caraleedixon · 3 years
There's no going back
Five years
Five years since Rick Grimes had gone MIA
Four and a half years since the Dixon Twins were born
Five Years since Carl and Cara had become head of the Tribunal of Alexandria
Five years and 9 months since Michonne had had Cara's, Carl's and Judith's baby brother Richard Grimes Junior aka RJ.
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Cara sat down in the church, she had just dropped the twins off at school, and she knew she had a Town Meeting. "Sorry I'm late guys, DJ didn't want me to leave." She said chuckling, looking over at Michonne and then gasping as she saw Maggie. "Oh my god! Mags!" She yelled as she got up and ran to hug her best friend's wife. "How's Hershel? How's everything? How have you been?" She asked, Maggie chuckled and hugged her back tightly.
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Maggie smiled as she pulled away from her best friend to look at her. "I'm great, I'm so sorry I wasn't here when the twins were born but of course I'd like to meet them after the meeting" She said, "As long as it doesn't run too late... Hershel is with Jesus and the kid doesn't like being away from me for too long.." She said, Cara beamed.
"Just like his Daddy" She said, smiling sadly. "Anyway.. lets get this over with so you can meet the Twins."
~~~~~~Later that night~~~~~~
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SDaryl smiled softly as Cara walked into the bedroom that night after putting the twins to bed. Dog was getting loves that he only got when it was only Daryl and Cara. The K9 looked over at Cara as she shut the door. Cara bounced onto the bed next to Daryl and Dog as she kissed Daryl's chest.
"Hey Redneck" She said as she slipped under the covers and cuddled closer to her man. "How was your day beyond the walls?" She asked gently as Dog licked her face a couple times making the girl giggle.
"Our day was alright, We got some squirrels and two deer... didn't we Dog?" He said as Dog barked in confirmation. "And how was your day, my Sunshine?" He asked gently, wrapping one arm around her as he pulled her closer. Cara looked up at him before kissing his jaw.
"I got to see Maggie today, and I saw little Hershel... though he's not so little anymore" She said chuckling. "And the twins got to meet their Aunt Maggie" She said smiling. Daryl smiled happily. "And I got to hang out with Mags this afternoon." She said as Daryl smiled.
"I'm glad, Finally they got to meet Maggie I've missed her" He said gently, "Will she be staying long?" He asked, "I'd like to see her tomorrow if I can."
"Ya, She'll be staying two weeks" Cara said as she yawned, "Do you mind if I sleep in tomorrow? I'm exhausted" She asked sleepily as she shut her eyes.
"No problem at all Sunshine... Get some sleep" He said, kissing her head gently. "Dog, go get the light for mommy" He said, Dog jumped off the bed and turned off the light as the Dixon Family slept.
@stellacarlinlitchfield-blog @brinalynn
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caraleedixon · 4 years
The Return
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Cara came back to Alexandria late that night, after unloading everything, she made her way to the dark house that she shared with Daryl. “Thank god the man is sleeping” She muttered to herself as she walked into the kitchen. Cara poured herself a glass of water by the sink and looked out the window as she sipped on it. It was getting worse out beyond the walls, more and more walkers and less and less people. 
Suddenly the light in the kitchen flicked on, Cara blinked in the sudden brightness before turning around slowly to face Daryl who was staring at her. “You’re late, Sunshine” He said gruffly, he was in his boxers and shirtless. The burnet looked him up and down as she sipped the last of her water before setting it down on the counter. “Thought you’d be back hours ago” 
Cara pursed her lips, she knew that she had to be in trouble with how he was acting. “Ya.. sorry about that... went farther out then I expected...” She said as she walked slowly over to him, she leaned up and kissed his cheek. “Sorry it’s so late Redneck” 
Daryl chuckled darkly, taking ahold of her throat gently, in a loving way; before kissing her lips gently. “Oh we’ll talking about that later, first we have to deal with my little girl being bratty with me earlier today” He whispered against her lips. Cara nodded as Daryl moved his hand to her cheek and caressed it gently. “I thought we were past you givin’ me lip outside of the bedroom... ‘specially when you left me with blue balls this morning” 
Cara gulped slightly, she tried not to smile. “Hey, you wouldn’t wake up this morning... not my fault Daddy” She whispered, Daryl raised an eyebrow at her before bringing his big hand down on her ass hard. The burnet yelped slightly, as Daryl picked her up and threw Cara over his shoulder before caring her up the stairs and into the bedroom. Daryl gently tossed her onto the bed before saying gruffly. 
