#Rich the idiots video game clips
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Sure, I've got a fuck ton of mods installed, and we just got Withers Big Naturals on console, but what do I really want- TO ROMANCE HIM, LET ME ROMANCE ROLAN, I BEGGGG. LOOK AT HIM!
His relationship with his siblings- I - 🥹 Them teasing him makes me chuckle, absolutely how siblings are.
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richkidznation · 5 years ago
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How You Like That? is a single album released both physically and digitally by Zona $ul. The track was written and produced by the boys with the help of Royal's staff. The boys promoted the single for 3 weeks by performing on music shows and going to radio and variety shows. How You Like That was released on August 26th, 2020 both physically and digitally, the music video was also released that day. The single got 3 wins.
$$ M/V aesthetics
Dance Scenes
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Dani Solo Shots
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Sabi Solo Shots
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Bolt Solo Shots
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$$ Era Styling
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$$ Era Overall
ok sO
the boys KILLED IT !!! most of the fandom considered it their best era since their brazilian debut they SHINED
quite literally they wore a LOT of jewlery during promotions lol
and sPARKLY MAKEUP sorry i’m excited-
there was some discussions about who owned that era and honestly no one got to a decision so it depends on who you ask
also the hAiRStYLeS they had a lotta fun, everyone had crazy hairstyles and even got to wear pigtails at least once even at like variety shows and stuff- also Bolt did,,, something to his hair i’ll leave that to a separate post ;)
speaking of variety shows-
they went to a LOT
and again Bolt cheated on all the games someone stop him- they gave hosts all around television a lot of headache
they also went to idol radio and the staff almost lowered their mics because they were too loud but hey Sabi got to speak more during this era so everyone was very proud of him :)
They made a tiktok dance challenge for it and- oh God they made a tiktok
it’s full of Bolt’s baking stuff, Sabi twerking and Dani ranting about having to take care of these idiots (occasionally videos of Cecília that their family sends them)
again STYLING Sabi took care of it so ofc you can see he likes shiny things and skirts
he did wear a skirt (imagine: first styling pic) in the m/v but changed to shorts for the performances because they wouldn’t let him :(
Speaking of performances their first one was actually a mess
Sabi messed up by the end but played it off as part of the dance, Bolt actually said bitch on tv and Dani forgot his part-
But for the others they went super well dw
SABI DEEP VOICE he's not used to use it but he did this time and Rich Kidz LOVED IT
When they got their first win for this song Sabi cried because he'd been struggling to keep the quality of his performances so seeing it all paid off made him emotional :( there's clips if the boys hugging him while he cries everywhere now :(
I'll make a separate post for the physical album bc this is too big already sogjskg
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snacc-noir · 5 years ago
prompt : “meth is like capitalism, a little bit never hurt anybody.”
Warning: Drug references
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would.”
Kim chuckles beside them. Nino takes on a dashing father pose in hopes to intimate his three-brain-celled friend.
“Dude, you wouldn’t even go a night without brushing your teeth.”
“And I have a very low dental bill, thanks,” Adrien says smugly.
The other two exchange glances. Kim shifts on his beanbag, not invested enough to pause the video game but entertained all the same. “Aren’t you rich anyway?”
Adrien politely ignores him.
“Adrien, my pal, my bro, my formally homeschooled idiot, you can’t do meth.”
He clips himself to the wall. “Why?”
“Because it’s bad.”
“Oh, come on,” he starts, again, and Nino preps himself for another rebellious-teenager lecture (with Adrien lately he’s feeling more confident about his and Alya’s future). “Meth is like capitalism, a little bit never hurt anybody.”
Kim roars in laughter. His avatar dies.
“Dude, you don’t even have access to meth.”
“I can look it up.”
“Don’t look it up.”
“Well what am I supposed to do?” he huffs. “You told me to act out more to get my father’s attention, and the most I’ve done is played video games in Kim’s basement.”
Nino hunches on the beanbag and fondles his glasses. “Drugs are a whole other level. Do you even know what it can do to you?”
Adrien presses his thumbs. The room is stiff and he suddenly wants a drink (not that kind of drink. Nino wouldn’t even let him suggest that). Kim kicks his bottle over by request and he swigs, avoiding eye contact.
“Wait,” Nino stops him from answering, “how’d you even hear about drugs? Alya had to explain to you what a condom was the other day.”
