#Rhea Butcher
imkeepinit · 2 months
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coldbrewarts · 2 months
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Crack? Yeahhhhh.
Characters: Butcher & Nine Three belong to @moonlightwarriorqueen, Bombshell belongs to @saggitary, Striper is my baby, Rory ( @sunshinesdaydream) and her beloved Case, Howzer with @somewhere-on-kamino’s Rhea being stalked by @ladyzirkonia’s Master Tarkona, and finally a grumpy teen Boba and a Fabulous Alpha 17.
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Does Rachel have something against moms?
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randomnameless · 1 year
Post ask: sorry it's giant but u know me yeah??? yeah.
Since that was a response to someone else's post and I don't have enough to say in terms of all or most of the topics to reblog it in response, yeah, I'd say the Agarthans are the lesser of the two evils to Edelgard. If it was the other way around, I would imagine she'd ally with Rhea to get rid of Thales and Friends, but she chooses Thales and Friends over Rhea.
I understand she needs their assistance to win her war and all that, but Edelgard could've just as easily allied with Rhea after telling her the truth about the Agarthans and whatnot (Hopes notwithstanding since that's a different situation and would for another post/ask/etc), and she'd have a power equal to the Agarthans allied with her. By which I mean, Rhea and Thales+the other Agarthans are basically at the same strength, so she more or less had a choice between the two sides to ally with. Having Rhea would also mean having the KoS which isn't a group to scoff at.
So yeah, that said, I think she determined Agarthans were just less evil in her mind (especially considering she has similar values to them, such as saying in the Lonato chapter that she'd sacrifice her own people for her goals, but that's also exactly what Solon does to Kronya, and in Hopes, what Arval does to Solon. In other words them doing that isn't a moral nope I'm out for her/obviously wasn't a deciding factor).
Also, I think it's very likely that she preferred to side with humans over dragons. It reminds me a lot of this one line in FE9, where an NPC says he'd rather side with humans/his own kind because "at least you know what you're getting". Considering the hatred she seems to have (for unexplored reasons) toward dragons, it would make sense that she would choose to side with the people who are human like her.
She seems to have more reasons/goals/things in common with Agarthans overall, and if she doesn't accept Rhea's values and such, it makes sense that she'd have a preference toward Agarthans. No idea if you could say that Thales has a part in it because he's by appearance her uncle, so maybe that plays a part too? Again, unexplored, but it could be a factor since Thales has had her uncle's body for years now and is pretending to /be/ her uncle to the public.
Yet again, UNEXPLORED LOL, but I wish they went more into depth of like, why would she side with the people who tormented her and killed all her siblings? Why would she listen to anything they told her, much less ally with them? I was much more preferable to SB's situation because it felt more like the right thing to do as far as her character. If they had that much of a chokehold on the Empire, there was still nothing stopping her once she was safely in GM and could've talked to Rhea privately, and also asked that she doesn't do anything to raise their suspicions that Rhea and Friends have caught on/know what's happening because it could put her/the Empire/etc in danger.
The whole "they have us in a chokehold" kind of thing isn't really how it goes in CF because she does willingly want them allied with her to use their tech and whatnot, so it's a mutual usage and she does target Cornelia who ends up being collateral damage for being in Faerghus when she attacks Faerghus (again, a technical ally who she ends up killing).
Which like, she didn't have to attack Faerghus at all because Cornelia had so much power there. Again, that was an ally of hers technically; though I guess it gets muddy because Rodrigue still trusted Cornelia and was working alongside her in CF, so it's highly likely Cornelia was fighting /with/ Faerghus to take out Edelgard before truly running the place with an iron fist (which like, that might be true in general; I don't really remember since my memory on CF overall is a little hazy in comparison to the other routes).
Also makes me think that was another thing they should've put more focus on (which they absolutely could have considering CF was cut short chapter-wise). Thales gets mad that they attacked Cornelia, but was Cornelia actively fighting the Empire with Faerghus, or was she holding back (i.e. Faerghus was fighting the Empire but Cornelia personally was trying to mitigate damage because it would benefit the Agarthans)?
If Cornelia wasn't doing anything, yeah, I can understand Thales getting mad, but if she was, then he can't really be mad that they killed an Agarthan in the middle of that conflict. Like, Faerghus was going to fight back no matter what, but Rodrigue was treating Cornelia like a commander or something? So like... what was the Agarthans' role in all that? How much did they help Faerghus fight back? Obviously they want to weaken the Empire for more control, so it makes sense to side with Faerghus in part, but it's just a really condensed arc because it only lasts for one chapter.
This got a bit off topic BUT I wrote it anyway because it was relatively related. I just feel like there were better methods to write out the whole Edelgard and Agarthans thing, but they made CF a lot shorter than the other routes and effectively shot themselves in the foot by doing so with the story.
I feel like they did that with the chapter count because CF was supposed to be much more of a secret route, but since they made the conditions significantly easier by their own admission than they intended to originally, they gave themselves like what, five chapters less to work with the story? Makes it more convoluted than it could've been.
How dare u send me a long ask
for what it's worth, in heroes, she calls them both monsters/beasts !
Beasts hiding in the light. Monsters slithering in the dark.
So she knows they're both non-humans, but having pointy ears is worse than having pale skin ?
And yet, the lizard are just so BaD with their "non human-ess" that she always targets them first - because let's be real, in Nopes, she just kicks her uncle out of Enbarr, but doesn't make sure he's dead or his cult is dealt with, no, she returns to her top priority, make Fodlan a lizard-free world.
Part of her hatred against Nabateans must come from agarthan slithering in Adrestia since... uh, the moment Seiros left? and some of it might also be part of her growing up as an Adrestian Nobles, and being Big MaD (tm) that the stupid church let those barbarians get their own country 400 years ago :( Maybe her rac- specism comes from those two sources?
About Cornelia - in CF Rodrigue seems to work with her, but we have also to be reminded that in CF, Cornelia is still under cover and supposed to be the nice lady who cured the Kingdom - she can't pull all the things she does in the non CF routes or manipulate Rufus like she does in AG because Rhea (and her knights) is in Firdhiad! I personally thing she was mitigating her efforts - not actively helping the Kingdom, and having to prepare her Titanus army in secret because the second the capital, aka Dimitri hears about this, there's a possibility Rhea will know too, and the gig would be up (Rhea herself isn't that familiar with Titanus, but she most likely knows giant robots are either Nabatean, or Agarthan - coupled with Cornelia's permanent youth it could raise way too much suspicions).
Yep, I also think so regarding the chapter count! CF was supposed to be the bonus/bad end route so it'd make sense if it is shorter, but imo, also because the writers wrote themselves in a dead end - if Rhea has to be the main enemy because her ears are pointy, you can't suddenly throw Agarthans in the mix and for Supreme Leader to demolish them at first, and then taking Rhea's head because her ears are pointy!
They already wrote themselves in a bretzel knot with the "nu uh it was Rhea who launched those missiles trust me uwu" where even the CF writers couldn't possibly imagine that no characters would ever call doubts on her bullshit of the day - but imagine if the rest of the cast had to come clean with Flamey's association to Agarthans, what they did (hello war assets!) who they are and what they want?
I know CF operates on a "suspension of disbelief" level - but even at this point I think it would have been hard for the FE16 writers to make any sense of it.
Giving more screentime to Supreme Leader's association with Agarthans (especially since she believes she needs them to off Rhea, after all, she asks her Uncle to come and watch the final battle, so maybe she thought he could summon "reserve troops" if everything failed like what happens in the non-CF versions of the Assault in Garreg Mach?) would also means giving more spotlight to Flamey's actions during White Clouds, and we know FE16 is allergic to that.
