#Rhaenicent supremacy
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lilliyoona · 9 months ago
me at the Alicole leaks ☹️
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abigaillazaar · 6 months ago
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RHAENICENT APPRECIATION WEEK 2024 [3/7] quotes: fic appreciation! (x)
cleopatra by dontaskmedude ride the dragon (and do it quickly) by molter untouchable by mylordshesacactus you’ve got your demons (darlin’ they all look like me) by geralehane tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart by alphayamergo where fire and ice meet by wariangle retraction by thedevilsgarden our shadow over the sea by queensmooting grey ridge (ríl liatroma) by molter someone to watch me die by dontaskmedude
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navree · 5 months ago
tbh, i have the sneaking suspicion that emma d'arcy dislikes daemyra just as much as sara hess might. like, this isn't shade, but you can clearly see the difference in chemistry that milly and matt had compared to emma and matt. it doesn't help that s2 is at the part of the dance where their characters are separated for quite a while. the last engaging scene they had together was when they were arguing in 2.02 after blood and cheese. so, yeah it doesn't feel like much of the 🔥🔥🔥 is there for daemyra in the show after the actor change for rhaenyra.
Emma didn't describe the show as "too many men" for no reason, lol.
In all seriousness, I'm sure Emma and Matt are as friendly in real life as they appear to be in promotional material, there's been nothing to suggest otherwise, but the chemistry absolutely does not hit with them as a married couple. Part of it is that, yeah, they don't really spend a lot of time together (they barely had one on one scenes dedicated to their relationship in season 1, let alone in season 2 when they were on opposite sides of the country the whole time), whereas Milly and Matt's Daemyra had a lot of one on one scenes. I think another thing is that Milly and Emma are portraying Rhaenyra at vastly different stages of her life. Milly is playing a young Rhaenyra who sees Daemon as a challenge, a kind of dragon to conquer, she actively pursues time with him, she wants him very badly and that factors a lot into how she behaves around him and what she does when in his vicinity. Rhaenyra by the time of the change to Emma is a lot more settled. She is not actively pursuing Daemon at all, she's got a family and a lover of her own when we first see her, and after the second time jump her energy is devoted mostly to her own internal issues around the succession and, as always, her tumultuous relationship with Alicent (rhaenicent supremacy). This version of Rhaenyra is a lot less driven by Daemon when around Daemon, she's just doing her own thing and Daemon happens to be there. Some of it might also be some problems caused by the out of sync filming schedule, I think episode 7 is the first episode the show ever filmed (considering the first official pics we got were clearly done during ep 7), so the episode about Daemyra's reunion and their passion reaching its zenith and culminating in consummation is the first time these actors have actually played these characters, the first time Emma's even worked on a production on this scale given that their career up until that point. So that kind of early awkwardness and unsurety really permeates the whole relationship in that episode, which is why that sex scene is the most passionless thing HBO ever put to film.
Daemyra also really isn't a focus for the show in general and specifically Emma's portrayal of Rhaenyra. In meta material like behind the scenes talks or interviews, Emma really focuses a lot on two things: Rhaenyra's interiority and her relationship with Alicent. Focusing on the relationship with Alicent makes sense, the show focuses on the Rhaenicent relationship too and it's been obvious since the beginning that it's the driving force, the beating heart, of the entire enterprise (which is why I don't get people who are still upset about that when we're more than halfway through, you weren't bamboozled, they've been honest with you about what they're doing from the getgo, if you ignored that it's on you). So it makes sense that Emma's performance focuses on that as well, just as Olivia's performance also focuses on how Alicent relates to Rhaenyra in turn. But Emma also focuses their performance on a lot of things like Rhaenyra's views on other, more peripheral people (they had this wonderful quote after ep 10 about Rhaenyra sublimating Otto into a fatherly acceptance role and a bunch of stuff around the bridge scene and Rhaenyra's wants and it was so good, I wish I still had it), and also internal things, like Rhaenyra's desires, her now canonical queerness, and gender, which the show doesn't focus on a lot but it should because their insights are always so fascinating. So between the actor not really focusing on Daemyra as a driving force while they're acting, and the show not really doing much with Daemyra after they get married because why would it and thus making it periphery, the lack of sparks makes absolute sense, and is why I periodically forget that these two actually are married and Daemon isn't just some random pedophile squatting in Rhaenyra's house.