Adrien’s nose scrunches. Kim’s still doing nothing but releasing imminent snickers and bashing his controller.
“Well, I- I heard about them. A bunch of street boys were talking about meth and I overheard.”
“Oh Adrien,” Nino feels he’s failed as his better dad, “don’t tell me you hung out with them.”
“I didn’t!” His hands surrender. “I thought if they’re shady kids that meth would be something to do to annoy my father. Now I know what it is.”
“Yeah, it’s just white crystals you touch and become a street thug, apparently. Easy!”
Kim pauses him game. Both pin gazes, inquisitively, quite baffled.
“What...” Nino’s face is comical. “Where did you...?”
“Alix told me!”
He blinks.
A controller falls.
Adrien jerks off the wall. “What is it, Kim?” Panic expands in his chest, concerned why his friend is cackiling so hard. “What did I say?”
“Adrien, my guy,” Nino’s whole tightness has relaxed, his face warmer and less frigid, “there’s a lot more to it than that. It messes with your head, it’s super bad for you, it’s illegal—”
Adrien gasps at the word.
“—and you can become addicted. Alix was either messing with you or didn’t want to destroy your innocence.”
“Both, likely,” Kim chuckles out, lightly recovering. “She’s amazing like that.”
“Kim, she told Adrien meth was pretty crystals.”
He retrieves his controller. “Exactly my point.”
Nino rolls his eyes, presently relieved. He settles on the beanbag finally knowing he won’t have to lurch up any time soon.
“Wait, so.” Adrien’s in a state of disbelief; of mixed questions, of shattered naivety. He’s rubbing his silver ring and frankly, stressing Nino out again.
“Weed isn’t just a plant?”
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madamenighttalon · 6 years ago
Why Desexualizing Women in Video Games is More Dangerous than Over Sexualizing them
Little known fact about me - I’m a nerd: starting from the very first time I picked up a game controller and found myself being tossed into a fantasy world filled with intrigue and danger I have been completely hooked. One of the largest issues as I had as a young girl was the fact that I could never really relate to the characters I was playing, I just didn’t have much in common with big meaty men in armour carrying around guns. So when I found games that let me play as a woman, I was overjoyed; the first game that let me fully alter my in game self was a MMORPG by the name of Perfect World. Honestly looking back it wasn’t that great of a game, it had a pay to play aspect that made it easy for some people to level up and do quests faster and it was pretty easy to find yourself in places that you just weren’t strong enough to handle yet. But that didn’t matter to me; there were eight classes in the game at the time and seven of those classes allowed you to play as a female - with one class (Venomancer) being restricted solely for women. I was able to completely customize my character - I could make make her tall or short, thick or skinny, I could even control the size of her bust and hips; I was in heaven, not because I could create some sex kitten ( though admittedly a lot of my characters were ridiculously pretty ) but because I could create the kind of woman that I wanted to be - I could make this beautiful woman who didn’t care if she was showing a little skin because if some jerk guy said something to her she could just take them out like a total BAMF.
And yes the clothing for Playable Female Characters (PFC) was pretty revealing, which I didn’t realize at that time was a problem for some people, all I cared about was that finally I had character that was feminine AND a total badass. Playing a game like this made me believe that as a woman, it didn’t matter what I was wearing - be it a mini skirt or leather pants, my clothing didn’t take away from my personal power or invalidate me. Games like this made me feel just as, if not more, powerful than my male counterparts.
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Of course as I got older and took a break from my games I realized that the strength PW had given me was not applicable to the real world - in the real world as a woman I was inherently weaker than the men around me, I had to wear modest clothing so people wouldn’t think I was looking for trouble, I couldn’t read or use my phone in public because it made me a target - made me vulnerable. This was also when I became aware of the fact that some people, people that probably have never played a video game in their life, had a problem with the way that women were being represented. They believed PFC’s we’re being objectified, that their clothing or breast size made them inherently weaker than PMC (playable male characters). Sound familiar.
I started up my gaming addiction again with Fable II and Dragon Age : Origins - I fell in love again. These games, while limiting my customization, still allowed me to play as PFC that was just as strong as the PMC - in fact there was absolutely no stat difference between the two genders. But beyond that they gave me something that my previous gaming had kept from me - they allowed me to develop my characters personality and form bonds (both platonic and romantic) with other in game characters.
