#Ride or die romance
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threalcrabbysamantha · 9 days ago
The idea of Zuko discovering that he has feelings for Katara after he joins the Gaang is just so delicious to me. Like the idea of this boy wrestling with a crush that (he thinks) will never be returned because she’s clearly determined to hate him forever - that’s like candy to me.
Even after they’ve resolved the conflict between them, my favorite headcanon is that Zuko is completely convinced Katara would never be interested in him as more than a friend, and frankly, he feels honored that she would even offer him that much.
Meanwhile, Katara is like actively having an inner meltdown over the fact that there’s a WAR going on, and she can’t stop fantasizing about kissing this boy who was her enemy until 5 seconds ago.
just *chef’s kiss*
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dominimoonbeam · 2 years ago
Songs/Lyrics that perfectly embody my romantic writing style.
Build me into something great and defend me I'll sing songs for the damned and the lonely Cause the boys in your head they ain't like me They don't kneel down and scream "resurrect me"
-Resurrect Me by Skrizzly Adams
It was like a time bomb set into motion We knew that we were destined to explode And if I had to pull you out of the wreckage You know I'm never gonna let you go
-Time Bomb by All Time Low
I like that you're broken, broken like me Maybe that makes me a fool I like that you're lonely, lonely like me I could be lonely with you
-broken by lovelytheband
You're burning up the sky you're a constellation Swear that I could die in this revelation
-Your Love Could Start A War by The Unlikely Candidates
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purple-frost · 2 months ago
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Friendly reminder that Rook is just as protective of Lucanis as he is of Rook
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rookinthecrownest · 1 month ago
Spite: You hurt Rook. You lie.
Me asf:
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ghettogirly · 9 months ago
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-> synopsis: where he sees an unwanted man bothering you at the bar and decides to step in.
[🕷️] warnings: mature language, presence of guns, mention of violence, mention of alcohol.
[🕷️] authors note: this is my first time writing an imagine after three years so bear with me!! please reblog and like if you enjoy!
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It was a cool day in nighttime of Miami, the sky cascades with elements of black and dark purple as the day descends into the night. You walked into the club, Zillion, and a stone of lights automatically attacks your eyes. The neon colours and the loud music hits your ears as swarms of people dance around you.
Your friends encouraged you to come out with them for once as you always stay at home, loving the peace and comfort of your own house. However, you felt guilty neglecting them and decided to accept their offer.
“Isn’t this fun!”, your best friend, Selina squeals.
You try push out a smile but you can’t help but still not feel the excitement that runs throughout the cramped room. “This isn’t my vibe, i want to go home already.” You sigh, feeling an aching sensation in the side of your head.
Nevertheless, your friends drags you to a tiny booth, having a small table with a bucket of ice and champagne placed on it. They start dancing to the music a little bit while deciding what they’re going to drink, completely hypnotised by the energy surging throughout the room. You just stand there, trying to loosen up a bit.
Your eyes scan the room, looking over the crowd of people on the dance floor before landing on a balcony on the upper floor. The VIP section. Interested, you observe the people there noticing flamboyant men with chains and clearly a lot of wealth. Sleazy women were scattered around them as they entertained useless conversations and presented flattery to the men. However, there was one particular man who was sitting there, a glass of whiskey and ice in his hand, completely zoned out.
You was fascinated. From your angle you could only see certain details of him. He wore a black silk shirt and ripped jeans, his lips were full, pink and glossy with his right eyebrow having a scar stripped through it. His tan skin shone in the neon lights, the club lights flattering his skin as the purple light compliments his cool undertones.
He was clearly uninterested in the girls around him, his scowl present on his face as he ignores the countless efforts of conversations around him.
Time goes by and you lose focus of everything going around you: eyes glued onto him. Everything seemed to stand still, the world no longer being important unless-
“Hey! What you looking at?” One of your friends shout from across the booth, snapping you out of ogling of the mysterious man. “Nothing. It’s fine.”
“Okay well, can you get us some drinks from the bar? I want a vodka with coke and some shots for the table, get whatever you want it’s on me!” She shouts over the defeaning music, shooing me away.
“Looks like i have no choice,” I sigh.
Walking over to the bar, i sit on one of the wooden stools, waiting for a bartender to approach me. Tapping the table out of habit, i feel a presence behind me. “Hey pretty lady, what’s your name?” The unknown man whispers, i feel his hot breath on my ear, causing me to shiver.
