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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Sukses Wujudkan Denpasar Kota Cerdas Pangan, Kerja Sama Pemkot Denpasar dan Rikolto Jadi Percontohan Nasional
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Kerja Sama Pemerintah Kota Denpasar bersama Rikolto menjadi percontohan nasional kerja sama yang memberikan kemanfaatan positif. Hal tersebut setelah kerja sama keduanya mampu mewujudkan Denpasar sebagai Kota Cerdas Pangan. Atas keberhasilan tersebut, Wakil Wali Kota Denpasar, I Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa diundang menjadi Narasumber pada Rapat Koordinasi Kerja Sama 2023 dengan Mitra Dalam dan Luar Negeri yang diselenggarakan oleh Kemendagri di The Hotel Sultan & Residence Jakarta, Selasa (22/8/2023). Pada kesempatan tersebut, Wawali Arya Wibawa didampingi oleh Kadis Kominfos, I.B Alit Adhi Merta dan Kadis Perikanan dan Ketahanan Pangan, I.B Mayun Suryawangsa menyampaikan, bahwa kerja sama Pemkot Denpasar dan Rikolto diawali dengan adanya keinginan untuk mewujudkan Kota Cerdas Pangan di Kota Denpasar. Meski demikian, ada beberapa tantangan yang harus dihadapi seperti, Keterbatasan Lahan dan Konsumsi Pangan yang Kurang Bijak. “Rikolto menjadi mitra kami untuk mewujudkan Kota Cerdas Pangan. Untuk tercapainya hal tersebut Rikolto memberikan penguatan kapasitas pengelolaan pangan sehat melalui pemanfaatan food loss dan food waste,” ujar Arya Wibawa. Lebih lanjut disampaikan, Komitmen Pemkot Denpasar mewujudkan Kota Cerdas Pangan dengan Rikolto telah dituangkan dalam “Pakta Milan” yang ditandangani pada tanggal 2 Januari 2023. Sehingga program dan inovasi guna mendukung Denpasar sebagai Kota Cerdas Pangan dapat dilaksanakan secara berkelanjutan. “Kami menyadari Kota Denpasar bukan merupakan daerah produsen penyediaan pangan, sehingga perlu dilakukan kerja sama dengan daerah penyangga dan dengan mitra kerja sama lainnya. Hal tersebut akan sangat membantu memperkuat sistem dan ekosistem dalam mewujudkan Kota Cerdas Pangan yang berkelanjutan,” ujarnya. Sementara itu, Menteri Dalam Negeri, Mohamad Tito Karnavian dalam arahannya menyampaikan, pelaksanaan kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan keberhasilan kerja sama yang dilakukan beberapa Pemerintah Daerah. Hal ini utamanya dengan para mitra dalam menghadapi tantangan Global dan mempercepat pemulihan ekonomi. Dengan Kolaborasi, diharapkan akan ada kecerdasan kolektif yang tercipta. Sehingga secara berkelanjutan mampu memecahkan tantangan global yang kompleks dan menciptakan masa depan yang lebih berkelanjutan untuk semua. “Tantangan global memang bukan persoalan sederhana. Namun dengan strategi tepat dan kolaborasi kuat, kita harus tetap bertumbuh lebih kuat bersama," ujar Tito.(bpn) Read the full article
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devjobs · 1 year ago
RIKOLTO Indonesia Job Vacancy: MEAL Assistant, Bali - Denpasar
RIKOLTO INDONESIA JOB VACANCIES 2024 VACANCY at RIKOLTO in INDONESIA Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Assistant Rikolto is a nonprofit international development organization dedicated to fostering sustainable and resilient food systems around the world. Our mission is to work with local farmers, businesses, and communities to ensure that everyone has access to safe, healthy, and nutritious…
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floydscoffee · 5 years ago
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Five-Year, $36.4 Million Effort to Boost Coffee and Cocoa in Latin America
The international development nonprofit TechnoServe is leading the coffee-related efforts in a five-year, $36.4 million initiative designed to revive and bolster the coffee and cocoa sectors in six Latin American...
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adalidda · 2 years ago
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Illustration Photo: Cocoa farmer adopted climate smart agriculture (credits: Rikolto (Vredeseilanden/VECO) / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
2023 Ashden Award - Natural Climate Solutions
Is your project tackling climate change while strengthening the incomes, wellbeing and security of Indigenous peoples and local communities?
Is your work centred on the needs, priorities and knowledge of Indigenous people and local communities, supporting them to be effective stewards of forests and protect biodiversity?