“Strip” Cara scrambled up quickly before shoving off her pants and underwear, before pulling off her shirt and bra. Daryl growled slightly, at the sight of his girl sitting naked in front of him. The man pulled her to the edge of the bed before kissing her roughly and passionately. 
Daryl smirked at Cara’s little mews of pleasure as his hand snaked down between her legs and began to play with her clit.
 “Never leave me horny again, Sunshine” 
“Yes Daddy” 
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caraleedixon · 3 years
Coming to Alexandria
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"So, Tell me Caralee..." Deanna said as she looked up at the girl who was walking around the room. "What did you do before the end of the world?" She asked her gently.
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Cara watched the woman for a moment before sighing. "I was starting Police Academy... Ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted to be a cop just like my dad..." She said as she flopped down on the chair in front of Deanna.
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"That's admirable... wanting to be just like your father" Deanna said as she smiled at Caralee. "And were you with your father when the world ended?" She asked her, watching the girl as she shifted uncomfortably.
"No... I was in Atlanta..." Cara told her, glancing at the camera behind Deanna. "A group of friends and I were on a last hooray vacation before I started the Academy in the fall... I woke up to the screams and got out of there before the bombs hit... Daryl... He uh... He found me in the woods and brought me to my mom and Carl" She said looking at Deanna again. The woman nodded, before Deanna could ask her next question Caralee put up a hand. "Look, our group... we're a family, and the kids... including Carl... They need a place to grow up in a place where they can be kids... Hell, Judith has only known being on the road and hiding." She told Deanna, "It may not look like it but we are all good people.. Daddy may look like a serial killer with that beard but I'm tellin' you that he is one of the best men that I know. Daryl.... He cares more about everyone else in this family then himself. Glen... Glen is one of the best runners that we have and he can go and come back without any walkers knowing that he had even left. Our family can help Alexandria because we know how it is out there, You think that your town is so great because you've survived... which is true you have but it's a miracle that you have survived this long Deanna. You might not know it yet but you need us here. You need protection on what is out there and we've been out there since the beginning. It would be in the best interest of your town, your people, and your immediate family that you let MY family stay here and help you all." Caralee leaned back in the chair and watched Deanna who was watching her as if she had just sprouted wings or something. "Look, I got manners, my daddy made sure of that. However, all I'm trying to tell you is that you people need us"
Deanna looked at her for a moment of silence before smiling at her, "I appreciate the honesty, and I look forward to seeing the advances that I'm sure your family will give our town.. But I have one more question for you" Cara glanced up at her and motioned for her to continue. "Why was the only person that Mr. Dixon smiled about when he spoke was you? He's got to be at least ten years older then you."
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'Cara smiled broadly as she heard that Daryl had only smiled talking about her. "That would be because he saved my life at the beginning of the end of the world... Daddy gave his blessing and ever since.. Well Daryl and I have been together.. I'm the only one he smiles about because... well... I'm the only one that man truly loves..."
"Well... Welcome to Alexandria, Miss Grimes... I think you are going to be a welcomed addition to our little town." Deanna said smiling as she turned off the camera.
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caraleedixon · 3 years
The Dixon Tiwns are born
Seven moths had passed since the explostion at the bridge.
Seven months had passed since Caralee's father had disappeared.
Seven months of helping with Judith.
NINE months for morning sickness and fatigue.
August 17th
Cara woke up to the feeling of wetness all over the bed and contractions. "DARYL!!! MY WATER BROKE!! DARYL WE GOTTA GET TO HILLTOP!" she screamed, boots pounded up the steps.
"Alright alright ill grab the bag and get Michonne and Carl" he said trying to act calm but inside he was freeking out. " One baby makes three Dixon's Sunshine" he said gently.
~~~on the way~~
Cara was trying not too scream in pain as the contractions were coming closer and closer. "REDNECK! YOU NEED TO GET ME THERE THE BABY IS COMING NOW!" she screamed at Daryl who was driving as fast as he could.
"Yes Sunshine yes im going as fast as i can baby" he said biting his tongue.
