#RiD2015 Drift x Reader
bones4thecats · 2 months
Rid Drift x Fembot reader, both are Conjux, the Reader already knew Drift when they were ShadowRaker's students, but Drift escaped taking the Minicons and the reader, and when ShadowRaker arrives on earth, he takes the reader, since before Shadow Raker was in love with her, but the reader was not, but now he wants to force her to be his Conjux and treat Slipstream and Jetstorm as his Sparklings
Drift Saving His S/O From Shadow Raker
Character: Drift (Robots in Disguise 2015) Requester: @zinnia1506 A/N: I literally had the episode up and kept pausing it to make sure the plot was going correctly, lmao. My fingers are practically dead after writing this long ass piece of art so I hope it's good! By the way, Y/N's speech is pink in here. I have no reasoning for it, I just wanted to do it here! Anyways, enjoy <3 ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of parents being missing (maybe abandonment), trauma, unwanted physical touch, fighting, self-doubt, kidnapping, assault, and objectifying the Reader (maybe some yandere-behavior from Shadow Raker??) ⚠️
Maybe my longest piece so far🤣
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╚═════ Drift ═════════════════════════════════╝
🏯 When you were a young-adult Cybertronian, your Sire and Carrier had disappeared early on in the war, leaving you an orphan with quite a bit of heavy lifting, as you were caring for your younger brother
🏯 As a couple weeks on Cybertron passed, you were taken in by a slightly older mech, one by the name of Shadow Raker. And you liked him, he was an excellent teacher, though you did disagree with a few things he did
🏯 While time passed, he picked up another student by the name of Dreadlock. At the time, you and him were at odds, as you were competing for Shadow Raker's praise, but you did eventually connect and begin hanging around with one another when training and when not
🏯 One cycle, Dreadlock had burst into the room you were in and taken your servo, saying how he saw Shadow Raker doing something beyond evil. You were shocked to hear everything, so, you grabbed your brother and two minicons that Shadow Raker had taken in and fled with the guys
🏯 It was many years later that you ended up teaming with the Bee Team on Earth in an effort to capture any rogue Decepticons that broke out of the Alchemor from some unknown force. And alongside your now sparkmate, Deadlock -now called Drift-, your two boys, Slipstream and Jetstorm, and your younger brother, Requiem, you were quite the power-team
🏯 As the team walked out of the Groundbridge, you saw a ship -one that was quite familiar to you and Drift- and your optics widened as Drift laid his servo on your shoulder to help ground you and your anxieties
"Drift. Any information you or Y/N have on the pilot, now's the time." Bee said.
🏯 Looking at you and back at Bee, Drift began to speak;
"His name is Shadow Raker. He trains wayward bots to steal for him in exchange for shelter and protection. He calls them his 'Shadows'. His pleasure in corrupting the innocent is matched only by his greed."
"No matter who or what stands in his way, he will go through any hoops, using any tactic he must, to obtain what he wants." You added.
"Charming." Bee said. "Ready for ambush team."
🏯 You all noticed that the door for Shadow Raker's ship opened, making you pull your guard up higher than it has been since you took in your brother
"Shadow Raker's strongest defenses will be at the entrance hatch. Come, I know another way in."
"Drift, any idea why he's on Earth?" Strongarm asked.
"I suspect for personal business."
"My long lost students." Shadow Raker said from behind.
🏯 Turning around while clutching your weapon, a longer-bladed version of Drift's own sword, you felt your spark pounding with fear, and you knew your brother, who was back at the Scrapyard with Fixit and the humans, could feel it as well
"I have come for the things you took from me. You shouldn't take things that don't belong to you, Deadlock."
"I no longer answer to Deadlock, and I have nothing that is yours!"
🏯 Watching as Drift attacked Shadow Raker, you were shocked to see his optics get covered with the same web-like material he would use when training you
🏯 You stepped in front of your sparkmate, who had fallen against a nearby wall from Shadow Raker's kick, and you held your blade up, just barely making it to his neck-cables
"Next time we meet, your new associates won't bail you out." The 'Con said as your team's pede-steps approached.
🏯 You watched as your former Sensei ran off and went through an elevator and you looked back to help Drift remove the substance from his face as he grunted in frustration
"Easy Drift, easy. Where's Shadow Raker?" Bee asked, standing next to you both.
"He escaped." You said.
"He knew we'd be waiting at this exit and was prepared for both of us to attack."
"How do you guys both know so much about Shadow Raker?" He asked.
🏯 Drift's arms hung down as you continued to attempt to gently get the covering off of him and you held his servo in your own while your other, more dominant, one tried to peel the edge off, like how you have seen Russell take of a band-aid
"We were both once two of his Shadows..." Drift admitted, "Before we found the proper path."
"It's okay. We all have times in our past we'd rather forget."
"No kidding." Grimlock butted in. "Once I was smashed in a spaceport and got my tail stuck in a plasma-converted. Woo! Did that smell."
🏯 You managed to get the stuff off of Drift when Strongarm held the opposite side, you then thanked her and began to notice that Sideswipe had joined up with you guys and Bee had communicated with Fixit
"Bingo! Let's go on a bug-hunt!"
🏯 You walked alongside Grimlock down the mountain while Drift stayed with Bee. It hurt that you were practically useless when fighting against your former master, but seeing how affected Drift was made it so much wore for you
"Hey, Y/N. You okay?" Grimlock asked, looking down at you from his dino-form.
"Yeah, I'm fine Grim. Don't worry." You said.
"Are you sure? You seemed pretty nervous back at the ship."
"Grimlock. I said I'm fine, alright?" You snapped, making the Dinobot flinch slightly at your tone.
"I'm sorry. It's just..."
"You'd rather not be focused on a topic like Shadow Raker?"
"Yeah, I guess. Seeing how much this has affected Drift in such a short period of time hurts... and I know that I can't do anything to really help him outside of something physical like fighting makes it even worse."
"Well... if you need to talk, you can come to me, yeah?"
"Yeah." You chuckled, "Thank you Grimlock, you're an amazing friend."
🏯 Grimlock smiled at you as you looked ahead, seeing how Drift summoned Slipstream and Jetstorm and told them to stay close to him. You saw just how the two happily accepted the order and ran to stay beside him and smiled, they were so innocent... thank Primus Drift got you out of there before they got tampered beyond repair with
🏯 Bee stopped and told us all to go separate ways. You ran off with Drift and the minicons while the others ran in different directions. Hopefully Shadow Raker wouldn't prove to be too much of an issue
🏯 Drift's swords were drawn as you walked next to the boys, your own sword in your better servo while your other stayed free in case of needing to shield yourself from one of Shadow Raker's web-attacks
"Pupils, stay close."
"You heard him, keep nearby us." You reinforced.
🏯 The boys nodded and stayed near your legs, and you could tell they were getting to the same level of nervousness you were at
"Enough games, Shadow Raker. Face me honorably, if you dare."