Closest to interesting Daemyra even got was the whole "Daemon has very complex feelings about Viserys and his pursuit of Rhaenyra is partly through the lens of viewing her as a Viserys proxy" thing, but that's it.
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ewtoxic · 7 months ago
It always seems like in queer ships there’s a character more beloved and the whole fandom thinks the other character should just be walked all over and sacrifice everything just to be with and please them and that character is usually white…
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falllpoutboy · 2 years ago
valcarol and laenyra have the same “what’s your favorite scene with them together?” energy
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chicken-wayng · 6 months ago
Unpopular opinion: young!Rhaenicent was just as toxic as old!Rhaenicent, people need to remove their rose tinted glasses.
I love her but Nyra is a Targ supremacist to the bone who most certainly did not think it’s ok for a non-Valyrian to marry into the family. I think she preferred it when Alicent was below her in the pecking order rather than being forced to respect her as an equal.
This toxicity has definitely trickled to their current situation post 2x08. Alicent has stripped herself of her titles and power, she is simply the nobody daughter of a nobody second son who is at the mercy of the powerful Queen Rhaenyra I Targaryen.
Just how Nyra wants it 👍🏽
Embrace the toxicity, reject the niceties, appreciate Rhaenyra’s bad bitch energy for what it is ✨
THISSS!!! Also this is my opinion so we'll share it if it's unpopular. Like let it be toxic yuri! I get how young Rhaenicent is "less" toxic for some people but truly that is the base of the toxicity. It's where the rot started.
Also I love how they're showing us Nyra's Targ supremacy/racism, her bastardphobia and her all over Mean Girl energy. She's sooo Regina George I love her smmmm
If someone is looking for a non toxic ship on HOTD/ GoT they're gonna have to look hard; I find the display and equally toxic m/f, m/m and w/w ship very feminist and I'm enjoying that aspect very much.
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chrkrose · 10 months ago
I am legitimately pissed that Nettles isn't making an appearance... forget the fact that if Rhaena mounts Sheepstealer, that eliminates thr possibility for Sheepstealer's story to progress, it entirely disregards thr fact that Nettles represents an 'outsider' doing something the Targaryens think only they have the supremacy to do. Not only that, but I am a firm believer that how daemon ends thr story is directly connected to his connection WITH Nettles, and Rhaenyra's reaction to that!!!! This show seriously just lost me...
Tbh I don’t even know what they are going to do with Daemon’s story. Is very clear that they are going full villain with him, and to do that they can’t have him falling in love and caring for Nettles either. I think Nettles erasure has always been about that: to serve Rhaenyra’s Mary Sue storyline and to have Daemon becoming the actual villain of Rhaenyra’s story (more than he already is).
This show is built on the white feminism queer baiting premise all along. So we have rhaenicent longing (only from Alicent’s side since Rhaenyra is very desirable, but that’s it) without fully compromising with the queer narrative of the story, we have women victims of bad bad men and not having any agency in their own arcs because it’s all men’s fault, we have moments of girl boss for the “good” female characters because it’s still a feminist show remember, but we also can’t have a black girl who Rhaenyra goes on a racist white supremacist rant about, and especially not one who Daemon decides to betray Rhaenyra for and save, because that compromises Rhaenyra desirability as the girlboss main girl and also makes Daemon too nuanced with gray aspects amid all his war crimes and domestic violence abuse. Also, it’s white feminism, so black women don’t enter the equation here really, they are not part of the conversation
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cafeleningrad · 2 years ago
For the ask game: Fire and Blood, Rhaenicent, and Daemon Targaryen and Dalton Greyjoy :)
Send me fandoms... characters... or ships... 📩 Thank you so much for this picnic basket of question! They were such fun to answer. :D Preface: I haven't watched the show, only learnt about it via gif and meta tumblr osmosis. The answers are entirely based on Fire and Blood alone, additional to my interpretations of the events.
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you....[Fire and Blood]
Favorite character: Nettles
Least Favorite character: Unwyne Pike
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): (oh boy here we go...) Visenya Targaryen x Sharra Arryn, Rhaena Targaryen x Alyssa Farman, the Riverland lads (including Aly Blackwood) x being the most metal 5eva), Johanna Lannister x Dalton Greyjoy
Character I find most attractive: Kermit Tully (I played enough Fire Emblem to know what war criminal is good dating material and this one has red hair too!)