So, in a nutshell, I think Supreme Leader targets the lizards before targetting Uncle'n'co because :
Both are non humans but pointy ears are even "less human" than Agarthans because pointy ears are "beasts"! (which would explain why in Nopes she immediately shifts her target on pointy ears after Thales is only "outed" of the Empire and not killed - bear in mind she targets Rhea when Thales is still alive, but in CF, killing Rhea is her top priority!)
She needs Uncle's help to target pointy ears (which doubles as horrifying if she counts on Thales'n'co's abilities to get rid of Nabateans because she checked their resume and/or they told her how they genocided them all save for half a dozen remaining ones)
Getting rid of Pointy Ears means she'll be able to MAGA (one of her main goals!) while getting rid of Thales won't bring her any step closer to unifying Fodlan under Adrestia's banner
She's more pissed at the Goddess not answering her prayers when she was being tortured than at the people torturing her themselves! (Thales lit says he gave her the CoF so she'll become their greatest weapon! So she knows the one who cut her open wasn't Aegir, or acting on Aegir's orders, but the mole men working with Thales!)
Granted, as you pointed out with the PoR comparison, if both are non humans, an usual "racist" human wouldn't want to side with either of them - Thales is a monster, Rhea is a beast, so who should she side with?
That's why I suppose she has some personal grudge against Nabateans (more personal than any grudge she can have against the one who butchered her and her own siblings!!) to make her hate them much more viciously than hating Agarthans. Is it because the Church recognised Faerghus' right to be independant? Or something else?
i still have my au/verse/hc where Emperor Willy named his half-nabatean son Lycaon as his heir, when he had other older fully-human children who felt like the half lizard stole their throne, and since then House Hresvelg harbours a deep resentment against nabateans, who are supposedly better than themselves (else why would Willy have picked his latest kid and not a human one???).
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microwave-core · 7 months
There are a lot of things I like about three houses, even if some of those things and characters aren't written well, if not entirely fumbled by the narrative.
However, if I woke up tomorrow in a world in which three houses never existed, I think it would be a better place
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/me, seeing all the posts about House of the Dragon's leaked season finale
Damn, at least Game of Thrones took a few seasons before shitting over itself, how the hell do you manage to do that in one season?
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drakaripykiros130ac · 5 months
I swear…if they even dare to have Daemon physically abuse Rhaenyra on or off screen (something that NEVER happened in canon), I will officially be 100% done with this shitshow.
The choking scene was bad enough (as confirmed by the actors themselves). There had better be a good explanation for that bandaged hand and the bruise on her cheek in that promo.
Daemon Targaryen was many things. But he was NEVER physically abusive towards any of his wives (not even Rhea Royce, the wife he despised).
The only ones to suffer Daemon’s wrath are his family’s enemies.
For what possible reason would Daemon inflict harm on the love of his life?
It’s pathetic how Condal tries the most despicable things to get the GA to root for his greenies, and it still doesn’t work. What is this guy’s problem?
And I can’t believe GRRM lets him butcher his absolute fave like this. Shame on him.
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moonflower91 · 2 months
Where You Go, I Go
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"He's afraid of me."
"Yes," Saerah hummed back, her fingers running softly through the ends of his long silver hair. "He's an old man now. Short of time, patience and temper. Like as not to lash out. Daemon has spent his life at war -- in the Stepstones, with his brother, even poor Rhea Royce to a degree. Now, likely the biggest war looms on the horizon, and he did not draw first blood."
“The folly of the young, as grandfather said. Smarter to wait than draw first blood.”
She fixed him with a sidelong look. “I shall say naught, for to insult Daemon for his recklessness, is to insult my love.” Aemond only rolled his eye, and settled further down her body to rest his head in her lap. 
"I do regret that business with Luke. I lost my temper that day."
"I know. You did not leave me intending to kill anyone, nor did anyone expect such a little fool to be the bearer of Rhaenyra’s business. You left me intending to make a marriage offer." She said it softly, stroking his hair, but he could hear the fire behind the icy tone in which  she spoke.
"That work is done now, Saerah."  He all but grumbled, turning his face into her lap.
"Yes, yes it is. Anyway, Daemon is full of bile and pride, but he is beholden to Rhaenyra. I can only imagine how burned he feels, to be reined in like a mad dog. Especially by her—not only his young wife, but the one whom Viserys chose over him.”
"You believe that whore would stop him from winning the war for her?"
Saerah thought for a moment. “To a point. She has ruined herself forever now with Jaehaerys’ slaughter. Mayhaps she takes pause now to act an innocent. But as her losses pile higher, I think it will make her desperate.”
“We fly with larger dragons and possess a larger army, with some of the best military minds in the Seven Kingdoms.”
“Aye. She and Daemon will die for Helaena and Aegon’s boy. Imagining how I might kill them has caused me  such dark thoughts of late. I’m frightened of them because I know I truly desire them.”
“Tell me.” He said, turning his head to look up at her.
She could not meet his eye, and stared out, watching the flames in the hearth. “I would burn all of her bastards alive, perhaps making her watch. And then, I'd keep her alive for a long while, to let her wallow in her agony, and have Daemon ripped apart by dogs. His limbs thrown into the filth of slums he once lorded over.”
Aemond scoffed. "You've thought about it quite extensively."
"What else can I do all day, trapped here in the Red Keep but think of ways to make them suffer?" Saerah did not enjoy the idea of murdering children, even if it was in vengeance. But that little child, sleeping in his bed, who loved stories and ponies and playing with his mother's long hair...to be butchered, to die in fear and pain…
Her fingers tangled in her brother's hair, heart speeding because it felt just. Almost. But she knew her pain and grief drove this feeling. It would not be justice, she knew. But how she longed for Rhaenyra and Daemon’s agony to sate the burning ache of her family’s suffering and grief .
"I was terribly lonely without you here, Aemond. If you leave me again, I shall follow you on Vexxa."
“And leave Helaena here? Alone with naught but her fears? With her broken heart?”
“Helaena has Mother beside her. And Jaehaera.”
“Whom she can hardly look at without running away in tears. Jahaera and the boy looked just alike.” Like we did , he thought. When they were very small, Alicent once told them, they’d looked so alike no one could tell them apart. Of course, that had changed as their personalities grew. 
“I am a selfish creature, then, for I will still follow.”
“I am selfish then, too, for I would let you.”
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very-straight-blog · 2 months
Making Aegon a r*pist was lazy writing, and it only further demonstrate how the screenwriters aren't able to understand the concept of "grey character".
Do I think it should be completely overlooked? No. Because even if he didn't hurt Helaena he did r*pe Dyana (it was completely useless to his character and it only served the purpose of making him appear more irredeemable, but that's beside the point), and he should be held accountable for it by the viewers at the very least.
Do I also think Aegon's sexual trauma — that would be having to sire children at FUCKING FOURTEEN — was grossly overlooked and glazed over not only by the viewers but also by the screenwriters, and that it could have been represented in a vast variety of more poignant ways (for example, instead of making Aemond an SA victim because yes, they could have given Aegon that kind of relationship with the madame and dive deeper on how he seeks the love he doesn't receive from his family elsewhere)? Do I also think the screenwriters treated Aegon unjustly just because they are not capable of handling a male character with such deep, complex scars that cannot be fully explained in an eight-episodes-long series, and have therefore decided to butcher him because they prioritized hype instead of delivering an actual good product to the public?
Yes. Yes to all of that. As a mainly TB fan I felt myself being forced into my faction, because "who would support a r*pist?", and I came to find unjust how unreasonable this argument is: Daemon and Viserys are r*pists too, with the former literally asking young virgins be set aside for him in brothels and the latter being seen forcing himself on Alicent. Neither of them is held nearly as accountable for their misdeeds as Aegon, and to this day I don't understand why.