Now the fantasy that I dove into was different - I knew that in real life I wasn’t powerful, that I couldn’t say whatever I wanted or wear whatever I wanted, but in this fantasy world I could do that….and more. In the spirit of being completely open - of helping you understand why this game and the way it was made is so important to me, I should mention that I am a survivor of sexual assault. As are many other people I know. In DA:O you are given the chance to play as a young woman who, along with her cousin and friends, is kidnapped on her wedding day by a nobleman looking to throw a “party”. No one can help them out of fear of endangering the rest of their people, and so the women are left to their own devices - it is also insinuated in the game that this is a common occurrence, that women are kidnapped and raped by nobles all the time because they have no power to fight back. Now let me jump in and keep going before someone gets angry; yes this could possibly teach some little idiot that it's okay to objectify and abuse woman EXCEPT FOR ONE THING. You. Fight. Back.
The whole point of the origin is that you, a woman, fights back against her oppressor and saves her cousin and friends. You, alongside your male cousin who, interestingly enough, is weaker than you and honestly only there for moral support, fight your way through the estate taking out anyone that gets in your way until finally you find your younger female cousin who has just been raped by the nobleman and YOU GET TO KILL HER RAPIST. Now I understand that a lot of people may think that its impolite for women to get this excited about violence but anyone that has been sexually assaulted or knows someone that has can tell you that there is not a single moment where they haven’t wanted that person to pay for what they’ve done, but hasn’t felt like that was a possibility because in situations like this the law is rarely on the side of the victim.
Once again throughout this game you are give the choice to wear revealing clothing, and your femininity is highlighted even when wearing full plate armour - you can wear makeup and make yourself as pretty as you want, also as a side note the physique of the women is default set as being very fit and picturesque. Over and over again you are shown female characters who are not forced to sacrifice their beauty and sexuality in order to gain power. (Also they’re literally all gay but that’s a different post)
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So maybe men “objectified” them, maybe they didn’t care about the backstories or personalities, but the young women playing these games 100% payed attention.
The rather long point I’m trying to make here is  that, yes, there are some people out there that purposely create unnaturally attractive women and put them in skimpy clothing because they want to play out some ridiculous sexual fantasy, or because they want to try and demean them and their abilities. Those people won’t respect women anymore if their wearing loose fitted clothing instead of tight leathers, and it’s ridiculous to assume they’re the only ones playing. Female gamers need these characters - they need to have power somewhere because I can tell you they certainly aren’t getting it in the real world; they need female characters that are beautiful without being ashamed, who show as much or as little skin as they want because IT’S THEIR CHOICE, who don’t teach them that in order to be equal to men they have to sacrifice their femininity
When I was reading articles to amp myself up to write this I found a quote that I want to share that said “men win battles and women wear heels.”. Now I’m sure the author was well meaning but they drew in on what I believe is the real reason why these characters offend people. Women are taught through other media and real life experience that beautiful women, with large breasts or curvaceous bodies, who wear clothing that highlights these characteristics can only fall under three categories; The Airhead, who has nothing to offer society and obviously cannot possibly be intelligent because they focus on and or take pride in their appearance, The Mean Girl, who while being ridiculously pretty also has nothing to offer society because she is so self absorbed,usually but not always rich/spoiled, and has no real worth or skill other than her looks so she spends all of her time bringing other people down, and finally The Slut, the obvious beauty who must be having sex with everyone and could only have gained any power or knowledge she has through sex because of the fact that she is unashamed of her body and sexuality - she also has nothing to offer society.
So when they see these characters, when they skim through gaming clips without context, and they see that flash of thigh or display of cleavage, they automatically put the female characters in one of these categories and become offended because they think it’s just another case of woman being demeaned and under sold by men. And maybe that was the intention maybe there's some big misogynistic CEO out there cackling because he thinks he put us in our place. But that’s not what happened, yes men do go into battle, and women do wear heels, that’s what the real world has taught us, but these games -
They taught me that women can do both.