Around the world, indigenous peoples and local communities hold a unique power to protect and restore essential ecosystems. From forests to wetlands, these ecosystems are a key defence against climate change. But when local people are threatened – or denied the chance to make a sustainable living – our climate is threatened too.
The Ashden Award for Natural Climate Solutions will boost work in developing countries strengthening the incomes, wellbeing and security of Indigenous peoples and local communities – allowing them to act as guardians and restorers of their lands. Indigenous people safeguard 80% of the world’s remaining biodiversity, but face daily threats to their way of life.  
The winner could be turning palm or soy plantation areas into sustainable productive land, helping communities restore degraded or desertified ecosystems, or supporting community forest enterprises. The winner’s work will be centred on the needs, priorities and knowledge of indigenous people and local communities.
Application Deadline: 8 March 2023
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/JHZtvQSmw7zPpahCC/2023-ashden-award-natural-climate-solutions/call
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afceuganda · 2 years ago
Administrative assistant job at Rikolto in East Africa
Administrative assistant job at Rikolto in East Africa
Rikolto in East Africa (formerly known as VECO) is part of the Rikolto network, an international NGO with more than 40 years of experience in partnering with farmer organizations and food chain actors across Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Rikolto aims to contribute to the development of a dynamic, sustainable, and inclusive agricultural sector with family farmers providing quality…
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Illustration Photo: Spraying organic pesticide (credits: Rikolto (Vredeseilanden/VECO) / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
TFF Challenge Topical Prizes - Sustainable Farming Inputs
How might we enable farmers to learn about and use sustainable farming methods and make informed decisions that help them to integrate biologicals into their practices?
This is a call for innovators to develop and share their solutions that accomplish one or all of the following: Digitally and cost-efficiently train farmers on the effective use biological inputs; Capture data on the positive impacts (environmental, economic, social) that arise from the use of biological inputs; Help farmers capture value from their use of biological inputs (e.g. through storytelling / marketing, access to premium market opportunities, etc.)
Prize Package
TFF and Hello Nature will select a winning team and a runner up who will be named the “TFF x Hello Nature Sustainable Farming Inputs Prize Winner” and runner-up, respectively. They will receive a prize package that includes the following:
Mentoring & Connections: The Hello Nature team will provide three one-on-one mentoring sessions with the winning team and one session with the runner up. This may also include an invitation to meet with and present to Hello Nature’s executive leadership.
Exposure: Hello Nature and TFF will announce the winner and runner up in a press release and leverage other social media communications internally and externally.
Application Deadline: June 3rd, 2022
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/mCYxD2KYvePi5EXDw/tff-challenge-topical-prizes-sustainable-farming-inputs/call
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devjobs · 20 days ago
Rikolto Indonesia Job Vacancy: Finance Manager, Denpasar - Bali
RIKOLTO INDONESIA JOB VACANCIES 2025 Rikolto in Indonesia, located in Denpasar, Bali Province is the regional branch of Rikolto, an international NGO with more than 40 years’ experience in partnering with farmer organisations and food chain stakeholders across Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America committed to developing sustainable agriculture value chains and food systems. Rikolto runs…
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recetas-peruanas · 4 years ago
Taza de Excelencia Perú 2020: competencia elegirá al mejor café del país
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Un total de 36 productores de café de Cusco, Cajamarca, Pasco, Puno, Junín y Huánuco han clasificado a la etapa internacional de Taza de Excelencia Perú 2020, la competencia que busca al mejor café del país y al productor del año.
Cusco es la región con la mayor cantidad de cafés clasificados a la etapa internacional: 13 cafés (9 de la provincia de La Convención y 4 de Calca). Le siguen Cajamarca con 10, Junín (9), Pasco (2), Puno (1) y Huánuco (1). Entre los clasificados figura el café de Dwight Aguilar (Cusco), ganador de Taza de Excelencia Perú 2018.
La etapa internacional consiste en el envío de muestras de estos 36 cafés a ocho laboratorios especializados ubicados en Japón, China, Corea del Sur, Australia, Estados Unidos, Inglaterra y Noruega, cuyos expertos serán los responsables de elegir a los ganadores de la competencia de este año. Los resultados, donde sabremos el puntaje del mejor café del país y el nombre del productor del año, se conocerán el 30 de octubre en una ceremonia virtual que se realizará a través de la plataforma Festival Nuestro Café.