“I don’t have a name.” I groan, not even bothering to turn around and engage with the clearly drunken man, already over with the situation. He sits down beside me nevertheless. “Everyone has a name angel, come on.. tell me.” His alcoholic breath floods my nose, i squirm at the thought of the amount of alcohol he’s consumed.
His hand reaches over to my hair, tucking it behind my ear which now causes me to turn to his direction but move my head back in retaliation from the bold move. “I said i don’t have one, leave me alone.”
Out of nowhere, he grabs my face and forces me to look at him. “Don’t make me ask again.” The force he inflicts on my face causes my eyes to water, unable to say anything due to the man’s blind rage, i try repeatedly tapping his arm to let go of me but the alcohol has clouded his sense of judgement.
A whistle is then heard behind the man. “Let go.”
I look up and it’s the same man i noticed sitting at the VIP booth, he holds a silver glock to creep’s head, his face undistinguishable. Moving to the man’s ear he whispers, “don’t make me have to tell you twice,” his accent thick and heavy.
The man instantly lets go of my face, clearly shaking at not only the presence of the foreign man but the gun to his head as well. I sit there in shock, my eyes flickering from man to man, frozen as to what’s going to happen next.
“Now you’re going to apologise to this pretty lady and leave this club, don’t let me see you again or i will kill you.” He states casually, before swiftly putting the man into a headlock, keeping the gun in the same position. “Trust me, i’ll make sure to do it slowly and painfully.” He holds him down harder before letting him go, the drunken man chokes out and wheezes before running out of the club side to side due to his incompetent state.
The foreign man now turns to me, a slight smirk on his face. “The names Armando. Drinks are on me.”
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skulls-and-wishbones · 7 months ago
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Hey do you guys remember when dex tried to give Sophie homebrew steroids and nearly killed her when they were both twelve? What was up with that?
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the-unconquered-queen · 2 months ago
Just remembering how the Girlies were Going Through It™ when Ride or Die was releasing. Scandalized by Logan using MC for intel and jumping ship for Colt only for him to get revealed as a kidnapper and would-be-murderer within like one chapter.
Ride or Die, you crazy bitch, no one was doing it like you ❤️
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months ago
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VOY Memes: He's always just had an extremely heavy brunch
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afurtivecake · 10 months ago
Thinking about Nicky being openly and loudly gay while Kevin's all, 'it's easier to be straight if you want to play exy' and wondering if anyone has actually given him shit for being an openly gay athlete in class I collegiate exy. AFTG does seem to be set in a universe where homophobia exists and seems fairly common but maybe Kevin's just wrong. Or maybe (and I think this is a funnier interpretation), Nicky gets no blow-back for being out and gay because actually no one has noticed he's gay (despite his best efforts) -- in fact, they haven't really noticed Nicky even exists. Kevin and Neil have so thoroughly dominated the public image of the PSU Foxes and what with the news about Aaron killing a guy with a racquet and Andrew breaking Riko's arm on live TV, Nicky is nothing but a number on a roster in the public's eye. He could probably stroll into the middle of a court after a game, kiss a dude and proclaim to the world he's here and he's queer and everyone would just be like, "who the fuck is that? ANYWAY did you hear about that crazy rumour about Jean Moreau?"
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kanerallels · 9 months ago
There are many reasons why the King of Attolia is my favorite book in TQT, honestly. It's just-- he's far from home but he's with the woman he loves. He's been forced into a role he doesn't want, but he's doing his best to learn everything he can about it so he can do it well. He acts like a fool and lets his courtiers make fun of him but he knows exactly what he's doing. Everyone thinks he's torturing poor Costis but he's actually making a friend in his own unique way, and finding an ally. It's this combination of "kid far from home looking for anyone as a friend and ally" and "genius plotter getting rid of his enemies and also winning the loyalty of everyone around him using the world's most convoluted plan possible" all while he's also navigating a new marriage
The second best part is Aulus and Boagus
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fictionalreads · 7 months ago
Can you please do an Armando x reader angst 🙏 I don’t know abt what lol I JUST WANT HEAPS OF ANGST SO I CAN BALL MY EYES OUT AND I WANT THIS MAN TO BE GROVELLING LEFT RIGHT SND CENTRE 😭 lol sorry abt that love ur work bae💗💗 Make sure to get heaps of rest and stay hydrated 🧘‍♀️💆‍♀️🫶
A/N: Soooo... reader didn't wanna talk to me. Or more accurately I think, Armando wanted all the attention. I'm sure I'll eventually be struck with inspiration for an Armando x reader angst and I'll definitely tag you in it, but for now I hope you enjoy this Armando angst.Title is from Lonely by Benny Blanco and Justin Bieber.