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aggistelar1984-blog · 6 years ago
My girlfriend Saralynn Buys and I had the oppertunity to dance with McHammer and Vanilla Ice when they came to perform at a concert here in Utah. It was a rush! We went bowling with Vanilla Ice and some of his enterouge the next night. I would have to say the most random thing that happend to me to this day was somehow McHammers Cell Phone ended up in my bag. I was hiking with my family in Sequoia Nat Park when I was a teenager, and we saw a bear lumbering ahead of us and to the right, and we stopped, shouting every so often at hikers coming from the other way to make them aware. Then, some IDIOT decided it was prime photo time and starts sneaking up on it. The bear charges at it, but at soon as the idiot was spooked and stumbled back, the bear just went on his merry way, away from the hiking path. And the whole school sort of talks about it, when he not around. His dad might be crazy. The man is really eccentric, and no one ever seen him not wearing a three piece suit. Clios nudism cushion is my favourite so far. It's Worked very well for me as a spring/summer cushion. It has a soft matte finish which I prefer, and it lasts for a decent time without primer. I don know your exmil, but it sounds as if this has been her plan all along. She wanted do over babies with her husbandson. She likely spends a significant amount of time out of your sight grooming your children to call her and think of her as Mom. " n n n nThe four women had underwent a DC CIK intravenous treatment, which was billed as a "platelet rich plasma, " at a DR Medical Beauty Group location on Wednesday, China Daily reported. They were taken to the hospital after complaining of deep headaches and diarrhea. n n n nIt was later determined that they were diagnosed with septic shock, a life threatening blood infection that causes extremely low blood pressure according to the National Institutes of Health. This type of game scenario could be easily created in Trainersoft by using photos or graphics, and applying hot spots that link to 서울출장마사지 video clips. Once the video clip has played, a multiple choice quiz box could pop up that asks the user what he should do next. The options for answers could be linked to individual video clips that play out that scenario. Spoke to my therapist about this and really the only way for me to stop feeling this way was to remind myself, that if and when death happens, I will still be ok. I not sure if you feel the same way, but to me, it feels like their deaths would devastate and ruin me totally. Like I could not 서울출장마사지 live without them in my lives. But hey if you want to believe the illuminati lizardman are altering our gene through vaccines to hide that the earth is flat then I doubt I can change your mind. Thinking there more lies than truth is some serious psychological trust issues going on. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine." 44 points submitted 12 days ago. I would have done it for a baby or young who had a low probability of getting better. Like my cat, they would not have been able to understand the situation or why they were going through pain, they would not have been able to express their will to me. So why is it okay to put down a cat but not a child.
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newsnigeria · 5 years ago
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/9-11-deep-state-false-flag/
9/11: the deep state false flag that keeps on condoning Western terrorism at home and around the world
11 September 2019
Crosslinked with:
Pictured above: In 2010, I saw this 23-second clip of the 52-story World Trade Center 7 collapsing and was gob smacked. As a certified science teacher with a good knowledge of physics, I could tell it was brought down by controlled demolition, with thermite cuts seen and heard on the face of the building, during its six-second freefall – saying to myself, “What the fugg?”. Unlike Harry Potter, you can’t suspend universal laws of physics. It was the beginning of my long and painful journey into the dark, evil heart of Western empire. As much as the bitter truth hurts, I’ve never looked back.
Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. – Bertrand Russell
In Book #2 of The China Trilogy, China Rising, I completely destroyed the official story about what happened on September 11, 2001. I am a certified science teacher and understand physics well. In 2010, after seeing the above clip of the 52-story WTC 7 coming down in free fall by controlled demolition, it was like becoming an actor in a Sherlock Holmes murder thriller. When one alibi is destroyed, the whole caper eventually gets exposed to the white light of truth. Unfortunately in this case, the culprits have not been brought to justice – yet.
After years of research and thousands of hours of investigation, I discovered just how evil and psychopathic Western elites really are, in their lust for power, property, capital and resources. To those ends, they pummel world citizens into fearful sheeple, with an endless cascade of false flag “terrorism” and “mass shootings”. No one wants to admit the bitter truth, but I refuse to live the rest of my life as a brainwashed, heavily-in-debt, super-consuming, useful idiot. We only get one chance on this planet and since 2010, my head has been held high.
