#Rika's Fundraising Association
naquey · 8 months
what ab what ab what ab a danganronpa mystic messenger AU???? hmmmmm (this is definately going to catapult me back into mystic messenger) but like Byakuya Togami GIVES Jumin Han vibes like i would write a whole fic ab this ( i am and no one will stop me)
like, the RFA could like idk be compared to the Hope foundation in danganronpa tbh and overall it's a fun premise. I kind of got characters lined up lmao
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yes, i took a screenshot because im lazy
edit: yk who should be V is Rika is Junk Enoshima? Nagito Komaeda. Cause if Junko is Rika then it wouldn't make sense for Korekiyo to be V (but he'll still be in the company, this wont be a 1:1 ratio of the cast)
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hiw0shi · 2 years
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You ask what his birthday wish is.
He doesn't believe in superstitions,
but entertained them for you.
"Let's see.. My wish..."
He thinks for a moment.
Then, he smiles,
looking at you.
You smile back.
For some reason, you knew.
"Happy birthday, jumin."
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routeunlocked · 8 months
Mobile Otome Recommendations
Hi, everyone! I've gotten into otome in the recent years. I got my start with mobile games, so I thought it'd be fun to talk about some of my favorites as my first recommendations post on this blog. If you have questions or other recommendations, let me know.
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Mystic Messenger has a chatroom setting with many beloved characters of the RFA (Rika's Fundraising Association). MC finds a phone with the RFA app installed, ultimately leading to MC's position as party coordinator. There's more than meets the eye with the organization and the founder's history, however.
Unsurprisingly, this is the game that sparked my interest in otome. I felt the chatroom playstyle was very unique and a relatable way of getting to know the characters. It's fun to get calls from them occasionally too. The characterization and plot are so enjoyable, it's almost heartbreaking each route ends after 11 days. I could easily spend months on each of these character's routes.
As much as I love that it works in real time, it can be difficult to play with a busy schedule. It's also heavy with the triggering/dark content the more you play, so make sure that's something you're comfortable with before picking it up.
Features: Chatroom, routes, calls, real time, dark content.
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MC is a model who has always faced misfortune in her life. She never expects anything good to happen. Some of her memories are also missing, including her history with the goblins, but they're there to protect her. Will her luck turn around as she suddenly finds herself living with four men and competing in the Wannabe Challenge?
I started playing this one more recently and I am in love with it. My only regret is not starting sooner. The blend of historical, modern, and fantasy is well done. The characters are so lovable, I'm not sure I can pick a favorite. The MC is pretty sassy too, which I'm fond of. The Wannabe Challenge itself is based on Instagram, so it's cool to see what characters post while having the opportunity to respond and make your own posts. There's also a dress up and gacha aspect to the game, if you're a fan of that.
The only downside I think is the difficulty of the photoshoot challenges, requiring you to have specific stats. You'll want to upgrade your cameras and cards wisely. On the bright side, the game is generous with free gems and occasionally allowing you to use a random SSR to help succeed.
Features: Instagram, text messaging, gacha, optional ads for free resources, dress up, challenges, affection levels, unlockable stories.
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The Summoner enters an unfamiliar world, filled with sorcery. Their presence seems to bring more chaos and mystery than ever expected. Why do they have a special ability? What is it they see in their mind's eye? What about them attracts danger?
I feel like Arcana Twilight is a very underrated game. I've thoroughly enjoyed the story and getting to know the cast of characters. Their dynamics never fail to entertain. I also appreciate that the cast is 19+ despite this being a magic school setting. Constellations, magic, and monsters are all my taste.
The challenges can be difficult in this game as well. You have to battle between chapters which gets increasingly challenging as you go. Pay attention to elements and leveling your cards.
Features: Gacha, challenges, affection levels, ads for resources, text messaging, unlockable stories.
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The MC is an artist during her first year at a university. She has special skills, resulting in her finding herself in different worlds. There are some familiar faces there too...
I was very excited to hear about an English release for this game. I thought the art was gorgeous when I first stumbled across it, and I still feel that way. They have an amazing voice cast too. I like the idea of being able to explore different worlds/universes and seeing the roles each of the love interests play. I'm looking forward to diving deeper and seeing what other worlds get released.
Much like the others listed above, there is a combat feature in the game requiring you to focus on your cards/leveling. Thankfully, you can bring support from other players into battle which may be the difference between success and failure.
Features: Routes, social media posts, affection points, gacha, combat, alternate universes, friend support.
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MC uses a dating app to find their "special someone." Based on initial answers, MC is paired with one of the love interests on the app. A relationship is built up over a long period of time. But is there more to the app than meets the eye?