No One's Listening And That's Just Lonely
Fandom: Bad Boys
Prompt: Armando reflects on times in his life that he's felt alone.
Warnings⚠️: Our boy is lowkey depressed in this one. Might be a line that could be seen as morbid.
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Armando Aretas was used to being alone. After being ripped from his mother’s arms at just six years old, he learned to embrace the feeling. He was forced into preparing for his mother’s grand plan which included gun training, fight training and emotional resistance. There was no room for a six year old’s sadness over being alone. The people his mother had training him definitely weren’t the type to go and cuddle with, they were more likely to punish him for being so weak that he expressed his fear. Not that his mother was any better when he was with her.
“Otras personas te decepcionarán, mijo. Confía en ti mismo,” she’d say when he was young and upset that he couldn’t play with the other children in the prison. He was small, but it was a prominent memory from his short time with her, the first lesson she taught him.
He should’ve listened to her, maybe then he’d have heard her subtle warnings about herself.
When he was eighteen, a freshly minted adult that was on top of the world, he had thought her old saying paranoid. He had loved going out and meeting people, befriending them. It came naturally to him, but his mother had her people keeping him on a tight leash. The few times he went out, he kept his cover pretty well, never telling anyone anything real about himself but just enough they wouldn’t be suspicious. 
Until he met a girl that is. She had been different from the quick fucks he’d had before, holding actual conversation with him and keeping him on his toes. He’d loved her spontaneity, it being a breath of fresh air from the rigid routines he was used to. He had slowly dropped breadcrumbs of what his lifestyle was really like b behind closed doors, testing the waters to see if she was about the life or if she’s run for the hills. Every small test he set in place for her she passed with flying colors. He was so sure she could handle it that he told her everything. At first it seemed like he was right about her, she stayed by his side. Then one day she disappeared, no word from her at all. He went to her place and saw she had packed some things, it looked like she had been in a hurry. He initially worried that she went to the police so he played low for a few weeks, but when nothing happened, he just felt hollow.
The one he was supposed to rule the world with was gone, she had left him. He spent weeks questioning every interaction. Where did he go wrong? What signs had he misread? Did he really misread them or were they obvious and he just refused to see what he didn’t want to? Had she ever really loved him? Why wasn’t who he was enough for her to stay? Why was he destined to walk this life alone?
Thinking back on it, his mother hadn’t been pleased his attention had been split and probably had her killed.
Prison hadn’t felt as alone as he was expecting. He knew other people would be around but he’d been surrounded by people all his life and still felt alone. His cell was in murder row, the nickname for the solitary unit he was in. He wasn’t exactly friends with the others in cells in his solitary unit, but they were better than nothing. He spent time with them sometimes when they got the chance to go to the yard, sometimes preferring to workout and enjoy his hour in the sun alone. 
It probably helped that his father would visit him at least twice a month, more if he could swing the travel time. It had been interesting getting to know the man he had thought was an enemy. He hadn’t attempted the corny get to know you spiel, preferring to stick to business which was fine by Armando. Armando had learned a few of the mans quirks just through the small amount of conversation they had. But his father usually showed up to ask him for information, an effort to cut down his extremely long sentence, so it lacked the warmth that would chase the cold feeling of loneliness away.
A loneliness that hit worst at night when he would stare at the gross ceiling of his cell and wonder what could have happened if he had known his father from the start.
This alone was different. He was lying down in the boat his father had put him on to flee Miami, blood slowly dripping out of his side. The motor on the boat had long ago canned out on him, he didn’t have the strength or the tools to try and fix it. He was currently floating in open water, no land in sight. He wondered if he would bleed out, or starve to death first. Maybe he’d dehydrate, he had no access to fresh drinking water. 