The West’s neocons had been howling for years for a new Pearl Harbor (Project for the New American Century – PNAC) to shock the people into accepting global warfare on resource rich countries across Asia, from North Korea in the East to Libya in the West. Remember full spectrum dominance and George W. Bush’s grotesque “Axis of Evil”? With 9/11, these elite perps got the cowed public’s carte blanche to massacre, starve and sanction countless millions, destroy and occupy countries of their choosing, in order to steal the locals’ resources, plunder public treasuries for trillions of dollars and euros, via inflated “security” and corrupt arms contracts. A quick look at today’s headlines and world map shows just how lethal 9/11 was and is for millions of dark-skinned, mostly Muslim innocents around the world.
George Orwell wrote that the fascism of empire overseas always comes back to the home countries, to keep the natives just as oppressed as the colonies. It’s the only way the capitalist class can keep on robbing the citizens blind, as they are slowly driven into poverty and despair. Thus, 9/11 gave the elites the perceived mandate to shred civil and legal rights across Eurangloland. Using 9/11 as a wrecking ball, the Patriot Act and successive National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA) have suborned Western constitutions into hollow charades. Your governments can detain you, search you and your property, seize your property, torture, disappear and kill you, with the stroke of a pen and without a shred of evidence. You are just getting a taste of Western, dystopian, police state destitution and government orchestrated propaganda, fear and loathing. It is going to get much, much worse. Hats off to author Suzanne Collins for her Hunger Games books. Art imitating life. That’s exactly where Euranglolanders are heading. Welcome to Panem, bay-bee.
Cui bono 9/11? Not you, that’s for sure. If you still cling to the absurd conspiracy theory that a gaggle of amateur Arabs with box cutters shut down the U.S.’s entire North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), you are in the dwindling minority. Latest polls show that a majority of Americans think their government is hiding the truth about 9/11. Well, DUH!
Alea iacta est. The die is cast and unfortunately, much damage has already been done, both at home and abroad. But with eyes wide open, we can all hope for an eventual Nuremburg-style crimes-against-humanity court to seek necessary justice and cloture, then we can work towards a more noble future for all of humankind.
Quit being a dupe and a patsy. The truth shall set you free. With dignity and awareness, you can hold your head high.
Jeff J. Brown is the author of The China Trilogy (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2018/06/30/praise-for-the-china-trilogy-the-votes-are-in-it-r-o-c-k-s-what-are-you-waiting-for/), blogs and podcasts at www.chinarising.puntopress.com. His forthcoming book, Faster than a Speeding Bullet – the Chinese People’s Unstoppable Socialist Dream for Global Leadership into the 22nd Century, will be released in December, 2020.
Creative Commons: This article by Jeff J. Brown is available for re-publication free of charge under Creative Commons. It may be translated into any language and republished anywhere in the world. Editing is permitted of the article(s). You may edit my article(s) and bio to correct spelling, grammar, word usage and any misstatement of facts.
You may change any wording that may be culturally offensive or inappropriate to the reading audience. You may change the title of my article(s) and you may edit them to fit the desired space and word length preferred by your publication.
If you edit and publish my article(s) the only request is that the intended meaning in my article(s) not be changed or taken out of context. You may use the suggested graphics, which to the best of my knowledge are available free under Creative Commons, but I cannot guarantee that they may be used without the permission of their creator and/or owner. You may select your own choice of graphics, pictures and /and or videos (or none) that complement the intended meaning of my article. Please share and distribute this article widely. My contact email is [email protected].
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This is the post that blew up the most on my Twitter, and for good reason. It's down right hilarious. I've never had this happen in a cut scene before.
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Xbox 360 Rings Of Death
Xbox 360 Rings Of Fatality
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Incredible graphics-- Explore vibrant game worlds with rich visuals increased by PS4 Pro. As outlined listed below, there are modifications to your PS4's adult control functions as well as parent/guardian plus kid accounts, as well as 1080p60 support for Twitch streaming on PS4 Pro. Strong cash back assurance - These overviews are currently mostly video clip tutorials, as well as are for that reason instantaneously obtainable, so if your xbox is not operating in 2 hrs, assert your cash back. Currently you offer an easy Xbox repair service assistance guide to any idiot that could read and also is clever enough to deal with 360 games and also they will be back on course quickly. The question that's asked currently is can I repair it? You can play high-def video games with the PS 3. Various other interesting features include surfing the web, viewing videos and images with the console. This is not a long-term remedy for this 3 lights error as the play ought to not be dropped in between.
