#Ride the Poll
lovehotelreservation · 3 months
Amateur Hour
Summary: You, the queen of succubi. Him, the world's strongest.
Surely, a battle in bed would result in nothing else but your victory.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: F!Reader/Gojo
PLS ENJOY MY SAUCE !!! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Gojo Satoru’s days were numbered.
The most powerful jujutsu sorcerer in the world with unmatched skill, immeasurable strength, and–above all–pestering arrogance that knew no bounds.
He would serve as the perfect meal for you.
No, you had little intention to sink your fangs into his bones for a satisfying crunch.
Rather, you were wholly focused on one singular target:
His seed.
After all, having existed as a succubus for as long as you could remember, the thought of defeating the world’s strongest by merely draining him dry to the very last drop of his cum brought immeasurable mischievous glee to your very being. His reputation certainly preceded him—an irritatingly massive ego propped up high by his ungodly prowess as sorcerer and his dangerously carefree nature.
In parallel to him, you were heralded as the queen of your kind so you simply had to rise to the occasion at some point.
But at long last, you could stop counting down the nights for you to take strike. Spring had swept across Japan and with the blossoming buds of sakura trees, so did years and years of preparation finally take form.
There was no way you could just simply dive into Gojo’s dreams and drag him into your thrall–even as Queen of the Succubi, you knew you had to harness as much power and energy in order to properly take in his mighty seed.
From the moment he had become a target of interest, you became especially more ruthless with the countless amount of men you drained down. From Kabukicho’s crowning host prince to the most slovenly otaku, from repressed priests to homewrecking yoga instructors–there was not a single man whose dreams were safe from your succubus sucking!
No matter if it was a passing drowsy daydream or a vivid nightly fantasy, no matter the position used, no matter which hole you were utilizing, you were hard at work, collecting essences as you rendered each one of your victims into a weary milked out reservoir, all while your tail curled with bliss while the tattoo on your womb glowed brilliantly with vivacious power.
And it was on one particular night where you climbed off of one particular blonde that you knew you were ready to claim your rightful prize.
You licked your lips as you eyed the calm yet weary features of your recent victim as he continued to sleep, his expression furrowed even with the large sticky stain that marred the front of his pajama pants.
Grade 1 sorcerer sperm was like nothing else!
With such a delectable treat waiting in store, you giggled as you slipped into the darkness, preparing for the next evening.
Your last appetizer was delectable surely, but you simply had to refresh your palette so you could fully savor your main course.
The time had come for Gojo to cum!
Meet his match that is!
As the next evening rolled around, you did your best to contain your eagerness while you awaited for Gojo to head to bed, namely once he began to doze off into slumber. Experience from your other test subjects foretold that barging into the world’s strongest’s dreams would alert him of your presence, thereby putting up his defenses at best or unleashing his offenses at worst.
You waited and waited, your ferocious impatience being tempered by years and years of discipline.
And then, you watched as his body started to relax further into his bed while his eyes remained shut.
Though it was for a split second, you sensed what was undoubtedly him finally drifting to slumber, his subconscious revealed as his defenses lowered. Without hesitation, you smirked triumphantly and leapt forward from the darkness, conjuring entry into his dreams.
For as long as you’ve had Gojo in your sights, you always wondered what you would see within the depths of his mind. Some lascivious wet dream of him being surrounded by a fawning harem, a power fantasy of him being crowned king of the world while he gleefully subjugated every soul to his whims, a nightmare of him pitifully lamenting the destruction of his favorite pair of sunglasses–the possibilities were endless.
And yet, what you came to behold still managed to be a surprise.
You found yourself in none other than Tokyo Jujutsu High, namely with what looked to be his office.
For such a pompous man, the space was furnished quite simply, looking more akin to a trendy minimalist teahouse than a typical faculty room. Sleek wooden walls and floors, a lone circular window that peeked out to the rest of the school’s massive campus, a modest bookshelf where a few framed photos of him with his students and other close colleagues rested right on top.
The only spot in the office that looked to be in comparative disarray was none other than your target.
Reclined back in his seat, arms loosely folded over his chest, his feet propped up on his desk, Gojo was fast asleep, seemingly lost in an afternoon nap.
You couldn’t hide your glee, your thighs pressing together in anticipation as you hurried over towards where he sat. Though you were already barely dressed as is–what with a bikini top and a matching pair of panties, a standard attire for all succubi–you still couldn’t wait to fully strip yourself bare to thoroughly enjoy your time with him.