I feel like it comes full circle to have a Cheritz game on my phone again. I'm a sucker for their games (Dandelion and Nameless included), so I had to check this one out too. I've only done June's route at the moment, but I adored every moment of it. I like that I can set it up based on my real life schedule and there aren't consequences for missing chats. I also like the ties to Mystic Messenger. If you're missing the charm of Mystic Messenger, you may want to check this one out to satisfy the nostalgia.
There are some other features on the app, but I'm mostly focused on the story. It is still fun to check out planets and posts by other players though. This game will require a lot of patience as the other routes span 200+ days. Parts of spoken conversations and some photos will also be hidden unless you pay a monthly fee, but it will not prevent you from enjoying the story if you choose to play for free.
Features: Chatroom, dating app profiles, planet exploration, community posts, optional monthly fees, real time, calls, routes (that can all be played at the same time).
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nonmurdery · 2 months
reader x yoosung | part one
summary: reader escapes rika’s apartment before the bomb goes off in yoosung’s bad ending 1. this uses his dialogue from the game.
author’s note: why am i obsessed with bad endings? i’ll never know! the mc’s personality is derived from how they were in that route. had this in my drafts for a minute, i don't know who'll be her end game, just take this as some angst!!
ps. chatroom formatting probably looks cuter on mobile devices
trigger warnings: major character death
word count: 1,444
You technically met Yoosung Kim last week.
The same could be said for the entire RFA. Jumin Han, V, 707, Jaehee Kang, and Zen. You've learned that the RFA is short for Rika’s Fundraising Association. You started texting them after receiving mysterious messages from an Unknown contact to go to the apartment you'd start living in. Yet you haven't met any of them in person.
Being separated by a phone screen didn't stop you from pursuing Yoosung. He's a cute SKY University student around your age. His inexperience kindled the spark between you two. You couldn't have been expected to pass up the opportunity! Not when he was clearly desperate for a partner. As were you. Your self esteem was in the gutters and the loneliness within you had become so voluminous as of late. The RFA has helped out with that.
Chatting with the RFA throughout your day wasn't difficult. Although planning their next party had its challenges. They helped you with whatever they could. Mostly with recommending guests while you picked the theme and most everything else. The best part? You were getting paid for your services.
In short: plenty of unexpected things happened to you this week. Most of them being new beginnings for yourself and the RFA. Yoosung showing up to the apartment by himself proved itself to be the most unexpected.
Intruder found. Special security system attack mode initiated.
“Did you hear that?” Your eyes wandered the room.
The bomb. You remembered it, well, you didn't forget about it either. It terrified you and made it difficult for you to get a full night's worth of sleep. No RFA member was supposed to enter this apartment—707 was still working to deactivate it. Your throat suddenly felt tight. Instead of feeling excitement upon meeting Yoosung, terror swamped your senses instead. Every fiber in your body yelled that you run. There's still time to get out of here.
Yoosung paid no attention to your words nor the alarm. “Reader … But you’re not blond like Rika … ?”
Sensing location of intruder … adjusting target …
“You cannot be serious! I was kidding about that.” You yelled, your eyes saucer-wide.
Is this his truly greatest concern? Your hair wasn't made up of the same lion's mane of loose curls as Rika’s was. Regardless, the ticking bomb that's about to go off was of more importance, to you, it seemed.
He stared at you with his large violet eyes, a cloud of confusion passing over his face. He looked exactly like the photographs he’s shared in the messenger. Short blond hair that pointed in every direction, a lithe build, and baby-faced. Your heart thrashed against your ribcage, thumping at a terrible pace. If you didn't start moving, you'd faint. Or worse, you'd die.
“And you don’t have her eye color … Your hands and face look different too … Is it really you, Reader?”
You answered with a shaky nod. “Yes! It’s me! I’m not some doppelgänger or any other look-alike. None of that matters, we need to get out of here, Yoosung.”
This changed from what you said in the messenger earlier. You spoke about how you'd need to become like Rika in order to be someone special to him. It shocked you to know he processed all of those texts you sent. For some reason, that made you like him even more than you did before.
Orders to destroy all information for the sake of protection. Activating system destruction.
“Oh … I’m sorry. I guess I just thought that you’d look exactly like Rika. But you don’t.”
You were beside yourself with frustration. “I still own you. That means we'll do what I say, let's go.” You slipped your arm through his elbow and yanked him toward the door.
It was mostly your fault for why he’d come to such assumptions. You told him that you'd be his Rika and replace her. Still, they made you a little queasy. Physically being here with him felt different than typing letters on a screen. You felt a connection to him.