This error is brought on by the heat and also it could be quite tough to repair it. The red ring of fatality mistake is deadly harmful to turn the console right into a block. Next off, ask yourself how the addition of a console will influence your existing enjoyment set up. It's not necessarily uncommon relating to in regards to this extremely cool matter, first you will certainly have to figure out if it is happening just with pair of event as well as occurs on a regular basis. In Grand Burglary Vehicle V, the gamer could hide behind objects in firefights to avoid taking damages from opponents. The video game is established mainly within the fictional state of San Andreas (based upon Southern The golden state) and pays for the player the capacity to freely roam the globe's countryside as well as the fictional city of Los Santos (based upon L.a). Blu-ray gamer and also a wifi adapter are currently integrated! On the General faucet you'll locate a caption "this link utilizes the adhering to products" under this subtitle there are some alternatives one of them is "Internet Procedure(TCP/IP)" dual click on this set. Numerous individuals have usual issue of Xbox 360 rrod and for repairing it and also several of the repairing trouble offered at Internet are absurd and need to never ever be made use of.
As much of you understand, a soft-modded original Xbox is qualified of running emulators for retro video game gaming consoles. One thing to note concerning these gaming consoles is that, apart from the PS1, this series of gaming consoles could play DVDs along with video games, meaning that proprietors of these gaming consoles essentially have 2 tools in one. You could either replace it or leave it to be repaired by an expert for Xbox fixing. Currently, you can take your PlayStation video games anywhere you go. Security Code: Modification Photo Associated searches: Playstation Phone N-gage In Disguise? Publisher: Sam Jones The Playstation 3 yellow light of fatality, YLOD, is very properly named! This indicates a dedication to the existing PlayStation 4 generation which will probably hold off the release of the PlayStation 5 for rather a long time. If you were to be proactively playing the really exact same video game time and also time once more you will certainly get burnt out when you think it over. Select "CHECK INFORMATION", press the 'A' switch one-time. Select "Clear System Cache" to remove the game cache in your system, maximizing space and also getting rid of old unneeded data and also data. Some computer game systems are a one-stop option for all your media needs.
Text and video tutorials will reveal you exactly the best ways to handle a wide array of system issues and sometimes have them taken care of within 1 hour. Discover how you can play well yet securely with your Wii video games system. Pre-order the games you can't wait to play, obtain your practical brand-new titles as well as scandal sheets with PlayStation-exclusive web content as well as pre-load your following experience so it prepares to use the day of launch. Console's are much less complex in layout as well as more budget-friendly making them an attractive choice for gamers who simply intend to play the games and also that's it. It's likewise valuable as it reveals you exactly what games they are playing as well as could present you to brand-new games if you know you have comparable preferences. And also the customers are totally free to choose the very best from among these choices. Want it to be repaired? The supply itself is harmed and also have to be changed if the power supply light stays red. In addition to your standard troubleshooting check list, you ought to check your wire connections and also make certain the power is appropriately connected.
Author: dockett jo When Lego revealed they were taking another look at the popular Harry Potter permit in 2010, fans were eagerly guessing which set the business would certainly make while including input on their very own preferred collections. Gamescom is best nearby and Bandai Namco isn't keep anything back from it's recently delayed title Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. Raise have a peek at this site from the controller face paying attention to not detach the 2 grumble electric motors left wing and ideal side of the motherboard. After all I was weary and unwell of Microsoft and also not getting my console returned back from them fixed. Wow, the console market has obtained made complex hasn't already it? Examine. Broadband quest and also large dives? Fixing my Xbox 360 took less than 2 hrs. In instance of Xbox 360 it resembles a media extender and does not permit you to conserve your AVI documents on the tough drive.
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amerikanramblerpod-blog · 8 years ago
Trump, Cords, and Movie Franchises: Your Guide to 21st Century Living
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Has 21st century living got you down? No worry, here is your handy guide to navigating through a few of the stickier parts of our daily existence. Cheer up! If you are reading this, it means you don't have to worry about all the bullshit people will deal with in the 22nd century. You'll be long gone by then!
Cords: Got wifi? Okay, maybe you do. But that doesn't mean that your life isn't a spaghetti ball of annoying cords. Cord for your phone, your computer, the cable box, DVD player, TV, And let's not forget the car, which now has cords for your satellite radio hookup, your GPS, and your phone. Back in the olde days, cars and phonographs actually started by cranking them. No wires there!