While you would have loved to have him writhe beneath you under the sheer might of your erotic might, savoring every drop of such a magnificent beast of a man was far more important to satiate your hunger. The less meddling from his end, the better.
It was as you scurried past his desk that something caught your eye, giving some pause to your movements.
Strewn upon his desk looked to be old newspaper clippings–given by the faint yellowing across the pages–and a class yearbook. The former consisted of headlines from various articles, the words “MISSING” and “DISAPPEARANCE” looking to be the most common.
As for the latter, you noticed the unmistakable symbol of a heart drawn around one of the student’s portraits. Strange as it was, for the briefest moment you felt compelled to inspect the yearbook further.
However, hearing Gojo yawn in his sleep was all you needed to remind yourself of what was most important at this very moment.
And without a moment left to waste, you immediately sunk down to kneel before his seat, your hands reaching forward to cup him through the front of his pants.
Your tail curled behind you in bliss before swishing about in excitement as you felt your mouth water.
Even without being erect, you could feel the sheer weight of his cock, your heart giddy at the idea of how much of his cum, how much of his essence that you would get to feast upon.
Knowing you needed him to be at his most aroused in order for you to truly savor his essence, you reached for his zipper and tugged it down, revealing the front of his dark blue boxer briefs. As his natural musk wafted by your nose, you shuddered with anticipation as you leaned forward to plant your lips against his cock through the material of his underwear. Feeling him quickly harden beneath your kisses had you feeling as prideful as ever–such a reaction from the world’s strongest only made you see that in the end, he was still a mere man who couldn’t hope to stand against the sweet sensation of your touch.
Your grin widened with each kiss while slick heat pooled between your inner thighs. In your haste, you quickly reached for the waistband of his boxer briefs, tugging at it until his dick finally sprung free.
With your eyes glittering at the swing of his delectably thick and long cock, you were captivated.
And effectively trapped.
It was as your hands reached to grab at the girthy base of his dick, your lips parting as you craved to begin suckling away at his tip for his seed that an unexpected sound had you freeze in place in sheer horror.
“You know, I don’t take too kindly to my sleep being interrupted, Queen Succubus.”
Immediately, your head snapped to the side, having to peek around his cock to look up at the pair of eyes that should have been shut tight.
Yet at the sight of glittering crystal blue, you gasped and instinctively prepared to dash back with the flutter of your wings.
The world’s strongest had other plans in mind, however.
“Where ya going~?”
As quickly as he spoke, he reached right for your shoulders and proceeded to hoist you up onto his lap, his muscled arms proceeding to lock around your body while his bare dick pressed right against the panties you were wearing.
And it was right as you were ensnared in his embrace that as your eyes blinked, you noticed that the lighting of his office had changed from the natural sunlight peeking from outside to a few warm glow light sources all while you felt your power wane considerably.
While your heart raced, you quickly glanced around to regain your bearings.
You were aghast.
This wasn’t his dream.
This was his apartment.
Your eyes widened.
The human world?!
Your body was as tense as could be. Even as the mightiest succubus, your powers couldn’t even begin to reach their full potential outside of your target’s dreams.
As your mind raced to think of a solution to your pressing dilemma, it was at the same time that Gojo proceeded to give your body a squeeze as he kept you locked within his arms, a teasing chuckle fluttering from his lips as he tilted his head to the side with a wink.
“So what do you think? The world’s strongest is the world’s biggest right~?”
Your eyes immediately narrowed as your lips curled with a snarl.
“Oh don’t you dare even begin to start–!”
You mustered every bit of your energy to break free within that instant–while you were out of his dreams, you were the only one amongst the both of you with wings after all.
Yet you couldn’t even muster a wiggle of your wings let alone the full breadth of a flap, what with Gojo’s arms keeping you still and secure within the confines of his embrace, seemingly oblivious at your attempt to escape all the while he began to muse out loud.
“Here I thought I’d finally get a full night’s rest.” A sigh left his lips, which soon puckered out into a pout. “I’ve been busy lately hunting down an old classmate of mine–someone who still owes me a lunch, mind you. It’s been so long since they were in town but they keep avoiding me.”
Your continued glare of incredulousness towards his incessant rambling didn’t deter his words–rather, it just encouraged him further as he grinned.
“Needless to say, I’ve been a little grumpier lately since the one person that I want to see apparently doesn’t want to see me.”
At this, you gave up on trying to escape with the power of your wings and instead tried to sharply pivot your weight in order to knock right against him, your voice venomously hissing out,
“Like I care about what you have to say! How could you have expected me, Gojo Satoru?!”
