Explore tagged Tumblr posts
void-which-binds-ai · 11 months ago
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How Hyperion's Shrike would look like as a female.
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chromasophore-art · 1 year ago
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An Apophatic Cleric
Apopathic Clerics are servants of God that have chosen the "Via Negativa" - the Way of Denial. Mystical and enigmatic, these solemn and lonely clerics are a rare and ominous sight in Rhadamanth, considered by some to be heretical practitioners of black magic.
For their part, Apophatic Clerics consider themselves to be faithful executors of God's will, living as hermits and ascetics while wandering the lands and combating evil. As they say, "The Divine darkness is the unapproachable light in which God dwells."
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stainlesssteellocust · 1 year ago
I thought I knew The Terror from somewhere
It’s based off an old Dan Simmons book!
Just imagine if AMC had picked up Hyperion instead
Tumblr would have been making old man yaoi out of Martin and Sad King Billy
or thirstposting over Brawne Lamia
if we ever got to Endymion it would be a shame bc it’s a bit of a downgrade, but on the plus-side we’d get posts saying “I want Rhadamanth Nemes to kick my teeth in. Sexually.”
you think Neil Gaiman’s ‘vore him with your pussy’ bit was sketch, wait until That One Scene with Kassad and Moneta
Just picture it. We could have sexualised the Shrike
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kitsudangelo · 3 years ago
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“How dare you took him away from me!” a sad little rhadakanon a drawing with references. a lot of references
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ela-draws · 4 years ago
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Rhadamanthys Wyvern x Gemini Kanon - commission for @oceaneprss on ig who won my contest for my 1000th post <3
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saintseiyabiblio · 4 years ago
Rhadamanthe de la Whyverne
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drawingquest21 · 2 years ago
Takehito Koyasu voiced Myst-Vearn in "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibōken" and also Wyvern Rhadamanthe in "Saint Seiya".
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wizardsspellbook · 2 years ago
Rhadamanth's Illusory Fireball
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ao3feed-saintseiya · 3 years ago
In search of the lost goddesses
AO3: https://ift.tt/WSGUdoB
by Chrysantheme_Noir
Demeter holds her daughter, Persephone, and her two granddaughters, Macaria and Melinoe, captive in a secret place where she gives them a powerful drug to prevent them from using their cosmos. However, after nearly 3,000 years of captivity, Macaria, with the help of her sister and mother, manages to escape and find refuge in what was the Underworld after Athena's passage.
There, she manages to raise Rhadamanthe and Kanon from their ashes. She asks for their help to free her mother and sister from the clutches of her grandmother. However, the souls of Hades, Thanatos and Hypnos are still present in this place of nothingness.
A strange agreement follows: Hades will go to free his wife and daughter with the twin gods. Macaria will show them the way.
It is thus in the company of four gods affiliated to Death that Rhadamanthe and Kanon launch out in a crazy quest through Greece to find the goddesses of spring and the ghosts.
Words: 1093, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 聖闘士星矢 | Saint Seiya Series, 聖闘士星矢 | Saint Seiya (Manga & Anime 1986)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Gemini Kanon, Wyvern Rhadamanthys, Macaria daughter of Hades (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Melinoe (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Hades (Saint Seiya), Hypnos (Saint Seiya), Thanatos (Saint Seiya), Demeter (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Friendship, Romance
AO3: https://ift.tt/WSGUdoB
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ameliecausse · 6 years ago
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The three survivors of the Hades arc.... until Rhadamanthe.
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mythodico · 4 years ago
Zeus - Jupiter
description: roi des dieux, dieu du ciel, des nuages, de la pluie (Hyetios), du beau temps (Æthrios), dieu du foyer (Ephestios), dieu des clôtures et des murs  et des maisons etdes cités  (Hercios), dieu du mariage (Gamélios), dieu de l'amitié (Philios), dieu de l'hospitalité (Xénios).du climat, de l’orage (Erigdoupos), des éclairs, de la foudre (Astrapæos, Brontaeos), dieu de la fécondité et protecteur des moissons et des fruits (Epicarpios), de la fratrie (Phratios), de la tribu, de l’état, de la confédération (Hélénios), de la cité (Polieus), des assemblées populaires (Agoraios), garant des serments et des traités (Horcios), de la ruse (Dolios, Apatenor)
attributs: aigle, foudre, sceptre en bois de cyprès, égide, chêne
catégorie: olympiens, dieux célestes