“We’re not going anywhere! I ran over here because no one in the RFA helped Rika when she took her life away.” He wrenched himself out of your tight hold.
15 seconds left … 14 seconds …
Stand here and listen to his spiel, or run now and have a chance at living? You told him that you'd take care of him. That he'd be your pet and that's what you wanted. In the face of life and death, you knew what to do. You weren’t going to die for someone who looked at you with disdain for not matching their cousin in appearance. Someone who barely knew or liked you. Two days ago, you would have done anything to be accepted by him and be in charge of his life. The truth is, you barely knew Yoosung beyond the color green, LOLOL, and Rika.
Dying wasn't worth it. Not here, your life has just started.
“Yoosung, come with me. Running here won't matter if you don't run now! We’ll talk about everything after.” He looked unphased by your words, as if they held no weight to him.
Throwing one final glance at Yoosung, you darted out of Rika’s apartment as quick as a shooting star. You could only hope that he's shortly behind. Your heartbeat thrummed in your ears while the sounds of your footsteps pounded with them. Or they might've been his footsteps, listening to what you had to say after all.
Taking the elevator would've been a foolish decision. You ran down the hallways, knowing that 707 watched them through the CCTV. That explained the notification that made your phone buzz in the back pocket of your pants. It had to wait. You made it to a large stairwell that descended to the lower floors. Did V really have to purchase an apartment on the 14th?
Sucking in a breath, you headed down the staircase. You ran down the stairs faster than you knew that you could. The seconds counted down in your mind until a loud bang issued from behind you, startling you enough to fall. You hit the ground hard. Even with your eyes squeezed closed, you saw the light of fire beyond your eyelids.
None of this would've happened if he listened to you. You held your consciousness and managed to get to the 1st floor. When you got down there, firemen were making their way up, up, up. Sirens and screams glided to your ears as you fled the building.
A cold breeze lanced into you. From your peripheral vision, you saw ambulances, more fire trucks, and police cars coming down the streets. Nighttime stretched over the sky, littering it with glittering stars and fluffy see-through clouds. When you lifted your eyes up to Rika's apartment, there were fat tendrils of smoke rising into the air from the building's roof, like a soul ascending from their body.
“Yoosung! Yoosung, you idiot!” Your scream got gobbled up by the street’s cacophony. Tears pricked your eyes and you let them slide down your face. His death is on your shoulders. That's if he died. But you couldn't see a way that he could've survived.
You held yourself, squeezing your upper arms. Interviewers raced to the scene with their cameras and microphones. Your neighbors sprinted outside with some of their belongings, their mouths gaping. That's when it hit you that you only brought one thing.
“Do you know what's going on, Reader?” A woman with watery eyes asked. You bumped into her once in the lobby and talked about the weather.
You watched the flames. “I …” You wet your dry lips. “I need to go.”
Walking to the nearest alleyway, you whipped out your phone. The app was bursting with messages, most of the RFA members are active.
READER has entered the chatroom.
Jumin Han
Did everyone see the news? I'm watching it live now.
Jaehee Kang
? Mr.Han
What news?
Jumin Han
There was an explosion at [ADDRESS] on the fourteenth floor.
Jaehee Kang
Jumin Han
The occupants are currently evacuating the building.
HELP! I think Yoosung got cahgt in the fire!
707 has entered the chatroom.
Yoosung?! Oh no...
Reader are you alright?!!! Tell me you're alright.
On my way.
On your way here?
707 has left the chatroom.
stay where you are, Reader!
I'm sure that he has a plan…
Jaehee Kang
I agree with Zen.
Jaehee Kang
What happened to Yoosung, Reader?
Jumin Han
I can only hope for the best.
READER has left the chatroom.