I agree with everything here in general and will talk a bit about this topic (I like to talk about Aegon, in case someone suddenly didn't notice).
Yes, the show certainly manipulates facts to endear viewers to one character and make them hate another. Almost everyone in this story has done terrible things, but a lot of fans behave as if the incident with Dyana was the worst of them. Well, I don't know, what about those women Daemon slept with in the brothels? Who often didn't want to be there, who were very young, because he preferred virgins. What about that servant who was killed to hide Laenor's escape? What about Rhea, whom Daemon killed in cold blood to marry Rhaenyra? And so on and so forth. And believe me, such planned crimes shock me much more than what the drunken idiot Aegon did without even remembering it later. Once again, did he do a bad thing? Yes. Is he a good person (character)? No. But at least I'm not trying to make him into someone he's not. And yes - Aegon is still an interesting and complex character that I adore. Not a villain and not just a "drunk and r*pist."
The problem is how his actions are presented to the viewer. Our acquaintance with adult Aegon literally begins with this rape scene, this is our first impression of the character. Aegon has eight minutes of screen time in the first season, and three of them are devoted to the discussion of this incident. Plus, they don't give him anything that could justify it. Did Daemon kill his wife? Well, he did it for love. And this is deeply explored, we're forced to sympathize with the character and then we easily forgive him for such an act. Aegon is shown simply as an asshole without any redeeming traits.
Time skips cleverly mask the fact that Aegon and Helaena were teenagers at best when the twins were born. Helaena gave birth to TWO children at such an early age, they became parents against their own will, not being ready for it. It's interesting, it adds depth to the characters, it might explain why Aegon drinks so much - but of course the screenwriters won't show us that.
Again, Aegon's hypersexuality isn't something funny, it's not what makes him an asshole, it's a sign of trauma. He uses it to numb his loneliness. I believe that Aegon literally didn't have the opportunity to feel what love is in any form. His father disliked him and showed it openly. His mother loved him, but she never knew how to express it the way he needed to. He was married to his sister (the tragedy for both of them) and it was a matter of duty, not feelings. At the time of the first season, Aegon is deeply unhappy and this is obvious. I have every reason to believe that his need for physical intimacy is based on the fact that this is the only form of love he can receive. Considering that Aegon is quite smart, I even think that he himself understands how ugly this form is, but there's nothing he can do. During the act, I guess in some unhealthy way it really saves him from loneliness, longing and the need to be loved, but in the end it makes him even more unhappy.
My thought turned out to be a bit messy and it's time for me to shut up, otherwise I'll never finish, but the point is that the show manipulates the audience to create "the right" point of view for them and it's very annoying. And they also don't know how to create deep, controversial characters at all.
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reignof-fyre · 3 months
I despise how the writers/whoever the fuck is in charge of cutting scenes keep cutting important, vital moments of these characters lives/personalities.
People who have read fire and blood know that Daemon is a morally grey anti hero who has his own unique moral compass, and we know he is ride or fuckin die for rhaenyra and their kids. He loved his brother, and he never even entertained the thought of a usurpation.
The show has scrapped all moments that show the good side of his character. Him hugging his girls in their shared grief? Nah, let's cut it. Daemon interacting with his own and Rhaenyra's children? It's not important because aegon the raping usurper chucking a wank out the window is somehow more important? Daemon being ever by rhaenyras side during the birth and aftermath of Visenya? No, let's have him chill elsewhere. Daemon wanting to burn KL down when in the source material it was RHAENYS who wanted to immediately go to war and slaughter the greens willingly.
Also Daemon losing he and Mysaria's unborn baby was a fucking VITAL MOMENT IN HIS LIFE OKAY?! BECAUSE THE MISCARRIAGE WAS VISERYS' FAULT!!!!!
Book Rhaenys would slap Show Rhaenys and HUCK-TEW on her, y'know? (I love eve best thought she is my MOTHERRRRRRRR)
Cutting rhaenyra - who canonically in the book demanded Vaemond's death - ordering Vaemond executed and fed to Syrax?
Book Rhaenyra would feed show rhaenyra to syrax fr
Removing any and all agency from female characters? Brother euuughhh
i actually like Book!Alicent because she isn't a 2d uwu poor abused by the patriarchy little bitch like she is in the show. In the book she KNOWS she's smothered by the patriarchy and USES HER SEX AGAINST THEM. She MARRIED the king WILLINGLY for POWER AND AMBITION and WHOLEHEARTEDLY orchestrated her sons usurpation. She played the game of thrones with her whole ass fuckin soul. I can RESPECT THAT. What I don't respect is show alicent playing the fucking victim and "Oh noooooo 🥺🥺🥺 everything was my daddy's fault. I have no say in anything. I'm just a wittle baby puppet that HAS to dance to my daddy's tune...."
I'm just so exhausted with show runners and writers butchering characters I ADORE with my whole fuckin ass honestly.
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eschercaine · 3 months
One of the things I hate about that Dragon Show© is everything is just an accident or misunderstanding.
The Greens usurped Rhaenyra because Alicent misunderstood what Viserys said? As if they were not plotting to put Aegon on the throne from the very beginning.
Almond killed Luke by accident? In the book, Aemond is a Targaryen version of Joffrey Baratheon. He didn’t think twice about chasing and killing Luke in a storm.
And now what? Blood and Cheese killing Jaehaerys is because they misunderstood the assignment? Or is it an accident on their part?
But when it comes to Rhea Royce, who died during a hawking incident, she was killed by Daemon... who was, in the books, several miles away from her?
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I’ve read Fire and Blood, though I haven’t finished it yet. But from what I see, the Greens are the villains. Alicent is a Karen. Criston is an incel; nothing happens between him and Rhaenyra. In either two versions, they both rejected each other. Daemon didn’t kill his first wife.
Yet the writers are trying desperately to make the Greens the “victim” in all this, making excuses for their behavior. While Rhaenyra who was just doing the best she can after her own father thrust her into a dangerous position is being... “villainized”?
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The Dragon Show©, to me, is like Ryan Condal’s fanfic version of Fire and Blood with pro-Greens and anti-Blacks propaganda, plus with the butchering of every character.
If one has to make a tv adaptation from books, video games, or any other form of media, at least respect the source material.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 3 months
Daughter of Steel and Bronze ~ HOTD
Ch 12 - Hidden secrets
HOTD x Targaryen!OC, Targaryen!OC x Harwin Strong
Warnings: make out session (nothing too explicit), inappropriate thoughts?
HOTD masterlist
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"The year 115 was an eventful year for the Royal family. Princess Rhaenyra turned 18 and after an unsuccessful tour to find a husband she returned home to King's Landing. Destiny would have that her uncle, Prince Daemon, also returned to the capital on the same day. Shortly after, rumors began spreading of the Princess losing her maidenhead to her uncle. To quell the rumors, His Grace betrothed his eldest daughter to the son of the Sea Snake, Ser Laenor Velaryon.
In the Vale, the most unfortunate event occurred - Princess Daena was attacked on her 17th name day. The miscreant was a petty lord from the Vale who drunkenly assaulted the Princess. Her mother, Lady Rhea Royce, was furious and demanded his head. His Grace outraged that his niece was hurt, agreed with his good sister and demanded the lord be put to the sword. When the knights of the Vale were sent to arrest him, they found the man butchered in his cell. Many suspect this was the work of Prince Daemon avenging his daughter." 
(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)
115 AC, King's Landing
An emergency Small Council meeting was called in the early morning hours. Once everyone was settled, Lord Lyonel spoke up.
"Troubling news come from the Vale, Your Grace. Ravens flew in from both Runestone and the Eyrie." 
This caught Viserys's attention. "What do you speak of, Lyonel?"