Tras este evento, los ganadores serán promocionados en la industria de cafés especiales del mundo durante el mes de noviembre y el 3 de diciembre serán parte de una subasta electrónica internacional. Este año se espera romper la cifra récord de precios obtenido en Taza de Excelencia 2017, donde Juan Heredia, productor de Cajamarca, obtuvo US $100.00/libra o US $ 10,000/QQ (45.36 kilogramos). En total, él logró vender 328 Kg de café verde por un valor de cerca de US$71 mil.
“Esta competencia genera un efecto multiplicador en la calidad del café, pues más caficultores apuestan por mejorar su producción al ver el reconocimiento y los precios que los ganadores de Taza de Excelencia obtienen. Además, en los últimos tres años ha ayudado a mejorar la imagen del café peruano en la industria de cafés especiales alrededor del mundo y apoya de forma directa a las familias cafetaleras, ya que los cafés se subastan por encima de US $ 7.00/libra o US $ 700.00/QQ, un gran estimulo para el productor frente a los precios actuales de US $1.2/libra o US $ 120/QQ”, afirmó Geni Fundes, gerente de la Central Café y Cacao del Perú y coordinador general de Taza de Excelencia Perú 2020
También contribuye indirectamente a la promoción del consumo interno en la oferta de cafés de alto puntaje y profesionaliza la gestión en la cadena de valor, ya que cada vez más se requieren tostadores, catadores, baristas y procesadores en esta industria, señaló Fundes.
Taza de Excelencia, una de las competencias de cafés especiales más grande del mundo y la más importante del Perú, ha sido posible este año gracias al respaldo del Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (Minagri), PromPerú, Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo y Vida sin Drogas (Devida), TechnoServe, Rikolto, Fibtex, Fogal, Cate Tasting Room y Zanesco.
Desde Peru.com https://peru.com/estilo-de-vida/gastronomia/taza-excelencia-peru-2020-competencia-elegira-al-mejor-cafe-pais-noticia-614837
de Taza de Excelencia Perú 2020: competencia elegirá al mejor café del país
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adalidda · 2 years ago
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Illustration Photo: Grading of cocoa bean (credits: Rikolto (Vredeseilanden/VECO) / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
Project Preparation Grant to prepare technically sound and sustainable projects linked to Agri-Food Trade
International commerce (exports and imports) involves potential risks to public health from the entry of unsafe food or spread of animal-carried diseases, risks to animal health from the entry of pests or diseases and unsafe feedstuffs, and to plant life and the environment from the entry of alien invasive species, other pests and diseases. SPS capacity is therefore an essential element in both maintaining and expanding market access, as well as protecting against the negative human, animal or environmental consequences of sanitary or phytosanitary problems.
SPS capacity needs and priorities vary across countries and regions. SPS capacity needs can exist in both the public and private sectors. They may, for instance, be related (but not limited) to weaknesses in: • the legal and regulatory framework for SPS management; • the SPS policy and strategy development (e.g. SPS action plans); • the implementation of SPS standards and requirements (i.e. Codex/IPPC/OIE standards, official requirements of trading partners, etc.) including risk analysis capacity; • knowledge among government officials, private sector operators, farmers, etc. about SPS requirements in export markets; • information exchange and cooperation among stakeholders (i.e. government agencies, private sector producers/exporters, chambers of commerce, etc.) involved in food and agricultural trade and SPS issues; • food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary inspection, enforcement, diagnostics, certification, etc.; • monitoring, surveillance, eradication, zoning, establishment of disease/pest free areas, etc.; and • the application of good agricultural and manufacturing practices including HACCP.
Who can apply for STDF funding? The following organizations are eligible to apply for STDF funding: • Public sector entities (including regional or international bodies) with responsibility for SPS measures or policy, either in their own right or in cooperation with the private sector. The STDF encourages implementation of projects and activities through public private partnerships; • Private sector entities, either in their own right or in cooperation with the public sector. Examples of private sector entities include legally registered farmers' organizations, trade and industry associations, etc.; • Non-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with expertise in the SPS area and with an organization in the relevant beneficiary country or countries, in co-operation with the public and/or private sector; and • STDF partners.
What type of funding is available? Two types of funding are available: • Project preparation grants (PPGs), up to a maximum of US$50,000. • Project grants (PGs), up to a maximum of US$1,000,000.
