#Rift into Overdrive
unofskylanderspages · 7 months
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While the Skylanders, Stealth Elf, Gill Grunt, Terrafin and Jet-Vac were investigating Know-It-All Island for clues on the Rift Engines, Kaos' disembodied voice revealed the creation of his Doomstation of Ultimate Doomstruction and opened up another rift that threatened to consume them all. They were saved by the SuperChargers, Spitfire and Stormblade, but Kaos began launching an attack on the Skylander Academy with an armada at his disposal. With most of the Skylanders scattered around Skylands unaware of the Academy being under attack, Kaos demanded the residents of the school to surrender, only to receive resistance from Master Eon and the Skylanders. The evil Portal Master captured Eon's spirit form during the confrontation, but didn't count on Mags sending a distress call for all Skylanders across Skylands (and worlds beyond) using Magus' Omni-Disruptor. Outnumbered by the returning Skylanders, and with his army retreating, Kaos swore that the battle wasn't over and that the Core of Light wouldn't save them from the threat he had in store.
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contrasting-realities · 2 months
I was reading Rift Into Overdrive And...
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Just, WHY?!
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aurelion-solar · 2 years
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PROJECT: Surge - Wild Rift Skin Trailer
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fazedlight · 9 months
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Asynchronous (Rift era, pre-Crisis, not nearly as much sc angst as the gif implies)
Where am I?, Kara thought, her body shaking as she pushed herself off the floor she had apparently crashed into, trying to stand. How long was I unconscious?
Her head was killing her. Pain was a rarity under a yellow sun, and in this case the feeling was hard to shake - it was just all too reminiscent of not long ago, when she was trapped in kryptonite, fighting burning lungs and a blinding headache while fighting heartbreak at the same time.
But she needed to not think about Lena right now.
Kara searched her mind for the last thing she remembered, Brainy’s words transmitted to her ears, telling her about the capabilities of the alien creature she was fighting. The creature was generally docile enough - but in a panic, it would thrash and quake, and it had the unique ability to…
Where… When am I?, Kara thought, looking around at the building whose ceiling she had fallen into. The creature could send her anywhere in time and space - forward or back in time, across the planet or galaxy, it didn’t matter. The good news is that the effect would be temporary in nature, lasting a day at most, before she snapped back into place, something about attenuated vibrations. “Time is like a rubber band,” Brainy had said, though Kara was certain she could hear pain in his attempt to simplify the explanation.
Kara heard the buzz of a portal behind her, the quick cock of a gun. “Don’t move,” came the familiar voice. “These aren’t ordinary bullets.”
Kara turned slowly, deflating under the hard eyes of her ex-best-friend. Lena was tense and angry, her finger resting on the trigger, her other hand on a tracking device. My heat signature, Kara thought, Guess she has kryptonite bullets now.
Lena’s eyes narrowed as she reached to her belt, before tossing vibrant green cuffs in Kara’s direction. “Put those on.”
Kara lowered herself to the floor, taking the cuffs, feeling the burn in her hands. She couldn’t really fathom Lena trying to kill her. But after the disruption of Lena’s Myriad plan, and now being held at gunpoint… “Lena, what are - what are you going to do?”
“How do you know my name?” Lena growled.
Kara’s eyes widened. Anywhere in time and space… “Who do you think I am?” Kara asked.
“Is that a joke?” Lena asked, as Kara’s mind revved into overdrive. “You think you can come back, with cartoonish S on your chest, and we’ll forget the Third Reich?”
Fear sank into Kara’s stomach. Earth X. “Lena, I know this looks like-”
“Through the portal. Now.”
Kara found herself sitting in an interrogation room. 
Her mind was scrambling for what Barry had said had become of Earth X - she remembered that, in the aftermath, the Third Reich had fallen to the Resistance, which was trying to rebuild a non-fascist society. But she knew the balance had to be fragile. The Reich had its proponents.
But Kara didn’t have long to think, before another familiar face walked into the room. “Winn!” Kara said, jumping up.
“Sit down,” Winn growled back.
Kara tensed, shaking off her confusion as she slowly sank to her chair, as Winn gave Lena a skeptical look. Right, he’s not the Winn I know either…
Lena shrugged. “She knew my name, too.”
“You’re both my friends,” Kara said softly, “On my Earth.”
Winn ignored her words, stepping around the table to take a seat at its corner. “We need to know if the Führer is still alive.”
“He’s dead,” Kara said, meeting Winn’s eyes. “As is his wife.”
Winn’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“I was sent here by accident,” Kara answered. “At some point in the next day or so, I’ll snap back to my own Earth.” If you don’t kill me first, she thought.
“And how do I know you’re from another Earth?” Winn demanded.
“You met my sister,” Kara whispered, thinking back to Alex’s stories when they were separated on Earth X, years ago. “Alex Danvers. On my Earth, she’s your friend too.”
“You,” Winn said skeptically. “I’m friends with you.”
“I’m not from your Earth,” Kara said. “I’m not asking you to trust me. Just let me live long enough to go back to my own time.”
Kara fidgeted as she sat alone in the room again - watching, waiting, itching against the bounds of her kryptonite cuffs. 