Character I would marry: Kermit Tully
Character I would be best friends with: Tyland Lannister (have I mentioned how much I love, love, love realpolitics? But also he was so understanding and kind to Aegon III, Aegon staiyng with Lord Tyland was a sign of their quiet bond of trust)
a random thought: This book convinced me to a 100% that Mirri Maz Duur and Bobby B. did the world a favour by guaranteeing the Targaryen dynasty would end with Dany. (Nothing personal, Dany.)
An unpopular opinion: I don't get the Jaehaerys hateboner the fandom has for him. At least not the intensitiy. Maybe I'm too much of a law nerd to dislike a character who creates a codified law system and long term benefit infrastructure to scorn someone who's your regular run-off-the-mill misogynist in Westeros. (Personally, I take more offense with his aggressive Targaryen supremacy propaganda efforts...)
My Canon OTP: Alys Rivers x Aemond Targaryen
My Non-canon OTP: Mushroom x a book deal
Most Badass Character: Benjicot Blackwood closely, tied to Roddy the Ruin
Most Epic Villain: (in the limits of what qualifies as a villain in this universe) Maegor the Cruel, a mama's boy who couldn't function without Visenya direction his every action.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Daemon Targaryen x Laena Velaryon
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Hmm, Martin wrote this book as barely anything more than fleshed out bullet points with the purpose of narrating a semi historic account. Obviously in this format details and characterisation would be left less detailed and left for speculation. Yet I think Tess could've been given more than just a few lines.
Favourite Friendship: Rhaena Targaryen and Maegor Towers, Tyland Lannister and Aegon III Targaryen
Character I most identify with: Lyman Beesbury
Character I wish I could be: Alyssa Farman
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you: (Preface: This is the only category for which I will base my answers on the showverse. Their ship is based on a dynamic that couldn't exist in the book verse due to their ages in the book.) - When I started shipping them: Actually I didn't, the concept seems intriguing though if I wasn't sideeyeing the writer's competence in writing fleshed out female characters with agency. - My thoughts: no great ones, except I'm really happy that a F/F pairing made it into the ranks of most popular ships in the fandom - and the girls remain interesting without watered down pastelcoloured uwu-fication (at least from I can gather from my mututals). - What makes me happy about them: The actresses for all time periods having put so much thought in the dynamic that the tension in the Dance of Dragons isn't "just" based in misogynistic sentiments and aspiration of power in a misogynistic system - but also in deeply personal tragedy. The original script didn't even consider Alicent's misgivings with her former friend beyond, let's call it unceremoniously, slutshaming and religious righteousness. The queer character of their relationship carved out by all four actresses enriched their conflict in it's core. - What makes me sad about them: Maybe misogyny cages them both yet Rhaenyra can live so many liberties with her father's blessing. Alicent will always remain an outsider, deprived of any Targaryen privileges, any sense of agency, her anger at Rhaenyra's arrogance is so palatable. - Things done in fanfic that annoys me: haven't read fanfic about them so far. -Things I look for in fanfic: Smut, Alicent on top, religious guild as zesty topping for dirty talk. :P - My wishlist: The Catch 22 of women in media is that any agency can easily lead to demonisation and ignorance to what the story wants to tell about a woman's fate by a larger fandom. Chanving off a lot of the agency, the men remaining the only villians behind the unfolding conflict, Alicent and Rhaenyra are stripped of agency, therefore undermining the theme of misogyny in the Dance of Dragons in a weird way. I don't know if such a story about the fallout of a queer lovestory and the bitter remains held by female characters would be given the grace by a format intended for mass consumption... Yet, in the books there was such a loud untertone of Alicent exercicing power through the men around her in contrast through Rhaenyra's direct action. Alicent found a way to cheat the system she upheld, the conflict felt so much more personal. The show defanged them and it's theme in a round about way. It would've been interesting to see how Alicent's resentment, fear, and actual anger could've become an action that would've added to the thematic depiction of women navigating their limited range in an overlooked way. (C'mon, HBO, how could you pull off Livia Soprano 25 years earlier but Alicent is damned into motionlessness from minute 1?) -Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Alicent should've had the Lavender wedding with Laenor and found company in Laena. Rhaenyra could've had Daemon if she wanted, but anyone of her choosing would've been fine too. -My happily ever after for them: Rhaenyra would've ascendet the throne with Alicent's belssing, they both would've raised their kids better so they would've grown up as siblings, both had a lavender weddings, while Alicent warms Rhaenyra's bed.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: [Daemon Targaryen]
How I feel about this character: Until his meeting with Nettles where he appears to have had a change of heart I didn't care much of him, even absolutely understood why Viserys I exiling him repeatedly.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: "Sir, please step away from that teenage girl." If it has to be someone, Corlys Velaryion then...