Application Deadline: 24 February 2023
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/2t9y9o5HBy2NMgyCb/project-preparation-grant-to-prepare-technically-sound-and/call
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lintastungkal-blog · 5 years ago
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Illustration Photo: Coffee Agroforestry systems in Aprocassi, Cajamarca, Peru (credits: Rikolto (Vredeseilanden/VECO) / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
D-Prize Challenge: Provide Proven Agricultural Inputs & Improve Crop Yield At Scale
We challenge you to design a new social enterprise that helps smallholder farmers grow more. Combinations of simple, cost-effective agricultural inputs, like quality seeds and micro-dosing of fertilizer, along with training, enable smallholder farmers to produce more crops. Unfortunately these inputs do not reach many of the farmers who need them most. D-Prize will award up to $20,000 to teams with a plan to launch a pilot delivering quality inputs, farmer training, and customer financing to 100 farmers in one planting season. You should have a vision to reach 100,000 beneficiaries within five years and scale country-wide.
The Poverty Problem
Most of the world’s poorest people are smallholder farmers, and most, especially in sub-Saharan Africa are drastically under producing. For instance, cereal crops grown in sub-Saharan Africa average 1.2 tons per hectare, while the developing world average is about 3 tons/ha. There are at least 475 million family farms in the world that are less than 2 hectares in size. In rural sub-Saharan Africa, 75% of people living on $1 a day work in agriculture.
The implication on low production is staggering. As a comparison, farmers in South Asia during the “Green Revolution” implemented modern farm practices, and between 1961-2001 increased crop yield by 145%. Smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa during that same time period increased crop yield by only 30%. Increasing the productivity of African smallholder farms has potential to lift millions of people out of extreme poverty.
Fortunately a bundle of interventions that increase yield is well known: ● Quality Seeds are proven to increase crop production and farm productivity. These seeds are naturally bred to be higher-yielding,resist disease, mature earlier, and respond well to fertilizer. Groups like The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) have spurred development of hybrid seeds that are appropriate for many local regions. As of 2014, their work has produced 464 new seed varieties across 15 major crop types.
● Fertilizer, when used effectively, has increased crop yields throughout most of the world. For example, increased fertilizer use contributed to 50% of the yield growth in Asia during their “Green Revolution” and is responsible for 33% of recent growth in worldwide cereal production. Currently fertilizer is used at a much lower rate among sub-Saharan African farms. African farmers use just 9 kg per hectare, compared to 104 kg in South Asia and 86 kg in Latin America. Increasing effective use of fertilizer in sub-Saharan
Africa has potential to radically increase crop yields. ● Education on Micro-dosing and other farm best practices ensure that seeds and fertilizer produce maximum yield. For example, the microdosing method, which requires a small pinch of fertilizer be directly applied to the seed, uses 60-75% less fertilizer than the traditional “broadcasting” method while simultaneously increasing yields by 30-50%, across a variety of soil and climatic conditions and farmer practices.
● Post-harvest protection products, including Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) triple-layered hermetic storage bags and chemicals like Actellic Super, can produce 15-22% returns for farmers storing crops to sell when prices rise, and can minimize loss on grain stored for future household consumption.
Early Submission Deadline is May 15, 2022 at midnight PT (pacific time)
Regular Submission Deadline is June 5, 2022 at midnight PT (pacific time)
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/DZ2J583sRrmnadm6n/d-prize-challenge-provide-proven-agricultural-inputs-and/call
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YSEALI Seeds: Ethical
[E]thical – Ecosystem Builder for Sustainability-Centered Entrepreneurship
Indonesia is a country with enormous potential. Currently, Indonesia is having one of the largest ever youth groups in its history, which puts the country’s demographic bonus at its peak. This should provide a favorable position for the country to accelerate its development.
However, high unemployment rate still poses a huge challenge - the country is not able to
absorb all of the available workforce. To answer this issue, we believe increasing the entrepreneurial population is very important in developing and creating new businesses that can create jobs and grow the country’s economy.
In Indonesia, only 3,1% of the total population of productive age follows the path of entrepreneurship. This amount is fairly minimal compared to the level of entrepreneurship in
developed countries (14%). The low number of enterprises is not due to a lack of interest, but a lack of skills, knowledge and opportunities.
In addition, incubations and acceleration programs for entrepreneurs in Indonesia are only
located in Java and Bali. The limited and unequal distribution of access to facilities, educational tools and resources is hindering the youth’s ability to come up with the necessary solutions for their communities. In fact, most of the adequate learning tools are only available in English, so many have not been able to use the available tools. If we can bridge this gap, we can inject our economy with a wave of youthful innovation that can address some of the country’s biggest issues, including alleviating poverty.