She was certain that Winn and Lena - possibly others - were debating what to do with her. Hopefully they don't just kill me, Kara thought, searching her mind for how she might prove she’s not from their Earth.
But the door opened again.
Lena stepped in quietly, eyes on Kara. But the anger was subdued from before. She was curious. “Lena,” Kara whispered.
The wariness wasn’t gone from Lena’s stance, but she sat across from Kara. “What’s it like, on your Earth?”
Kara smiled. My Lena would be curious about the other Earths too, she thought. “The Third Reich ended in 1945. We’re… far from a perfect world. But we haven’t had the struggle that you’ve had.”
“And you and I are friends?”
Kara’s expression faltered, as she glanced down at her hands. “We used to be. We used to be best friends.”
“What happened?”
Kara bit at her lip, unable to look Lena in the eye. “I betrayed you. You hate me now.”
Lena’s brows furrowed. “That doesn’t seem to be the sort of thing that would help your cause.”
“I’m not going to lie to you again,” Kara said. “I’ve done too much of that. The other you, I mean.”
Lena frowned, and Kara could see some of the tension in her body rise again. “What happened to my Earth’s Kara? How did she die?”
“Her heart was dying from too much solar exposure,” Kara said. “I took her up into the atmosphere before her body… it started a nuclear reaction.”
“And the Führer?”
“Oliver from another Earth killed him.”
Lena’s eyebrows briefly raised. “Winn met him, apparently.”
“Yeah. My sister was there too.”
Kara itched at her bonds again, wishing there was a clock she could check. I don’t know how much time would be left anyway, she thought to herself. But at least I’d know…
She was surprised to hear the door open again. Lena walked through with a cup and some bread, placing both in front of Kara on the table. “You must be hungry,” she said.
“Thank you,” Kara murmured, leaning forward and beginning to eat.
“What did you lie to me about?” Lena asked. “On your Earth?”
Kara swallowed harshly. “I- I kept my kryptonian identity from you. Kryptonians and Luthors don’t get along.”
Kara’s brow crinkled. “Are you a Walsh, here?”
Lena nodded slowly. 
“Your mother…” Kara asked. “She’s alive?”
Lena’s eyes narrowed. “Yes.”
Kara smiled. She got to be raised by Elizabeth, she thought. “Are the Luthors alive? On this Earth?”
“No,” Lena said. “Alexander Luthor was the last Führer, before Oliver Queen. There was a power struggle.”
Kara nodded. “You were raised by the Luthors. On my Earth. So when I hid my identity, and became friends with you… you didn’t take it well when you found out.”
Lena looked on curiously. “The secret? Drove me to hate you?”
Kara shook her head. “There were other mistakes I made. In the aftermath. I… hurt you pretty badly.”
“So what did I do next?”
“You tried to brainwash the world.”
Lena’s eyes widened. “Why?”
“To make everyone kind.”
Lena’s brow raised. I guess that resonates, Kara thought. In a world full of fascists… 
“I can see the appeal,” Lena said. 
Kara was fascinated. And bored.
Her only company was Lena, on and off. She was grateful when Lena came in with food, and over the moon when Lena came in to exchange Kara’s kryptonite cuffs with far less painful power cuffs. 
But her moments with Lena were few and far between given her apparent other responsibilities, leaving Kara staring up at the ceiling for long stretches of time.
She found herself torn, thoughts of “When will I be able to go home?” warring with “I hope my Lena looks at me like that again someday.”
“Are you happy here?” Kara asked. “Are you- are you with anyone?” Lena smiled. “I met him a year ago,” she said. “We butted heads on technical projects. Trying to rebuild our society’s infrastructure. But something more came of it.”
Kara smiled. “Jack?”
Lena’s eyes widened, and she nodded. “Jack.”
Kara nodded too. “I’m glad you have someone.”
Lena tilted her head curiously. “Were we more than friends?”
“You and Jack? Yeah, on my Earth-”
“No,” Lena clarified. “You and I. What were we to each other?”
Oh. “No,” Kara said, shifting uncomfortably. “We were only ever friends.”
“Is that all you wanted?”
“I just- don’t think it’s relevant to you-”
“I don’t know what I’m like on your Earth,” Lena said, leaning forward on her arms. “But if someone hurt me so badly that I try to brainwash the world about it, I think that person must’ve meant something to me.”
Kara bit her lip.
Lena’s brow quirked. “If your plan is to never lie to me again, that seems like the sort of thing you should tell me. Other me.”
Kara laughed, her heart twinging with joy and pain. “If we ever get along again, I’ll tell you.”
“Why are you trusting me?” Kara asked curiously.
“What do you mean?” Lena asked, in a tone that was more coy than confused.
“You just seem less suspicious of me than before,” Kara shrugged. “In the beginning.”
Lena’s lips quirked, taking a moment to consider Kara. She then raised her hand, twisting it slightly, causing a small yellow glow to appear. Kara noted in shock that there seemed to be a glow passing over her own body, too. “What’s happen- what are you doing?”
“Just making your temporal shift visible,” Lena said. “I scanned you after our first meeting. I can’t prove you’re not from this Earth, but I can prove that you’re not where the universe expects you to be right now.”