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Caraxes.
My unpopular opinion about this character: As dubious I think his motives to turn towards Nettles are, not out of a change of heart against the war atroscities commited in Rhaenyra's name, at the end of his life he seems to have reflected on his past deeds, shown resignation.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: During his journey in the free cities, he would've found a medicinal remedy which could serve as Essosi equivalent to a chill pill.
Favorite friendship for this character: Corlys Velaryion
My crossover ship: God forgive me for the crassness but an evil thought crossed my mind: Since Daemon is so darn set on dragons, violence, and fornicating with any sexually avaible female character... wouldn't that make him an ideal partner for Angelus in Drakengard?
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you [Dalton Greyjoy]
How I feel about this character: Full of himself, arrogant, cruel! He's the absolute worst! Obviously, I love him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Johanna Lannister
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: His crew. No seriously, his voice barely stopped breaking, he leads an entire fleet against an army of dragon. Dalton must've earned some absolute loyalty for a good reason.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I really hope he becomes the fandom's new hyper problematic sexy man. There's nothing redemptive about anything he ever did and yet I already have visions of bodice-ripper-themed x reader fanfics with him.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I would be curious if there's a fanwork/plans for the showadaption detailing his pillaging through Tess' eyes. Not only do I think she desperately needs a voice, it would be a good perspective on the civilian casualties during the conflict. Sometimes the spectacle around the political characters overshines the explicit anti war elements.
Favorite friendship for this character: ?
My crossover ship: An introduction course for 101 feminism "Women are people too".
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yannisdesk · 2 years ago
rhaenicent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wall the size of The Wall from asoiaf>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>daemyra
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abigaillazaar · 6 months ago
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RHAENICENT APPRECIATION WEEK 2024 [2/7] lyrics: sad beautiful tragic by taylor swift (x)
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childofchaosnic74 · 7 months ago
This gifset looks so good!!!!
I too believe in Rhaenicent lovers supremacy ✨😌
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Alicent Hightower and Rhaenyra Targaryen House of The Dragon | Season Two
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navree · 9 months ago
ik you said you wouldn't do it can i have that comparison between alicent and daenerys pretty please i'm personally fasinated
Alicent and Daenerys:
Both got married off far too young to men much older than them (Viserys and Drogo)
Both experienced marital rape within those marriages (which leads to either thoughts of self-harm, as seen when Dany literally contemplates killing herself as a result of Drogo raping her every night, or actual self-harm, as seen with Alicent doing her nail picking thing, which is canonically a self-harm/anxiety response, while being raped by Viserys)
Both are identified primarily through maternal symbolism (Dany as the Mother of Dragons, Alicent as both mother to her children and also the Seven, which she is very publicly devout to, having an aspect known as The Mother)
Both have loyal personal knights who are obsessed with them (Jorah and Criston Cole)
Both have controlling older male relatives who use (and abuse) them in service of their own ambitions (Viserys III and Otto, though Viserys is significantly more abusive to Dany than Otto is to Alicent)
Both are pushing regnal claims that are seen by large swaths of people as illegitimate (Viserys has a proclaimed heir who is not Aegon, and the Targaryen overthrow is widely viewed as legitimate and just throughout Westeros therefore Dany has no legitimate right to rule)
Both are deeply attached to their children and their wellbeing (Alicent's actual children for her, and both Dany's dragons and originally Rhaego before he was killed in utero)
Both abhor violence done in their name (as seen most specifically with Alicent's reaction to Criston murdering that old guy and with Dany attempting to mitigate the violence happening to the Lhazareen, especially Lhazareen women, after Drogo sacks their villages to get her the Iron Throne)
Both have kinda gay shit happening??? (obviously Alicent has Rhaenyra, and Dany does have a sexual tryst with Irri in the books, although the consent issues surrounding that are A Lot and also it doesn't serve any kind of narrative purpose like Rhaenicent does, I think GRRM just thought it was hot)