He figured the loneliness felt different because for the first time, he didn’t have a tether to something else that brought him out of his self pitying. His mother was dead. He didn’t have anyone he loved waiting for him to come home. His father had sent him away knowing he’d probably never see him again, albeit he also probably assumed Armando would survive. But what was the point? Everything he had been taught growing up was a lie and everything he did ensured he couldn’t come back from those actions with a clean slate. For the first time in his life, he hoped the police would catch him. 
He didn’t want to die feeling the worst feeling in the world, feeling like there was nothing for him. He’d rather keep living and find hope for a life he could build that he should have had from the start.
Other people will disappoint you, my son (darling). Rely on yourself.
Taglist (I'm gonna tag for all Armando pieces unless you ask me not to):
@yeahnohoneybye @bootlegroach @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful
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dominimoonbeam · 5 months ago
To The Edge - 28
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This work is mine and I do not give consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted without my permission. I am sharing chapters as I work on this story but it is copyrighted material that I plan to rework and publish when completed.
story tags: scifi romance, hijinks in space, rogues learning to trust, violence, blood, guns, death, explicit language, so much kidnapping, explicit sex
Works organized and easily found over on the patreon. <3
Stardust woke up in his bed, under the glow of space, watching stars slide by the large window. The ship had a low hum of systems, of movement, of air, and the body pressed against theirs spread warmth into their body. His breath rolled against the back of their neck, his arm flexing around their middle as he too woke.
This was perfect, they thought. This moment. They wished they could pause everything else and stretch this out forever.
He took a deep breath and let it out, giving them another squeeze before stretching out and rolling onto his back beside them.
Stardust reached up with one arm to tap fingers against the window. “So, I can’t help but notice the differences in our accommodations on this ship…” they remarked. “I’ve got a cot and no window while you…”
He snorted. “Of course, my room has a window and a real bed.”
They turned their head away from the view to shoot him a raised eyebrow.
Cosmic grinned. “Your room is a cargo hold when I’m not transporting…well, human cargo.” He laughed. “I guess it’s still a cargo hold. That’s why all the meal bars and protein shakes are in there. Did you think I put them there just for you? That room belongs to them! You’re the guest.”
Stardust laughed despite their efforts to hold it back. “You’re such an asshole…”
He shrugged, sitting up. “Hm…” He tapped their naked hip. “Roll over again? I want to get another look at that map.”
They didn’t move just yet. “How do I know you’re not up to something?”
He laughed again, the sound deep in his morning voice. “Why would I be tricking you? You’re already in my bed. I’ve already seen everything…”
Stardust pretended to think it over before shrugging and rolling onto their stomach, folding their arms under their cheek and watching him over their shoulder.
Cosmic rolled onto his knees and leaned over them. His warm hand slid up their back, so careful against those hidden scars. He nodded at whatever he saw there in the ink. “Hm… Yeah, the map has moved a little more. It’s getting closer to the destination. I wonder what it’ll look like when we get there. It’s moving ink, so why not give us little fireworks or something when we reach the treasure?”
They frowned back at him. “It’s not—”
“Knock it off, you know it’s treasure.” He leaned forward and kissed their shoulder. “Even if there isn’t an X and we don’t have to dig it up, it doesn’t make it not treasure. I don’t know why you refuse to call it what it is. Loot. Bounty. Booty.” He grinned against their skin, his face so close to theirs.
“Any chance it’ll go away when we get there?”
He stopped kissing their shoulder, lashes lifting to meet their gaze. “You mean, will it disappear after we find it?” They knew the answer by the way he worked the question for time. “I don’t think so, Stardust… I’ve never known any moving ink to vanish on its own. If it bothers you, we could try to find someone to get rid of it. Once the treasure is already found, you won’t have to worry about someone trying to use it to get there.”
They sighed. “A map is a map. Would you believe someone if they said there was nothing there anymore?”
Cosmic sat upright, frowning. “…No, you’re right. They wouldn’t necessarily believe us that we’d already found it.”
Stardust sighed and closed their eyes, once again in life trying to make peace with the piece on their skin.
“It’s not a bad tattoo,” he said, as though he knew. “It’s beautiful work.”
“Is it?” they asked, eyes still shut and body relaxing. Was it really beautiful? They’d only ever seen it as something unwanted—something dangerous.
“Stardust…” he called softly, his voice low and shaped by a smile. “Are you falling asleep?”
They hummed in reply before realizing they might need to use words. “Can I stay?” they mumbled.