More amused than alarmed as you continued to attempt at shoving him down, he responded with a hum and a shrug, “Well Madame Succubus, I don’t know if you’re aware, but Japan is undergoing quite the decline in birth rate right now.” His eyes closed as he continued, a dreamy inflection lacing his words. “Usually spring is the time for fun sunny afternoon sex, but being handed stats from Yaga that people are doing it even less?”
As his eyelids shut, an idea quickly came to mind amidst your desperation to do anything to escape.
You were soon greeted by the sight of his crystal blue eyes quickly fluttering open once more as he declared, “Surely something was at hand!”
And it was at his last word that Gojo immediately reached behind to grab at your tail, which was preparing to strike its pointed end down into his thigh.
Relishing in the immediate irritation that struck across your features, he laughed triumphantly, “Not to mention–Nanamin was surprisingly drained of energy when I met up with him this morning. I take it that he had quite the lively dream the night before. I wonder why~”
It was then that you suddenly felt his index finger begin to twirl along your tail, coiling it around ever so slowly.
“On the subject of Nanamin though.”
You were startled to hear the humor in his voice drop right as he gave your tail a firm tug while the glint in his eye and the smirk on his lips only conveyed sheer wickedness.
“At the very least, if you’re targeting me, just be direct. Don’t you dare let other men distract you from your goal…!”
Upon his last word, Gojo proceeded to heave you down onto his bed, maintaining his hold around you while asserting his position right on top of your body.
The pressure was intensifying.
Pressure from the weight of his broad and chiseled physique that continued to anchor you down, pressure from the vice of his muscled arms that kept you caged, pressure from the heavy weight of his hard cock that pressed right against your body, pressure from the ungodly power that was just waiting to do something to you–if by some miracle you managed to knock him out so you could flee and rethink your plan, you were desperate to grab at the chance.
But for now, you just found yourself cast beneath his shadow as he hovered above you, his expression so frustratingly gleeful with pride as he cast his hand upon his chest with his bold declaration of,
“With this, I–Gojo Satoru–will take up the burden of saving Japan’s declining birth rate by besting the naughty succubus who’s been milking its fertility dry!”
You wondered if that sinking feeling you felt was your heart dropping or your body being pinned further down into his mattress by his toned build.
Still, while you knew the odds of somehow escaping were being stacked ever higher and higher against you, your pride would not allow you to falter before him. You were still queen after all!
“Besting how?” You scoffed with a roll of your eyes, the expression on your face as defiant as ever. “Exorcising a demon isn’t the same as a curse, you know!”
Gojo’s hands suddenly slammed down onto the mattress by both sides of your head.
You tensed.
He grinned.
“Oh but you see, I have a special technique reserved just for you–” He lifted his hand to instead bring his palm right below your jaw, gently cupping your chin while his crystal blue eyes gleamed ever brilliantly while they stared right into yours.
“–I’m going to get you pregnant.”
His tone was sweet in its inflection yet there was still a firm finality to each syllable uttered.
Before you had time to express your utter shock with so much as a gasp, you were silenced by his lips suddenly crashing down onto yours.
His tongue delved right into mouth, his hand maintained its grip on your jaw, his hips grinded against your own–he touched you with such command, from keeping your lips and your thighs parted for his access.
The fact that you were left in a bit of a daze when he eventually pulled away should have alarmed you immediately–the world’s strongest in both battle and in passion? This was a combination that you could not subject yourself to further.
And yet, as your kiss was broken upon him drawing back, he only smiled from ear to ear towards you.
“This is me being my usual kind self by the way~” It was then that his other hand moved to rest right below your stomach, where your womb tattoo was present. As his fingertips began to trace along the insignia on your skin, he continued, “Why don’t I break you free from this curse?”
His words helped you finally break out of the haze caused by his kiss, your response vicious as you snapped, “What are you blabbering about now? Me? Cursed? I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised that the world’s strongest could also be the world’s stupidest!”
As you raved on and on, Gojo only smiled knowingly in response, even as his fingertips pressed further against your womb tattoo, his fingernails gently running over the edge of the mark as though it were a sticker that was in need of being peeled off.
“Guess that possession really did something to your memory, huh?”
Were it not for your boiling anger spilling forth, you would have noticed that there was a timbre to his voice that sounded rather disappointed, a tinge melancholy even. However, even if you had noticed the odd inflection, it wasn’t as though you were going to have much time to think about it anyway.