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thevoidlord · 10 months
Mixed! Messenger AU
I came up with a Mystic Messenger AU! I have no idea if this already exists lol It's sort of a role-swap for the characters, but based on mixing the duos/trios, mostly (but not completely) based on story grouping. Here's the list of who is swapped with who:
MC swapped with Rika
Jumin swapped with Seven
V swapped with Saeran
Yoosung swapped with Zen
Jaehee swapped with Vanderwood
It's still an AU-in-progress, so it still needs some things fleshed-out, but here's some random things I thought about for each character: Yoosung: - a new, young voice actor - still very cute - has voiced characters in (usually indie) videogames primarily - wants to work on bigger games, but spends too much time gaming when he should be applying for bigger voice acting positions Zen: - college student who changed his major several times and failed a bunch of classes, but still doing his best - still a narcissist - working several jobs to pay for his tuition because he refuses to accept financial help, wanting to earn it on his own - loves musicals!! (he'll one day realize his dream to be a musical actor, but he has yet to realize...) Vanderwood: - works for CEO-in-line, Saeyoung Choi, as his assistant (and maid) - constantly reminds Seven to take his job seriously - is very confused why Seven has so much money yet doesn't take care of his health (Seven still primarily eats honey buddha chips) - annoyed when Saeyoung calls them his housemaid when clearly they're his assistant Jaehee: - secret agent (and catsitter for Jumin) - overworked by the agency AND Jumin and needs a break - cat hair everywhere, send help - has to beg Jumin not to involve cats into his or their missions - still loves musicals! (not a fan of Zen as an actor tho since he's not an actor yet) - once sat next to Zen during a theatre showing, but never kept in contact (was in awe from his beauty, but knew she needed to keep her distance due to agency work) Jumin: - hacker and secret agent - still has Elizabeth the 3rd, and claims that her wisdom has helped him crack many codes and solved many missions - great at his job otherwise - still has the same personality as before, except hacker Seven: - CEO-in-line who works hard but also loves mischief! - definitely has produced some hilarious marketing campaigns - may or may not have made some secret loophole scams to snatch more money for his babies (his cars) - still wants to play with Elly - can actually afford to go to the moon V: - used to be best friends with Jumin before joining Gold Eye under MC - loves art, but doesn't have enough time to make any due to hacking and cult shenanigans - instead of a garden, Gold Eye has an art gallery where V likes to spend his time - will do anything for MC, even learning to hack and worshipping her every move Saeran: - leader of MC's Fundraising Association (MCFA) - specializes in floral photography and gardening - lives with his brother in a penthouse - has a large garden in their backyard with all sorts of flowers and plants - he and Saeyoung still grew up with that abusive mother, but, eventually they learned their dad (who isn't the prime minister in this) was rich, so they escaped, found him, and convinced him to let them live with him - loves MC and has been desperate to find her after she vanished Rika: - no, she is not getting the option to date like in the game; she's just there trying to fix everything and make everyone happy - never hosted a party in her life, but is determined to try - never dated V - struggles with mental illness and trauma, but is actively seeking therapy and is improving - joined MCFA after MC left (Yoosung recognized her immediately, but everyone else does not know her) MC: - cult leader of Gold Eye - obsessed with bringing MCFA into her cult as her harem - looooooves bad endings - didn't fake her own death, but did mysteriously cut contact one day and took V with her - the true mastermind in all this EVERYTHING IN THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE!! I just thought this would be a fun AU concept idea lol I made this while sleep deprived lol I'm gonna go to sleep now
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fastasheep · 10 months
asking abt ur selfship au!!!! how does eunso feel abt minyoung + vise versa? are yoosung and seven still close? does eunso like seven (do they hang out together as a group? :3)
+ bonus space to talk abt whatever u want
OH MY GOODNESS IVE NEVER BEEN ASKED AB MY SELFSHIPS BEFORE KYAAA i don't know how to format tumblr posts so i'll try to make it make sense.. hehe...
Eunseo + Minyoung:
Eunseo is a part of the RFA and has known Yoosung and Rika since she was in high school. She's a year older than Yoosung and Rika saw her potential as an author and a journalist so Rika asked her to work with the RFA!!!
Eunseo's backstory is a whole other topic I'll touch on in the next ask LOL.
Minyoung (in this universe, which I consider their "canonical" universe if that makes sense), is Saeran/Unknown's assistant and has been working alongside him for two and a half years by the time of the main plot (which follows Seven's route).
To make a long story short, Minyoung was originally supposed to be MC from Ray's route, but it follows the Bad Ending where MC refuses to be the play tester so Ray takes her back to magenta to be his assistant.
As a result, Minyoung knows about Eunseo but Eunseo doesn't know anything about her. Two years after Secret End 2 (hence the name of the AU, Secret End: After), Eunseo is working on her Master's Thesis and decides to write about Mint Eye and its previous Believers.
She sends out an online survey asking for previous members of the cult to willingly step up and attend an interview. Minyoung is the only legitimate member of Mint Eye, so Eunseo focuses her work on Minyoung for now.
Then... through Eunseo, Minyoung and Saeran meet again <3.
Eunseo + Seven:
To be honest... Eunseo has just never liked Seven to begin with. Maybe because she just doesn't appreciate his humour but tries to suck it up because Yoosung loves Seven so much lol. But I like to think that two years later, she learns to be civil with him and enjoy his presence.
Yoosung + Seven:
Yes! These two goofballs are still very close even in this AU, probably closer than ever before. I'm a YooSeven geek, so I really can't get rid of their dynamic no matter how hard I try LOL. Yoosung has matured a lot in the time that's passed though and he's actually often the voice of reason when Seven and Saeran get into fights. Yoosung understands most out of them all what it means to let people go and let them develop, I think.