🏯 Hearing the sound of his alt-mode behind you, you spun around quickly and shielded the boys with your sword while Drift stood stiffer, his own weapons now held with the purpose of defense and not just to scare off the 'Con
"I seem to remember you were the one who abandoned me, Deadlock. Now how is that honorable?"
"My name is not Deadlock."
"And you stole these three from my tender care when you left. Honor dictates you return them to me and you all receive punishment for your betrayal."
"What do you know about honor? And tender care? You have your students, Cybertronians you should be caring for without anything to gain from except love, yet you treat them like pieces of a machine!" You said, making Slipstream and Jetstorm back up to stand closer to you and out of your former boss' reach.
"And Y/N, how could I forget about you? You were my best alumni; smart, strong, and above all else, wonderfully appealing to the optic~"
"Excuse me?"
"Of course Deadlock couldn't tell you why he wanted you to be taken away from my care." Shadow Raker continued.
🏯 You narrowed your optics as Drift's mood worsened, you felt it through your sparkbond. And, instead of trying to calm him down, you allowed his anger to grow
"Then do tell me, Shadow Raker. Why did Drift 'take' me from your influence. It must have been for a decent reason, no?"
"Well, to put it in simpler terms." The mech chuckled, "He knew just how much I admired you. The way you held yourself against many, large or small, you kept your stance despite any signs of the odds not being in your favor. It was admirable. And the way that my other Shadows treated you like a second master, it made me imagine... what if you were their second master? And you stood by my side, as my equal, my other half... what if you were mine?"
🏯 His? This had to be a joke.
"They are not property!" Drift yelled, attacking Shadow Raker with his swords head-first, little care for his safety.
🏯 Readying your own weapons to keep Slipstream and Jetstorm safe, you heard them yell for permission to assist Drift in the assault against your opponent. And you knew when he yelled for them to do as they were told that Shadow Raker was going to use this to his advantage as well
"I always taught you. Concern for others is folly. And often fatal. Y/N learned that when her Sire and Carrier went missing all those years ago."
🏯 Your optics widened as you remembered them. How your Sire would hold you on his shoulder while taking a walk around his work with the rest of the Cybertronian Council. How your Carrier would read you stories of times long past whenever your energy grew after fueling up
🏯 How dare he mentioned them in such a way!
"Don't look for your friends to help, Deadlock." He said, sending his word at Drift's helm, only for him to dodge and deal more deadly attacks.
"My name is Drift!"
"How can we aid our teacher when he won't permit us to fight?" Jetstorm asked as you looked down at him with concern.
"We will find another way." Slipstream answered as you nodded.
🏯 Seeing how Shadow Raker pinned Drift to a tree with his webs, you held your own weapon closer as he looked back and began to speak to you three as the orange-mech struggled to free himself
"He has held you close in fear of losing you the same way I did with him. Had I not, he'd still be at my side."
"Shadow Raker, we doubt it." Slipstream said, allowing Jetstorm to jump on his own weapon and launch himself at him, attempting an attack.
🏯 You were about to grab the minicons when Shadow Raker spewed his webbing once more, knocking the boys and you down and making Drift watch in shock and concern
"Do not touch them!"
"But I promised punishment for your betrayal. It's only honorable to deliver on one's promises."
🏯 Yelling as he tried picking you up, Shadow Raker growled and webbed your mouth, making your screams harder to hear. You then felt the boys hit your front as he swung them behind with you
"Well Deadlock, I've enjoyed our little reunion."
"There is nowhere you can go to escape me. You cannot run far enough where I cannot find you! My sparkmate and pupils will never be hidden in your grasp long enough for you to taint them once again!"
"Well I suppose we'll see, won't we?"
🏯 You sat restrained alongside your boys, trying to keep them calm while Shadow Raker stood at his control station, speaking about his shields and whatnot
🏯 He didn't seem shocked when Drift admitted to being in a sparkbond with you. Could he possibly have suspected it before? Was it obvious from the way he defended you before that when he yelled it, he wasn't surprised?
🏯 Was Drift and the rest of the team alright down on Earth?
"Thank the Primes you came for me, Shadow Raker. Drift forced me to serve him." Slipstream said, knocking you our of your daze.
"Slipstream!" Jetstorm yelled.
"Yes, you seemed quite conflicted when your friend, eh, tried to kick my head off."
"That was for Drift's benefit. I learned to obey him so he wouldn't punish me. I can prove I am loyal to you."
🏯 Now you understood...
"No! Do not tell him about the Shanix, Slipstream!"
🏯 So Jetstorm was in on it as well... you might as well have some fun as well
"Here, on Earth." You said, "And Sliptream has the knowledge on their whereabouts."
🏯 Shadow Raker looked at you and smirked before walking over and kneeling before you, holding your helm up in his servo while you outwardly stayed firm but internally hurled up the energon you had just a couple days prior
"So you were tricking Deadlock as well then, Y/N?" He asked.
"That you'd be correct. I knew that with a close relationship he wouldn't expect me to 'betray him'. Deceit is what you taught me to do well, Shadow."
"If deceit is what I taught you to do well, then how can I know you're not lying to me at this moment?"
"They speak the truth! We've spoken many times about leaving Drift, much to no avail. They know the real us, and they are a real one."
"Well then, prove this to be truthful, Y/N. Why don't you break off your sparkbond with Drift and bond with me?"
"I cannot do that without Drift's compliance. Such an unfortunate predicament I latched myself onto. But I swear that when we see him again, I shall leave this harmful bond and create a beautiful and dangerously honest one with you. I swear." You finished, optics boring into his own.
"Good. Now, how much Shanix are we speaking of being on this planet?"
"See Shadow Raker, just as we promised." Slipstream said as your small group walked through the halls and towards the Shanix. "And no Autobots."
"Yes. Slipstream I think this is the begin to a perfect partnership." He then grazed his servo against your side, "Perhaps even the beginning of a familial unit-bond. It's not to late for you to be a willing participant, Jetstorm."
🏯 Moving slightly away from him in the effort to make it seem as a natural reflex to light touches, you heard Jetstorm refuse while the 'Con picked up the Shanix, handed it to the boys, and walked out with you and the minicons in tow
"Keep it moving. The faster we get that Shanix to my ship, the faster we can get off this backward planet."
🏯 Watching as the Bee Team pulled up behind him, you smiled and pulled out your own weapon, hiding his behind your back as Shadow Raker questioned the arrival of them all
"We did not set this up. They did."
"You lie and betray as well as your teacher!"
"Who learned from you." Jetstorm said.
"Yes, you should be proud." Slipstream added.
🏯 The minicons picked up the box and slammed it onto Shadow Raker's pede, making him yip in pain before running off towards your sparkmate with you following when they reached him
"Oh no you don't!" Shadow Raker yelled, grabbing your neck and pulling you back to him, his sword pressed against said bodily part.
🏯 Everyone, especially your trio of mechs and brother, who had come as reinforcement when they left the Scrapyard earlier that night, readied their weapons as you glared at the mech behind you with resentment and not the forced lovesick-expression you had on earlier
"Shadow Raker, let Y/N go and be a good beetle by coming with us quietly. What'd you say?"