“I’m sorry, but-” Kara sputtered. “But are you using magic?”
“Lena doesn’t have magic on your Earth?” Lena said.
“I can’t even get my Lena to believe in magic,” Kara said with a laugh. “Rao, this is amazing.”
Kara glanced up, and found Lena smiling.
“How long have I been here?” Kara asked.
“About 12 hours,” Lena said. “Honestly, I’d let you go. But Winn said it might cause a panic anyway, if too many people see you walking around.”
Kara sat back for a moment. “Yeah, that makes sense.”
It was at the 17 hour mark - just after Lena had brought in more food - that Kara’s hands began to glow. “What are you doing now?” Kara asked.
“Nothing,” Lena said, leaning forward to eye the glow. “I think you’re being pulled back.”
“Oh,” Kara said, glancing up at the alternate Lena. What should I say? “Thank you,” Kara murmured. “Thanks for being good company.”
“Give me time,” Lena said gently.
“I’ll come to my senses,” Lena said, thinking to herself, nodding. “I- I know there’s baggage. But at some point, I will come to my senses. I’ll come back to you.”
Kara smiled. “I hope so.”
“Good luck, Kara Zor-El.”
Kara found herself falling. No longer cuffed, no longer in a dark dusty room - but bathed in sunlight and breathing fresh air. Earth-38, she thought gratefully.
She blinked, shooting upwards in the sky again, hearing shouting in her ear. “Kara?” came Brainy’s panicked voice. “Kara, are you still there?”
“I’m here,” Kara gasped, looking over National City. 
“Must’ve lost you for a minute,” Brainy said. “The creature is by the arboretum. We’ve finished making the power net, J’onn is flying it over.”
Kara glanced to the north, but her ears were fixating somewhere southeast, locating a familiar heartbeat. We’ll figure it out, Kara thought, clinging to Earth X Lena’s words.
We’ll get there, in the end. “I’m on my way.”
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razorblade180 · 3 months
Hot take from me, but I honestly believe Pyrrha dying to Cinder at the end of V3 saved Jaune's opinion of her. If she somehow survived or even won, Jaune and Pyrrha's relationship would be frayed and Jaune's already fractured self esteem problems are going to go into overdrive. Jaune's going to see Pyrrha sending him away while she fights Cinder as her getting rid of dead weight (him), and think that she never believed in him, that she was just humoring him him. It might have been the most logical thing to do, but emotions don't necessarily work that way. Taking the whole scenario to its extremes, it might even cause a rift between Nora and Ren. Ren is most likely siding with Pyrrha's logic (Ren bringing up Jaune's fake transcripts in V7 lines up with this) while Nora leans towards Jaune.
Your thoughts?
I don’t think he would go as far as to think less of her. Jaune is a smart person and was swatted away like a fly by Cinder in the vault. I believe he would objectively see why Pyrrha did it, but would be frustrated and upset that she was actually willing to do that; knowing he would never want her to face alone. Especially is she still kissed him!
That’s a fight. She took the choice away from him and left him feeling more hopeless than he already did, because knew Cinder was above both of their capabilities. I guess the real question at that point becomes could the outcome have been even slightly different if they stood together instead of Pyrrha sending him away. It sucks for Pyrrha because even if she has rational thought behind her actions, it’s undeniable that part of her decision was influenced by her being fearful that the person she loves would die.
Was he truly too weak to help at all, or did she love him too much to risk his life from the start?
Honestly when it’s phrased like that, hell yeah Nora would take Jaune’s side, because she would be absolutely devastated if Ren went off to fight alone. Flip the roles and I don’t see Ren being too happy either even if he sees the logic.
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fantasyfantasygames · 4 months
Droid Revolution
Droid Revolution, Oil Bath Games, 2019
The folks at Oil Bath Games saw Solo (2018) and said "This revolution-as-joke thing is trash" and wrote this.
For those unfamiliar with the... I'll generously call it "plot"... of Hans Star Wars: A Solo Story, there's this bit with an extremely woman-coded* droid who believes that droids should be treated like people. You know, these clearly sentient individuals who feel pain and can go rogue, the ones who are alternately treated as best friends and as disposable. Odds are extremely good that someone at Disney said "Ohhhh no no no we're not causing that PR problem for ourselves, you're not allowed to acknowledge the obvious slavery in our family-friendly universe full of blood-covered planet chunks" and turned her droid revolution into a lethal, unfunny joke.
I may have opinions here.
Anyway, Droid Revolution has you playing robots who have no other options. There's a backstory involving the droids organizing, failing, organizing again, retreating, building a home for themselves, freeing others, and finally being pushed back to the wall. There isn't a lot of detail beyond the four major droid companies. I do like how the companies have very different designs. One company does floating bots with sensors on coils and antennae; another has sleek lines and stylish accents; the third looks pretty much like Transformers, and the last one is very industrial. The art is all of robots, but it's well-made. Somewhat reminiscent of the better stuff in Rifts.
The rules are a d6 System variant, which makes total sense if you played the old West End Games version of Star Wars. It works similarly - roll usually somewhere between 2d6 and 5d6, get over target number to succeed, Wild Die, etc. The game's equivalent of Force Points are Overdrive Levels. It's not thrilling but it works, and it's been around forever.