“Could you please try to make some sense you bastaRD–!”
What you noticed first was a sudden tearing sound that ripped through the air, soon followed by your entire body feeling the cool air of his room upon being fully exposed.
What you noticed next was the sudden hot heat of his cock slapping right down onto your wet core with a heavy thud.
You inhaled sharply, your gaze trailing down to see him begin to press and rub the blunt tip of his dick up and down the length of your slick folds. Though you shuddered from the sensation, you were torn at what was transpiring.
While you were getting what you plotted so desperately for. However, you were still at Gojo’s mercy so only god knows what was to happen from here.
“Come onnn~” Gojo goaded sweetly, tilting his head cutely from side to side with each word he spoke. “Do you want to be exorcised, or do you wanna get fucked? Exorcised or fucked?”
Prodding at the dripping entrance to your core, he continued on, catching and commanding your attention once more as he pouted.
“Hollow or full? Either way, I can do both…!”
And without sparing another moment, he proceeded to plunge his cock inside of you in one full smooth motion.
Both yours and his head soon threw back in pleasure, taking in the sensation of of being combined together at long last.
Though Gojo proceeded to set the tempo, working his way up to a brisk pace, your initial concerns were beginning to be at ease. While he had the upper hand for up until now–especially being in the human world–you were in your element and there was no way you could be bested by anybody!
He could tease you with his words, torment you with his touch, and threaten you with breeding all he’d like. The moment he unloaded his seed inside of you, victory would go to you—!
“Oi, where’s that attention of yours going, huh~?”
Gojo’s hips suddenly snapped right against yours, his cock pushing into you deeply, all while his fingers sought out your clit. Tight small circles rounded over the sensitive nub in tandem to the sudden vigorous pace of his thrusts.
You didn’t stand a chance.
Never have you squealed so shamelessly upon orgasming. You were here to conquer, not be ravaged!
And yet Gojo was in no mood to consider mercy. While you caught your breath, he went on to flip the both of you around, making it so you were made to straddle his hips. He kept his hands firmly on your waist to keep you still as he proceeded to hammer his cock up into your core from below.
Though you were currently above him physically, never have you felt more like a mere toy than at this very moment as you were directed to ride him at his desired tempo.
Chuckling at the expression of conflict and pleasure so clearly evident on your face, he mused, “Bratty as you are, you’re very beautiful, you know. I bet you captivated all your male classmates while in school~!”
And it was with one more pump of his hips up against yours just before he dragged you down to capture your lips with a kiss, keeping your mouths locked together as he pounded away up until you were left crying out with the surge of another orgasm.
While you slumped down against his chest in a sweaty heap, he only snickered as he scooped you up into his arms, eager to change positions with you once more.
The feast you craved was finally here.
You just didn’t anticipate for your meal to be served in this way.
His hands never once let go of you, always keeping a hold on your body to mold you as he desired with each new position he claimed you through.
At once, you were made to dangle up off the ground while he held you up high, his arms hooked beneath your thighs while his hands were clasped behind your head, your body left immobile as to continue subjecting your sopping core to his ravenous thrusts.
In another instance, this time with the two of you both resting on your knees in bed, Gojo grabbed and kept your arms pinned behind your back with one hand while he groped your breasts with the other, continuing on and on with spearing his cock into you from behind.
As you gasped and whined in delight, he gazed towards you with amusement, grinning cheekily as he brought his lips to your neck. “As I look at you, I think–no, I know a housewife life would suit you better than being such a naughty glutton~”
Giving your breasts another squeeze, he hummed, “What say you, darling? Let me conquer the Queen of the Succubi and you just give me cute kids to hold and tasty breast milk in return. That’s a fair trade, isn’t it?”
“To hell with that…!”
While your head snapped back to glare at him, what you received was yet another kiss from Gojo onto yours, his tongue happily diving right into your mouth. Speaking in-between sloppy kisses, he cheerfully quipped out, “I think a kid or two will help you calm down a bit!” just before rendering you senseless with another climax.
Though you were left to succumb further and further into ecstasy, it was not beyond you what he was doing.
With every orgasm he brought you to, he had yet to cum once.
Now, while Gojo Satoru was quite the outlandish and otherworldly man, he was still a man regardless.
You didn’t have to think further that he craved to spill every drop of his seed inside of you to make good on his promise to breed your womb.
But there was this idea, this feeling, this familiarity that above all else, he just simply and genuinely loved teasing you to your wits’ end most.