Scamming scumbags. Back in the olde days, you had to have human contact in order to get scammed. That guy that sold you a diseased horse? The Three Card Monte guy on the corner? The clip joint? The used car dealer? Snake oil salesman? The local palm reader or slumlord? These were all scam artists, but they had one thing in common: they had a human touch. They approached you or even you approached them. Physically. In a street or in an office. Such encounters could be horrible. But there was at least a human connection.
Not anymore. Scammers are not only prolific, they are faceless. They contact you through emails from Nigeria, wanting money. They send you spyware, malware, and other nasty viruses for no good reason other than you clicked on their stupid link. They destroy your 401K via Wall Street shenanigans or they are at a sleazy bank that sells you a subprime mortgage. They rob you blind, and yet don't even have the decency to do it with a gun when you're waiting in line at the bank. Scamming is high tech.
Except when it isn't. Let's not forget the payday lenders, check cashing places, car title mountebanks, and other assorted legal loan sharks that charge people $300 interest on a $500 loan. They make credit card companies look like charities in comparison. Not many people pick cotton in this country anymore, but there are still virtual sharecroppers. And they have the massive debts to prove it.
It was fitting that the 2016 Republican convention was held in Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. Because the Republicans at the top like to keep their voters in Check Cashing Place economic chains. The Republicans at the bottom, of course, are those who patronize Quicken Loans. Somehow, though, no one at Fox News found the convention site an ironic choice. Enjoy putting your doctor's bills on the credit card, Debt Slave!
Paying for stuff that you used to get for free. Remember when you could watch TV for free? All you needed was a TV. In the 1980s, when I grew up, TV was free, and it was pretty good. Sitcoms, dramas, lots of movies. Lots and lots of movies. Movies were on every night. You could watch a couple movies a day if you wanted to.
And then VCRS came out. And people started paying to watch movies they used to watch for free. But it was still good. VCRs freed you from commercials. And you could watch films uncut.
Then cable started getting bigger. For a while, cable just had movies and music videos. Then they started making shows. And more people started paying for cable to watch TV. The reception was better, and you could watch delightful, well adjusted people on HBO like Carrie Bradshaw and Tony Soprano.
Then the internet got popular. TV had to step up its game in order to compete with chat rooms and unlimited free porn. If you avoided getting cable, you still had to pay for a digital converter box.
Eventually, internet and cable became part of one demonic package brought to you by the likes of the devil's intern: Comcast. Or whatever cable company to which you have access. But, no, really, Comcast is the worst.
You might find yourself paying $120 a month to keep your internet and watch House Hunters a few times a week. You might eventually ask yourself, "is this insane?" To which the correct answer is: yes.
Luckily, we have ways to get around the cable companies. Netflix never got around to putting flicks on the net. But they do have some pretty cool shows. Amazon, too. And while, we're at it, let's check out Hulu. All for a monthly fee, of course.
Talentless, useless celebrities who never go away. We live in an era where even hardcore music fans could not name a single song by a major artists such as Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, or Justin Timberlake. And these are the pop stars! Like them or not, those musicians have talent. In contrast, there is the unwashed masses of reality TV, from the bearded, backwoods shitasses of Duck Dynasty; the morbidly obese, egg-sucking gutter trash of Honey Booboo; to the sad, terminally lonely mental patients of Hoarders.
But, really, aren't we talking about the Kardashians here?
Yes, Kim and the narcissists and circus geeks that move in her inner circle represent the nadir of the American character. They are like pop culture whales that consume everything and produce nothing. They are ambiguously ethnic Frankenstein's monsters: self-absorbed androids speeding across the consumer dystopia. They are Mitt Romney's loftiest dream (rich) and his worst nightmare (morally bankrupt). The Kardashians are both one-percenters and the worst kind of takers. They are celebrities known for being celebrities.
It is no wonder that the Kardashians turned men like Lamar Odom and Bruce Jenner into shells of their former selves. That is what happens when you get too close to a black hole: you collapse.
But bashing the Kardashians is too easy. Kim and Kanye deserve each other. But as bad as they are, they are pretty harmless. Such is not the case with Donald J. Trump. Trump, like the Kardashians, represents a particularly toxic strain of the national DNA. Kim Kardashian has far too much money. But at least she's not making national policy decisions and insulting foreign leaders and major trading partners who have nuclear weapons.