Carl held his sister's hand, "we'll be there soon Lee-Lee" he said calmly, rubbing her arm. "Come on remember what Michonne said... You need to breath" Cara glared at him. "Hey relax. Us Grimes kids are strong" he said earning a chuckle from his sister.
Daryl carried Cara to the doctors trailer. He kicked the door until the doctor opened up.
"Baby coming?" He asked, Daryl nodded as Cara screamed. "Alright alright get in here we gotta check how many centimeters she is" Daryl brought her into the trailer and laid her down on the bed, she wasnt wearing pants and just pulled off her underware as the doctor put gloves on and checked her. " Cara... I need you too push alright? It's gonna hurt.. But sweety youre going to be okay I promise" Cara nodded slowly, taking a breath and starting to push.
Ten minutes later, Caralee Dixon had given birth to a beautiful little boy.
"Daryl Jay Dixon Junior" she said holding him in her arms before she had another contraction. "What the hell?!" She bit back a scream as Carl took DJ. The doctor came running over with the ultrasound machine. He put the gel on her belly before taking a look.
"Well... I dont know how I missed this but Cara... Youre having another baby... Give us a couple good pushes and your twins will offically being born"
After a couple of minutes, Cara had then given birth to a little girl. "Daryl... Name your little girl" she said smiling tiredly up at Daryl who was holding the little girl as Carl held DJ still.
"Wait.. Really?" He asked looking down at her with tears in his eyes. "Well little one, your Aunt is little asskicker so....-"
"Daryl... A real name" she warned him.
"I was joking Sunshine...." He said gently kissing Cara's head. "How about... Sierra Rae Dixon?" He asked to which Cara nodded.
"Welcome to the end of the world DJ and Sierra" she said as Carl and Daryl handed the twins to her.
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caraleedixon · 3 years
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Seven years....
Seven years of missed birthdays
Seven years of missed Halloween's
Seven years of missed Christmas's
Seven years of family
Caralee watches her sixteen year old brother, Carl, play with her three year old sister, Judith. She was sitting with her father and lover, Daryl Dixon.
"We have other kids here in Alexandria right?" The girl asked the men next to her. The men nodded slowly, wondering what she was thinking. "Its October... I think we should talk to the other parents about having a trick or treat night" she said standing up.
"True we've had a bad couple of months... But... The kids need some normalcy. But not too normal... Carls age and younger should be allowed to get stuff too" she said looking around.
"We dont exactly have the candy fir EVERY child, Cara" Rick said watching her.
"Daryl and Carl and I can go on a hunt..." She said. "We'll find some candy and other stuff for trick or treating"
~~~~~One Week later~~~~
Daryl, Carl and Cara had found a shit ton of candy, toys and other nick knacks for trick or treating. As well as a hell of a lot of costumes.
Cara was getting Judith ready as she heard Carl swear from the room next door. The burnett picked up Judith and ran to Carls room. "Whats... Holy shit" she said coming to a stop. "Carl... You look just like... Dad..."
Cara had found an out sheriffs uniform and had fixed it to fit Carl.
"Where did you find this?" He asked, Cara smiled gently.
"I found it at a police station... Im so glad it fits properly" she said gently.
"Thank you so much, Lee-Lee" he said hugging her tightly. Judith made a squeak as Carl chuckled. "We'll arent you a cute little princess" he chuckled. Cara put Judith down and opened her closet pulling out her fathers old sheriffs hat and handed it to Carl.
" The finished costume" she said as Carl looked surprised.
"I thought I left this at the Prison...." He said as Cara smiled gently.
"I grabbed it and have kept it safe since then" she told him. "Now lets go show daddy his two trick or treaters"
The three Grimes kids walked down the stairs. Rick's eyes widened as he saw Carl and Judith. There were tears in Ricks eyes as they fell on Carl.
"I dont know if you remember this... But when Cara told me that she wanted to be a cop.. Carl you told me that you wanted to be a sheriff just like me... And now... Even if its for Halloween... I can see how you would have turned into if the world hadn't ended" Rick said smiling. "And you... Princess Judith... You are only wearing what you should be too" he chuckled taking the girl into his arms.
The first Halloween in Alexandria was a complete success. There were no zombies... No new hero's...but it was amazing.