"A couple of days ago, a feast was held at Runestone, in honor of Princess Daena's 17th name day. It appears that she was attacked, Your Grace." 
"Seven Hells, Lyonel. What do you mean?" His Grace asked, worried that something awful happened to his niece. 
"During the hour of the bat, the Princess left the feast and walked by herself into the godswood of the castle. There, the miscreant cornered her and...harsh words were exchanged. She told him to leave her alone, but he was unwilling to listen. If what the letter says is true, he started choking her against the heart tree."
"Gods be good! Is she alright?"
"According to the castle's measter, she has severe bruising all over her body and her wrist appears to be sprained." 
His Grace was too stunned to speak. Lord Lyonel continued. "Lady Rhea is furious. She demands his head. She already spoke to Lady Jeyne Arryn and demands justice for her daughter."
Lord Lyonel gave the letters to His Grace. Viserys couldn't believe someone would be so foolish to assault a member of the Royal family. He knew if Daemon caught news of this, he would kill the man himself.
"Write to Lady Rhea. Tell her that she has every right to execute him for hurting a member of the Royal family." His Grace proclaimed. 
Runestone, the Vale
Days have passed in a blur. She barely left her room, hells, she barely left her bed. She barely spoke, her throat aching whenever she did. Her wrist was sprained, so she couldn't even dress herself, or brush her hair; she couldn't do anything by herself. The twins had to help her with everything. 
"Daena." Her mother came in. In her hands was a platter with many things on it. She put the platter on the table and sat on the edge of the bed. Daena's eyes were glued to the ceiling. "Look at me." Her mother said, moving her silver curls from her face. 
"No! Don't look at me! I'm hideous!" Daena exclaimed, turning her body toward the wall. Rhea sighed. It shattered her heart to see her daughter so broken. She rubbed Daena's back, trying to give some comfort.
"My love. You are not hideous. You will heal and come out of this stronger than ever!" Rhea said, patting Daena's head. 
Daena suddenly turned and looked at her mother with furrowed brows. "What lord will have me now, in this condition? Rumors will spread that I was...sullied. No matter what I say, people will believe what they want to believe." 
Rhea tilted her head, giving Daena a look of pity. What Daena said was true. She could only imagine what those snakes in the Red Keep would say once word of the accident spread. And no matter how hard Rhea tried, she could not protect Daena from such rumors. 
"Come here. I need to put the ointment on you." Rhea said as she picked up a jar filled with a cream the measter said would ease Daena's pain. It was a thick, viscous cream with a strong herbal smell. Daena huffed but moved closer. 
As her mother applied the cream to her bruises, Daena looked through the window and listened as the raindrops fell. Grey, heavy clouds were present in the sky, blocking out the midday sun. Daena wondered where Vermithor was. She hasn't seen him since before her name day. She wanted to go outside and greet him but her mother would not allow it. 
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Back in King's Landing, Rhaenyra was going back to her chamber after the Small Council meeting. The possibility of her marrying Ser Laenor loomed heavy over her. Another thing on her mind was her dear cousin Daena. She was violently assaulted, at her name day celebration no less. She received a letter from her cousin, in which Daena told her how Ser Harwin valiantly saved her from the miscreant. 
For the past eight months, she and Daena have been exchanging letters. It seemed that both Princesses grew closer to their respective knights. If the letters were anything to go by, Daena fancied Ser Harwin. Nyra had her own knight to fancy. 
"Good night, Ser Criston." She said to her sworn shield as she entered her room. 
"Sleep well, Princess." Ser Criston replied. 
Nyra closed the door and sighed slightly. She took off her earrings, placing them on the table. She then noticed a strange bag hanging off one of the chairs. She picked it up and turned it upside down emptying it. She looked at what fell out of it; a bunch of peasant clothing. Besides the clothes was a scroll.
She opened it; it contained a drawing of what appeared to be the layout of her bed and instructions in High Valyrian. She followed the drawing and discovered her room was connected to a secret tunnel. She had an inkling of who could be behind this. 
At the end of the tunnel, Daemon awaited with a smirk on his face. The night proved to be quite eventful for Rhaenyra, just not in the way she expected. 
Back at Runestone, Harwin watched as the raindrops splashed against the window of his room. It had been raining the entire day. Ever since the accident, he barely left his chambers, too embarrassed to speak to anyone, especially Lady Rhea.
A soft knock on the door disturbed his silence. Joy came in and closed the door but his eyes stayed glued to the window. "Harwin." She called quietly. 
"The Princess has requested your presence." She informed him. This made Harwin turn around and look at his sister. 
Why would the Princess want to speak with him? Was it so that she could curse him out and banish him from her service? No matter what Hanna told him the previous day, he had a hard time believing the Princess wasn't angry with him. If he was so angry at himself, surely the Princess was as well. 
"Now, Harwin. She seemed quite eager to speak with you." Joy added and quickly left the room. He knew he had no choice but to go. He wished he didn't have to. He was scared; scared to be confronted, scared to look at her in the eye. How could he ever defend himself? 
Harwin sighed. He had been dreading this moment for days and it was finally happening. He gently knocked on the door of her room. "Come in." 
He opened the door and slowly walked into her room. This was his first time inside her chambers; they were half the size of her King's Landing chambers but spacious nonetheless. In the far left corner was her bed. In the center of the room was a large settee made of oak and covered in red velvet. 
To the right was the window and below it was her writing desk. She stood in front of her desk, her back turned to him. Her long hair was loose, falling freely down her back like a river of silver. She was in her nightgown; it was long, falling just above her ankles. Over that, she had a silk shall wrapped around herself. "Princess." He said quietly. 
"Sit." She said softly not yet turning to meet his eye. He sat on the large velvet settee. He nervously waited for her to speak. He was too embarrassed to look at her, so he looked at the rug. 
"I wanted to thank you. For everything you've done for me. Not just for saving me, but for being so loyal to me all these years. I couldn't be more grateful to have someone like you by my side." 
Harwin felt relief wash over him and some of his guilt disappeared. After a couple more seconds of silence, she finally turned around. A soft gasp escaped his lips - her ivory skin was marred with dark bruises all over her jaw and neck. Her left wrist was bandaged and a certain emptiness was in her eyes.
She quietly sat next to him, their thighs touching. Her hands were on her lap, nervously playing with her rings. Harwin observed the bandage on her left hand and eventually took her hand in his. "I've failed you, Princess...please, forgive me." He said, his voice breaking as he looked at her bandaged wrist.
"...You didn't fail me, Harwin." She argued.
Harwin argued back, saying none of this would've happened if he had been there to protect her. Words stumbled out of his mouth as he poured his heart out about all the shame and guilt he's been feeling. Once she noticed tears forming in his eyes, she put her good hand across his mouth, silencing him.
"It was not your fault. I am not angry, Harwin. Not with you. I could never be angry with you." She insisted. She brushed her thumb against his lips while she buried the fingers of her bandaged hand into his dark curls. 
She enjoyed the way his breath caught in his throat. She started caressing his cheek with her hand and admired his features while he stared at her in bewilderment. "My knight in shining armor." She whispered with a smile on her face. Neither of them noticed how she leaned closer to him and how her chest was pressed against his.
"My darling Princess." He whispered back as he snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her onto his lap. His blue eyes met her lilac ones. Their noses touched, and he could feel her breath tickling his face. He basked in the warmth of her skin, her pink lips only inches away from his own. Her hair smelled of lemon and rose oil and it all drove him insane. 
Everything she did, everything she said - it all drove him to the edges of madness. The sound of her laughter, the warmth of her skin, the softness of her touch, the way his name sounded on her lips; she was the only thing he could think about.