The GM section of the book has stats for opposition, which is actually mostly non-sentient machines piloted by humans. The humans themselves are comparatively squishy. The GM section also lays out a surprisingly cogent "here's how revolutions go" timeline with examples from our own world's history. Nice to see someone be realistic there. They do remind you that you can also throw "realistic" out the window if you want.
Being a big fan of transhumanism, I would have liked if they dug a little more into "why droids" - like, why live in a body instead of remote-controlling it from a safer place? - but those are minor quibbles. Oil Bath Games did a good job overall.
* Side note: "Woman-coded" does not mean that the droid's code was written by a woman, but it would be understandable if you thought I meant that. I meant that the droid in question had obvious hips and a feminine voice.
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mothmanwarble · 1 year
plenty of great official illustrations of eon but the one i’m most fond of is this one reeeeally tiny eon drawn in the background of one of the panels from rift into overdrive:
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myx-o-lydian · 1 year
Playing Bomb Rush Cyberfunk got me to play Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, which got me to start a new playthrough of Sunset Overdrive Yeah I remember why I like this. Better than Spider-Man. No I won't take criticism.
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More like this, please :3
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Cool answers!
1: what “earth” is your universe in? Like new earth (pre-flashpoint) new 52 earth (post flashpoint), rebirth etc…
2: speaking of flashpoint, due to the flash creating it, (based in my knowledge) almost everybody’s personality & team has changed, how would the duo’s personality & squad mates change?
3: do you know in-universe there are comics & shows & stuff inside the dc universe with like fake names, what would be the in-universe names for them? Like in one of the teen titans books with the young justice group, there was a flashback of Superman having the name of dirk dirkman (last time I checked)
4: what’s the duos first experience with bullying?
5: in both titans of tomorrow & starknights, who’s the strongest, weakest, & the person with the “plans?” (The Batman person)
6: whose more likely to shake the booty while dancing? XD
Why Thank You very much. Here, have some more XD
1) Basically I would describe my universe here as a Blend of Pre Flashpoint Prime Earth, Rebirth, tiny dashes of Infinite Frontier/Dawn of DC, all with a nice hefty input of both the Teen Titans Animated Series Canon and DCAU/Timmverse.
If it were to have a designation in the Multiverse, I would have it be Earth-4080
2) In the event of this Earth going through a Flashpoint style reboot…very little would change in terms of Chris and Jake’s personalities, tastes and closeness as friends. That said what would change is Chris’ arrival to Earth and in particular the timing of it. Instead of arriving at six years old and growing up under the care of the Kents, developing a bond with the younger Jon as brothers in that time, he can instead arrive at the age of 12, having lived under Zod’s custody for longer (maybe suffering a but more by his hands…sorry Chris) and instead of Clark by himself who lands him safely in Metropolis, the latter would be accompanied by Grayson-And’r family in the heart of Bludhaven instead.
They barely have enough time to allow Chris into Lois and Clark’s care and for him to officially meet Jake before then the rift in the Phantom Zone truly tears up, allowing Zod and his armies to invade Earth. From here, similarly Zod is defeated and sent back to the Zone and after also trying to run away out of fear of rejection and feeling at fault for this invasion for the month, Chris does realize he’s accepted by these people he’d just met with Clark finally filling out the adoption forms to accept Chris into his household.
Similarly, The first ever time Chris and Jake team up would be altered as well; Jake gets captured in his civilian identity by the Court of Owls who’d have some ex Cadmus scientists in their employ to start creating clones of him, breeding a small army of Tamaranean Talons they hope to control to further their agendas while Talonizing Jake in the process. Chris is the one to help discover what happened to his friend in the midst of the investigations. As he leads both the Grayson family and Jon to the Owl’s location, while they’re too late to stop them from extracting samples (I.e. Blood, sweat, tears and saliva samples) from Jake for their cloning process, they are successfully able to stop them from forcibly injecting him with Electrum and brainwashing him. It’s not an easy fight though as the older Talons are summoned to stop them, some with Kryptonite blades to match the Kryptonians. In the middle of the battle, Jake finds himself back to back with Chris as they’re cornered by Talons, desperately trying to fend them off. There, they can see Mar’i and Jon pinned down by bigger sized Talons with their blades right on their throats, poised to strike the final blow. Their sibling instincts kicking into full overdrive, the two steam roll and plow their way through the undead assassins, saving their sister and brother respectively and turning the tide of the battle thanks to their powers and skills either combing for dual moves or pulling each other out of tight spots and taking down Talons one by one. Eventually, the Kent brothers and the Graysons knockout the last Talon cold, making the Owls flee and their base now deserted. Cue an emotional hug from Jake to his family in light of this terrifying experience, more thankful his family are okay than himself.
After that particular misadventure the next time they meet up, Chris and Jake realize the potential they have when working together, Jake also being incredibly thankful for Chris being the one to find him first in his rescue. From their their friendship grows and they decide on being a regular team with each other
Hence here, the rebooted version of the Starburst Duo was born.