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caraleedixon · 4 years
Wolves in Alexandria
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Cara was in her kitchen as she heard shots around Alexandria. The burnet looked up seeing a man entering through her back door. She threw a shoe at him before grabbing a knife out of the block. “Don’t come near me! I’m warning you, I will kill you if I have to” She growled at him. Her father, Daryl and the other men were dealing with the horde of walkers from the gorge, however Daryl had taught the girl how to protect herself from the beginning. 
The blond wolf smirked at her and her knife. “Oh little girl, I’m only here to open your eyes, this isn’t our world anymore sweet cheeks.” He said chuckling, taking a step towards her. Cara raised her eyebrow at him as she stood her ground. 
“Do you really want to die today, buddy? Cuz it seems like you do” She said moving the knife into a better position to protect herself. “Look, walk away, you don’t wanna do this man” She said, the man took another step towards him before Cara closed the gap between them and shoved the knife into his head. When she pulled it out she ran up the steps to be able to get dressed quickly. She had to find Carl and Judith, make sure they were alright and protect them with her life. 
~`~~On the Road~~~
Daryl had heard the semi horn that was coming from back home, the only thought he had was part or all of the horde going back to Alexandria where his Sunshine was, he had to go and protect her. Daryl reached up and clicked his radio. “Rick! what the hell is goin’ on back home?” He asked gruffly, Rick Grimes must have heard the urgency in his friends voice as he responded almost instantly.  “No idea Daryl, but the best thing we can do is keep going... You know Cara can take care of herself. Her and Carl will protect each other and Judith while Carol protects Alexandria and everyone else.” He said firmly, “We can’t let the horde break off and get back to Alexandria.” Daryl growled as he revved his engine, moving the horde was supposed to have been the next day. Cara was supposed to be on the back of his bike helping, but today; She hadn’t been feeling well and had stayed home to recover for the mission. 
Cara sat in her father’s house, back to back with her little brother as she held her desert eagles in her hands. “You think Dad’s alright?” Cara heard her brother ask, “And Daryl? Michonne? Glenn?” The older Grimes glanced back at her brother, smiling gently. 
“You know their alright, they’ve made it this far.. and they’ve always come back to us, Carl” She said gently, “We just need to do our part and protect Judith until they get back. She sat up straight as she listened, “Sounds like there isn’t anymore screaming... but we’re gonna stay here until we get the all clear from Maggie or Carol” She said, leaning back against her brother’s back. Carl nodded as he sighed. 
A couple of hours later, Cara was sitting on her father’s front porch waiting for their family to return. Her head jerked up suddenly as she heard her father’s voice screaming. “OPEN THE GATE! OPEN THE GATE!” Cara took off in a sprint to the front gate, when she got there she could still hear her father screaming. “OPEN THE GATE! OPEN IT!” As she grabbed the gate she glanced around as Maggie helped her open it. 
“Daddy! Come on! Run!” She yelled at him, after just a moment, they closed the gate behind him and locked it. “What happened? Where’s everyone else?” Rick shook his head as he caught his breath. 
“I have... no... idea... Daryl, Abraham and Sasha should be back soon though, Daryl was worried about you... you can bet that he’ll race his way back here and be happy that yer alright” Rick chuckled breathlessly. 
Cara sat on her couch, it had been two days since the attack on Alexandria, two days since she had seen the love of her life. The burnet was looking down as she played with the engagement ring that he had given her at the Prison. Silent tears were falling down her face that was hidden by her long hair. Cara hadn’t seen anyone since she went home the night of the attack, she had locked herself in the house and was drunk off of her ass by now. The girl looked up as she heard the door handle jiggle and banging on the door. “Go AWAY, Carl, I swear... *Hic*... If I need someone to drink with I’ll ask fucking Michonne or Tasha” She slurred at the door, that’s when she stopped short when she heard a low familiar growl through the door. 