Both have (absolutely kickass) personal themes as composed by Ramin Djawadi that have since grown to encompass their entire House/faction (Dany's theme became the dragon theme which became literally just the House Targaryen theme, and Alicent's theme in The Green Dress has burgeoned out to include all of Team Green)
Both have female rivals for supremacy who are, among a myriad of other similarities, attempting to pass off three bastards as trueborn products of their marriages (Rhaenyra and Cersei and quite honestly there are a HUGE amount of comparisons to be made between Rhaenyra and Cersei, I'd make the gifset but it would take me ten thousand years to catalogue it all)
Both have experience ruling nations (Dany through ruling Meereen, Alicent through ruling Westeros during Viserys's infirmity)
Both have a tendency to lash out in moments of temper (Alicent has some moments where she freaks out at Aegon after the first time jump, and Dany literally has to tell Whitebeard/Barristan that sometimes she just has a "dragon's temper")
Both have experience being the only woman in a decision-making room full of men, but still the ones with the most authority (Dany's council in Meereen is almost entirely made up of men but she's the legit queen, the Small Council is all men but Alicent is operating as a stand-in for the king and therefore has his overarching authority)
Both are well-loved by the commons of their areas ("Queen Alicent, beloved of the smallfolk", and Dany is of course mhysa and hailed as basically the Second Coming of Christ by the lowborn slave population of Slaver's Bay and broader Essos)
Both have a keen sense of justice (it's literally part of Dany's whole arc so far in Slaver's Bay, and I know people like to ignore it but 1) Alicent avoided pressing Aegon's claim out of fairness to Rhaenyra for a while, and even appears to have thought about backing off before she misinterpreted Viserys's final words 2) Alicent only turned against Rhaenyra after she felt she had been wronged and wanted to seek recompense)
Both have sexual relationships out of wedlock once widowed (Dany has her fling with Daario Naharis, and if the leaks are true, Alicent's gonna have a fling with Criston, which I'm fine with because after having been repeatedly raped starting from the age of fifteen I think Alicent deserves some consensual orgasms from whoever she decides to choose for fucking once)
Both have a propensity for forgiveness when it comes to their loved ones (Alicent was clearly willing to try and rebuild with Rhaenyra in episodes 4 and 8, and Dany says in her internal monologue that if Jorah had been contrite rather than defiant after she found out about his spying in ASOS, she likely would have taken him back, and she did take him back and flat out forgive him in the show where he was less of a giant douchecanoe)
Both have/will outlive their children (Rhaego is killed in utero and in the show Viserion and Rhaegal died before Dany did, and Alicent does outlive all of her kids by a good few years)
Both are played by supremely hot actresses
Both have super long princess hair that would be practically impossible to grow on a real person's head but it's a tv show and wigs exist therefore it's allowed
Both follow a trajectory from minor nobility dependent on the men in their lives for power (Dany as Viserys's heir in exile, Alicent as the daughter of the Hand) before becoming powerful and mighty in their own right (Dany is a ruling queen, Alicent basically is king while Viserys is bedrotting and is a pretty heavy advisor to her son once he's king)
Both govern through a lens of deep care and prioritization on what is best for the people (Alicent has multiple lines about always prioritizing the people and Dany frequently talks about how she wants to rule in a way that's just and fair for everyone, unlike her piece of shit dad)
Both remove old regime symbols from their areas of control and their own bodies once they gain power and autonomy (Dany despises wearing the tokar and uses it as little as possible as well as removing harpy heraldry and replacing it with Targaryen imagery, Alicent stops wearing Targaryen reds and asserting herself more through her own fashion choices and replaces some Targaryen symbols and those stupid sex tapestries with heraldry of the Faith, which is still centered in Oldtown where her family comes from)
Both have used false charm when dealing with opposing forces (Dany in her dealings with the various people defending Yunkai from her oncoming sack, Alicent in being petty bitchy to Daemon and Rhaenyra which, queen slay)
Both have engineered death and chaos through actions taken to protect loved ones (Alicent's determination to press Aegon's succession due to legitimate fears over what Rhaenyra and Daemon would do to her children creates the circumstances that leads to the Dance, and Dany's determination to save Drogo to the point of having Mirri Maz Duur use blood magic kills her unborn child and also leads to the violent fracturing of Drogo's khalasar)