As for RFA as a group, they do still often meet up in this AU. They're still Rika's Fundraising Association and they still throw parties. Jumin and Jaehee still work closely together, but Jumin has started to see things from her perspective. Thank god he doesn't overwork her anymore. Jaehee still has plans of opening her own cafe and Jumin wouldn't mind helping her out. Zen is still single as ever, but he's become less immature about it.
But thank you so much for asking about my meepy Minyoung! She's been my self insert for about three or so years now and I was really nervous about showing her off to the world. I appreciate your interest sooo much <3
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
Christmas Reminiscing
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Christmas is the time to visit your loved ones and enjoy the festivities as one happy family. For Jaehee however, this, sadly, isn't the case. And once the C&R fundraiser has come to its end, she finds herself reminiscing of the holidays lost to time. Unbeknownst to you both, a new Christmas memory will soon be created as a result of shared love between two friends.
A super late drabble loosely based on Jaehee's birthday CG!
Everything went by perfectly. Against all of your countless fears and worries, the much awaited Christmas fundraiser was a huge success, regardless of a few mishaps you had to face along the way.
Sure, it was certainly a shame to work under a completely different name, but you didn't let that bother you. After all, the most important part of it all wasn't a name, but an opportunity to help vulnerable people in need, and that's exactly what motivated you to join the RFA in the first place. And while you did wish to see everyone gathered together today... In the end, you were feeling extra proud of everything that you've managed to pull of with Jaehee and Yoosung as your sole partners.
This was the first major event for the RFA that you took active part in - a first step into the nearby future for the association.
You hoped that this small success will solidify everyone's trust in you. Your presence does not mean that they'll have to forget Rika and all she has done both for them personally and for the RFA as a charity group, but you did want them to view you as a reliable coordinater who can do just fine on their own, as well as bring in their own ideas for the future.
And this was your first proper proof of that.
Speaking off, you should probably thank your friends for all their help and congratulate your shared victory. Though, as you lazily checked on all of your latest messages while finally taking a seat on the nearby packing box, you quickly found that Yoosung has already clocked out for the night. To your utter surprise, you got so lost in cleaning up the stage, a whole 3 hours have already flew by you without you even noticing.
Which could only mean that you and Jaehee were the only ones here, not mentioning a few assisting personal hurriedly running by you every once in a while. This thought both excited and scared you. At this point, it wasn't a secret to anybody but Jaehee herself that you've developed a huge and helpless crush on Jumin's personal assistant throughout your first year in the RFA. This was... the first time you'd spend time together like this.
Just the two of you.
You could feel your cheeks burning up despite the cold air biting at your skin, to which you could only suppress a flustered groan and shake your head in an attempt to snap out of it as soon as possible. You should pull yourself together. This isn't the time to get all jittery like a stupid teenager in love. Besides, she'll have to go to the office soon... You should instead focus on helping her take a break for once!
Feeling much more in control of your stubborn emotions, you quickly shot up from your makeshift seat and made your way to the closest cafe you could find.
"Wanna make a photo too?"
Jaehee jolted at the sound of your voice behind her, quickly turning towards you with an amusing startle in her brown eyes, which soon turned into an obvious embarrassment, making you suppress a small giggle in response to such a funny reaction coming from someone who's usually as composed as Jaehee. It was cute, seeing this clumsy side of her every once in a while.
In the end, you found her next to a photo set you've set up, completely fixated on the exact same huge Christmas tree that took you forever to decorate. Still, your efforts definitely payed off, which is why the line of people who were anxious to take their photo in front of this colourful tree was almost as long as the one next to the mane donation panel. Was she trying to find something specific? Either way, you couldn't help yourself from asking this teasing question... And definitely not because you were the one who wanted to take a picture of her in front of this tree.
Jaehee blinked, clearing her throat and stepping away from the tree, as if she was a naughty child caught snooping for their presents way to early. The comparison almost made you laugh, though you did your best to hide your mischievous thoughts the best you could. Maybe you were the snooping child in this situation, just much more cunning in their ways.
"Oh... No, I was just appreciating the design before it needs to be put down. What are you still doing here? I thought you'd already left home by now, since it's so late."
You shrugged, taking a step closer and handing her a freshly made mug of still warm drink. "I could ask you the same question, you know. It'd be better for you to leave early in order to finish your office work as soon as possible. Here, at least take a small break and drink something else instead of those energy drinks."
"What's this...?" She asked in a quiet voice, carefully taking the mug from your hands and staring at you with such a shocked expression, you genuinely got taken aback for a moment.