"I only have one thing to say."
🏯 Spitting out the webbing once again, Strongarm, Requiem, Grimlock and Bee were all taken down, leaving Drift, the minicons, and Sideswipe to attack while Shadow Raker transformed, still holding onto you with his alt-mode's legs, before wrapping the red-mech up in the same way. Narrowing the opponents down to three
🏯 Transforming once again, Shadow Raker kept a hold of you, directing his offense to keep himself rather than you safe and sound
🏯 Grunting as Shadow Raker nearly cut your midsection with his digits, you pushed your helm down before smashing it into his, making him let you go. You then got down and kicked him straight in the same area he held you, sending him flying into the ground and allowing Drift to attack him again
"You have lost, Shadow Raker. Both the Shanix and any remaining hold you have had on me and my sparkmate."
"You think me defeated? Hardly. Had you let me continue teaching you, you could've been my second-in-command. The legacy you might have had. You do not know what you have thrown away." Throwing his smaller sword at Drift, the latter sending it away with his own swords, whilst you stood beside him with a glare.
"Let me educate you, Shadow Raker." He began. "The only thing I ever threw away was your influence. For that is what you do with trash."
🏯 Transforming once more in an attempt to escape, you smirked and nodded for the boys to come in. Drift then sent Slipstream and Jetstorm after the mech, successfully knocking him down, but not completely unconscious. No, that was where you came in
"My students are my legacy. A worthy legacy. That ends my side of the lesson."
🏯 Stepping up to the 'Con, you motioned for the boys to join the others to get them out of their entrapment. You then looked down at the Decepticon, kneeling down in front of him before he became his bot-mode once again in an effort to preserve energy
"Remember what you said, Shadow. You always taught us. Concern for others is folly. And often fatal. After all, I did learn that when my Sire and Carrier went missing all of those years ago." You said, punching his helm, making him officially go into stasis.
🏯 As Shadow Raker's stasis pod was locked up, you heard your pupils kneel before you and Drift
"You allowed yourselves and Y/N to be captured in the first place?" Drift asked.
"We acted on our own, Master Drift. And though we stayed true to your teachings and loyal to you during our deception." Slipstream began.
"We did not seek your permission. We humbly beg forgiveness." Jetstorm finished.
"You acted wisely and bravely, students. Your independent actions led to victory. Though, I have told you in the past I trust you to act on your own, I have not put that into practice."
🏯 Smiling as you wrapped your arms around Drift's, you leaned your helm against his appendage, allowing him to relax slightly and continue
"It seems that I am still learning. Now, it is time for nightly patrol."
"We are ready to undeploy, teacher." Slipstream said as he and his fellow friend stood.
"Unnecessary. You may patrol alone, if you feel ready."
"We are most ready! Our patrolling will be thorough and diligent!"
"We will bring you both honor, Masters Drift and Y/N."
"We know."
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lunarbreaksblog · 8 months
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Note: Tumblr is being weird, so I can't edit drafts
Note 2: I basically grew up with RiD, I remembering staying up to midnight to watch the reruns lol
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How RiD! Drift, Fracture and Thunderhoof react to Alien! Reader
How did you manage to capture his spark is one thing but to make him not turn you in for a bounty was something new.
Your species is ancient, more older than Cybertron and perhaps the universe itself. You are but a ball of pure energy.
He met you when you were experimenting with using a dead mech as a vessel. That was some sort of war crime you were committing but he couldn't care less.
Quickly you fled, even if your species was old, you were a great source of energy for warp technology. He let you flee, after all you were spectacular, he never saw you kind.
Soon, he met you again.
You spoke to him
You spoke
You had no mouth but he could hear you.
Quickly he realized that maybe he shouldn't hand you into someplace so he could get credits even if it was a lot of credits.
You could be his. His energy.
You looked and felt cybertronian but you weren't
If he had met you as Deadlock, he would've claimed the bounty on your helm. However, now as Drift, he's curious about you.
How do resemble his people but some how are his people, there's something wrong with you. Not that it's big issues like wrong number of optics. Its the way that your face doesn't seem right if he looks close enough. How your mouth never seems to move with your vocals.
It terrifies him.
But he sees that as a thing to get over, to accomplish not being afraid of you, even if you say you're cybertronian.
He might not be into organics, but he will admit you have a very nice ass. He's doesn't seem like it but genuinely could care less about what race you are. As long as you listen to him and let him do his business with his dealings.
You seem human but what makes you different is the fact that you seem to have weird sharp ears and green blood.
Something about you being a Romulan, he knows that your species is secretive but he's glad he took the chance to speak with a Romulan, which was you.
You only come to his knee, but damn does he like what he sees.
You though, could care less.
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viewbypieces · 2 years
Drift: [Name], I am questioning your sanity...
Sideswipe: I never questioned it, I knew their sanity was missing from the start.
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ppnuggie · 2 years
Heelloo, May I have some Grimlock, Slipstream and Jetstorm (RID2015) headcannons💙💙 Them having a (gender neutral)S/o who adores them, and the reader showing some (fluffy) love?💙💙
      RID15 x gn human reader
    『 slipstream ,, jetstorm ,, grimlock ,, gender neutral human reader 』
  -> some lovely hcs for them <3
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — i love slipstream and jetstorm sm 😭❤️❤️ tysm for requesting ! i did put their hcs together tho :) since you didn’t specify whether its together or separate <3
slipstream + jetstorm ::
• these two absolutely adore any affection you happen to spare them <33 they love your attention so much !! especially since they dont get a lot from drift
• they love hugs !! <3 theyre your size ,, maybe a bit taller and more bulkier ,, but they give some really great hugs
• and they also love when you give them kisses 🥹🥹 they melt under your touch !!
• they try to hang out with you whenever theyre able to ,, but sometimes they arent ,, yet they apologize later for it
• they love when you come to watch them spar and train ,, makes them wanna do better and show off to you in hopes you’ll compliment them
• they love any praise you give them !! <33 call them cute or comment on how sweet they are to you ,, they heat up with joy
grimlock ::
• grimlock is somewhat oblivious so you gotta give him a minute to process things ,, but hes so happy whenever you show him affection
• he loves holding you in his hands ,, or letting you just do whatever when hes in his dino form
• cheek kisses and forehead kisses are what he loves most <33 just catch him by surprise and plant one on his cheek ,, he gets super excited
• he also loves to nuzzle his head against you ,, as his strength is different from most bots ,, he gets worried he might hurt you
• which is why he lets you do all the hugging ,, he doesnt wanna crush you 💔
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Do It For Him/Her | Sworn To The Sword ~ Drift | Dreadlock + Human! Female! Reader x Slipstream/Jetstorm
Do It For Him/Her | Sworn To The Sword
Drift | Dreadlock + Human! Female! Reader x Slipstream/Jetstorm
Transformers - RID2015 (Cartoon)
Plot: Drift teaches the Reader how to weild a sword if they are to protect the twins, as the twins needed a knight.