Both have experienced what can amount to pyrrhic victories (Alicent's side does technically win the Dance but everything is still much worse off than before and there was a lot of violence, which show!Alicent is clearly trying to avoid, and Dany did technically get Drogo's life saved, just at the expense of everything else in her life, and in the show she did technically get the Iron Throne before being murdered like thirteen minutes later)
Both have affection and compassion for those who have abused them (Alicent is a fucking angel for being as kind and caring towards Viserys's ancient ass as she was even though he sucked ass as a husband and person, and Dany both was able to find a love for Drogo and also repeatedly talks about how she misses who Viserys used to be, along with her moment in ADWD where she hallucinates both him and Jorah and thinks on them kinda fondly)
Both experience a reclamation of power after seeing them at their lowest thus far in the story, complete with a visual transformation component (Alicent, after watching her be dismissed, raped, talked over, manipulated, and otherwise literally treated as an object by the men in her life, especially once she's married, asserts her agency as a woman in her own right with her own power, complete with the green dress, and Dany, after losing her child and her husband and a good chunk of the power she had thus far in the loss of the khalasar, along with having been abused and raped herself by Viserys and Drogo, hatches her dragon eggs and asserts her power in her own right, and in the books literally transforms visually by losing her hair as well)
Both have dead mothers who get no fucking backstory (we know fuck-all about Alerie Florent other than that she's dead, and Rhaella gets no interiority beyond being a victim of her psycho husband and then dying in childbirth)
Both bear strong resemblances to older relations (Otto says that Alicent looks a lot like her mother, and Dany is said to bear a strong resemblance to her ancestor Queen Naerys)
Both have four children, including one that everyone forgets about (Dany has her dragons and Rhaego, and everyone forgets about Rhaego, and Alicent has Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, and Daeron, and literally everyone is forgetting about Daeron I think the actual show forgot about Daeron at this point)
Both are subjected to misogynistic slander by men in story (Dany has a lot of rumors spread about her once she conquers Slaver's Bay that are based in absurd lies about her sexual life and "deviancy", Daemon literally calls Alicent a whore, I guess for being loyally married for twenty years, just because he doesn't like her and then accuses her of murdering Viserys, who had half his face falling off the last time Daemon saw him, because Daemon is a fucking moron)
Both have detractors who cannot be fucking normal and not only hurl insane abuse at the characters and fans of the characters, but literally at the actresses themselves (those people who went up to Olivia at, like, a fucking bar just to tell her how much they hated Alicent are never seeing Heaven and that's a fucking fact)
Both, as queens and as people in general, want to do the right thing not just for themselves but those around them (Alicent with her aforementioned considerations when it comes to ruling and also trying to be just a good person to those around her, like comforting Viserys and Rhaenyra after he murders Aemma and trying to do right by her kids, and Dany again by wanting to be a better ruler than her father and freeing slaves even though there's no material benefit to her)
Both hav forgiven objective wrongs done by others (Dany forgives a lot of people who are cruel to her in the books, as well as Barristan Selmy after he reveals himself to be Barristan, and Jorah in the show, and Alicent is clement and kind to Criston Cole after he reveals that he broke his Kingsguard vows in sleeping with Rhaenyra)
Both are goodhearted people who befriend the more disenfranchised (Alicent is, again, fundamentally a good person as seen by how she treats those who have been shit to her, and we see her reaching out to people like Larys, who is mistreated due to his deformity, and saves Criston Cole, and Dany's whole thing is helping and befriending the disenfranchised, as seen by the way she tries to create equal treatment with her handmaids and the way she befriends Missandei, and her goodnaturedness towards the people who support her, especially the former slaves)
Both are interesting characters who would be so greatly served in the ASOIAF/GOT/HOTD fandom could, in any way shape or form, understand that fiction is not real life nor is it morality and just enjoy a story and its characters for the story and the characters
There's probably some more similarities but honestly this went far longer than I thought it would when making an offhand tag, so here we are, similarities between Alicent Hightower (primarily show!verse) and Daenerys Targaryen (primarily books but with some show sprinkled in there as well)!
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