He held her tightly in his lap, caressing the edge of her hips with his hand. She laid her head upon his shoulder and looked up at him with those doe eyes of hers. She had a small pout on her lips and, gods, did she look angelic. Even with all the injuries, she looked like the Maiden herself. 
"How could I ever repay you?" She whispered softly, her voice muffled by his shoulder.
He gave her an inquisitive look and she straightened up in his lap. She spoke while playing with the collar of his doublet. 
"You have served me loyally for many years. I owe you a great debt." 
"It is my duty, Princess. You owe me nothing."
"I know...but still. I wish to reward you somehow." She replied with an air of playfulness in her tone.
"Truly, my Princess, it's alright, you don't have to-" He started saying but was cut off when she placed her plush lips onto his own. They were warm and so, so, so soft. It was a chaste kiss that lasted only seconds but for Harwin it felt like time itself stopped. 
She pulled away slightly to breathe but her lips still lingered above his own. He placed his hand gently around her neck, careful of her bruises, and pulled her back for more. He deepened the kiss this time, but was mindful not to overwhelm her. She was surprised but quickly gave in, relaxing her body against his.
Once he felt the need for air, he pulled back, and was met with her angelic face - her cheeks were flushed a pretty pink, her lips red and swollen from his ministrations and her pupils blown wide with emotion. Then, a smile appeared on her face and she bit her lower lip and started giggling. 
"That was my first kiss!" She exclaimed and he couldn't help but smirk at that. Pride grew inside him at the thought of him being the first man ever to kiss those plush lips and caress her soft skin. His mind wondered, making him think about kissing the base of her throat, pulling her hair, nibbling at the skin behind her ear, all while his name fell form her lips-
"Harwin." She called for him, pulling him out of his thoughts. 
She couldn't help but chuckle at his expression. He stared at her lips and his eyes were wide with what she could only describe as hunger. She wondered what he was thinking about. Before she could ask, he gently grabbed her face, his thumb caressing her lower lip. Instinctively, she wrapped her lips around his thumb and licked it all while looking him straight in the eye.
She knew what was happening and she knew exactly what she was doing. Lady talk and gossip wasn't as innocent as men would think. Many ladies spoke of many different ways couples could pleasure each other and in the beginning, Daena blushed and ignored these conversations as they made her uncomfortable.
But as she matured, her mind started creating...interesting pictures, and many of them involved her sworn protector. They ranged from innocent kisses to him on his knees, his face beneath her skirts. She knew it was considered wrong and a sin, but she couldn't help herself, and him constantly gazing at her didn't help at all.
"You little minx." He said, his voice raspy. She bashfully looked away and he pinched her waist. She gasped and playfully slapped his arm. "Don't play coy with me now. Where did you learn that?"
She smirked and looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about." 
He pulled her closer, their breaths mingling. Their noses touched and he kissed her again. He could feel her smiling against his lips. They kissed a bit more and then she finally pulled away. She couldn't stop giggling and the sound reminded him that despite being a Princess, Daena was just a young girl who just experienced passion for the first time. He was glad her first kiss was with him rather than someone else.
"As much as I enjoyed these...activities, I think it's time you leave, lest someone grows suspicious." Daena whispered like she was afraid of drawing unwanted attention. 
She got off his lap, allowing him to stand up. She stayed seated, looking up at him with wide eyes. She bit her lip playfully and looked down at her feet. He placed his hand beneath her chin and slowly lifted her head. He brushed her lips with his thumb and leaned in for one final kiss. 
"Good night, Princess." He bid her farewell softly. 
"...Good night, Ser Harwin." She barely uttered, too focused on the heat that was pooling in her lower belly. She crossed her legs instinctively and a sweet spark of pleasure danced across her body, like someone lit a fire inside her being. She laid back on the settee and focused her gaze on the embers inside the hearth. 
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A/N - sorry for not uploading any chapters for a couple of weeks. Uni and exam season was killing me lol. But that's over so I can fully focus on writing new chapters.
Hope you like the new chapter. Next one will be sad, like real sad😭
Thank you for reading! 💕
If you have any opinions feel free to comment.
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nash-dara · 3 months
In what world was s1 favouring the greens? They were shown as hypocrites, rapists, pimps, murderers etc. the blacks were clearly the heroes of the story and they continue to be.
I can give you few examples that are pivotal to the whole story;
• Rhaenys' hair is black because her Baratheon Blood is so strong, she didn't inherit the typical Valyrian features.
• Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey are not 'Strong' babes, they are only rumored, those are only rumors made by the Greens.
• Alicent became someone whose somewhat sympathetic and does some terrible and stupid decisions when in the books she's very decisive and the one who planned it mostly and not a puppet of Otto. She's supposed to be a cunning manipulative stepmother.
• The show make Alicent usurp the throne because of a misunderstanding when in the book it's because she's ambitious.
• The show Aemond, they made him do a "prank/bullying session gone wrong" shitshow, for the reason that he just supposed to appear as sympathetic in killing Luke instead of a psycho going into a rampage .
• On the flip side, they highlighted all the crazy antics of Daemon and erase his good side. He wasn't supposed to kill Rhea, or those moments that shows Daemon cares about his family and not just a power hungry and war monger person were erased.
• Although I do admit that they frame Rhaenyra as the 'protagonist' in the pilot episodes and washed some of her crimes including killing Laenor which is in the book but in the show Laenor somewhat fake his death with the help of Daemon and Rhaenyra.
• However it doesn't changed the fact that they also did the same thing to other characters namely Alicent and Aemond. They also didn't show that Rhaenyra do ruled the Dragonstone and know how to rule and not just a spoiled princess who wants to inherit the Iron Throne because her daddy said so, no, even other lords agree upon it and only minor houses favored the Greens.
• Honestly, I just really enjoy the nuance of each character in the book, no matter what team they are even if they are not the team I root for because all of them are complex and not just a binary, white-black morality and now because it is adapted into a show they somewhat have free passed to butcher it. It is just sad and disappointing at this point that they (the show) didn't frame it as like a History Book telling what happen in the past before Dany as they put biases to a lot of characters whether they are Greens or Blacks.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Hope I gave you some clarity why I think the season 1 was bias to the Greens, although right now I'm still unsure too if the season 2 would be able to show the balance viewpoint of both Team's warcrimes.
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greenqueenhightower · 4 months
about the supposed r*pe thing that MIGHT be related to the alicole scene
i don’t doubt they would take that route for two things:
1. Alicent is the woman who is shown to suffer all kinds of abuse on screen, and she always receives unnecessary scenes (the foot scene!). Saying that i also saw on twt that during s2 filming some rumors spreed about Olivia wanting to quit because of a disagreement or problems with the intimacy coordinator and the amount of nude scenes… that also would explain her lack of enthusiasm about s2 and the press in general.
2. Criston, although he worships alicent and have this madonna whore complex with her… at the end of the day he is still a man and nonetheless a violent and impulsive man, and well we can’t trust men especially in a medieval society and especially inside AWOIAF because violence and violence against women is almost like a celebration to it.
and i am saying all of this outside of a writing standpoint because if we go there all sides (rhaenicents, alicoles, alicent stans and criston stans) are losing because this is poor writing at it’s finest. but i suggest we all lay low and stay calm about it (even though is hard…. i am almost biting my hand off), if the leaks were true they would be put down because that’s literally violation of contract and NDAs and all that
What is with this show and making male characters as r*pists? Viserys was one, but so he was in F&B, then they made Aegon one for the shock value, and now there is the possibility that so is Criston. And let's not forget Daemon's portrayal, who kills Rhea Royce in cold blood. So yes, there very much is violence against women in HOTD, and even more so in the ASOIAF world (there are so many examples of characters as well as customs: see first night).