 Why We Care
[E]thical was born out of our growing concern of the state of our planet today. Global problems, from pollution to over consumption, have put our earth at breaking point; and as sustainability practitioners, we felt the urgency to proactively seek creative solutions to these problems. By using our expertise in community engagement and entrepreneurship education, we started our quest to create disruption to the flawed linear economic model with one vision: to see ethical and responsible entrepreneurship thrive in Indonesia. We believe that youth has the power to accelerate sustainable development.
 Our Goals
[E]thical aims to empower underserved youth in Indonesia, to gain the entrepreneurial mindset and confidence to solve issues in their communities and strengthen their region’s economic resilience. We deliver a 2-month tailored preparatory program on leadership and ethical entrepreneurship, equipping the youth with the tools and skill-set needed in developing and growing a responsible business.
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Our Journey
As of today, we have secured local partnership in Ende to help us implement the program for two months in the region. They are:
1.      Rikolto Indonesia (NGO): They are assigning one representative to work with us in preparing and implementing the Ende program and facilitate the post program. They will also open their network and provide long-term support for us to implement the program in Rikolto’s areas of work across Indonesia.
2.      Remaja Mandiri Community (local youth group): They will ensure that our curriculum meets the needs of the youth in Ende and the potential of their region. They will also be part of the local ecosystem to support and facilitate our program alumni after the two-month preparatory program ends.
3.      Universitas Flores (education institution): They are allowing us to use one of their rooms to hold our sessions during the two-month program. We will have a lecturer in the program as a guest speaker while learning more about the program. They have shown their interest to integrate our curriculum in their internal entrepreneurial programs.
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Throughout the process we have learned so much, from project management to reporting, from creating a solid financial tracking system to partnership engagement. But one thing that we have learned the most is about commitment. We learned first-hand about what it takes to commit to the goals we have promised. To us, this is a simulation of how to liaise with investors and ensure that we meet the agreed targets.
Additionally, we learned about how creatively maneuver through the obstacles we found along the way. We have had a huge challenge in finding partners and funders in the past six months; but these situations have forced us to creatively seek for alternative solutions. If we can sum up our greatest learning from this process, we learned and practiced our entrepreneurial skills.
 Allow Us to Share
It is important to have like-minded people in your team in terms of motivation. We need to find the right people with the right intention, because developing a project (or a business) is not an easy task. It takes commitment, courage, eagerness to learn and perseverance from all of the team members.
Having team members that puts their energy and passion at the same level as we are makes it easier for the team to seek solutions when we face challenges. One example is when we face the financial obstacle - we weren’t able to reach the targets we have set within the agreed timeline. What we did is that we conduct a whole team meeting and decided to pivot in our fundraising strategy. We involve more team members to proactively engage with fundraising. At the end, we were able to raise enough to fund for our Ende program.
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Honduras le apuesta a cacao climáticamente inteligente
Honduras le apuesta a cacao climáticamente inteligente
Tegucigalpa,Honduras viernes 22 mayo 2020
La región centroamericana marcó un hito en su apuesta por el cacao climáticamente inteligente, al acceder a herramientas tecnológicas que le permitirán mejorar su producción en el contexto del cambio climático, informó la organización no gubernamental Rikolto International.
Productores, exportadores, y otros miembros de la cadena de valor del cacao,…
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mkulimaforum · 5 years ago
Curious❓to find out how @rikolto, with the tools from @SCOPEinisght managed to: 1. help farmers meet market requirements, and 2. Help @SUBWAY source fresh🥒🥕🥗 food in #Nicaragua? Then don't miss this webinar! Signup here: https://t.co/uImEsODjq6#foodsecurity pic.twitter.com/5GeCBqRfSt
— SCOPEinsight (@SCOPEinsight) February 24, 2020
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cliftonsteen · 4 years ago
Virtual Events In Coffee: The World’s Largest Coffee Tasting 2020
On October 3, 2020, James Hoffmann hosted The World’s Largest Coffee Tasting. Much like any normal cupping, this involved tasting and comparing a few different coffees, but there was one fundamental difference: the event was completely virtual.
Virtual events in the coffee sector have been the subject of discussion for some time now, largely thanks to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the various physical distancing measures that have come into place around the world. They have grown significantly in popularity in recent months, with one of the most popular ideas being virtual cuppings.
However, the question remains: how do people taste coffee together virtually? And what does a rise in virtual events mean for an industry that has traditionally been people-focused and driven by face-to-face interactions? 
