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Der Araber von Morgen wird erwachsen
Die ersten fünf Bände von »Der Araber von Morgen« bestachen durch ihren Erzählreichtum, ihre facettenreichen Schilderungen des Lebens in Libyen und Syrien, die guten Beobachtungen des Alltags und Charakterisierungen der Personen, vor allem des Vaters des Erzählers. Mit dem sechsten Band schließt Riad Sattouf nun dieses Epos aus Beobachtungen, Details und großen Linien. Und auch wenn es verständlich ist, dass die Erzählung endet, schade ist es. Nach sechs Bänden möchte man nicht mehr von der Geschichte lassen. Read the full article
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Riad Sattouf - Der ARABER von morgen / Band 1 - 3.
Riad Sattouf - Der ARABER von morgen / Band 1 - 3. #graphicnovel #derarabervonmorgen #riadsattouf #lesejahr2024 #book #review #penguinverlag
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#Bücher#Buch#Buchbesprechung#Der Araber von morgen#Frankreich#Graphic Novel#Kritik#Lesejahr 2024#Lesen#Libyen#Literatur#Naher Osten#Penguin Verlag#Rezension#Riad Sattouf#Syrien
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Riad Sattouf @riadsattouf gran premio del festival @bdangouleme !! "El arabe del futuro" es una de las mejores obras de todos los tiempos, pero .. Pascal Brutal espera su parte. ¡¡Muchas felicidades!! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn6wrm8DYuW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#FNielAubin, #riadsattouf, #pascalbrutal, #testosteror, #Luce, #masculinisme, #http://www.fnielaubin-artiste.fr/blog/reussir/masculinisme-mon-livre.html
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HERGÉ . #nosamislespoetes #herge #dememoire #tintin #milou #haddock #quicketflupke #tournesol #portrait #pantheon #auteur #poesie #illustration #encre #pinceau #bandedessinee #classique #illustrationartists #illustrator #riadsattouf #tarot #bd #manga #dessin #bibliotheque #jul #julien #phoque #julienphoque #redevenirextravagant (à Brussels, Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVZkkehbwy/?igshid=1hu27pbu84dak
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En mayo del año pasado descubrí entre los anaqueles de la biblioteca Vapor Bell de Sants, una auténtica joya: "El árabe del futuro". Hoy, domingo de frío otoñal, relax y lectura, de un tirón me he leído las 280 páginas del volumen 4 (tarea fácil tratándose de una historia en bocadillos), y una vez más he quedado atrapado en este dibujado relato, cuyo protagonista es el artista galo -de padre sirio y madre francesa- Riad Sattouf, quien nos narra parte de la agitada historia social y política del mundo árabe, en este volumen desde 1987 a 1992, a través de su infantil mirada y de esas significativas experiencias que marcaron su vida. Hasta donde sé, éste es el último volumen publicado (2019), esperando un quinto y último libro. Esta cautivadora historia, publicada en español por la editorial Salamandra, ha sido traducida a 22 idiomas y ha sido reconocida con varios importantes galardones.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ... In May of last year I discovered between the shelves of the Vapor Bell library in Sants, a real gem: "The Arab of the future." Today, a cold autumn Sunday, relaxing and reading, at once I have read the 280 pages of volume 4 (easy task in the case of a story in sandwiches), and once again I have been trapped in this drawn story, whose protagonist is the Gallic artist -of Syrian father and French mother- Riad Sattouf, who tells us part of the troubled social and political history of the Arab world, in this volume from 1987 to 1992, through his childlike gaze and those significant experiences that marked his lifetime. As far as I know, this is the last published volume (2019), waiting for a fifth and final book. This captivating story, published in Spanish by Salamandra publishing house, has been translated into 22 languages and has been recognized with several important awards.⠀⠀⠀⠀ ... #libro #book #libros #books #comic #comics #novelagrafica #graphicnovel #riadsattouf #elarabedelfuturo #thearabofthefurure #edicionessalamandra #salamandra #bibliotecavaporvell #bibliotecadesants #sants #barrisants #barcelona #catalunya #cataluña #españa #spain (en Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGfgEphFzo-/?igshid=x0uvtb5ib8mr