A/n: Totally not inspired by the Steven Universe Episode by the same name.
Originally Started On: 07/27/21
Published On: 07/30/21
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You turned the corner to the street where your uncle's scrapyard is. You brought your sword with you. It was a sword that your mother gave to you when you were little. It had a handle. You happily knocked on the door of the scrapyard. Russell your cousin opened up the door. He smiled and hugged you.
"Hello (Y/n)!" Russell said.
"Hey. What's happening?" You asked.
"Nothin much! Drift and the twins are outside." He said pointing to the backyard.
"Alright." You ran outside. You were recieving a sword fighting lesson by Drift after he noticed how you excel in sword fighting. He decided to help you improve.
"Alright (Y/n). Everything begins with your stance. Remember:" Drift said.
"You do it for them, and you would do it again. You do it for them that is to say you do it for them." Drift said showing you how he attacks.
"Keep your, stance wide. Keep your frame lowered. As your moving forward balance is the key. Right pede left pede now go even faster. As your moving backwards keep your optics on me." Drift Instructed showing you how he is attacking the decepticon with precise.
"Keep my stance wide" You said. 
"Good" Drift said.
"Keep my body lowered" You added.
"Right" Drift said. Nodding.
"As I'm moving forward..." You lose focus. Drift grabbed your sword and faught the holo-decipticon.
"Concentrate. Don't you want them to live?!" Drift sternly said..
[Right pede, left pede" You said.
"Yes, but put your whole frame into it" Drift explained helping your form.
"Everything you have, everything you are. You've got to give, On the battlefield. When everything is chaos, And you have nothing but the way you feel. Your strategy and a sword. You just think about the life you'll have together after the war" Drift projected an recording of the war for cybertron, he was fighting for his cause, and you noticed how cruel it was. Then he showed a recording of you and the twins together.
"And then you do it for her, That's how you know you can win. You do it for her, that is to say. you do it for them.." Drift said disipitating the hologram.
After fighting for awhile, you looked down at your hand that was bandaged, and the twins gave you some juice before you take a sip however, Drift was in front of you. 
"Deep down you know, You weren't built for fighting. But that doesn't mean. You're not prepared to try." Drift exclaims starting the process up.
"What they don't know. Is your real advantage, When you live for someone. You're prepared to offline!" Drift proclaimed. He continued to show recordings of the war. 
"Deep down I know, That I'm just a human." You said. Dropping your sword with a look of thought.
"True." Drift said.
"But I know that I can draw my sword and fight" You said holding up your sword again lunging towards the Holo decipicon.
"But you know that you can draw  your sword and fight" Drift said with you.
“With my short existence" You said with a thrust against the hologram.
"Good." Drift said.
"I can make a difference" You jumped up and lunged towards the Holo. And stabbed your sword through it.
"Yes, excellent." Drift said.
"I can be there for them." You said.
"I can be their knight" You holds your sword on the ground.
"I can do it for her" You said. Dragging the sword down to the hologram.
"You'd do it for her" Drift said. 
"Okay, now do that again" Drift confirms to you.
"Yes, sir!" You confirm, doing just that.
"You do it for her, and now you say"
"I'll do it for them"
The twins has seen less and less of you whenever your out practicing your sword skills, they later were aware that Drift was trying to get you ready for battle Russell didn’t find this okay, you’re just a human! So the twins decided to interrupt your session with Drift. Drift however was angry. 
“You have to understand, in a battle she has to protect you both.” Drift said.
“We’re fine on our own!” Jetstorm said. 
“Well, you guys are too important to be in the FIGHT!” Drift said remembering what happened the last time. 
“No we’re not! We’re perfectly capable of handling ourselves Lady (Y/n) could easily get hurt! She’s a human! We’re replaceable, but she’s not! Commander Drift!” Jetstorm said. Finally Drift snapped. 
“WHY WON’T YOU LET ME DO THIS FOR YOU MASTER!” Drift then covered his dermas. 
“I mean, why won’t you do this for her?” Drift asked. 
‘Very well, fight is over. I have to think about this.” Drift said. He walked off, leaving both you and the twins alone. 
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olivia200312 · 4 years
Stargazing~ Bay! Optimus x Cybertronian! Reader
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Plot: Y/N went to stargaze and Optimus joins her later. The Prime confesses his love feelings towards her and things go a bit heated ;)
This place takes in Transformers 4: Age of Extinction (TF4: AoE for short). The reader is Cybertronian in this one.
A/N: I had to look through the internet for body parts names and here's the list.
Head area: Brain: Processor / Brain Module Head: Helm Face: Face plate Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor Eye brow: Optical Ridge Eyes: Optics Mouth: Intake Lips: Dermas Teeth: Denta/Dentas Tongue: Glossa
Chest area:
Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour: Chest plate Back plate Mid-section plating Neck guard Side plating
Arm area: Arms: Arms / Restarlueus Forearms: Bitarlueus Hands: Servos Fingers: Digits
Arm armour: Gantlets Shoulder pads Arm guard
Lower area: Pelvis: Pelvis Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate Thighs: Tibulen Calves: Cadulen Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour: Skirt plates Aft plate / Skid plate Thigh guard Ankle guard
General/Internal components: Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question. Veins: Fual lines Stomach: Tanks Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating. Heart: Spark Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
A/N: I know that the list is long. I'll leave a link where I got it from. I remember body parts names of a Cybertronian.
Note: the pic goes to the owner!
There was once a beautiful femme called Y/N. She was an Cybertronian. They're from planet Cybertron. The planet was sadly dead due to the war that Megatron caused, the leader of the Decepticons and Optimus' brother. Shocking, right? Yes, Megatron and Optimus were brothers. Optimus was once called Orion Pax while Megatron was called Megatronus. The Primes saw something special in Orion that they made him a Prime. Megatronus became jealous and evil that he changed completely. He changed his name to Megatron and created his own group called The Decepticons. He was the leader and they caused trouble on Cybertron. The war broke out and Optimus had to fight against his own brother. It was quite sad actually, that your brother will bertray you and be evil.
Y/N remembered the horrible memories and moments well. She fought by Optimus' side. She saw many offlined Cybertronians, femmes and sparklings that didn't deserved to go offline... Y/N was a warrior that was trained at a young age. She knew Optimus and Megatron her entire life. How could Megatron do such horrible things? Y/N will never forget how she found out that Megatron bertrayed his family and friends. She was so shocked that she thought she was dreaming, but it was real.
Before the war, Optimus dated a femme warrior called Elita-One. Y/N wasn't gonna lie, she was jealous and heartbroken when she found out that they were sparkmates. Bumblebee and Ratchet, who were Y/N's friends, knew about her crushing on Optimus. They felt sorry for her once they saw her running away with tears in her optics. Y/N became a bit cold towards Optimus and Elita that she stayed away from them. She also ignored calls (?) when it was from Optimus or Elita. She only picked them up if it was emergency like of an attack or something.
