#kanon x rhadamanthe
kitsudangelo · 2 years
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“How dare you took him away from me!” a sad little rhadakanon a drawing with references. a lot of references
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kitsudangelo · 2 years
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the story of a man and a judge. Kanon and radamanthys
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kitsudangelo · 3 years
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“Reach out to me in the heart of war. “ Rhadamanthys x Kanon
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kitsudangelo · 3 years
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Seconds before the Disaster. helped by references
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kitsudangelo · 3 years
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“Downpour”  A little romantic radakano drawing under the rain With the help of References. 
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kitsudangelo · 3 years
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after the shower. Radakanon for the win
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kitsudangelo · 3 years
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MY GREATEST PRESENT IS YOU!! a late christmas drawing. enjoy With the help of some references
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kitsudangelo · 4 years
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“”Reality is cruel”” Because working for the pope is Hard! A little drawing.  Inspiration from: @the-three-judges thanks a lot <3  Rhadakano
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kitsudangelo · 4 years
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This is halloween in hell Werewolf Kanon Vampire Rada witch minos  Devil Aiacos
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kitsudangelo · 4 years
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“Die by my hand” A little Radakanon i have drawn using references. 
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kitsudangelo · 4 years
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The devil and the Good boy a little halloween drawing 
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kitsudangelo · 4 years
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“F*ck the police” A little Kanon x Rada with their skin from the game
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kitsudangelo · 4 years
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A judge’s frustration B99 inspired.  Radakanon
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kitsudangelo · 4 years
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“The hunter” Kanon x Rhadamanthys lyrics from “the wolf” by Siames.  With the help of references. 
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kitsudangelo · 4 years
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“and then he f*cked the police “ Radakano sequel 
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kitsudangelo · 4 years
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“hide and seek” a little radakanon full version here; https://twitter.com/AngeloKitsu/status/1234523297913634817
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