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#stayhome #stayathome #stay #staystrong #stayhomestaysafe #riaddarkhmissa #marrakechstyle #visitmarrakech #riadsattouf #riadmarrakesh #sunnyday #sunshine www.dar-khmissa-marrakech.com (à Riad Marrakech) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-SM2iihMoN/?igshid=1uplywvae0qny
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Love #lescahiersdesther Love @riadsattouf (même qu'il a mis un coeur à ma story l'autre jour et je suis trop fière) Je vous conseille vivement cet auteur !! Good night ! Si vous achetez cet ouvrage chez Guillemot à #pontlabbe, un joli #totebag est offert avec ;-) . . . . . . #lecture #riadsattouf #bd #livre #blonde #blogueuse #blogger #lifestyle #mode #fashion #fashionmum #girl #gif #frenchie #frenchgirl #french #francaise (à Plobannalec, Bretagne, France)
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Just read the harrowing (heart-punching, horrifying) first chapter of #TheArabOfTheFuture (a chance-borrow). Couldn’t stop compulsively turning pages. I don’t read comics at all, but this, this is how the medium is at its most effective. #RiadSattouf breaks my heart 💔 As we go along in our truly privileged lives, occupying them with non-stop art and entertainment, please pause to consider and take action for those in need around the world. Out of 7.5 billion people, 3 billion live in absolute poverty, less than $2.50 per day, and according to @unicef, 22,000 children DIE each day - each *day* - due to poverty. Go to these charities’ official websites. Donate. Don’t abandon those who need help. Please help change our world’s cultures towards treating ourselves better, being more enlightened and not medieval, and support your fellow human being in this encroaching age of technology. We can use what he have to make our world and the lives of billions far better 🙏🏼 https://www.instagram.com/p/BytYYDFpCkx/?igshid=8mfwtlcivugv
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Early morning #SJComix365 - Today we’re looking through Arab if the Future by Riad Sattouf (Metropolitan Books, 2015). Originally published to much acclaim in France, AotF tells of Sattouf's childhood spent “in the shadows of 3 dictators―Muammar Gaddafi, Hafez al-Assad, and his father”... a Syrian Pan-Arabist who drags his family along in his pursuit of grandiose dreams for the Arab Nation. This story is a great way to recount some important moments in modern Middle East history. #comics #graphicnovels #arabofthefuture #riadsattouf #graphicmemoir https://www.instagram.com/p/BtAdRf-nOGm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3k30dabxrilw
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Riad Sattouf ist Jubiläumssieger von Angoulême
Der französische Comiczeichner Riad Sattouf erhält den Großen Preis von Angoulême. In der Abstimmung unter Comic-Schaffenden setzte er sich beim Jubiläumsfestival gegen seine Landsfrau Catherine Meurisse und die US-amerikanische Zeichnerin Alison Bechdel durch. In seinem Werk betrachtet er die Welt mit kindlichem Blick und großer Leichtigkeit. Read the full article
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Esses foram os escolhidos para #MetaDeLeitura2019 12 livros, um para cada mês. O critério de escolha foi: os livros ganhados de presente (que representa 50% dessa pilha), peguei um de autor nacional (importante valorizar autores daqui também), um do Dan Brown (antigo que não li ainda), um de utopia (importante para os dias que estamos vivendo), o do Augusto Cury (continuação do livro Colecionador de Lagrimas-holocautro nunca mais), um do papa Francisco (muito sábio, um revolucionário na Igreja) e o Sobre a Direita (veio de 2018, não consegui progredir muito nessa leitura ano passado). . ✅ Sobre a Direita - João Fábio Bertonha ✅ O Árabe do futuro - Riad Sattouf ✅Em busca do sentido da vida - Augusto Cury ✅ Ponto de impacto - Dan Brown ✅ O Homem mais inteligente da história - Augusto Cury ✅ Armadilhas da mente - Augusto Cury ✅ Quem sou eu para julgar? - Papa Francisco ✅ Admirável mundo novo - Aldous Huxley ✅ A alegria de ser discípulo - Papa Francisco ✅ O que faz o brasil, Brasil? - Roberto DaMatta ✅ A queda de Artur - J.R.R. Tolkien ✅ Dois irmãos - Milton Hatoum . . ✳ A ordem de leitura não será necessariamente como está na foto ou na descrição. . . . . . . . . #Livro #Leitura #MetaDeLeitura #Meta2019 #SobrADireita #JoãoFábioBertonha #OÁrabeDoFuturo #RiadSattouf #EmBuscaDoSentidoDaVida #OHomemMaisInteligenteDaHistória #ArmadilhasDaMente #AugustoCury #PontoDeImpacto #DanBrown #QuemSouEuParaJulgar #AAlegriaDeSerDiscípulo #PapaFrancisco #AdmirávelMundoNovo #AldousHuxley #OQueFazbrasilBrasil #RobertoDaMatta #AQuedaDeArtur #JRRTolkien #DoisIrmãos #MiltonHatoum #InstaLivros #Coleção #Amo #Presente #Books #Read #BookShelf #BookPhotography #BookPhoto #InstaBooks #Bookstagram #BookLove #BookLover #ILoveBooks #BookObsessed (em Nova Esperança, Parana, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsTETn4BsWL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vh0jkpy7c5p9