Optimus and Elita tried many times to talk to Y/N, but she only ignored them. They didn't understood why Y/N was like that. Did they do something wrong? Yes, they broke her spark. But Y/N wasn't going to tell the truth easily. She's feisty and doesn't like to tell her problems (just like me).
Y/N saw in her own optics how Elita got offlined by Megatron. He knew that she was Optimus' sparkmate that he decided to destroy his own brother's happiness. Optimus was so mad and sad that he tried to destroy his own brother. He tried many times to get old Megatron back, but nothing. Before Cybertron was almost dead, Y/N saw that one of the Decepticons tried to kill Optimus, but Y/N didn't let that happen that she stopped the Decepticon. Optimus was shocked by that. Y/N demanded him to go now, but the Prime said he wouldn't leave without Y/N. She was serious and told him to go. Optimus had no choice but to do that. He thought that Y/N was dead, but he was wrong.
While he was hiding in Earth from humans, because out of nowhere, they decided to hunt the Autobots down, he met Cade Yeager, his daughter, Tessa, and Lucas. He was overprotective and warned them to stay back, because he was going to kill them. The situation was understanble, because Optimus didn't knew why he and Autobots are being hunted. He only knew that they teamed up with Lockdown. He was so mad. After what Autobots did for planet Earth, that's what they get in return? Luckily, Cade, Tessa and Lucas were good people, but Lucas was kinda stupid. He sadly got killed after he tried to escape. Cade, Tessa and Shane escaped. Shane was Tessa's boyfriend. She contacted him and asked him for help. Man, Cade was so mad and overprotective, but that's how dads can be. Y/N's sire was that too.
Anyway, after Optimus managed to escape with humans, he contacted all Autobots and they all met to a place where it was safe. You can say that it's a place where no humans do not meet up with others. Other Autobots like Hound, Bumblebee, Drift and Crosshairs were so happy once they heard that Optimus was alive. But you know what's more shocking? That Y/N appeared too, out of nowhere. She was a F/C Lamborghini. Once Optimus saw the familiar colour, he was shocked. Some Autobots didn't knew who she was like Drift, Hound and Crosshairs for example. Bumblebee knew of course who she was. He was so happy to see her alive!
Drift, being a gentlebot he can be, kissed her the back of her servo. Optimus felt in fact jealousy. What a surprise. But the next part was hard. When Cade showed a video of a familiar Autobot getting destroyed and killed, Y/N cried. It was Ratchet. He and Y/N were like siblings to eachother. Including Bumblebee. Optimus was the most who felt sorry.
That was hours ago. It was night now and almost everyone were asleep, except for Optimus and Y/N. Optimus said he would watch just in case and Y/N told that she wasn't tired yet so she's now sitting on rocky cliff. She was close by so Optimus wouldn't get worried.
After some minutes passed, she heard familiar pedes and the figure sits down next to her.
"Hello, Y/N." It was Optimus who spoke.
"May I ask why you're not recharging?" Optimus asked in a gentle deep voice.
"I couldn't sleep. I love to watch stars. It's just so soothing, don't you think?" Y/N's optics weren't leaving the sky.
Optimus looked at her with his blue optics. "Yes, it is soothing."
That's when Y/N's relaxing expression on her face plate turned into guilt and sadness. She then made optic contact with the Prime. "Optimus, I'd like to apologise for being cold towards you and Elita. I know that she brought you happiness, until Megatron offlined her..."
Optimus was shocked by her sudden apology. He tried to talk to her to get to know why she was cold towards himself and Elita. He looked at her with a gentle expression. "It's alright, Y/N. Everyone can be cold towards someone."
Y/N showed a small smile, because she's glad that Optimus accepted her apology. He's such one of the most understanding mechs she ever met.
But the next move surprised Y/N a lot. She felt Optimus' servo on her cheekplate and turned her helm towards him.
Y/N blushed. "O-Optimus?"
"I think I finally understand why you were cold towards me and Elita." He then actually smirked!
"W-What?" Y/N was acting dumb, but she does know of course she was cold twards him in the past.
Then Optimus pressed his dermas against hers, kissing her gently. Y/N blushed a lot and kissed him back. Later, Optimus pulled away. "It's because you love me, sweetspark."
Y/N was surprised. She was careful towards him and Elita to not show the truth why she was being cold! How the frag did he knew!? Y/N was thinking and then it clicked. Bumblebee. That sneaky scout told him the truth! And Optimus was acting dumb in the beginning when he approached her!
She growled once she finally understood. "That sneaky scout!"
Optimus chuckled. "Deal with him in the morning." He then kissed her again, this time a bit rough. Who knew that Primes can be like that...
Y/N kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck while Optimus' arms wrapped around her waist. The kiss got heated and Y/N felt Optimus lick her bottem derma. He was asking to go in. Y/N granted his wish and opened her intake. Optimus' glossa made contact with hers and they made out. Y/N couldn't help but moan of how much she felt pleasure. Then she started to think a bit dirty, because how Optimus would be a beast if he mayed with her ;)
Optimus' servos gripped her hips and the moans from Y/N were like music in his audio receptors. It's been a long time that he didn't felt love and pleasure ever since Elita got offlined.
After like almost 5 minutes from making out they finally pulled away from the kiss, panting. Optimus looked lovely into Y/N's optics as she snuggled up to him, still on his lap. Optimus' arms were now wrapped around her waist and held her close.
"Rest, sweetspark."
Y/N yawned and rests her head against his chassic, listening to his spark. "Night, Optimus."
"Night, Y/N."
Finally first one shot done! I deeply apologise for it! School is being an ass. I hope you enjoyed the first one shot!
Requests are welcome!
Optimus versions I accept: Bayverse, TFP and RID2015.
Reader can be: Cybertronian, human or hybrid.
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Up Next List (10/1/19)
Requests are finally closed again and I’m pretty sure every single one of you wants me dead X_X After going through the “doubles” (aka similar requests, requests for sequels, etc.) here is the most current up next list! If he request has too many characters, I’ll pick which to fill. If you have not specified a continuity (and its not obvious which) I will pick which one. If you don’t see your request on here, it is likely because it violated the rules (for some reason there were so many requests that did not adhere to the request rules?) These will be filled in the order submitted! And as usual, commissions are always open! At the time of posting there are 4 commissions in line ♥
Thank you for playing! Thank you for being patient! I’m putting this under a “read more” because it’s long and took me over a half hour to list out.