I am still very hesitant to believe that Criston will r*pe Alicent though, because of course it is OOC for him and it would ruin his character arc in S2. I cannot imagine him staying in the council or becoming Hand after all this comes to light.
If he does, the writers really hate Alicent. Because this means that Alicent does not speak up for herself yet again, and she is being victimized and taken advantage of once more, so nothing has changed. As you said, Alicent had two SA scenes in S1, and if that is where her character is going in S2, then they really want to inflict the most pain and utter humiliation on that woman. Her role would serve to satisfy a projection of some male fantasy which I would hate. I mean, if this is true, I do not blame Olivia for being uncomfortable and pessimistic about it.
Now, do I believe it? I don't want to. I am thinking that the backlash the writers will receive if the characters of both Alicent and Criston are butchered in such a shameless way in S2 would deter them from ever making that decision, yet, as you highlight, we have already seen how careless and ruthless they can be with their own characters in S1 so I am not expecting top tier writing and character development either.
I guess that, as you said, we have to wait and see.
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randomnameless · 6 months
Treehouse!Seteth :
I am, of course, Rhea's servant. So, in a more formal context, I must maintain a deferential distance.
After being called out for using Rhea's name without using honorifics - I mean, calling her by her name and not by her title - by Cyril, Seteth explains it's just an issue of context, and when he's formal, he always keeps a "deferential distance".
And when we see them in Nopes in the past, during Larva's paralogue, even as they were fighting, he was indeed very formal :
I cannot continue... I leave the rest in your hands, Lady Seiros!
(please don't mind the names lol).
But in JP :
かつての私は、レアに仕える者として 立場を弁えた言動を取る必要があった
Which was translated by Teaspoon translation as :
"Previously, as one who serves Rhea, I had to speak and act in a way befitting my position."
And yet, in the past, when he adressed Seiros - when she was the supposed de facto leader of the bunch - he called her like this :
セイロスの元には行かせんぞ! くっ……これ以上は厳しいか。 セイロス、後は頼んだぞ!
There's no suffix - Flayn, I mean, Cethleann calls Seiros "セイロス様" with 様 being the -sama suffix... but Cichol has none of this.
There's no "Lady" Seiros for Cichol, no "deferential distance" whatsoever, he's just talking about his younger sibling relative.
IDK what this was changed, maybe with the different voice directions Treehouse thought Rhage and her hair-trigger temper should have a "second" who always show deference? And that would explain why Whitten was directed to voice a more "mellow" Seteth than Koyasu's?
Another example is in the Chapter 17 convo of Golden Shower, when Rhea announces her plan to lead a suicidal last stand in Tailtean, while Treehouse!Seteth finally calls her by her name, without any honorifics in the last line - as she told him she'll fight and only Sothis knows the outcome - but when she tells him "if anything happens, take Flayn and gtfo of Fodlan" basically asking him to abandon her if she dies or if the situation is dire, despite having the shocked portrait, Treehouse!Seteth says this :
Lady Rhea, you cannot mean that!
レア!? それは……
His sister relative just told him she was ready to die and he and Flayn shouldn't follow her but live instead, Seteth drops all honorifics (even if there's a random monk nearby).
Tl;Dr : Jp!Seteth drops the honorifics more easily than Treehouse!Seteth when he's talking to his sister relative - I can only surmise the choice to emphatise his role as Rhea's second - but clearly under her authority - instead of his role as Rhea's advisor - only pretending to be under her authority when people are looking - had something to do with Rhage and the fact that even Seteth grows distrustful of her for player pandering and Hresvelg Grey reasons; granted, JP!Seteth being written the way he is written and yet still able to "disagree with the doctrine because CoS BaD under Rhea''s leadership for some reason" or having all his doubts/mistrust in WC/Tru Piss or even just wanting to find her "so she can reveal to Billy the circumstances behind their birth" feels even more artificial, but that's avatar pandering for you.
Tru Tl; Dr : JP!Nopes shows us how close the lizard fam is, deferential distance/"one who serves Rhea I had to speak in a way that befits my position" my rear, whenever they're talking about her security/safety/fighting, Seteth always calls Rhea by her "name of the moment", without adding any honorifics.
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ynmnrmt · 7 months
You & Me & Rhea Makes Three: Chapter 9 (Finale)
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rhea ripley x m!reader x m!reader's girlfriend
word count: 3,949
warnings: 18+, explicit sexual content, themes of domination/submission, infidelity, rape fantasy, didacticism
a/n: Those who enjoyed the shameless metatextuality of the previous chapter will be happy to hear this chapter opens on an extended Socratic-style apology for RPF as a genre. Those who are just here for the sauce can safely skip to the first asterisk.
(The story so far: chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, chapter five, chapter six, chapter seven, chapter eight)
“No. I won’t condemn them for that. I can’t.”
You look around that sea of horrified faces, you feel how thin the ice is under you. You clear your throat.
“Obviously I sympathise with the impulse, I understand where anyone who wants to prosecute them is coming from. But it’s a situation where any possible cure is markedly worse than the disease. Not too long ago the laws against obscenity led us into absurd situations where – well, take Lady Chatterley’s Lover, for years that was only available as a heavily censored version, except if you went over to Europe, where you could get hold of an unexpurgated version quite easily. And then you had the farcical situation where people were smuggling books back and forth, which is the kind of thing you associate with a much older history, the great religious schisms, dangerous new kinds of Bible, etcetera.”
You breathe more steadily, it seems like the crowd do too, you’ve manoeuvred yourself back onto more abstracted ground.
“Crucially, even those kinds of barriers, which people did defeat quite easily, mean less than nothing in this information age. The big stumbling block in the Lady Chatterley days was, what, buying a ticket for the boat? Now getting hold of censored books is within the grasp of anyone with wi-fi. This, interestingly, was part of the Lady Chatterley trial in England, the prosecutors took the patronising tone that they weren’t so much looking to ban the book for their own benefit as they were for fear their wives or servants might get hold of it – that was their actual argument, and-”
You’re sweating. It’s a fun fact, it’s fun, it’s a fact, but you’re getting away from the point.
“A lot of people know that Lady Chatterley trial, less know that Japan also had a landmark obscenity hearing over the book. It’s from that legal precedent that we have Japan’s modern censorship laws, where pornography has to blur out the genitals. It’s a compromise, fine, but one that’s absurd on the face of it. So as we see, this kind of censorship both can’t be enforced, and manifests itself in profoundly stupid ways.”
You feel a bit steadier. Let’s bite the big one.
“If the members of the pop group Girls Aloud did encounter the fictional story in which they are raped, butchered, and eaten alive, naturally they’d be worried and upset, I certainly would be. Come to that, I didn’t wake up this morning wanting to defend such a thing. And if someone were to send such a work to them, then it’d be straight-out sexual harassment at the very least. But the mere existence of that story, depraved and poorly edited as it might be, cannot be a crime in and of itself. It can’t.”
It doesn’t clang into place the way you’d hoped, like a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. But when you see two of the figures in the crowd – one mousy, one Amazonian – rise from their table and start to clap, you feel the immaculate sense of what you can do for your country.
“Two minutes to rebut,” floats up from below.
“My worthy opponent,” says the guy on the opposite podium, “is perhaps not aware that the author of the vulgar story Girls Scream Aloud was tried on obscenity charges on the basis that children could easily access their work…” But you are aware. You know all too well that this was comprehensively disproved in court, and what’s more, you can already feel the head of steam you’ll build up over it, that children have always sought out works full of sex and violence, that this can’t be laid at the feet of the author, that you yourself read Nabokov’s Lolita at around twelve and while you found it fairly unsettling that would be a pretty poor reason to disinter the late Russian and drag him into court.
Rhea gets you under your arms and whirls you three times around through the air, so you’re dizzy when she kisses you. When she sets you down you nearly fall over and it makes her giggle. “Well done,” she tells you with bedroom eyes.