“Yeah. You can sleep here if you want. I mean…tonight. Not like, every night. Don’t try to steal my room,” he said, settling back down at their side. His fingers touched the back of their head, combing through their hair in slow motions.
The ship hummed, his heart beat, and they both just breathed.
“You know this doesn’t change anything, right?” Cosmic whispered, no more smile cutting his words. He was using that serious voice of his—not the fun angry one, but the sad one.
“You’re still telling yourself that?” Stardust smiled against their arm, his hand still stroking their hair and his legs tangled with theirs. “So, we’re just partners then?”
“No. And we were not partners before we slept together. We’re not partners.”
They wondered if he believed it more or less every time he had to say it to himself.
“We’re just… working together for the time being.”
“You like me.”
“No, I don’t.”
“You’re obsessed with me.”
“Nope.” There was the smile again, they could hear it pressed tightly into the corner of his mouth. “I meant what I said.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did.”
“You say a bunch of dumb things. You don’t mean it.”
“I—” he started and then groaned, his hand going still in their hair. “Stop it! How do you turn everything into a petty argument?”
They cracked a lid to sneak a peek at him when they said, “No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you—” he cut himself off and shot them a glare. “You’re evil.”
Stardust shrugged, watching his gaze drift over them.
His mouth twitched. “And how do you still have paint in your hair? I thought we got it all out…”
“We got distracted a few times,” they reminded. “How did you end up being a mercenary?”
His gaze found theirs in a flash of surprise. “Hm? Why do you want to know that?”
“I’m sleepy. Humor me?”
He beamed, using one arm to prop up his head. “Are you trying to say that my life story is sure to be so boring that it’ll knock you out?”
They shrugged. “Were your parents mercenaries?”
His smile softened, not completely vanishing but losing the vivid details. “No. They weren’t. The only time my parents were ever on a spaceship was when they were being shipped out to the edge to colonize a new mining settlement. They used to say that I was born looking up…” he said softly, his gaze flicking past them to the window for a second before coming back. “I think they just said that because they’d realized I’d have to go eventually. So, they told me I’d always wanted to be an adventurer and eventually I believed it.”
Stardust wasn’t falling asleep anymore. They watched him, barely breathing, to get those details. A mining planet. They struggled to imagine Cosmic as a boy in a colony.
“The mines dried up sooner than the corporations expected. They stopped prioritizing the settlement. We’re far out, you know? It was close to the edge and that costs to maintain. When they finally decided it wasn’t worth it, they just stopped coming—stopped paying the mercenaries to guard the colony.” His teeth dragged over his lip before he shrugged, like it had all been inevitable—a story told a hundred times. “Pirates and worse started to set up shop real quick after that. It’s still there, the last planetary settlement before the deep.”
“So, your family had to leave?”
“Hm?” he seemed surprised by the idea, his thoughts having to return to the question. “Oh, no, it was just me by then. I got on the first ship that would take me. Scariest ride of my life. That ship was a wreck, barely holding together, and we were packed standing inside it for hours. I can still remember the way it creaked and shook, like it was going to come apart and we’d all just be flushed out into space.” He smiled, his words whispered like he was telling them a bedtime story.
“We made it to the nearest station. The captain we’d all paid, tried to double-cross us by selling us to a skin ship. I was lucky that some of the others were armed and would rather go down shooting then get on that other vessel. It turned into a firefight right there in the station and we scattered. I stowed away on a big cargo ship and got out of there.”
They wanted to ask about his family—about how he was the only one to get off the planet—but they pressed those questions aside. Another time, maybe. “The cargo ship didn’t catch on that you were there?”
The stars outside the window flickered in his eyes. “Oh, I definitely got caught, but by then we were away from the station and those cargo ships can’t waste time turning back. I guess they could have jettisoned my ass but the captain felt bad for me. I was barely more than a kid. He said he was short-handed so I could work for my food and board.”
They nodded, wondering how old he had been but asking, “Where were you going?”
“I was trying to get to the prime.” He huffed a small laugh. “I’m probably lucky I never made it. What would I have done there? They probably would have put my ass back on a ship running cargo out here.”
He was right, only they would have managed to tack on a ton of debt while they set him up and sent him out again. They smiled up at him. “Well, lucky for me you didn’t become a cargo runner.”