“Caralee LAURIE GRIMES! IVE DEALT WITH WALKERS! BEING SHOT AT! AND LOOSING MY DAMN BIKE! ALL I WANT TO DO IS HOLD THE WOMAN I LOVE SO GET YOUR LITTLE ASS OVER TO THIS DOOR AND UNLOCK IT NOW!” Cara nearly flew of the couch and was over at the front door unlocking it in no time, her arms flew around Daryl’s neck as she jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. She was crying harder now, in relief not grief. “Shhh shh sunshine, m’sorry for yelling” She shook her head as if to say that he didn’t need to be sorry as the man wrapped his arms around her. “I’m here baby girl, I’m home” 
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caraleedixon · 3 years
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I posted 91 times in 2021
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53 posts reblogged (58%)
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I added 53 tags in 2021
#daryldixon - 12 posts
#carlgrimes - 7 posts
#ricksdaughter - 6 posts
#love - 6 posts
#daryl dixon/ reader - 5 posts
#oc - 4 posts
#walkingdead - 4 posts
#twd - 4 posts
#alexandria - 3 posts
#daryl dixon - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 23 characters
#saving the one you love
My Top Posts in 2021
"Why I'm with him" -Cara Grimes
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Cara stood outside the prison, it had been six months since Woodbury had attacked. Most of the people who had lived in Woodbury, now lived at the Prison. Cara was twenty-two now, and very much in love with Daryl Dixon. She didn't even think about men her own age ever since Daryl and her had become official. A blond boy had been staring at her from the food tent, she pursed her lips into a smile looking confused as he smiled broadly at her. The man walked up to her;
"Hey gorgeous, I'm Jake.. nice to finally meet someone my own age.." The blond said as he looked her up at down. "Everyone around here is either kids or old enough to be our father" He joked, Cara's smile faltered slightly. "So, it's only polite to tell me your name too Missy" He said jokingly. Cara raised an eyebrow as she watched him.
"Caralee Grimes" She said, taking a step back as he took a step towards her, Jake wasn't nearly as tall as Daryl but the man still towered over her. "I'm the Sheriff's daughter" She said, kicking her head back to her father who was eating with Daryl and Carl. Jake chuckled slightly.
"Don't tell me you're as rigid as that guy" He said, placing a gentle hand on her cheek that Cara immediately pushed away. "Oh come on girl, I'm only givin' you a compliment.. don't have to be a bitch" The moment he said the last word the entire courtyard went silent except for the sound of boots hitting pavement.
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6 notes • Posted 2021-04-16 17:08:21 GMT
Cara gets herself get Captured
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Cara had been going crazy after the run in with the Saviors. They had killed her best friend Glen and Abraham. Negan had taken the love of her life, and she knew that he was being tortured. What she didn’t know was how, and THAT was driving her crazy. Though, the daughter of the Sherriff had had enough. 
“Daddy, I’m going. I’m going to break Daryl out and nothing you can say is going to stop me” She said firmly as she raided the guns in Alexandra. Rick was trying to talk his daughter out of leaving. 
“And if you get caught? How is Daryl going to feel about that?” Rick asked sternly, “I can’t give you any back up Cara.” He said watching her filling up on bullets and a duffel bag full of guns. The girl looked up at her father; 
“Well, he’ll have to just deal with it” She said, answering his first question before sighing. “I wasn’t asking for back up Daddy” She said firmly, “I’m going by myself, I was in the academy and... He taught me everything he knew about sneaking around and going on runs.” She grabbed her twin desert eagles and put them in their holsters. 
Rick knew who she was talking about, Glen, even though she had refused to say his name since the attack had happened. “There’s no way that I can talk you out of this is there?” the man asked, Cara shook her head as she made her way out of the house and over to Daryl’s bike. 
“I’ll be back in a couple of days... and if I’m not then... I’m sorry Dad” She said, she started the bike and took off. Making her way to the main Savior compound. 
After a couple of hours, after the sun went down, Cara made her way into the compound stealthily. She made her way down a hall until she heard the loud song ‘Easy Street’ by The Collapsed Heart Club. It was a song that her mother used to listen to sometimes. Cara picked the lock on the door before opening it as quietly as she could. The girl smiled when she saw Daryl as she took a step forward before the world went black.
Daryl shot up and caught Cara before she hit the ground, “Well well well lookie here!” Came Negan’s voice as he took a step into the light. “Looks like Junior Sherriff had come to save you.. she didn’t do to well of a job did she?” he asked
Daryl growled at Negan. “Let her go. she didn’t hurt any of your men. she wasn’t thinking” 
“Oh Daryl Daryl Daryl” Negan chuckled, “Miss Grimes isn’t going anywhere” 
“We got married. a week before you killed her best friend. her last name is Dixon now” 
6 notes • Posted 2021-03-19 20:16:31 GMT
The Saviors
One week....