“Yeah, I – we’re both really proud of you,” says Jen, God, she hardly even meets your gaze, so you’re the one to give her a kiss.
“I’m just glad they didn’t want me to defend Holocaust deniers,” you say, slightly breathless, though that’s mainly from what Rhea’s just done to you. “I mean, I could have done it, I could have argued that censoring them just gives them an allure, but-”
“Hmm, you’re right, maybe they have a point,” Rhea bobs her head about, then rests it on yours and holds you. You don’t want to, but you laugh, quite a lot.
“Don’t you, sort of, have feelings about this stuff?” Jen asks tentatively. “You told me about how you sometimes get fanfiction of, well, you.” It makes you freeze, knowing you have unthinkingly committed a grotesque faux pas against the woman who has her solid arms wrapped around you and could snap you like a twig.
“That’s why you put in that caveat, wasn’t it?” Rhea asks you. “That when people actually send me that stuff it’s basically sexual harassment, but if it exists somewhere out there and I never know about it, then what’s the harm...God, I bet if you wrote some of that, it’d be really sexy.”
“I couldn’t do it if I knew you’d be reading it,” you say, as you relax into her grasp. Then, with your trophy for Dominance in Rhetoric in hand, you take your two girlfriends out to eat, still desperately guilty at having publicly defended a snuff fiction about a forgotten bubblegum-pop outfit, unable to shake the feeling another shoe’s about to drop.
But you get through a large expensive meal and it’s all fine. Rhea picks loose bits of rare steak out of her teeth with a fragment of bone. Jen had shovelled down her couscous bowl like a final meal, but now she’s sitting back in her chair, relaxed and almost happy.
“Back in a sec’,” says Rhea, her shadow rolls up over you and then she is gone.
“That was really,” Jen waves her hand about as she tries to pluck the right word out of the air, “I really thought, it was one of those where it said essentially what I’d thought but never really put together. If you know what I mean.”
“I mean, I’m glad you agree,” you laugh, it’s not funny but you do want her to agree.
“And,” thank God, she laughs a bit too, “a guy going to court over writing some dark fan fiction of a girly pop band just seems so, so insane. But I get what you mean, if it was writing that I was seriously offended by, yeah, maybe I’d feel differently. I probably would want to, to, for it to be against the law or something.”
“What’s wrong, Jen?” you say, because she’s turned completely, she can’t meet your eyes again.
“I’ve been having an affair,” she says, she looks at you with tears welling over her cheeks.
“I understand,” you say, probably too quickly, since it’s in the context of everything you and Rhea have done, and, yeah, made her watch too. Next to that you can’t really blame her.
“I want you to know,” she says, as she grabs desperately for a hold on your hand, “that it’s nothing you did wrong, that this is my fault, it’s something I’ve done wrong,” she’s collapsed across the table now, her forehead against your knuckles, you look around nervously and she lifts her head again, “and I still love you.”
“Look, I mean, I don’t know what it-” No, do you really want to know? “I realise it’s all been a bit, you know, sudden change lately, and,” you have no idea how to follow this up, but it’s then that Rhea’s silhouette crosses over you again.
“Hey, guys,” says Rhea with a regretful little sigh, not her usual cheerful tone at all. “So, did you tell him?”
Jen nods, her eyes screwed shut, a tear drops from her chin. Oh! Well, that’s alright then.
“Yeah,” Rhea nods at you. “I’m sorry. And I know she’s sorry.” She has a hand on both your backs, she draws you in, all one huddle across the table.
“I love you so much,” Jen sobs, her clutches work their way up your arm.
“Tell him how it happened.”
“That time when, when Rhea walked in on me masturbating in the shower, I begged her to get in with me. I begged her. And I knew it was wrong, I knew it was a betrayal, but you were away, and, she’s so fucking hot.”
“Don’t gloat,” you chide Rhea, who still looks quite apologetic.
“Don’t be a dick,” she fires back, her fingers brush up the back of your head, her bicep and her shoulder squeeze against you. “I told her I would get in the shower with her, if I could get at you as well. I’m no home-wrecker.”
“She made me come so much,” Jen weeps. Now Rhea does smile a bit, it’s not quite a gloat, but you catch her with a look.
“Alright, alright. We’re apologising, aren’t we?”
“Jen’s apologised,” you say. “I haven’t heard anything like that out of you.”
“I’m very very sorry,” Rhea’s words warm your face, “that I made your girlfriend come hard in the shower.”
“Good. Alright then,” you’ve hardly even closed your mouth by the time that you kiss Rhea, and you feel Jen paw at your face. When you break apart you turn to her, “Jen, honestly, this is a relief. This whole time I’ve been killing myself worrying you hate this.”
“I really think you’re still dealing with a lot of very sexist attitudes,” Rhea muses calmly. “Like, your insistence on thinking that your pretty girlfriend just wants, I don’t know, a wedding and a suburban house and two point five kids, rather than rough sex with both her boyfriend and her girlfriend.”
After a moment, you say, “Yes, perhaps you’re right. Jen, I’m sorry if you ever felt I was anything less than supportive of this.”
Jen sniffs out the last few tears. “I’m sorry too,” she says, she still sounds wretched. You pull her closer in and kiss her forehead, as tenderly as you can.
“That’s why we thought we should get you caged,” Rhea continues, “to teach you a lesson. And I think we should keep you that way. Ah, don’t look like that.” Her grin turns manic and her voice lowers when she confides in you “I promise it won’t stay on too much.”
“You’re sure you’re okay with this?” you ask Jen, still holding her, not quite protectively but not unguardedly either.
“I was going to ask you that,” Jen laughs through her tears. “I mean, sometimes, I acted like I wasn’t, I was worried you’d suspect something. That’s, um, that’s why I did the thing with the knife.”
It’d be an alarming sentence at the best of times, but still, it makes you breathe a sigh of relief you hadn’t been holding. “So, that was, you were sort of acting out a little play for me to follow? Like the kayfabe?”
“Exactly,” Rhea credits you. “To be honest, the knife was a bit of ad-lib, but God, it got my blood pumping. This girl…” You feel her pull you closer, too, as she gives Jen a squeeze.
“I had, I thought you got that,” Jen confesses to you, “with all my but Rhea, what are you doing.” Her words turn sultry and suggestive then, you feel yourself grin like an idiot as the relief she really is alright, and enjoying this even, continues to buoy you up inside.
“I wish I’d thought of that,” you confess right back, “I mean, doing that too.”
“And see, you hadn’t wanted to that time because of what Jen might think,” Rhea explains, “but now you know it was okay all along.”
“Rhea,” you bring yourself to say, while you feel yourself melt into her body, “next time I ask you to stop, you’d better.”
“Of course I will,” she says, with the same gentle, sunny smile.
“That’s the other thing,” Jen comes in with her tiniest voice yet. “I also hoped you’d both help me fulfil my rape fantasy.”
“No, stop,” Jen purrs up at you, and just about holds in the laugh. You don’t, and on your next stroke you lean down and kiss her, and she puts her whole head into it. If she didn’t, if she wasn’t so obviously loving every second of it, you couldn’t bear it. You’ve got hold of her by her wrists, but that doesn’t really matter, because Rhea’s underneath her and has her in an implacable full-nelson. “I want you,” she lusts, “to take it out and then to stick it in again, because, that way it’ll be like, mmfh,” the little wriggle she does then is hardly even a physical movement, it’s more spiritual, but you feel it all the same.
You do as she asks, for a moment you just hold your cock and look down at them, at the very faint way Jen wrestles in Rhea’s grasp, these women you would do anything for.
“Squeeze me tighter,” she insists.