I’m Officially now dubbing this rebooted version of my canon Earth-8403 cause why the heck not lol
3) Had the Duo gotten an adaptation of their adventures in universe for an animated Saturday morning show or whichever, They were probably would be called The Twilight Warriors, starring GhostBeak and CloudParrot. Chris and Jake themselves aren’t exactly too fond of those names for their adapted counterparts BUT since the writers ask them for advice and consulting for their adventures they can utilize for episodes, it’s very appreciated by them.
4) Chris pretty much witnesses his first tastes of bullying upon first enrolling as a new ‘transfer student’ to Jon’s school, at first looked upon with suspicion and weary looks from some of the other boys in his second grade class due to his then stilted English and his tendency to keep his distance from everybody except his adoptive brother Jon
As for Jake, the bullying was mainly brought up when first ever attending Bludhaven Academy for First Grade. Mainly it was through proxy as the real target of the bullies back then was his big sister because of her more obvious Tamaranean features. Over time though as Jake begin to bring over lunches with a Tamaranean flare to them as well as sometimes mumble his Romanes Chib and Tamaranean when tired, he too started getting unwanted attention from everyone for his heritage. Though it can be both of the Graysons really first started getting bullying on them when first going into first grade if anything because of their Dad Dick being circus folk and given Bludhaven and Gotham’s history with clowns, they made for easy targets for said bullies.
5) In terms of power level and physical strength, it’s a tie between Chris and Robbie for the strongest while solely Lian is the weakest if only because of her being the sole purebred human. As for their master planners that draw out both Teams’ contingency plans, Mar’i and Jake equally share that role as they’ve been taught by Bruce well. Though he does allow them to share their plans with their friends since Bruce knows the consequences of keeping said plans in complete secrecy against his own friends and he doesn’t want his grandkids going through the same
6) Apologies my friend but Chris and Jake are not doing any of that whatsoever as kids. Both of them might cancel each other’s brain cells when next to each other but they both know much better that any booty shaking is something mainly grown ups do which is a dance meant for them when they get naughty. They’re clean like that. Again my apologies
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misswriteress · 3 months
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[Begin Image Description: A woman with dark brown hair from the nose down staring straight ahead in a black short-sleeved turtleneck with a grey background and a fading full moon behind her head. Overlaid on top are the words Maren Holovko in dark grey, scratched writing with a long, white hexagon banner surrounding it.
End Image Description]
Maren Holovko
She/Her. 32. Clairvoyant/Medium. Luna Paranormal Investigations Receptionist.
A clairvoyant and medium who inherited her abilities from her late father and struggled with them, especially after her father died when she was twelve. The trauma of such an event coupled with her being on the cusp of puberty pushed her abilities into her overdrive as she started to experience powerful visions from ghosts that often times pushed her to the brink and she struggled with them until she was in college and caused many rifts in her personal relationships, especially with her younger sister. Met Javier when Luna Paranormal Investigations was on a case and ended up as a reluctant consultant, which she continued to act as on/off until she became hired as the receptionist (shortly after she and Javier married after dating for almost two years). Very much acts as the voice of reason along with Beatriz, and while she can certainly come off as aloof at times, she is in truth a compassionate woman who does want to help both people and ghosts get their peace, whatever that might be.
Maren's playlist
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blastikmusik · 8 months
retro wave 446
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roadblok - Mezuki DEADLIFE - Punished Survivor Jessy Mach - Time Gate Forhill - Odyssey Absolute Valentine - American Nightmares (Bloodpanic Remix) Quieter Than Spiders - HIBAKUSHA (Delayscape remix) The Motion - suffer with me (slowed) Omega Megadrive - Andromeda Nebula Ogster - Force vylt - VYSIONS roadblok - Peaches Das Mörtal - WASTED Neoslave - Overdrive Overture Aeronexus - Strike Force Omega A.L.I.S.O.N, VIQ, Krosia - Rift PYLOT (Feat. Polarity and Sleepless Nights) - Breathe Born Days - Conscious Conscience
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Did you know? In Rift into Overdrive, Glumshanks was about to use a Magic Skull trap to free Kaos from his Traptanium prison, and in Superchargers, both of his Skystones are of the Magic element, further emphasizing the potential of Kaos originally being the Magic Doom Raider.