One week since Glen and Abraham had been killed by Negan and his Lucille.
One week since Daryl had been taken to the Savior's compound by Negan.
One week since Cara had spoken to anyone.
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Carl Grimes looked over at his older sister as she walked up the porch steps of the house he shared with their father and Michonne. "Hey there Sis... While Dad's away, I think that the Grimes kids should play what do you think?" He asked. Cara looked up at him confused.
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6 notes • Posted 2021-05-12 06:13:17 GMT
The Return
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Cara came back to Alexandria late that night, after unloading everything, she made her way to the dark house that she shared with Daryl. “Thank god the man is sleeping” She muttered to herself as she walked into the kitchen. Cara poured herself a glass of water by the sink and looked out the window as she sipped on it. It was getting worse out beyond the walls, more and more walkers and less and less people. 
Suddenly the light in the kitchen flicked on, Cara blinked in the sudden brightness before turning around slowly to face Daryl who was staring at her. “You’re late, Sunshine” He said gruffly, he was in his boxers and shirtless. The burnet looked him up and down as she sipped the last of her water before setting it down on the counter. “Thought you’d be back hours ago” 
Cara pursed her lips, she knew that she had to be in trouble with how he was acting. “Ya.. sorry about that... went farther out then I expected...” She said as she walked slowly over to him, she leaned up and kissed his cheek. “Sorry it’s so late Redneck” 
Daryl chuckled darkly, taking ahold of her throat gently, in a loving way; before kissing her lips gently. “Oh we’ll talking about that later, first we have to deal with my little girl being bratty with me earlier today” He whispered against her lips. Cara nodded as Daryl moved his hand to her cheek and caressed it gently. “I thought we were past you givin’ me lip outside of the bedroom... ‘specially when you left me with blue balls this morning” 
Cara gulped slightly, she tried not to smile. “Hey, you wouldn’t wake up this morning... not my fault Daddy” She whispered, Daryl raised an eyebrow at her before bringing his big hand down on her ass hard. The burnet yelped slightly, as Daryl picked her up and threw Cara over his shoulder before caring her up the stairs and into the bedroom. Daryl gently tossed her onto the bed before saying gruffly. 
“Strip” Cara scrambled up quickly before shoving off her pants and underwear, before pulling off her shirt and bra. Daryl growled slightly, at the sight of his girl sitting naked in front of him. The man pulled her to the edge of the bed before kissing her roughly and passionately. 
Daryl smirked at Cara’s little mews of pleasure as his hand snaked down between her legs and began to play with her clit.
 “Never leave me horny again, Sunshine” 
“Yes Daddy” 
7 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 20:33:36 GMT
The Prison
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After the walkers had gotten into the prison, Cara had gone missing. Everyone assumed the worse after Laurie, except for Daryl. The man refused to believe that Cara would have been killed by the walkers. He searched the prison high and low until he nearly broke and opened a solitary door when he thought a walker was there. He stopped short, knife raised until he realized that it was Cara. “Sunshine?” He asked slowly before picking her up and taking her back to C Block. “Hershel!” He yelled as he placed the girl gently down on his mattress, the old man came hopping up the stairs before sitting down and taking a look at her. 
“Well thankfully, no bites or cuts” Hershel said gently as he glanced up at Daryl. “She looks dehydrated and exhausted” He said as Rick and Carl came running up the stairs, Rick stopped short when he saw that his daughter was breathing and held his chest as if he was trying to calm himself down. 
“She doesn’t know...” Carl began, “She doesn’t know about Mom or the baby” He said, glancing back as his father walked back down the stairs and out of C Block. Carl looked up at Daryl, “You found her huh? I knew you would... I’ve had to take care of the baby and Dad... well...” Daryl shook his head slowly. 
“You know that I love your sister, I wasn’t going to stop til I found her... alive or...” Daryl stopped talking instantly as Cara opened her eyes slowly. “Hey Sunshine, you’re safe, I gotcha” He said kneeling down and kissing her head. Cara reached up, wrapping her arms tightly around him, she was shaking. “Shh shh Sunshine.. we got ya” 
8 notes • Posted 2021-03-19 18:32:39 GMT
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