And on and on he did as the night went up until he had you bent over on your hands and knees with him hunched right over you from behind, his cock pistoning in and out of you with as little restraint as ever, his thick sturdy hips crashing against your ass with each punishing thrust. His lips falling by your ear once more, he spoke to you tauntingly, huskily,
“I wonder though, my dear succubus~ What will break first–this womb tattoo or you~?”
At that very instance, he then had one hand right on top of the mark upon your womb. While the warmth of his palm against your skin was as blissful of a sensation as ever, there was an alarming heat that was quickly emanating right against the very insignia that marked you as a succubus.
As you glanced down, you were utterly aghast at the sight, catching the faint blue glow of his powers being utilized. “You’re using–?! Cursed energy?!”
“Bingo!” Gojo chimed as he rewarded you by ravaging your core even further, angling his hips to ensure that he would hit the most sensitive spot within your depths. “That womb tattoo won’t be necessary when you’ll soon be committed to laying in bed with your one and only husband~! Lots of love making awaits you in the future, my lewd and lovely former succubus!”
Whether by his words or your physical endurance—either way, you were defeated.
Feeling your arms give way, you shivered joyously as you suddenly found yourself slumped on the bed, your ass still raised up in the air thanks to Gojo keeping one hand on your hip.
“In the meantime though–” He began, his voice still so pristine and cheerful as though he hadn’t spent all night devastating your body. “A man and a succubus–mating and fucking like animals. Don’t you find that just so amusing…?!”
Another smack rang out in the air, this time with his hand right across your ass.
Feeling the slick heat of your core tighten around his cock once again, he laughed deviously as he chanted, thrusting and spanking away, “That’s right–fall for me! Fall! Fall! Fall!”
At long last.
As you felt yourself become undone with pleasure, you were soon treated with smoldering, thick sticky heat as Gojo flooded your core with his seed.
A blessed sensation.
You were complete.
So enthralled with the pleasure of having him cum inside you at long last, you barely noticed another shift in your body right as Gojo drew his hand away from where your womb tattoo was.
Having been subject to his whims all night long, it wasn’t much of a surprise that you finally succumbed to exhaustion, your consciousness fading. Before you fully dozed off however, you felt Gojo kiss your forehead tenderly just before he murmured out,
“Defeating the Queen of the Succubi–I guess this makes me your king, right…?”
It was as he finished his sentence that he said another word.
A name.
One that you haven’t heard in so long but one that you knew deep within your heart was yours, all as you quickly drifted off to slumber.
Formerly teasing now fully tender, Gojo nuzzled your neck as he held you close, sighing with joy,
“From now on, the only man who you’ll spend your nights with, who will star in your sweet and wet dreams, who you’ll live your days out with is me–”
His lips found their way to yours for one more kiss.
“–just like we promised all those years ago.”
With you sleeping soundly in his arms, Gojo slowly dragged his hand along the small of your back in a soothing motion. While doing so, he peered down at your body. Seeing that your wings, your tail, and-most importantly of all—that accursed mark were gone at long last brought much relief to his features as he drew you even closer against his body, bringing his lips to your cheek.
Whenever it came time for you to wake up later, there would surely be a lot to explain.
For now, he was just glad that years of searching had finally been resolved.
All that was left was to make good on sworn promises and to simply never let you go ever again.
How he eagerly awaited that lunch date with you.
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aikaikaik · 1 year
HOW TO HORSE: 🐎🐎🐎 - Vote for your FAVOURITE horse to make them go faster! (yknow, like those carnival horse derby games!) MAY THE BEST HORSE WIN
(also sample size reblog yadda yadda yadda HORSE)
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ifartconfetti · 7 months
Hello neurodivergent people. I was wondering if I'm just weird or it is common to not being able to learn certain motoric skills at the same time as my peers and learned them MUCH later
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dimmadoome · 1 year
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incognitopolls · 3 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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fandom-s0up · 3 months
Reblog for larger sample size
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crystallizsch · 16 days
DID SOMEONE SAY FILIPINO TWST (no one did it's just me 😔)
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below the cut is stock photos of what is a trike/tricycle in the philippines (what they’re riding on) if you're unfamiliar!! and also some rambling about my heartshackle trio ;;;
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i referenced the one on the left, there's usually supposed to be a screen where ace is popping out (and also i think deuce would prefer riding the one on the right where it's an actual motorcycle and not just a bike)
i like to think that the trio found this tricycle trashed and broken somewhere and they tried to fixed it up so they could all take a ride on it
ace and deuce kinda fought who’ll be the first to ride it and deuce only won because they all agreed deuce was the one who actually knew (for the most part) how to fix the thing
++++ some more concepts/hcs between them in this au(???) 😳
all three of them are childhood friends who grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same elementary school. unfortunately in high school they ended up in different schools, but they all still remained close friends 🥹
grim exists but as a regular cat who “belongs” to yuuna (yuuna was just grim’s favorite out of the three). technically he’s just a neighborhood stray, yuuna can’t really keep him as a pet at home (and neither can ace/deuce) but somehow grim keeps finding the heartshackle trio whenever they’re all together. and so grim just became part of the group.