“I don’t want to break you,” Rhea teases, or pleads.
“You won’t,” Jen promises. So Rhea draws her up further, and as you put it in and make her wail you can feel the tension in her body, but somehow it’s not the kind of tension that resists you, instead it welcomes you in and threatens not to let you go. Her little body, those thick arms around it, you must be in a dream. But in that dream you would fuck them both, you would please them both, to make sure they both liked you too.
Jen wails like she’s been twisted around, for one awful moment it hits a note of distress. But then, as Rhea nuzzles into her neck, you hear it for the sigh of pleasure it is. Suddenly it’s not a cruel, sadistic stab motion you inflict upon her, you can feel yourself becoming one with her, and here you let go of her left wrist and clutch at Rhea’s iron shoulder, because you want so desperately for her to be part of this too.
You don’t quite all move as one, so as you fumble about, your hand ends up trapped between the two women you love. You’re in no hurry to move it, but you do, to touch Rhea’s face, at first just with your fingertips, but then your palm, you caress her properly, and she nuzzles into that, too. It makes you lose your rhythm, you flop down on top of Jen’s little body, feeling yourself press down on her, and her press up into you – but seconds before she looks at you and starts to complain you get going again, and her eyes flash with delight.
“Take it,” you tell her, “fucking take it,” it’s little more than something to say, ridiculous porn-star dialogue you’d never have thought of outside the heat of the moment. It works though, her eyes turn liquid and again she wails somewhere between pain and pleasure, she tries to break free of the way Rhea holds her but you all know she never, ever will.
The muscles in your neck tense, the blood thumps in your head, and with Rhea’s help and Rhea’s love you come directly inside your girlfriend. Your climax coincides with the last gasp of hers – so when you return to full consciousness, she is there for you in the afterglow. Her eyes flash at you, she smiles as if you had been gentle as velvet with her, and she whispers “I love you.”
Rhea shoves you both aside, as is her wont, and takes the big gulp of air you denied her. “God, you two are actually quite heavy,” she complains – before she props herself up a bit, arms folded back behind her head. “And I’d like to get off too, you know.”
The golden afterglow makes you sluggish for a moment. So by the time you dive in, Jen is already there with her face between Rhea’s legs, hungrily looking for any spot that will make her feel good. You settle for kissing around Rhea’s thigh, before she grabs you by the hair and pulls you up to look you in the eye.
“When do you think you’ll be ready to go again?” she asks, so sweetly, but by now you know, that light in her eyes, that belies the hunger.
“Oh! I, I’ll do my best,” you say limply, able to think only that she’d be ready right away. It’s an unfair comparison, but it’s the same results you get every time you compare yourself with her. Against her gorgeous sculpted torso, feeling the heat of her body, your cock flops, not even fully gone down yet, nowhere near going up again. You waver in her grasp, ready to collapse if she wasn’t there, “I can, I can help you get off in other ways,” you mean it, too, even if Jen’s face has still got Rhea’s vagina firmly occupied.
“I want to get fucked,” says Rhea, quite flatly, and you squirm in embarrassment that you cannot give her what she wants immediately. But then she smiles again, and with a little sing-song cadence adds “I know how to get you ready.”
The chill of desire you get when she says that is nothing compared to the chill of the metal on your balls as she pops them one after another through the chastity ring. Then there is the intense pleasure of her bending your still-half-erect cock about, to work that under the ring too, all of a sudden you think maybe you could go again. You collapse onto the bed, but immediately nuzzle up as close to her as you can, you thrust her hips to help her ease the cage over your cock. And then, when she looks at you with untrammelled delight and clicks the lock shut, then you get the first twinge of another erection.
“When it starts to hurt,” Rhea emphasises hurt like a French kiss, “we’ll know you’re ready again – ooh, Jen.” You feel her muscles move under you as she wriggles about with enjoyment.
“Uh huh,” comes your choked reply, your mouth pressed up against her shoulder, the cage somehow throttling your voice.
“But not a bad hurt, I wouldn’t want to do that to you, that wouldn’t be fun,” she specifies quite carefully. “I mean a kinky hurt.”
Jen pops her head up. “You said I was a shit girlfriend for doing th-” But without the slightest change of expression, Rhea rams Jen’s head back down between her legs. Jen produces a few satisfied “Hmm hmm hmm” sounds, you know these by now, the sound of smutty laughter muffled by Rhea’s thighs.
Rhea sits you up, lays her arms gently around your shoulders, and then with no force but immense power pulls you back in. First a little peck right on the lips, then a longer, deeper one, she nips your tongue with her teeth, you yelp – that’s muffled too – as you feel yourself swelling in the cage and the metal close in around you.
Her teeth release you, you do have the power in your limbs not to slither down her body and end up with your mouth on her breasts, but somehow that’s what happens. With all the talk of kinky hurt, that’s probably all the grounds you need to give her a little nip. But that’s not even what you want to do. With one of her arms around you, and the other keeping Jen in place, you kiss and suck on her tits as if you’re getting married to them and a priest’s told you to.
You can feel yourself filling up the cage completely now, feel the tip of it around you. But in spite of that bodily demand, you work your way back up Rhea’s chest, you smear your lips across the bottom of her neck, and she giggles to feel you land under her arm. There it is, the light sheen, the flavour and tang of the very slight exertion she’s suffered holding Jen in place for you. You scrub her remorselessly with your tongue, not wanting to miss one little bit.
While you love and mouth at that softer, more private skin, you feel her shift and go “Oh,” a low sexy intonation from the core of her being. Her chest heaves, she trembles which shakes you about too, and then comes the eruption, a long rattling cry of ecstasy. Part of you is tempted to pull away, to enjoy the look on her face, but you have latched on too firmly, and when she sweats out her climax you know you have made the right decision.
You straighten up, you finally take a breath – and so does Jen, a huge gasp for air when Rhea finally opens her legs and sets Jen free. For a moment she is slumped on the dampened sheets, and you go to her and check on her, help her up, genuinely worried she might have been squeezed too hard between Rhea’s thighs. But she leaps up to meet you, laughing merrily, then kisses you and lets you taste Rhea’s pleasure, all over her face.
“Mmh,” sighs Rhea, she settles down on the bed, gazing up at you both. “Look at you…” and the warmth of it fills your heart, before she blinks her eyes properly, focuses on you, and all business again asks “Are you ready yet?”
Jen grabs the cage, you feel her fingers through the bars and you yelp, she declares “It feels like it!” She cradles your balls, gives them a little squeeze, and asks them “Are these refilled for her?”, yes, there’s that heat of the moment filthy-talk again. You just manage one passionate kiss before Rhea’s got hold of your balls instead and pulls you over toward her.
“Well well,” Rhea muses, playing with the cage and your cock inside it, bouncing it on her hand. You’re hard enough by this point it doesn’t flop down but stays pointing painfully towards her – like she said, a kinky hurt. And she relishes it, she smirks, devours whatever expression’s on your face as she undoes the lock, she hadn’t even needed to take the key out after shutting it. She grips the cage, and pops it right off, you produce half a groan and half a gasp.
“I hope you fuck her real good,” Jen whispers, snuggled up to you from behind, she takes hold of your cock and points it directly at Rhea’s vagina, poking at her on your behalf. For a second you are nervous, you’re hard again but your erection doesn’t quite feel fully recovered. And hunched over Rhea’s big, lovely body you feel as inadequate as you ever have. But then Jen shoves you forward, with a trill of delight that Rhea echoes – and when you pump eagerly away, you can tell, she really does feel good too.
Rhea squeezes you with her legs, the way she did Jen’s face – the same face sticking to yours now – to hold you in place, inside of her, and you’re happy, and she’s happy too, and you’re all happy, more than you could ever even have wanted.
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