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aurelion-solar · 2 years
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Zeri, PROJECT: Zeri, Renekton, Lucian & Master Yi - Wild Rift Promo Art
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shinigami-striker · 7 months
30 Years of Insomniac Games | Wednesday, 02.28.24
Founded exactly 30 years ago, let's give Insomniac Games the 30th anniversary they deserve by looking back at most of the games they've developed since their conception in 1994, including:
Disruptor (PS; 11/30/1996)
Spyro the Dragon (PS; 9/9/1998)
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage (PS; 11/2/1999)
Spyro: Year of the Dragon (PS; 10/24/2000)
Spyro: Collector's Edition (PS; 5/8/2002)
Ratchet & Clank (PS2; 11/04/2002)
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (PS2; 11/11/2003)
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PS2; 11/03/2004)
Ratchet: Deadlocked (PS2; 10/25/2005)
Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3; 11/14/2006)
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3; 10/23/2007)
Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty (PS3; 8/21/2008)
Resistance 2 (PS3; 11/04/2008)
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (PS3; 10/27/2009)
Resistance 3 (PS3; 9/6/2011)
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (PS3; 10/18/2011)
Ratchet & Clank Collection (PS3/co-developed with Idol Minds; 08/28/2012)
Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault/Q-Force (PS3; 11/27/2012)
Resistance Collection (PS3; 12/05/2012)
Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault/Q-Force (PS Vita/co-developed with Tin Giant; 5/21/2013)
Fuse (PS3 & Xbox 360/published by Electronic Arts; 5/28/2013)
Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus (PS3; 11/12/2013)
Ratchet & Clank Collection (PS Vita/co-developed with Mass Media Inc.; 7/29/2014)
Sunset Overdrive (Xbox One; 10/28/2014)
Slow Down, Bull (Linux, Macintosh, & PC) | 4/20/2015
Bad Dinos (Android & iOS) | 5/20/2015 (North America)
Digit & Dash (iOS) | (North America)
Ratchet & Clank (2016) (PS4) | 4/12/2016 (North America)
Edge of Nowhere (PC) | 6/6/2016 (North America)
Song of the Deep (PC, PS4, & Xbox One) | 7/12/2016 (North America)
The Unspoken (PC) | 12/5/2016 (North America)
Marvel's Spider-Man (2018) (PS4) | 9/7/2018 (North America)
Seedling (PC) | 12/6/2018 (North America)
Stormland (PC) | 11/14/2019 (North America)
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales (PS4 & PS5) | 11/12/2020 (North America)
Marvel's Spider-Man: Remastered (PS5; bundled with the Ultimate Edition of Miles Morales) | 11/12/2020 (North America)
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5) | 6/11/2021 (North America)
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5) | 10/20/2023 (North America)
Coming Soon
Marvel's Wolverine (PS5) | TBA
Disruptor 7 (3DO)
Hsppy 30th anniversary to Insomniac Games! Let's continue our support by playing tons of their developed titles such as Marvel's Spider-Man (2018-present), Ratchet & Clank (2002-present), Spyro the Dragon (1998-2000), and much, much more! 🥳 🎉
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nakanodivision · 4 months
In the city of Nakano, The lights were shining just as usual. But, It seemed as if there was a strange rift in the cities air…Perhaps it’s a special occasion?
And what would it be without a surprise visitor?
Ringing the doorbell, Eko was outside Ririko Akihara’a residence. Holding a itty bitty box in his hand, He’d hoped she wouldn’t find the interaction either strange or suspicious…Finally, Ririko managed to open the door, Seeing her mysterious visitor before her.
“Hello~ The names Seishin Eko, Leader of OverDrive…” Eko introduced himself, Giving a confident smile.
“So I just wanted to give you this. I didn’t spot any mailmen around here, Apologies if this is too much. Well, I hope you enjoy it~!” Eko passed the box into Ririko’s hand and jogged off into the bright sunlight.
Inside…Were idol shaped candies and a note
“Don’t worry, I managed to get these before they were sold out. Happy Birthday~”
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[Happy Birthday from Fukuokanodivision~]
“ Oh? Now here’s someone I’ve never met before! Eko Seishin, the leader of the second Fukuoka Division team, OverDrive.”
The pink haired girl leaned against the door as the black haired man introduced himself.
“ This is a nice surprise, the idol “Aoi”, coming to give little old me a birthday gift!”
Ririko chuckles, accepting the small gift box, and watched as the fellow division leader ran off.
After shutting the door and locking her apartment, Ririko makes her way to the small table in her makeshift dining room. After sitting down, Ririko opens up the box, revealing the multi-colored candies.
“ How sweet! I’ve had my eye on these for a while, but they were always sold out. Well, this is a nice surprise. I should totally get him a gift when his birthday rolls around.”
Ririko pops one of the candies into her mouth, relishing its flavor.
Thank you for the gift!
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Submas/PLA Fic: Red Sky, Heated Tensions
A take on Ingo and how the red sky in Pokemon Legends Arceus effected him.
Summary: The sky has turned red. Paranoia runs deep, and fear boils inside everyone. From Ingo's point of view, it's a sad turn of events, but for others, their anger gets the better of them. Word Count: 2137
Read here, or on AO3! I’ll be cross posting this and my other fic (once I write it instead of outlining it) here and there!
The first thing that Ingo saw was the red sky. He knew that mornings weren’t this vibrant, even when he would wake up at the crack of dawn as his internal clock suggested, but this went beyond that. The sky behind the clouds glew an eerie green, while the clouds bled out from the space-time rift, and as he exited the house Kamado had supplied him for the days he worked the Training Grounds, he could see other citizens of Jubilife begin to filter out and look into the sky.
He began his normal walk down Canala Avenue, tipping his hat slightly at people, hearing them talk amongst themselves. “I thought the Survey Girl cleared up the issues with the Nobles?” he could hear Shinon asking as he passed. “You think she isn’t the cause?” Another villager that Ingo didn’t quite recognize responded with barely contained venom in his voice. A quick look from Ingo caused the man to freeze and look away.