It's not like you did anything extraordinary for her anything!
"Uh-" Your confidence quickly got mercilessly teared down with just a single look from her, and you were completely helpless to do anything in order to cover up your frazzled state. "I-It's just macchiato. From the cafe right on the next corner. I... thought you might like it...?"
God, you wanted to burry yourself in a nearby snowdrift so bad right now. You sounded almost as bad as you did the last time you had to do a public presentation as an assignment that you procrastinated on up until the last few hours, and you were not pleased with that comparison whatsoever.
Despite seemingly taking notice of your obviously bizarre change in attitude, Jaehee didn't address it in any way, instead simply giving you a grateful smile and calling you over to take a seat in front of the tree. Whether she did it out of pity for you, you did not know and did not care. You were just relieved you could act like it never happened in the first place. If you even succeeded in doing so, that is. And judging by how fast your heart was beating, that'll be a challenge.
Regardless, you two quickly found a pair of cozy chairs to nestle yourselves into, and before you even noticed it, all the awkwardness faded away into the night, as if it never even was there to begin with. You talked about everything and nothing for what seemed like an eternity to you, but, in actuality, the whole conversation lasted probably for about 15 minutes at most. You chatted about the event, your plans for Christmas, Zen's musicals, recent news and gossip you read through in your feed... Until it all turned into a comfortable silence as you focused on your drinks before they got too cold for you to drink.
Leaning back into your chair, you looked over the now completely quiet photo set that was bustling with so many people just hours prior. It was a nice contrast. Peaceful, even. Though, as you caught notice of one specific detail, you couldn't help but snicker to yourself, earning a raised brow from Jaehee. You couldn't really blame her for not noticing, though. You made sure to place it so discreetly, only those who purposefully wanted to look for it could find it.
And while you didn't know what could come of it right now, you felt brave enough to mention it.
So, you pointed above you, letting a playful grin stretch the corners of your lips into a jolly expression, filled with childish excitement. "Oh, what a weird turn of events... It seems like there's a mistletoe right above us! I completely forgot that I even put it there."
Yeah, right. Liar liar, pants on fire.
Jaehee's lips parted in a small 'oh', as she quickly followed your finger with her gaze and took notice of a small decoration hanging above you. You could have sworn you saw her cheeks turn into a deeper shade of pink, but it might have been just your imagination. It was pretty cold, after all.
Though, before you could continue on with your playful teasing, a certain change in her expression made you pause, instead feeling a knot of worry form itself in the pit of your stomach. Jaehee gave out a weak laugh, quickly avoiding your gaze and rather choosing to focus all of her attention on the cup of macchiato she still had to finish. Her voice came out hushed and unusually tight, only worsening your worry in the process. "You certainly chose a sneaky place to hang it... I didn't even notice it while I was looking over the decorations. I'm sure it was a great idea for the guests."
It was clear as day that she was barely even with you right now, too lost in the world of her own that didn't seem like a very nice place to you at this moment. You pursed your lips, carefully reaching out with your hand and placing it on her arm in an attempt to draw back her attention. "Hey... Is everything okay? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I was just trying to joke around."
All the mischief was long gone, instead being replaced with an an uneasy concern, growing more and more prominent with every second.
Seemingly taking notice of your worry, she shook her head, shooting you a shaky smile. "No, no, it's nothing like that, Y/N. You'd never make me uncomfortable. Not you."
She placed her own hand atop of yours, giving it a soft squeeze as if wordlessly trying to reassure you with her touch. Taking another small sip out of her mug, she continued, not removing her hand from its place. "It's just... Well, my mother. Whenever she saw a mistletoe, she used to always cup my face in both of her hands and kiss my cheeks until we were both giggling like a small children. I know that mistletoes are meant for romantic love... But, whenever I look at them, I can't help but remember her. I wish... I wish we could spend just one more Christmas together."
Your heart sank as you listened to her reminiscing. Was she, perhaps, putting on a brave face for everyone throughout all this event? Was that the reason she refused to let herself rest, so that these painful memories wouldn't catch her like they did now?
Just... how hard was it for her to look at all those happy families spending a joyful Christmas together, knowing full well that she could never have that childhood dream come true?
"Oh Jaehee..." Was all you managed to whisper out loud, before placing your own mug on the nearest table and slowly pulling her into a tender hug. "I'm so sorry. It must have been so hard for you..."
What else you could really say? You could only hope that your presence was enough to show your support at this moment.
It wasn't long before she returned the hug, carefully patting you on the back, as if you were the one being comforted right now. "I'm fine, really. This Christmas was already so much better than the last ones. I made other people happy, and... I spend time with you. So, thank you. For just being there."