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#rip #alainrey illustration @riadsattouf https://www.instagram.com/p/CG4zCJKnDfD/?igshid=1bz3ttdm1wgj6
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RIAD @riadsattouf merci pour ce 5ème tome de #lescahiersdesther que j’ai dévoré AVANT je les enfants se l’approprient.Le contrôle parental ça a parfois du bon 🙂 L’expo, Le débat, Une autre personne, Dans 30 ans, Pas de pitié, La gentillesse ... des j’histoires que je retiens parmi d’autres qui nous rapprochent encore plus d’Esther et ses cahiers tellement dans l’air du temps ... avec ses moments de rire, de rêve et d’insouciance mais aussi de plus en plus de réflexions sur notre société complexe et violente.🙏🎈 #riadsattouf #histoiresdemes14ans #allaryeditions #bd #bandedessinée #airdutemps #portraitsmalloquen https://www.instagram.com/p/CBp3HRDKMUj/?igshid=ratzciea9gr3
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Una vez más los anaqueles de la biblioteca me permiten descubrir un muy interesante cómics. Se trata de "El árabe del futuro" del dibujante francés -de padre sirio y madre francesa- Riad Sattouf, quien nos narra parte de la agitada historia política del mundo árabe de los años '80 a través de su mirada y recuerdos de infancia. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Esta novela gráfica, traducida a numerosos idiomas y publicada en casi 30 países, nos asoma a la infancia del autor, y a cómo el nacionalismo, el populismo, el militarismo, la resistencia a occidente y las pugnas entre grupos étnicos y religiosos en el medio oriente marcaron la vida de este artista. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Muchos pasajes de su historia parecen repetirse en la Venezuela del socialismo del siglo XXI. Una lectura imperdible! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Once again the shelves of the library allow me to discover a very interesting comics. This is "The Arab of the Future" by the French artist -of Syrian father and French mother- Riad Sattouf, who narrates part of the hectic political history of the Arab world of the 80s through his look and childhood memories. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ This graphic novel, translated into numerous languages and published in almost 30 countries, shows us the author's childhood, and how nationalism, populism, militarism, resistance to the West and the conflicts between ethnic and religious groups in the Middle East They marked the life of this artist. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Many passages of its history seem to be repeated in the Venezuela of 21st century socialism. A must-see reading! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #libro #book #libros #books #comic #comics #novelagrafica #graphicnovel #riadsattouf #elarabedelfuturo #thearabofthefurure #edicionessalamandra #salamandra #bibliotecavaporvell #bibliotecadesants #sants #barrisants #barcelona #catalunya #cataluña #españa #spain (en Biblioteca Vapor Vell) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxdQOMNo4-q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l7hzmmd7o8ik
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A história verdadeira de um homem loiro e sua família na Líbia de Kadafi e na Síria de Hafez al-Assad, toda em quadrinhos! Ajuda muito a não sair falando coisas sem ter o mínimo de noção da realidade. . . . #instabook #instalivro #instaleitura #book #livro #bookaddict #bookaddiction #bookaddicted #booklovers #leituradodia #leitura #amoler #read #reading #oarabedofuturo #hq #orientemedio #siria #libia #hafezalassad #kadafi #riadsattouf #intrinseca #editoraintrinseca #literaturafrancesa (em Brasília, Brazil)
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