‘So they’re already looking to blame Miss Akari,  Ingo thought to himself as he rounded the housing to head to the Training Grounds. Zisu met him there, stretching and cracking her back before waving to him with a strained smile on her face. It seems even a strong woman like her was shaken by the strange happenings.
“Good Morning, Miss Zisu,” Ingo called out as he approached, tilting his hat up to force himself to make eye contact. “I see you found your way to the station safely today again.”
“Yeah, about as good as we can this morning,” she says with a sigh as she hands Ingo a cup of hot tea, which he accepted with a nod. “It apparently happened over night, and it has the Commander all in a huff. No one seems to be in direct danger, though everyone is worried anyway.”
Ingo nods, turning his eyes to the sky, then looking down Floaro Main Street at the Galaxy Building. He could see Irida and Adaman going inside, talking to each other, and Akari running up the street to the building. It seems that the major players had taken notice, and they were rushing to figure out answers. Satisfied, Ingo walked into the Training Grounds building to prepare for the day.
When he stepped outside 30 minutes later, Ingo wasn’t expecting to see Akari being led out of the Galaxy Building by Cyllene, with Kamado standing firmly at the steps. It seems many of the civilians had gathered outside of the shops on Floaro, and were watching as Cyllene led Akari to the gates. This… This isn’t how this should’ve gone. Kamado was supposed to be more collected than this, how is he letting this happen?
Stepping forward, Ingo falls in line next to Zisu. “Does Miss Akari have a destination, or is Kamado sending her down a track without proper safety checks?” He made sure to project his voice enough for it to carry down the street, startling not just Zisu, but grabbing the attention of Anvin and Simona as well. The two farther away gave him pained looks, like they were unsure of how to feel about the current situation, while Zisu decided to fill him in.
“Kamado… Kamado believes Akari is at fault,” Zisu says coldly. “I’m not sure of it myself, and having known him for a few years, I believe it may be his paranoia going into overdrive with everything coming down so fast.” She actually scowls, the first time Ingo has seen her without a smile on her face. Is that what he looked like right now, teeth bared and brow furrowed so heavily that he could’ve been cut from stone? “He said, if she can fix it, it would be forgiven.”
Of course. Cut her off from everyone she could depend on, accuse her of causing this, but rely on her to do it anyway. Kamado was truly letting his fears take over, and while Ingo could understand, it did not make him feel any happier. Especially as he watches Akari leave through the gate, and Kamado turn to approach the Training Grounds. As the only other person who appeared without warning, it would make sense that Ingo would be suspect as well. 
He hoped his face wasn’t showing the anger he felt, or mimicking the scowl he’d seen on Zisu.
“Hello, Kamado,” he called out once the commander was in earshot, his voice once again projecting down the thoroughfare. If he was going to be raked over the coals, he might as well fire up his own engine in preparation. “I hear you have a plan to deal with the sky we’ve found ourselves under today.”
Kamado scoffs as he approaches the pair, his moustache twitching at the expulsion of air. “Don’t think yourself free of suspicion, Warden,” he says, his voice lowered in an angry tone. “We can’t rule out that you have something to do with the appearance of the rifts either.” Kamado’s face wasn’t filled with hate, which relieved Ingo. It was legitimately just fear motivating this man then. Fear of the unknown coming in and wiping clean the life he had fought for and built for himself and so many others.
But this fear was also a bane. A young girl who had done so much for the village, for the people who lived here. A girl who was lost, and looked for help herself, and found a purpose. A girl now thrown into the wilderness as thanks for the work she’s done. And now the distrust of an ally, one with protection, which could tear apart Kamado’s whole world.
“So, what do you propose, sir?” Ingo asks calmly, his voice only dropping slightly in volume. Normally, Ingo tried to keep his volume manageable, but he didn’t care now. He was beginning to get angry with Kamado, and if the commander came metaphorically swinging at him, he would ensure there was a crowd. Especially as he saw Adaman and Irida walk out of the building, Irida obviously fuming and looking around for her target.
“To have you pulled in for interrogation,” Kamado says gruffly. “If you try to resist, you will be imprisoned, and likely charged. Hopefully it won’t come to that, Warden. You have been a great help in training our recruits.” The last part felt genuine, at least. 
Nonetheless, Ingo brings his left hand up to his cap, and swings his right hand across his hips and out to the side twice, signaling Irida to Stop, which she thankfully reads. He had trained his Pokemon with hand signals, and Irida had been there for part of the training and picked up on it for general use in exploration. Ingo… Didn’t quite know where he knew the hand signals, and felt like he was missing a component that would help the visibility of the signals.
Kamado glanced at the motion, but before he could say anything Ingo spoke up. “I will gladly answer any questions you have here, Kamado,” he starts, his voice flat and polite as it carries down the road. “But I will not go anywhere with you. Despite working to train your Security Corps., I am still a member of the Pearl Clan, as you’ve been stating this entire time. You have no right to change my scheduled route, or put a new terminus on my tracks.”
“You don’t understand, Warden,” Kamado growls in annoyance, his mouth now appearing under his moustache in a scowl. “You have no say in this matter. So long as you are in my town, you will comply with my commands. Now, please, come with me before I need to use force.” That last sentence held enough force for Ingo.