Here we go:
tfp bots tiddy pillow
prowl admitting to feelings
cyberverse grimlock x human s/o
mtmte hoist crushing on human
cyberverse thundercracker x bot s/o
mtmte megs x romance writer s/o hcs
rid2015 grimlock x human s/o
swerve voyeur x human
brainstorm x human s/o oral
tfa blitzwing x s/o fluffy nsfw
swerve x bot s/o praise kink
mer!drift love at first sight
ratchet x s/o comfort smut
galvatron x bot s/o fluffy smut
mtmte rung/roddy/tfp op x s/o breeding kink
reader singing to swerve
megatron x s/o rough
mtmte mmegatron x s/o soft nsfw
tfp blitzwing/tfp soundwave x bot s/o heat kink
tfp wheeljack holoform date night
cyberverse top robot fails
roddymags nsfw
tfp starscream x bot s/o
cyclonus x bot s/o oral
swerve x bot s/o
mtmte megatron x bot s/o slow dance
tfp ratchet x bot reader medbay
tfp optimus cat 
scavengers saved by human
g1 merformers hcs
ll bots touching human
synthen tfp ratchet x s/o hcs
rung x s/o kisses
more selkie swerve
tfa blitzbee x s/o poly
ll bots thirsty tweets
whirl x bot s/o play fight
mer!drift x s/o rut
bayverse optimus x male s/o
bugformers swerve courting
tfa jazz/jettwins/blitzwing x angel s/o hcs
tfp megatron/op/mtmte ratchet x s/o who gets sick
cyberverse megatron camgirl
mer!drift/mer!roddy/mer!wing x male s/o poly
tfa bumblebee x bot s/o
ll liaison turned cybertronian
tfp mer!starscream/mer!knockout poly x male mer!s/o
swerve x s/o edging
whirl x s/o soft
mtmte bots boner hcs
^ different bots
^ scavengers
rid2015 x bot s/o nsfw
tfa prowl dom s/o
cyberverse/rid2015 grimlock x bot s/o sandwich
rodimus x biologist s/o hcs
mtmte dratchet courting human
tfa prowl zoo date
brainstorm x nautica x human nsfw
50s!au swerve x greaser
tfp ultra magnus jealous nsfw
cygate x s/o fluff
mtmte roddy/krok/fulcrum hcs
first aid heat sequel
bayverse ironhide/ratchet/optimus x bot s/o hcs
fort max x bot s/o heat kink
cyberverse bots x s/o
rescue bots x excon bot s/o 
waspinator tittyfuck
swerve x bot s/o oral
cyberverse grimlock x s/o dance
beeverse blitzwing hcs
swerve x reader lapsitting
tfa prowl/jettwins/jazz x s/o coming out hcs
tfa jetfire dommed by human
tfp ratchet x virgin reader
cyberverse soundwave x s/o
jazz x s/o romance
tfp bumblebee x human fluff
whirl standing up for reader
bugformers swerve/cygate x s/o
dragonformers mins x s/o
drift x bot s/o thigh fucking
fort max x thunderclash x bot s/o
cyberverse thunderbee fluff
waking holo roddy with a bj
tfp ratchet x s/o singing/guitar
mtmte megatron x s/o facesitting
mer!dratchet x s/o
thunderclash x s/o
shatter/dropkick x mech suit reader
roddy x bot s/o oral
mtmte megatron/rodimus x s/o conjunx ritual
tfa prowl/tfp arcee/knockout x s/o dance
mer!roddy x mer!s/o rut
rumble/frenzy hcs
rescue bots chase x chief burns
rodimus x s/o laugh hcs
skids soup kiss?
setting off fireworks w/ bots
rung x swerve platonics hcs
naga!tfp ratchet x s/o rut
tfp bots x s/o hip sway hcs
human frenzy dress up
megatron x bot s/o size kink
cyberverse megatron x s/o
roddy x s/o comfort nsfw
tfp ratchet receiving candle
tfp ratchet/mtmte drift/magnus x s/o w/ thick thighs
mtmte bots x s/o dress up
swerve x bot s/o breeding kink
tfp soundwave x mech suit s/o
tfp wheeljack aftercare hcs
ravage x s/o fluff
mins/mags x s/o size kink
prowl x s/o soft
roddy x excon bot s/o
rid2015 bumblebee x s/o oral
deadlock x decepticon s/o
tfp ratchet and smokescreen hcs
rung x bot s/o
cdrw x bot s/o
scavengers x bot s/o
cyberverse hot rod x bot s/o oral
naga!mtmte magnus x s/o rut
cyberverse grimlock altmode nsfw
mtmte bots x s/o scaredof loud sounds
fort max x bot s/o
tfa roddy showing off fir bot s/o
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bones4thecats · 3 months
can you do general relationship headcanon by Rid Slipstream and Jetstorm x Minicon reader, the reader was previously Airachnid's minicon
Minicon! Reader Once Aided Airachnid
Characters: Slipstream and Jetstorm (RiD2015) - Seperate Requester: @zinnia1506 A/N: I have never written for these two minicons, and I am just barely mid-way through the series so they may not be the most accurate. Though, these two are adorable ngl. Anyways, enjoy!! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: The Tragedy of Slipstream (a short between seasons one and two) and Mentions for torture, abuse, manipulation, unwilling experimentation and war ⚠️
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»»———————————-  Slipstream  ———————————-««
🎋 When you two first met, it was quite the experience to say the least
🎋 You were once the minicon to Airachnid, the former torture expert of the Decepticon cause. And you served her from the start of your life till the day she was banished by Soundwave to live on one of Cybertron's moons years ago
🎋 So, when another Decepticon, specifically Shadow Raker, offered you a new life in return of pure devotion and loyalty to him, you took his hand and gifted him a smile he couldn't wait in twisting around
🎋 Due to your life as Airachnid's previous minicon, you were subjected to a lot of unforgettable experiences. Ranging from mental to physical abuse, you were ruined before Shadow Raker could get his hands on you
🎋 Throughout the next few years of serving the Decepticon, you met an older mech named Deadshot, and when he saw just how numb you were to the pain of even having part of your leg torn off during the after effects of the war, he gained a new respect, fear, and care for you
🎋 No one should be able to withstand that with a blank face
🎋 After he escaped and took Slipstream and Jetstorm, Deadshot had taken you as well, having you transform into his new signature kusarigama. Over the time of him renaming himself and becoming a team of bounty hunters, you became close with them, understanding that the way you were raised was incorrect
🎋 Slipstream and you became closer than you and the other two. He was your confidant, and you were his
🎋 He spoke to you about his past, how when a Cyclone attacked him and why he turned to a life of petty thief. And you spoke to him about why you joined Airachnid and Shadow Raker. He took it a lot better than you believed he would. He hugged you and helped calm you down
"I may not understand what you went through exactly, but believe me when I say this, Y/N. You are far better than what your previous Masters were like. Airachnid was a energon-thirsty monster and Shadow Raker is a sparkless being... you are the opposite. You're serene and full of love and care for not only me, but everyone else in the Scrapyard. I am happy to be with you. Okay?"