You sniffed, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with various emotions at such a beautiful confession coming from her. Crying certainly wasn't in your plans tonight, but if she will continue to say such touching things so easily, you won't be surprised if that'll be your conclusion for the night. You squizzed her a bit tighter, breathing in her comforting scent of coffee and caramel. "Are you sure you're okay? I'm here for you if you need me... Anything you want."
Even if you couldn't see her, you could tell that she was smiling. One of her hands came up to pet you on the head, and you had to resist the urge to lean into the warm touch like an affectionate puppy would. "I'm sure. The feeling of loss never really went away... But it gets easier. Besides, I'm not alone anymore, thanks to you. You're the first person I ever really shared this with."
"I'm honored." You chucked, slowly pulling away from her and gazing deep into her eyes, suddenly finding yourself too captivated to look away now. There was a soft smile on her lips as she looked back at you with a tender glint to her brown gaze that you've never seen before. It was quite around you, but... not in a bad way. And, before you even knew what you were doing, you moved closer, closing the small distance between you two and touching her plump lips with your own.
The kiss didn't last long, nor was it super passionate in its nature. Once you realized what you've just done, you quickly jumped back with a short horrified gasp falling from your lips, covering your mouth with your hand. You were just as taken aback by your actions as she was, judging by the doe eyed look that stared back at you. This time, her cheeks were definitely bright red.
"Oh God-" You muttered out, suddenly feeling much more scared than you were just moments prior. This wasn't like you at all! Sure, you didn't mind occasional flirting and affectionate touches, but this was on a whole other level! What if she didn't like it? What if she didn't feel the same way? What if she-
"I-I'm so sorry, Jaehee, I don't know what came over me, I... I'll just go!"
Though, before you could make your hasty escape, a hand clasped over your arm, stopping you in your tracks. You were too scared to look back at her, squizzing your eyes shut and feeling your panicked heartbeat echo against your temples.
"Wait, Y/N..." She didn't sound angry... much to your relief. But, it was still too early to tell for sure. You could feel her standing up from her seat to take a step closer to you, fresh snow crunching under her feet. "Please don't go. I... I liked it."
Your eyes shut open in an instant as you turned your head with such speed, it almost gave you a whiplash. "What-?"
A shy smile was all you saw, without a single hint of disgust or fear. Were you dreaming or something!? Her hand slowly came down to your palm, taking it into a gentle grasp that was enough to make your heart explode right out of your chest.
"Can we... do it again? Under the mistletoe. I'm sure that's what my mother would have wanted."
How could you deny something like that?
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cloudcountry · 1 year
*crawls into your inbox*
so im just curious and you were the first person i thought of
what is ikevamp?? and what is mystic messenger? same?? different?
genuine curious over here :D
cracks my knuckles
ikemen vampire, or ikevamp, is an otome game where you go do silly travel journalist things in france and then enter a mansion of VAMPIRES!!! GASP!!!! and then you can choose a route and decide who to romance yada yada yk? isaac newton is my bbaygirl and it just occurred to me that i didnt even tell you the wildest part. they're all historical figures (ex: napoleon, mozart, van gogh, they even genderbent joan of arc SIGH) so yea youre dating a bunch of guys brought back from the dead LMAO
the ikemen franchise also has other games, like ikepri (ikemen prince), ikerev (ikemen revolution, which has been disocntinued), and ikesen (ikemen sengoku, my least favorite so far bc it takes so LONG to LOAD and a lot of characters are creepy as hell BUT DONT LET THAT DISCOURAGE YOU FROM TRYING IT OUT TAHTS JUST MY OPINION ^^;)
all of the ikemn games are rated mature!! so mind the warnings!!!
mystic messenger is a bit harder to explain because it has so many layersso i'll try to explain it as simple as i can???
basically once you download and open the app and select which path you want to go down (everyone starts on casual story) you're lead to an apartment that holds a bunch of the data for the RFA, or Rika's Fundraising Association. a hacker lets you gain access to the system, everyone freaks out, but then they're like "okay join us then" and you kind have to. there are seven different endings for each character as well as a bunch of secrets!! you have to work on collecting guests and selecting teh right email responses so they can come to your party you can get the good ending (there are walkthroughs for correct email responsees dw LMAO) v is my personal fav from this game bc he's just teh sweetest but you wont really get to meet him until a WHILE later if you decide to play this game ^^ it also has a few mature themes but not NEARLY as much as the ikemen games.
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hanoui-mm · 3 years
Mystic Messenger characters as Michael Scott Gifs:
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Yoosung Kim:
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Jumin Han:
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mysmezine · 4 years
Interest Check + Mod Apps Are Open!