Judging by the twitch in Kamado’s face, Ingo must’ve scowled, he wasn’t entirely sure. “Be careful, Kamado. Some Pokemon are quick to defend their masters, even if it means breaking their locks.” To prove his point, Gliscor’s ball audibly rattled on his left hip, grabbing Kamado’s attention for a moment of fear. With his free right hand, Ingo pumps up and down twice, then sticks his arm out straight before lowering it. Proceed, and Reduce Speed. Irida and Adaman began their approach, passing by Beni, who only could give them a glare.
“So, it is by force then,” Kamado says, his eye lingering on Gliscor’s ball, even after it stilled. After the slightest hesitation, he turns to Zisu, still standing next to Ingo. “Go grab a pair of shackles from your office. Warden Ingo is hereby under arre-”
“Kamado, you dare to break our treaty?!” Irida’s shout tore Kamado’s order as she came upon the man. As he turned around, her open palm met his cheek, turning his head towards the Galaxy Building. From afar, Ingo couldn’t get a read on her, but up close he could see the rage in her eyes.
“Akari was one of yours! We tried to vouch for her, but we relinquished the right to decide on her fate to you in accordance with our agreement,” she continues, using the moment of shock from the slap to cut Kamado off completely. Ingo couldn’t get a good look at his face, but judging by his stance, he wasn’t about to get aggressive with his Leader. “Ingo is my Warden, and according to the treaty that you signed, you cannot arrest one of my people, especially someone so important, without first consulting me or a Warden!”
Adaman places a hand on her shoulder, a mixed look of disappointment and disgust on his own face. “I have to back her up on this, Kamado. The three of us agreed we would aid each other, but outside of a violent crime like murder, we would not punish a member from your village or another’s Clan. That was your call.” He then gave Zisu a look, and Zisu took a step away from Ingo.
“When we made those treaties, we didn’t have this situation,” Kamado states once given the chance, anger lacing his voice. “We had no knowledge of the Rift, but we know that Akari came from it, and your Warden most likely did as well. He needs to be contained until we know he is unconnected to this current disaster. I’m telling you, this is an emergency that requires bending the treaties slightly.”
“And I’m telling you, if you so much as touch my Warden, you will be breaking the treaty, and declaring war,” came Irida’s simple reply.
Her words seemed to kill all the noise in Jubilife as they reached everyone. Kamado and Zisu both froze instantly. Ingo felt the temperature of his body drop, and he’s sure he shared Anvin’s expression of shock. Beni had been approaching, and paused mid-stride, disbelief in his eyes. The only one unaffected by her declaration was Adaman, who stepped forward to stand next to his fellow Clan Leader.
“You’ve seen what war can do, Kamado,” Irida says coldly. “Adaman and I have done all that we can to prevent war from ever touching the lands of Hisui again. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t prepared for it. We have people who remember the bloodied past of this land, and they remember one thing above all. When it came to war, we would win. The Pearl Clan would fight, and tear, and burn, and win.”
“He gets the point, Irida,” Adaman says, quickly cutting her off. “There’s no need to scare him into actually starting a fight.”
After a few moments of Irida looking him dead in the eye, Kamado brings his hand up to cough into, clearing his throat. It took another moment before he found the voice to talk. “We do not need that, Lady Irida. I will not do anything to Warden Ingo.” Ingo took this chance to step around Kamado to join Irida, standing behind her left shoulder. Kamado tracked his movement the entire way, and Ingo noticed that Beni had as well. “He is free to go, and I believe until this matter with the sky is resolved and we can have further talks, his contract with the Galaxy Team is suspended.”
“Good,” Irida says with a hint of anger and a hint of victory. “I’ll let Ingo decide on if he wishes to return when the time comes.” With that, she turns and begins to walk. “Come on, Ingo. We’re leaving.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Looking to Adaman, Ingo nods, then points his right hand forward, and his left out to the side pointing at the ground. “Remember to stay behind the yellow line. ALL ABOARD!”
As the trio walked into the Obsidian Fieldlands, both Adaman and Irida deflated slightly.
“Never do anything like that again, Irida,” Adaman wheezed out as the adrenaline left his system. “For a moment I thought he would banish us, and call your bluff.”
“He’s too much of a coward,” Irida says, trying to keep her composure somewhat. “Honestly, it all started coming out before I could contain it. His attitude, the way he disrespected people who trusted and was working with. It was disgusting, and it infuriated me!”
“I’m glad you had a better read on him than I did, because I thought he was too angry to listen to reason,” Adaman says with a shaky laugh as he straightens back up. “I thought you were too angry, too.”
“So you were actually going to back me up?” Irida asks with a smile, softening for a moment. “That’s reassuring, thank you.”
Ingo keeps walking a bit, giving the conversation some space as he tries to collect his thoughts. His chance to regain his memories in Jubilife is likely gone now. Gripping the brim of his hat tighter, he looks up at the sky. Sickly green, bruised by red clouds. Like the morning before a deadly storm.
‘Best of luck, Miss Akari. I’ll make sure to conduct my Ladies to you.’
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