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»»———————————-  Jetstorm  ———————————-««
🎍 Jetstorm hardly knew you when Drift took him, Slipstream, and you away from Shadow Raker. The only thing he knew of you being that you had a huge pain tolerance
🎍 He ever heard a story of how you got your spark nearly torn apart and refused to flinch in any kind of agony
🎍 To be honest, unlike others like Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, Jetstorm had no idea that you once served Airachnid. But, he has heard stories of her to, so he was immediatly scared at the thought of you being subjected to her abusive nature
🎍 That night, Jetstorm asked Drift where you came from and if Airachnid and Shadow Raker had anything to do with your pain tolerance
"Jetstorm, my pupil. Shadow Raker had nothing to do with their torment, it was Airachnid whole-sparkly who did everything to make them what they once were. She had given them multiple limb replacements without consent, from getting their arm torn off and picking apart their shoulder to just see them suffer and having their optics picked piece by piece while awake and all-feeling, Y/N has been through it all."
"Oh my..."
"We musn't bring it up around them though. The last time that happened, they had broken out in a large fit of panicked pleas and sobs. So, what will we not do?"
"Bring Airachnid or Shadow Raker up around them."
"Good. You may now leave, Jetstorm."
"Thank you, Sensei."
🎍 When Shadow Raker returned for the two minicons, he abducted you from the Scrapyard and held you away from the trio. Declaring he was your mentor and not the traitorous 'Deadlock'
🎍 You glared at him as he tried to lay a servo on your friends and you began to fight against the many of his 'Shadows', throwing them aside before getting Drift up and helping him get the two back. You were beyond any kind of calming down as you kicked him in the knee and threw him across the ship's room before yelling for the others to get out
🎍 While healing, Jetstorm looked at you and thanked you for the rescue and assistance. You just nodded and curled up in a tiny ball, making him sigh and sit down next to you before offering up his embrace. And when you saw it, you broke down and allowed him to hold you closely
🎍 You trusted him...
"Y/N. Can you please look at me?" Jetstorm asked, making you look up at him with small tears running down your metal-made cheeks. The minicon wiped them away and began speaking once more.
"I will never understand the pain you went through at the servos of Airachnid and Shadow Raker, and I know that. But, I would like to be there for you whenever you need comfort. Is that alright?"
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olivia200312 · 4 years
Reunited~ RID2015! Optimus x Cybertronian! Reader
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Plot: Y/N was on a mission with Drift but when she came back, there was a big surprise for her. Optimus came back after he flew off to Cybertron.
Warning: I NEVER saw RID2015 so there will be mistakes found! I apologise!
Head area: Brain: Processor / Brain Module Head: Helm Face: Face plate Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor Eye brow: Optical Ridge Eyes: Optics Mouth: Intake Lips: Dermas Teeth: Denta/Dentas Tongue: Glossa
Chest area: Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour: Chest plate Back plate Mid-section plating Neck guard Side plating
Arm area: Arms: Arms / Restarlueus Forearms: Bitarlueus Hands: Servos Fingers: Digits
Arm armour: Gantlets Shoulder pads Arm guard
Lower area:
Pelvis: Pelvis Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate Thighs: Tibulen Calves: Cadulen Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour: Skirt plates Aft plate / Skid plate Thigh guard Ankle guard
General/Internal components: Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question. Veins: Fual lines Stomach: Tanks Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating. Heart: Spark Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Note: the pic goes to the owner!
Y/N was a young beautiful femme that was an Autobot warrior. She was a member of The Bee Team. Before she arrivied in planet Earth, she was fought along in the civil war that Megatron caused. She fought by Optimus' side and always protected him. She knew him ever since they both were sparklings.
Bumblebee or just Bee was obivously the leader of the team. He once looked completely different, but then he started to look cooler and powerful. Don't get it wrong. He was a cute scout that couldn't speak but only let out sounds. Optimus was even a mentor of Bumblebee so the scout learned a lot from him. Optimus was a very smart Prime. He knew strong and smart words.
Anyway, when Bee killed Megatron, Optimus made Bumblebee warrior before he went on a journey with Wheeljack to retrieve the AllSpark, the source of Cybertronian life only to return to a planet attacked by Unicron and his minions, though Optimus was able to defeat the chaos bringer once and for all by trapping him, the AllSpark and the Matrix...
Y/N missed Optimus a lot. I mean, who doesn't? He was a strong and smart leader. He'll do anything to protect the ones he loved. Especially Y/N. She missed the Prime already when she didn't see him anymore when he flew off with Wheeljack. She was even in love with him! But what she didn't know was that the Prime was deeply in love with her. He admired her beauty and personlity.
Y/N joined The Bee Team and Bumblebee was of course the leader. There were new Autobots too. There were: Sideswipe, Strongarm, Grimlock, Drift, Slipstream, Jetstorm and Fixit. Let me tell you a bit about them.
Sideswipe was the rebellious "bad boy" of the Bee Team who transforms into a red street racing-ready sports car and also forms the left arm of Ultra Bee. Sideswipe was first seen playing around at Kaon Plaza before being apprehended by Strongarm.
Strongarm was a cadet in the Cybertronian Elite Guard and Bumblebee's subordinate who transforms into a blue and white police-modified pickup truck and also forms the right arm of Ultra Bee. She often worries about abiding by the law and following protocol which in certain cases jeopardizes the mission.
Grimlock was a Dinobot serving as the team's muscle who transforms into a mechanical and also forms the legs of Ultra Bee, much to his disappointment. Originally being recruited as a Decepticon for committing , he ended up imprisoned on the Alchemor, he later becomes an Autobot after gaining the team's trust, and eventually gains Autobot symbols in place of his Decepticon logos following "True Colors".
Drift was formerly a Decepticon known as Deadlock, Drift is an Autobot who transforms into an orange samurai-like car resembling a cross between a Bugatti Veyron  and a Gumpert Apollo  and also forms the sword of Ultra Bee. In "Hunting Season", he came to Earth to collect the bounty placed on Bumblebee. He later joins the team to study under Bumblebee in "One of Our Mini-Cons is Missing".
Slipstream and Jetstorm were Drift's Mini-Con students who can both transform into vehicles that can attach themselves onto Drift's wrists. Both of them were originally ex-criminals that were the students of Shadow Raker before being taken in by Drift.
Fixit  was a hyperactive yet faulty-wired who originally served as the steward and guard of the Alchemor and later serves as the Autobots' caretaker and medic. He also provides the identification of the escaped Decepticons and reports their location.
So as you can see, there were some of them that were special. There's a Dinobot in the team, an Autobot that was once a Decepticon, etc.
Y/N liked almost all of them, even though some of them were aftholes and jerks.
But did you know that there was also a team named All-Stars? There are Autobots that you were pretty familiar with. There were: Optimus Prime, Jazz, Windblade, Ratchet, Undertone and Bulkhead.
Optimus Prime was originally thought to have died after the events of Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising , he was resurrected by the Primes of the past to help stop their rogue brother Megatronus, whose evil would result in the destruction of both Earth and Cybertron.
Jazz was a friend of Bumblebee and Sideswipe's idol who transforms into a race car. In "Can You Dig It?", he came to Earth after receiving the distress signal from the Alchemor after it crashed and was sent there by the Autobot High Council.
Windblade was  a charming yet somewhat arrogant female Autobot who transforms into a red and black VTOL jet, making her the only Autobot in the series with a vehicle form capable of flight.