“…Yeah.” He smiled. “You’re right. If I’d gotten myself one of those legit long-haul jobs, who would have been out here to save you from those pirates?”
“I mean, I would have managed eventually. I might have even thrown in with a crew of mercs. You know, I was really close to talking me way out of that trunk you found me in…”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
“They had more guns… and a faster ship…”
He laughed, ruffling their hair. “Shut up and fall asleep already.”
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farizrz · 1 year ago
Ride or die 2 plot by andrew
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jealousjealousgurlll · 14 days ago
feliz dia de san valentín!!!!
Okay finally, finally I joined the Armando Aretas bandwagon, (extremely late but oh well). I wanted to write for him since I've seen Bad Boys 4 this past summer 😭
I truly appreaciate anyone who glance at my work, it especially makes my heart melt to see someone likes or reblog my work giving me a platform to express my mind and desires creativity. THANK YOU❤️
If you have any feedback, let a girl know
Here is a moodboard based on this story
I have a few more stories regarding Armando, I may or may not release them teehee!!!
Armando Aretas x reader
Warnings: none, there is kissing mwahhhhh
Armando learned quickly the four most important holidays to you. 
Valentine’s day
He always went out for the following celebrations, his love language is physical touch and yours is acts of service. Today is Valentine's Day, the day of love. Armando had a special day planned for you and it first started with a note. You wake and before getting out of your bed, you scroll on your phone, responding back to text, and checking your social media pages. Eventually, you got out of bed and walked to your kitchen. Sitting on your dining room table was a white teddy bear reading off “ I Love You” in a heart shape, a box of your favorite chocolate turtles, three balloons dedicated to valentines, and a notecard saying your name. You picked up the note card and read it out loud “Mi amor, I have a special day plan for you please be ready at 2 pm. I love you with all of my heart”
Signed A.A♡
Smiling at the sweet gesture, you went on with your morning. From making breakfast to walking your doggie, Waffles. When it was 2 pm there was a knock on the door, the knock was extremely easy to recognize it was no other than Armando…
He opened the door to greet you with a tight hug, pulling you in so close you smell the mint cologne he wore. His large hands rubbed your back carefully. Releasing from the hug, he then pulled you into a kiss. His full warm lips passionately intertwined with yours, everything about your love with him was steamy and compatible. When he finally pulled you away, he officially greeted you “How’s my girl doing?”
A cheeky smile appeared on your face, “I’m doing amazing, thank you for the beautiful gesture. It was a wonderful way to start my morning”.
He smiled at your response and responded “Anything for you” 
“Why don’t you come in baby” you suggested. 
“Actually, our adventure together starts now. I have something planned for us and it starts rather soon”
A little surprised by this you buck your eyes out “Oh um okay, let me grab a jacket and I’ll be rea-”
Armando interrupted you and said, “You can wear mine, it’s in the car”.
Turning back around you smiled and began to lock hands with each other. One of Armando’s most underrated qualities was how he was always prepared, if you guys were having a sleepover he would purchase your favorite snacks prior, and he would have your toiletries ready on your side of the bathroom. Leading you to his beautiful jet-black Porsche 911, he opened the car door for you and closed it once you entered. Getting in his car, he started the engine. It used to scare you but now you adjusted to the loud motor. The drive to the unknown destination was slight, you were on your phone scrolling on Pinterest. Armando was concentrating on the road, however, he found a way to your thigh, driving with his left hand he gently squeezed your thigh which caught your attention. He then started to gracefully rub his finger onto your thigh in circles. You began to blush and glance at him but he was determined to keep his eyes on the road. He turned on the right signal and turned into a parking lot. The place had a mysterious look, you had no idea what this place was. You looked around to see if there were any hints, it was off of a busy street and the location was a small black building. He opened the door for you and grabbed your hand, he led you up the stairs and opened the door to the mystery building. Inside there was a variety of flowers, a wooden work table, and an older lady smiling at you guys. “Hi, I am so happy to see you both” she announced “My name is Marge and I will be your personal florist for the day”
You looked over at Armando still confused about this activity “Baby what exactly are we doing” you questioned him.
He smiled and said “We are making bouquets for you”
A sudden realization came to mind,” that’s why I didn’t receive any flowers, he always gets me flowers for any holiday” you said out loud. The both of you and the florist Marge laughed, “Well without further ado, let's create”.