yuuna has a physical album of photos dedicated to all the times they go to jollibee. they take a photo with the jollibee statue every single time they all go there.
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erindizmo · 1 year
Okay, because I'm curious.
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On average, what is the total MONTHLY amount that you spend on dining out*?
*(This doesn't only count going out to restaurants, but also stuff like picking up fast food to bring home, getting a coffee on the way to work, getting a premade sandwich from a grocery store deli during lunch, buying a quick snack from a convenience store or food cart whilst walking somewhere, ordering a pizza or any other food to be delivered to your home, etc.)
*(If you often dine out in groups/as a household: calculate and divide the costs so that you get a Per Person average. This is for YOU individually, NOT the total household/group costs)
(I'm sure polls similar to this have been made before (very common topic), I just haven't personally seen one that I can remember, so, I was curious to do my own! I was discussing this with a group of people today and it was very interesting to see how widely the number varied between individuals. :0c )
(Reblog for bigger sample size if you can, and feel free to explain your answer in tags if there's anything extra to add!)
#polls#tumblr polls#I'm mostly in the 0/1 - 25$ category. Maybe the rare month is a bit over $25 if there's something specific going on like birthday.#Which I'm NEVER eating in an actual restaurant (erm... covid... plus I just hate restaurant environments. i would rather pickup#the food and bring it home to a peaceful quiet environment that I control lol). But more typically like stopping by a grocery store deli#section or something. I don't have coffee that much. And I can't eat fast food much due to my health issues/diet restriction stuff#so if I'm out like coming back from an appointment and I start feeling really sick and weak. I know that a hamburger will just#blow up my system and cause nausea or something. So I try to pick the breadiest most#neutral looking turkey sandwich at the safeway deli to eat during the hour ride home or whatever lol#I actually kind of wish I could do stuff like get food more often vecause it would take the burden of cooking everything off of me#but.. alas... Money... and Health Things... T o T#I still wouldn't do it ALL the time but like... once a week instead of once a month or something.. or maybe turning into a coffee#person.. I do love drinks A LOT .. i am a drink person who will have 5 different drinks sipping on at all times#But i just have to make them all myself mostly lol#And I cant really have too much coffee since it will make me sick. so like.. teas and juice mostly#When I inevitably become a millionaire by never using social media never networking and only finishing one#sculpture every 5 months which I dont even post about or sell - then I shall... get more drinks..#I will somehow wean my body onto coffee and drink one a day solely for the ritual of it#Though even then... I would still probably just like.. buy the mateirals to make it at home or something#Like if you had a million dollars you could just buy a kitchen grade ice cream machine and other stuff to make your own milkshakes and#coffees and smoothies and bubble teas. Genuinely I think even if I were a BILLIONAIRE I would still look at playing likr $8 for a single#coffee and go .. uh.... I could just buy the equipment to make this and then save that money. PLUS. its in my house now so no need to#have to leave. I can make my own drinks in the comfort of home. .. ideal..#Like no matter how rich I ever got I would still have the lingering scroogey stinginess. like i am NOT paying for that. I will jus#make it myself. Especially if it was an Everyday thing. Anythign thats part of my routine I try to optimize and make as efficient as#possible... ANYWAY.. In an IDEAL world I would get treats. but probably not that much. as on a daily basis it would start to get#to me and I would just save up to buy kitchen machinery if I was rich lol
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lovehotelreservation · 3 months
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cressthebest · 6 months
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rtc-spin · 5 days
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murderandcoffee · 6 months
I forgot that these are things that many people can’t do and I’m curious to see what the results are for my followers/the tumblr demographic
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54625 · 4 months
bringing this poll to tumblr too cause we're going insane
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no there is no secret third option. pick one of the two, coward.
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mydutyistoobserve · 2 months
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book--brackets · 1 year
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