Ratchet was a grumpy veteran Autobot medic and a long-time friend of Optimus Prime who transforms into a white and red ambulance resembling a Ford E-350. He was sent by the new Autobot High Council to hunt down the war criminals where he encounters Bumblebee's group in "Decepticon Island, Pt. 1".
Undertone was a silent Mini-Con partnered with Ratchet who transforms into a buzzsaw vehicle in the show. In the toyline, he is a Cyclone Mini-Con who turns into a sphere.
Bulkhead was an Autobot Wrecker and one of Bumblebee's old teammates who transforms into a green SUV resembling a Lamborghini LM002.
It was of course nice and fun to see the familiar Autobots back from the past. But it looks like some of them decided to start a different chapter in their lives. Like for exaplemples: The team wasn't called Team Prime anymore ever since Optimus left with Wheeljack on their journey to complete an important mission. Bumblebee made his own group called The Bee Team and Y/N decided to join him. Bee was secretly happy that one of his friends decided to join him, even though he had new teammates and was the leader. Good that he learned how to have good leadership from Optimus. It was strange in the beginning to get separated from your old teammates when you were in Team Prime at the time. It was especially weird for Bee and Y/N. Bee missed his human friend Raf. He was the only one that could understand him when he lost his voicebox at the time. Y/N was in fact Smokescreen's best friend. Even though he was rookie, he was fun and funny. They only saw each other as siblings and nothing more, which it made Optimus secretly happy. Sadly, Smokescreen didn't appear anymore when the Team Prime separated and it made Y/N sad. She had to be strong and move on to protect Earth and humans.
There were of course other Autobots but you can check it out for yourself.
Anyway, Y/N was now with Drift in the Energon Mine. Fixit picked up a signal that there was Energon and he needed it for projects that he was working on. Bee commanded Y/N and Drift go together.
"Do you see any Energon?" Y/N asked while walking next to him.
"No," Drift said.
They continued to walk, looking for Energon. After almost an hour passed by, Drift found it and it made Y/N happy. They transformed into their vehicles forms and drove back to the base. Y/N was a fast F/C Lamborghini. Y/N remembered when she was on a mission with others, Optimus would lead when all of them were in their vehicles forms. It was Team Prime at the time. Agent Fowler was in Optimus' truck, honking at an old white car infront of Optimus. Y/N, Bee and Bulkhead were following Optimus. It was good old times, but sadly, good times had to end.
When Y/N and Drift arrived in the base, they both transformed. Denny and Russel came up to them. Oh yeah, did I ever told you that Denny and Russel know about Autobots existince? Luckily, they decided to keep it a secret.
"Did you get the Energon?" Russel asked.
Drift and Y/N nodded together and Drift pulled the Energon out. "Here." He then gave the Energon to Russel.
Russel smiled. "Thanks!" He then ran off to Fixit and Denny followed.
Russel was Denny's son by the way.
Bee walked up to Drift and Y/N with a smile. "Good job both of you. You may leave now." He then walked off.
Drift nodded at Y/N as a goodbye and left. He went probably to deal with his students that can be troublemakers.
Y/N then went to her berthroom. Once she entered, she closed the door behind her. She felt sad. She missed her leader. Her Prime. She hoped for a long time that he would return. She even had a pic frame of herself and Optimus on top of her nightstand. Once she looked at the pic frame, she felt tears build up in her beautiful E/C optics. "Where are you?"
Then, out of nowhere, she felt a servo on her shoulderplate. Thinking that it was Bee, she responded: "What is it, Bee?" She didn't turned around to see.
Then there was the familiar chuckle. "I'm not Bee."
That caught Y/N's attention and she turned around to see... Optimus Prime himself! She was so shocked. "O-Optimus..." She was lost.
Optimus showed his usual gentle soft smile. "Hello, Y/N."
Y/N's tears rolled down and tackled Optimus in a hug. The Prime chuckled and hugged her back close. He missed her a lot.
Y/N couldn't hold herself. She grabbed Optimus' face plate and smashed her dermas against his. She was kissing him roughly and with passion. She could feel that the Prime was shocked but kissed her back. They were kissing roughly and deep passion, because they missed each other a lot. Finally they can be together again.
I hope you all enjoyed this one shot! I apologise for mistakes! Requests are open!
Optimus Prime versions I accept: TFP, Bayverse and RID2015
Reader versions I accept: hybrid, human and Cybertronian.
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current request line up as of 6/15/19!
wildbreak x human female s/o
pharma x male bot s/o nsfw
rod squad hc drunk liason
first aid soft hc
tfp ratchet x human bio major nsfw
first aid x human female mutual pining
tfa prowl & tfa blitzwing & human s/o poly hc
tfp smokescreen x human s/o graduation
bumblebee x human top nsfw
idw prowl x human s/o hc 
dom drift x human s/o
lost light mosquito hc
tfp wheeljack x fem reader alt mode nsfw
soft roddy comfort x human s/o
tfa prowl & tfa starscream x human s/o butt touch hc
tfa jetfire & tfa jetstorm x male human s/o nsfw (will be written separate to avoid breaking the rules)
rodimus x human s/o pegging
mtmte megatron x touch starved human s/o
bayverse autobots x human s/o hc
g1 megatron x human s/o alt mode nsfw
tfp megatron x human s/o nsfw caught
thunderclash x female human s/o nsfw
knockout x breakdown x bot s/o fluff hc
tfa mechs x accident prone human s/o hc
jealous tfa prowl x human s/o hc
rid2015 sideswipe x male human s/o nsfw
tfp mechs x human friend bra hc
tfp megatron x gladiator s/o nsfw
also remember that i take commissions now! so if you want something longer than the blurb lengths or you have some hyper detailed piece you’d like for me to write, shoot me a PM and we can chat about it :3 ♥
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current request line up as of 6/24/19!
bayverse autobots x human s/o hc
g1 megatron x human s/o alt mode nsfw
tfp megatron x human s/o nsfw caught
thunderclash x female human s/o nsfw
knockout x breakdown x bot s/o fluff hc
tfa mechs x accident prone human s/o hc
jealous tfa prowl x human s/o hc
rid2015 sideswipe x male human s/o nsfw
tfp mechs x human friend bra hc
tfp megatron x gladiator s/o nsfw
all optimus forms x reader gangbang 
drift x reader tit job
cdrw x reader comfort
rodimus x reader x optimus nsfw (bless you)
awkward g1 megs x reader flirting
rodimus & megatron x reader comfort
rodmus x reader alt mode...sfw?
tfp mechs x reader scam call hc
lost light x shapeshifter reader hc
first aid x reader x ambulon nsfw
ratcher x reader handkink nsfw
dom!magnus x reader x rodimus nsfw
bayverse optimus x reader nsfw
sub!pharma nsfw hc
tfp mechs x reader butt touching hc
rung x reader comfort
rodimus or ratchet x reader comfort
tfp megs or knockout x reader pegging
g1 cosmos x reader space cruise hc
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