“Firstly you must wash your hands and put on an apron. The aprons are by the sink”
You and Armando walked over and washed your hands. He grabbed an apron to put it on you tight, he whispered in your ear “You are so pretty mami”. You playfully rolled your eyes. After taking proctoals, you both took a seat ready for action. Marge began to explain the process of making a bouquet “I encourage you to pick any flowers that you like. If something is speaking to you, grab it, it's your heart telling you what it wants.” Something about the energy she has made you feel safe, reminding you of a maternal figure. You started to observe the flowers, branching away from picking a color scheme you picked a few red roses and matched them with peony flowers. The process started to feel spiritual rather than thinking about perfection and coordination it was just a fun activity. Glancing at how Armando was doing, he stuck with using various lily’s his bouquet was lovely too. 
“Are you enjoying this activity, princes?” he asked with eagerness. 
“Yes I am, this is not what I was expecting but I am enjoying this, especially with you.” you looked at him smiling with your beautiful eyes.
He shook his head of approval. Continuing to make his bouquet. When you guys finished, you thanked Marge for today “I wish you guys well, hoping the next time you need my service is for your wedding bouquet” She giggled and followed up with “All right now take care”. Leaving out of the “mysterious” building, you felt happy. Flowers always brighten up your mood and the thoughtful activity planned by Armando was outside of the box.
Once the both of you settled into his car, he started to drive to another location. Having to get on the highway made you skeptical asking him “What’s the next adventure baby?”
He looked towards the passenger side and replied “You’ll see soon”.
Another surprise, yay! You hated surprises but he always planned the best outings. Sitting comfortably you decided to connect to Apple car play and play some music. Listening to Katy Perry’s Teenager Dreams, brought back memories. Good memories, thinking about the simplicity of life when this song came out. Armando on the other hand was extremely confused that you knew all of the lyrics to this song. “You like this music?” he asked curiously “Duh, I wouldn’t play it if I didn’t” Giggling at the curiosity of his voice he then playfully rolled his eyes smiling to the side. 
Finally, after an hour-long car ride, he stopped the car at the next location. The sun was starting to set, you looked outside to see you guys were at the beach. “Baby, I didn’t bring a swimsuit. You know I am not about to skinny dip in daylight”
He laughed at the seriousness in your tone “Carino we are not here to swim or tan it’s for something else, come please” You stepped out of the door and held your hand. He took off his shoes and held them in his free hand walking through the sand felt amazing. The sand was getting into your Tory Burch flip-flops but you didn’t care. He stopped in his tracks which in front of you was a set up picnic with a blanket. 
 “Omg, you must follow my Pinterest board because having a picnic on the beach has been a dream of mine for a while.”. You continue to ramble about how beautiful the waves sound and how happy you were, Armando couldn’t be happier to see how much this day meant to you. You jumped into his arms and effortlessly picked you, you began to wrap your legs around his torso and he spun you around. 
“Thank you, baby,” you said with your face buried into his neck. You then started to kiss his neck which made him feral.
“Sweetness, we can’t fuck on the beach. It’s against the law remember?” 
He sat you down and the both of you began to eat. There was a charcuterie board of cheese, ham, grapes, and chocolate-covered strawberries. You picked up a strawberry to feed Armando, he aggressively licked the strawberry and began to devour it in your fingers. 
“Very animalistic, Mr. Aretas”
He laughed at the sarcastic joke you said. You guys started to talk about any and everything. This day couldn’t get any better. 
Pouring a glass of rose, you made a cheers to “many more Valentine’s Day together”
“SALUD” Armando yelled.
After finishing your rosé, heavy eye contact was made by the both of you. Every time you looked deep into his brown eyes, you grew more in love with him. He leaned over to gently grab your cheek and crash his lips into yours. The kiss started off slow and calm, then it became more passionate. His tongue absorbed your mouth, you did the same for his. 
Pulling away to catch your breath, you calmly said “Happy Valentine’s Day”
“Happy Valentine’s Day to you, mi vida”. 
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doc-notarealone-salas · 10 months ago
I can't not laugh at the image of Mace Windu fuming in whatever afterlife is for the force ghosts knowing that his lineage and Anakin's are forever interwined
Yes this about Ezra and Sabine
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kaijucantdie · 3 months ago
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Gotta love her from head to her white toes💅👅
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