Trump is the logical extension of a world that bludgeons us with reality TV stars. A man who hath not so much brain as ear wax. He is a bloviating bully--the worst fever dream of H. L. Mencken. Trump is also a man who probably has no idea who H. L. Mencken is and is too lazy to look it up.
Bad hair, bad makeup, bad faces, bad hands, bad debating, bad gestures, bad spelling, bad Tweets. Racism, sexism, xenophobia, taco bowls and KFC buckets. Trump is the embodiment of America's garbage culture. If I were, say, H. L. Mencken, I could call Trump the "Orange Menace, "The Lyin' King," or the "Fastfood Fascist."
But in his defense, I'm not sure Trump knows what is real and what is unreal anymore. He acts as if all the world is his TV show, where only he makes the rules and determines what is fact or fiction. He is a monster, but only because no one told him "No!" 40-60 years ago. We have to blame ourselves, a bit, for the crass, idiotic leadership we get.
Yet, Trump brings up the perennial question that plagues pop culture in America: is this real or performance art? Only Glenn Beck knows for sure.
Yes, the Trumps and the Kardashians will go away eventually. That's comforting if only because of its inevitability. The sad flipside is: they will be replaced by someone worse. That's inevitable, too.
Recycling pop culture, ad nauseam. Hey, did you hear they're making a new Star Wars movie?" Yeah. The only reason I know is because people have been talking about it for, like, five years.
I said that last year. And there making another one. Again.
We've been living with Star Wars for almost 40 years. The first movie came out in 1977. The last really good one was made in 1983. For the last 34 years, Americans (re: white males) have been slave to a nostalgia that knows no bounds. In the mid-1990s, Lucas re-released the original Star Wars movies. Ten years after that, he FINALLY released them on DVD (while not remastering the original movies that everyone loved so much. The DVD of Jedi, for one, looked like shit).
In the interregnum, George Lucas pooped out three very bad Star Wars prequels that made his fans wonder if they weren't living in some kind of bad dream. Lucas wisely sold the film rights to Disney, which, with the help of J. J. Abrams, is putting out some new, highly professional, very adequate, test-marketed product.
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The Star Wars franchise, though, is only the worst offender in a culture that recycles pop culture ad nauseam. Did you know there's a new Strawberry Shortcake show? Did you catch the reboots of Spiderman? The Hulk? Superman? Batman. Batman vs. Superman? The Robocop remake? The Total Recall or Magnificent Seven remake? Hollywood has reached a creative nadir, and we only have the people who saw Jurrasic World (which made $1.7B) to blame. But Ben Hur was a bomb, so I guess there's that.
These are just a few things you need to know on your tour through modern life. I'm sure there are other I'm forgetting. Stay tuned!
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Don't you love falling to your death in the ocean?? Man, when our PS4 bricked, it really fucked up the way our games play after the reboot. I hope I can save up for a PS5, this is getting ridiculous.
Bonus: THIS IS THE SHIT I'M TALKING ABOUT! After about four hours of playing, it starts glitching during cut scenes! Abby kept standing up, and then glitches back down to hugging Owen.
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Oh my goodness, you have no idea how much this made me laugh. Her question definitely caught poor Jonathan off guard! I think this is one of my favorite things that has happened yet, conversation wise.
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Jonathan's laugh gets me, ahhh- I love him. Cheeky lil bastard. I quite like Ichabod a lot, he's an interesting fellow.
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Throwback to the time that Joel zoomed up the stairs past Ellie, like they were doing some kind of race only he knew about. He was adamant on not letting her get up the stairs before him. 🤣
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Okay, I know this video will hurt some folk, but this happened on my last playthrough- Ellie accidentally walked into her own trap, and that helped me get the last hit in.
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How about some RDR2 glitches? I'll be honest, this really pissed me off. Because it kept happening, so much so- That I couldn't even make it 5 miles. And then the game got rid of the horse I'd broken, before I could put my saddle on it.
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I was running all over the Docks, trying to heal everyone's ailments. As the entire time I was in the West End, doing tasks for people and just gaining hints. Every single person, but I think two had some affliction. So, as I was searching for the folks who were sick, I came across Ichabod doing this really adorable sword fighting in the streets with an invisible foe. I didn't think it possible to adore him more.
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