Read on to learn more about the event, what it entailed, the records it broke, and the role that virtual events have to play in the coffee sector going forward.
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The Second World’s Largest Coffee Tasting
The World’s Largest Coffee Tasting was held on October 3, 2020 at 3PM UK time. It consisted of a livestreamed cupping setup hosted by James Hoffmann, Chairman of Square Mile Coffee Roasters and a well-known YouTuber who has worked in the coffee sector for more than 15 years.
While this event did break the known record for the highest number of people simultaneously tasting coffee, it was actually the second event of its kind to be hosted by Hoffmann, after the first was held in 2019.
However, while the first event broke the record in 2019 with 3,400 participants, the 2020 edition of the event more than tripled that. At one point, more than 10,800 people were simultaneously watching the livestream, and more than 17,000 tasting kits were sold.
It’s important to note that this popularity is filling a new space. The fact that almost 11,000 people attended concurrently shows a growing consumer interest in cupping, and that there is huge potential for wider-scale cupping events. 
Practically, these are difficult to organise in person, even without taking the impact of the pandemic into consideration. Organising a cupping session for any more than a few dozen people is logistically difficult. Even in a post-Covid-19 world, the ability to leverage virtual platforms could be incredibly useful.
A Recap Of The Event
The event started with Hoffmann giving a run-down of the contents of the kit, which included:
Five 30g packs of coffee roasted by Square Mile, labelled A to E
A sachet of Third Wave Water mineral packets
A grind size sample
Square Mile estimate that around 17,300 of these kits were shipped around the country, with each one costing GBP £7.50. 
At the beginning of the event, Hoffmann allowed time for participants to grind their coffee, mix their water, and organise their cupping setup. He then proceeded to cup the five coffees, encouraging people to do the same simultaneously and take notes on them.
Hoffmann noted that the coffees had been organised in such a way that participants were best suited to tasting them in alphabetical order initially, before going back and comparing them in a different order and noting the contrast between the two methods.
At the time that the video ended, it had more than 20,000 views in total. At the time of writing (October 12, 2020), it has more than 115,000. Between the YouTube chat and a separate JustGiving page, participants raised more than US $35,000 for World Coffee Research.
What Does This Mean For The Sector?
With more than 115,000 views to date and more than 10,800 concurrent viewers at one point, this is one of the largest and most successful virtual coffee events that has ever been held.
However, as more and more coffee events are cancelled thanks to the restrictions on major gatherings (especially on an international scale), the success of this event could be a barometer for what is to come. Furthermore, it shows that there is real potential for interactive virtual events in the coffee sector – something which has never been done on a large scale before. 
Hoffmann spoke about holding another similar event in the future at different times to make it more accessible to those in regions such as Southeast Asia and Oceania (where the event was held well into the evening). However, its global popularity despite the unsociable hours for some shows that specialty coffee is coming to terms with the reality of virtual events.
Despite the fact that many major events have been cancelled, including World of Coffee and the 2020 World Coffee Championships, organisations across the industry are adapting and utilising the tools they have at their disposal.
For example, other events such as Rikolto’s Coffee Virtual Dialogues and ÉLAN RDC’s Exploring Congolese Coffee webinar series only show that the wider coffee industry is changing its approach to events in these difficult, unprecedented times.  
Finally, virtual events also offer different stakeholders across the supply chain the opportunity to discuss a number of topics. Greater communication helps supply chain actors to develop better and longer-lasting relationships.
It also allows a free exchange of knowledge up and down the chain. For example, if inexperienced producers learn more about cupping from roasters, they may be better placed to design their own producer-led cupping protocol.
While the World’s Largest Coffee Tasting broke an unofficial record and saw more than US $35,000 raised for World Coffee Research, it is also a sign that the wider industry is taking a new approach to events.
As the effects of Covid-19 continue to ripple throughout the coffee industry, the success of this event could mean that audiences and would-be event attendees are happy to participate in livestreams, webinars, and other virtual discussions, interactive or otherwise. While the fact that global events are currently infeasible is disappointing, it is still encouraging to see unity among the coffee community at times like these.
Enjoyed this? Then read Covid-19: What Farmers Want You To Know
Photo credits: Square Mile Coffee Roasters
Perfect Daily Grind
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The post Virtual Events In Coffee: The World’s Largest Coffee Tasting 2020 appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
Virtual Events In Coffee: The World’s Largest Coffee Tasting 2020 published first on https://espressoexpertweb.weebly.com/
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