parents: Cronos et Rhéa
épouse: Héra
amantes: Aega (enfant: Aegipan), Alcmène (enfant: Héraclès), Antiope (enfants: Amphion, Zéthos), Anaxithée (enfant: Olénos), Aphrodite, Astéria, Astéropé (enfant: Acragas), Calliope (enfants: Corybantes), Callisto   (enfant: Arcas), Calycé  (enfants: Endymion, Ethlios), Carmé (enfant: Britomartis), Cassiopé (enfant: Atymnios), Danaé (enfant: Persée), Déméter  (enfant: Perséphone), Dia (enfant: Pirithoos), Dino (enfant: Orséis, Cyllène (?), les naïades (?), Scamandre?), Dioné , (enfant: Aphrodite), Egine, (enfant: Eaque), Elara (enfant: Tityos), Electre2une des Pléiades( (enfant: Dardanos, Émathion, Iasion, et selon certains, une fille, Harmonie), Eos  (enfant: Hersé, Eris (?), Até, Tyché et les Lites, Eunomie, (Héra, Aphrodite ou Eurynomé), Hégémone), Europe (enfant: Minos, Rhadamanthe et Sarpédon1.), Euryméduse (enfant: Myrmidon, roi de Phthie, ancètre du peuple considéré comme de puissants soldats Eurynomé, fille d'Océan Les Charites Gaïa Tityos, Manès Himalia nymphe de Rhodes Cronios, Spartaios, Cytos (Diodore de Sicile, Bibliothèque historique V, 55) Hybris, Thymbris ou Callisto Pan Io séduite par Zeus métamorphosé en nuée Epaphos et Keroessa Iodamé Thébé (selon Tzetzes) Isonoé Danaïde Orchoménos Lamia, reine de Libye Herophile et Achilleus Laodamie, fille de Bellérophon et de Philonoé. Sarpédon2. Léda séduite par Zeus métamorphosé en cygne deux fils : Castor et Pollux et deux filles : Clytemnestre, et Hélène. Léto Apollon, Artémis Lysithoé Océanide Héraclès (Cicéron, De natura deorum, III, 16) un homonyme du héros Maïa, une des Pléiades Hermès Méra fille de Proétos, roi de Tirynthe. Locros qui aida Amphion et Zéthos à construire les remparts de Thèbes. Mnémosyne accueillit Zeus déguisé en berger pendant neuf nuits de suite. Les trois Muses ou les neuf Muses. Niobé3 fille de Phoronée Argos1 et Pélasgos. Olympias , reine historique de Macédoine Alexandre le Grand Othreis nymphe de Malis dans le nord de la Grèce. Mélitéos Pandore , fille de Deucalion et Pyrrha Latinos et Graikos Perséphone, séduite par Zeus métamorphosé en serpent. Zagrée et Mélinoé Phthia jeune fille d'Aegion (Achaïe), séduite par Zeus métamorphosé en pigeon. ? Plouto fille d'Himas Tantale Protogénie fille de Deucalion et Pyrrha Éthlios et Étolos Pyrrha fille de Épiméthée et de Pandore, qui survécut au déluge. Helen (Apd I,7,2) qui passe aussi pour le fils de Deucalion Séléné Hersé et Pandia Sémélé Fille de Cadmos et d'Harmonie Dionysos Sinopé Nymphe d'Argolide qui fut enlevée et amenée en Assyrie. Zeus lui promit de réaliser le souhait qu'elle voulait. "Rester vierge" répondit-elle. Taygète, une des Pléiades Lacédémon, fondateur de Sparte. Thalie (Nymphe) ou Arémosyne (?) Les jumeaux Paliques, divinités chtoniennes de la Sicile. Thémisto Néréide ou fille du dieu-fleuve Inachos Ister (le Danube) Thétis Néréide Zeus préféra abandonner sa cour à Thétis quand il eut connaissance de l'oracle qui prédisait que le fils de Thétis détronerait son père. Thyia fille de Deucalion et Pyrrha Macédon et Magnès Torrhebia, nymphe d'un lac de Lydie Carios
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chromasophore-art · 3 years ago
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The "Santa Hermandades" are a guild dedicated to law enforcement on the continent of Rhadamanth. Originating in Hesperia during the Numidian Wars, the Hermandades act as wandering judges and executioners, harshly punishing criminals, bandits, and anyone else they see fit. Their zealous pursuit and persecution of criminals has drawn them into conflict with many free city guard regiments, landed nobility, and the traditional Vehmegerichts. The Guild Council keeps them in check through their control of the church, only unleashing them when necessary.
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kitsudangelo · 4 years ago
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Seconds before the Disaster. helped by references
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sweet-fandom-of-mine · 2 years ago
I took a short nap this afternoon, and i dreamt that i died, went to greek mythological underworld, and as i was about to be judged, i tried to fight the judges and it pissed them off so much they invented an entirely new section of hell just for me (i don't know what it is, i woke up shortly after), and during my funeral (a mix of ancient greece funeral and Thor : the dark world funeral), one of my friend said " i'm sure she is in heaven because deep down she was a good person" and right after the scene changed to me roundkicking Minos Eaque and Rhadamanthe in the face
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saintseiyabiblio · 4 years ago
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abban-lenaic · 5 years ago
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I'm very sorry for my challenge ! I was very sick ( I'm little again but I can draw now !). I hate to be very bad for Christmas. ><
I'm drawing this today. This is not good work but I make laughing hard my friend.
I hope you'll like it and laugh too !
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