Hey everyone! This is an interest check for a Mystic Messenger fanzine. If you’d like to see this project flourish, please help us out by reblogging this post and filling up the form!
In addition, Mod Apps are currently open! At the moment, I’m working on this zine alone and really need the help of a Finance Mod, Shipping Mod, Social Media Mod, and a Graphics/Layout Mod. If you’re interested, please read the guidelines also linked below, and fill-up the form!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!
Interest Check
Mod Applications
Mod Guidelines
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ladylevi-soukoku · 3 years
rika's fundraising association who? i only know repressed feelings association
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iseleylaura · 4 years
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when you’re quarantined in all day waiting for your RFA boyfriends to come online and shower you with virtual affection
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slytherintothedms · 4 years
was really getting flattered by yoosung and he hits me with ��you’re important to me, just like rika” 😭😭
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raintherainywriter · 5 years
Zen: What's the most illegal thing you've ever done?
Yoosung: You know those red warnings that say "Don't trespass"?
Zen: Yeah?
Yoosung: I stabbed a dude for flirting with MC
Yoosung: :)
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janis15-blog2 · 4 years
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Ya lo había publicado en twitter y en instagram y recordé que tenía tambien esta cuenta abandonada en tumblr, así que la publico una vez mas, en twitter estoy como @TuTJanis15  por si les interesa seguirme(? ya que trataré de estar mas activa en esa plataforma y dicho sea de paso también en esta uwu
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defenderofjustixe · 5 years
Returning to School Headcanons Mystic Messenger
As the summer came to an end, you finally decided to break the big news to everyone on the messenger. This summer had been filled with parties and huge events, frankly, it really was the best summer so far. Yet, all good things must come to an end.  So there you were at an ungodly hour at night watching messages flood your phone screen.
 Zen, like usual, was posting about his latest role in a not so humble bragging sort of way. Not that you minded. If it meant coaching out one of his gorgeous selfies to save for later admiration it was worth it.
Yoosung was between complaining about how unfair life was. How Zen could have such beauty and that even LOLOLOL seemed to be against him. Having recently introduced lootboxes into the game your favorite resident gamer has really hit some bad luck. 
Seven was quick to offer the one time solution to all of Yoosung’s problems; SEVENSTAR LUCK-BEGONE-CHARM! You weren’t even going to question it at this point. 
Jumin, of course, was swift to point out the obvious but remained cautiously curious. “The charm industry? Perhaps it is an industry C&R could look into.” “Is it safe for cats to wear charms?” 
And swift after that came Jaehee acting as the chat’s only source of reason in the chaos. After sensing the fact she may be receiving even more work you decided to sweep in and save her. 
“Guys, I think we should put the parties on hold for a bit.” 
Silence filled the room.
You had lost count how many parties you had hosted this summer. You didn’t want to but school came first.  
“Is there a reason you’ve come to this conclusion, MC?” Of course Jumin would speak up first. 
“School. I’ll be moving back to campus.”
Then Yoosung was quick to jump in with his usual eagerness. “OMG!!!! MC.” “You start school up too?” “What’s your major? “ “WHen do you go back?” “What school?” “Maybe we are close we can meet up???” 
“Honestly, Yoosung, give the princess some breathing room. “ Zen chimed in, followed with his sighing animation. “Moving is already stressful enough, you don’t need to add to it.” 
“Oh....sorry MC.”
“MC, I wasn’t aware you were still in college. “ Jumin’s message popped up next. “For a coordinator not to be in the work force is certainly usual.” 
“Are you saying Princess isn’t qualified?” Barked Zen over the chat. 
“That was not at all what I was implying. “ Your favorite CEO-in-waiting retorted back with his usual cold flair. “Do not put words in my mouth.” 
What followed was one of the duo’s usual arguments. Zen swiftly stepping in your defense while Jumin remained at the sidelines insisting he had only made an observation. 
Soon after Yoosung began pestering to learn more of your school. Between their ranting and Jaehee’s sighs you manage to answer some of his questions. Not much later the whole chat is discussing their school days and their majors, if they had one. 
Of course Zen and Jumin sparked a philosophical debate over if school was necessary to further one’s growth or not. By this time of night you were too tired to care or partake. It only calmed your heart to see how well your friends took the news. 
When time came to sleep you said your goodbyes and crawled into bed. Only to wake up the next morning by several texts from each of your friends. Even V snuck in a “Sweet dreams, MC.” “ I know you’ll do well this year. Wishing you the best in travels. “ “ Remember, if you ever need anything just let us know.” 
In your groggy haze you can’t help but smile.
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