari and Ben Doherty. “'Deal with the disaster': the girl from Bougainville who grew up to take on a mining giant.” The Guardian. 16 October 2020.
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